THE POLE COUNTY OBSERVER, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1915. - SOCIETY Black-Titos An addition to The Observer's story of the marriage of he Roy Black and Miss Pearl Titus at Falls City last week is made by The Newa of that city, which is the home of the bride. The bride and groom led by M. Howard Fagan, entered the parlor, where the guests had assembled and stood under the arch of orange blos soms, until Mrs. I. G. Singleton de livered in her usual charming way, the beautiful reading, "A Woman's Question to a Man." Then the bride and groom passed to the center of the room and standing beneath the marriage bell listened to the ring cer emony read in a very impressive man ner by M. Howard Fagan. Miss Bertha Frink caught the bride's bo quet Mr. and Mrs. Black departed on the evening train for Pomtland, where they expect to spend their honeymoon, af ter which they will make their home at Dallas for the present. Those pres ent were : Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Titus, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Black, Mr. and Mrs. I. G. Singleton, Miss Bertha Frink, Lynnie Black, Josiah Foistar, Austin Tiltus, I. N. Johnson of Neb., a cousin of the bride and a retired farmer, A. L. Banta of Illinois, also a eousin of the bride, Mrs. Elne Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Black, and E. C. Titus. Carpenter; "Essentials of Algebra," Wells: "First Year Latin," Collar I and Danniell; "Great Epochs in American History," 10 volumes, Hal sey. J. D. Collins has added two books to the libiary collection, "The Presentation," Stacpool, and "The Classic Point of View," Cox. Other books that have been received at the library recently are "Thankful's In heritance," Lincoln; "Red Rock," Page; "Wonderful Adventures of Nils," Lagerlof; "Foolish Virgin," Dixon; "K," Rinehart; "Happy Half Houiis With the Bible," edited by Marshall, and "Germany for the uenmans, Collier. THE OLD TOWN CLOCK. Good Times Club Mrs. I. F. Yoa kum was hostess to the Good Times elub at a delightful entertainment at her home on Oak street. The rooms were prettily adorned in vining maple and dahlias which gave a charming effect throughout the house. The af ternoon was very pleasantly spent at needleworking and conversation. At a late hour luncheon was served by the hostess, who was assisted by Mrs. Harold Rich, Miss Hallie Smith and Miss Ruth Barnes. The guests who enjoyed Mrs. Yoa kum's hospitality were Mrs. W. L. Soehren, Mrs. E. W. Fuller, Mrs. W. V. Fuller, Mrs. Oscar Hayter, Mrs. Harry Woods, Mrs. IT. 8. Loughary, Mrs. R. L. Chapman, Mrs. H. Mc Daniel, Mi's. C. L. Barnes, .Mrs. V. C. Staats, Mrs. J. C. Uglow, Mrs. D. P. Patterson, Mrs. G. L. Hawkins, Mrs. A, A. Hamilton, Mrs. J. R. Cra ven, Mrs. Arthur Vassal, Mrs. John Sweeney, Mrs. Willis Simonton, Mrs. H, H. Rich and the hostess. Birthday Dinner Only one pair of twins in the entire state of Oregon are older than J. M. and T. J. Camp bell, who celebrated their 82nd birth day anniversary with a dinner on Fri day. The old gentlemen 'took great idelight in entertaining Mts. J. C. Morrison and Mrs. Ralph Moiirison of Salem in addition to Mrs. J. M. Camp bell and the family of H. G. Camp bell. The brothers are Polk county pioneers and they have spent a long and useful life in the vicinity of Dallas, wiiere they have many rela tives and hundreds of friends. The gentlemen are in good health in spite of their advanced ages and promise to enjoy more than one birthday din ner together in the tuture. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS The following is a complete list of realty transters recorded during the week ending yesterday and reported to The Observer by Sibley & Eakin, abstractors, DIo Court street, Dallas: James K. Sears to Polk county, Oregon, T. 7-d, roadway, $25. Jacob Fait and wife to Ernest and Rose Hutledge, 1)5 acres, T. 6-4, $10, May L. Crittenden to C. M. Critten den, 240 aoiies, T. 8-4, $1. G. G. Kisling etal to S. P. Kimball, 146.07 acres, T. 7-5, $10. James H. Wilson and wife to W. J. and Mabel oMrford, 200 acres, T. 9-6, JflOOO. John T. Hughes and wife to Sine Smith, lot in Dallas, $10. Eva Yooom to Klnier Yocora eta, 178.50 acres, T. fi-6, $1. Clinrvhnicre Healtv Co. to Fall City-Salem Lumber Co., lots in Chuch- nu addition to West Salem, $10. Clear View Orchard Co. to C. F. Kitchart, lots in Clear View orchard, $2(11)0. diaries D. Fittlz to John H. Scotl, 151 acie T. 8-7, $10. W. F. Swearingen and wife to C. J. and Mamie J. Bruce, lots in Mon mouth, $10. Charlotte Speer and husband to Margaret Berger, 40 acres, T. 8-6. $10. Sine Smith and husband to J. T. T. Rom Hughes, 18.71 acres, T. 8-6, $10. Clear View Orchard Co, to Minnie E. Radke, lot in Clear View orchard, $2013.40. Clear View Orchard Co. to Clarenco P. Flanders, lot in Clear View or chard 2900.20. Jessie L. Linn and husband to Ah bie C. Preble, 115 acres, T. 8-4, $10. Somestimes Right, But Generally Wrong, It's Our Time. To act in absolute freedom seems to be the sole and solitary desire of the old court house clock that some time tells the time of day to the hurrying throngs of industrious Dal- lasnes to whom a minute means a dollar lost or earned. And, sad as the story may be, the old court house clock accomplishes its sole and soli tary ambition on every day but Sun day, and that day doesn't matter, be cause church is open- all day, and be sides nobody pays any attention to the clock on that day. Not long ago a breathless young couple rushed into the depot and hurriedly demanded a ticket, or two of ohem, as they gazed, in astonishment at the timepiece that graces the ticket office in that busy center of industry. All the stories that the agents could tell them about the accuracy or their clock could make no difference to them. They had seen the court house clock and it had said "Twelve o'clock, young friends, you'll have to hurry." The depot clock was yet five minutes to twelve when the couple arrived, and it had been five Vhole minutes since they left Crider's store. But the coulrt house clock must be right it has been telling the same time to the same people for so many years. The whole matter resolves itself into an appli cation that is being prepared for the county court), asking for the official position of regulator to' the court house clock. By telegraphic time, the great instrument of truth that graces the tower of the home of Polk coun ty law and justice is false. A huge, deceiving monster that never did tell the right time and never will until the official regulator gets his job. It fact, laying iancy aside, that the clock that is creating this great strife is never less than five minutes ahead of the right time, and its chimes, with die music of factory whistles at noon and thereabouts, makes rare and pleasing harmony. Bring on the ap plication, the clock needs regulating. PLANS ITS ANNUAL TEA. Needlework Guild Will Hold Recep tion November 12. The directors of the Dallas branch of the Needlework guild met on Fri day at the home of the president, Mrs. M. M. Ellis, to plan for the annual tea and exhibition of garments, which will lie held on November twelfth, at the home of Mrs. Ellis on Oak street. The president appointed the following committees to have charge of the ar rangements for the tea. Decoration: Mrs. Metzger, Mrs. V, C. Staats, Mrs. C. G. Coad, Mrs. Cos per, Mm Hawkins, Mrs. W. V. Ful ler, Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Simonton. Garments: Mrs. Kirkpatrick, Mrs. E. Coad, Mrs. Scotft, Mirs. I. N. Woods, Mrs. Chnpman, Mrs. Yoakum, Mrs. Allgood, Mrs. Eakin and Mrs. Bevens. Reception: Mrs. Geo. T. Gerlinger, Mrs. Ellis, Mrs. E. Hayter, Mrs. Cas ey, Mrs. I. L. Smith, Mrs. Oscar Hay ter. Refreshments: Mrs. Van Orsdel, Mm. MacGregor, Mrs. C. L. Cnder, Mirs. Stafrin, Mrs. L. D. Brown, Mrs. E. Hayter. The Needlework guild is a national organization with headquarters at Philadelphia, The Dallas branch was organized by Mrs. Gerlinger six years ago and has proved a very helpful factor in caring for the needy by pro viding new substantial garments. Last year nearly seven hundred articles of lothing were collected and distnbiyi- ed to the worthy poor of the commu nity. I . X COT A I -TUlkiC- -no SAY IV SHERMAN SMO Wa&.V COMPAHY 'WjJ? GENERALLY DRINK'S i Vg SOMB-THIKC? ELSE1! which will be given over to settlement. A railroad runs from Black Rock in to the holdings of this company. Other tracks are owned by the Great West ern Lumber company and the Wil lamette Valley Lumber company and these firms also have railroads run ning into theilr holdings. The plan is to settle a bwedish or Norwegian family on an average of every forty acres, although it is said some of the land is in such condition that a family can be supported on as small as live acres. The logs of all the companies own ing the lands are brought down to Black Rock on their private roads. Statesman. CHILDREN TO HAVE PLAYSHED. New Books for ths Library. A number of valuable and interest ing books are included in the collec tion that has been presented to the library by Mm. B. F. Burge. There are a number of the volumes in the gift that are not included in this list because they are being rebound. Those on the shelves are: "Ninety Three," "Lea Miserable,' ' "Laughing Man," "Toilers of the Sea," and "Notre Dame." by Victor Hugo. "Elements of Pedagogy," White; "Elements of Rhetoric and English Composition," Independence Mothers Work for Out- Door Play Room. A campaign is under wnv at Inde pendence to raise about $250 for the 'oust ruction ot a covered playshed on the public school ground. The inter ior playground is too small and con fining, hut the children cannot get out in bad weather. Mothers have taken the matter in hand and have a committee of three busily engaged at soliciting funds among the merchants, especially those who have children in school. It is reported that the re quired amount is rapidly being col lected and it is expected that con struction on ths shed wilt start very soon. Joe Hirschberg heads the list of contributors with a donation of $25 toward the good cause. FOREIGNERS TO BE SETTLED. THE CITY IN BRIEF Dr. Lowe, October 28-29. 64-lt. The ladies of the christian church will give their annual chicken pie sup per for which they are noted. Remem ber the date, November 4. Adults 50 cents, children under 10 years, 25 cents. 64-lt The Sterling Furniture company frames pictures. 64-tf. For Fire and automobile insurance see Chas. Gregory, city hall 32-tf Dr. C. L. Foster, dentist, City Bank building. Dallas. 73-F. See Van Orsdel and Manston tor old line' fire insurance the Queen, Liverpool, London & Globe, company 13. The oldest and best on the coast. The Sterling Furniture company frames pictures. 64-itf. Go to the Dallas Brick and Tile company for your brick and tile and save yourself money. 55-tf There Is more to hair catting than merely cutting oft the hair. Try us for an up-to-date stylish hair cut. C. W. Shultz. . 13-tf. Dr. Rempel, Chiropractor, 51 3 Church Dr. Stone's Heave Drops cures heaves. Price II, for sale by all drug gists. Adv. 79-tf. The Dallas Wood company Is ready to furnish you with mill wood. Good loads and good service. All wood cash on delivery. Phone 492. 103-tf. If you have land you wish surveyed see S. B. Tavlor, C. K, city hall, Dal las, phone 791. Dependable work at reasonable prices. 58-tf. Ihe Sterling rurniture company frames pictures. 644f. NO DIFFERENCE. SPECIAL NOTICE TO DALLAS FOLKS We wish to announce we are exclu sive Dallas agents for the simple mix ture of buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., known as Adler-i-ka. This rem edv, used successfully for appendi citis, is the most THOROUGH bowel cleanser we ever sold. It is so pow erful that ONE SPOONFUL relieves almost ANY CASE of constipation, sour or gassy stomach. Adler-i-ka never gripes, is safe to use and the INSTANT action is surprising. Con rad Stafrin, druggist. Star Transfer Co. WE MOVE ANYTHING v THAT IS MOVEABLE PROMPT SERVICE G. A.&L.C. MUSCOTT & A. P. STARR. Props. f Phone Stands: Webster's Confectionery 511 Ellis' Confectionery 1062 Ran. 1071 4 m W. E. Greenwood, Mgr. G. gtolts Company, Props, Dallas Soda Works Manufacturers of Soft Drinks Telephone 703. 422 Ellis Street . I.I. BLACK'S GROCERY 1 BULLETIN ONE CENT A WORD, 'PHONE 19. The charge ior advertise ments under this head 1b one cent per word for eatfh In sertion. No discount for suc cessive issues. If you have anything for sale or ex 3 change; If you want to rent or lease a house or business building; if you want help or a job of work; if you have lost or found anything; if you want publicity of any kind, try this column. You are sure to get results others d, why not you. Tel ephone your "want ads." or adtiresa all communications to The Observer, Dallas, Oregon. Count the number of words to remit with order. Telephone No. 19. We can please you if you want the best J. A. BARHAM E. V. BARHAM BARHAM BROTHERS General Contractors and Builders REPAIRING AND REMODELING, CEMENT WORK A SPECIALTY. LET tJS FIGURE ON YOUR FOUNDATIONS AND SIDEWALKS. Phones 661 andl012 Dallas, Oregon The Proof Is Hnre Uie Same As Everywhere, For those who seek relief from kid ney backache, weak kidneys, bladder ills, Doan's Kidney pills offer hope of relief and the proof is here in Dallas, the same as everywhere. Dallas peo ple have used Doan's and Dallas peo ple recommend Doan's the kidney remedy used in America for fifty years. Why suffer? Why run the risk of dangerous kidney Ills fatal Brlght's disease. Here's a Dallas proof of mer it. Investigate it Mrs. Maria Cerny, 203 Ash street, Dallas, says: "I used Doan's Kidney Pills and got great relief from back and kidney trouble that' had been bothering me. I can recommend Doan's Kidney Pills as a fine kidney medicine. They act on the system quickly and bring very good results. They have Improved my health. Price 50c. at all dealers. Don't sim ply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Cerny had. Foster-Mllburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. THIS IS COLUMBUS DAT. Land Near Black Bock to Be Sold to Farminf Class. What is believed to be an impor tant step in the further development of the heart of the Willamette valley is the settlement of several thousand acres near Black Rock in Polk eounty bits day, a legal holiday. bv Scandinavian farmers. The set tlement is being undertaken by John A. Scott ft Co.. which firm represents the Spanlding Logtrin company. The Chas. K. Srwnldine Logging company is owner of about 4WO America Was Discovered 423 Yean Age Today. Christopher Columbus, with the his (jorie little fleet, the Pint a. the Xin and the banta Alsna, discovered America just 423 vears ago todav, on October 12. 1492. In thirtv-tbiee state of the union, Oregon included. October 12 is now set aside as Colum- It is also a for FOR SALE Household goods. Two good iron beds, springs and mat tresses, 'heating stove, extension ta ble) carpet 14x15, linoleum 12x14, washer and wringer, 8 chairs, 2 rockers, 2 small bedsteads, cot, and other household goods. John Votli, . 218 Clay street 64-2t. FOR SALE Home eanmng outfit good as new for half of cost. Also some California rustic. Would take good workhouse on payment. 0. E. Dennis, phone Black 515, Dallas. WANTED Machine, cast and stove plate Iron, brass and copper, sine and rubber, and rags of all kinds; in fact. Junk of all kinds. A. N. Halleck, Monmouth, Oregon. 8tf. MONEY TO LOAN On good in- proved real estate. Walter WiK liams, First National Bank. 62-tf. ID HENin.needof Athletic Sup plies, Flash lights and Batteries, Pock et Cutlery, Bicycles, Mo torcycles, Sundries, Blast ing Powder, Gun Repair ing, Umbrella Repairing, Bicycle and Motorcycle Re- dairing, or in fact any light Mechanical Repairing, call on L. B. HIXSON, Jr. PHONE 1072. 315 MAIN ST. Make Livestock Pay DR. KORINECK'S GUARAN TEED CAPSULE REMEDIES ENABLE YOU TO GIVE HORS ES OR CATTLE CHEAPER, QUICKER, AND IN MOST CAS ES, MORE EFFECTIVE TREAT MENT' THAN THAT GIVEN BY THE AVERAGE DOCTOR. Kornick's Way Best BY THE USE OF THE GREAT REMEDIES, YOU ARE SURE TO HAVE Better Livestock AND IT WILL PAY YOU TO INVESTIGATE OUR CLAIMS. SOLD BY ' THE FULLER PHARMACY MAIN STREET, CORNER MTU. If? :.:',tv;-" ly- l; - ''" IIIIIH1II.ITT - HiOlA FOR SALE Summer cut oak and fir wood, 16 inch and 4 feet long, phone 1404. I. L. Smith 60-9t-x FOR SALE Duroc-Jersey pigs, four months old. Mrs. Anna crock, Green 35. 60-tf. TOR SALE Sixty-acre dairy farm in Coos county; bottom land; half mile from postoflice; mile from school; on milk route; good winter road ; good improvements. W ill give terms. B. Folsom, Gail Hotel, Dallas. 52-tf. FOR SALE Beautiful piano for sale or trade. Left with us for quick sacrifice. R. S. care Observer. 58-tf FOR SALE Several articles of household furniture, good as new. Phone 1014, or call at 712 Fairview avenue. 53-tf. MONEY TO LOAN $1,000 up to (10,000 or farm lands. Call or write, Thos. A. Roberts, 209 U. S. building, Salem, Oregon. 57-8t FOR RENT CHEAP Modern six- room bungalow, 718 Stump street Apply to J. A. Barb am, Dallas. 60-tf. IJLUMED I or THEO. BERGMANN SHOE MFG. CO. Incorporated. Manufacturers of tke Celebrated Bergmann Shoe. . PORTLAND -:- OREGON The strongest and nearest water proof shoes made for loggers, miners, prospectors and mill-men. AND ALL KINDS OF GOOD PRINTING AT THE OBSERVER. C2 World-Famous Brands -s--B-sasMs-ssB-s-sBBHs-sBna--B-s---s-i WELL DIGGING We dig and clean out wells anywhere in Polk eounty, and guarantee our work and piice to b satisfactory. Homer Conlee. 'phone 13x7, Dal'lss. 63-2t-x legal holiday on the Island of Porto Rico, which has been United States ierritory since the Spanish war. and which was one of the islands Colum bus discovered on bis second voyage to the new world. RENT One partly furnished mom. Call between 7 and 9 p. m., 525V, Court street 65-ltx When We Hand You Our Estimates of ths cost of the lumber yon require yon can depend upon it that ths fig ure! will be as low as first-class, well seasoned lumber can be told for hon estly. If joa pay more yon pay too mnch. If yon pay less yon get lee either in quality or quantity. Willamette Valley Lumber Co. Each tha best of Urn don. 3 ipUndid gradet at 2 diffmnt prices. Old Master and San Marto Coffee 'TkmKaulWilhlkml SOLO BY MJ DALLAS MEAT COMPANY. APPLES CHEAP Buy either 1st grade or nnbrnised culls of Phone Sooth 151. 64-2t Butter Wrappers! Get them at The Observer GUARDIANS NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been duly appointed Guardian of the estate of Henry M. BflSry, an incompetent person, by the non. Loonty court or folk County, Oregon. All persons holding claims against said estate should present the same to the undersigned for adjust ment, and all persons owing said es tate are hereby notified to settle same with said guardian. J. D. SMITH, Guardian of the estate of Henry M. Berrr. SIBLEY ft EAKIN, ERNEST HANSON Carpenter and Contractor, WaH-pa- peruf ill Piutinc, Cement and Brick Work. 612 Orchard At Phone West Red 5S The Obesrrer, a TwIca-a-Week pa per, costs ae more than a weekly.