Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, October 19, 1915, Image 1

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VOL. 27
NO. 66
Tint Public Sales Day Will Be Held
This Month. A. L. Fisher Talks
to Merchants.
The first public market and sale9
day will be held iu Dallas on Satur
day, October 30, according to F. E.
Davis, chairman of the committee on
arrangements, which met recently to
piepare details for a meeting of busi
ness men of the city to be held on
Friday evening at W. 0. W. hall. It
may be that this committee will not
perfect its larger details until after
v the first market day has been held,
but whether or not, there will be no
change in Mr.. Davis' original plans,
to hold ithe sale as he had intended
before the Commercial club offered the
venture its moral support. At the
approaching meeting of business men,
at which the committee desires the
presence of every interested merchant
in the city, A. L. Fisher of Albany
will be a speaker. Mr.. Fisher is the
genius behind the successful market
and sales day at Albany, and he will
have some excellent ideas to give.
A large building is to be secured in
which to hold the first sale, and farm
era and others will bring in everything
(that they desire to sell or trade. An
auctioneer will be in charge, and it
is predicted that the exchange will
include a wide collection of farm im
plements, other farm equipment and
livestock. There will be no limitation
to what farmers may bring in. Any
thing from an old churn to a ton oi
hay will be cared for by the auction
eer. It is proposed to list, anything
and everything that is brbught in and
which a farmer wants to sell or trade.
" Mr. Davis will have personal charge
of the first sales day, if the committee
does not prepare itself to handle it.
He has made promises to the farmers
and he feels like giving them what he
has agreed to do.
At the meeting Friday evening at
the W. 0. W. hall the merchants may
be inoculated with the spirit that has
made the venture a success at Al
bany, and will hurry preparation for
-the -flretsales day.-" It is somewhat
peculiar that, in view of the great
success such days have been in other
communities, the local merchants
do not show more interested action.
Dollar day sales, or special bargains,
are suggested for the merchants in
connection with the public sale, and
this would make an added incentive
for fanners to come to Dallas on that
day. All this will be discussed at the
meeting Friday evening.
and plant the trees the following fall. DCnilCCT TIIDUCfl FlftMll
Expert orchardists say that to plant ifCUUCu I lUllllLU UUllli
fruit trees on land newly grubbed
is apt to induce wood rot, and it is
with a view to obviating this possible grisT-MILL BURRS MUST RE'
.Lruuute mat gram win ue iuivu uu
the tract -the first year.
County Court Petitions Authorities to
, Report on Condition.
A petition to the state highway en
gineer and the highway commission
was mailed by the county commission
ers on Saturday, asking that the of
ficers appoint a competent engineer to
carefully examine the inter-county
bridge in all its parts and report up
on its condition. The engineer's of
fice will probably have Mr. Holmes,
a bridge construction expert, inspect
the structure early this week, in tact
the county court has been given to
understand that the inspection start
ed yesterday, and the report will be
made sometime this week. A detailed
report is asked for by the court, and
upon this will be determined the nec
essity for a new structure or the re
pair of the present bridge. ,
It was the opinion expressed by
the Polk county commissioners that
it would be far better to indebt the
county for a new structure than to
jeopardize the lives of those who trav
el over the bridge, but if there are
no physical defects in the structure
the expense of a new bridge will not
be undertaken at this time.
Historical Society Claims Ownership
By Reason of Gift By Judge
Reuben Boise.
Independence & Monmouth Passenger
Takes Temporary Lay-Off.
The train that forgot to run is a
new prodigy and is a child of the
Independence & Monmouth railway,
according to the Herald, published at
the scene of procrastination. A num
ber of passengers for various points
had gathered ad the Monmouth depot
the other afternoon, awaiting the
leaving of Mr. Hirschberg's cannon
ball for the wet town by the beauti
ful Willamette, but there was no
train. Inquiry developed the fact
that the engineer had gone down
town and forgot to return to the seat
ot operations, and the passengers
were obliged to find other means of
conveyance or postpone their trips un
til another, time.
Grading Sour Grass Road.
J. H. Hicks, of the Tillamook Bay
Construction company, which has the
contract for the Sour Grass road,
which cuts out the hill at Dolph and
the toll road, reports that the work is
progressing rapidly and that the grad
ing is completed with the exception
of a mile and a quarter, and if the
weather continues fine in ten days all
the grading will be finished. The
steam shovel is working day and
night. Two bridges have been put in
and there are three others to build,
the lumber being on the ground for
them. In addition to the bridges
there are several small culverts to be
built. Tillamook Headlight
0, You Chicken Pie.
That the ladies of the Christian
church hold the blue ribbon as build
ers of chicken pie is the verdict of
those who have on divers and sundry
occasions taken advantage of an op
portunity to test their quality. But
there is one big annual event of this
character, when the ladies, of this
church fairly outdo themselves in
chicken pie making, and the date for
this supper has been set for Novem
ber 4, for which more extensive prep
arations than previously are being
made, the ladies appreciating the fact
that they have made these suppers
famous in and around Dallas.
Mesdames Odom and Bush Are Award
ed Amounts Demanded in Legal
Action to Recover.
That the county court has no alter
native in applying the letter of the
law in widows' pension cases that
come before it, was the decision hand
ed down by Circuit Judge H. H. Belt
on Friday in the cases of Mrs. Maiy
Alice Odom and Mrs. Etta Bush ver
sus the County of Polk. Mrs. Odom,
the widowed mother of three minor
children, .sued the county for $232.50
and court costs, alleging that such an
amount was due her because the court
failed to pay her the total allowed by
the widows pension act. Her hus
band, Thomas Ausbun Odom, died in
Polk county, March 4, 1912. Judge
Belt allowed Mrs,. Odom the amount
demanded and a continuation of pay
ments at the rate of $25 monthly.
Mrs. Etta Bush, whose husband, Blu-
ford A. Bush, died in Polk county in
January 1914, leaving four minor chil
dren, received judgment against the
county in the sum of $390, court costs
and a continuation of the monthly
payments prescribed by the act.
Judge Belt said, in his opinion, that
the county could only abide bv the law
and could not change its terms to
conform with its ideas. The merits
of the act were not at issue, said the
opinion, and since it is on the statute
books, must be abided by.
The old Nesmith-Owen grist mill
burrs that Judge Teal has been try-'
ing to secure from the Oregon His-i
torical society for the adornment of
the county court house lawn, will
evidently repose in their present use
less state for some time. Judge Teal
brought the matter to the attention
of Congressman McArthur, whose
grandfather, J. W. Nesmith, was one
of the original owners of the stones,
and Mr. McArthur took the matter
up with George H. Himes, assistant
secretary and curator of the Histori
cal society. This letter was received
by Judge Teal last week from Mr.
Himes : !
"Dear Sir: I have jiret received
a letter from Hon. C. A. McArthur,
representative in congress from the
third district of Oregon, requesting,;
on your behalf, that 'the Oregon His
torical society turn over to the au-'
thorities of Polk county the two large
mill stones which were used in the"
Nesmith & Owen mill near Ellend&le,;
and which are now on display at the
entrance of the Oregon Historical
rooms. ' In reply 1 can only say this :
Those stones were donated to the-
Oregon Historical society by the own
er, the late Judge Reuben P. Boise.
This society is an incorporation under
the laws ot the state of Oregon, and
by the terms of the same all the
property in its possession or custody
is held in trust for the people of the
state of Oregon. Hence, under all the
circumstances in the premises your
request cannot be complied with. A
copy of. this letter has been forwarded
to the Hon. Mr. McArthur. Very
truly yours, George H. Himes."
this communication rather white
washed the hopes of the county judge,
but he has a reply to make to Mr.
Himes. "The mill stones did not
belong to Judge Boise," says Judge
Teal. "They were always the prop
erty of J. W. .Nesmith and Henry
Flying Squadron in Automobiles Vis
its Neighboring Towns on Mis
sion to Save Sinners.
Owenr-bnfr- for-several years laid in
desutude in a fence corner on Judge
Boise's place. From there they were
transferred to Portland and later to
the Historical society rooms." The
stones are rightfully the property of
Polk county, Congressman McArthur
being willing that they should be re
turned here, and the county court.
since the Historical society refuses to
relinquish its claim, will probable en
list the aid of the state representa
tives from this county to bring about
by, legislative action or otherwise, the
restoration of. the burrs to Polk coun-
Last Sunday Evangelist Taylor
preached a powerful discourse to an
unusually large gathering. "Take
this child and nurse it for me, and I
will give thee thy wages. Upon this
one sentence, taken from the story of
Pharoah's daughter and the infant
Moses, Evangelist Taylor built a ser
mon on "Motherhood" that brought
sobs of alternate joy and sorrow from
the most remarkable audience that
he has yet faced since coming to
Dallas. Irom half past ten o clock
until the opening hour at eleven hun
dreds of mothers and grandmothers
poured into the armory, until every
available seat was occupied, including
the one hundred chairs on the plat
form. It was one of Mr. Taylor's
best sermons.
Every child, he declared, is put in a
mother's arms as a trust from God,
and she has to answer to God for the
way 'she deals with that child. No
mother on God's earth has any right
to raise her children for pleasure, and
she has no right to engage in any
form of pleasure that will curse her
children, Every mother is a trustee
of humanity, and the babe is put in
her arms to train it tor the Lord. W e
have scriptural authority for believ
ing that angels guard the helpless
babes. When the mother has done her
prayerful best, you can bank on it
that God will not fail her. That lit
tle babe born of a slave mother down
in Egypt over three thousand years
ago, and found by the princess secur
ed in a little ark floating in the our-
irent of the river Nile, became one
kit the world's greatest heroes, and
is recognized today as the world's
greatest lawgiver. A motlier's love,
and a mother's pluck saved it and
Save it a chance for its life. "I
jthink an angel stood there and pinch-
jea it to niLKe ii weep &. wi rigm
time. I he princess had a mother s
heart, and when a mother's heart and
a crackshot as well as a good hurler
is evidenced by a dandy five point
deer that he brought back as a trophy
irom a two-day hunt in the Apple
gate district in Polk county. The
animal dressed about 150 pounds, and
Barham took the hide and head to
Salem to be mounted. Wayne and
Earl Barham, Bert Wells and Walter
Sellers returned yesterday from the
mountains and the only prize was
Wayne's deer. Wayne had to carry
the animal about nine miles down the
Electric Lighting System' Installed,
Building Painted.
The first Baptist church, at the cor
ner ot Court and Church streets, is
undergoing a complete renovation,
both interior and exterior. Inside
the walls are being frescoed and
things generally cleaned up. The
Prominent Educators Compliment Dis
trict on Achievements Ladies
Entertain Visitors.
church is 'being wired for electricity.
Outside a coat of paint is being ap
plied and the ground about the
church will be included in the clean
up campaign.
The local Baptist congregation is
preparing tor a tine winter session
and . expects a marked increase in
membership during the year. That
the institution is in good shape fi
nancially is evidenced by the manner
in which the church is being put in
first-class condition.
Under the auspices of the Parent
Teachers' association of that district
the Elkins school house was re-dedi
cated with instructive and helpful ex
ercises last Saturday afternoon, par
ticipated in by a goodly number of
pupils and patrons, and several prom
inent educators of the state, includ
ing Assistant State Superintendent
CnrWnn. Prpnidant A nL-ortYian anA
Prof. Pitman of the Normal school,
8tafrin Will Raise Prunes.
Conrad Stafrin contemplates plant
ing fifty acres of his ranch south of
Dallas to prune trees. The land is
new. haviner but recently been cleared,
and it is his intention to grow one
crop of wheat thereon next season
Right To New Trial Waived Second
Count Dismissed.
The jury, sitting in trial of Charles
E. Stinnett, charged with attempted
murder of his wife, failed to reach an
agreement after being out fifteen
hours, and the state and attorneys
for the defense agreed upon a com
promise by which the prisoner will be
sent to the penitentiary to serve the
sentence imposed upon him last week
for assault with a dangerous weapon,
and the second count in the indict
ment, upon which he was tried Thurs
day afternoon, will be dismissed. Af
ter the first trial counsel for the
prisoner asked until the end of the
week to piepare motion for a new
trial and demanded immediate hearing
of the second indictment. Judge Belt
sentenced Stinnett to a term of from
six months to ten years on the first
count, and on the second count anoth
er trial would have been necessary
had not the attorneys reached a com
promise. District Attorney hibley in
tended to prosecute the second count
the indictment it attorneys for
Stinnett insisted upon a new trial on
the first count. Right to a new trail
was waived, however, in view of dis
missing the second count.
Stinnett was removed from the
county jail, where he has been lodged
for a week, to the state penitentiary
on Saturday by Sheriff Orr and Dis
trict Attorney Sibley. He commenced
serving his sentence at that time.
Only Three Members of Last Year's
Directory Remain in the Ser
vice for 1916.
When to Get Sentiment
Two hundred eountrv weekly edi
tors are closer to the people of the
great state of Oregon than three big
city daily editors ever can hope to
get. To ascertain what the real senti
ment of the state on any public ques
tion is, it is neeessarv to read the
country papers. Oregon Voter.
Baby Boy.
A nine pound babv bor was bom
to Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Oliver of Oak,
Grove, on- Saturday morning.
A new board of directors for the
Polk County Fair association was
elected at a meeting of that body on
Saturday afternoon, and will elect of
ficers for the association from within
the group in the near future. The
new board of directors are C. C. Gard
ner, Bridgeport: P. O. Powell, Mon
mouth; Ralph Savery, Salt Creek;
ovun oimKins, opnng valley; 1.
Patterson, Eola; A. B. Muir, Dallas;
J. G. Mcintosh, Independence and W.
U soebren, Dallas. I be only other
business of importance transacted at
the meeting was the reading and al
lowance of all bills against the asso
IL L. Fenton, who resigned as pres
ident of the fair association after the
successful county fair of this year,
will be succeeded by one member of
the new board, to be elected by the
board at a later meeting. Mrs. Win
nie Braden, because of the large
amount of work she has done for the
association in tbe past, was allowed
to go without being made a member
of the official board, but she will carry
on the same faithful and effective
work next year. C. C' Gardner, John
Simkins and P. O. Powell were the
only members of the retiring board
to be re-elected.
baby's-tearr get tangled "together,
something happens that gives tbe dev
il cold feet."
While growing to manhood there
is nothing to show that Moses ' mother
got any help irom his daddy,
tell you, the devil often gets a boy
by Betting his daddy first. Many
boy would have turned out better if
his daddy had died betore he was
born. The mother is doing all she can
to train her children for the Lord
while the father is doing all he can
to counteract her influences. The
mother's work is often discouraging.
(Continued on page six.)
Native Son Returns To Charm Friends
With Eloquence and Advocate
Prohibition Measures.
Messrs. Churchill and Rubble Respon
sible for Erection of Creamery
Where Falls City Now Is.
Mrs. Hiatt Granted Divorce.
A decree of divorce was awarded
to Mrs. Birdie Hiatt from William
Thomas Hiatt, a teamster, and the
toother gained the custody of the
couple s manied child. Mrs. Hiatt
asked alimony to the amount of $20
monthly, but it was stipulated that
this not be allowed. The husband,
from whom Mrs. Hiatt separated
when his jealously and unkindness
made ber lite unpleasant, did not eon-i
tet the rate. Both the principals art
residents of Dallas.
In 1886 Polk county residents first
ate creamery butter made within the
county, so a vivid memoried pioneer
told The Observer last wees. Un
May 27, 1886, the Syracuse Creamery
started business in a building on the
south bank of the Little Luckiarmite
river, at the falls, where Falls City
has since been built up. The di
mensions of tbe creamery's house, I
remember, were 24x36x26 feet. The
first floor, where were the churn and
cream vats, was level with the road,
and on the upper floor the product
was prepared for the market. The
lower floor was built on solid rock
where cool water trickled constantly.
The temperature here was maintained
at about 48 degrees. The creamesy
was owned and operated by Messrs.
Churchill and Rubble, and motive
power came from tbe falls, through
a 200-foot mill race, which dropped
40 feet in that distance.
From the beginning Polk county
farmers, through liberal support,
made the new enterprise a success,
and within a very short time there
was a decided increase in the num
ber of eows to be found on the
farms. Creameries had been success
ful in other states and communities,
whv not in Polk county, was a fa-
K-orite question. "I can testify,"
said The Observer's informant, "that
tbe Syracuse creamery turned out fine
Will Raise Beef Cattle.
Tbe Willamette Vallev Lumber
company of this city has seeded a
lure area of its logged off lands near
Black Rock, and contemplates raising
stork beef to supply its camps with
An outline of the plan proposed by
the Anti-Saloon league of America to
bring about the adoption of the Hob-
son National Prohibition amendment
in congress by 1920 was presented last
Friday evening at the Armory by the
Rev Poling, native son, graduate of
Dallas college, distinguished leader
of anti-saloon forces and president ol
the Christian..Endeayor jjnioa of. the
world. The nev. Poling s masterly
address delighted an audience of 800
people by its dry, effective humor, the
care with which it was given and the
vocabulary and oratorical powers of
the speaker, it is said that no better
platform orator has been heard in
Dallas than the city's own boy whose
diligent work in behalf of national
prohibition has made him justly fa
mous since he left the home hearth
for broader fields. In his address the
Rev. Mr. Poling presented many new
facts in the campaign against liquor,
and his eloquence bore his statements
forcibly to the large audience assem
bled to welcome him home.
The meeting opened on Friday
evening with a chorus lead by Paul
Taylor and in a brief talk the Evan
gelist Taylor, who turned the meet
ing over to Mr. Poling, presented that
gentleman to the large gathering of
his friends. National prohibition was
the sum and substance of the ad
dress. How and why the Hobson
amendment is to be carried was out
lined by the speaker, and he express
ed confidence in the campaign of the
anti-saloon workers, saying that the
nation undoubtedly would abolish the
liquor traffic by the .time set. The
Materia Media association, regulator
of drugs and medicine and the prac
tice thereof, has stricken from its
list of medicines or tonics both whis
key and brandy, said Mr. Poling1.
This action was taken principally be
cause of the results of scientific re
search which showed that the reme
dial effect of these stimulants was
only temporary, lasting about 15 min
utes, and the reaction that set in im
mediately was more harmful than the
brief stimulant was good.
Mr. Poling was brought up in this
community and is known to practi
cally every one or the older residents
here, although he is still only about
thirty years of age. Those who pre
dicted, when be was a boy in school
here, that his career would be bright
and that as an orator he would win
nistinction, were especially pleased
listeners on Friday evening.
While in Dallas the Rev. M. Poling
was a guest at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. W. A. Griffin.
Knocked to Ground and Trampled Be
neath Hoofs of Horses.
On Saturday last the four-year-old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Riggs narrowly escaped death when
a runaway team knocked ber down
and trampled her beneath their hoofs. I
farmer 's team from near Mon
mouth ber iime nnmanageable beyond
the hospital, on the county road, and
ran away. At the corner of I glow
avenue and Washington street the
animals pluntred into the Riggs yard,
where the child was playing, striking
the unfortunate youngster to
Prof. Harrington, state industrial
field worker, and County Superinten
dent H. C. Seymour. The speakers
highly complimented the people of
that district for their enterprise and
progressiveness along educational
lines, and for providing a modern
building not only for school purposes
but for community meetings, general
j-entiment now prevailing that the
school house is the logical community
center. The program was somewhat
abbreviated because of the late arri
val of some of the speakers, notable
among the omissions being a recita
tion by Dell Tedrow. With about
fifty persons present, and Mrs. Frank
Lougliary, president of the Parent-l
Teachers' association, presiding; the
program opened at 3 o'clock with
"America" by the full attendance,
which was followed by short talks by
those visitors interested in educa
tional work. Refreshments, consist
ing of cakes and coffee, were served
at the conclusion of the dedicatory
service. Each lady of the neiffhbor
hood had provided, and cakes of every
variety, name and nature were there
in superabundance. By invitation of
superintendent Seymouir a represen
tative of The Observer was present,
and up to the hour of going to press
he is still seeing things eake-cake-cake,
daintily served in a picturesque
ly located new school building on a
hillock in one of the most prosperous
sections of Polk county. The address
es were to the point, but the cakes hit
the spot. - - " -.-...--
The Elkins school house is a model
two-room structure and is situated
four miles south of Monmouth, hard
by being Luckiamute, a station on the
Dallas-Airlie branch of the Southern
Pacific. A model school building of
today means one with abundant light,
good ventilation and modern heating
equipment. The Elkins building is
provided with these. It has a splendid
hot air furnace in the concrete base
ment, where later it is the aim of the
school to conduct a manual training
department for both boys and girls.
There is every modern convenience, ,
Recently the grounds were enlarged
and a playshed of generous propor
tions was erected, and it is here that
the pupils spend intermissions in
healthful exercise. Contrary to the
general rule there are twice as many
boys as girls in attendance in this
district, and the youngsters are live
wires, assisting Ithe teachers. Miss
Edith Witzel and Miss P. Gladya Den
ney, and their lassie companions in
beautifying the school house and
grounds. The pupils have a school
garden adjacent to the building, and
their knowledge in this direction was
shown at the recent county fair,
where they presented a splendid ex
hibit. A local fair was lately held
at the school grounds, and was an
affair highly spoken of by those who
The Parent-Teachers' association
of the district has a membership of
forty-one, and no opportunity is lost
to advance the material interests of
the school. There is much interest '
shown in the meetings of the organi
zation, not only by the ladies of the
district but by the men as well, the
enrollment carrying the names of
many the latter. The school has an
attendance of twenty-six, some of the
Students coming several miles dis
tant. The teachers are popular in
the community; there is harmony in
the directory; there is co-operation
among the people. Why should not
Elkins be the proud possessor of one
of the best rural schools of Polk
county t
Hop Yield Small Near Ballston. .
The Ballston correspondent to the
Sheridan Sun reports the hop yield of
that vicinity as follows: H. S. Fudge,
25 bales; S. A. Ball, 39 bales; C. A.
Ball, 33 bales; G. A. Ball, 63 bales;
H. W. Clark, 39 bales; Geo. Newbill,
195 bales; R. Clanfield, 39 bales; C.
H. Brooks, dsn bales; Jim bears, 13
bales; Roy Gregg, 42 bales; Geo.
Odell, 80 bales; Ross Clark, 10 bales.
This yield is below normal in every
Parent-Teachers' Meetinf.
The first meeting of the school year
of the Parent-Teachers' association
of Monmouth will be held at the high
school building there Una evemiur.
the! Mrs. Thomas Gentle is chairman of
ground and passing over its body. Al-;he association, and urges a full al
most miraculously the child escaped ! tendance of all persons interested in
Wayne Barham Gets Deer.
That Wavne Barham. former Pa
cific coast league baseball pitcher, is injury beyond scratches and bruise, educational work.