polk CEamttu Wbwtvtt XOh 27 (THE HOME PAPER) DALLAS, POLK COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 1, 1915. (TWICE-A-WEEK) NO. 2 TRIBUTE TO DEAD have now a united country, united In fact as well as In name. There Is no north, no south, but one compact and loyal federation, Even the bitter feelings engendered by . strife have MEMORIAL DAY APPROPRIATELY pa8Bed and the men who fought as OBSERVED IN DALLAS. STIRRING ADDRESS BY REV. TAP SCOTT FOLLOWING EXERCISES. Mounds of Departed Soldiers Are Pro fusely Decorated By Loving Hands With Spring's Choic est Bloom. v DEAD WHOM WE HONOR. Civil War John Wiseman, B. H. Reasoner, J. M. Con way, H., C. Dimick, William Gilliam, Samuel Sloan, William Siebring, Simon Tuttle, G. W. Reede, James Lowe, J. E. Smith, William Grant, Samuel Coad, Cornelius Gilliam, David S. Martin, Andrew Siefarth, Martin Hinsey, E. Kimple, Levi Koser. Spanish-American War Paul Neplel. O. N. G. W. j; Trent, Bert Guy, Albert Johnson, John Moore, Chester Rawell. On Sunday last, reverentially and patriotically, members of the Dallas Grand Army of the Republic scattered a profusion of spring's choicest bloom upon mounds that mark the last rest ing place of those departed comrades whose valiant deeds gave aid in pre serving the union in that awful strug gle of a half century ago, thus by their example rebuking that growing spirit of indifference in the traditions of the nation. These hoary headed men of tottering step, through the taste of battle, are more capable of comprehending the real worth of pat riotism than are those who have en dured no greater sacrifice than annu ally contributing to the tax collector, and consequently the recurrence of Memorial day to them ss one deserving of reverential attention and the teach ing of patriotism to the rising gen eration. The contributions of flowers for this most worthy cause were be yond the most sanguine expectations of the veterans, who received them with expressions of gratefulness, pos sibly appreciating the realistic fact that ere long other loving hands would t cilled upon to perform the sacred aX of embellishing the graves of the ex-J. idlers in remembrance of the he . role part they had played in their country's history. Accompanied by relatives and friends of departed ones, and a band of children, the veterans proceeded to the cemeteries during the morning hours and there, in accustomed man ner, decorated the graves of their comrades. Commander Peter Green wood of the local post being in charge of the services. Following are the ex-soldiers whose burial place is in Dallas, and whose memories were honored: John Wiseman, B. H. Reas oner, J. M. Conway, H. C. Dimick. William Gilliam. Samuel Sloan, Wil liam Siebring, Simon Tuttle, G. W. Keede, James Lowe, J. E. Smith, Wil liam Grant, Samuel Coad, Cornelius Gilliam, David S. Martin, Andrew Sie farth, Martin Hinsey, E. Kimple, Levi Koser. And not only were the graves of the veterans of this nation's blood iest conflict given attention, but those Indian fighters and Mexican war vet erans whose bodies lie in this beauti ful city of the dead. Of these there are ten in number, making a total of twenty-two graves to receive flags and flowers, according to custom. The cemetery presented an Improved ap pearance on this bright Sabbath morn, those having loved ones within its sa cred confines having beautified their last resting place with garlands of flowers and with potted plants. Sunday Afternoon Services. The exercisefl at the armory, held in commemoration of those who conse crated their lives in devotion for prin ciple, were appropriate and impres sive. The Rev. George H. Bennett of the Methodist church presided, and the Rev. Tapscott, pastor of the Bap tist church, delivered the address. The exercises opened with "America," the audience joining In the singing. The High school orchestra furnished mu sic. Miss Grant's school rendered a pleasing patriotic song, followed by a flag drill by the children of Miss Savage's room, both being well re ceived. Prior to prayer by Rev. C. C. Curtis, the Rev. Mitchell gave a scrip tural reading and Miss Edna Morri son rendered a solo, as did also Miss Georgia Curtis. In introducing the speaker of the day, Rev. Bennett characterized Me morial day as the holy American sac rament of eulogy, patriotism and tears. Rev. Tapseott's Address. Rev. W. T. Tapscott, pastor of the Dallas Baptist church, delivered the Memorial day address, taking for his theme "Christian Heroism," and for his text Acta 21-13, "I am ready, not to be bound only, but also to die. at Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus." His, discourse in part, is here with given: Memorial day has become sacred In the history of our nation. Patriotic: citixens throughout the land unite to I do homage to the valiant dead who fell in the great civil war and also to express their thanks to the sur vivors of that great struggle for their rsally valiant service in the pres- sation of the union. How much we L&e to these men it would be Impos sible for us to declare. A million men and billions of dollars was but part of the cost of the war. But the sac rifice was not in vain. Thank God, we each other th,e same oourage, the same patriotism, the same loyalty to con viction that they claim for themselves. Looking across the sea we find the nations of Europe engaged in war sim ilar to that which rent this country fifty years ago. , Let us pray that the result may be the same, that out of this titanic struggle may come not only a United States of Europe, but a federation of all nations buttressed by a league of universal peace. May the dream of Victor Hugs be realized when war between two nations shall be as impossible as between London and Liverpool, as between Boston and Philadephia: As we have now a fed eral government for America may we have a federal government for the world. As we have a Supreme court for the United States, so may we have an international court which shall be the final court of appeal for all na tions. As we meet today to do honor to our country's heroes, I have thought it appropriate to speak to you upon the subject of "Heroism." Heroism of the highest type is need In times of peace as much as in times of war. In our social, civil and political life, there is abundant sphere for its exer cise. I trust we are not lacking in our, appreciation of the heroes. We all recognize the difference between the man who lives only for self and the man who sacrifices self for the public good or for some principal worthy of the sacrifice. Heroism from the Greek heros, a man) is manliness of the highest type. The word expresses our loftiest conception of moral grand eur, it is the sacrifice of self for some great principle, it Is the putting In peril of the animal at the command of the spiritual. It ts the calm cour-: age which chooses to do right even In the face of mighty odds. The fundamental principle of all true heroism Is faithfulness, unswerv ing fidelity to duty. It was the fidelity of the boy on the burning deck to the word of his father that made the story of Cassfbianca immortal. The same fidelity to the world of their commander on the part, of the Light Brigade made the very name of Bal aklava Immortal. Waterloo was won by the fidelity of one brigade who stood before the Impetuous onslaughts of the French till every man fell, fighting where he fell. Take the 11 lustrious example of my text: Paul is at Caesarea in the midst of friends who loved him. It is revealed to him by the -prophet Agabus that when he goes to Jerusalem he Is to be bound and delivered to the Gentiles. Hear ing this his friends besought him with tears not to adventure into dan ger. But Paul was persuaded that God required him to go to Jerusalem and so he was unshaken in his pur pose both by the vision of suffering that lay in his path and by the tears and pleadings of his brethren. The question of person til safety did not weigh a feather with Paul. His only thought was what is God's will and knowing that he could not be deflected from the path of duty. "I am ready" was his prompt reply. No argument could move him. No tears, though they broke his heart, could break his loyalty of purpose, grand old apostle. How such heroism towers above the mean and sordid lives of selfish mor tals like Mount Blanc above the val leys of Switzerland. The conqueror of l.attles, the intellectual conqueror of problems are not to be mentioned be' side him who has conquered self, con. quered the love of life, conquered the fear of death and whose hand of battle already grasps the crown of im mortal glory. I am here to say to you that we too, may attain to Paul's sublimity of spiritual stature. There Is room, too, in our everyday life to win high est honors in the Held of heroic ser vice. There is such a thing as do mestic heroism and business heroism. the patient enduring of trials, the maintaining of right Ideals. If you would be a conqueror, conquer your self, rule your own spirit, subdue your imperious passions. Do your honest duty day by day, dignity trade with a spotless integrity and bring the glory of heaven into the business of earth. The man who bears trial with fortitude is a hero, the man who main tains his integrity amid severe temp tations is a hero, the man who does the right thing even when it is the unpopular thing is a hero. Finally, what makes a hero? What made Paul so grand a hero? He tells us in the text, '"I am ready to die for the name of the Lord Jesus." So, it's love that makes a hero. Love of country makes a national hero, but the highest type of heroism the product of the love of the Lord Je-j Bus. When they were probing among; his shattered ribs for the fatal bul let a French veteran exclaimed, "A I little deeper and you will find the Emperor." Vovfn deep in the heart of the christian soldier is "the name of the Lord Jesus." and when other spells have lost their charm and other names have lost their music the name of the Lord Jesus will be an electric dynamo in life, a peaceful quietus in death. Beloved friends, I shall be gratified if this service shall have helped you to do life's duties more faithfully, to bear life's burdens more patiently and fight life's battles with greater forti tude, and especially if the name of the Lord Jesus shall be to you the commanding notice It was to the Apostle Paul. O. X. G. Observes Day. A squad of Guardmen from Com pany L, under command of Capt- Staf rin, visited the cemetery on Sunday morning, and there decorated the graves of departed members of that military organization by placing flow, ers and flags upon the mounds. Those who have preceded their comrades to the grave are W. J. Trent, Bart Guy. i Albert Johnson, John Moore, and: ppagr -j 'aw gY "" ; : "i fyTj " NEW YORK "STATS I ' f BIS CHEESE if Til fj D, WEI6HT It ma r"" " '" f : ,aM mixvsm s,ooo las. ,v I V LARGEST CHEE5E ;''- . I CJ ''ErerMade- - 1 4r. ; j JkK t when he returns to the coast six weeks hence, he will assume the pastorate of the Laurelhurst parish. There were no services at the Catholic church In this city last Sunday because of his unexpected departure. Who will suc ceed Father Cronin is not known at this time, but It is probable that this parish will have a resident curate, the membership having shown marked growth during the past year. ROAD WORK IS RESUMED. BIGGEST CHEESE IN THE WORLD It stands In the Palace of Food Products at the Panama-Pacific exposition, a monument to the dairy industry of the Empire State. Chester Rowell. One Spanish-American veteran lies buried here, the body of Paul Nepiel, who enlisted from New York state, and this grave was not neglected by the guardmen. MEMORIAL DAY AT SCHOOLS. it. Patriotism Instituted Into Young Idea By Appropriate Exercises, Friday's Memorial day program at Dallas schools, while simple In detail, touched the patriotic impulse of the young and inspired a greater rever ence for the flag than at any previous demonstration of a similar character ever held In the city. Both the high and the grade schools were active in commemoration of the nation's de parted soldiery, the exercises i being 1 eld within the buildings on account of rain. Grades one and two of the primary departments postponed their outdoor exercises until tomorrow when the program will be followed out, should weather permit. At the high school Superintendent Ford, without special pains, delighted the members of the school board and its president, the memDers of the G. i A. R. and visitors with a musical pro gram which was In charge of Miss Gertrude Irwin, instructor In the musi cal department. "Columbia," "Tent ing Tonight," "The Flag of the Free' and "America" as rendered by the classes proved Inspiring. AduetbyEcho Ellis and Nellie Allen was received with satisfaction. Dr. McCallon, pres ident of the school board, offered an Impromptu talk of a patriotic and jol ly nature that appealed to the audi ence. The doctor's remarks contain ed much of dry McCallon humor, keeping the audience in the best of spirit, the flag coming in for its usual share of attention. The G. A. R. post was represented by J. A. Braden, Mr. Darling, E. L. Johnson and B. Love lace. Besides Dr. McCallon two other members of the school board were present. At the grade School, where mem bers of the grand army were to have addressed the- assemblage, Messrs. Phillips and Fuqua were present. Mr. Carpenter being unable to attend on account of sickness. Glen O. Holman was assigned for an address and spoke In an impressive way to the younger students upon the significance of the flag. The visitors were amazed at the precision of the students in executing the drills and salutes to the- flag. Lin coln's Gettysburg speech was delivered in chorus by the various classes under the supervision of the Misses Savage, ; Morrison and Mitchell and MIsb Yost, "Young America" came nicely to the front. Miss Morrison's "Ode to the Flag" was so dexterously delivered as to delight the visitors and at the same time appeal to the youngsters. perlenced and competent engineer and had never suffered an accident of a serious nature before. Another broth er was killed in a logging camp of the Spauldlng Logging company on the Luckiamute river, while engaged in felling trees, about ten years ago. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Rus sell, and several sisters and brothers reside in the Macleay neighborhood in Marion county, and another broth-. er, Rufus Russell, Is county clerk of Linn county. County and Municipality Get Busy Af ter Being Delayed by Rains. Road work was resumed through out the county yesterday, and with continued fair weather will be rushed during the ensuing few weeks. It will be necessary, because of unfavorable weather conditions after grades had been prepared, to do a considerable amount of this work over so far as smoothing the surface is concerned Travel on the soft earth cut deep ruts in these ;highways, making itt im practicable to deposit crushed rock upon them, or to leave the uneven roadway for summer travel. The work at Falls City, which is the most ex tensive in its scope of any improve ment undertaken in this county this season, was resumed yesterday morn ing, the grading crews finding their way back to the Siletz basin, where quite a- bit of work remains to be done. The crusher at Falls City Is again operating, and rock Is being hauled from there to the county road between that place and Dallas. And while the county is active in making highway improvements Dal las is likewise busy with its street betterment projects, which were also necessarily delayed on account of in clement weather. West Court street has been graded, and rock will be delivered on this thoroughfare as soon as the contractors have the curbs completed. The other streets includ ed in the Improvement area for this season, will receive attention as rap idly as possible, and when fall arrives Dallas will have fourteen additional blocks of street Improvement to its credit. PUPILS TO MAKE EXHIBIT DALLAS SCHOOLS PREPARING TO DISPLAY WORK OF PAST YEAR. Domestic Science, Manual Training and Other Departments Invite Inspection By Public. YOUNG OUDERKIRK SHOWS GRIT PROGRAM NOW COMPLETE. Prizes Offered In Contests at Rlckreall Picnic June 12. The sports program for the Rick rettll picnic, which will be held at the usual place on Saturday, June 12, has been prepared by the committee in charge of that department, and Is herewith first presented by The Ob server. There will be a game of baseball between Dallas and Falls City, following the sports, for which variety of prizes are offered. Re lay races, school teams only, feo yards; shuttle races, one-room schools, two to five-room schools, city schools, boys and girls, pennants to winning schools; 60-yard dash, high school students on ly, J2.50 in trade; 60-yard dash, free for all, S3. 60 hat; 60-yard dash, boys under 12, $2.60 pump action air gun; 60-yard dash, boys under 16, $2 watch; 50-yard dash, girls under 16, $1.50 middle blouse; 50-yard dash, ladies, $3.50 case of perfume. Other prizes as follows will . be awarded: Prettiest baby under one year, sidewalk sulkey with hood; old est married couple in Polk county present, $5 rocker; prettiest girl pres ent, 2 -A Buster Brown Ansco cam era; Polk county man with largest flamily present, 50-lb. sack of flour Polk county widow with largest fam ily present, 50-lb. sack of flour; tallest man present, one year's subscription to Polk County Itemizer; shortest man nresent. two year's subscrfntion to Polk County Observer. Does Not Faint When Ann Is Drawn Into Live Rolls at Sawmill. Mr, S. Ouderkirk, father of Cecil Ouderklrk, the young man who suffer ed the loss of an arm last week while in the employ of the Falls City Lum ber company, was in DallaB on Satur day visiting his son at the hospital, and from him The Observer learns some additional facts concerning the accident. Fully twenty minutes elaps ed from the time young Ouderkirk was caught by the live rolls until he was extricated by fellow workmen, during which period the victim watch ed the operation of taking the machin ery apart in order that he might be released with perfect calmness, not even experiencing the slightest degree of faintness. When almost a death like pallor overspread the counten ance of one of the workers, the young man remarked to him that from in dications he was likely to be the first corpse, and cautioned him against fainting. It was grit supreme. According to the father, had not a workman hard by caught young Ou derkirk and pulled with all his strength against the rapidly revolving rolls, the victim of the accident would, undoubtedly have been drawn Into the bevel gears to the shoulder, and pos sibly lost his life. When brought to the Dallas hospital, the arm was am putated below the elbow, and that por tion of the member separated has been preserved in the office of the op erating surgeon. The classes In domestic science and art of the high school are preparing an exhibit for Friday of the present week. It will represent the work dons by the .girls during the past year. The sewing exhibit will consist of hand and machine problems. Patterns draft ed by the girls and garments made from them will be shown. In the kit chen will be shown bread, cakes, pas try, vegetables, salads, desserts, etc. Tea and cake will be served to visit ors. Ice cream and sherbet will be on sale. The girls In the canning; baking, and sewing clubs of the grades will also show the work they have done during the year. The manual training department al so will at this time make a complete exhibit of all the work in this de partment, which will include prelim inary wood-work, finished cabinet work and mechanical drawing. The work for this exhibit will be of a quality much superior to that made last' semester. The various articles and drawings will be on display in the halls and office of the high school building. - Special features will be an eight-room house reduced to a ono and one-half inch scale and worked out and constructed as nearly as possible on the same plan as would be used in a full-sized building, and one of the eight bookkeeping desks that are be ing made for the school by the boys of the department. Each article will bear the name of the maker, and first, second, and third prize ribbons will be awarded by local men. The teachers of the schools, and particularly those in charge of theso special departments, would be pleased to have the people of the community view this display. At 1:30 next Friday afternoon the pupils of the primary and Intermedi ate grades of the public school will give an out-of-door program consist ing of songs, drills, etc. An exhibit of school work will also be on display In the various rooms following the program. Parents and friends are In vited to both the program and exhibit. NO MORE WAR MATERIALS. ENCAMPMENT AT GEARHART. Memorial Day at Monmouth. U. 8. Grant Post, G. A. R., by spec ial invitation, visited Monmouth yes terday afternoon, and participated in the exercises there, listening to ft splendid address by the Hon. C. A. McArthur of Portland, known throughout Polk county as "Pat." The veterans went to the college town by automobiles, some of them being ac companied by their wives. Indepen dence ex-soldiers were also present. Messrs. M. B,. Grant and F. J. Morri son attended a meeting of the rural carriers of the state at Salem yesterday. Men's Conference Tonight. Mr. A. F. Flegel of Portland, a speaker of some prominence, will de liver an address at the court house this evening before an audience of men. the meeting being held under the auspices of the Oregon Hygiene society. Other speakers on the pro gram are Dr. A. B. Starbuck and George T. Gerlinger. The program In full was published In The Observer of last Friday. Was An Experienced Fnrlneer. Jesse Russell, who was killed above Black Rock last Thursday afternoon when he jumped from his runaway locomotive, had been in the employ of the Spauldlng Logging company for the past fifteen years, was an ex- Third Regiment, Oregon National Guard to Go There July 5. Gearhart Is the place officially se lected for the maneuvers of the Third regiment, O. N. G., at its annual en campment, and the Dallas company will entrain for that place early that morning. The camp will be made close to where It was held last year. Pending positive arrangements with the railroad and other matters, the of ficial confirmation of the site was riot made until Saturday afternoon. All the companies of the regiment, Including the sanitary corps, will leave Portland on July 6, and will remain during the next ten days. While a school of instruction, these encamp ments are also given over to pleasure, games and sports. , The eight companies of the Coast Artillery corps will go to Fort Stevens June 16 to 27. The Field artillery' on the same date goes to Glglin. near Monterey, Cal., and the cavalry toj Monterey July 6. Before the troops i leave for these various camps there will be a number of changes and pro motions in the staff and line. MATTHEWS ACCEPTS OFFER. Will Deed Falls City Lai id Wanted for Bridge Purposes. After having addressed a libelous communication to the council of Falls City, in which he characterized some of the officials as having acted in an unprincipaled manner in connection with the city's attempt to secure parcel of land adjacent to the river for municipal purposes, Mr. Irvin Matthews has suddenly arrived at the conclusion that he would better ac cept the offer extended him by the aldermanic body and deed the land In question to Falls City. It will be re membered by readers of The Observer that through condemnation proceed ings in the circuit court Falls City was awarded a strip 200x10 feet, but omitted to include 20x10 feet addi tional that it desired. For this Is of fered to pay the costs of the action, amounting to $77, but this offer was declined by the owner. He now, ac cording to Information received at this office on Saturday, agrees to deed the city the additional strip wanted, the consideration being that the city liquidate the costs In the suit. Perrydale Will Graduate Eight, A class of eight seniors will be graduated from the Perrydale high school at the commencement exercises to be held Friday evening, June 4ts. The graduates are Lenna Keyt, Ber nice Boyer, Roslna Bra ley, Paul Rees, Herman Jennings, Guy Lee, Carl Mot-Lh wmxd umrMFmmWifHWC Hearing Is Potponed. rf and Harry Behm. Dr. Nott, of h. Dunklebeftfer. To get awi The preliminary examination of MCMinnvme, win aeuver tne class ad Clarence Bursell. formerly a resident dress. of the Bridgeport neighborhood, who is charged with having shot and kill ed Charles Zimmerman near Silverton, will take place hi Salem today, it hav ing been postponed until this date. Grange Metinjr Changed. The regular session of the Mon mouth Grange will convene on the first Saturday in June instead of the second Saturday, on account of the picnic at Rlckreall which Is scheduled for the second Saturday, June 12 Herald. Father Cronin Leaves Parih. The Rev. Father Cronin, who has been In charge of the Dallas and In dependence Catholic parishes for some time past, has gone east on a com bin - business and pleasure trip, and Ten-Year-Old Violinist. Monmouth has a girl ten years old in the person of Helen Cornelius, who is said to show remarkable ability as a violinist. She has appeared several times In concert In Monmouth and other cities, and her ability In this di rection Is something out of tle ordin ary. On Friday last this young miss was given sn ovation when she played In Salem before a large audience. Oddfellows Elect Officers. The officers elected by Friedshlp lodge. No. , L O. O. F.. for the en suing term are: Toney Larson, noble grand; R. Burch. vtce-irand; C. B. Stone, secretary; Walter Williams, treasurer. N. A. Beach was named as D. D. G. M. Would-Be President Nelson Announc es His Intentions. Exportation of war materials to the warring nations of Europe will be pre vented, if N. F. Nelson of Brownsville, announced candidate for president of the United States, wins out In the presidential election next year. Keep ing strictly up to date In his campaign to succeed President Wilson, Mr. Nel son has given forth his views on the latest great question of national pub lic policy. He Is in accord with Pres ident Wilson, however, in his peace policy. "When In the course or human events," reads a statement which Mr. Nelson has given out, "it becomes nec essary to declare that which is best for the welfare of humanity, be It known that, as a candidate for the presidency of the United States in 1916, I believe it to be my duty as such to announce my firm determina tion to forbid exporting all war mater ial to countries engaged in deadly con flict, this policy to remain In force from and after having passed both houses of congress. "Furthermore," says Mr. Nelson, who feels he can couch public mes sages in the language In which presi dential messages are writ, "I approve of President Wilson's efforts In ten dering the good offices of the United States in bringing about an honorable peace.. We, as a nation, are not gov erned by dollars and cents, but by principle love to God and good will toward men." . The Way of the Transgressor. The Observer on Friday paid the penalty for stealing "news" from its esteemed contemporary across the way by having the wrath of the par ties misrepresented fall heavily upon Its bald pate. In giving the filing of an action for divorce in the circuit court here by one Mrs. ' Bennett It was stated that the defendant is the publisher of the News at Sandy, Chas. Bennett, a former resident of Dallas. This proved to be erroneous, Mrs. Ben nett herself making this fact known to The Observer. Mrs. Zlypha E. Ben nett, wife of the publisher of the Sandy News, Is in the city visiting, and Mr. Bennett will follow within a few days.. Snyder Makes Long Walk. Mr. Snyder, formerly with the Ore gon Power company In Dallas, but now In the same company's employ in Albany, spwfct Monday In DjIIils. get away from office drudgery and at the same time get the benefit of, exercise and fresh air he walked to Dallas, accompanied by a Mr. Klnsey. They made the dis tance in about seven hours. Bwptlon to Grand OIHorrn. The Oddfellow and Rebekah lodges will hold a Joint reception at Oddfel lowa' hall this evening, Mrs. Ora Cop per, arand secretary of the latter, and of the former, both of Dallas, being Mr. A. V. R. Snyder, grand chaplain the honorees. A splendid program, followed by refreshments, has been arranged. The Woman's club will hold its final meeting of the year at the library building this afternoon. A number of neighboring club women have been In vited to attend. It being what la known as Guests' day.