Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, October 08, 1915, Image 1

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KO. 63 U
VOL. 27
Trench and Rudder Co-operating in
Coaching Young Athletes Pros
pective Contests.
Football prospects alt the Dallas
high school are on the upgrade, al
though a very small number of stu
dents have qualified, by the interest
they have taken in the sport, to be
come members) of the squad. Not
more ithan sixteen boys have turned
out to practice on the old college cam
pus, but those who ape trying are
a likely looking bunch, and the old
er members of the team leel that
they will duplicate their performances
of last year and bring many laurels
home. Actual scrimmage work was
started 'this week, and it is possible
that the first practice game ot the
season will be played this afternoon.
The squad is working at a certain dis
advantage because of a lack of equip
ment, but this1 is rapidly being reme
died by the construction of tackling
dummies and other practice necessi
ties. Considering that this is only
the third season that an attempt! has
been made to put a team in the field
from the high school the results are
rather remarkable. Last year the
boys won every game played on the
home field and lost only two of those
played out of the city. Newman Den
nis is probably the only member wno
played on the original high school
A number of the boys who are out
of high school now are lending their
best efforts toward making the pres
ent team a successful one. Fred
Gooch, Melvin Cutler and Ray Boyd
ston are given especial credit for
their assistance.
J. E. French relieved himself of
much work in connection with the
county fair board and appeared on
the held on Monday evening, lie im
mediately took a hand at Hie coaching
which hag been carried on for two
weeks by Clarence Rudder, an exper
ienced football player and a capable
coach. French and Rudder will co
operate in the work and expect to
evolve a fast and snappy team from
the few who report for practice. The
team will be a light one, averaging
litltle over 140 pounds, but with con
sistent lieadwork and careful atten
tion the boys will probably make up
for the lack of brawn. French was
formerly a class team player at'tne
O. A. C. and for a year was a mem
ber of the college squad. Rudder
played several years on the fast team
of the Cape Girardeau Normal school
in Missouri, where he was under the
coaching of Shultie, one of "Hurry
Up" Yost's most efficient products.
Schulte is now coaching tlie universi
ty of Missouri team, and is making a
success of it. If Rudder has ab
sorbed, through Shuilte, any of Yost's
methods he will be a successful coach
for the hirrh school. French is a
discmle of Norcross, another famous
athlete. The two men will develop a
training system and work hard at the
perfection of an eleven.
Manager Forest Martin is casting
about for opponents for the Dallas
boys, and considers the most prob
able erames to be those with Silver-
ton, Lebanon, McMinnville, Chemawa
Juniors, Woodburn and the Mute
school. Other high school teams will
more than likely try their luck against
the local team, but definite arrange
ments have as yet not been made.
Martin and the other members of the
tnum are contemDlating the forma
tion of a mob to storm the board of
directors with a request that they
board up doors and windows iu the
old academy building which the team
uses as a dressing room, lne ciniiy
evening breezes cause merwr dancing
in the dressing room as they pene
trate through the unboarded doors
and windows. It is decidedly uncom
fortable at times, and tilie team thinks
its work would be made more pleasant
if the condition was remedied.
Those who, by the interest display
ed, have proved themselves candi
dates for gridiron honors are Captain
Newman Dennis, Irving Balderee,
Earl Cutler, Bud Hart, Webster Bee
be, Forest Martin, Arnold Wilson,
Raymond Wilson, Cliff Helgeraon,
Ray Scott, Frank McCann, Edward
Cutler, Elmo Bennett, Ted Berg, Vir
gil Broeh and Silas Starr. The boys
are aligning themselves for the vari
ous positions but the coaches have not
definitely placed them yet. A more
complete organization will be evident
if the boys get around to a practice
ran this afternoon. The coaches are
considering enlisting a team of for
mer high school players to duck to
present team.
This information is gleaned from an
affidavit tiled by the colonel and de
posited with the proper authorities.
The colonel had already killed the
one moose allowed by law and when
the second animal charged him he was
forced to fire to keep from being
bitten. The pity of it all is that we
had cherished a delightful notion for
many months that Doc Cherrington
was the only bull moose left living.
Declared Unconstitutional.
The green trading stamp, which was
temporarily forced into the discard
by an act of the last legislature, will
again reign supreme among those who
seek premiums with their purchases
from merchants in Dallas, and else
where in the state, the law having
been declared unconstitutional by
Judge Wolverton. The court held
that the law, which levied a-tax of
a per cent on the gross sales of stores
using trading stamps, was in contra
vention of the equality clause of the
federal constitution and therefore
Grand Eeeper of Records and Seal
Places Muzzle of Shotgun to
Breast and Pulls Trigger.'
Special Committee Is Appointed By
Mayor to Compile Date for Uni
versity of Oregon.
The financial budget of 'the citfy will
be discussed by the councilmen be
fore the close of the present month,
and the expense account for the ensu
ing year arranged and published, as
required by law, prior to December
31, on which date it must be filed
with the county clerk. Under the
manner in which the municipality is
managed ilt is necessary only to esti
mate the cost of road improvements
and the maintenance of roads and the
requirements of the general fund,
against which nearly all warrants are
issued. Other departments are pro
vided for in a different way. It is
possible that the question of raising
ttinds will be discussed at a special
session, when citizens will be given
an opportunity to participate in the
The mayor read a communication
from the University of Oregon, in
which that institution of learning re
quested that data concerning the con
duct of every department of munici
pal government be prepared for its
use in' the compilation of a pamphlet
soon to be issued, and which will also
contain practically the same informa
tion from other cities of Oregon. The
idea is an exceptionally good one, in
asmuch as it will give opportunity for
comparison. 1 he chairmen of the sev
eral standing committees were ap
pointed to prepare the. data for the
The marshal 's report for the month
of September showed that there had
been only three arrests during that
period. Two were for speeding on
the public thoroughfares of the city,
while the third was for fighting in a
public place. The city treasurer ben
efited $20 by the arrests.
there being no objections or re
monstrances against the estimated
cost of the improvements on Uglow
avenue, the recorder was instructed
to notify property owners the
amounts due for such betterments;
The lease on the ground occupied by
the lease on the ground occupied by
the Grand theater was transferred
from Dr. Fenton of Portland to H. L.
Fenton of Dallas, the latter having
acquired title to the building. This
lot, just east of the public library
building, is city property. The coun
cil adjourned until its nerd regular
meeting night, October 18.
Valley & Siletz Would Go Over the
Southern Pacific Tracks.
The Valley & Siletz railroad has
petitioned the public service commis
sion for permission to construct a
crossing over the tracks of the South
ern racinc at brmpson, folk county,
and also to cross over two public
highways near that place. The roid
asks for an early decision by the
commission. The three members of
the commission made a trip to Simp
son Monday and viewed the premises.
Cherrinrton Gets New.
Doe Cherrington heard from his
old friend, T. R-, early this week.
(bough it was in an indirect manner.
He was much pleated to learn that
the colonel was still alive and amid
the moose. It is this way: The
colonel had to break the game laws of
Quebec, on his recent visit in that
province, and killed an extra bull
moose in order to save his own life.
W. C. T. U. Elects Officers.
The election on Tuesday at the
State W. C. T. U. convention, held aJt
Newberg, resulted in the re-election
of the officers as follows. President,
Mrs. Jennie M. Kemp of Portland;
vide- president -at -large, Henrietta
Brown of' Albany : corresponding sec
retary, Mrs. Mary D. Russell of Port
land : recording secretary, Mrs. Madge
J. Means of Shedds, and treasurer,
Mrs. Margaret Houston of Portland.
All were elected by a unanimous vote.
L. R. Stinson committed suicide bv
shooting himself through the heart
with a 12-eiauge shotgun, at his moth
er's farm near West Salem, late Tues
day afternoon. Overwork and ner
vous prostration is said to 'have af
fected Mr. S'tinson's mind and is giv
en by members of his family as the
cause of the act that took his life.
Mr. Stinson was 53 years old and is
very well known throughout Polk
county, especially in Dallas, where he
met with the local lodge of Knights
or rythias on numerous occasions.
He had been grand keeper of rec
ords and seal for that organization
for 18 years, and always had a prom
inent part in the activities of the
lodge. The tragic act -took f place
shortly after five o'clock Tuesday
evening in the bedroom of the Stin
son home, and while Mrs. Stinson and
Logan Stinson, a son of the dead
man, were in the house. -When the
mother and son rushed into the bed
room they found Mr. Stinson lying
at the side of the bed. He had died
instantly. The shotgun lay close at
nis side, the authorities held no in
quest, as it was evident that suicide
was the only possible cause of death.
Mr. Stinson had placed the muzzle of
the shotgun to his breast and pulled
the trigger. Mr. Stinson 's body was
taken to balem, where the Grand
Lodge, Knights of Pythias will con
duct funeral services this afternoon.
Mr. Stinson was a native of Ore
gon, having been born in Albany Jan
uary 2, 1862. When a year old his
parents moved to Salem, and that had
been his residence ever since. He
was a printer by trade and before his
election as grand keeper of records
and seal for the Knights of Pythias
he had conducted a printing office- at
balem. When the late Frank W. Ben
son was secretary of state Mr. Stin
son was an expert printer with the
state printing department f For 18
successive years Mr. tStinton was
unanimously elected grand keeper of
records and seal for the Knisrhts of
Pythias. He was regarded by mem
bers of the grand lodge as one of
its most efficient officers, and throuffh
the nature of his work he enjoyed a
wide acquaintance throughout the
state. He was a member of Central
Lodge, No. 18, Knights of Pythias of
Salem. Besides his mother and son,
Logan, a widow and a daughter, Mrs.
Carl Williams, all of Salem, survive
"Mr. Stinson had a host of friends
in all parts of the state and he was
of a disposition that could nob keep
from winning friends," said one. of
the many Dallas men who counted
himself a close friend of the dead
man. "I fear there will be a deal
of gloom cast over the convention of
the grand lodge in Portland next week
for the sad ending of so good a life.
As his folks say, a weakened mind
could only be responsible for the
Several Papers Discussing Important
Topics Are Bead Next Meeting
at State Hospital.
The meeting of the Tri-Countv Med
ical society, held at the Imperial ho
tel on luesday evening, was attended
by twenty doctors from Polk and
Marion counties. Yamhill county
physicians did not appear. Dr. 0. D.
Butler of Independence, president of
the association, presided and Dr. M.
Clements of Salem occupied the
position or secretary. The banquet
served at tlhe hotel was a feature of
the meeting, and gathered about the
festal board the doctors held their
meeting. The meeting lasted . from
'the early evening until about 11 o'
clock, and during that time Dr. A. N.
Creadick, obstetrician, of Portland,
read a highly interesting scientific pam
per on "Tocines of Pregnancy," and
Dr. L. A. Bollman of Dallas read a
well-prepared and thoughtful! paper
on "Problems of Obstetrics for the
General Practitioner. ' ' Discussion of
these and related subjects was partic
ipated in by a number of the doctors
The next meeting of the society will
be held, according to the vote taken
on Tuesday evening, in the auditori
um at the state insane asylum, on
Ootober 19. This is a special meeting
for the consideration of very impor
tant topics and will be held in two
weeks in place of a month that usu
ally elapses between meetings. At
this meeting both doctors of medicine
and dentistry will be present and an
unusually large gathering is anticipat
ed. Those who attended the meeting
here were Ur. A. M. Creadick, Port
land; Drs. Starbuck, Bollman and
Staats, Dallas; Drs. Butler, Fred
Hewitt and L. L. Hewitt, Indepen
dence; Dra Griffith, Billinger, Evans
ano! Bird, btate hospital; Drs. Fem
berton, Steeve, Findley, E. E. and W.
L. Fisher, Van Winkle, Clements and
Wiselasaus, Salem; Dr. Hellworfh,
fails City, and Dr. Mathis, Monmouth.
pathetic reference to the defendant's
wife and mother, in his final argument
to tne jury. Dale then brushed his
hand across his eyes."
Sherlock Holmes Promoted.
Special Agent Barney MeShane of
the Southern Pacific company, and
well-known in Dallas, where he has
been many times, has been promoted
to be first lieutenant of the secret
service department of the same com
pany and he will have charge of the
entire southern district, which ex
tends from San Francisco to El Paso.
The promotion follows a brilliant ca
reer of 18 months, during which Mc-
otoane has captured many crooks. He
was responsible for the capture re
cently of John Arthur Hooper, the
society crook. McShane's headquar
ters will be at Los Angeles.
Report of Grand Inquisitors Deals
Principally With Polk's Inade
quate and Unsafe Prison.
Bessie Crowley Buried.
Bessie Crowley of Black Rock, the
fifteen-year-old niece of A. G. Fisher,
died at her home at that place on
Sunday, tuberculosis being given as
!l1ie cause of death. The little body
was buried at independence Tuesday.
Awarded $600 for Services Rendered
Grandfather By Young Woman
Accidentally Drowned.
Fred Suver Interested In Search
Made For Grand Parent.
$32,000 at Issue.
Fred Suver of the Dallas laundry
is considerably interested in a search
that is being made by a Chicago bank
for the heirs of J. G. Suver, who, in
1887, deposited $8000 there. Fred
Suver's grandfather was J. G. Suver
and if kinship wrih the man wanted
is established Fred figures he will get
a nice lot of unexpected money. The
old gentleman, as he is remembered
by many who knew faun here, had
many peculiar ideas as to the saving
of his money. He would deposit or
hide great amounts and forgot where
he had placed them, and it is thought
tnat sucn was true in this case. Twenty-eight
years ago, if the Chicago
bank is looking tor the same man. he
deposited $8000 and was never beard
from at the bank again. The money
has remained in the bank and has
been drawing interest throughout that
length of time. The total sum now
amounts to about $32,000, and as one
of the direct heirs of 1. G. Suver,
i red may make claim to a share.
Laundry Hakes Additions.
Part of the mechanical equipment
Winters Gets Pay for Labor.
A judgment for $480 was given
to Thomas J. Winters in his suit
against C. 0. Boyer, Oscar Erickson
and E. L. Seebrist! to recover wages
alleged due the plaintiff for labor on
a certain Santiam mining property
developed by the trio. Winters work
ed the property for many months at
a promised wage of $2 a day, and
when it came to settlement the de
pendents alleged he had been a work
ing stockholder in the questionable
venture, taking stock in the property
for his work. They filed a counter
claim against Winters for $700 alleg
ing that; he used their tools and equip
ment, as well as their time, and dam
aged their interests, to develop a
property or his own. The jury disre
garded the counter claim and found in
favor of Winters. Oscar Hayter and
Wetherford & Wetherford were attorn
neys for Winters while Sidney Gra-
nam presented' the case of the defendants.
Found Guilty of Having Killed Aged
Pioneer Conple Near Pendleton
Last June.
SMnment of Giant Powder Arrives.
Enough explosive to demolish the, of the former City Steam laundry 1dm
city, it property placed, was received ; been purchased and installed by tbe
ana oanaiea wnn care oy iruy urotn-ii'allas steam laundry. This permits
era late last week. The shipment con
sisted of an entire carload lot of
Eureka Stumping powder, and came
to the local firm from the Giant Pow
der company.
the latter concern to handle a greatly
increased amount of business and
with other improvements that are
planned will make it a very complete
and modern plant
Lee Dale, formerly a resident of
Dallas, where he is well known, was
convicted or murder at rendleton on
Tuesday, but sentence has not as yet
been pronounced. It will be remem
bered by readers of The Observer that
on the night of June 3, Dale, who
has a homestead in California Gulch,
shot and killed Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Ogilvy, pioneer residents of that sec
tion. The jury was out only twenty
minutes. In testifying in his own be
half Dale stated that if he killed Mr.
and -Mrs. Charles Ogilvy he has no
remembrance of it, and knows of no
reason why he should have killed
them. He had been on a protracted
drunk, be said, and remembers noth
ing from the time he was riding to
ward home on horseback until the
next afternoon, when Sheriff Taylor
as taking bun to jail.
A Pendleton dispatch says: "The
brevity of the jury ' deliberations on
the evidence establishes a new record
here in the trial of a homicide indict
ment. Dale's wife, standing at bis
side, also had prepared herself for
the shock of the verdict and suc
ceeded in controlling her emotion.
Throughout the trial Dsle was quiet
and his manner on the witness stand
evidenced complete control of his
nerves and faculties. Only once did
he exhibit any emotion, this being
when his counsel, Will M. Peterson,
assigned by the court, made a Tm-
A family quarrel was settled in the
circuit court late Tuesday night when
a jury awarded to Mrs. R. S. Clark
$500 of the $710 for which she sued
the estate of her father, 0. D. Rider.
The case, entitled Mrs. R. 8. Clark
vs. C. W. Irvine, executor of the es
tate of O. D. Rider, deceased, con
sumed all the afternoon with the
trouble that was had in impanelling
the jury. The amount of the claim
was alleged due to Mrs. Clark's dead
daughter as wages for the years she
worked for her grandfather. There
had been no written contract as to
the pay the girl was to get, and when
she accidentally drowned two years
ago lit was learned that she had not.
been paid. Checks were presented in
court! by the defense to show that
some of the money had been paid- and
the jury allowed the difference be
tween this and the amount asked for.
The case was an interesting, or very
unpleasant, one, tor sister was pitted
against sister in an effort to secure a
division of the estate of O. D. Rider.
By paying the amount asked for to
Mrs. Clark it would relieve her sis
ter, Mrs. Newt. Jones, of her share
as left by the will of Rider. Mrs.
Jones then displayed very bitter ani
mosity in the legal battle, in which
C. W. Irvine, cashier of the Fanners '
state bank at Independence, figured
only as the executor of the estate.
W. C. Winslow was attorney for
the plaintiff and B. F. tswope appear
ed for the defense. This case was
heard on much the same evidence in
'the county court last February and
the trial before Judge Belt was an
appeal from the lower court.
The county jail came in for a good
deal of criticism! at the meeting of
the fall grand jury which was impanelled-
on Tuesday, and it was consid
ered remarkable, in view of its con
dition, that more prisoners had not
gained their freedom from the bas
tdle. The jury met at one o'clock andl
went through the various county olHo-'
es and the records on file therein, and
after a thorough examination report
ed that they found these in good or
der. No suggestions with reference
to the methods of the officers were
made. In regard to the jail, however,
the jury had much to say. "We find
that the sheriff is keeping the county
jail as well as possible under the cir
cumstances," says 'the report filed '
with the county clerk, "but the jail
building is ani antiquated building
that is a disgrace to Polk county.
There are only three cells and for a
long time past the sheriff has had to
crowd from ten to twelve prisoners
into 'the space intended for three or
four. The consequence is that bhe
jail is unsanitary and positively dan
gerous, and the fact that only two
prisoners have escaped1 speaks well
tor its management by tbe sheriff.
We would respectfully recommend
that the county court take the neces
sary steps, as soon as the financial
condition warrants if, looking to the
construction or a modern mil with
departments for both men and women
and that it be built of proportions
commensurate with the increasing
population of the county."
The new grand jury includes D. P.
Stapleton, foreman, Independence) J.
E. Brophy, near Salem; T. E. Cau-
fleld, Riokreall; D. G. Dove, Indepen
dence; F. S. Ewing, near Salem; V. .J.
Love, Aii-lie and A. W. Vernon, Rick
reall. i .
Conflicting Election Laws Bound to
Make Muddle.
Much trouble is apt to be encoun
tered in future elections because of
a conflict that has been discovered in
election laws. One law enacted at
Salem last winter provides that
typewritten list of the registered vot
ers of the precinct shall be supplied
the election board, instead of a poll
book. Another law, passed at the
same session, provides for a poll book.
Ihe County Clerks' association in
dorsed a bill which does away with
registration books and supplants it
with a card index system. When an
election is held the county clerk mufA
send a typewritten list of the regis
tered voters of a precinct to the elec
tron board of tbe precinct, and as an
elector votes the number of his turn
at the ballot is noted. This will re
quire a turning and shifting of type
written pages, instead of writing
down the name of each elector, as
has been the custom in the poll book.
After a general election, the eoun-
ty clerk's office must examine the
voters' list of each precinct and as
certain what electors failed to vote.
Such names will be stricken from the
precinct list. With inexperienced or
nervous clerks, ilt is probable that
some electors will not be checked as
voting, and next time tbey present
themselves they will be informed that
they must re-register. This will cause
B. M. Oallaghan Will Relieve Otho
Hart in Dallas High School
Lines were extended in all direo-
IHons and to all parts of the country
to secure a suitable successor to Otho
B. Hart, manual training and book
keeping instructor in the Dallas high
school, but there were found to be
very few men qualified to hold the
position who were not so engaged Ithat
they could not accept the place. A
number of applications have been re
ceived since the retirement of Mr.
Hart was announced, but it took un
til tlris week to secure the services of
B. M. Callaghan of Spokane, Wash.
Mr. Callaghian arrived in the city on
Thursday and reported to Superinten
dent Ford the same day. He is a man
of much experience in his chosen line
of work, having been teaching for
about twenty years. The recommen
dations he brings with him mark mm
as an exceptionally good man for the
local work. Mr. Callaglian was grad
uated from the University of West
Virginia, and is now about forty
years of age. He has taught in sev
eral high schools in different parts of
the country. The new instructor will
take charge of the manual training
and bookkeeping courses on Monday,
and his predecessor, Mr. Hart, will
leave this week to assume his duties
at t he Salem high school.
Beautiful Clock Offered By Railroad
Company is Prix.
Polk county's exhibit at the State
fair took more honors than are indi
cated by tbe blue ribbon that was
awarded to it. Tbe Spokane, Port
land ft Seattle Railway company post
ed a beautiful dork ss a prize for
tbe best exhibit of grains and grass
es. This wss given to Polk county
and is expected to arrive here this
Portland Trust Company Looses Case
Against County Court.
A motion was sustained by Judge
Belt in the circuit court yesterday to
dismiss the case of the Portland Trust
& Savings company versus Polk coun
ty. The company sued the county
court for damage done to their prop
erty when the county built a road
hrough the Guthrie acre tracts. Glen
O. Holman, appearing on behalf of
the county made the motion to dis
miss this case on the ground that the
investment company had not tiled its
claim for damages before the court
had ordered the construction of the
Automobile Accident.
Albany Herald: An automobile
driven along the Corvallis road Sun
day afternoon near Granger station
by C. D. Harland of Falls City, sud
denly turned over on its side when
tbe radius rod broke and caught in
the ground. Mr. Harland and four
other occupants were thrown out but
sustained no injuries. The ear wss
repaired by mechanics from a local
garage. Harland was on his way to
Albany when tbe accident happened.
Tip From Weather Man.
Get out in tbe country every day
you ean during tbe beautiful days ot
autumn. Oregon scenery at this time
of the year is ss rich as anything por
trayed on canvas, and the rural scenes
that are gathered and stored in mem
ory will furnish a mental picture
book that will cheer the heart for
many months to come.
-..- ;'