Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, November 23, 1915, Image 4

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Published Each Tuesday and Friday.
Office 617-610 Court Street
Telephone Main 18
Subscription Rates.
One Tear $1.60
Six Months .76
Three Months... .40
No subscription taken unless paid
for in advance. This Is imperative.
Entered as second-class matter
the Fostofflce at Dallas, Oregon.
Discussion of the difficulties that
Japan would face, should she under.
take to send a Japanese army to co
operate with 'the allies in the Euro
peon war zone, contains considerable
that is of interest to the people of
this country. There has been some
talk that Japan might decide to fake
such step, but nothing lias yet come
of it and for a very good reason. This
reason is the acknowledged fact that
it would be no easy task for Japan to
arrange the transportation of a con
feiderable force from the nrikado's
empire to the fronts where the Euro
pean nations are at grips with each
other. In fact, one li'ttle realizes what
a vast undertaking this would be un
til he reads what the experts have
to say on the subject.
It has been suggested by one writ
er, for instance, that Japan could
make use of the Pacific-Canadian
routs, but to carry 250,000 soldiers
and their accoutrements across the
Pacific would require several hundred
transports and Japan, this correspon
dent declares, has ocean transporta
tion for net to exceed 40,000, or pos
sibly 50,000 men 'at one time. Their
food and aims and supplies of every
kind would have to go with them and
the estimate of the correspondent is
that it would take a year at least to
land 250,000 men in France ready for
action. To be highly effective in this
war of the millions they should ail be
there at once. The Japanese general
staff hold, too, that another 20(1,000
men should be in readiness and on
hand to supply the losses at ithe front
and keep the army up to the original
There is also the Siberian route,
but the railroad is so poorly equipped
lhat it is not capable o furnishing
quick transportation for a large, ar
'my The employment of Japanese
troops in Europe is, therefore, not re
garded as likely to be undertaken on
a large scale. If they ploy a further
part in the war it is more probable
that it will be in behalf of Japan's,
ally, England, in India, where serious
trouble is said to threaten British rule.
The suggestion of particular inter
est in this explanation of the difficul
ties in the way of aid for 'the allies in
Europe from Japan is its incidental
illustration of the formidable ob
stacles in the way of anything like a
sudden descent upon our own shores
by a Japanese army. It should afford
some comfort to those timid souls
whom Hie alarmists have frightened in
dread of a "yellow peril." It does
not, however, afford full assurance- of
the safety of our coasts against great
naval powers, but leaves unchallenged
the contention that gieater naval
strength is Hie part of prudence.
sioned recognition of his excellent uni
versify labors. All that was in store
for him seems to confute the idea of
superannuation. He though t his main
work was done, his career rounded to
a comf jrtable close, but the light that
has beat on him in recent years is not
that of twilight. It is the unexpect
ed that happens, but a soul as daunt
less as Sarah Bernhardt will never
As long as enough of Sarah remains
to give motion to her spiritual being
she will, as always, be up and doing,
constant in effort, serenely resolved
indomitable, concludes the St. Louis
Because there is dissatisfaction in
the Woodburn company of the Oregon
National Guard is no reason why oth
er members of that organization
should be affected. The trouble there
is purely local, and had its origin be
cause of the refusal of Adjutant Gen
eral White to advance one of its of
ficers in the ranks. As to the merits
of the case we are not familiar, but
from meager information from van
ous sources it is quite apparent that
Governor Withycombe made a grave
error in naming White to succeed
that grand officer, General Finzer,
whose record is one that will go down
in National Guard history as being
the cleanest among the clean. The
present adjutant general is pig-headed
and spiteful and has already done
more toward disrupting the almost
perfect organization buihled by his
predecessor than can be undone in
years. It is gratifying to know that,
under existing circumstances, the Dal
las members of the guard are taking
no part in the controversy between
the Woodburn company and General
White, and that it is progressin;
it has never progressed before even
ider adverse conditions. Captain
Stafrin, while deploring the effort on
the part of a certain local publicity
agency to bring about a rupture in
his ranks, will continue to maintain
his command at its present high stand
ard, permitting those directly inter
ested to settle their differences as
best they may. The Oregon National
Guard is organized for a purpose, and
is this purpose in which Captain
Stafrin and his soldieis are vitally
interested General White is not the
whole works.
Thanksgiving Day
a Festival for All
Of all the religious festivals of the
year Thanksgiving is the only one
that is for all the people. Christmas
and Easter and the whole series of
Christian festivals are for christians
only. The Jews liave their Bosh Ho-
shona and their passover. The Mo
hammedans among us have their Ram
adan, and even the Chinese have their
feast davs. which they observe in
their own peculiar manner.
Each religion has its own, but there
is one Thanksgiving day for all, when
all, of whatever faith, can, in their
own way, call on God and praise Je
sus or Mohammed or Buddha.
November 18, 1787, was our first
national Thanksgiving day, ordained
by the act of the Continental congress
and proclaimed by George Washing
ton. The day was set apart, in the
words of the resolution, to express
gratitude that God had been pleased
to "smile on us in the prosecution
of a just and necessary war for the
defense and establishment of our un
alienable rights and liberty."
The constitution had just been
.... BE
adopted, and before ' the act setting
aside this day of thanksgiving had
been finally passed there had been not
a little discussion in congress about
the propriety of the president's ask
ing people to give thanks for a con
stitution for which some of them were
not thankful.
It was later that the last Thursday
in November came to be the day chos
en, when no marked event indicated
another day, and the thanks of the na
tion, united under the constitution,
were expressed on November 28, 1789.
Since that day the custom has never
been omitted entirely, although until
the civil war is was only occasionally
observed except in New England.
It was our civil war which brought
the people to a new sense of national
oneness, and since 1883 the president
of the United States has annually is
sued a proclamation of thanksgiving.
But what president or prophet or
sage in 1881 could have dreamed that
half a century later the lines of audi
a proclamation would go out into all
the world? 1
Henry Sew.
Special Menu from 12 to 1:30 p. m.
and from 6 to 8:30 in the Evening
Enjoy a real Thanksgiving Dinner at the Gail. 50e
Emerson 8eaks of a timei in life to
be old, to take in sail, but there are
some whose native grit conqiels them
to ignore any such dividing line. Surah
Bernhardt declines to go on the retir
ed list, though circumstances would
seem to have served a lwremptory no
tice that she must withdraw from fur
ther apearaiices on the stage. But
she will not go, and the public sup
ports her view with unlunded admir
ation. ong ago the critics conceded
her place in the hall of fame. Any
sign of weakness she might show now
would not lessen the devotion of the
artistic world. No decay of high spirit
or inborn genius need lie looked for
in her. The question is merely one
of physical staying ower. Admiral
Nelson might have quit the navy when
he lost an arm, but lie knew thai he
still had work to do. What he did
for England later at Trafalgar was
incalculably great, and there be yield
ed his life, the first sailor of tbe age
to his last breath. What he aimed
to do was accomplished. He mode his
country mistress of many seas, arid
though the oceans are destined to be
free to all nations that respect in
ternational law, the high mettle of
Nelson must ever be prized by man
kind. It has been mid that a man never
knows how many infirmities, latent
and other, he has until he has had a
chance, after retiring from active bue-
iness, to give them special attention.
Tiie present president of the 1'nited
States, as is well known, was mistak
en in supposing, when he was a tired
college professor, that the time had
come for him to substitute life of
contemplation for one of action. He
has traveled far since he sought a pen-j
While the American people regret
the demise of Booker T. Washington,
recognized as the foremost teacher
and leader of the negro race, the full
extent of his appreciation cannot be
apparent to those of the northern
states as to one who reside in the very
midst of his great work, as did the
editor of this publication for a num
ber- of years. For more than a third
of a century Booker T. Washington
ilevoted his energies and efforts to the
upbuilding and regeneration of Amer
ican colored people, and through his
personal efforts most gratifying pro
gress was accomplished. It may safe
ly be asserted that he did more than
anv other one man to solve the so-
called race problem in the south, and
untold thousands of successful and
economically independent colored peo-
ile will. . Unhesitatingly accord to
Washington full credit for whatever
progress thev have attained along
these lines. The founding of Tuske
rs' Institute for colored people was
one of. the most notable accomplish
ments of Washington's efforts, and it
was through the work of this institu
tion, under his own direction, that he
fourui opportunity to apply his favor
ite theory of educating the negroes in
the practical and industrial pursuits
of life. Possessing rare executive and
constructive ability he perfected this
organization on a substantial and per
manent foundation, and thereby built
a lasting monument to his own self
sacrificing devotion to a worthy prin
ciple. He also gained and held the
confidence and sympathies of the en
tire American people, while the mem
bers of his own race regarded him
with a high degree of love and admir
ation. ' To them especially his Joss
will he a severe blow, although doubt
less some other will be fmind to take
up and carry on the work which he
so successfully started and followed
tlnoutrh long years of arduous and
uuselftsh service.
For a man who was born a slave
and was handicapped by all the limi
tations and drawbacks connected with
a start in. life so inauspicious, the
success and honors won by Booker T.
Washington are little less than won
diutfuL. To members of tbe negro race
the lire of this man has been a bea
con light, a conspicuous example of
his own teachings that success and
independence come only through hon
est industry and persistent striving
along right lines. Nor should this ex
ample be lost on the members of any
race. For if this former slave could
Accomplish so much in tbe face of ad
versity and unusual handicaps, bow
nueh greater are the opportunities of
individuals favored from the start
with liberty and enjoying all the oth
er blessings and advantages that are
eonmwn under this government of
freedom: en4 eoialityf i
Notwithstanding the fact that 'the
county court seems determined to cur
tail every possible expenditure tor
the next year, and the further fact
that no inconsiderable dissatisfaction
exists regarding an appropriation of
money for the maintenance of the
county fair under existing circum
stances, The Observer cannot believe
that the governing body would act
wisely in cutting off the allowance of
that institution while it is still in its
infancy. Much lime and effort are
necessary to bring success to under
takings of this character. The last
annual event showed great improve
ment over its predecessor, thus giving
evidence of increased interest on the
part of the inhabitants of the coun
ty, who are really responsible for its
success. The city of Dallas) in pro
viding grounds without cost to the
association has seemingly contributed
liberally to the fair, but aside from
tUis its people meet other demands
upon them in ocder to make the an
nual event successful. If there is a
disposition on the part of individuals
in rural sections of the eoniiCjt'to rel
egate the fair to oblivion, there are
even more who are enthusiastically in
favor of its maintenance, which seems
to be quite impossible without pub
lic aid.
The statement that the county fair
is purely a Dallas institution is with
out foundation, although it, is true
that Dallas gives it the greater sup
port. If those persons who are in
clined to criticise the management,
and the fair itself, would lend their
co-operation and good offices to the
undertaking what is now a meager
exhibit of Polk county products could
easily be made the "biggest and best
assembling of blue ribbon showings in
the state. The veiy fact that the
collection here displayed was awarded
first prize at the state, fair last fall
is proof of this assertion. And this
award was duplicated at the Land
show in Portland, except that there
second prize was given, which alone
saved the entire illainette valley
from utter defeat in competition with
other counties of the state. Pol
with the exhibit gathered for the
county fair, was the only county west
of the Cascade mountains to receive
recognition at the Land show. And
the credit for this goes to the knock
er as well as to the booster who made
it possible.
If the management, is not satisfac
tory to the people, as alleged by
some who disparage the appropria
tion, it is within their authority to
effect an improvement through the
coiintv court, which represents the
interests of the taxpayers. It is ap
parent to The Observer that those
who labor for the fair act accord
ing to their light, and if their efforts
are in vain there is abundant other
material available from which to se
lect. The fair is educational in its
scope, and is tor I lie benent ot an.
Those who do not elect to take advan
tage of it should not prove a draw
back to their fellows who profit from
it. If the county court, in its wisdom,
is not inclined to appropriate the fall
amount asked for, it should not ex
clude this commendable undertaking
altogether from its budget while the
institution is still in swaddling gar
ments. Another season will doubtless
prove the truthfulness or fallacy of
the allegations of the fellow who
would rejoice in seeing the court
withdraw its financial support.
The question of how best to reduce
farm waste will be one of the prin
cipal topics to be discussed at ibe na
tional conference, on marketing and
farm credits, to be held at Chicago the
last two days of tbe present' month.
and the first two days of tho month
following. It is anticipated that uboric
800 delegates will attend this meet
ing, which will be one of general in
terest and importance. All the lead
ing organisations of farmers and fruit
growers are planning to send dele
gates, as will also the National Bank
ers' association, the great railroads,
3ome of the retail trade organizations
and the agricultural colleges o tire
various states. And already the dis
cussion has started on what this meet
ing will undertake and propose, not
only for the benefit of the farmers
and fruit raisers, but also for the
advantage and welfare of the general
As already suggested one of the
topics that is to be carefully consid
ered is that of farm waste, with es
pecial reference to the annual enor
mous waste of crops after they have
been grown and are ready for maiket.
This waste amounts to millions of
dollars every year, and is naturally
higher In seasons of abundant yields.
It is claimed, for instance, that this
year more than $10,000,000 worth of
peaches never were gathered from
the trees, while vast quantities of ap
ples and other fruits were similarly
allowed to spoil, simply for IacK of
proper marketing facilities, a condi
tion which some growers in Polk
county cannot fail to appreciate from
the fact that they are included in the
list of unfortunates. A writer, in The
Chicago Tribune claims that thous
ands of bushels of potatoes in Michi
gan and other states are being left no
spoil, because the price offered for
them on the farm is not large enougli
to pay for sacking and hauling to
Of course there is something radi
cally wrong when such a condition
prevails, and the coming national con
ference on marketing and farm cred
its is going to try to locate the trou
ble and suggest a remedy therefor.
To permit such a waste to continue
is positively sinful, while it also is a
deterrent to the full measure of pros
perity this nation should rightfully
enjoy. These surplus crops should be
utilized in some manner, and by doing
so it will be to the advantage of both
consumers and producers. Unneces
sarv waste is one of the greatest
faults of the American people and it
is high time for them to pay more
attention to plans and methods for
preventing such wastes as the ones
It seems to be a virtual impossibil
ity to draw a Thanksgiving procla
mation which does not bear a strong
resemblance to the prayer of the
Pharisee. This country is asked to
thank God that it is not like other
countries. Is that the right spirit f
And if it is the right spirit with us
as a country, why was it not also the
right one with the unfortunate fellow
who accompanied the "publican" and
example f There might be material
for a good sermon in this.
The total wheat yield of the world
for the present year was more than
half a billion bushels in excess of the
yield last year. But if they keep on
fighting in Europe they will need ev
ery bit of it
There is something suspicious in
the reiteration from democratic sourc
es that Roosevelt is likely to be tin
next republican nominee.
No other nation has greater cause
for giving thanks this year than the
good old United States..
Peace tolk is becoming more plenti
ful, even if the other signs of peace
are lacking.
And then it rained!'"
Prices Lowered again, but
the same Ford car. The
record for satisfactory per
formance for more than
900,000 owners surely
makes it the "Universal
Car" the car you want It
meets the demands of pro
fessional and business men
and brings pleasure to the
whole family. Simple and
strong, relible economical
in operation or maintenance
Runabout $390; Touring Car $440; Town
? " Car $640, f. o. b. Detroit. On sale by
Notice is hereby given that all Road
District warrants of Polk County,
Oregon, endorsed "Not paid for the
want of funds," are due and payable
on presentation at the office of the
Treasurer of said County.
Interest ceasing on the above men
tioned warrants from the date of this
Dated Dallas, Oregon, November
12, 1915. . F. J. HOLMAN,
73-2t. , County Treasurer.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been duly appointed
Guardian of the estate of Henry M.
Barry, an incompetent person, by the
Hon. County Court of Polk County,
Oregon. - All persons holding claims
against said, estate should present the
same to tbe undersigned for adjust
ment, and all persons owing said es
tate are hereby notified to settle same
with said guardian.
Guardian of the estate of Henry M.i
of Lord's Oregon Laws as amended -by
Chapter 316, General Laws of Ore
gon, 1913. At said meeting the resi
dent taxpayers of said district will
by a majority vote of such taxpayers
levy such additional tax (if any) as
they may deem advisable to improve
the roads of said district.
Witness our hands this 4th day of
November, 1915.
Date of first publication, November
5, 1915. 71-4L
. '..:. NOTICE.
Notice is hereby given by the un
dersigned taxpayers of Road District
Number 3, in tbe County of Polk,!
State of Oregon, who are more than
ten per cent, of the taypayers of said
District, that a meeting of the resi
dent taxpayers of said Road District
will be held on Saturday, the 27th i
day of November, in the year 1915,
at tbe hour of 2 o 'clock, p. m. of said
day, at the Auditorium in the School
House in School District rio. 21, in
said Road District, for the purpose
of voting on the question of whether;
or not an additional tax shall be lev
ied by the resident taxpayers of said i
district on all the taxable property
in said district for road purposes,
andef the- pw rieicus-' ef - Section 6321 1