THE HOME' PAPER VOL. 25 DALLAS, OREGON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1914 NO. 100 POLK COUNTY WOULD LOSE MOVEMENT ON FOOT FOR PART TO JOIN MARION A Pipe Dream Io Doubt, Bnt Who Can Tell? The following pipe dream in the Salem Journal last week is so silly that we apologize for reproducing it. "According to Attorney Earnest Blue, the well-known local booster, who resides across the river in West Salem, a move is now on foot to an nex the prosperous little community over the steel bridge with the capital city proper. Attorney Bluue address ed members of the commercial club at the meeting held last night and placed a proposition before them, which, if carried out, will eventually result in West Salem being made a part of this city. Attorney Blue said that all that is needed now iH an up-to-date bridge across tllie Willamette to connect West Salem with Salem permanently. He declared, that the people of West Sa lem are desirous of joining hands with the city and that in the event a decent bridge is erected between Uie two points that they will take steps to annex themselves with their big sister across the river. The speak er condemned the wagon bridgo in terms not at all uncertain. He said that the bridge is nothing more than a trembling, tottering mass of steel and that unless the two counties get busy within a comparatively short time, the structure will be lying the river and ferry boats will have to be placed in commission in order to keep the west side of the city in communication with the east," Who is the Hon. Earnest Blue J The poor old bridge has caused so much worry, and still it is as good as ever, regardless of the wise acres who so of ten predicted its falling into the Wil lamette river. No doubt those who 'want the Pacific highway to come acros the river from Salem would like to see amodern bridge not for use, as much, as to add to the beauty of the surroundings. We question if the Hon, Earnest Blue will reach the age of Methuselah, and he will have to be fore his pipe dream comes to real ization. ' - - PLAY BALL What kind of a base ball team will Dallas have this season t This ques tion was asked in a crowd of fans 4 hat were getting uneasy to hear the command PLAY BALL. The Observ er understands that steps have been made to organize a winning team. The following gentlemen have been selected as a committee to start the ball a-rolling. Tom Stockwell, Pres ident, Clarence Shultz, Treasurer; Walter A. Tooze Jr., Secretary; Ar thur Serr, Manager. It will take some money to put the grounds in condition and also to- have the same (fenced and then comes the suite. There is no better advertisement for a city than a good ball team and it has always proved a good drawing card to any town. The commercial club can not spend money to better advantage than to assist in securing a good team and the merchants are also interested in this matter. When the committee starts out to see what they can do to start the fund requir ed, be a good booster, and subscribe to the cause. When they find out how much they can raise, they can commence to arrange for the players, And the more you subscribe the better success will be bad in securing win ning team, and that is what Dallas wants a team that will bring the pen ant to the home grounds. Pupils Attend Court The pupils in the 8th grade of the Dallas Grammar School, Hiss Sadie Lynn, teacher, visited the Court Fri day afternoon and received practi cal lessons on Court t proceedings. This was the first time for many of them to enter a Court Boom and al though it wa a lesson, the pupils proved ,to be interested in every de tail. ' I WE WANT THE NEWS When you lave a little item, SEND IT IN. , There is no time like the present to begin. " "We'U appreciate it too Just like we always do If you'll promptly send your little item in. When you hear that something's hap- ; ' pened, ;." ' ' MAIL IT IN It will only take two pennies worth of tin; You '11 feel better every day All along life's nigged way, If you'll think about the printer, so begin. If you know of any news note PHONE IT IN -It will make uS smile from forehead down to chin; It will drive away the blues When your neighbor reads the news So phone your local paper phone it in. When you hear of some occurence STEP RIGHT IN We will greet you with a "howdy" and a grin; For we like to print the news And 'twill save our only shoes If we do not have to chase the items in. Two verses of the above appeared in the Albany Herald last week' as an ode to that, paper as original! They are off, pa it was published last No vember in the Minco Oklahoma Min strel. $600,000. THINK OF IT! The following clipping is going the rounds in a number of our exchanges and it bears the ear mark of a Port land booster circular. The Observer does not believe that Polk County will vote . $000,000.00 t build hard sin-face roads. It does not believe that the majority of its eitizens want to annex this additional tax. It does not believe itl is good policy to vote these bonds, and we will bet dollars to doughnuts that the bonds will not carry if attempted. We have inter viewed over one hundred tax payers and have only found a few who were in favor of this expenditure. The Observer will oppose this tax, and we honestly believe that the ma jority of the tax payers will uphold us in the effort. The office seeker who advocates this $000,000.00 had better put his ear to the ground, and take a hint from -the rumblings. Our taxes are high enough and it looks like we had all we could take care of, if the present state adminis tration keep up their record in regard to useless expenses. Below is the ar ticle referred to. What do yon think of it, Mr. tax payerf .The good roads excitement has in vaded Polk County. The Dallas Com mercial Club is making an effort to secure a bond issue of not less than $000,000.00, with which, it is figured, practically all the cities of the county can be connected by a hard surface road. A HIGH NOON WEDDING In a pretty wedding at the home of the bride's father at Perrydale, Miss Elsie L. Keyt and Lewis V. Macken were married at high noon last Sun- dav bv Eldef I. N. Mmlke of the Christian Church at Bethel. The bridal party entered the beauti fully decorated parlors, as Miss Wan da Keyt, sister of the bride played the Wedding March. The bride's bouquet was of brides' roses and she wore a dainty gown which was at tractive and in keeping with Hie beau tiful surroundings. The bride is a daughter of the Hon. D. L. Keyt of Perrydale, and was' for several years a proficient and popular public school teacher in this county. Mr. Macken ia a popular young man, who has made good, he was a public school teacher for several years, and for two years, was super visor of public schools in the Philli pine Islands. He was elected last June to the position of Rural School Superintendent of this district, which position be uow holds. The wedding was ' not a complete surprise to. the many friends of the eonple, but was unexpected by some. After a short wedding trip, Mr. and Mrs. Macken have returned to Dallas and are stopping at the New Scott Hotel, receiving the congratulations of their many friends. MONMOUTH NOT SO BAD Smallpox Situation Is Found to Have . Been Exaggerated. After a report that there were 12 to 15 cases of smallpox at Monmouth, State Health Officer White, who re turned to Portland yesterday, found only four cases of the disease. - Dr. White did some wholesale vaccinating and says that Monmouth is now the best protected community in the state He vaccinated all the students in the Normal school who had not been vac cinated recently, as well as the pupils of the High school. All the teachers of the High school except one sub mitted to having their arms inocu lated, and the entire faculty of the Normal school expressed themselves as being glad to avail themselves of the opportunity. The above appeared in a Portland paper Saturday. LIBRARY NOTES The following books which are on the teacher's reading list for 1914 and 1015 have been added to the 11 brarv shelves and are available to all teachers. Teaching the common branches Charters. Elementary School Standards Mc- Murray, Everyday Problems in Teaching 0'. Shea. History of Modern Elementary Edu cation Parker. Vocational Guidance Puffer. Education of Tomorrow Weeks. There is always a large demand for late fiction, so these books have been put in free circulation, to give place to the new fiction that has recently been added. The Fighting Doctor Martin. Their Yesterdays Wright. The While Shield Rud The squirrel Cage Caufield. Corporal Cameron Conner Chronicles of Avonlea Montgomery. The Recording Angel Harris. The Promised Land Antin. The honor of the big snows Curwood. The Night Riders Cullum. Passing of the Third Floor Back Jerome. Man and Super Man Show. The Autobiography of a Clowfl Mar- cosson. My Little Sister Robins. " Wild Oats Oppenheiin. The Girl That Goes Wrong Kauff- man. The House of Bondage Kaufman. Mr. O. H. Benson, National leader of the Boys' and Girls' Industrial Club and Mr. L. J. Chapin, Govern ment Agricultural Agent were inter ested callers at the library Wednes day. Mr. Robert Fisher returned Friday night to again take up his residence in Dallas after a ten months' stay in Burke, Idaho. Mrs. L. C. Muscott returned Fri day night, from a two weeks' visit in Portland. Miss Jennie Muscott was a Salem visitor Thursday and Friday of last week. Miss Pauline Snyder was an over Sunday visitor in McMinnville. LOOKING UP STATISTICS C. D. Babcock, a member of the State Industrial Accident Commis- sion, was in Dallas last week looking up statistical information regarding Dallas industries that will be effected by the Workmen's Compensation Act. Discussing the law, Mr. Babcock said : It is designed to do away with liti gation between employers and em ployees on account of personal in juries to workmen, and to provide in lieu thereof, a plan of compensation that will be prompt, certain and prac tically automatic The law U elect ive, but certain industries will come in automatically unless the act is specifically rejected. Industries are divided into two classes, A and B. In class A the em ployer pays into the state Industrial Accident Fund, 3 of his payroll and the workman of 1 per cent of his wages. In class B these amounts are 1 and Vi f 1 Pr cent In either class the employer who operates for twelve months without an accident will be eligible t exemption, and will cease paying into the fund until an accident occurs, the protection of the law to continue throughout the period of exemption." Anyone interested in the law may obtain a copy by writing the Commis sion at Salem. Colonel Coethals, Master Mind Of Panama Canal, In Public Eye Pboto copyright Dy American Press Association. OFFICIAL Washington was surprised and the rest of the country out side of New York was skeptical when It was announced that Colonel George W. 3oethals, chief engineer of the Panama canal, had prac tically accepted the police comnilssionerslilp of New York city under certain provisos. It was felt that' if the colonel (you pronounce his name Go-tbals) eventually did go to New York it would not be until after the formal opening of the canal on Jan. 1, 1915. Later came the announcement that President Wilson had appointed him first governor of the canal zone to take effect about April 1. He was born In Brooklyn June 20, 185a He was assistant of Lieutenant Colonel Merrill, In charge of Ohio river im provement and promoted to captaincy In 1801 and put in charge of Tennessee river improvement work. At the close of the Spanish war he was assigned to West Point as an Instructor. In 1900 he was assigned to take charge ol fortification and harbor improvements at Newport. II. I. On Feb. 27, 1907 be was appointed chief engineer In charge of the Panama canal work. A VALENTINE PARTY The junior class of Dallas High school gave a Valentine party at the home of Miss Muriel Grant last Fri day evening. The rooms were tastefully decorat ed in hearts and cupids and the din ing room was decorated in purple and gold, their class colors. Games and a program furnished amusement for the evening. The program was as follows: Vocal Solo. ... i ....... .Merle Myers Violin Selections Jack Eakins Vocal Solo Lucile B. Hamilton Instrumental Shlo. .Muriel K.Grant At a late hour a dainty luncheon was served. 1 The following were the invited guests: Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Ford, Miss Maude A. McDonald, Miss Rose M. Sheridan, Misses Susie Rarmsey, Lo la Ramsey, Birdie Odom, Elsie Friz zell, Alfreda Garner, Georgia Ellis. Louise Miles, Maud Barnes, Gladys Longberry, Helen Laughary, Marie Griffin, Hallie Smith, Lucile Hamil ton, Marjorie Bennett, Murial Grant, Dorothy Bennett, Helen Casey, Mo- della Burh, Messers. Merle Myers, Jo seph N. Helgerson, Herbert Shepard, Forest Neal, Ed. Preston, Guy Staig- er, Russel Shepard, Laid V. Woods, Rary Boydston, Jack Eakin, Hershall Pritchard, Harold Miller, George Ful ler, Earnest Hoisington, Elmer Bal- leree, Merrill Barber, Lynn Malheney, Fred Gooche, Miss Hattie Teats, Mr. Herbert Dunkleberger. Polk County Principals' Club Hold Meeting. The Principals' Club, held a meet ing at Falls City Saturday night, which was attended by the f.illowiiia : W. A. Johnson, Bethel; i. W. Montgomery, Perrydale; R. E. Sil via, Ballston; W. E. Buell, Sail Creek : W. L Ford, Dallas; E. I- Keeel, Monmouth; E. M. Haley, Airlie; H. E. Barnhart, Falls City; Miss E. Lor- ee O'ConneU, Black Rock; C. H. Ack- rrman, President Normal School; and H. C. Seymour of Dallas. "A sur vey of the Portland' Schools" was the subject of a discussion, which was led by Mr. Arkerman. The same subject will be discussed at tbe club's next meeting, which will be held at Monmouth, March 14th. After the close of the meeting, the domestic science class of Falls City yi 'V. " High School, served dinner to the club members, who greatly enjoyed it, and were eloquent in their praise of the yomig ladies cooking and serving SCHOOL RALLIES A well attended school rally was held at Lewisville Thursday, H. C. Seymour was present and was accom panied by IL M. Cross of the Oregon Agricultural College, who delivered an address on "Clover Raising" which was both interesting and in structive. The Ward school which is a joint district with Benton County, held an all day school rally Thurs day. There were about 50 present, including Mr. Cannon, Superintendent Benton County schools, Mr. Seymour and Mr. Cross of Polk County. A half day school rally was held at Oak Hmrst Friday, which was at tended by about 30 from that district and L. V. Macken and G. AV. Meyers. The Oak Dale district, held a half day school rally Friday with 25 peo ple present, H. C. Seymour and G. W. Meyers attending. There was a good attendance at the Falls City school rally held last Saturday afternoon. It was a busi ness and social success. G. W. Mcy eis, L. V. Macken and Superintendent Seymour were also present. School rallies will be held this week as follows :Friday, Goose Neck, and Eola; Saturday, Perry'lale and Bucll. A VALENTINE PARTY Miss Bertha Serr and Arthur Serr were hosts at a very 'pretty Valen tine party last Friday evening, which was given as the second annual affair in honor of the young women who work in the dining room of the Gail Hotel. During the evening which was full of entertainment and enjoyment, a very pretty duet was rendered by Miss Conkey and Miss Kennedy. The dinner was served in courses snd was followed by toasts, to which there were several responses. The table was attractively decorated in pink satin ribbons and pink hearts, being arranged in a shower effect, in, such a manner that a ribbon extended to each place. The guests were as follows: Miss Burhal Bradway, Lucile Kennedy. Mrs. Laura Ellen. Violet Conkey, Mr. Knox, Mr. Dunkle, Mr. Seholly, Mr. Compton, Mr. Wells, Fred Wing and Edwin Serr. OUR SUBSCRIBERS How dear heart if the $teady $ub$criber, who pay$ in advance at the fir$t of the year; who $end$ in hi$ money and doe$ it quite gladly, and ca$t$ round the office a halo of cheer. He never $ay$ $top it, I can not afford it, nor "I'm getting more paper$ now than I read,'' but alway$ $ay$, "$end it, the family like$ it; in fact, we all find it the thing that we need."' How welcome hi$ letter whene 'er it come$ to u$, how it make$ our eye$ dance. We outwardly thank him, we inwardly ble$$ him, the $teady $ub$criber who pay$ in ad vance. The Editor Poet. A SENSIBLE PLAN J. W. Finn of McCoy, one of the Road Supervisors,' who has recently been appointed General Road Super visor of Polk County, has called a meeting of all the supervisore in :Ms county, to meet with him this coming Thursday at the Court House, and line up the work for the coming year. This will be a very important meeting and should result in a great deal of :ood to all who are interested in roads. TEACHER BUYS FARM Thomas H. Gentle, principal of Monmouth Training School, Superin tenden-t of City Schools and instruct or in the Oregon Normal School, has purchased the Parked farm -of over 100 acres, the consideration being about $20,000. He is to take posses sion in April. Another large land deal was that of the Thurston estate, in .the Suver dis trict of the county. This farm of 390 acres sold for $20,000. COURT NEWS The case of F, M. Surer vs. County of Polk, State of Oregon, action for money, was decided in favor of the plaintiff. The County will probably appeal the case. The case of the State of Oregon vs. Lester E. Stone went to the jury at 3 o'clock Monday. They were out all "nightl, and the result was a hung jury. Polk County Girl Winner. Out of the thirty-two students that were given honor marks for the ex cellence of their attainment in schol arship of the first semester just clos ed at the Oregon Agricultural Col lege, Miss June Seeley of Indepen dence received the highest marks. This young lady received nine A's, you have to grade over 93 per cent to receive one A. 0. P. 0. Officials Visit Dallas. A. F. Douglas of Tacoma and At- tilla Norman of Eugene, both of ficials of the Oregon Power Company, were here Friday looking after com pany business. They were entertain ed by Mr. J. L. White, manager of the company and enjoyed a dainty linner at the Gail, where the table was tastefully decorated for the oc- HIGH SCHOOL LECTURE The third lecture in the university course, will be given at the,. High School, Thursday evening, February 19th, at 8.15 p. in. Dr. Conklin will leliver the lecture on "Habit and Happiness" and everyone is invited to attend. Receive Diplomas. Mrs. Hugh Black, Mrs. H. O. Camp bell and Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Curtis, who have been in Salem, studying school methods, under the direction of the American Christian Mission ary Society, have returned to Dallas. All were successful in receiving their diplomas. Tax Paying Tim. The taxes are being paid at the rate of nearlv two thousand dollars a day for the first six days. The usiml complaint is made that taxes are too high and the new law is condemned. All taxes not paid by April first will have the penalty of one per eent a month assessed. Band Concert Tomorrow Night The seats are selling fast for the band concert tomorrow night at the armory. If you have not reserved your seat, do so at once. The band boys will give a good performance and you will be well repaid to attend. Attention Chorus Members. A meeting of the chorus is called to meet at the assembly hall in the li brary at 3 o'clock Friday afternoon. A full attendance is requested. CAHAL ZOIIE'S HEW III GOVERNOR GOETHALS' ANCES TRY AND ORIGIN OP NAME The New York Herald "Quotes Au thority as to Correct Pronouncia tion. Since G. W., Goethals has been ap pointed governor of The Canal Zone and having made such a good record as engineer of the Panama Canal his name is used daily in course of con versation and a great) many are at a loss how to pronounce the name correctly. The New York Her ald has the following information in regard to the matter. It says: The soldier and administrative mi litary man have been bred in George Washington Goethals for three gener ations. He is claimed now by many cities and states, but he is a "Brook lyn boy," although his ancestry is Swiss, and of the military Swiss at that. His grandfather was a surgeon in the French army and was with Na- poleon at Austerlitz. His own father, John Goethals, was born in Switzer land and moved to Amsterdam in his early boyhood. In 1848 he came to this country, making his home in Brooklyn, where in 1858 Colonel Goe thals was born. The origin of the family name is interesting. In good Dutch it is the equivalent of the English "stiff necked," and was conferred on the first of the present line, who was one of the Crusaders, by an early King of Flanders. This man was fighting side by side with his king, when a foe struck him a mighty blow. The sword was turned aside by the armor and the man kept on fighting. A second blow was struck, but still the man kept on fighting before the eyes of his king, until the battle was won. After the conflict the king called the warrior to his side and commended him for his prowess. "Sire," said the soldier, "I break before I bend." "Henceforth," said the king, "thy name is Goethals, the stiff necked." The name "stuck," and for centuries the family motto has been, "We break before we bend." The canal builder pronounces his name, "Uo-tti'lls," witti tne accent on the "go". This pronounciation is vouched for by Peter C. Macfarlane, the writer, and by others who know the colonel personally. According to Funk & Wagnall's Standard Diction ary, the name should bo pronounced Ger-tuls" with the vowel sound as in "Goethe." The colonel, however, appears to prefer the American way, purists to the contrary notwithstand ing. So "Go-th'lls" goes. A Little Shy on Cash. The state of Oregon owed the neat sum of $704,701.85 on December 31st last, according to the report of the state auditing department. This will probably be increased to nearly r quite a million dollars by the time the April tax money is available. I WORTH KNOWING The average male brain among civ ilized races weighs about 49 ounces; in the female about 5 ounces less. It measures about 105 eubie inches. It consists of 300,000,000 nerve cells, of whirh 3,000 are disintegrated and de stroyed everv minute, so that we have a new brain every 60 days.' The brains of public and famous men, as well as criminals, weigh about 60 ounces. Candidate for Judge. Mr. Glen O. Holman of Dallas will be a candidate for nomination on the republican ticket for Judge of this district. Mr. Holman has exerienre in court practice and is well read in his profession. Candidate Petitions The candidates who want office can be supplied with their legal petitions at the Observer office. A limited sup-. ply on hand.