FOUR THE TWICE-A-WEEKPOLK COUNTY OBSERVER FRIDAY, APRIL 21th, 1914 NEWS OF COUNTY TOLD IN BRIEFS Items of Interest In Country Districts Interestingly Told OBSERVER SPECIAL SERVICE AIRLIE Harry Williams of Kings Valley was in town, and reports everything alright. T. B. Williams of Independence is visiting his son Hue and family this week. W. A. Barr, dairy expert of the 0. A. C, lectured in the school house Wednesday evening, his sub ject was Sanitation in Dairying. H. Brinkley of Independence is here this week looking after his farm ing interests. Superintendent Seymour visited our school the 15th inst. The county road master was here Thursday with commissioner Pctree. They were inspecting the old bridge. It will be (replaced with a new one soon, the new one will be cement piers and steel stringers. Elsie Crowley went to Independence Friday. T. F. Ulrich made a trip to Dal las Saturday. Mrs. French and two children vis ited her sister in Falls City several days this week. Ernest Birch of Salt Creek was a business caller here Saturday. There is an opening here in our school for teachers next school term. Eldor Plowman who is on this cir cuit preached his first sermon here Sunday evening. Mrs. Sophia Hastings of Monmouth was calling on relatives and old friends here Tuesday. She was on her way to her son, R. A. Hastings, who lives in the Montgomery com munity. She is one of the old pio neers that is leit here yet with us. Miss Anderson of Monmouth was a business caller here Tuesday. Muzzle the dogs by all means. 0. T. Boothby puts us in mind of one ot old, he is tearing his barn down and improving his place in gen eral. He snid he did not want any barn, for he was going to sell his cow and quit dairying in town. W. W. Newman the Blacksmith is having a concrete walk built in front of his residence property. He is al ways up with any ot them in the way of improvements. Let the good work tro on. Mr. White of Dallas, candidate for sheriff on the Democratic ticket was in town Tuesday looking as pleasant as a basket of chips. Mrs. C. Tate and daughter Mary, was the guest of her father, C. t,'. Lee, the first of the week. C. C. Lee and daughter was visiting at S. M. Murray s south ot Indepen dence Tuesday. Mr. Highlon our hotel man has traded his hotel for property near Salem and is moving to the same. : uiit Ariu uuuim : NORMAL NOTES On Friday evening, April 17th were held the meetings of the Delphians, Vespertiners and Normals. After a very good joint program the societies repaired to their various rooms where their meetings were held. The cotillion given by the Del phian Society was a decided success. The gymnasium was beautifully dec orated with the Delphians' colors of blue and gold. The first half of the program consisted of the cotillion get ting ready for May Day. The Student Body Council plan was adopted by the Normal students. This plan will provide a chance for the students to exercise' supervision of their own discipline affairs to certain extent so that they may be come more self-reliant and experienc ed in government of that sort. BOWERSVILLE Mr. Peterson was in the' neighbor hood last Friday on -business. . Mr. and Mrs. pfavison from Oklaho ma are visiting the latter's sister, Mrs. D. Kaegi. They intend to stay alLtummer. Mnand Mrs. W. 0. Rassmausen hav returned from Silver King. Ida- and intend to make their future home in Independence. Chivies Swenson is plowing for Mr. C. L. Crider. Mr. Q. C. Kliever has finished the trays for his dryer. Mr. Henry Ediger purchased a new buggy last week. Gerhard and Pete Dichm have fin ished pulling up Mr. G. Remple's fence. Mrs. Jessie Hill is here on business, her home being in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Eemple visited with Jacob Faust last Sunday. Mrs. John Lockman of Salem was out on her farm last Monday tending to business. They will move to Dal las next week. Mr. Sohmon Ediger cleaned out his well last week. Miss Elizabeth and David Remple were Dallas visitors Sunday. The Chinamen are tying string in Toy Sing's hop yard. OAK DALE J. S. Macnmber fell from a wagon Tuesday evening in such a manner that one of the wheels passed over him, bruising him up considerably. Lmza Dennis returned home from Colorado Sunday. He has taken n homestead there near the Colorado hot springs and in sight of Pike's Peak. Misses Gertrude and Beth Wilson of Dallas visited the Garwood place Sunday. Mi's. James Wilson and daughter Beth visited over Friday night at the Garwood place. Newman Dennis visited Saturday niuht with Clyde Robbins nt Pioneer. Joe Murphy, Chas. Bird and Willis Fnnk are plowing tor Mr. Wright, who lately bought the Jolley place. There will be a temperance rally at the school house Saturday evening, commencing at 7.30 p. m. Everybody come and have a good time. There will be Sunday school at the school house Sunday, commenc ing at 10.30 a. m. Everybody come. Mrs. Thos. Card says she wants it mentioned the next time she gets stuck in a mndhole. Mr. Glen Whitaker of Dallas went to Monmouth Wednesday on business. Dr. McNicol, Osteopathic Physician. The greatest thing in Dallas a meal at the Gail. , tf. Dr. Scheetz of Dallas was an Air- he business visitor the middle of this week. Crider 's store wants your mohair. Ed. J. Himes for County Surveyor. (Paid Advertisement.) Tom Kay, State Treasurer and R. W. Raymond of Portland paid the Observer a social call yesterday. Phone Muir & McDonald Co. for prices on mohair and wool, hides, etc. Phone 003-2, Dallas Oregon. 11-tf. Waller L. Tooze, Jr., Lawyer, Rooms 8 and 9 National Bank Build inc. Dallas. 15-tf. Mr. Price of Dallas was in Inde- pendence on business the middle of this week. Phone Muir & McDonald Co. for prices on mohair and wool, hides, etc. Phone 603-2, Dallas, Oregon. 11-tf. Mr. Harrison of Portland passed through Dallas last Wednesday on his way to Falls City. Many come miles to dine at the Gail. Mr. and Mrs. Robinson of Indepen dence were calling on old friends in Dallas last Wednesday. The Dallas Wood Company is ready to furnish you with mill wood. Good loads and good service. All wood cash on delivery. Phone 492. -103tf. 20c. a Dound will he advanced to you for your mohair at Crider 's store, Mr. Linn Nesmith, a young lawyer of Salem was in Dallas on business the middle of the week. Phone Muir & McDonald Co. for prices on mohair and wool, hides, etc. Phone 603-2, Dallas, Oregon. 11-tf. Mr. and Mrs. Lew A. Cates, recent arrivals in Dnllas have taken apart ments at the Hotel Gail. The Hiiuos Engineering Company will do your surveying and engineer ing work promptly and guarantee re sults. Call phone 502, Dallas. 5-tt. Miss Dollv Ilininan, President of the Women's Club of rnvest drov-2 was a truest of Mrs. 1). P. Patterson yesterday. Why dine at homo Sunday, when a special treat awaits you noon and evening at the Gail. 10-tf. Mrs. Gerald Volk gave a 'luncheon Yesterday to a number of ladies honor of Miss Dolly Hinnian of For est Grove. Paper hanging and painting done on short orders. F. L. Sharke, 309 Maple Street. 9-8t, Miss Rea Wilson of Dallas who has been visiting friends in Monmouth and Independence returned home last Wednesday. E. F. Reamer, M. D., 401 Masonic Temple, Salem, limits his practice to diseases of the eye, ear,, nose and PORTLAND MARKET PRICES The following is corrected to date of going to press, and are Portland quotations. Grain, Feed, Etc. WHEAT Track prices : Club, 92c; Valley 92e. BARLEY Feed, $21.50 and $22 per ton. OATS No. 1 white, milling, $23 per ton. CORN Whole, $34: cracked, $35 per ton. HAY Mixed timothy, $14 and $15; valley grain hay, $12.50 and $14; al falfa, $12 and $13. MILLFEED Bran $24 and $24V2 per ton; shorts, .$26; middlings, $:il. Dairy and Country Produce. Local jobbing quotations: . EGGS Fiesh Oregon ranch, 18c. and l!lc. per dozen. POULTRY Hens, 18c. and 19c; broilers 32'2e; turkeys, live, 18c. and 20c; dressed, choice, 2oc. and 2 docks, 17c. and 20c; geese, 0c. and 12c. CHEESE Oregon triplets, 20c. BUTTER Creamery prints, extra, 2!)c. pqr pound; cubes, 22c. PORK Fancy, lOVfcc and 11c. per pound. VEAL Fancy 13c. and 13'2c per pound. Hops, Wool, Etc. HOPS 1912 crop prime and choice, 15c. and 17c; 1914 contracts, nomi nal. PELTS Dry, Iflc; dry short wool, 7c; dry shearings, 10c; green shear ings, 10c; salted sheep, 90c. and $1; spring lambs, 15c. and 25c. WOOL Valley, 17c. and 18c; East ern Oregon, 12c. and 18c. MOHAIR 1914 clip, 27c.' per pound. CA SCAR A BARK Old and new, 5o. per pound. LOST White mnre-pnny. Any one knowing whereabouts of same, please notify A. N. Halleck, Monmouth. lli-tl. RICKREALIi Cass Riggs of Orchards was a bus iness caller Monday. Mrs. B. 1. Lucas and J. O. Price returned from Portland Monday even- ,n?" .. ... tlirnnr. nnrl filtinjr o U aa I,'... win fnAln s UmiraKQ 71 a 1 " " called on her sister-in-law the first of j Hours: i to o p. m. the week. Professor Gilmore, a former Dallas Peter Cook of Ballston was here on College teacher, but now a teacher at business Saturday. Monmouth Normal, was calling on The Parent-Teacher meeting was old Incnds last vveanesuay. well attended Saturday evening and all report a good time. MONMOUTH Aunt Rachel Waller is on the mend and it is thought she may recover ngain. Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Bullis of Cor vallis was the guest of their broth er s family, Mr. and Mrs. D. Bullis, the latter part of last week. V. Oberstock of Portland has pos session of the Ethel Bedwell proper ty and is doing a lot of improving by building new fences and repainting and papering the house. The prop erty is for rent and is a good place for a family. ' Mrs. Earl Wallis of Portland was the guest of her father, S. Guilliams . and sister, Mrs. Nettie Roche last week. She went home Tuesday. W. Island of Corvallis formerly of Monmouth was in town last week greeting his many friends. He said Corvallis was going right ahead Misa liossa Smith, one of Mon mouth's leading young ladies, but now one of the leading teachers of Port land high schools, and a Normal graduate, came home Friday and vis ioited wit', her parents, Mr. and Airs. iJ. M. Smith until Sunday. Sin bas been teaching there for sevej veai : and has . bad several raiwt in her wage. Mr. and Mrs. CI n red Boothbv of Seattle were the guests of his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. G. U Boothby, the first of the week. The quarterly conference for the fourth quarter of the Evangelical Association will convene Saturday evening and will last over Sunday. Communion service at 11 o'clock Sunday. Kwrj'bmty is invited to all of these sen-ices. Rev. S. Huston of Corvallis will preside. Professor Gentle ha moved onto the farm near Monmouth, he bought of C. IL Parker and is making sonic improvement on the house, the Pro fessor makes things go. Mrs. David Bullis is on the sick lit, but it i thought she will re cover soon. G. H. Buler is clerking for Price ; Lucas. The barber went to Salem Monday. Mrs. W. R. Black is in Portland. W. E. Goodell is slowly improving. SUNNY SLOPE C. R. Hookey and family of Stiver visited R. M. Bosley Sunday. Mrs. Etta Egelston is visiting with Mrs. Bookey this week. Charley Shipley and Kenneth Hug gins visited lelulives in Falls City Saturday and Sunday. Elmer Allen has recovered from his injuries sufficiently to walk without a crutch. John Walker sheared R. M. Smith's goats Monday. Riddel Bros, are again running their caterpillar. I.. Johnson and family have gone to the hopyard for a few weeks. Supervisor Mnckcn visited the school Monday. P. L. r'ishback is circulating a pe tition for a prohibitory amendment in this district. Joe Swearington is training hops on the Liiekinmutc. J. P. Walker did a good job of dragging the road Tuesday. Zena-Spring- Valley Miss Celia Gilbert is here from Shaw, the guest of the Misses Cook. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Purvine, Mrs. Frank Koch, Mrs. Catton, Miss Le ota Catton, Oscar, Holland and Lee Catton attended the matinee of the children's play last Friday in Salem. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Crawford spent Sunday in Salem with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wells. Mm. 8imison was up from Lin coln Snnday visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. N. Crawford. The missionary society of the Bap tist Church met last Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Higgina. The offic ers during the past year were all re elected. Verda Ray is working for Mrs. Jesse Walling. Donnel Crawford and Miss Grace Zeniser attended the play "Peg O' My Heart," Monday night in Salem. Will Crawford was an Indepen dence business caller last week. Mrs. Judson returned to her home in Salem Monday, after two weeks spent here with her daughter, Mrs. J as. French. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Scott and children arrived Saturday to visit with Mr. Scott 'a parents. Mr. Scott returned to Portland Sunday night, To all subscribers to Pictorial Re view Magazine that fail to receive them. Please bring receipts to Dallas Mercantile Company, as the Pictorial Review Company reports no subscrip tions received from Dallas. 14-3t. Yesterday Walter Tooze was show ing what a prosperous city Dallas was to lion. Ben F. Jones, who is a candi date for congress. YOUNG MAN I You will make no mistake when you TAKE ' HER to dine at the Gail, SUNDAY EVENING There were no strings on the "Madc-in-Orogon" banquet even if there were some tied on the spoons and forks. School Lands for Sale. Fifty-one thousand and two hun dred acres of school land will be offer ed for sale in the near future, by the State Land Board. All this laud is newly surveyed, and, while it is scat tered throughout the stale, most of it is situated in Eastern Oii'gon coun ties. The board in offering the lands for sale will advertise for bills. The minimum al which the lands can be sold now is $7.50 an acre. As the board fixes the juice it can. however, offer lands fin sale for less if it ilecms H w ise. FOR RENT Why pay out your cash for rent when you know that you will never get a cent of it back. Mr. renter, why not live in the house and pay a small rental every month and in a very short time your monthly payments will cease and the home is yours, no more rent. Also vacant lots, same plan, build a home to suit your own ideas. , Phone 544. lfl-tf W. M. McQueen WANTED 25 to 200 Angora Goats. Address H. II. Pregge, R. F. I). 3, Hood River, Oregon. 15-2t.-x WANTED Capable woman for gen eral house work. Phone 13G4. Box 393. 701 Birch Street. 11-tf. FOR SALE Reclcaned red and al sike clover seed. Phone 24155. C. S. Calkins, Airlie. 7-tf. FOR SALE Baled Phone No. 1-S. F. 5. Cheat Hay 5-tl Great Reduction in price of eggs. For the next 90 days will sell S. C It. I. lied eggs at $1 per 15, large size, coriect color, enny maturity, pullets lay at 5 months' strong farm run stock, also Anconas and White Cochin bantams. J. S. Maeombe Dallas, Oregon. Phone Brock 25. 11-tf FOR SALE 30 acre ranch, 4 miles north of Dallas on Salt Creek gravel ed road, fine location, 19 acres under cultivation, 4 acres decayed stumps, easily put under plow, balance timber, 5 acres prunes, family orchard, new "j-roomed house, new barn, good size wood shed, hen house, drilled well, plenty of soft water,' woven wire fenced. Price $3600 if taken soon, a bargain. Part cash. J. B. Regier, R. 1. 12-6t.-x nTITTTT AT? V ' Mi. Rose May (Jolley) Cook was born in Washington Comity, Oregon, September 29lli." 1874. She was the laughter ot .1. 1. anil Helen J. Jolley. In 1879 she moved to Yamhill County with her parents. On January 25th. 1891 she was married to A. L. I ook. She was a kind and 'loving mother. ever dutiful and energetic and all who knew her were her friends. She was a member of Patrons of Husbandry since 1888 and a charter member and an officer of Riverside Grange No. 493, also an officer of the Polk County Pomona Grange. She died April 20th. 12.30 of a paralytic stroke. She had been sick since December 22ml. 191.1. After a few kind remarks and a pray er by Rev. Tapseolt, the brothers and sisters of Riverside Grange No. 493 performed their funeral sermon at the home, 5 miles south of Inde pendence, April 22nd, and accom- NOTICE I am prepared to do dressmaking at my home, next to the last house of East Ash Street. Miss Francis Marshall. 15-2t.-x WANTED 20,000 English cluster hop roots. Address J. R. Castclein. Riekreall. C-tf. FOR SALE Nearly new Spinwell potato planter, also one potato cul tivator. Address W. J. Knox, Dal las, R. F. D. 2. 97-tf FOR SALE Land plaster at the L. A. Westaeolt Warehouse, Riekreall. Phone Lucas & Price. 9-tf. Highest market price paid for ma chine cast iron, stove plate, rubber, brass, copper, zinc, rags, bottles and hides. Address A. N. Halleck, Mon mouth, Oregon. Get your butter Observer office. wrappers at the Seott will probably remain the rest P""1 """ ,n Mson" 1- of the spring, on account of the ill- el'' McMinnville and paid their neaa of their little daughter. I respects to the departed sister. FOR SALE By owner, 7-room house and lot 60 x 150, close to depot. Call at Dallas Garage. 11-tf. FOR SALE OR TRADE A Mitchell Roadster for cash or a good motor cycle. Answer Automobile co Ob server. 13-tf. CARD OF THANKS We wish to extend our thanks to all the kind friends and neighbors who assisted us during the sickness and death of our buloved wife and mother. A. D. Cook and Childreu. . AT LESS THAN THE PRICE THAT MANY PEOPLE IN DALLAS HAVE PAID FOE THE SAME CLEANER We have a few fine Vacuum Cleaners that have been going with a Ten Dollar purchase and Five Dollars in cash. We intend to stop giving these cleaners as a premium, so will sell the few we have, left at the very low price of GUARANTEED GUARANTEED We guarantee these cleaners to do the work as well as any Ten or Twelve dollar cleaner AfllfJG The work of cleaning house can be lightened won derfully by the use of one of these cleaners. Don't take up your carpets to clean them. One of these Vacuum Cleaners will draw all the dust out of your carpets and leave them bright and clean. Only a few to go at this price, so don't wait and pay a good deal more for one later. YOUR HOME STORE Ask for Conkey'a Free Poultry Booklet Keep Your Fowls Free from Lice Chicken lice cost the poultrynun more money than .11 other Items of poultry expense com bined. They kill thousands of chickens every year. Prevent this loss by dusting your fowls with ConJcey'a Lice Powder combination of effective lice killing Ingre .dients. It's quick and sure. Kills the Lice, Doesn't HarmChickena Its use means bigger poultry profits. Restores health and vitality to your flock. Guaranteed. Price 25c and 50c Conkey'a Lice Liquid Sprayed about the poultry house will rid your chickens of the lite-sapping mites that live m the cracks and crevices , QL 35c half gal 60c gaL $1.00. . . Conkey'a Head Lice Ointment rubbed on the heads of little chicks will quickly kill the deadly head louse without Injury to the chick. Safe and sure. 10c and 25c YW Mmmt Sick II CmSt'i lies Killtaf PwpMilwi O N4 Satttrr 'a. M. RAY 25wi50c i in IQl.3Sc.2Qt.60c UL 9 1.00 IOcaad2St Professional Cards DENTIST AND . ORTHODONTIA , ER. CLINTON L. FOSTER, ' New City Bank Building. Office Phone 031.' DALLAS OliKdON. Prohibition Convention The Polk County Prohibition Convention will meet in the COURT HOUSE. MONDAY APRIL 27 All who have signed enrollment cards are urged to be present and take part in the proceedings. CENTRAL COMMITTEE Get your butter Observer office. wrappers at the The best lamp in the world ii the Sunahine Safety lamp that I ab- m lolutely guarantee to live satisfaction or mon ey refunded. 00 candle power with only 11 eta. cost for 21 hoan of light Henry Gohrke, aole bright agent, Dallas, Oregon. Dallas Iron Works MariilnisU Foundry men Pattern Mikm SAWMILL WORK A 6PECIALT1 We are prepared to do any kind o Iron and Brass wurk. Lumber tracks and 8tock stork on hem! w msb th beat and cheapest t:ump Pullet on the market Prtota rartnatile LETTER HEADS. ENVELOPES, AND ALL KINDS Or GOOD PRINTING DONE AT THE OB SERVER OFFICE. DKNTIST M. HAYTER Dnllas National Hunk DuiuJding Dallas Oregon Oilva Smith-Bicknell Teacher of PIANO and ORGAN . Studio 712 Oak St. DALLAS Oli EG' JN Chiropractor Phone 1304 DR. D. G. REMPEL Nerve Specialist and Spinal Adjuster Ollice, 513 Church Street, near ilepol. Consultation and Examination Free. DALLAS, OREGON DENTIST B. F. BUTLER Office over Fuller Pharmacy. Office hour from t to II a. m.; I to S p. m. Dallas Oresron , Phone 1181-1 ' R. . CHAPMAN FUNERAL DIRECTOR AN D EM BALM ER Call promptly answered day or olcht Dallas, Oregon. S. B. TAYLOR Civil Engineer and Surveyor Room 10, National Bank Building Phone 43, Dallas, Oregon. West Side Marble WorKs G. U RAWKIX8, lnprieaar. MOJirjIEXTS. nKAHSTONES AFTD CVRBINO. A Complete I tne of An Lstntf Desscaa,