THE FOLK COUNTY OBSERVER, TUESDAY, JULY 7, 1914. LIFE SAVING CRADLE. Apparatus Designed For Carrying In jured Persons Down a Ladder. Invented, by the wife of a retired ad miral of tbe United States navy, a little cradle, or litter, la designed to enable Injured or unconscious persons to be brought safely out of buildings where the only exit Is a ladder, says Popular Mechanics. It was Invented primarily for carrying sailors or soldiers from battlefield or lighting place to the hos pital, but Its adoption by Are compa nies is rapidly demonstrating Its effi ciency In the lines of peace. In mak ing a rescue one fireman descends one rung ahead of another, thus distribut ing the load. The cradle weighs but four and one half pounds and makes a bundle only eighteen inches long and less than five inches in diameter. The cradle proper consists of a double thickness of heavy canvass three and one-half feet long XiADDEll BESCUB FROM BUKNINO BUILDING!. and eighteen inches wide. To each end of a heavy canvas strip attached across one end of the main sheet and projecting ten inches at each side is a patented catch, held flrmly in place with a piece of stuut leather riveted directly to the canvas strip. A har ness of cauvns and leather is provided for each of the two men who are to use the appliance. Shoulder straps of canvas four inches wide, with two metal rings at each side, permit the cradle to be hooked to the shoulder harness. Used as a litter, this device has prov ed much more flexible than the stand ard stretcher, which is of little use In descending or ascending stairs where sharp corners have to be turned. The new apparatus leaves the hands free. Hydraulic Mining. The beginnings of hydraulic mining Teach back into the realm of mythol ogy. The story of Jason and the gold en fleece has its origin in that Indus try, for the Colchlnns, from whom Ja son obtained the fleece, were groat miners. They were of a country which abounded In placer gold, and their method of operation was to place a sheep's hide with the wool on It in a narrow brook and allow the water to carry the gold bearing sand over it The heavy gold sank Into the wool and Was held there, while the lighter sand and debris were washed away by the water. The fleeces thus obtained were valuable, and it Is supposed that they were used In trade and so came into the hands of the Greeks. Hydraulic mining has not progressed much since the time of .lason, the one essential difference aside from mechanical im provement being the present use of mercury to assist In holding the water borne particles of gold. Engineering Magazine. Electrical Copper Refining. A plant laid out on a very extensive basis for the leaching and electrolytic precipitation of copper is being con structed nt Chlqulcaniatn. Chile. The ore body to he worked in tills vicinity is Hi excess of am.OOO.WK) tons. The first milt of the plant now in course of erection bus been designed to treat 10,000 tons of ore per day. The refin ery will have an output of about 335. 000 pounds of copper per day. Energy for separating the copper from the ore will be transmitted to the plant from n Renerntlng slation on the coast over eighty-live miles of line at lOWXX) volts. Electrical World. Withstands Great Heat. It has been found by experiment that when the impure forms of bauxite con taining considerable Iron oxide are ex posed to intense beat the bauxite is converted Into a solid mass of emery which is so hard that it can barely be cut by steel tools and resists chemical, thermal and mechanical action to a marked degree. Itecent applications of bauxite in brick, according to the Unit ed States geological survey, are In the lining of rotary cement kilns, lead re fining furnaces and basic open hearth steel furnaces. Protection For Chisel Edges. A means to protect the cutting edge of a chisel when not In use is to wrap a piece of medium heavy paper around the chisel body to form a paper fer rule. The paper is cut Into a strip about one and a half Inches wide and aiz inches long. One side Is glued, and It is then wrapped around the chisel. The protector Is slipped up on the body when it Is In use. but when placed In a chest the ferrule is brought down over the edge. Motorcar Hint. An automobile can be driven a con siderable distance by repeated fillings of tbe carburetor float chamber when a feed pipe breaks. Loss of the Karluk A Serious Blow to Canadian Expedition. THE 320 ton wooden whaler Kar luk, flagship of the Canadian government's arctic exploring expedition, under command of Vllhjalmur Stefausson, was crushed In tbe Ice and sunk on Jan. 11, near Her ald Island, northeast of Siberia. The entire crew. Including a party of scientists, excepting Captain Robert A. Bnrtlett and one of his men, is now on Wrangel Island, with a plentiful supply of food and wood. Captain Bartlett, accompanied by Sailor Perry and some Eskimos, with a sledge and seven dogs, made his way across the ice to North Cape, Siberia, and then proceeded overland to Whaler buy, Si beria. There he was taken on board the whaler Herman, which carried him to SL Michael, where he now is, and from which point information of the Karluk's fate came by cable. The expedition which Stefansson or ganized and commanded was under taken for more than geographical rea sons. It was sent out by the Canadian government not only to discover what might be lying in the Arctic ocean to tbe north of the Dominion, but also to take formal possession as British ter ritory of any Islands or even continents which might still be unknown. On the maps of today there is a vast blank space stretching to the west of Banks and Melville islands to the north of Alaska and Siberia. To dis cover what It might contain, to see If there was any truth in the tradition CAPTAIN BOBKBT BARTLETT AND TH KARLUK. that here was a mighty continent per haps never jwt trodden by the foot of men. the expedition went forth. The whereabouts of the Karluk bad been a mystery for months since the time last September when after Ste fausson had gone ashore on a land ex ploring trip she was caught In the Ice and drifted away. There bas been much speculation over her fate. The ship drifted for nearly four months slowly drifted with the Ice in which she was fast locked until finally the water poured In the engine room down the main hatch and the ship sank bow first Most of the provisions, scientific In struments and Btores were placed on the Ice before the ship took her down ward plunge. Two houses were built on the ice one of snow, tbe other of boxes covered with sails. There was a stove In each bouse, and plenty of coal was saved. This camp was called Camp Shipwreck and answered its pur pose well until there was sufficient light to begin the march and transpor tation of stores to Wrangel Island, about sixty miles away, which was reached on Feb. 13 following and where a camp was established. Realizing the necessity for Immedi ate relief. Captain Bartlett left on Feb. 18 for the Siberian shore. 100 mllea away. The little party made Its way through a succession of fierce gales. and when it reached the mainland but four of tbe dogs bad survived the trip. Emma harbor was made In the middle of May, after a remarkable march of 500 miles down and across tbe penin sula to tbe shore of Bering strait, and here Captain Bartlett was taken aboard tbe whaler Herman, which made for the American coast As there was too much Ice to permit a landing at Nome, the little party was finally landed at St. Michael, Alaska. On the Karluk when she was carried away stuck fast In the Ice were twenty-four persons besides Captain Bart lett Among them were Dr. Henri Beaucbat a French scientist who had made a special study of the Eskimos; Alister Forbes Mackay and James Slur ray, who were companions of Shack leton In his dash for the south pole: Bjarno Mamene. tieorge Mallock and Wlllinm Balrd McKinlay. as well as five Eskimos. The revenue cutter Bear, now bound for I'nslaska to cut a way through the kr for shipping bound for Nome, will be ordered to the relief of the maroon ed scientists and crew of the Karluk as soon ns tbe cutter retches Nome. Ws$r HOW SHIPS BREAK IN TWO. Probable Cause of the Failure of the Oklahoma's Hull. Breaks In two of the bulls of vessels, bile they have occurred before, have been rare enough so that the recent disaster to the new oil tank steamei Oklahoma Is of especial Interest to vessel designers, says the Engineering News. According to tbe story told by one of tbe surviving members of tbe crew, tbe break in two occurred "when tbe vessel was picked up at either end by giant waves. While she bung thus suspendud a third great comber wash ed high over her side and settled with a deafening crash on ber deck." What most probably happened is that tbe break In two occurred when the vessel amidships was raised high on tbe top of a wave, while the stern and bow were In tbe trough on either side. This would place the vessel's bottom in compression and the top deck sides of the hull In tension. A ship's bull is weakest to resist a bend ing stress under these conditions, since its bottom plating is heavier than Its deck plating and the latter Is cut away for hatch openings- Tbe stresses were a maximum also because tbe vessel was not loaded. Under these conditions the principal weight of the hull is that ol the engines and boilers In the after end, and the ballast in tbe tanks at tbe bow to keep tbe vessel on an even keel. With the load thus concentrated at tbe two ends of tbe bull and the central portion empty, tbe bending of the hull produced by a wave lifting the vessel amidships would be a maximum. Similar cases of hull failures on the great lakes a dozen years or more ago resulted in an increase In tbe required thickness of the hulls of lake vessels. The wreck of the Oklahoma will prob ably bave a distinct Influence on the design of ocean tank vessels. WHY A CHAIN BREAKS. Scientist Explains the Strengthening Aotion of Annealing. What happens to a chain in use that allows It to break under a certain load which it will safely carry after being annealed? The reply given offhand to the satisfaction of most people Is, "It crystallizes." Has any one stopped to question if this be true? Break the chain link: that particular link at that particular place has a surface that looks crystallized. But is that particu lar link crystallized in any other part? I have never seen one that showed crystallization in any other place, says a writer In tbe American Machinist and the only explanation 1 have heard was that of John Coffin, and his claim was that the link does not crystallize, but breaks In detail that is to say, It starts a crack either where It Is weak est or when it is subject to the great est stress, and repeated stresses carry the crack farther ftnd farther until complete rupture results. If we accept this as true, then what takes place, or what does annealing do? John CoUin explained and demon strated before the American Society of Mechanical Engineers that If two pleceB of steel which are perfectly fit ted together be heated to a red heat they will weld together. Now may not this explain what happens when the chain Is annealed? The cracks In tbe links must of necessity go In to a point where the metal has actually parted but not opened so as to admit moisture to oxidize tbe surfaces, and then when heated to the annealing point the crack welds up. Tooth Making Machine. Two engineers of Prague have In vented an apparatus for the casting from metals of artificial teeth, which It is claimed eliminates all defects heretofore found In other machines In use for the manufacture of such teeth. The machines now generally employed are of two kinds. One of these Is tbe press, which forces the metal Into the form mechanically, but It is subject to the criticism that the pressure cannot be applied vertically, which often re sults in a sputtering of the molten mass. The other, the centrifugal ap paratus, excludes the possibility of the application of a regulated power. The invention In question, it is clafmed, obviates all difficulties heretofore ex perienced In the manufacture of such artificial teeth. The pressure on the form Is always exerted vertically, and, the force being regulated automatically, it does not In any degree depend upon the skill of tbe operator nor upon tbe degree of force applied by bim. Device Prevents 8hopllfting. A sliding bar safety stand for dis playing Jewelry and fancy goods in stores that is designed to prevent shop lifting has been Invented by tbe chief decorator of one of tbe big New York department stores. The device re sembles the ordinary "T" stand, ex cepting tbat It has a sliding bar with ball stops placed at suitable distances over the main crossbar. The fixture can be opened at either end to enable the sales person to remove easily any of the articles displayed. Its safety features He In tbe fact that only one end can be opened at a time and that two hands are necessary to operate the device. Applying Calcimine Evenly. When applying calcimine, alabasttne or paint If It Is to be rubbed down, put on the different layers at right angles. The first coat, when dry. is composed of fine ridges of color. When the second coat Is applied these ridges hold the color between them, thereby causing the surface to be covered even ly and thoroughly. Preserving Metal Posts. The part of a metal post that is set in the ground may be kept from mat ing by painting It over witb a coat of cement ALBANIA'S SHAKY THRONE. Prince W'Hiam Willing to Abdioate and Arouses German Wrath. Prince Wlllinm of Albania, formerly William of Wied, is having a difficult time In trying to bold down bis very shaky throne. It is said that be is quite willing to abdicate, for tbe disturb ances that bave arisen are not at all to his liking. The fact tbat be took refuge on an Italian warship when threatened by rebellious subjects bas awakened the ire of Germany. William was but lately a major of tbe Potsdam lancers. He is openly accused In Germany of revealing a "streak of yellow," which bas not only damaged bis own pres tige, but bas shamefully besmirched the reputation of the German army for bravery. William bas abandoned the outward forms of royalty and has PRINCB WILLIAM OF ALBANIA ANT HIS FAMILY. been practically a prisoner in Albania. The insurgents demand his abdication and the substitution of a .Moslem ruler. Almost Insuperable obstacles have stood, in the opinion of practiced ob servers. In the way of evolving a state out of Albania. The race Is divided Into three large factions by adherence to the Mohammedan, Catholic and Ortho dox religions, and there Is- a further tribal and clannish subdivision, with blood feuds In full force and little pow er of cohesion In a language scarcely reducible to writing. Consequently Prince William Is not in love with bis Job. one which was practically forced upon him by the powers that are try ing to create a state out of opposing factions that refuse to coalesce and over whom the unhappy prince has practically no control. PLANNING ALASKA RAILWAY. Engineers Appointed by President Start For the Field of Their Lahore. William C. Edes and. Lieutenant Frederick Mears, U. S, A., appointed by President Wilson, as members of tbe Alaskan railroad commission, have sailed from Seattle for Alaska, where they will map out the preliminary work. Both engineers were appointed by the president at the suggestion of Secretary Lane. It is pretty well known that Colonel George W. Goetbnls. governor of tbe Pbotoa by American Prwa Aeaoclatton. tnvuu c. EPF (arovki axd lisuiuiant rKKDKUK'K UEABS. Panama canal, was Mr. Lane's adviser i In tbe matter of apimintments to tbe work in Alaska. Colonel Goethals j seemed to think that It would be wise to have a civilian make tbe preliml : nary survey and that later. If neres sary. the work should ! turned over ( to the army endn.r t'olonel Gfie tlialu requested the appointment of ttw rnuns cavalry otlirer. M-ar. to tin- , work In Alaska. Lieutenant Mears bas been chief eniineer nut neutral super loiendent of the Panama railroad. -1 fM.'-fj i , k .7 v- ffL. fi'f A vv y -""- i. Some Trite Facts About Dallas Dallas has two planing mills and wood working factories, also an iron works and machine shop. Dallas is a trade center for a vist surrounding territory. Dallas lias nine religious organi zations, with seven edifices of wor ship. Dallas has a modern sewer system, touching all sections of the city. Dallas has many beautiful and costly homes. And the number is on the increase. Dallas has an active Commercial club and a Woman's club constantly working for the material interests of the community. Dallas is the starting point for the hunting and fishing grounds. Deer, grouse, pheasants and quail are hero, while au occasional cougar or wild cat is found. Speckled beauties abound in the streams. Dallas enjoys die reputation of be ing a clean town, with a good moral atmosphere. Dallas has a $15,000 armory,' large ami well equipped. Dallas has a sawmill cutting over 15,000.000 feet per annum, and fur nishing steady employment to 175 workmen. Dallas is a ready market at good prices for evertyhing raised on the farm. The local demand is greater than the supply. Dallas lias a volunteer hre depart ment that lights the destroying cle ment like old-timers. Dallas probably handles more mo hair than any other town in the state. Angora goats make money for .their owners. Dallas lias two substantial financial institutions, occupying modern brick blocks. Dallas has large tracts of standing timber tributary to it, clotted here ami there with sawmill's of the smaller class. Ikillas is picturesquely situated on the LaCieole river, and has o happy and contented population of about 3.0(h). 00 per cent American. Dallas lias some knockers; but, thank the Lord, they are in the min ority. Dallas has good transportation fa- cilitics, both passenger and freight. FOR INFORMATION ABOUT DA LLAS, OR POLK COUNTY, DRESS SECKETAR? COMMERCIAL CLUB, DALLAS, OREGON. ThePaperThatGets Results Is the one read by a people who want the news while it is news. When subscribers anxiously await the arrival of the home newspaper it is a sure indication that that paper is read. You read the Observer from first to last page, because it is chock full of interesting local news matters in which you are directly inter ested. Others do the same. They read your advertisement if you have one with as much interest as any other feature, because it is artistically displayed by men who are adepts in this line. THE POLK COUNTY OBSERVER DALLAS, OREGON The Home PaperRead By People Who Buy Try An Observer Want Ad In a Nut-Shell Dallas is the county seat of Polk county, and here is a handsome $40, 000 court-house of Oregon stone. Dallas has a $50,000 High school building, and two modern ward school buildings. Dallas has hard-surface streets throughout the business district, and many miles of concrete sidewalks. Dallas has a gravity water system pure mountain water from the hills miles away. Dallas has a packing plant, handling upwards of 3,500,000 pounds of prunes annually. Dallas' manufacturing institutions distribute approximately $200,000 an nually among its 300 employes. Dallas is free from malaria, ague or dangerous epidemics. Death finds its victims principally in old age. Dallas is tiio home of the Polk comity fair. Dallas has a Southern Pacific ma chine shop, where about 50 persons are employed- Dnllas has a modern, and thorough ly equipped hospital. Dallas has a $10,000 public library and reading room. Dallas has a creamery that takes every available ounce of eream at top prices. Dallas' rainfall averages 45 inches per annum. No zero weather. Dallas' public schools are on the accredited list wiMi all state univer sities. Dallas has a men's socio:! elub occu pying well appointed rooms, and this is but one of several similar organi zations. Dallas' section is rapidly developing the dairy industry. There are sever al registered herds, and more com ing. Dallas has a sportsmen's organiza tion, the Nesmitli Rod and Sun club. Dallas has nearly all the fraternal orders extant; few are lacking. Dallas is supported by people who are making money," and consequently have money to spend. One cannot distinguish the city chap from his country cousin. Dallas has tributary bottom lands as productive as any in the world, with the exception of those along the Nile. AD-