THE POIiK COUNTY OBSERVER, FRIDAY, MAY 28, 1915. S95r' v !f 41 FOUNTAIN OF ENERGY WHEN PRESIDENT WILSON OPENED THE PANAMA-PA CIEIC EXPOSITION The Fountain of Energy when the water was released by President Wilson pressing a button at Washington on the opening day of the Panama Pacific International Exposition at San Francisco. This fountain Is the work of A. Stirling Calder and is be tween the Tower of Jewels and the main entrance at Scott street. For real bargains come to The Bee Hive Store. New shipment of Ladles' Aprone go ing on sale at 25c, 35c, and 49c. The Bee Hive Store. LOCAL CHURCHES TERSE TALES OF TOWN LOCAL NEWS OF DALLAS THIS NEIGHBORHOOD. AND Personal Paragraphs Pertaining People and Their Mavements, Gleaned by Observer. Superintendent Seymour spent Mon day with the Normal classes in rural school work under the direction of Mr. Pittman. , He gave instruction in the work of making out reports to the county and state superintendents. Tommy Magers has returned from a two-months' visit to California points, nounced." Ash's Variety store now occupies the store building recently vacated by Mr. Fldler on Main street. V. B. Sears of Ballston was a Dal las visitor on Wednesday. Mr. Sears has but recently recovered from a prolonged Illness, and now contem plates a trip to the place of his birth in Iowa, where he expects to remain for several month. Fred Boydston left Saturday for Portland, where he is visiting friends. Miss Rose Sheridan spent the week end at Corvallls. Pastor W. T. Tapscott of the Bap tist church will preach Sunday at 11 a. m. on "Heaven's Standard of Great ness," and at 8 p. yt. on "The Cap ture of Mansoul." Other meetings as usual, Although the continuous rains of the past fortnight have stopped road work in most of the districts of the county, the Perrydale road north from the Fisher hill, and the Smithlield road between the John Kliver and Frank Friesen places, and the road between the G. A. Rempel and John Quiring places have been receiving gravel, some fifteen carloads havim been delivered upon these highways from Polk Station. Miss Elizabeth Diehm of Salt Creek left for Portland on Tuesday, there to attend Holmes' Business college. Miss Diehm was the lucky winner of a scholarship at this school In The Ob server's recent subscription contest. ,Mr. S. B. Taylor has been in the vicinity of Roseburg the past week in the Interest of the cement company which has extensive holdings In this county. Recent reports are to the effect that this company has extricat ed itself from its financial difficulties, and purposes to commence the manu facture of cement at Oswego In the not very distant future. Mr. Taylor has been Inspecting the rock at Rose burg, where the company is also in terested. Mrs. Blanche Ballantyne, who over two years ago, accompanied by her husband, left Dallas and located in southern California, is expected to arrive here Monday. She will bring with her two small daughters. Her husband will remain in Redlands for a month or so when he will also re turn here. Mrs. Clara Saul of Greenville, Pa., sister of Mrs. B. Lovelace, arrived yes terday for the summer. The members of the Dallas G. A. R. post have been Invited to partici pate in a dinner to be given by the Independence post tomorrow. The Woman's club is erecting a drinking fountain at the library cor ner. Attorney Oscar Hayter returned Wednesday evening from Salem, where he served several days as a member of the State Bar Examining board. There are ninety applicants for admission to the bar. President Ackerman of the Normal school left on Wednesday for Eastern Oregon, and will be absent several days. Ex-Mayor Hubbard of Falls City was in Dallas the other day and told The Observer that the loganberry juice plant there Is about completed, and that arrangements were being made by the owner for the crop in that locality. The people of McMinnvilie are mak ing extensive preparation for the an nual gathering of the .Trand Army men of Oregor-t Thich ' will be held weather having cleared somewhat, but was forced to cease operations before noon because the rains also resumed, Mr. Burch of Rickreall has been in Dallas a portion of the week soliciting prizes for the sporting events to be pulled off at the annual picnic to be held at that place on June 12. Mr. Shreeve was a Salem visitor on Wednesday. LOCAL NEWS. there June 14. Street Commissioner Greenwood re sumed the work of grading on West Court street yesterday morning, the Why be bothered with two pairB of glasses? Call at Gall hotel parlor, Tuesday, June 1, and have Dr. Lowe show you the new Torlo invisible bi focals with which you can see all dis tances. s No split or seam in the glass to catch dirt or strain the eyes. No cement to blur or come apart. He guarantees his glasses to give satis- faction whether they cost $2 or more, One charge covers entire cost of exam, Ination, frameB, lenses. Free demon. stration. Scores of references. Will be in Falls City June S. Who repairs storage batteries right here in Dallas? Catherwood. 26-tf. F. E. Kersey has In his employ an expert candy maker and invites the public to try his goods. Some of his specialties are: Log Cabin creams, Oregon nugat, peppermint chews, Mt. Hood nugat, Turkish nugat, milk taf. fy, almond butter, creani wafers, op. era creams, milk dipped chocolate, log rolls, opera cream bars, English fudge, cream caramels, Geneva cream, cream paddles, cream chews, fruit nu gat, cinnamon chews, Bologna saus. ages. lS-tf. S. C. Brown Leghorns, Barred Rocks, Mottled Anconas, Runner ducks, Pure White Runner ducks, eggs, day old chicks and ducklings, Wm. F. Lee, Falls City, Ore. 15-23X Order your tomato plants from W. R. Tapscott, phone Dallas 1143. 92-tf. Farm loans; five years time with optional payments at current rates of Interest. Write for information, Ore gon Title & Land Credit Co., 209 U. 8, National Bank building, Salem, Ore. Try Kersey's home-made candles, manufactured on the spot by a pro fesslonal candy-maker. Absolutely pure. 16-tf. Who knows Catherwood? .Every automobile owner. 25-tf. Screen doors and window screens, Dallas Warehouse & Manufacturing company, Barham & Son, proprietors. There is more to hair cutting than merely cutting off the hair. Try us for an up-to-date stylish hair cut. C. W. Shultz. 13-tf. Try the Imperial Hotel, homelike, every convenience, first-class board and room, 36.60 and up. 19-tf Dr. Rempel, Chiropractor, 513 Church Dr. Stone's Heave Drops cures heaves.' Price $1, for sale by all drug gists. Adv. 79-tf. Our Abstract plant Is posted to date every morning from Polk County rec ords. Brown-Sibley Abstract Co., John R. Sibley, manager. 94-tf. If you have a sweet tooth try Ker sey's home-made candies. The best ever. Guaranteed to be absolutely pure. 15-tf. See Van Orsdel and Manston for old line fire Insurance the Queen. Liverpool, London & Globe, company 13. The oldest and best on the coast John R. Sibley, lawyer, 610 Mill street. 4-tf. When you want Insurance or surety bonds, call on Prlchard. The Dallas Wood company Is ready to furnish you with mill wood. Good loads and good sen-ice. All wood cash on delivery. Phone 492. 103-tf. Increase your crops with land plas ter, best grade, Dallas Warehouse 4 Manufacturing company, Barham & Son, proprietors. Our entire line of Children's Bum mer Coats at a price that will take them away In a hurry. Pongee, White Serge and other materials in values to 14.00. now at Sl.M. The Bee Hive Store. Dr. C. L Foster, dentist. City Bank building. Dallas. T3-F. The Observer costs bo more than other. Children's Parasols. lc, 25c, lie., 49c to 98c The Bee Hive Store. . Ladles' Tailored Suits at prices leas tn the material would cost yon. At a recent meeting of the Baptist ladies' missionary society of Spring Valley, besides the regular program the time was spent in sewing for a needy family recently moved into the neighborhood. Mrs. Harry Cooley was the hostess. Rev. Father Cronin of the local Catholic church will. It is announced, soon take up his permanent residence in Dallas. The ladies of the Baptist church will hold a home cooked foodlsale at Davis & Horn's on Saturday. Mass will be held at the Catholic church Sunday morning at the regular hour. Rev. C. C. Curtis, pastor of the Christian church, preached two pow erful sermons to good-sized audiences Sunday. The morning sermon was continuation of a series taken from Paul's first epistle to the church at Corinth, the fifth chapter, the text being the seventh verse, "Purge out therefore the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump, as ye are unleavened, The evening subject was, "Moses as a type." The choir rendered an an them at both services. At the United Evangelical church G. E. Erskine, pastor, Sunday services will be held as usual. The evening service will be in charge of the Wo man's Home and Foreign Missionary society, led by the president, Mrs. Frank Smith.. A helpful and enter talnlng program has been arranged. and all are cordially Invited to be pres ent. A free-will offering for mission ary purposes will be asked for in the basket collection. At Christian Science church next Sunday the lesson sermon will be "Ancient and Modern Necromancy, alias Mesmerism and Hypnotism, De- The H. H. C. of the Methodist church, at its meeting next Monday evening, will have the following pro gram: Duet, Merrill Barber and Ray Grounds; recitation, Margaret Camp bell; reading, Mrs. Lydia Evans; solo, Cleo Guy; reading, Ed. Dunn; recita tion, Pauline Miller; duet, Mitchel girls; reading, Retta Wilson. Refresh ments will be served. Rev. Tracy B. Grlswold, for several years pastor of the First Presbyterian church of Albany, has been chosen pastor of the Leffert's Park Presbyter ian church in Brooklyn, N. T. with the town. He forms his estimate of its activities through the columns of the dally press, and more especially through the advertising columns of the paper. Grants Pass Courier. The Observer, a Twice-a-Week pa per, costs no more than a weekly. BULLETIN j urn ONE CENT A WORD, 'PHONE 19. The charge for advertise ments under this head is one cent per word for each in sertion. No discount for-successive Issues. Jf you have anything for sale or ex change; If you want to rent or lease a house or business building; if you want help or a job of work; if you have lost or found anything; If you want publicity of any kind, try this column. You are sure to get results others do, why not you. Tel ephone your "want ads." or address all communications to The Observer, Dallas, Oregon. Count the number of words to remit with order. Telephone No. 19. the bid must accompany each bid. The Court reserves the right to re ject any and all bids. J. B. TEAL, May25-Junell. ' County Judge. FOR SALE On place first-class sec ond growth cord wood. Apply Anne Ladstock, phone 1602. June 30. LOST A grey mare, weight about 900 pounds, last seen between Dallas and Falls City. Please pasture and notify F. C. Thomas, Rocca, Ore. 22-2t. ESTRAY A dark bay mare came In to our enclosure, east of Fern Sta tion, whi h animal the owner is re quested to call for, pay charges, and take away. Phone A. D. 25. FOR RENT Nice newly furnished 3-room apartment; bath, electric light, $12 a month. Apply Imper ial hotel. 20-tf. FOR SALE Empire cream separator No. 43, 650 pounds capacity; nearly new. Davis & Horn. 19-tf. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Polk. In the Matter of the Guardianship of the Estate of Irene Westfall, a Minor Child. It appearing to this Court upon the verified petition this day presented and filed by Mary F. Westfall, the guardian of the Estate of Irene West- fall, minor child, praying an order of sale of certain real estate belonging to her said ward, viz: An undivided one ninth interest In and to the following described real premises, to-wit: Lots 1, 2, and the E, half of lot 3, In Block 3, in Cattron's Sub-division of Out Lot Number 5 In Monmouth, Polk County, Oregon. That It Is necessary and would be beneficial to said ward that such real estate shoulde sold; on motion of Walter L. Tooze, Jr., Esq., attorney for the said guardian. It is hereby ordered that the next of kin of said ward, and all persons In terested In the said estate, appear toe- fore this Court on Tuesday, the 1st day of June, 1915, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., at the Court Room of this Court, in the County Court House In the City of Dallas, In Polk County, State of Oregon, then and there to show cause. If any they have, why a license should not be granted for the sale of such estate. And it Is further ordered that a copy of this order be published at least three successive weeks before the said day of hearing In the "Polk County Observer," a newspaper of general circulation, printed and pub lished In Dallas, Polk County, Oregon, jjatea April Z6tn, 1915. J B. TEAL, A true copy: County Judge. WALTER L. TOOZE, JR., Attorney for the Guardian. May4-25 FOR SALE Fresh milch cow with calf. J. F. Holman, Miller ave. 24f FOR SALE Hay, at Derry ware house. Address H. W. Thirlsen, In dependence, R. F. D. 1, or call at Thirlsen farm, Rickreall. 19-tf. FOR RENT Modern five-room house. Inquire Bollman & Staats. 18-tf. FOR SALE Nice light buggy as good as new, price $30. Cost 3135. Have no use for it. F. K. Hubbard, Falls City. FOR SALE Gasoline range, 3 er, $10. Davis & Horn. burn-19-tf. FOR SALE Matthews' New Univer sal combined hill and drill seeder, No. 22; nearly new. Price $9 at Davis & Horn's. FOR RENT Three-room apartment, newly furnished, bath and electric light. Apply Imperial hotel. 20-tf. WANTED Machine, cast and stove piate iron, brass, and copper, zinc and rubber, and rags of all kinds; in fact, junk of all kinds. A. N. Halleck, Monmouth, Oregon. 8tf. FOR SALE Complete clover hulling outfit Apply at The Observer of fice. 8-tf. FOR SALE One 5-horse kerosene en gine; excellent condition. Guaran teed. A bargain. Dallas Warehouse company, Barham & Son, proprie tors. . , 6-tf. WANTED Your lame horses to shoe. Williams, the horseshoer, Monmouth, Oregon. 8-tf. BLl'E COTTON FROCK. Blue eponge was used In the devel opment of this handsome summer frock. The skirt is kilted and braided and the simple blouse has long sleeves and a turnover collar and revers braided. Bark Again. With the latest photographic Ideas from the city. Studio open every day. have some new lines of photos at astonishingly low prices, while times are quiet l-tf. STONE, Photographer. An Index to Business. A Courier correspondent writes ask ing for a sample copy of the paper. "one that contains the most advertis ing." being the plans and specifications that came with the order. There Is quite a sermon In the request. This stranger wanted to become acquainted WANTED Carpet cleaning and win dow '.vashing, both business and res idence. Milo V. Woods, phone 1173 or 1092. 11-tf. FOR SALE Light driving horse. will trade for motorcycle. Apply to L. V. Macken, city. 18-tf. FOR RENT First-class furnished housekeeping rooms at 818 Levens street Phone 774. 19-tf. FOR SALE 3314 acres, well Improv ed, good land, one mile from town, good road. Will take city property in part payment, terms on part. Fred E. Wells. Dallas, Ore., R. R. 2. 19-4t. WANTED Milk customers for rich milk from four fresh cows; 6 cents quart or $1.80 per month. Deliver twice a day. Phone Brown 152. Florence M. Bird. 19-3t. FOR SALE Good dry summer cut second growth fir and oak wood, will sell in woods or deliver. I. L. Smith, phone 1404. 22-9t-x FOR SALE A good family driving horse, good traveler. Mrs. L. A. Dickinson, phone 8 S3. 24-4t-x SPECIAL SALE Fertilizer, for lawn and garden. While it lasts at cost Phone 831. Soehren Warehouse. 24-2t Notice to Contractors. Notice is hereby given to whom It may concern that bids will be opened by the County Court of Polk County, on Tuesday, the 15th day of June, lilt, at 1 o'clock p. m, for the con struction of three reinforced concrete bridges and one mass concrete pier. Plans and specifications are on file tn the County Clerk's office. A certified check for f per cent of the amount of SHERIFF'S NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION OF FORECLOSURE Notice is hereby given that by vir tue of an execution issued out of the circuit court of the State of Oregon, for Polk county, on the 4th day of May, 1915, and to me directed upon a Judgment which was enrolled and docketed In the office of the clerk of said court on the 17th day of April, 1915, in a certain suit then pending In said circuit court wherein I. Mendel sohn was plaintiff and George A. Looney and Clara Looney, his wife, were defendants, a judgment was ren dered in favor of the above named plaintiff and against the above named defendants, George A. Looney and Clara Looney, his wife, for six hun dred eighty-seven and fifty One-hun-dredths ($687.60) dollars, with inter est thereon from said 17th day of April, 1915, at the rate of seven (7) per cent per annum, and the further sum of twenty-two and fifty one-hun-dredths ($22.50) dollars costs of suit and accruing costs; and whereas It was further ordered and decreed by said court that the following property should be sold by me to satisfy said execution, I will on Saturday June 5, 1915, at the hour of one (1) o'clock p. m. of said day at the front door of the court house at Dallas, Polk county, Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash In hand on day of sale, all the right, title and in terest and estate which said defend ants or either of them have, and all persons claiming under them have in or to the hereinafter described prem ises, and every part thereof. Said property is described as follows: Lot one (1) tract "D" containing 4.46 acres, in Moninouth Walnut Tract, more particularly described as lot one (1) tract "D" of the southwest quarter, of the southeast quarter, of section thirty-one (31), in Township eight (8) south, range four (4) wesi of the Willamette Meridian. Said sale being subject to redemp tion in the manner provided by law and as provided in said decree. Dated this 8th day of May, 1915. JOHN W. ORR, Sheriff for Polk County, Oregon. May 9-June 4. DR.TOEL ELECTRO-THERAPIST AND ELECTRO-SURGEON DALLAS, ORE. FOUR YEARS STUDY AT GERMAN AND SWISS UNIVERSITIES AND THE LARGE HOSPITALS OF LONDON, ENGLAND. OVER THIRTY YEARS EXPERIENCE IN HIS SPECIALTIES. Office, 619 Washington street, one-half block east of the S. P. depot, from 9 a. m. to 12 noon, 2 to 5 p. m., 7 to 8 p. m., Sunday 10 to 1 p. m. Telephone 1303. -Specialties: CANCERS AND TUMORS No knife and loss of blood. No plasters and pain for hours or days. POLYPUS, GOITRE, PILES, FISTULA, DISEASES OF WOMEN NOSE. THROAT, LUNGS. SKIN Kidneys, Bladder, Prostate, Liver, Stomach, Bowels, Nervous Diseases, Gout, Rheumatism. OZONE INHALATIONS CONSULTATION FREE NOTICE OP FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is hereby given, that Conrad Stafrln, the administrator of the es tate of W. H. F. Manston, deceased, has filed his final account as such ad ministrator in the County Court of the State of Oregon for Polk County, and that Wednesday, the 9th day of June, 1915, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the Court room of said County Court, in the Court House in the city of Dallas, Ore gon, has been appointed by said Court as the time and place for the hearing of objections to the said final account and the settlement thereof. Dated and first published, May 11, 1915. CONRAD STAFRIN, Administrator aforesaid. OSCAR HAYTER, Attorney. M.11-J.8 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Notice Is hereby given to whom It may concern that bids will be opened by the County Court of Polk County, on Tuesday, the 15th day of Jun, 1915, at 1 o'clock p. m., for the crush ing and putting In the bunkers at the Spring Valley quarry of 1500 yards of rock, more or less, according to spec ifications on file in the office of the County Clerk. Also for hauling and delivering same on county road at points to be designated by the Court. Furthermore, bids will be received for setting up crusher, building bunkers. and opening quarry. A certified check for i per cent of the amount of the bid must accom pany each bid. The Court reserves the right to re ject any and all bids. . MavzS-lt- J. B. TEAL, County. Judge, CityTransfer W. R. COULTER, Proprietor The world moves itself; We move anything else Piano and Furniture Mov ing a Specialty Stand Kersey's Confec tionery. Phone 1061 Residence Phone 1202 BICYCLE RIDERS ATTENTION Do yon realize that this is the be ginning of the season for riding bi cycles. The man who has his wheel overhauled in early spring economizes for the reason that he accomplishes two things at one cost of labor his bearings properly clear and oiled bad bearings replaced at same time (if any) at practically one cost. Oth erwise one thing goes wrong here, another thing there at different times which makes it inconvenient for yon and also adds to cost of repairs. We are well prepared to meet your de mand in this line. Work guaranteed. Bicycles from $ 22.60 to $45.00. Tires from $4.50 to $10.00 per pair. Bi cycle and motorcycle sundries, base ball and athletic supplies. Indian motor cycle agency. L. B. HIXON, JR. 315 Main Street ' DR. STONE'S POISON OAK REMEDY A snow white medicine, soft and soothing to the skin, applied every hour at once relieves and soon cures POISON OAK Price I So. and sec.. draggists. For sale by alt i i f I V,