THE POLK COUNTY OBSERVER, TUESDAY, JULY 7, 1914. Published Each Tuesday and Friday. BY LEW GATES Subscription Bates. One Yenr $1.50 Six Months 75 Three Months 40 No subscription taken unless paid for in advance. This is imperative. Entered as second-class matter in the Postollice at Dallus, Oregon. Office 517-519 Court Street Telephone Main 19 works, no matter what his occupation is, needs a day of rest every week. It is one of the blots on our so-called civilization that, oftentimes, this is denied him. CANNON ON WILSON. President Wilson is engaged In smashing precedents. The president has delivered bis messages from the rostrum of tlie speaker of the bouse. In that he has smnslied a precedent of a hundred years. President Wilson smashed an other old precedent in abolishing the New Year's reception. This abandonment of an old social custom Is not of importance, but it reminds me of an inci dent In the administration of Lincoln. On the morning of Jan. 1, 18(13. the president copied the emancipation proclamation with his own hand, working at his desk nntll the hour for the New Year's reception to begin. Then be went to the blue room and for four hours shook bonds with thousands of citizens. At 3 o'clock in the afternoon Uncoln returned to his desk with his right hand so swollen that be could scarcely hold a pen. but after manipulating and massag ing the fingers for a few minutes be took the pen and wrote "Abrahnm Uncoln" to the most significant document ever issued from the White House. Joseph O. Cannon. NEED OF SUNDAY REST. Most of the arguments relating to the advantage of a weekly day of rest hnvo to do with the religious and ethical phases of this problem, and of course this is a point of view not to he slightly dismissed. But the scien tific study of the matter and its direct hearings on human efficiency should apjM'al to a still larger number of people, even to secularists who do not care for the religious aspect of Sun day as a day of rest from toil. The current number of The Journal of the American Medical association con tains an urticle giving the results of such a scientific study of the question, made by Dr. Martin, of the laboratory of physiology at Harvard university, and some of his associates, who have devoted much time to a careful in vestigation of the relation' between a regular rest day and human etliciency during the remainder of the week. A number of interesting experi ments were conducted by these investi gators, who placed under observation a certain number of medical students, of average mental and physical quali ties. These students were devoting six days of the week to their regular daily tasks. On Sundays they were not strictly idle, but, of course, their occupations ou that day differed great ly from the weekly routine. The re sults obtained showed that at the be ginning of the week's work the nerve tension was very high; then it be gan to decrease until at the end of the week it was very low. But, with the day of rest sandwiched between the week's work and the week to fol low, the nerve tension again resumed its high point. The decline in the nerve tension was due exclusively to fatigue. And fa tigue is the great handicap of all! work. A person is efficient in ANOTHER CRISIS? There are rumors of a renewed crisis with Japan over the California anti-alien land law and treaty rights, and serious difficulty may arise, not withstanding Mr. Green's assertion ou the Chautauqua platform here last week lo the effect that the Japs are simply bluffing- A few days ago it was announced that Japan again iiad taken up this question and would press for a settlement of disputed points. And now comes a report 'that the Atlantic fleet the pick and best of the American navy, including some twenty battleships and many smaller craft will be sent to Pacific waters next March by way of the new Pana ma canal, and probably will remain on this side of the continent for an indefinite period of time. Although Secretary Daniels dc dares the latter plan has no especial significance in connection with inter national affaire, and is merely an ar rangement adopted for the purpose of having the bulk of the American navy in proximity to the coming Pan ama-Pacific exposition, at the time the latter enterprise is being held at San Francisco, correspondents and others have been quick to jump at the con clusion that the real reason for a new naval plan has something to do with the pending dispute between Japan and this nation. It is suggested that big naval fleets naturally are kept in localities where there is the most ap parent need of them, and that joining the Atlantic and Pacific fleets the latter already being stronger than ev er before is a move that cannot be explained by a pretended desire to muss American warships in the vicini ty of an exposition. Also it is sug gested that this exactly would be the plan of this government if it were apprehensive of trouble wilh Japan, and desired to be in position to check mate any threatening move by the latter. Whatever mav be the truth of the situation anil of course the adminis tration authorities know the inside facts better than anyone else it is to be hoped the intimations of a re newed crisis with Japan will prove groundless, and that the two nations will settle their differences in an ami cable manner. That some of the new land laws of this country have given offense to the Japanese is a fact not to be overlooked, but the statesmen and leaders of that nation are too shrewd to be pushed into a conflict with this country without a settled conviction of wrong and injustice on the part of their countrymen. And even then they would hesitate about tackling something that foreshadowed positive disaster, the prospect of which would be increased by a strong American one of the leading aviators and aero plane experts of this country. ThiB air cruf't, which embodies several im portant innovations, expected to fit her for the particular work intended, has been undergoing trial tests dur ing the past week, and according to reports she fully meets the require ments and expectations of her build ers and those "who hope to pilot her ine nrst trans-ocean liignt ever made by man. Lieutenant Porte, who will be in cammaud of this remark able und somewhat hazardous under taking, feels confident the proposed trip will he successfully carried out, and if his hopes and expectations are verified it will set a new and notable mark of human achievement. The name of this new air craft is the America, and if she meets the ex pectations of those who pin their faith in her ability to cross the ocean it almost will be felt that the name it self was an augur of good luck and success, it is doubtless true that the effort at a forty-hour flight is, in the present state of aeronautic knowledge and construction, a most venturesome attempt. But if the ocean is ever to be crossed through the air, the lirst attempt must be made some time. And, as it has been definitely deter mined that this season and this craft shall mark the initial trial, everybody will earnestly hope for the success that would mark a splendid forward step in the new art. naval force in Pacific waters. SEES THE LIGHT. Commenting on The Observer's edi torial with reference to promoting the Made-in-Oregon campaign, The Hills- boro Independent has the folowing: "Referring to the Made-in-Oregon campaign The Dallas Observer very properly says that if Oregon manu facturers would use the methods em ployed by those without the state in stead of depending upon a paid prop aganda by professional propagandists they might get more return for tkeir money. About the only manufactured product that is not widely advertised in Oregon newspapers is the made-in- Orgeon product, and it is an establish ed fact that advertising sells goods. OUR SCHOOL SYSTEM. There appears to be widespread dis satisfaction with some of the aspects of our vaunted educational system, and the attitude of severe criticism maintained by the public toward it are encouraging symptoms presaging its reformation. No one who ponders the abstracts of various addresses by well-known educators of this and other states can fail to he struck with the note of discontent that pervades them. The teachers no less than the parents recognize the fact that t lie American school system, while per fectly sound in principle, is not al together sound in practice. A pre paratory course for the ministry, med icine or law is not the object of the public school system. Some of the boys are going to be laborers, me chanics, artisans and what not. Not all of them can become professional men. It seems reasonable, therefore, that we should give these boys in school the things that will be useful to them in after life, instead of striv ing to nil their heads with classics, useful only, according to the author! ty quoted, for three professions. The intense practicality of the age, t lie utilitarian tendencies of our civiliza tion strongly demand that less em phasis he put on the merely cultural studies. Historically speaking, our grade schools have developed as places where youth may prepare for the high school, while that institution in turn has been closely articulated with the college or university. This is all well enough for those fortunate enough to be able to complete the entire course. But the fact has been more or less ignored that the great mass of school children finish their schooling without either high school or university courses. These young adventurers in to real life should be as well equipped as possible for their emprise. They now waste many precious moments in merely cultural study, when they might be devoting their time to studies that will help them along the thorny path of real life. Common school education needs as reasonably be made that the new hanking system, centering in the fed eral reserve board, is a special con cession to the commercial, as distin guished from the agricultural inter ests. As a matter of fact, these two very different interests require differ ent accommodations, and in most countries this fact has been recognized by the creation of very unlike systems, each suited to its especial function, It will appear, in fact, that this pro posal of a commission of experts to investigate this concededly important question is deserving of serious con sideration. The ordinary investigation of a technical problem of this sort by a committee of congress must neces sarily be in large part devoted to the preliminary work of informing com mitteesmen about general principles that would be perfectly familiar at the outset to a body of experts. The re sult is a tedious proceeding, wasting time and money, und producing a rec ord from which it is well-nigh impos sible to extract the valuable and use; ful pails. In this regard the British practice of royal commissions of qualified ex perts for such inquiries is far superior to our own method. It is this method that makes the royal commission re ports carry authority wherever they are studied. Mr. Milliken s selection ;is an expert to help manage such an inquiry as is now proposed into rural credits, would guarantee that the work would he handled intelligently and with the certain purpose of get ting directly at essentials. The oc casion is a most fitting one for under taking u new and improved procedure in illuminating fields. Pr- Tr -.. .- i , ..... .... ...c f.v.nvi wi euuuiame great.. The capacity for much work is of little avail unless one has the endurance power to do it right along, and do it well. Hence, Dr. Martin concludes, that the day of rest is in dispensnble to insure the highest ef ficiency of whieh a human being is capable. Kven in machinery, it has proved true that intervals of stop page will enable it to do better work. And this is true, hi a higher sense, of the human machine. The day of rest is a relief from the daily routine. There is nothing so disheartening, as a rule, nothing so galling, nothing so corroding as the routine work of ev ery day, with no hope to escape from it, unless one has means to take a vacation. And if one works seven days in the week, the slave of routine, he soon becomes as interesting as a mummy, and he ran think only in the terms of the sordid surroundings of his daily life. Independently of all religious or ethical considerations, the man who' boosters who claim to be able to de velop public spirit that will sell the homemade product and a funny side if it is that they exect tlic newspapers who are not recognized by the manu facturers to get in and boost the game. reformation in practical directions. It is a happy circumstance that those who study education most deeply, and those who merely come in contact with its manifestations through their children are coming to agree on that point. PENNY POSTAGE MOVEMENT. Although the movement to secure one-cent letter postage is being kept up in this country, it does not seem to be making much progress. Some individuals and some business organ izations have given this plan their approval, but in a good many in stances this apparently has been done without any particular study of the question and the probable effects of the proposed change. The other day a special committee of the Boston Chamber of Commerce, to which had j been referred a request that the chamber- indorse the one-cent postage campaign, made a report whieh show ed that it really had looked into the matter. It recommended that the chamber go on record against one-cent postage for the present. "Business men," the committee said, "are will ing to pay properly for prompt ser vice." It is a well known fact that so called first-class mail, carried at the present two-cent postage rate, is the. main source of profit in the postal service. With letters at one cent there would be no profit, hut a loss to be made up by taxation. Taxation would fall upon file whole people. A letter service at less than cost would save a good deal of money for a few large business houses. It would not profit at all the average consumer whose postage bill is about a dollar a year, and whose saving by one-cent postage would be more than eaten up by increased taxes. The postal sen-ice should not make money, but it should as a whole bej self-sustaining. There is no general demand for one-cent letter postage, which would make the postal service a charge upon the public. tection, they will conclude to "come down" before the shooting begins in other words, to make a clean breast of it by frankly confessing they have overlooked or neglected their duty, and dig up the income tax which they should have declared and paid at the proper time. By adopting this plan they probably will escape more lightly than if they try to escape the pay ment of their honest taxes.- For, while "uncle" may not get all the tax dodgers, he is bound to get some of them, and the penalties of the law are quite severe for those who either honestly or dishonestly fail to pay an income tax in the manner and to the amount prescribed by the stat ute. Of course Uncle Sam, in other words the administration, is greatly disappointed over this poor showing of income tax payments, but suspect ing that there has been considerable evasion of honest income taxes due the government, "uncle" is going af ter the ones who have "welched" and thereby put themselves in the class of tax" dodgers. According to Secretary McAdoo, "active steps will immediately be taken to discover all evasions of the law, and a large additional amount of income tax un doubted!? will be collected from these delinquents." NOTICE TO ICE CONSUMERS Those persons desiring ice in the residence districts are requested to display their "Ice Wanted" card the first thine in the morning, as only fore noon delivery is made in this territory. Those customers not have ing cards are requested to call at the plant and get one, leav ing their street and number. DALLAS ICE CO. NOVELMANIA. Some men of today hate the or dinary more than their fathers hated hades. The college professor, seized with this mania for the new, pro nounces all the cherished hymns as doggerel, and various doctrines as imaginations of the human mind. He will advocate the practice of amthan asia as the most expedient way to cure cancer, and prescribe a method of diet each new moon. But the col lege professor is driven to it by a clamoring public, crazy with a desire to hear him talk. The preacher who does not hold the creed of the up-to- date church is liable, like the noble men's servants, to be stoned from his parish with the epithets of old foggy ism and narrow-mindedness. And so on down the long line. Novelmauia first introduced the kangaroo walk, and the icy finger tips for a handshake; it calls the end of the school yenr the commencement,: and the butting iuto society the com-1 ing out. Novelmauia in business is: at its best, because it has a clientage! trained to look for a prize after a bargain as DeSoto sought the foun-i tain of youth, and to expect a gold brick at the band of every sleek-looking fellow in a fancy vest. I Genuine Hand-Carved Teak Wood WE ARE SHOWING A BEAUTI FUL ASSORTMENT OF GENUINE, HAND-CARVED TEAK WOOD, IN SERVING TRAYS, COLLAR BOX ES, PIN TRAYS, JEWEL BOXES, HAIR BOXES, AND A DOZEN OTHER BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS. EVERY HOME SHOULD HAVE A FEW OF THESE BOXES FOR KEEPSAKES. PRICES FROM $1.50 TO 5c. Hayter's Book Store 428 Main Street RURAL CREDITS PROPOSAL. A number of the leading farm jour- But. as The Observer well sav? if this'nals of ,lle ,untr-. together with rep- money was spent in straight-out, legit- "tatives of certain agricultural or iniate advertising in the Oregon coun-Ionizations, have petitioned the ehair trv newsnaners Ihero nimht!.. tnnr.inK"n of ,lle U0U! and senate commit- practical results even if there was less hot air and fewer banquets att-m.od only by those who do not need con verting. The fellow the Oregon man ufacturer must reach if he would in- INCOME TAX DODGERS. According to a statement given out by Secretary McAdoo, of the federal treasury department, the proceeds of the first federal income tax collection amounted to onlv a little more than one-half the sum that had been es timated and anticipated. In other words the federal authorities, figuring on what information was available. thought tbey could count on about $54,000,000 being collected under the federal income tax which became op erative last year, the assessment be ing on incomes for the last ten months of the calendar year. Instead of that sum being paid with taxable incomes, however, it oppears that the total collections amounted to only $30,750. 000, which is $23,250,000 short of the official 'estimates, and which makes such a hole in the anticipated federal revenues that it is now claimed the tees on banking and currency, asking the appointment of a special commit tee to investigate the rural personal credit plan devised by R. C. Milliken. Mr. Milliken has given many years of crease his sales is the man who hiivs s,u"-v lo ,lus subject, lamilianzmg the eastern made goods and h can ' mmsrl1' w'" t'1 European and other treasury department will close the only be reached bv legitimate andi0"'' nio't',s fr such systems. He j fiscal year with a probable deficit of skillful advertising." jhas received for his project the tenta- live indorsement of many leading TO FLY OVER OCEAN. spokesmen of the agricultural classes. Interest is increasing in the pro-. for whose iw;nl henofit this v&tm FRESH AIR AND SUNSHINE. The campaign against tuberculosis whieh is being waged all over the civ ilized world has been productive of one great good along educational lines in that it has taught people the value of fresh air and sunshine. It has taught them to apply the simplest rules of hygiene to the manner of ev ery day living. And yet there are many households, singularly enough, where there seems to be no faith in such simple prophylactic remedies as unadulterated air and unobstructed sunshine. Bacteriologists tell us that the di rect rays of the sun are the most ef fective of bactericides. Old practi-J tioners rely upon fresh air more than . the administration of iron to restore health and strength to the system and to feed the waning red blood cor- puscles. But air and sun are so ut terly common, you know. In many of our up-to-date residences the whole southern exposure of the house is giv en over to flowers and ferns while the children are kept securely in a north room. The roses blossom, but the children fade; the ferns thrive, but the innocents decay. We have hygienic bread, hygienic plumbing, hygieni kitchens, hygienic rampant every where, but we shut out the air as if it were polluted, and follow the sun around bis course drawing down the shades. The sun is life and the air is strength. They are the foremost of all therapeutic agents better let them in. I 1 OF COURSE? And consequently you must be interested in fresh fruits. We can supply the housewife's wants in any quantity at JUST THE RIGHT TIME, and at lowest market prices. See us about it, or telephone for quota tions. It will be to our mutual advantage. Loughary Grocery DALLAS, OREGON NEW PLUMBING SHOP 512 Main Street. After having been with Gay Bros, for six years I have opened a shop at the above number and solicit your patronage. H. H. RICH I am in Business for Your Health. Phone 452. It really begins to look as though the septic tank may be constructed after all. posed attempt to flv across the At laiitic ocean this summer, using the large heavier-than-air machine which has been constructed under the per sonal supervision of Glenn Curtiss. is intended. It is not fairly to be charged that this proposed legislation is in the na ture of special consideration for a special class. The charge might juit about $7,000,000. When Uncle Samuel goes in to a matter of this kind he usually makes a thorough job of it, and it is there fore safe to say that the income tax dodgers will soon discover there is someone on their trail. Perhaps for their own peace of mind, as well as for their personal safety and pro- If you don't get at first what you ask for don't give up and sit down in despair, but instead make a stir. howl and make a noise, and work at the same time for the accomplishment of your object. L The Observer is gratified oyer the determination of the council to im prove the sanitary condition of the city. While Dallas is probably one of the most healthful places in Ore gon, no chances should be taken. When We Hand You Our Estimates of the cost of the turner you require jx-j can depend upon It that the fig ures w:ll be as low as first-class, well seasoned lumber can be sold for hon estly. If you pay more you pay too much. If you pay less you set less either nullity or quantity.. Willamette Valley Lumber Co.