Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, May 28, 1915, Image 1

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VOL. 27
NO. 25
Multnomah County Juvenile Court
Wants Higher Tribunal to De
termine Its Rights.
The outcome of the appeal from
the judgment of the circuit court of
Polk county in the matter of the ap
plication of Mrs. Mollie Bowers for a
writ of habeas corpus is awaited here
with no inconsiderable interest, inas
much as it haB to do with the four-year-old
child of Rollin C. and Mollie
Bowers, now in possession of Mr. and
MrB. Milt B. Grant, over which there
has been no small amount of conten
tion, and which is claimed by the ap
pellant, the Juvenile court of Multno
mah county, to be lawfully under the
(Jurisdiction of that tribunal as its ward
The case Is of especial interest from
a legal standpoint, as the verdict will
decide whether or not a Juvenile court
of one county has jurisdiction over a
ward after that ward has been remov
ed Into another county of that state,
In this case it Is alleged that on or
about November 10, 1913, Mrs. Bowers
brought the infant child In question,
ward of the Multnomah county court,
to this city and arranged with the
Grants for its care, the consideration
to be monetary. In February. 1914,
according to the appellant's abstract
of record, the petitioner, Mrs. Bow
ers, demanded possession of the child
from the Grants, which possession was
refused on the ground that remunera
tion for their services in caring for
the infant had not been forthcoming
as per agreement. Mr. Grant having
appealed to the county court, and that
court having issued an order for the
retention of the child, he further re
lied upon that judgment as giving him
the right to hold the offspring of the
petitioner. This order was made on
September 25, 1914, and is still fresh
In the memory of readers of The Ob
server, the case at that time having
attracted much newspaper publicity.
The Juvenile court of Multnomah
county, which on July 1, 1913, declar
ed Marion Bowers, the infant in ques
tion, a dependant child, each of the
parents alleging that the other was
unfit and improper persons to care
for it, by reason of its order under
that date, holds that it still has sole
jurisdiction over its ward of that time.
The order referred to made the child
a ward of that court, and gave the
mother its custody until further or
der.?- Several orders were issued by
thVlTme court subsequently, but none
of them took the custody of the child
from the mother, nor relinquished its
claim as ward. Its endeavors to re
gain control of its ward having proven
failures thus far, the Juvenile court
of Multnomah, through its representa
tives, instituted habeas corpus pro
ceedings In this county for the recov
ery of the body of the child, but the
judgment of Judge Belt was for the
defendant, and it is from this decision
that an appeal was taken.
Briefs in the case have been pre
pared by attorneys for the appellant
and respondent, and will be filed with
the Supreme court within a few days.
Only Thirteen Members of Once Flour
ishing Order Remain.
Henry E. Wlrth, district manager
for the Brotherhood of American Yeo
men, Is In Dallas this week sUldting
members to the local homestead,
which now has a membership of only
thirteen 'and has held no meetings
during the past six months. Aside
from being a "co-operative life and ac
cident insurance association, the Yeo
men society endeavors, through its lo
cal homestead and the membership,
and by Its general practice, "to aid and
instruct its members along moral and
civic lines; to encourage co-operative
measures when practicable; to care
for the children, and to create such
public sentiment as will result in the
abolition of child labor and the educa
tion of every child; to care for the
sick, encourage the despondent, lift
burdens off human shoulders, and do
all things possible to extend fraterna
Ham to all peoples and all lands."
During his stay in Dallas Mr. Wirth
has secured several applications for
membership, and In all probability the
local homestead will be resuscitated In
the near future.
Dallas Company Rating "Fair."
Company M of Salem is the highest
ranking company of the Third regi
ment of the Oregon National Guard
according to the summary of the re
port of Captain J. H. Page, of the
21st Infantry, U. 8. A., and Colonel
Clenard McLoughlin, - who made the
annual Inspection of all the companies
of the regiment March t. The rating
of the Dallas company ts "fair.
Building prune Dryer.
Nathan Hughes and his son of the
Oakdale neighborhood have commenc
ed work on a prune dryer, which will
care for their crop the coming seas
on. Messrs Hughes will have a large
yield this year, their trees being load
ed with fruit. They have the oaly
orchard In that locality of which this
may be said.
'Rosd Work Brtng Proeeratrd.
' Work on the roads in the Spring
Valley district Is being vigorously
pushed in spite of the heavy rains of
the last few days. Since the work of
grading had to be discontinued on
account of the mud, clearing out the
brush along the new grade, has pro
gressed rapidly. Part of the road is
now ready for the grader. The volun
teer work promised Is being used in
the preparatory work. Contract work
will be employed when It comes to the
crushing and hauling gravel.
Willamette Valley Manufacturers Hold
Meeting at State's Metropolis.
At a meeting of lumber manufac
turers of the Willamette valley, held
In Portland recently, tentative plans
were formed toward the organization
of the Willamette Valley Lumber
Manufacturers' association. About 20
mills were represented at the meeting.
the daily capacity of which would
aggregate 1,500,000 feet. It was the
general consensus of opinion of those
present that the local problems con
fronting Willamette valley manufac
turers justified the new organization.
In a general discussion of the subject
each one present signified his willing
ness to become affiliated with the pro
posed association. Jay S. Hamilton,
of the Jay 8. Hamilton Lumber Co.,
Portland, Oregon, presided . at the
meeting, and George T. Gerllnger of
the Willamette Valley Lumber com
pany of this city acted as secretary.
A committee on re-organlzation was
ordered appointed by Chairman Ham
ilton and another meeting called at
an early date. About 20 were in at
Hundreds of Thousands Soldiers As
sembled In Iiondon When War
Correspondent Arrived.
An interesting and instructive dis
course was that delivered at the Meth
odist church Tuesday evening by the
Rev. John Lew t as, war correspondent,
The audience was not as large as had
been expected, probably due in part
to the inclement weather, rain fall
ing copiously during the earlier part
of the evening. Accompanying the
lecture were some two hundred lan
tern slides, which pictured many of
the scenes described by Mr. fJewtas,
FThe lecturer told of his trials in
reaching Paris, he having to first se
cure a passport at Tacoma, to which
was attached a photograph of the
person to whom it was Issued by Sec
retary of State William Jennings Bry
an. The passport served the purpose
without difficulty in boarding the
steamer at New York and also at
Liverpool, but to gain admittance to
France, whither the speaker was
bound, was a different proposition.
The passports had to be vised at the
French consulate, and for stamping it
was necessary to deposit $2. At the
railway station at Calais secret ser
vice men not only Inspected luggage
but the pockets of the passengers, ev
en to private correspondence. No
steamers sailing for Calais, Mr. Lew t as
went to Boulogne. The night before
the same steamer had been torpedoed,
but fortunately was missed by some
thirty feet. Two powerful lights at
Boulogne search the seas on either
side to protect approaching vessels
from the deadly submarine.
After having again been examined
Mr. Lewtas started for the very base
of the expeditionary force, and found
that English girls were working like
beavers in making and disposing of
soup and sandwiches to the soldiers as
they came and went, both being sub
ject to contributions in any sum de
sired by the recipients of the food
Here the speaker witnessed hundreds
of thousands of British soldiers, In
numerable automobiles, busses, aero
planes, armored trains, everything
conceivable to the war game. Mili
tary hospitals, temporary barracks
and soldiers were all about the Lon
don station, reaching Into the dis
tance. Trains of Red Cross nurses
were hurried in and out of the station.
An officer told Mr. Lewtas that he was
expecting a million soldiers to arrive
there within the ensuing twenty-four
hours. This was In March.
The speaker told of how when a
soldier ts wounded he Is rushed to
the base and Ifl his injuries are not
too serious he Is home In England
within forty-eight hours. The trans
portation of the troops Is wonderful.
Up to the time Mr. Lewtas left that
country not a single soldier had been
lost through this method. From Bris
tol to Londpn Is 120 miles, and the
lecturer made the distance by train In
exactly 120 minutes wrthout a stop.
The speaker described, briefly, bat
tles, trenches, ruins and devastation,
and told how 60,000 Catholic priests
had taken off cord and cassock In
France and gone to the battle field In
defense of their beloved country,
showing by this act that they were
ready to take up the arms material
and with the arms spiritual become
a force that shall elevate the moral
life of France.
The Dallas band held Its first prac
tice of the season on Wednesday even
ing. The attendance was large, and
the new director feels greatly encour
aged over the prospect.
Its Showing In Oregon Building Being
Patterned By Prominent Educat
ors of Country.
Mr. E. F. Carlton, first assistant
state superintendent of public in
struction, visited the Panama Pa-
cific exposition and in commenting on
the display made there by the schools
of Oregon remarks that it is attracting
widespread attention from visitors. He
reports that an Indiana educator of
prominence, after having carefully ex
amined the Oregon exhibit, had this
to say regarding the work:
"In Oregon, through your standard
flor rural schools, your boys' and girls'
clubs, and playgrounds, you are doing
a work equal to that which the fedr
eral government Is doing for the
schools in the Philippine Islands, and
this work Is attracting the attention of
educators in all parts of the world."
And this praise is, practically speak
ing, universal, for the assistant super
intendent names no less than a dozen
leading educators from various sec
tions of the United States who approve
most heartily of this branch of edu
cational work, and who wish to adopt
the system in their rural schools. An
Iowa teacher is quoted as saying that
this plan for standard schools is just
what Is needed in the schools of the
entire country. This particular teach'
er spent many hours In making notes
and asking questions as to how best to
get the standardization system into
actual practice.
These things must be particularly
gratifying to the people of Polk coun
ty, inasmuch as the standardization
system now in use was first introduced
here, and from the further fact that
a large part oil the school exhibit in
the Oregon building at the exposition
is from this county. In fact Dr.
Dunsmore, the official representative
of Polk at the fair, has said that the
display from this county excells any
thing being shown, both as regards
quantity and quality. And why not?
Superintendent Seymour has made
this branch of educational work a
study, and has been extremely active
In spreading his knowledge not only
among the youngsters of his domain
but among the teachers as well, urging
upon them the need of such educa-
tlonal work. There Is occasion for theTyear Sold a large part of his crop at
county of Polk to throw out its chest
and assume an additional air of im
portance over the word brought back
home by Mr. Carlton.
There is further reason why we
should feel proud. A Polk county
school building, being that at Bridge
port, has been selected by the nation
al government as the model one-room
school house of the United States. The
miniature of this building Is on ex
hibit at the big show, and Is also at
tracting attention of those engaged In
rural school work. And this reminds
The Observer that of the more than
seventy school buildings in Polk coun
ty there are at this time only three
that are not of modern type. And
these three are likely to be remodeled
within a short time to meet the re
quirements to make them of the ap
proved type. Mr. Seymour, during his
incumbency as superintendent of
county schools, has given much at
tention to this particular line, and is
to be congratulated upon the success
with which he has met In modernizing
and Improving rural school properties.
It is, in his opinion, as well as in the
opinion of the state department, an
Important factor In educational work,
Hon. A. F. Flegel of Portland and
Prominent Dallas Citizens Sched
uled to Speak.
Mayor E. C. Klrkpatrick will pre
side at a conference of Dallas physi
cians, educators and others on social
and moral hygiene at the court room
next Tuesday evening, the gathering
to be under the auspices of the Ore
gon Social Hygiene society, which will
be represented here on that occasion
by Mr. A. F. Flegel, a prominent Port
land attorney. While It has been an
nounced that admission will be by
invitation, the male public generally
will be welcomed, the purpose of the
meeting being to Inaugurate a cam
paign of education along this line in
this community. A comprehensive
program has been prepared by a local
committee consisting of Messrs. Eu
gene Hayter, U. 8. Loughary and H.
C. Seymour, and Includes the follow
ing subjects: "The Pre valency and
General Seriousness of Venereal Dis-
es and their Effect upon the Indi
vidual and the Home by A. B. Star
buck, M. D.; "The Four Sex Lies and
Other Causes. Remedies." by A. F.
Flegel, Portland; "What Can We Do
For Dallas?' by George T. Oerlinger.
The program as outlined touches the
life of every home, and this being the
case the attendance of fathers should
be large. The Oregon society Is one
of the foremost of Its kind In the
United States, and Is carrying on this,
great work In the interest of humani
ty at Its own expense. No admission
fee will be charged next Tuesday, and
neither will there be a collection.
Rev. Curtis Will Preach Raccalaur
eate Sermon and Supt. Churchill
Will Address Class.
The fourth annual commencement
exercise for Dallas high school will
begin on the evening of June 6, and
will extend throughout the week. The
largest class in the history of the high
school will be graduated this year,
when thirty students will receive their
final honors from the school. All the
exercises of the week will be held in
the high school auditorium. Rev. Cur
tis, of the Christian church, will
preach the baccalaureate sermon, and
Supt. J. A. Churchill will deliver the
address to the graduating class.
The rapid growth of the high school
is Indicated by the Increase In the
size of the graduating class from year
to year. In 1912 there were five grad
uates. In 1913 thirteen. In 1914 thir
teen, and this year thirty. The mem
bers of this year's class are Fay Dey
Armond, Florence O. Walker, Vera M.
Wagner, Edward Preston, Elmer W.
Balderee, Herbert H. Shepherd, Ray
G. Grounds, Willis H. McDaniel, Lu-
cile B. Hamilton, Oscar H. Peterson,
Gertrude R. Wilson, Sarah Gertrude
Toevs, Muriel Olivia Grant, Oda M.
Blodgett, A. Marjorie Bennett, J. Rus
sell Shepherd, Lola Gertrude Ramsey,
Georgia Vae Curtis, Miriam Gertrude
Hart, Leonilla L. Smith, Elsie Echo
Frizzell, Dorothy Sarah Bennett, Mil
lie Alice Skersies, Florence Vernon
Allen, Susie Ethel ' Ramsey, Joseph
Norman Helgerson, John B. Eakin,
Alfreda Garner, Ernest D. Hoisington,
Marie V. Griffin.
The schedule for the week is as
follows: June 6, baccaleaureate ser
mon; June. 7, program by Adelphian
society; June S, program by Philoglan
society; June 9, junior-senior recep
tion; June 10, senior class-day pro
gram; June 11, graduating exercises;
June 12, alumni banquet.
Must Have Living Price.
' From present indications strawber
ries will be cheap again this year,
when the crop fully matures. The
berries are now selling at $1.50 per
crate, the same as at this time last
season. Mr. Fisher, who Is probably
the largest grower in this section, last
fifty cents per crate, a price below the
cost of production. This, however,
he will not do this season. If the
market rules under a dollar a crate
as the season advances, he will dis
continue picking and perirtft the ber
ries to (go to waste.
Pulmoter Saves Child.
Emma Williams, 8-year-old daugh
ter of 8. Williams of Salem was sav
ed from death through the use of a
pulmotor. The child fell Into Mill
creek. Her companions called for
help, and after the girl had floated
several hundred feet, she was taken
from the stream by B. F. Dimeler. A
pulmotor was rushed to the scene on
a fire truck, and firemen worked over
the child more than an hour before
she was resuscitated.
Track Meet Off.
The track meet between the Day
ton and Monmouth High schools,
scheduled for Saturday, May 29, at
UMonmouth, has been called off for the
present. The meet will probably take
place in a couple of weeks, but If such
is the case due notice of the event
will be given Herald.
His Fellow Workmen Extricate
Victim of the Accident With
Some Little Difficulty.
Cecil Ouderklrk, aged about twenty
years, suffered the loss of his right
arm Immediately below the elbow at
the mills of the Falls City Lumber
company in Falls City Tuesday after
noon uy having his hand caught in the
bevel gear on a section of live rolls.
The arm was horribly mangled, and
those who witnessed the unfortunate
affair say that It Is surprising that
the young man was not drawn Into
the rolls to the shoulder. When the
accident happened a number of work
men hard by rushed to his assistance,
stopping the rolls and hastening to
extricate Ouderklrk. It was neces
sary to completely remove one oi
the rolls before this could be ac
complished, the performance requiring
several minutes. The victim of the
accident was brought to the Dallas
hospital on the evening train. The
young man has been a resident of
Falls City for some time, his parents
living at that place.
Many Tourists Are Coming.
Seventy-five per cent of the tourists
who visit the California exposition and
do not Intend to remain in the south
ern state for a long period of time,
will return home through the Pa
cific northwest, according to promi
nent Shriners returning to Seattle
from extended trips through Califor
nia. While the past winter's "crop of
tourists has not been up to the usual
standard, due to business conditions,
the tide has already turned and lm
mediately after June 1 the hordes will
begin to roll In. The European war
has compelled many to turn westward
for their travel and the entire north
west will benefit immeasurably from it
this summer. At least 100,000 nobles
with wives and children will visit Se
attle in July for the Imperial Council
session of the Shrine, and many of
these will pass through the Wlllam
ette valley by automobile.
Citizens of Oregon Last Year Contrib
uted Vast Sum of $.16,328,000.
Taxes in Oregon last year, including
government, state and city taxes,
amounted to $36,328,000, $45.41 per
capita, according tp H. E. Reed, coun
ty assessor of Multnomah county,
"This sum," he said, "would buy food
and fuel for one year for 82,380 fam
illes of five persons in the three prin
clpal cities of the state of Washing
ton, according to the average of their
cost of living as computed by the
state labor commissioner. Calculated
in terms of labor the effect is quite
startling. The tax burden last year
would mean the labor of 29,230 men
for one year."
Permits to Wed.
The following marriage licenses
have been recently issued by the coun
ty clerk: S. Raphael Skeels and Clara
L. Emmitt; Raymond Turrell and
Katharine Voth; Bennie Bell and Sa
die Haynes; Joel L. Guild and Lois L.
Information Lodged Against Him Al
leges That He Shot and Killed
Chas. Zimmerman.
Charles Bursell, who Is charged with
having killed Charles C. Zimmerman
near Sllverton on Tuesday, was a for
mer resident of Polk county, where he
lived about six years. Sixteen years
ago he and his brother, Louis Bur
sell, road supervisor of a district be
tween Dallas and Monmouth, and one
of the best known men of the county,
came to Dallas with a view to locating,
and Henry G. Campbell sold the for
mer a tract of land near Bridgeport.
Mr. Campbell says the man charged
with murder was a most peaceable
fellow, and this statement Is corrob
orated by others who knew him. Con
sequently the Information lodged
against him comes as a complete sur
prise. When arraigned on the charge
for preliminary examination Bursell
declined to plead, but will enter a
plea In Salem today.
According to Sheriff Esch of Marlon
county, Bursell and Zimmerman reside
across the road from each other near
Sllverton. For several years ill-feeling
has existed between them, and on
Tuesday, when they met In the road.
they became Involved In a quarrel.
Bursell Is said to have been armed
with a .22 calibre rifle and to have
opened Are on Zimmerman. The lat
ter is said to have wrested the rifle
from Bursell, and Bursell is said then
to have opened Are with a .82 calibre
revolver and to have shot Zimmerman
three times. Zimmerman is said to
have been unarmed. Although sever
al persons saw the shooting they were
not near enough to hear what was
said between the two men.
Exercises Will Be Held at Armory
Next Sunday Afternoon.
Notwithstanding the fact that a gen
eral order has been Issued by the
grand commander of the Grand Army
of the Republic that when Memorial
day falls on Sunday it shall be ob
served on Monday, Dallas will disre
gard this instruction and reverently
apply Itself In honoring the heroic
dead on Sunday afternoon at 2:30
o'clock by assembling at the armory
and listening to the patriotic exer
cises arranged for this annual occa
sion. During the morning hours mem
bers of the local post, accompanied
by school children and friends and
marines, will go to the cemeteries and
there decorate the graves of comrades
with the choicest of spring bloom.
Those having flowers for this purpose
are requested by Commander Green
wood to leave them at Stafrln's drug
store by 8 o'clock of that day.
Rev. Tapscott of the Baptist church
will address the veterans at the af
ternoon meeting at the armory. The
musical program Is under the direc
tion of Miss Gertrude Irwin. On Mon
day the post will attend the Memorial
exercises at Monmouth, In which the
Independence post will also Join.
New Tesu-her la Elected.
At a meeting of the school board
on Tuesday last Miss Gertrude Pol
low was elected a teacher in the pub
lic schools to succeed Miss Mitchell,
who has accepted a position In the
schools of her home town In Eastern
Oregon. Miss Pollow was, on the
previous day, elected to teach the fifth
grade In the Garfield school of Balem.
Whlch position she will accept la not
known at this time. Miss Pollow wUl
graduate from the Normal next
Fireman William Lenz Escape With
out Injury Train Gets Beyond
Control of Engineer While
Descending Grade.
Jess Russell, a locomotive engineer
for the Spaulding Logging company
at Black Rock, had his head complete
ly severed from the body yesterday
afternoon when he leaped from a run
away train which he was pulling. Wil
liam Lenz, his fireman, jumped from
the speeding engine and escaped in
jury. The remains of Russell, whose
home is at McClay, Marlon county,
were brought to Dallas last night at
1 o'clock by Coroner Chapman.
About 4:30 o'clock yesterday after
noon the logging train with five load
ed ears, left the rollway for Black
Rock. For about one hundred yards
there is a 6 or 7 per cent grade, fol
lowed by a level place of about fifty
yards In length. At the latter place it
Is customary for the train to stop to
take on a brakeman to assist In hold- ,
ing the train on its descent. Before
reaching the level place mentioned the
wheels began to slide, and the brakes
were eased off a little and again set,
but the train continued to gain mo
mentum,' going faster and faster.
When the level place in the road was
reached it was Impossible to stop the
train, and down grade the train speed
Fireman William Lenz, who was on
the downhill side of the cab, was the
first to Jump, alighting safely and
with but few bruises. Gaining his
feet he saw the engineer on the run
ning board about to leap from the lo
comotive, and he hastened down the
track. About 160 yards beyond he
found the headless body of Russell be
side the track, the head lying between
the rails. The engineer had left the
locomotive In a cut, and jumped to
ward the embankment, from which he
was rolled beneath -the wheels.
The five loaded cars were com
pletely wrecked, but the locomotive
was uninjured, as it did not leave the
rails, coming to a standstill about
half a mile from where the accident
had occurred. Coroner Chapman was
at once notified, and he went to the
scene of the accident and brought the
body of the unfortunate man to Dal
las last night, arriving here about 11
clock. Russell was unmarried. His
parents reside at McClay, Marlon
Mrs. Gerllnger to Speak.
The annual meeting of the Pacific
Northwest Library association will oc
cur in Salem Monday and Tuesday of
next week. This will be of special In
terest to librarians, their assistants,
and members of library boards. It
expected that there will be a full
attendance of the Dallas Library
board. One of the members, Mrs.
George Gerllnger, is scheduled to speak
Monday afternoon on "The Budget of
the Small Library." Other interest
ing topics will' be, "Book-Buying for
Small Libraries," "Book Mending,"
Some Phases of Art Work In a Pub
lic Library," "The Untrained Librar
ian," "Further Co-operation With the
Schools," etc.
Dallas Should Be Proud.
Mrs. Adella D. Wade, general or
ganizer of Women of Woodcraft, was
visitor in Dallas Wednesday and
Thursday of this week, looking after
the Interests of the order. Mrs. Wade
found growing Interest and enthusi
asm among the members here, and
reports growth throughout the juris
diction the nine western states. "Dal
las may well be proud of Its local cir
cle." says Mrs. Wade.
Women of Woodcraft are naturally
somewhat elated to have one of their
number elected queen of the Portland
Rose festival.
Legal Separations Sought.
Mrs. May A. Bennett, wife of Chas.
Bennett, formerly of Dallas, now
publisher of the News at Sandy, has
filed suit In the circuit court here
for divorce, alleging cruelty and non
support. Other cases recently filed
are: Ida E. Mlnnlch vs. Charles "W.
Mlnnlch, cruelty; Mav Sires vs. Arthur
Sires, desertion; George Billings vs.
Nellie Billings, adultery.
County Itaxtile Deserted.
Hotel de Orr la without a single
guest, and has been since the adjourn
ment of the last session of the circuit
court The sheriff haa had several
criminals In hi possession during this
period, ' but they belonged to other
counties and were Incarcerated her
only temporarily.
Dallas Engineer Appointed.
R. H. Meyer of Dallas has been ap
pointed engineer at the Fort Berthold
Indian Agency. North Dakota, and
leave for that place within a few day.