folk VOL. 27 (THE HOME PAPER) DALLAS, POLK COUNTY. OREGON. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1915. (TWICE-A-WEEK) NO. 78 COURT TO HANDLE FUND CASE DIES UNDER KNIFE USE FALLS CITY'S MONEY DI SLAYER OF BROTHER PASSES AFTER SURGICAL OPERATION. RECTED BY COUNTY BODY. City Attorney Tooze Submits Opin ion to Councilmen of That Place , By Request. At the last regular meeting of the city council of Falls City the question arose as to whether or not Falls City constituted a separate and entire road district in itself, and would therefore be entitled to receive 70 per cent of the funds raised within the city on the levy made by the county court fori road purposes, tor expenditure wunin the city. This question came up in connection with the preparation of the tax budget for 1916, and City At torney Tooze was called upon to give an opinion in the premises. Former-1 ly, the city constituted a separate and entire road district in itself. This by virtue of an exercise of the initiative powers within the city. However, this amendment to the charter was re-l pealed a year ago, and the city thrown Lack under control of the county court in so far as road district matters are concerned. Chapter 127, section 1, page 133, . general laws of Oregon for 1915,! amended Section 6313 Lord's Oregon laws, providing that in October the county court should divide the coun ty into road districts, and also pro viding that each city and town should be a separate road district in itself. Section 2 of said Chapter 127, amend ed section 6320 Lord's Oregon laws,! and instead of 50 per cent of the amount raised for road purposes in a district going back to that district, the other 50 per cent going to the gen eral road fund of the county, it was provided that 70 per cent of the amount raised in a district should go back to the district for expenditure! within the district, the other 30 per! cent going to the general road lund of the county. Later, and at the same session of the legislature, chapter 194, page 255, general laws of Oregon for 1915, was passed. By this latter act, section C313 Lord's Oregon laws was also amended in iita entirety, and in tins latter amendment, the provision was made; that 'the division of the county into road districts should be made by the county court in September, rather than in October, and it, failed to say anything about cities and towns be eoming separate road districts in themselves. The Supreme court of the state of Greeron. on October 19. 1915. render ed a decision in the case of state ex rel. Brady v. Lightner, et al, board of commissioners of Multnomah county, in which it held that the latter law. to-wit, chapiter 194 general laws, of Oregon for lbla, repealed cnapter xn. above mentioned, and for that reason the countv- court was under no ouga- tion to create a separate district out of cities and towns, and tbe ettort made in that case to compel the coun ty court of Multnomah county by mandamus to create a separate and entire road district out of the city oi Portland failed. Consequently, in view of this decis ion, Falls City is not a separate dis trict in itself, except as it has been made such by the county court. The county court at its regular term in September (and also in October) en tered an order dividing the county into road districts, and creating the cities of Independence and Falls City into separate road districts in them selves. This division stands for the ensuing year, but there is nothing to prevent the county changing the boundaries of the districts again next vear. and asrain placing Falls City in a district comprising territory outside its city limits. The cities or Donas and Monmouth are separate districts by reason of amendments to the char . ter similar to that in force in Falls Citv raior to its repeal one year ago. Therefore, in view of the laws above quoted, and the said decision of the Supreme court, and the action taken by the eonnty court, the Falls City road district, which comprises only that territory embraced within tne corporate limits of the city, will be entitled to 70 per cent of the road funds raised in that district, but this 70 pe rcent will not be turned over to the city for expenditure as it deems best, but on the contrary will be dis bursed through the county court, and the road work accomplished will be such as is directed by the county court, and will be dons through ofhe ials designated by the eonnty court. Tbe city council of Falls City will have nothing to say about the applica tion of these funds. In Dallas and Monmouth, their share of these road funds will be turned into tbe city treasnry and disbursed in the manner as other funds of said oity are dis bursed. Ferry Out of Commission. Tbe ferry across the Willamette river at Independence is out of com mission, and will be for several days to come. During high water a pole on the cast side of the stream (rare way. permitting the guy wire to fall to toe ground. Ft P r a . -mmommm - ; i . 1 II "TflERES -MY 6iflRE OF THE TURKEY! " FIRE DESTROYS 1 HOME EARL MANGUS SAVES SUIT IN MONDAY NIGHT BLAZE. Family Sound Asleep When Neigh bor Discovers Blaze and Calls Fire Fighters. A suit of clothing was all that was saved in a fire that destroyed the home of J. W. Mangus late last night, and woke the family from sleep to send them scarring to 'the street in deshabille. The blaze was first .seen by Phil Begin, a neighbor, who turned in the alarm. , When the sudden burst of light flared in the windows of Mr. Begin 's home the hall of tlie house was in flames, and before its discoverer could dress himself and hurry to the assistance of those asleep in the house the fire had spread so that when the fire department ar rived it was practically beyond con trol. Immediately after the alarm was sent in the family in the Mangus home awakened, and in his surprise a young man jumped from an upper window of the house. Mr. and Mrs. Mangus escaped through a side door. The only salvage from the fire was a suit of clothes carried by Earl, the young man who jumped to safety. Miss Mangus, a daughter, was not at home when the fire startled and other children are out of the city, it is said. Mr. Mangus and the son, Earl were employed at the mill here. Those best acquainted with the family say that there was no insurance to cover the loss of about $2000. The origin of the fire was in the heating stove in the hallway, where an accumulation ot papers and such made an intense heat about 10:15 last evening. Within five or ten minutes after the alarm was sounded the side walks about the blazing home were massed with people. The fire depart ment made a Quick trip to the scene anS did very good work with two hoses in getting the fire undep control as soon as they did. It was not possi ble, however, to quench the roaring names before they had ruined tbe home beyond repair. Early Morning Fire at Bnena Vista. An early morning' fire today de stroyed the large feed mil. and the grain and seed of W. o. McLlain at Buena Vista. The origin of the blaze has not been determined and the loss is estimated at about $4000, includ ing the building and its contents, which were totally destroyed. The building was valued at about S2VNJ and the feed ami grain stored in it were worth approximately $1500. Mr. McClain carried $1000 insurance on the entire property. Efforts at sav ing the building from total destruc tion were futile because of the dis tance from a water supply, and was allowed to burn to tbe ground. Most Go as Side Line. Speaking of the political game which is to be played in Polk county next fall. The Independence Monitor has this to say of the treasnreship: "The treasoresiuD will be donated to some Dallas janitor or hostler who has a aide use to make living. 30,000 BALES IN FOOL HOP GROWERS' ASSOCIATION IS FORWARD WITH CASH. Management Firmly Believes That Fifteen-Cent Mark Will Be Reach ed in Near Future. Announcement was made at the headquarters of the Oregon Hop Growers' association Saturday morn ing that arrangements have been completed whereby the hops signed up with the association will be taken in and the work of receiving has be gun. Tins announcement is made in refutation ot the report which has been circulated by enemies of 'the as sociation to the effect that the asso ciation would not be able to finance its holdings and, in consequence, the organization was on the verge of col-' lapse. The association is also in posses sion of irrefutable evidence that tre mendous pressure has been brought to bear upon the banks ot the Wil lamette valley to prevent them from extending .the association further fi nancial assistance, in the effort to force the organization upon the rocks, but, notwithstanding thu powerful in fluence, the association has been suc cessful in making all necessary ar rangements to provide sufficient funds 'to carry its stock over an indefinite period without embarrassment. In the efforts to break up the as sociation pool and force its holdings of 30,000 bales upon the market when it was in the midst of depression, the association officers state that banks of the valley, which are handling the association finances, were being ur gently prevailed upon to compel the organization to let go at 9 cents, with out success, and, by reason of its be ing able to bold out against any and all emergencies, the association feels that it has already1 made 3 cents, or $180,000 for the growers, as 12 cents and better is being freely offered the association by dealers. The association has been holding out for 15 cents and will continue to do so indefinitely, and the officers believe that prevailing conditions warrant this price and that it will be reached in the very near fu tures. Union Thanksgiving Service. The churches of Dallas will unite in a union Thanksgiving service to be held in the United Evangelical church Thursday evening, November 25th, at 7:30 p. m. Kev. Geo, A. Bennett of the Methodist Episcopal church will preach the Thanksgiving sermon, and the music will be render ed by a choin composed of the mem bers of all the choirs of the several churches. The eitizens of Dallas and vicinity are invited to be present and partici pate in this expression of thanksgiv ing to God for the manifold blessings of the year which has just passed. Grand Patriarch Andrews of the Oregon encampment, is scheduled to visit Falls City lodee Thursday af ternoon and Friendship lodge or Dal las, Thursday evening. Woman's elub bazaar, December 3. ELKS AND KNIGHTS JOIN COMBINETO SCATTER SUNSHINE ; DURING YULETIDE SEASON Committees Appointed to Aleviate Wants of Worthy Poor and Make f Cheerless Homes Happy. r Upon invitation of the committee; recently appointed by the Knights of Pythias the JUks of Dallas, number ing twenty-four, will join issues with that lodge in the distribution of sun shine into dark Dlaces alon? the oath- way of unfortunates during the Yule tide season. Each had planned 'to act independently, but when the LIks assembled at the council chamber Fri day evening to discuss a mode of pro cedure the invitation to create a com-, bine was extended and eagerly ac cepted, it being appreciated that the undertaking could be made more ef- fectively accomplished through union. President Kirkpatrick appointed Messrs. L. D. Brown, A. L. Martin and Lew A. Gates a committee to represent the Elks, and this commit tee will act in conjunction with W. J. Himes, Fred West and Walter Young, the Knights of Pythias com mittee, thus making it possible for the latter organization to further ex tend its charitable work. Toys and confections will be dis tributed among the worthy poor chil dren of the community, and lood to the families, the plan being to fol low the custom of the Knigh'ts, who in years gone by have brightened many cheerless homes at this happy season. LAST SAD RITES ARE PAID. Former Mayor Biddle Laid at Rest By Many Friends. A stirring tribute of respect was paid to the memory of Edward Biddle by the great number of friends and admirers who attended his funeral on Friday afternoon. As a spwial honor to the former mayor practically every business house in Dallas locked its doors between the hours of 1 :30 and 2 :30 in the afternoon, and bis friends gathered in Urge numbers at the Chapman chapel. Services were con ducted at the chapel and at the Odd Fellows' cemetery under the aus pices of Jennings' lodge, number 9, A. F. & A. M. In addition to many Dallas masons, a number from Salem attended the funeral of the former grand high priest of the state. Among these were Henry B. Thielson, Thom as F. Ryan and R. B. Fleming. - Decision Next Scrlnf. Testimony given before Examiner Butler of the interstate commerce commission in Portland Friday rela tive to through freight rate from Hie east to valley points will be forward ed to Washington in January, and a decision is expected in about three months. Hero Is Real Information. Falls City News: "The Dallas pa pers can't soliloquize over tbe taxes at Falls City being higher thaa any other city in the, state this year. They have been reduced tore and pned np a notch or two at Dallas. VETERANS ARE ACTIVE TWO POLE COUNTY POSTS IN SPECTED ON SATURDAY. Col. Hamilton'SvDiscoorses Attended By Comrades and Ladies, and Prove Interesting. The week-end, and especially Sat urday, was busy one for. the mem bers of the local post of Grand Array veterans. On Saturday morning nine members of U. S. Grant post number 17, made an automobile trip to Inde pendence to inspect General Gibson post there. Adjutant Lovelace of the local post conducted the inspection and has forwarded his report to head quarters. The U. S. Grant members enjoyed the tiip greatly and had a pleasant visit with 'the comrades at Independence. Those who made the tnp were Peter Greenwood, Adjutant Lovelace, David Smutz, Isaac Phil- lips, Numa Arnold, C. G. Fuqua, Da vid Darling, H. P. Shriver and John Steinfelt. On Saturday afternoon the mem bers of U. S. Grant post assembled for 'their regular meeting and inspection. Assistant Inspector Braden of Sum ner post number 12, Portland, con ducted the inspection and before re freshments were served Col. J. S. Hamilton of Portland was introduced. Tbe ladies of the circle served de lightful and substantial refreshments. After this feature of the meeting Col. Hamilton made a stirring five minute talk. Saturday evening the members of the G. A. R, and the ladies of W. T. Sherman circle, D. A. R., attended the lecture by Col. Hamilton at the Pres byterian church in a body upon spec ial invitation from the speaker. Those who heard his fine address pronounce Col. Hamilton's talk one of the best of its kind ever delivered here. Al though he spoke for two hours the au dience was loath to have him stop his interesting discourse. On Sunday even ing the G. A. K. and V. A. K. again heard Col. Hamilton. On each even ing Col. Hamilton was greeted by a large and attentive audience that en joyed the relation of his stirring ex periences and those of his compatriots in the civil war. Crow Threatens Vengeance. Deeming character above artistry Ben Claire Crow, who is now study ing in Chicago, and who some time ago appeared in Dallas in concert. threatens to return to Independence and prosecute persons whom he al leges are defaming his good name by circulating stories about himself and his aecompaniest while on a concert tour of California last summer. Crow says, among other things: "Believe me, some one will likely think several Parisian creations have been import ed for the occasion if I return for the final curtain of this delightful little movie stunt." Trad for Marion Farm. E. L. Buchanan has traded his In dependence property for a Marion county farm, and with his fsmily has moved thither to engage in tilling the soil Natives of Polk County Principals in Tragic Affair Enacted in Clack amas County. Samuel Case, a native of Polk coun ty, and under indictment for the kill ing of his brother, Ernest Case, alt Oregon City on October 3, after bad blood had existed between them for, several years, died on Friday last fol lowing a surgical operation. Deceased wap a son of Rev. and Mrs. Lebon Cose, pioneers of Polk county, and it was here that Samuel Case was born forty-two years ago. The father was a leading chuirch worker in the earlier days of this section, and when lie de parted this life he left a large estate, which was divided among several heirs. The slaying of his brother, E. If., by Samuel Case is still fresh in the memory of those who remember the principals. The brothers married sisters, and even death has not healed the lll-teehng that has existed be tween the families for years, and they are not on speaking terms. Cassius, another brother, recently told the story of the differences be tween Ernest and Sam, which were published in The Observer at the time of the killing. He says he and Sam stayed on the farm and worked, that Ernest might) go to college, and that with the knowledge gained in school Ernest managed to cheat the rightful heirs out of the father's estate. Other issues came between them until Ernest is alleged to have threatened to take Sam's life. On the night of Sunday, October 3, Sam was on his way home when Ernest is said to have rushed from his bam and at Sam. Sam fired and Ernest fell dead. A coroner's jury exonerated Sam, but the grand jury indicted him and he was to have been tried December 8. More than twenty persons had been served as witnesses. Sam Case is survived by his widow, two children and the following broth-. ers and sisters: George Case, in the east, Tom Case of Leban6n, Cassius Case of Park Place, Mrs. Bell Booth of Salem and Mrs.. Jennie Belt of Lebanon. , HELD TO THE GRAND JURY. Monmonth Man Pleads Guilty to Kill ing Domestic Animal. Fred Smith of Monmouth was yes terday afternoon bound over to the grand jury, after having pleaded guilty to shooting a domestic animal, the penalty for. which offense ranges from a heavy fine to a term in the penitentiary. A couple of weeks ago the offender in company with three others, while going to the Siletx, pass ed the old "Billy" Brown place, be tween here and Falls City, on which Edward Ryan now resides, and Smith espying a cat in an open field drew bead on the animal and tired, with the result that the Ryan family was immediately thereafter catless. The cat was valuable because of the fact that it caught gophers in the field and rats about the premises, and Mr. Ry an would not have exchanged it for the best dog within the confines of Polk county. Prosecuting Attorney Sibley caused the quartet to be brought to Dallas yesterday, Smith being, held for the inquisitorial body to deal with as it deems best. FIRE DESTROYS FARM HOME. Loss In Sunday Blaze Near Oakdale Covered by Insurance. A Sunday afternoon blaze entirely destroyed the George Stewart house near the Oakdale school and much of the furniture and personal effects of the occupant, John W. Mocomlber, were consumed. Its origin is unknown. The fire spread rapidly over the house, allowing only time enough for the family to save a few pieces of furni ture and some personal belongings. The house was valued, approximately, at $900 and was insured for $500. The furniture wss insured. Tbe blaze at tracted the attention of many neigh bors, some of whom joined in an un successful attempt to combat the flames. Not Yet, Bnt Soon. When the tall stack at the sawmill of the Falls City Lumber company emitted great gobs of black smoke tbe other day the denizens of that place wondered if the expected had really happened, bat later learned that the boilers had been fired simply to oil the big belts. But there is ev ery prospect that (he mill will not be long idle. As ose Falls City man re marked, " It 's a good omen, fcnyway. ' ' Union Thanksgiving Service. All the protest ant churches of In dependence have united, and will hold Thanksgiving services at the Metho dist church tomorrow evening. Mrs. 0. B. Statin" of Riekreall was removed to her home from tbe Dal las hospital yesterday. Mrs. Stauff wss operated on more thaa a week ago for appendicitis.