Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, June 11, 1915, Image 1

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TOIi. tl
NO. at
Various SoclaJJea of High School En
tertain With Splendid Programs.
Banquet Tomorrow.
This has been a busy week with
tne Jjaiias public schools, as com
mencement week always la. -There has
been something doing every evening.
commencing with Sunday, when the
Rev. Curtis delivered the baccalaur
eate sermon to the thirty graduates
and a large audience of their friends
and admirers. The Adelphian and
PMlogy societies have each had
splendid programs, followed by the
Junior-senior reception, which was a
brilliant affair. Last night was the
(seniors' class day program, which
was the last prior to the commence
ment exercises tonight. This, of
course, Is the event of the week. State
Superintendent of Public Instruction
Churchill will deliver the address to
the class, and that it will be a mas
terly effort, and one well worth hear
ing, goes without saying. Mr. Church-
:: ill is an ible speaker. On Saturday
night the Wumnl banquet will be held,
and from present indications the at
tendance will be large. - The affair
will be quite elaborate. Those events
of the week not already "covered"
by The Observer in its Tuesday issue
are as follows:
Phllogla Program.
A splendid program was given by
the Phllogla Literary society at the
high school auditorium Tuesday even
ing. - The entertainment was well at
tended, every seat in the house being
filled and a number were standing.
The program consisted of a play, "The
Keptomanlac," put on entirely by the
girls. It took much preparation and
drilling, but it was well worth the
time spent in rehearsals. The scene
occurred In the drawing room of Mrs.
John Burton, wife of Lawyer Burton,
a noted lawyer of the day. A number,
of her friends call to see her during
the afternoon. Mrs. Burton, having
been to a recital lost her purse and
a suspicious looking woman sitting
near, Mrs. Burton picked up the coat
which she had dropped, thus suspicion
was directly laid to this person. Af
ter notifying the sophomore detective
agency of the loss of the purse and
calling up the Imperial hotel, it Is dis
covered that the suspicious looking
woman was the wife of her husband's
client, who Is to dine at her home that
evening. After much telephoning and
confusion they succeeded In calling up
the police ,nd In waylaying the de
tectives." nd then, as Miss .Freda
Dixoift-juh' afternoon caller, goes to
leave iTViddenly finds that she has
exchanged" coats with some one.-Upon
further Investigation she also finds
that the coat belongs to Mrs. John
Burton. The rings and money are re
turned to the owner.
Th following young ladles were In
the play: Mrs. John Burton Peggy,
Helen Casey; Mrs. Valliere Chase
Armsby, Val Young; widow, Hallis
Smith; Mrs. Charles Dover, a newly
wed, Marjorle Holman; Mrs. Preston
Ashley, Bertha Helen Loughary; Miss
Freda Dixon, Maude Barnes, Evelyn
Evans, journalist, Thelma Lunde:
maid of Mrs. Burton, Naomi Scott. Be-
lore me piay tne rnuogia orcnestra
rendered a few selections, which were
greatly appreciated. Miss Georgia
Curtis also sang a solo which' was well
Juniors Entertain Seniors.
One of the most elaborate affairs
of the season was given at the Wood
man hall. Wednesday evening, by the
Junior class in honor of the Seniors.
The guests began to arrive at 8 o'
clock and each girl was presented
with a senior class rose. The SenlorB
were then ushered Into the hall by
Mrs. B. Casey, one of the patronesses.
The members of the Junior class re
ceived their gueBts. The hall was
artistically decorated In vinlng maple
ivy and bowers of sweet peas. Jap
anese lanterns hung In festoon's from
the ceiling, giving the room a Japa
nese effect. In one corner was a Jap
anese booth, decorated In orange and
black festoons, ivy and maple and
Japanese fans and umbrellas. Two
girls in klmonas presided at the
punch bowl
Novel and original games furnished
amusements throughout the evening.
A very unique program was given to
each student. The boys signed for
their partners, and then games were
played. The first number on the
program was the Grand March, led
by Miss Griffin and Mr. Eakln.
"Farmer In the Dell," Jerusalem and
poetry telling were also played. Mr.
Hubert Shepherd won the prize, a
Japanese umbrella, for having the
most original poem. And then later
each senior was given a number.
Then one of the Juniors called for
the numbers, when each member
claimed his or her present, which
varied from fans to baby dolls.
Late In the evening luncheon was
served. Misses Cartwright and Irwin
presided at the lunch table. The re
freshments were greatly appreciated
by all present The pink and green
color scheme was carried out through
out the evening. j 4
Miss Elva Lucas rendered a num
ber of vocal solos, which were great
ly appreciated. Miss Lucas has won
derful talent In music and the guests
considered themselves lucky In secur
ing her aa soloist for the evening
Miss Irvin also rendered a vocal solo,
which was well received. Mr. Eak
in's orchestra furnished music
The members of the Senior class
wisti to thank the Junior class for
the splendid reception. It will re
main wth them in memory their
remain- . year of school work.
Tbe-iatrons and patronesses were:
Mr. aad Mrs. George T. Gertinger.
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Kirk pa trick. Mr.
and Mrs. B. Casey, Mr. and Mrs. W.
I. Ford, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Dunkle-
berger, Miss M. A. McDonald and Miss
Ross Sheridan.
Seniors Give Program.
The senior class gave a very unique
program at the auditorium last night
and were greeted by a splendid audi
ence which was more' than apprecia
tive. The stage was artistically dec
orated in ivy and vlning maple. At
one corner of the stage was the anvil,
and on the stage was also a campflre
which gave the scene a vague gypsy
The first portion of the program
consisted of selections by the high
school orchestra, being followed by
an instrumental solo by Muriel Grant;
reading by Gertrude Wilson; instru
mental solo, Dorothy Bennett; read
ing teacher's petition, Leonllla Smith;
class will, Jost Helgerson; the gypsy
scene. ,
When the curtains -were drawn, be
hold a number of gypsies sitting and
recllnglng on the floor. A number of
gypsy men were playing cards around
the fire.
The first number of the gipsy scene,
solo, "Gypsy John," Jack Eakln'; an
vil chorus, senior class with the an
vil accompaniment; duet, "Home to
Our Mountains," Jack Eakln, Lucile
Hamilton; Gipsy, senior class; Car
mena waltz, Florence Allen, which
was cleverly danced; class prophecy
by Marie Griffin, which aroused much
laughter and merriment among the
audience; class song, senior class;
Dallas High, (Sunny and Smithie.)
Allen Dunkleberger of. Pennsylvania
Paying Visit to Coast Country.
Allen R. Dunkleberger, brother of
H, H. Dunkleberger of the Dallas high
school, visited the latter and his fam
ily during the past week. Mr. Dun
kleberger left the east April 30th for
the Pacific-Panama exposition, stop
ping at Chicago, Newton, Kansas, and
in Colorado. He spent about ten
days at the San Diego and San Fran
cisco fairs and speaks in glowing
termB of the exhibits and attractions.
The attendance Is large at both, but
many of the eastern tourists fall to
come by-way of Oregon on account of
the discrimination in rates. Mr. Dun
kleberger, being in the employ of Un
cle Sam as mail carrier, finds it easy
to get permission to be off duty fre
quently. This has made it possible I
for him to do much traveling. But
he believes in seeing America first
and has, therefore, done his sightsee
ing In our own country, Canada, Mex
ico and Cuba. This- is his second
visit to the coast, having been here
before during the Seattle fair. He
also visited . the Jamestown fair and
the St. Louis fair. - Being a baseball
fan he follows the league games quite
closely, and can apeak with enthusi
asm of Ty Cobb and his kind. He has
visited every state in the union but
four, and has seen all of the great
He likes the spirit of the west and
Is greatly impressed with the pro
gress of San Francisco and Portland,
but he doesn't hesitate to express his
loyalty to his home city, Reading, Pa.
which is the fourth largest In popa
latlon and third largest in point of
manufactures in the Keystone state.
Being only two and a half hours dis
tance from New York city, and one
hour's distance from Philadelphia, it
has easy access to jhe great ports
from which many of Its principal
manufactures find their way to Eur-
He la now visiting the Rose fair,
but expects to be back for a day or
two before leaving for Vancouver, B.
C. From the latter point he will fol
low the Canadian Pacific route
through the Rockies, and reach To
ronto and Buffalo by way of the Great
Lakes, expecting to reach home about
July. While in Dallas, he accompan
ied the Dallas high school students on
their mountain day trip and greatly
enjoyed the sociability of the young
Far Beyond His Expectations.
"We enjoyed a wonderfully large
trade last Saturday, and In fact ever
since our sale started," said Mr. Howe
of the Dallas Mercantile company
yesterday. "Our newspaper announce
ments," he continued, "brought the
crowds.. After they came they found
that genuine bargains were awaiting
them, and naturally this brought hun
dreds of others. ThiB special sale has
given better results than we antici
pated." This Is a splendid testimonial to
the value of advertising In the lo
cal newspapers. Very naturally, Mr.
Howe anticipated drawing crowds to
the sale, but not for a moment did
he expect the continuous jam brought
about by this agency. The sale was
scheduled for thirteen days, and those
that have glided into the beautiful
beyond have been busy ones at the
store of the Dallas Mercantile com
pany. Music Highly Appreciated.
Mrs. Oscar Hayter and Messrs. IX. S.
Grant and John Uglow of Dallas will
furnish the music when the grand of
ficers of the Order of Eastern Star
convenes in Portland next week for
the purpose of exemplifying the work.
On the occasion of the recent grand
matron's visit to Dallas this trio en
tertained with musical numbers at
her reception, and so appreciative was
she of Its excellence that she Issued an
Invitation to the. performers to fur
nish music for the grand officers
Commission Fails to Arrive.
The Railroad commission did not
go to Alrtie yesterday to investigate
complaint of Inadequate railroad
service, as had been announced.
Neither had the people there been
notified at a late hour yesterday when
the investigation would take place.
There Is anxiety among Alrlieites ov
er the matter, as they are convinced
that the commission will, when It
learns the real facts In the ease, come
ts their rescue.
William Jennings Bryan, three
times democratic candidate for the
presidency of the United States and
author of nearly thirty peace treaties
with the principal nations of the
world, resigned on Tuesday as secre
tary of state as a dramatic sequel to
his disagreement with President Wil
son over the government's policy to
Only Twenty-Three o the Two Hun
dred and Thirty-Three Fall to
Pass, Making High Percent.
Two hundred and ten pupils of the
Polk county schools, having success
fully completed the -eighth grade for
the school year 1914-1915, will re
ceive their diplomas from Governor
James Wlthycombe at the Rickreall
picnic tomorrow. There were 2S3 pu
pils who wrote in this examination, of
which number only S3 failed to pass,
making the percentage of successful
ones 94, surely a splendid showing,
and one of which Superintendent Sey
mour and his corps of rural teachers
have every reason to be proud. The
picnic at Rickreall tomorrow is held,
in part,' In honor of these graduates,
a list of whom is given in the fol
lowing: Zena, District No. 1 Helen Baker,
Mary Leota Catton, Frank Lee Catton.
Dallas, District No. t Virgil Brock,
William Young, Merle Ramey, Edwin
Serr, Beatrice Springstien, Sarah Allen,
Clarence Nelson, George Smith, Dale
Brock, Zelma Fulgham, Mildred
Shaw, Elma Hayes, Clora RamBey,
Wayne Schrlver, Elwyn Craven, Nel
lie Allen, Echo Ellis, Raymond
Gohrke, L. Z. Rockwell, J. Dell Sle
forth, Olga Zollin, Vernetta Smith,
Nada Wilson, Irvln Balderee, Belva
Bee-be, Lewis Hosh, Philip Wilson,
Gertrude Ragsdale, Lunda Pitaser,
Nathella Boaler, Loyd Prichard.
Smlthfleld, District No. I Peter J.
Helndricks, Elsie Smith, Johnnie
Trent, Charles Earnest Bones,
Pedee, District No. 6 Blanche La-
Lewisville. District No. 6 Reatha
Grant, Samuel F. Schirman.
Ballston, District No. 9 Muriel
Newbill, Iva Kenworthy, Jolin -Focht.
Salt Creek, District No. 10 Amos
Hinton, Ewln Foster, Lillian Razlaff.
Parker, District No. 11 Herbert
Valley View, District No. 12 Ralph
V. Kester, Daniel B. Hewitt. Grove A.
Peterson, Jr., Helen De Armond, Ra
chel E. M. Boyer.
Monmouth, District No. 18 Donna
Mason, Lowell Hudson, Denzel Moore,
Hope McDonald, Christine Halvorsen,
Maxwell Bowersox, Glen McNeil, Wil
lie Harvey, Everett Evans, Myron O'
Connor, Beatrice Pearce.
Orchards, District No. 15 Johnny
Voth, Daniel J. Bartel, Helen Wlebe,
Henry Classen, Maud Lyons, Elmer
Lyons, Dietrich Bartel.
Airlle, District No. 16 Helen Jones.
Agnes Bevens, Thelma L. Turner, Don
ald Turner, Eric A. Petre.
Bethel. District -No. 17 Lucy In
gram. Elsie Chrlstenson, Monroe Coo
ley. Willis Cook.
Polk Station. District No. It Mary
McNulty. John Charles Tllgner'.
Oak Grove, District No. 19 Emil
a Stevens. Elvin Robert Shaffer, Viola
Cordelia Smith.
Perrydale, District No. tl -Otella
Friar, Herman Gilliam, Preston Jones,
Percy Zumwalt, Kenneth Connor.
Fali-vlew, District No. 22 Gladys
Wilson, John Currle.
Butler. District No. it Richard
Hagman, Ebben Ray, Clifford Wood
en. Rickreall, District No. ! Herschel
Wait, Myrtle VaHlere, Jamie Farmer,
Frank Bradea. Marie Sherwood. Lynn
Dempsey, Marjorle Bennett.
(Continued on pace twe. )
ward Germany. The resignation was
accepted by the president. The cab
tnet then approved the response which
had been prepared to the German re
ply to the Lusitania note. Acting sec
retary Robert Lansing signed the doc
ument on Wednesday and It was ca
bled to Berlin. Secretary Bryan re
turned to. private life on Wednesday,
when his resignation took effect.
Committee Appointed By Former Or
. xanlzattoa to Present Matter to ,,
Commercial Club.
There Is a possibility that the Com
mercial club and the La Creole club
may consolidate. The directory of the
latter organization, at a meeting Tues
day evening, took the Initiative In the
matter and appointed Messrs. A. L.
Martin and Ed. Jacobson a committee
to wait upon the Commercial club to
present the question of consolidation
to the booster body. No plan has
been suggested, that part of the pro
posed program being left pending a
signification- of willingness by the
membership of the two clubs.
The Observer some months ago sug
gested ' the combining of these clubs,
believing that it would redound to
their mutual Interests as well as the
interests of the community, and it
would be gratified to see the union
brought about, provided arrangements
could be made so as not to Impair
the workings of the booster organiza
tion. The La Creole club's directory
has suggested that In case of consoli
dation additional room be secured in
the building at the corner of Main
and Court streets, where It Is located.
Medical Men of Three Counties Con
vene at Dayton on Tuesday.
On Tuesday evening the members of
the Marion-Polk-Yamhill county Med
ical society assembled In Dayton for
the regular meeting. After an excel
lent dinner at the McCann hotel, the
meeting was called to order In the
Dayton club rooms. The principal pa
per of the evening was delivered by
Dr. T. Homer ColYen of Portland, who
chose for his subject, "The Treatment
of the Irregular Heart," which was
scientifically interesting and valuable.
Delegates were elected to represent
the society at the state association
meeting, which Is to be held at Port
land In September. Dr. M. E. Reltzel
of Dayton, Dr. W. B. Morse of Salem
and Dr. V. C. Staats of Dallas were
elected delegates Dr. Cook of Mc
Mlnnville, Dr. Clements of Salem and
Dr. McCallon of Dallas were elected
alternate delegates.
Attorney for Lee Dale Will Make
Strong Pica at Pendleton.
From Information received in Dal
las yesterday it is certain that Lee
Dale's attorney will Interpose the in
sanity plea to save Lee Dale, accused
of the murder of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Ogilvey of California gulch, from con
viction If he is brought to trial, ac
cording to Attorney R. E. Butler of
Milton, who will defend Dale. The
grand Jury has examined a number
of Pilot Rock residents in its Investi
gation of the double murder.
Loses Bratiiers la War.
D. Monroe, sn Englishman, who
has resided twelve years In Oregon,
and who Is quite well known In Polk
county, he having visited here on sun
dry and divers occasions while la the
employ of the Brunswick-Balk com
pany of Portland, was la Dallas so
Wednesday selling furniture polish to
replenish his depleted parse. He was
a Valued employee of the billiard ta
ble manufacturers, but was let out
when the state was voted dry last
fall.. This, however, caused him no
great concern, for he had through
frugality accumulated sufficient means
to keep the wolf from the door for
many moons. But the unexpected
happened. Two brothers, while visit
ing in their native land, were drafted
Into, the British army, both losing
their lives. One left a family of wife
and three small children, and Monroe
went to their rescue, liquidating
claims against them, and giving them
his savings of years that they might
have the necessaries- of life without
seeking charity, feeling that he could
make his way alone. .
Agricultural College Leghorn Makes
Record at Exposition.
The sixth report of the world egg-
laying contest at the Panama-Pacific
exposition shows that the O. A. C.
Leghorns led with 208 eggs and the
crosses were second with 188. The
Barred Rock dropped back one place
in the race. For the term record at
this, the middle point of the race,
the Canada pen of Adams' White Wy
andottes is still in the lead with 773
eggs, while the O. A. C. Leghorns are
in second place and have all but over
hauled their splendid competitors.
Last month the Leghorns were 47 eggs
behind their rivals, this month they
are but five behind. -. The O. A. C.
crosses are third with 712 eggs, hav
ing advanced 'from fifth place last
month. The O. A. C Barred Rock
are now fifth In the term records with
There are 60 pens In the contest
The lowest record is 127 eggs for
the six months, made by a San Fran
cisco flock. The O. A. C. Leghorns
and crosses are now ahead of any
other pens from the United States or
England. The encouraging thing
about the O. A. C. flock is that the
three pens stand close together right
near the top. They were bred by the
same selective method and results
show beyond question that the breed
ing has been good. The highest indi
vidual record is that of the New York
Leghorn with 111 eggs for the six
months. Two O. A. C. crosses are tied
for second with 107 eggs each. The
third highest is an O. A. C. Leghorn
with 105 eggs, and another Oregon
Leghorn is sixth with 96 eggs.
Leading Stars Will Present B Trova-
tore Under Huge Canvas.
Those who attend the Dallas Chau
tauqua next month will be privileged
to hear grand opera by a company
composed of stars In the grand opera
firmament. . When , tt is. considered
that grand opera Is a luxury which
even the big cities can see now and
then such a statement as the above Is
apt to be questioned. But the war Is
the explanation. The abnormal con
dition In Europe has hit the highest
priced singers In the world as hard
as any class. Artists who never ap
pear at a single concert for less than
several hundred dollars are now
stranded in America and have made
terms with Chautauqua bureaus which
permits smaller cities to enjoy such
rare talent
The II Trovatore Grand Opera sing
ers are among the ablest artists on
the stage. II Trovatore will be pre
sented In full costume and to the ac
companiment of Clriclllo's concert
band. It will be such a feast of mu
sic as will be long remembered. This
concert alone will be worth the price
of a season ticket to the assembly
and usually costs this much when
presented before audiences of thous
Independence Will Hold First
gram In Many Years.
Arrangements are being made to
hold a Fourth of July celebration In
Independence on Saturday, July t. In
dependence Is one of the many cities
that have not had celebrations of this
kind for several years, and the general
committee of business men and Com
mercial club, Civic Improvement
league and Sunday school representa
tives Is laying the plans. The pro
gram will Include parades, races, a
basket dinner and a gathering at the
city park for addresses.
Pays Heavy Tuition to Salem.
H. C. Seymour, county school su
perintendent of Polk county, on Tues
day forwarded to the superintendent
of the Salem schools I860 for tuition
for the Polk county pupils attending
Salem schools during the term Just
closed. The amount la for twenty-one
students at HO each who attended
the Salem schools during the entire
term, and for one student who at
tended only the last semester, paying
Leo Frank Most Hang.
The state board of control yesterday
has ruled that Leo M. Frank, whose
sentence some Dallas people asked to
be commuted, must hang for the mur
der of little Mary Phagan. The ap
peal for a commutation of Frank's
sentence to life imprisonment was de
nied. The decision came aa a dis
tinct surprise as it had been freely
predicted the appeal would be grant
Will Observe Memorial Sunday.
Ths Knights of Pythias will observe
their memorial day on Sunday,
June to, the sermon being delivered
by Rev. Geo. H. Bennett at the Meth
odist Episcopal church. The mem
bers will meet at Castle hall, and go to
the church in a body, attending the
morning service.
Aa Old-Time Meeting.
Fifty years ago yesterday a meet
ing was held In Dallas "for the aar
pose of discussing such measures as
will tend to maintain civil authority."
Judge Boise and J. . Smith were
Summary of America's Note to Ger
many on Sinking of Lusitania
Presented Yesterday.
The American rejoinder to the Ger
man government's reply to the note
following the sinking of the Lusitania
was made public today and the text is
given below: . . . - i
ttfttttTtf tTTTTT
Recognition by Germany of
r principle of freedom of seas to 4-
vessels. In cases of Cushlng 4-
and Gulfllght noted with grati-
4 ncation. . - . ,
United States surprised by
Germany's contention in case
of Falaba that effort of mer- 4
4- chantmen to escape alters 'ob- 4
4 ligation of attacker in reBpect 4-
of the safety of those on
board. : . 4-
Government declared to
4- have performed fully its obli- 4
4 gation to see that neutrality
4 was not violated by Lusitania.
Germany said to be misin- 4
4 formed in assumption that
4 vessel was armed or violated 4
United States law with re- 4
spect to cargo. r
Details of German conten- 4"
tlons held Irrelevant to dues-
4 tlon of Illegality of methods. 4
4 Sinking of passenger ships 4
declared to involve principles 4
of humanity which life is out
of the class of ordinary sub-
Jects of International contro-
41 United States contends for 4
4 something greater than rights
of property or privileges of 4
4 commerce. It contends for 4-
4 sacred rights of humanity. 4
Only actual resistance or re- 41
4 fusul to stop could have Justl- 4
4 fled putting lives of those on
4 poard Lusitania in Jeopardy. 4-
4 United States ready at any
4 time to act In attempt to bring 4
about understanding between
Germany and Great Britain by
4- which character of sea war- 4
4 fare may be changed.
4 Meanwhile United States 4
4- solemnly irenews represents-
4 tlons of note of May 15.
.... Proclamation of war one
or warning of neutrals not ad- 4
mltted as abbreviating rights 4
4 of Americans on lawful er-
4 rands to travel on merchant
4 ships of 'belligerent nation- 4
ality. 4
4 United States deems It reas- 4
4 onable to expect that Germany 4
will adopt measures to safe-
4 guard American ships and
lives and asks again for as-
4 suranoes , that this will be
4 done. 4
Will Receive Diplomas Tonight.
This evening at the high school au
ditorium the annual commencement
exercises will be held, when thirty
students will receive their diplomas.
This Is the largest class ever gradu
ated from the high school here. The
members of this year's class are Kay
Dey Armond, Florence O. Walker,
Vera M. Wagner, Edward Preston, El
mer W. Balderee, Herbert H, Shep
herd, Ray O. Grounds, Willis H. Mo
Danlel, Lucile B. Hamilton, Oscar H.
Peterson, Gertrude R. Wilson, Karah
Gertrude Toevs, Muriel Olivia Orant.
Oda M. Blodgett, A. Marjorle Bennett,
J. Russell Shepnerd, Lola Gertrude
Ramsey, Georgia Vae Curtis, Miriam
Gertrude Hart, Leonllla I Smith, Kl-
sle Echo Friszell, Dorothy Sarah Ben
nett, Millie Alice Skers'es, Florence
Vernon Allen, Susie Ethel Ramsey,
Joseph Norman Helgerson, John B.
Eakin, Alfreda Garner, Ernest D.
Holslngton, Marie V. Griffin.
Early Morning Blase on East Side Re
sults In S221,0O0 Damage,
Early Tuesday morning a fire on the
East side water front at Portland,
destroyed property estimated at
1211.000. The Standard Box and
Lumber company, located at East
Water and Pine streets sustained a
loss estimated at $200,000. The Acme
Planing Mill company property was
damaged to the amount of $10,000.
Miscellaneous damage to the amount
of 12,000 was estimated. The build
ings burned were located near the
railroad tracks and trains were delay
ed for many hours. Just how the
fire was started has not been deter
Yamhill and Tillamook Decide on
Soar Grass Route at S20.0OU.
Ths county courts of Yamhill and
Tillamook counties, at a seesioa In Til
lamook on Tuesday, decided to form
a Joint road district to build the Sour
Grass route, each county appropriat
ing 110,000. It Is ths intention of the
county courts to call for bids at once,
and It Is estimated that the road can
be built and pianksd la sixty days for
Mr. Pr1isrd Improving.
Last reports from C L. Prichard.
who underwent aa operation at the
Dallas hospital for gallstones, are to
the effect that he Is greatly Improved.
and that chances for his recovery are
favorable. Mr. Prichard was constd-
fd tn dangerous condition ea