folk VOL. 27 (THE HOME PAPER) DALLAS, POLE COUNTY. OREGON. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1915. (TWICE-A-WEEK) NO. 71 REPORT IS SUBMITTED ENGINEER HOLDS THAT INTER COUNTY BRIDGE IS UNSAFE. With Distributed Loads and Strict Regulation Structure Might Carry Traffic After Repairs. , Declaring that if some other safe and adequate means of handling the traffic between Salem and Polk coun ty could be devised he would not fa vor the expenditure for repairs on the Marion-Polk county bridge, As sistant Engineer Holmes of the state highway department submitted his re port on repairs to County Judge Bushey Tuesday. Engineer Holmes states that because of the urgent de mand for opening the bridge to limit ed traffic he suggests a list of speci fied repairs which are suggested with the idea that the county courts of the two counties will restrict the traffic over the span to light well distributed loads moving under strict regulations. He states further that the repairs can at best provide only temporary relief. On the assumption that be cause the bridge has carried loads in excess of its original capacity, EnJ gineer .Holmes states the structure may be relied upon to carry reduced loads for a short time. Action of wind must be given serious considers tion, according to the report, and during high winds no vehicles or traf fic of any kind should be allowed on the structure. "It must be remembered, however, that no definite assumptions may be had that the structure will safely carry the light loads specified after the repairs have been made," the re port states further, "owing to the certain alterations of the materials due to long continued and excessive vibration." Repairs to the bridge according to the report should cost . a total of $1353.60, allowing 25 per cent or! $225.(0 tor contingencies and $4;0 for labor and material for repairs to the west approach of the bridge. Elim inating these two items the repairs to the actual structure would cost $078. Traffic Rules and Estimates. Rules to regulate traffic on the Marion-Polk county bridge in case it should be repaired and an itemized list of estimates of repairs needed to put the structure in. condition for light traffic are contained in the re port made by Assistant Engineer Holmes of the state highway depart ment to the Marion county court. The rules and estimates follow: watchman having special police power should be stationed at each end ' of the bridge. Such watchman should be j fully instructed as to the respqn- sib'" n I" "ftpifrinn lis she1 I drrl mil1 mili hici 1 ing! sh j thej r of I rec I ma ! the; ev be i 1 tedv hei ' I bei 1 ste lat i by I bei ter' wh 6t sai re ter lal ap ad $2 St ST held its weekly meeting Wednesday morning at a o clock. Alter a tew announcements bv Mr. Dumkleberger, the meeting was turned over to the president, Miss Helen Casey. Minutes were read by the secretary. Miss Hel en Loughary. In the past years each senior class has choosen its own class pin, but upon a motion of Miss Casey it was decided that there should be a standard class pin, and therefore class pins hereafter will be standard. Ellis Scott was selected basketball manager and Mr. Berg captain. CITY WILL SUPPORT BAND. Alderman Guarantee Funds For Main- . tenance of Musicians. By unanimous vote of the city coun cil, City Attorney Coad has been in structed to prepare a resolution to bring before the council at its next meeting, authorizing the appropria tion of $50 each month from the city's general fund for the support and maintenance of the Dallas band. To this end the band members have put in much time in perfecting their organization, and receive the aid ot the city with the knowledge that it will be the means of creating a more efficient musical aggregation. The city will make its first appropriation for the band in January and in the mean time the Commercial club will pay the salary of the director. The band had a lively meeting on Wednesday evening, at which a few additional members signed the constitution, making a total of 20 members, who plan an active year under the city's guarantee. Mayor Kirkpatrick will appoint a committee of three, one from the council, one from the band and one resident not a member of either of these, to supervise the ex penditure of the fund that is donated to the band'. . RETURNING PROSPERITY MUCH ELECTRICAL ENERGY US ED INDICATES IMPROVEMENT Oregon Power Company Manufactures More "Juice" Than Ever Be fore in Its Local Business. ANOTHER GROCERY LIKELY. Introduction of Green Trading Stamp Here may Have That Result. There is a strong probability that Dallas will have another grocery store in the not very distant future, brought about by the refusal of those already engaged in the. business here refusing to adopt the trading stamp proposi tion as made by Sperry & Hutchin son. Mr. E. M. lankersley of Corval lis is in town with this end in view, unless he finds it more convenient and better business to buy one of the lo cal stores, provided it is possible to do so. It is said that overtures have been made to at least two grocery concerns to purchase, but as yet noth ing definite lias been done. The groc eryman say that with the small profits in their goods it is impossible for them to give away three per cent in trading stamps, and hence the decli nation on their part to enter into a contract with the promoters of the plan. "HtlBTWft That, the tide of prosperity is re turning to Dallas and Polk county seems to be conclusively indicated on every hand. The latest report that would indicate such a condition is from the Oregon Power company, with headquarters in this city, and engag ed in public utility service in Dallas, Monmouth and Independence in county. The output of electrical en ergy from the company's plant in Dallas was greater in the month of October than in any month in the history of the company's business in Polk county. The same could be said of the business during the month of September, but the latter month has increased over September by thous ands of kilowatt hours. In October the plant developed and distributed 128,204 kilowatt hours of electrical energy for use in this county. That figure is an increase of exactly 10,814 kilowatt hours over the production of October, 1014, and an increase, over the next largest record, that of Sep tember, 1915, of 4,032 kilowatt itours. The increase is due to the great ac tivity on the part of such electrically equipped concerns as the Willamette Valley Lumber company, the Arms by packing plant, the Independence Sand & Gravel company, the Inde pendetnee creamery and the Coad mill. These manufactories are show ing a steady trend, and in many cases a marked improvement in business, that speaks well for the district in which they are located. When more power is required to operate the ma chinery of these plants it stands to reason that a larger amount of work 5s being done, and, therefore, the tide of prosperity that is inundating the business and activity of the com munity can be traced over many lines of industry. In most of the indus tries represented in the 'county the stress that has held itself over the nation for many months, has had but little weight, and from facts that are evident the upward rise effects this community as soon as it doeirthe re mainder of the country which so se verely felt the effects of the depres sion. Electricity being the motive power of the day and of the future its use is an excellent barometer of industrial conditions. . CLUB ENTERS THE FIGHT COMMERCIAL BODY ADOPTS RESOLUTIONS IN RATE WAR. Wednesday's Session Results in Tak ing Over Sales Day Proposition and in Helping Band. BLAMED FOR ACCIDENT A resolution condemning the fight that Portland lumber interests are making against the Southern Pacific company giving a slight lumber rate advantage to Willamette valley mills, will be written by a committee ap pointed on Wednesday evening at the Commercial club meeting. The ex pression of many interested in the outcome of the fight was that the Portland, interests are most unfair to the valley and that it should be the 'duty of valley Commercial clubs to exert any possible influence against the battle. W. L. Soehren was ap pointed chairman of the resolution committee. The meeting on Wednes day evening was one of the best that has been held for some months, as the attendance was larger and the discus sion more varied. The club, by ma jority vote, decided to make the monthly sales day a club undertaking and jrill give the venture its ofhcial support, forty dollars were guaran teed to the outstanding committee to pav expenses of the first sales day which will be held on the last Satur day of this month, according to, plans of the committee. The location of the sale is to be decided later. Fea tures ,of the first sales day will be the participation of the Dallas band. Two auctioneers have ottered their servic es, free of charge, to the club's com mittee, and it is considered that the appropriation of the club will be plenty to cover costs. The club also appropriated $100 to finance the band until January 1, when the organization will receive its first support from the city. The ap propriation will cover the leader's salary, and the band" must pay for its own music. Among other decis ions made by the members was that membership in the United States Chamber of Commerce would be con tinued, and the payment of the an nual fee of $10 was authorized. From tlreTerrtf" eeeeeiary-U. .Lough- 'a.rv the financial condition of the Commercial club was found to be in very good shape and the scope of club activity will not be limited, this year at least, because of financial stress. ties taking part in the display have pilll mp I hi 11)1 A I IITrT reaped fine benefits from the exploi- bUILU 0 ANNUAL Mttl tation ot their products and many consumers and producers have been brought together. The exposition '"s attracted the attention of many visit ors m roriland enroute to the expo sition in California and the message of the state's agricultural and indus trial wealth has been carried to thous ands of people. BAND ELECTS NEW DIRECTOR. Musical Organization Will Receive Support From City. At a meeting of the Dallas band on Wednesday evening the resignation of Director (jeorge H Marsh was read and accepted and B. A. Downey was elected to nil the vacancy, bev- eral new members appeared and sign ed the constitution oi the band and in general the meeting augured well for the future of the organization for the interest shown in the plans for the coming year. ( The same officers will have charge ot the band a it aire through 191u, when the organization wilt be supported by the city. Tin Commercial club will finance the band until the city funds warrant an ap propriation, or until January 1. The band will be required, however, to purchase its own music hereafter. The boys figure on creating a treasure fun$ by giving a public concert some time in December, They have an op tion on the new theater for the first two nights before its regular opening and will either give concerts or take a. share in the home talent production that will be staged at that. time. Next year being presidential election year, and campaign money being more or less plentiful at such times, the band expects to figure in on some of it. CHARITABLE SOCIETY PREPAR ING TO HELP NEEDY POOR. Donations Will Be Received at Home of Mrs. Ellis Next Friday, November 12. BENTLEY COMPANY INSOLVENT IS LLI3I0N ON SOUTHERN PACIF IC CHARGED TO CONDUCTOR ard of Inquiry Renders Verdict in Head-on, Which Recently Took Place Here. Greet tea No more money-orders will be sent to Greece from the local postoffiee for an indefinite period. This became an established fact Monday when a new order from the postoffiee department was received. The order, which went into effect immediately, is as follows: "By virtue of the authority con ferred upon him by the existing con vention, the postmaster general has ordered temporary suspension of the interchange of postal money-orders with Greece. "Until instructed, therefore, post masters at money-order offices in the United States will refuse to issue money -orders on Greece or to pay money-orders issued in that eouotry after' October 2-5." miffeeTneenng in uanas. to outline a campaign for next year. An effort will be made to have precinct eom of the county during the primaries of the eutity during the primaries next spring. Although an active cam paign will not be opened until after the primaries are held next year, it is planned to carry on a campaign of education in the meantime. Student Body Meeting. The student body' of Dallas Hieh Disappear From Reformatory. Apparently no trace can be found of Charles Grosso of Dallas and George Spindler of Freemont, the two lads who escaped from the state re form school earlv in the week. W. S. Hale, superintendent of the institu tion, reports that the boys, both twelve years old, stole a shoteun from a) rinat- the accident last week in ich three persons were slightly in ed was due to negligence and ufd nave been avoided b; oomph- Ice by employes with Southern Pa- tic company rules is the opinion of board ot inquiry appointed by the mpany to investigate the reason for e collision between Southern Pa- hie motor car number 65 and a train six cars of logs, near the local ; oh October 25. Three passengers stained slight injuries, the motor kr had its pilot and rounding nose kved iu and tour window lights and ke wood work on the front end were poken in the collision, doing damage lat is estimated at $135 to the motor nd $4 to the first flat car in the log sin. The motor car was bound for jrlie, leaving the depot at 5:30 p. u ear the sawmill it encountered n open switch. Going at a rate of p miles an hour the car would not lop before the collision occurred. I "An examination of the premises," lays 'the report, "discloses that the ngineer could clearly discern posi tion ot switcn target, and that bad te been running under control, by or dinary alertness and watchfulness, he mum nave orougnt nis ear to stand llill before reaching the open switch. 3 raking apparatus was in perfect op erative condition at time of accident. The primary cause of the collision was the failure of the conductor of the log train to place the main track switch in proper position after using it" Those injured in the accident were Mrs. C. O. Johnson, forehead slight lv bruised: Mrs. N. A. Monteomerv. neck and knee bruised and E. R. Lew is, cut on band. quiry that made tlie report to the company was composed of V. W. Mar- tyn. assrstaut superintendent ; Charles PLANS FOR BIG BAZAAR WOMAN'S CLUB PRESIDENT NAMES COMMITTEES. Reports From Delegates Attending State Gathering Submitted En tertainment Afforded. The regular meeting of the Wo man's club was held on Tuesday. Af ter a short business session the mem bers present were delightfully enter tained with vocal and instrumental music by Miss Lucile Hamilton and Miss Dorothy Bennett. Mrs. VV. I. Ford, Mrs. H. B. Cosper and Miss Caroline Burch, delegates who attend ed the recent convention of the state federation of woman's clubs, gave most complete and entertaining re ports of the work of the sessions with many interesting side lights, and there were given a rising vote ot thanks. The president appointed the fol lowing committees to take charge of the club bazaar to be held on Decem ber 3. General committee: Mrs. A. B. Robinson, Mrs. Eugene Hayter, Mrs. C. G. Coad, Mrs. D. P. Patter son, Mrs. Cntes, Mrs. E. V. Dalton and Mrs. W. D. Collins. Marking committee: Mrs. Oscar Hayter, Mrs. H A. Woods and Mrs. J. R. Craven. Sandwich committee: Mrs. Carl Man ock and Miss Julia Nunn. Cooked, food committee: Mrs. I. L. Smith, Mrs. Geo. Scott, Mrs. M. M. Ellis, Mrs. John Orr, Mrs. W. t Ford and Mrs. Willis Simonton. Candy will be made and sold by the young woman's department. May Banta Dead. May Banta. the nineteen-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Ban ta of North Dallas, passed away late last week. The cause of death wai inven as tuberculosis, runerai ser vices were conducted from the Chap man parlors bv F. . Smith. The voune ladv had two brothers and a The board of in- sister. Unable to Liquidate Indebtedness Tel ephone Operators Ready to Quit. The Bentley Telephone company, a Polk county corporation with head quarters at Bentley, being insolvent, preparations are being made either to Ihrow the concern into bankruptcy or ask for a receiver. The company operates a line fiom Bentley to Bear Camp and some seven miles beyond down the Salmon river, through a sparsely settled mountainous, country, and the revenue derived from the plant has not been sufficient to meet the company's obligations, incurred through its efforts to maintain the line, borne months ago an effort was made - to 'bond the system ' for an amount approximately equal to the in debtedness, but this plan failed to mature, and finding no other way out of financial entanglements the di rectory concluded to give the proper ty of the company into the hands of its creditors. John Boyer of Bear Camp and Mr. Walker of Bentley are the leading members of the company. NEW BUILDING NEARLY READY. The Dallas Needlework Guild . will hold its regular annual meeting at the home of its president, Mrs. M. M. Ellis, next Friday evening, No vember 12, at which time the officers of the guild hope to have every mem ber present to see the large display of garments. This meeting is the most important for the general member ship of any that is held during the year, as it is the time When the gar ments that have been solicited from the members are displayed. The meet ing is purely social, business being disposed of at other times, and the delightful luncheons that are served at the annual meeting makes them very popular. Garments and other donations will be received and dis played next Friday, and Mrs. Ellis will keep open house from about 2 o'clock on, through the afternoon. Many little boys and girls and many families will benefit by the work of the ladies of the guild, this winter. Each member makes some article of wearing apparel and these are dis tributed to the worthy poor. In cases of emergency help is given by the guild at other seasons than Christ mas. At times of great disasters the guild ladies are the first to respond with practical aid in the way of cloth ing. ' INVESTIGATING LIMESTONE. Fine Two-Story Structure is Credit to Builder. The scaffolding in front of the Ri ley building that is being reconstruct ed1 on the corner of Main and Wash ington streets, was. torn down by workmen yesterday. The new plate glass windows will probably be put in next week. The building will rap idly receive the finishing touches that will make the front one of the most modern two-story structures in the city. The corner store-room is occu pied by 1. E. Davis as a turniture store and the remainder of the build ing will be given over to the new Or- pheum theater, one of the finest of its kind in the valley, interior worK in the theater will be done as prompt ly as possible to allow for an open ing performance some time next month. D. J. Riley, the owner of the building, has been personally in charge of the reconstruction and be contem plates erecting the south wall and finishing the second story within a year. McCann. roadmaster; C. F. Gorlineer. zeneral foreman; J. R. Craven. Dal las merchant, and F. E. Davis, Dallas merchant. Exposition Big Success. The Manufacturers' & Land Pro ducts show will close Saturday, No vember 13. after three weeks of 3iie ss. Crowds have increased daily since the opening of the big exhibi tion. October 25. and the low faie-i on steam and electric lines serving Port- eil Baldwin, tonner private ste -I tanner near me school alter making DoeTapber to the governor, is visiting land have attracted many visitors their escape. I friends is the city. 'from Oregon and Washington. C'o:in COURT INSPECTS BRIDGE. Will Examine Conditions Mentioned in Engineer's Report. The county judge and Commission ers Wells and Beckett are spending part of today in examining the lnter- county bridge across the Willamette at Salem, the object of the exam ination is to determine the necessary repairs, or to view the places that are recommended tor repairs by the state highway engineer's office. It is estimated in the report from that of fice that to put the bridge in condi tion to receive restricted traffic will cost more than $1300, and the court is getting a first-hand idea as to where and how this is to be spent. The bridge repair crew will tie at work by tomorrow and within a very few days the span should be in sufficiently good condition to carry the loads that are prescribed by the report of the engineers. Fertilizer Plant May Result Front Col. Lawson s Recent Visit. That the extensive limestone depos its of Polk county will in the not very distant future be utilized for the manufacture of commercial ferti lizer seems probable. Investigations of these deposits have recently been made with this end in view, and re ports are of the. most encouraging character. It has been found that the limestone here has a peculiar value for the purpose indicated, and capi tal is now being sought for the pro motion of the project with good pros pects for success. The raw material, which-exists in great abundance, has been thoroughly tested and experi ments show that from it high-grade fertilizer may be had. Col. B. K. Lawson, former warden of the state penitentiary, who was recently here as the representative of Portland cap italists, has consulted with Mr. Sam Moore of Corvallis on the subject, and is convinced that the making of fer tilizer from Polk county limestone can be made a profitable industry. Mr. Moore visited the deposit be tween Dallas and Falls City last sum mer, and took therefrom liberal speci mens of the stone for the purpose of testing its quality. He found that it is well suited for the making of com mercial fertilizer at a minimum cost, and it was for the purpose of gaining what information he has on the sub ject that Col. Lawson visited him this week. What the outcome of these investigations may be remains to be seen, but the enthusiasm displayed by Col. Lawson over the project will probably result in something more than mere tolk. DALLAS AND SILVERTON PLAY. Business Men 'a Meeting. The third meeting of the recently organized Business Men's association will he held at the rooms of the La Creole club next Monday evening. when a full attendance of those repre senting the city's business interests is requested. Mrs. William Kirkpatrick is im proving rapidly from her illness. Football Game Tomorrow Promises to Be Good. The football game between the high schools of Dallas and Silvertnn isn't to be such an easy victory for the local team as was the first game of the season, according to the coaches and players. The Silverton team has added materially to the strength of its line by re-enlisting a number of former stars and the fact has put such fear of defeat into the hearts of the Dallas boys that they have been working conscientiously through out the week to perfect a fighting team that will "bring home the ba son." The game is to be played on the college campus tomorrow after noon, and aside from the game of last Saturday, will be one of the most hot ly contested of the year. Coaches French and Rudder have been drill ing their men in open play, a feature of football which might have brought a victory last Saturday had it been tried, and are painting victory in the minds of every player. The game last week was financially successful, but the average for the year must be good if the team, which is absolutely self-supporting, is to break even. Therefore, the boys and girls of the high school are anxious for a larga attendance at the game tomorrow. A special train from McMinnville passed through Dallas last evening carrying a large number of members of the Elk's lodge from the lower valley towns to a meeting at Salem. W. V. Fuller returned from Yam hill county forests this week to spend a few days at home. After spending a day in Portland he returned to the "tall uncut" to complete the cruising project he is engaged in.