Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, October 26, 1915, Image 1

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VOL. 27
NO. 68
Polk Being Financially Unable
Bear Its Portion of Burden, Fer
ry Will Carry Traffic.
As a result of the conference here
on Saturday between the county
couirts of Marion and Polk counties
the inter-county bridge was closed to
traffic on Sunday morning. A free
public ferry will be established and
will take the place of the bridge for
some time to come, as the outcome of
the conference revealed the tact that
the present condition of Polk county
nuances will not permit the court to
expend its share in the erection of a
new steel span. Law requires that
this county pay one-third of 'the to
tal cost of construction and another
law requires that taxes cannot be in
creased more than 6 per cent over
either of the preceeding years, and
such an increase in Me tax levy in
this country would not create a suf
ficient amount to pay the county's
share of the new bridge. Another
bridge, therefore, will probably not be
built tor several years, oalem, which
owns one-third share in the present
Hiidge has been deprived by law of
the right to assist the counties in the
erection of another.
The closing of the bridge is the di
rect result of the report reudered to
Judge Teal last week by the state en
gineer's office. The judge and Polk
county commissioners do not care to
be morally and legally liable for the
great catastrophe that might occur
should traffic continue over the unsafe
structure and the only thing for them
to do was to order it closed. Judge
Teal expressed ithe opinion that the
bridge could be kept open under strict
traffic regulations, but the commis
sioners and the Marion county count
voted to close it to passage. Judge
Teal, .Commissioners Wells and Beck-
et of Polk county, Max Gehlhar and
Frank Gibson of the citizens joint
committee of Polk and Marion coun
ties and Councilman Cook and Hndel-
son of Salem, County Judge Bushey
and Commissioners Goulet and Beck-
with attended the joint conference
here on Saturday.
It is Judge Teal's opinion, and he
so expressed himself when he voted
against the proposition or closing Che
bridge to traffic, that the span is not
in the condition that the advocates of
the new bridge have made themselves
believe it is. The span was built 25
years ago to carry a load of 1800
pounds to the foot and it was said at
that time that it would take at least
four times that weight to overstrain
the bridge. In his report Engineer
Holmes said that it had decreased
from 5 to 20 per cent. At a maximum
decrease of 25 per cent the bridge
should still be able to hold safely a
weight of 1350 pounds to the foot.
During state fair week the greatest)
weights and the heaviest traffic that
ever crossed the inter-county bridge
used the structure. It is freely admit
ted by all, including Judge Teal, that
the bridge has practically outlived
its usefulness and that it is decidedly
out of date, but in view of the pres
ent state of financial affairs in Polk
county some can hardly see where
practically $84,000, or Polk county's
third ot the cost ot a new bridge, is
to come from. It has been suggested
that $50,000 be taken from the road
budget and applied to the cost of the
bridge and the remainder raised under
the Bingham law, providing a maxi
mum taxation, over either of the two
previous years, of six per cent. But
that would stop road improvement
work in this county, and roads
are perhaps more necessary and valu
able to the taxpayers of the county
than the bridge is at this time. Judge
Teal is favorable to the erection of
a-new bridge and is anxious to see
the work started, but he has not yet
figured how it can be done for a year
or two at least. In the meantime he
believes the present bridge would an
swer its purpose under strict traffic
regulations, if it is really in the con
dition represented.
away a larger portion on the lands
where the crops may soon replace the
timber to advantage. Ash is scarce
there, and the price has risen above
$5 a cord. Oak brings commonly $4
a cord, but the price will rise 50
cents soon, it is said. During the
times when employment on the farms
and in folk county towns is low,- the
energies of the hands are directed to
cutting. a large supply of wood.
Dr. Roberg Appoints Registrars of
, Vital Statistics.
Registrars of vital statistics ap
pointed in Polk county last week by
State Health Officer Dr. David N.
Roberg, are E. Ennes, Perrydale, Mc
Coy, bait Creek, bait Lake and Jack
son; R. Osburn, Buell and Douglas;
Dr. B. H. McCallon, Dallas precincts
1 to , inclusive, West Salem, Brush
College, Eola, Spring Valley and
Rickreall; Dr. F. M. Hellwarth, FaUs
City, Bridgeport and Black Rock; C.
V. Johnson, Airlie, Stiver, Luckiamute
and Fedee; Dr. U. D. Butler. Indepen
dence, Monmouth and Buena Vista.
All births and deaths must be report
ed to district registrar by some mem
ber of the family affected, say in
structions sent out by Dr. Roberg.
Spacious Armory Building Taxed to
Its Capacity to Accommodate
Growing Audiences.
Marking West Side Highway.
Attractive and durable road signs
are being installed by G. S. Wright,
president ot the McMinnville Automo
bile club, on all road crossings along
the portion of the west side highway
passing through Yamhill county. The
signs are 15 inches square, and are
red with white lettering. They were
furnished by the Yamhill county
court and complete the placing of the
west side highway in an ideal condi
Game Shows Many Weak Places That
Will Be Built Up Por Meeting
With McMinnville.
Commission withholds Decision on
Policy in Yamhill and Tillamook.
Two more counties were added to
the list of applicants .seeking state
aid for road improvement on Satur
day, when representatives from Til
lamook and Yamhill counties appear
ed before the State Highway commis
sion to plead for funds. The delega
tion asked the commission to appro
priate $20,000 to help in rocking the
Sour Grass road in Yamhill and ill
lamook counties. The road leads over
the mountains to the eoast and for
merly was a toll road. The commis
sion was unable to give any definite
promises, but advised the visitors that
if possible money will be allotted for
the road.
Wood -Cotters Busy.
A considerable amount of wood is
being cut in the hills surrounding Air
lie. Toe supply last year was inade
quate and an attempt U made to eat
In a slow and uneventful game the
Dallas high school football team on
Saturday hung up another victory to
its credit when it defeated the heav
ier team of the state mute-sehoot by
a score of 19 to 0. The teams were
hampered by the soggy condition of
the Held which made speed impossible,
out me Lianas boys had a good chance
to display their superiority. Balder-
ee was the particular star of the day,
all three touchdowns being scored to
his credit, in addition to the goal that
was kicked. The crowd was onlv fair.
due probably to the heavy rain show
era that preceeded the game, and fi
nancially the game came out just
about even. It is the common opinion
that the local boys should have made
a greater score, but they did not ex
tend themselves too much. The offic
ials incurred the criticism of the
crowd and many of the players when
they gave the mutes the short end of
several decisions. The fiist half was
all in favor of the Dallas players, but
the visitors made good progress in the
second session and held the home tal
ent without a score. The field being
so wet several plays mapped out by
Coach Rudder could not be effectively
executed and the slipperiness of the
ball made fumbling a feature of the
game. The boys are not! taking their
victory very seriously, although they
opposed a heavier team and had to
extend themselves more than once to
make yardage, in fact losing yard af
ter yard repeatedly, and expect to put
in many strenuous hours this week in
preparation for the game with Mc
Minnville high school team next Sat
urday on the college field. The Mc
Minnville team is fast, according
to reports, and have had a good early
season record. At Corvallis last Sat
urday they held the speedy team of
that high school to a small score, and
all this has been carefully observed
by the local players, who will prob
ably put up their best brand of grid
iron battle for the meeting Saturday.
The Taylor revival in the armory
is growing in proportions with leaps
and bounds. Sunday was a day long
to be remembered by the church-going
people of Dallas. Hollowing the bun-
day schools in the various churehes,
the converts thus far, who had indi
cated their chuireh preferences, had
been examined and received as mem
bers of the churches of their choice.
Evangelist Taylor preached in the
Presbyterian church to a full house,
and all the other churches report a
record attendance. In the afternoon
at 2:30, a mass meeting was held in
the armory, when the evangelist gave
a strong address on the ' ' White Slave
Traffic." In that address he gave de
failed accounts of specific cases illus
trating the shameless traffic, pointing
out the secret and devilish methods
used by procurers and panders to
lure innocent young girls away from
their homes to be sold like cattle. The
magnitude of the nefarious system as
described by the evangelist is some
thing alarming. A timely warning
was sounded to fathers and mothers
permitting their girls to go to the
large cities looking for work, the
exposures brought to light by the
brilliant United States district attor
ney of Chicago, Edwin W. Sims,
through the combined testimony of
over two hundred girls, was cited to
substantiate the awful horttor attend
ing this hideous monster, the white
slave traffic.
In the evening at 7:30, the armory
was taxed to the limit to accommodate
the audience. The evangelist was at
his best. The theme was "A Friend
at the Door." The sermon produced
a profound impression. Scores of peo
ple were under a visible conviction.
When the invitation was given, nine
young people stepped to the front
and gave their hand to the evangelist
and their hearts to the Saviour. The,
evidence of a significant and genuine
revival is manifested in the way the
people seem loath to return to their
homes .when the jneet ing is overt but
tarry behind to converse with the per
sonal workers, and greet the evange
list and pastors. The Rev. Herbert
McConnell, who has recently been
called to the pastorate of the Chris
tian church, was Introduced and made
a few brief remarks, testifying to
the great good that came from the re
vival held in Woodburn six years ago,
where he participated with Evangelist
Taylor in a tabernacle campaign. This
week, Mrs. Carrie Taylor, wife of the
evangelist, joins husband and son in
the work in this city. She is a cornet
soloist, and a skilled personal work
er. Great interest and visible results
are naturalTy to be expected from
these additions to the evangelistic
force. Gospel meetings every night
this week, and cottage prayer ser
vices throughout) the city every after
noon, will feature the religious life
of the people of Dallas until the end
of the month. The great chorus of
nearly one hundred voices, with an
orchestra of seven pieces, every night,
together with the gospel solos of Paul
Taylor, whose singing has never been
surpassed in this city in its quality
and execution, will surely draw to the
armory every night this week record
breaking audiences.
Amity ranch. After the terror of the
situation had entirely seeped in : ths
young man made hurried tracks to
ward Portland. First he sent a tele-
BLANKET TARIFF ON LUMBER I ?ram to tue Multnomah county coro-
Willamette Millmen Afforded Oppor
tunity to Compete With Portland
for California Business.
Monmouth and Independence Railroad
Still Considering Electrification.
Notwithstanding the fact that the
Independence newspapers made denial
at the time of the proposed electrifi
cation of the Monmouth and Indepen
dence railroad, better known as Joe
Hirschberg's road, preparations are
still making to that end. The latest
move on the part of the management
is the furnishing to builders of ears
with specifications for the rolling
stock contemplated for nse under the
new order of Rungs in order that a
true estimate of the necessary expense
in connection with the change of mo
tive power may be bad. It is. there
fore, probable," at stated bv The Ob
server some weeks ago, that the rail
road in question will be electrified
during the coming year. At least in
dications point in that direction.'
Mrs. Arthur Goode and small son.
who have been guests of Mr. and Mr.
F. H. Morrison, have returned to their
home at Salem. 1
. revised railroad rate on lumber
frem Portland and Willamette valley
points to interior California went in
to effect on Friday and a great cry
was raised by Portland mill owners
that the rates were discriminatory
against tliem. A formal objection
was hied immediately with the Inter
state commerce commission and an
examiner for that body will conduct
a hearing in the case at Portland on
November 18.
Under the new tariff the Willamette
Valley mills are blanketed. All take
the same rate to the affected Califor
nia territory, 17V cents per 100
pounds. The tariff is a direct out
growth of a policy established by the
Southern Pacific several vears ago of
giving the milU along their lines in
the valley an opportunity of compet
ing with the Portland mills for San
Francisco business. The Portland
mills had' the advantage of water
transportation; the valley mills did
not. So the rates were adjusted so
that the valley mills could enter San
Fiancisco by rail on a parity with
the Portland mills, which entered bv
water. Ihe Interstate Commerce com
mission upheld the railroad in this
system of rate making.
$fow the Southern Pacific has es
tablished new rates to points in Cali
fornia not served by water Stockton,
Marysville, Chico, Sacramento and a
few other places, basing the rate of
K' 2 cents to those points on the old
rate of I0V2 cents to San Francisco.
The difference of 2 cents represents
the back haul charge from San Fran
cisco. The rate from Portland to
these same points is 2 1 1 cents. On
this the Portland mills are basing
their complaint. The valley mills con
tend that they are given no unfair
advantage in ithe new tariff and an
explanation of their position will be
made by a committee of valley lumber
dealers at .the November heanng. The
valley manufacturers have a strong
case and an able representation will
ar'iie thjjopos'tionjrefore the com-
"Even when I did get. word to him
he thought that I was 'kidding' him
and at first refused to believe what 1
said," Chick explains. "I then told
him to notify all my friends and rela
tives that I was safe, but evidently a
misunderstanding arose on that score,
tor Miss Alexander did not know that
I was still alive until I reached Port
land and called her by telephone.
However, I got word to mv inn! her
and she knew before she got to Port
land that 1 was still alive and that
there had been a mistake. I got
back from Amity Friday and met
Miss Alexander as soon as I was able I
to see her."
Saturday morning Miss Alexander
and Mr. Chick both went to the train
to meet Mr. Chick 's mother and when
the train arrived the reunion was com
plete. While waiting for1 the South
ern Pacific to arrive, Mr. Chick went
up Sixth street for a block or two and
met his employer, Louis B. Marks, a
'novelty manufacturer, talking with
friends of Chick's. Thev were dis
cussing the sort of flowers that would
be best to adorn the grave of their
late companion. Chick's advent swept
them off their feet and they glanced
at each other in amazement. When
Chick told them that he would just
as soon have cigars as flowers they
revived and asked how it all happen
ed. Mr. Chick is at a loss to account
for the fact that he was mistaken for
the dead man, for lie went to the
morgue himself a"nd said that there
were few points of similarity that) he
could discover.
Of 4475 Accidents Reported to State
Industrial Accident Commission
in First Year 71 Are Fatal.
Pioneer Minister Spends Declining
Years at Patton HomeRev.
Molloy is Civil War Veteran.
Reception to Teacher.
The parents of the children in the
Mistletoe school gave a rec-jpum ti
the teacher, Miss Mary Paddeu. last
Friday evening and later organize.! a
rarent-Ieacher association. Ine fol
lowing officers were elected: Mrs. I.
L. Bursell, chairman; Mm. Cephas
Nelson, vice-chairman and Mrs. F. K.
Hull, secretary-treasurer. H. II. Par
son, county school supervisor, and
Mrs. Parsons, were present. Mr. Par
sons gave an outline of the work be
ing done in other schools by Parent-
Teacher associations. The Mistletoe
school won first prize in its class at
the county lair, as well as two of the
seven blue ribbons awarded the coun
ty at the state fair.
Polk County Prunes on Exhibit.
The J. K. Armsby company shipped
15 boxes of select Polk county prunes
to Portland last week to be displayed
in the Polk county booth at the Man
ufacturers' and Land Products show.
Mrs. Braden is now at Portland and
saw to it that the fruit that made the
county famous was incorporated in
the display.
Mrs. Winnie Braden Succeeds Herself
as Secretary Those Composing
the Directory.
The first meeting of the new county
fair board was held at the Commer
cial club office on Saturday, and W.
L. Soehren was elected president. Oth
er officers are C. C. Gardner, vice-
president; Mrs. Winnie Braden. sec
retary, Eugene Hayter, treasurer. Tiie
remaining members of the board, and
those who act as directors of the or
ganization's activities during the year
are f. o. rowell or Monmouth, Ralph
Saveiy of Salt Creek, John Simpkins
of Spring Valley, L L. Patterson of
r.ola, A. a. Muir of Dallas and J. G.
Mcintosh of Independence. The onlv
business of moment transacted by the
board in addition to the election of
officers was the formal acknowledge
ment of the Commercial club's re
quest for the use of the clock that
was one of the trophies awarded to
Polk county at the state fair this
year. The eloek was the gift of the
bpokane, rortland ft Seattle Railroad
company and will hereafter be an or
nament in the elub office. Another
meeting of the board will be called
by President Soehren in the near fu
ture to bear reports of outstanding
Friends Seeking Flowers for Funeral
Are Requested by "Deceased"
to Make It Cigars.
Identified as a suicide by friends,
relatives and employer and arrange
ments made tor his burial, L. .
Chick suddenly appeared on the scene
at the morgue in Portland and issued
a strong reprimand to those who so
carelessly caused trouble and worry
to his mother and his sweetheart.
Chick owns a ranch near Amity,
and is known to many persons
m Dallas and Polk county. While
visiting there last week a young
man hung himself from a rafter in a
comfort station in one of the Portland
parks. Immediately a crowd of
Chick's acquaintances appeared and
readily identified the dead man as L.
W. Chick. The authorities wired for
his mother in California and for his
sweetheart, Miss Florence Alexander,
in bpnkane. It was not until the lat
ter arrived at Portland that there was
any doubt ae to the identity of the
dead man. "I jum ean't believe it 11
he, said Him Alexander, and with
in a very abort time thereafter Chick
walked in and demanded an explana
tion. The live dead man (aw an Ac
count of his death in a Portland paper
a he aat at the dinner table at bis
The Rev. W. L. Molloy, who was
pastfor of the Dallas Methodist Epis
copal church some years ago, is now
living at the Patton home in Port
land. The Rev. Mr. Molloy is a pio-
i havmg-aarved m
the pulpit tor bl years, in that time,
according to a story that appeared re
cently in a Portland newspaper, he
has built 12 churches, has lived and
preached in 13 different states and
served two and one-half years in the
civil war. The old gentleman is now
superannuated and is enjoying the
peace and quietness of the old folks'
home while he treads the sundown
trail of life, carrying with him the
knowledge that he has done a man's
work faithfully and well throughout
these many years.
Mr. Molloy was born in Kentucky,
September 26, 1832, and is now 83
years old. He entered the ministry
in the Methodist Church South in
1855, when he was 22 years old. When
the war broke out he joined the union
army and served two years. Entering
the ministry again he found that he
was considered a Yankee and at that
time did not feel at home in the Meth
odist I march boutb, so became a
Methodist Episcopal minister. Be
fore he entered the civil war he was
a missionary to the Cherokee Indians.
He spent many years preaching in
various states of the south and middle
west and was transferred to Oregon
in 1887, from Nashville, Tenn. In
Oregon he has preached in Hie follow
ing towns: Dallas, McMinnville, Ore
gon City, Brownsville and Lebanon,
Sixteen years ago he was retired
from the ministry and lived in Port
land until his wife died three years
ago. Since that time he has lived at
the Patton home. He says there was
one period of bis ministry which he
always will remember. He was a pre
siding elder in Texas for 15 years
after the civil war. "That was a
tough job" is tbe way he puts it. He
says he can still preach and although
he has no church he preaches wherev
er he meets any one whom he thinks
needs religion. " I won t be reared in
the eyes oTOod until He comes down
with a chariot and takes me away,"
he said.
A total of 4,475 accidents were re
ported to the State . Industrial Aeei"
dent commission in the year ending
June 30, 11)15, and are covered in tho
first annual report of the commission
just Uesued by Commissioners W. A.
Mai shall, Harvey Beckwith and Carle
Abiams. Only 71 of this large num
ber of accidents resulted fatally or
slightly more than one and .one-half
per cent of the total. Of the non
fatal cases many were very minor
injuries and did not require an ex
penditure by the commission, while
others, also slight, required the pay
ment of first aid costs. Some expen
diture was required on 3,669 cases,
making altogether $365,285.21. Of
this amount $61,865.79 was for first
aid measures. Fatal accidents are
most expensive for the commission as
burial costs must usually be paid in
addition to a pension which is set
aside for dependents. The percentage
of fatal accidents to each 100 full
time workmen is 2.86, and the per
centage of permanent disability to the
same number of full-time workers is
.05. Temporary disabilities to each
1,000 full-time workers is 124.85.
The average cost in reserves for
pensions in fatal cases where depen
dents survive is $4,897.31. The amount
to be paid in pensions from these re
serves in the average case is approxi
mately $8,325.00, based on the expec
tancy of lives. This amount exceeds
the maximum amounts allowed in ithe
majority of states. The theory of the".
Oregon law is that compensation
should be made by monthly payment.
For the injuries which more seriously
cripple and handicap the workman,
such as the loss of a foot or an arm,
compensation is restricted to payment
in monthly installments, for perman
ent partial disabilities, caused by the
loss of fingers, toes, or an eye, the
workman has, however, the option of
taking the Bum awarded in install
ments of $25.00 per month or a single
payment of an amount somewhat less
than the total of the installment pay
nni..Qf ..those .exercising this option,,
during the year, 66 per cent chose to
take payment, in a lump sum, - The
experience of the first twelve months
has shown that the provisions of the
law applying to injuries of this char
acter are not generally understood.
Of vital importance to every citizen
of the state is ithe method provided
for insuring the deferred hnonthly
payments in event of injury. Some
compensation acts place directly upon
the employer the obligation to pay
compensation to his injured workmen.
He is free to insure against this lia
bility or to carry his own risk. If he
be a man of limited means, injured
workmen or their dependents are left
without recourse in the event of his
Under the Oregon law the future
payments to workmen who are per
manently disabled and to dependents
in fatal cases are provided for by set
ting aside in each ease a sum which,
together with interest earnings esti
mated at) four per cent per annum,
will be sufficient to meet deferred
Governor Withycombe to Participate
in the Ceremonies.
The celebration of Orngo-t ilav at
the exposition next Saturday will be
participated in by Go'ero'.T James
Vtithyeombe. The goven.or will bs
entertained at a luncheon by Presi
dent Moore an 1 will w guest of hon
or at a reception an-1 dan -e held !iy
the Oregon commission in tbe evening.
The formal ceremonial of Oregon
day will be held in front of the Ore
gon state building at 3 o'c.rL An
informal reeeptioa will follow at
which apples, log.uiberrv juice, cheese
sandwiches and primes will lie given
away. The Dallas Commercial riub
has been asked those wbo eontmp!rte
visiting the fair from Polk eooniy to
make an effort to he present on this
Prominent Rancher Ha Very Good
Lock With Grazers.
William Riddell and sons of Mon
mouth have had excellent results in
Angora goat raising on their large
ranches. According to Mr. Riddell
the goats will require hay and grain
throughout this winter as a result of
the prolonged dry weather through
the summer, but, all this considered.
the goats are profitable as land clear-
ers and as money earners. Most of
the bucks raised on the Riddell hold
ings were shipped to Texas this year,
where there is a continued demand
for good stock. The kids are an ex
ceptionally healthy lot and Mr. Rid
dell expects a fine herd next spring.
"People will begin to realize general
ly the need of goats on the ranch,"
he says, "as one can hardly realize
how tbe brush gains headway without
them. To get the best results in clear
ing brush off land they should be pas
tured with some other stock, such as
sheep or cattle."
Monmouth Parent-Teachers Meet.
A fine musical program including
several selections by the high school
glee club, featured the first meetincr
of the Parent-Teacher's assoeiatrn of
Monmouth this year. The meeting was
held at the high school last Wednesday
evening and was largely attendei by
those who are interested in the plant. -for
tbe season as proposed by the
Halow'een Party.
There will be a Hallow 'een enter
tainment and box social a' fit Mistle
toe school house on Saturday evening.
October 30, when parents, teacher and
pupil will join in tbe merriment.