Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, February 13, 1914, Image 1

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    f suit Cue : Wtef
VOI. 25
NO. 99
Thi Local Lodge Will Join In the
General Observance of the Day.
All local orders of the Knights of
Pythias, will observe with special cer
emonies the Golden Jubilee of that
popular organization which occursFeb
ruary the 19th. The Supreme Chan
cellor has ordered the day to be fit
tingly observed throughout the U. S.:
and different colored lights represent
ing the order will be kept) burning
during the ceremonies that will take
place. The local order in Dallas will
observe the day and in the evening,
ceremonies will be held in honor of
the occasion.
It was on February 19th, 1664, that
Justus H. Rathbone founded the first
lodge of the order, his work being in
spired by the ancient Greek story of
the friendship of Damon and Pythias.
Since that time the order spread rap
idly throughout the United States un
til now it is one of the strongest
fraternal organizations in existence.
In Portland, the Ivanhoe Lodge,
No. 1, which is the principal lodge in
Oregon, having experienced a remark
able increase in membership year by
year since its organization. It is the
premier and largest lodge in the state.
In celebration of the Golden Jubilee
the lodge will hold a special meeting
' in Castle Hall, at Eleventh and Aider
streets, at which special ritualistic
services authorized by the Supreme
Lodge will be held.
A feature of the ritualistic services
will be the exchanging of telegraphic
congratulations between the Ivanhoe
lxxlge and the oilier lodges of the
state. Grand Chancellor Grant will
be in Baker to attend a meeting of the
lodge there and will receive the tele
graphic congratulations for all the
lodges, including Ivanhoe. He in turn
will telegraph the greetings from all
the lodges to I. R. Stinson, the grand
keeper of reoords and seal of Ore
gon, who will be in attendance at a
special convention at Washington, D.
While the jubilee is going on here
it will be in progress also in the Su
preme Lodge, in Washington, D. C,
which is the lodge founded by Justus
Rathbone. A special convention will
be in progress there attended by rep
resentatives of lodges from all over
the country.
A Birthday Dinner.
Last Friday was the 74th birthday
of Mrs. Malinda Kimball and she re
ceived nearly 100 postcards from
her many friends in honor of the day.
Her daughter, Mrs. Ida Robinson,
gave for a fine birthday dinner,
to which Mr. and Mrs. Ben Thomp
son, Mrs. Don Miller and children,
Mrs. Thos. Card, Mr. and Mrs. George
Robinson and children were invited.
Mrs. Kimball wishes to thank her
friends for their kind remembrances.
J. W. Robinson found a number of
wild strawberry blossoms near his
place "Sunday. That is certainly un
usual for the 8th of February. Flow-
era are also in bloom in the yard at
the Garwood place.
A Surprise Party.
There was a surprise party at Joe
Murphy's Monday night in fionor
of Mr. Murphy's birthday.' There
were present: Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Murphy and sons, Hermon and Emer
son, Fountain Murphy, Mr. and Mrs.
Leiand Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Bird, Mr. and Mrs. Roy McDonald
and family. Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
Card, Mrs. Willis Frink, Mr. and Mrs.
Graham. Games were played, songs
were sung, refreshments were served
and a good time generally was had.
Fountain and Leiand Murphy are
Miss Faye Henson visited over
Sunday with the family of Harry
Douglas at Mistletoe.
John Robimoa is plowing and Chas. j of its popular concerts next Wednes
Bird is plowing the MaeGregor or-1 day evening. Read the program on
chard. - 'another page.
Hen Thompson is building a fence.
Jack Munger is helping Clurence
Sellers burn stumps that have been
grubbed this winter.
Loran Butler has been in Vancou
ver attending .the Y. M. C. A. con
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Wilson of Iowa,
will arrive at their place here about
the first of March. They intend to
make this their permanent home,
The families of Miller and 0.
Dennis spent Sunday afternoon along
the creek on the Hallock place. M
Miller's family was greatly charmed
with the. scenic beauty of the I.
Creole. As hhey lately came from
Kansas, they are not used to streams
like this. 1
Austel McCarter has been clearing
up the brush around the Hallock
house and has greatly improved the
looks of things there. He has also
put up a good swinging hand bridgi
across the La Creole at the hop-house,
He is also planting several acres of
hops' there.
0. E. Dennis is planting a few mor
acres to hops.
S. L. White was at Steven's
business Tuesday.
Mr. Vincent and son and Mr
Sckuelkie are cutting and making
posts on Mr. Pughs' place.
Mr. Webb Lewis was in Dallas
Wednesday and saw the 'judge about
Ethel Allen was visiting the week
end on the old home place.
Mrs. Turner of Salem is making a
visit at Bennett's on the Pugh place.
The Zeliech family have returned
home from the East.
The Steven's family were guests at
the Pugh home Sunday and Kather
ine returned home and stayed over
night with them.
Roy Gilbert and wife have a new
horse and buggy.
Saturday is Grange day. Every
body who wishes, may come and have
a feast and hear lectures free.
uur bunday school is growing
steadily; there were 67 at Sunday
school, and more came for church,
Mrs. Chas. Snelling, who last week
had a very severe attack of rheuma
tism is reported much better.
Several of our farmers arc plowing
in spite of the ground hog.
The program given by the C. W. B.
M. was well attended and reported to
be one of the best programs given
here for some time, the receipts were
Don't forget the school rally, Feb
ruary 21st. Come everybody mid
"bring your basket veil filled. They
are going to have a good time and will
need lots to eat.
Chas. and Fred Newman have bought
the Amity Grange and expect to move
there soon.
G. M. Ross was a McMinnville visit
or the first of the week.
Harry Russell was a Dallas visitor
Geo. Boyer has just returned from
visit to his old home in Pennsyl
vania, and reports a good time, but
glad to get back to Oregon.
Mrs. H. A. Lee was a Dallas visit
or on Wednesday of this week.
Mrs. G. E. Kliever stayed at Smith-
field for a couple of days with her
sick sister-in-law, Mrs. F. Friesen.
Misses Elizabeth and Lena Diehm
visited with Anna Kliever last Sun
day. Mr. and Mis. Earnest Buehl visited
at D. N. Kaegi's last Sunday.
David Rempel has been plowing
for the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Friesen visited
at Bernard Friesen of Dallas Sun
day. Miss Maude Stennett visited with
Emma Cadle for a few days this week.
Mrs. J. O. Wilson's father died
fsuddenly Wednesday morning at Air-
lie. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson will at
tend the funeral.
Mrs. Wm. Cadle has been on the
sick list.
Sol Bennett is working for Henry
Mr. and Mrs. O. Rempel visited at
John Niefeldt'a last Wednesday.
Mr. P. A. Kilmer butchered hogs
last Tuesdav.
Misses Elizabeth Rempel, Maud
Stennett and Emma Cadle attended
the Riekreall church last Sunday
The Dalias Band will give another
A Peculiar Condition Arises in the
New Order in Regard to Weights,
"The Unit of weight for miscel
laneous printed matter constituting
third class mail, the rate of postage
on which is one cent for each two
ounces or fraction thereof, . is four
pounds. Parcels of miscellaneous
printed matter weighing more than
four pounds, but which arc within the
limit of weight and size for matter
of the fourth class parcel post, come
within that class and are mailable at,
the pound rates of postage prescribed
for fourth class matter."
Postoffice men Bay that under the
new ruling it will be much cheaper
for a person desiring to mail a par
cel containing four pounds or less of
printed matter to pad out the weight
to slightly more than four pounds.
The postage on four pounds in the
third class would be thirty-two cents.
The same parcel of printed matter
made to weigh four pounds and one
ounce could be mailed for eight cents.
Dallas Looks Good To Him.
Mr. J. N. Hoffman, one of Forest
Grove's attorneys was in Dallas Wed
nesday on legal business. It has been
22 years since Mr. Hoffman visited
Dallas and he was very much surpris
ed bv the appearance of the town.
He remarked that he had no idea that
we had such a modern up to date city,
Our stores are far above the average
in appearance and .the well paved
streets a credit to a city of twice
your size he remarked. Mr. Hoff
man started a cannery at Forest
Grove on his own hook, and it has
paid him well. He says he is more
Mian surprised that Dallas has no
cannery as Forest Grove has two and
both are money makers for the in
vestor and the farmer.
i rrrroc tdmi tuf prrtPi r T
This department is yours and if
you desire to write something that
you think is of interest to the gen
eral masses, send it in. We will re
frain from publishing your name if
you so request, but yoj must sign the
articles so we will know who is re-
Address The Observer, Da'ias, Ore
Dallas, Oregon, February 12th.
Editor Observer:
I read with interest the article
the last Observer on licensed
preachers. Now I want to ask if you
or any one else thinks it is right for
any body of Christian people to grant
that authority. It seems to me that)
there should be some legislative act
to govern preachers who marry peo
ple. For instance, if a minister who
once had charge of a congregation
and slops, his license should be taken
from him, until he takes another
charge. What justice is it .to the
regular minister who has a small
congregation and needs every dollar
to keep up with life's needs, to be
derived from this source of income,
It seems to me that when a minister
of the gospel is not actively engaged
in the sen-ice of the lord his license
should cease, and he should not be en
titled to receive half rate on rail
roads and other courtesies that are
usually extended to the ministry. It
looks like some people might join the
ministry to better their financial con
dition instead of making a sacrifice
for the good of mankind and the sav
ing of souls.
Truly Yours,
A Common Man.
Was a Good Winter.
Mr. Daniel Holiusworth who has
resided in Dallas for the past 2.1
years and who has also been a sub
scriber to the Observer during that
entire time, made this office a pleas
ant call Wednesday. Mr. llolins-
worth Is a very pleasant man to eon-
erse with and be has seen 23 winters
in Polk County, but he says that the
present one is a record breaker as to
armth. He is very enthusiastic in
regard the future of Oregon and says
Polk Count, -m the banner of all
Oregon. The latter assertion will be
seconded bv hundreds.
Lota of Newi Left Out
Owing to a large amount of adver
tising, we are compelled to leave out
a large number of very interesting
newt items.
Luther J. Chapin of the U. S. De
partment of Agriculture, who is also
County Agriculturist for Polk and
Marion Counties, was in Dallas Wed
nesday night. He is organizing can
ning clubs in the principal towns of
these counties, wherein it is his object
to teach better methods of fruit can
ning and utilizing parts of fruits,
which hitherto have been wasted. Mr.
Chapin was accompanied by Professor
0. H. Benson of Washington, D. C,
who is traveling over the United
States, delivering illustrated lectures
at all the principle schools. In his
address to a large audience at the
Dallas High school Wednesday, he in
troduced a new method of farming,
which he believes will be more read
ily accepted by the younger genera
tion than by the old-time farmer, who
in his own mind is too old to be
taught anything new. The professor's
lecture would leave, such a farmer
with the understanding that he must
get in and master the new methods,
or his knowledge of farming would
soon be very little ill comparison to
that of his son. The lecture was in
structive and proved interesting to
all present,
State House To Be Remodeled.
With the new supreme court build
ing practically completed and accept
ed by the state, the next huge under
taking at hand is the remodeling of
the state house, for which the 1013
legislature appropriated the sum of
$50,000. This amount,, it is believed
will not be a cent too much for, with
the strictest economy possible, the
growth of the various state depart
ments necessitates many changes and
changes eost money -
Perhaps the greatest transforma
tion will occur on the third floor of
the capital, now occupied by the su
preme court, the attorney-general's
office, state library and library com
mission, and the state banking de
partment, besides several store rooms.
Bids for the remodeling will be open
ed by the state board of control next
week and the work of reconstruction
will begin ut un early date.
More Hops to be Planted.
It is reported that the Benedictine
Fathers at Mt. Angel now have the
ground in readiness and will set out
60 acres of new hops this season
The society has one of the largest
farms in -this part of the valley, locat
ed in the center -of a large hop pro
ducing section, but this is their first
venture in hop culture. Woodburn
In Yamhill County the rock crush
er and bins together with two bul
Inst cars were wrecked by an explos
ion of dynamite late Sunday evening
ut Pike, on the Carlton & Coast Rail
road. Three 14-foot holes were load
ed in the face of the quarry for the
purpose of loosening a supply of rock
for the crusher, which is getting out
ballast for the western end of the
railroad. Too heavy a charge was
put in and as a result the crusher
was buried and the bins which were
full of crushed material and tlie two
loaded cars were badly damaged.
Klein Bros, near Silverton sold
three 2 year-old Holstein steers to
F. B. Decker for $227.50, an average
of a little more than $75 per head.
The three weighed 3500 pounds.
Mr. Myers, who lives near Scio,
lost a valuable cow, when a vicious
boar broke from his pen, run the cow
ilown and literally tore her entrals
The annual convention of the
Christian Endeavor societies of Ore
gon will convene in Albany, Oregon.
on February 20, 21, 22, 1914.
Don't Tell Anybody, Please.
We saw them do it, trying to dance
the Tango, and they were not young
and giddy either. The Observer man
was out hustling for news yesterday
and mhile passing the home of a prom
inent resident of Dallas, be heard the
turn turn sound of the piano and saw
a couple of persons near an open win
dow going through the fascinating
steps of Die awfui Tango. While ob
serving the eon pie trying to do the
dip the gentleman lost his balance
and down he tame ker-ehug. Of course
we had to laugh and were discovered
and then came the appeal, please do
not tell on us, you know it is so fasci
nating and we want to learn so bad.
We promised not to tell, but if you
should see a man limping when he
walks, it might be one of the dancers.
Rev. Geo. H. Mitchell, Pastor.
Rev. C. C. Curtis, Pastor.
M. E. CHURCH Mill Street
Rev. O. H. Bennett, Pastor.
Rev. Owen Day, Pastor.
Rev. C. P. Gates, Pastor.
CATHOLIC CHURCH.. Washington St.
Father W. Cronln.
Copy for coming Sunday service
must reach this office not later than
Thursday morning.
Methodist Church Notes.
The special meetings closed on
Wednesday night with a full house
and impressive service. A score or
more have confessed Christ and the
membership of the church has derived
much inspiration from the splendid
work in song and sermon and bible
readings. Dr. Lewtas has found
many friends in Dallas and will al
ways find a cordial welcome. The
pastor, Rev. G. H. Bennett, will speak
Sunday morning on the theme,
"Bruising the Serpent." The subject
of the evening sermon will be "The
Problem of Everlasting Punishment."
The public is invited tio all the ser
vices of the church.
Young People's Rally.
A rally of the Young People's so
cieties of the city will be conduct
ed on the coining Sunday, February
15th, by Mr. H. H. Rottman, Field
Secretary for the Northwest, Christ
ian Endeavor.
Mr. Rottman will speak in the
Evangelical Church in the morning
and at 8.30 p. m., he will address the
Union Young People's Society, in the
Presbyterian Church. At 7.30 p. m,
in the same building he will give a
stereoptienn lecture which promises to
be veiy interesting. Mr. Rottman is
an able and interesting speaker and
should be heard by all. These meet
ings are open to all, and all are urg
ed to come.
Baptist Church.
Corner Church and Court Streets.
Rev. Owen Day, Pastor.
Sunday school at 9.45 a. m., Miss
Flora Miller, Superintendent,
Morning service at 11 a. m., sermon
by the pastor.
B. Y. P. U. service at 6.30 p. m.
Evening service at 7.30 p. m. Sub
ject, "A Tough Proposition," led by
the pastor.
Everyone welcome.
Christian Science.
Services held in New City Bunk
building Sunday at 11 a. m.
Subject of lesson-sermon, "Soul
Sunday school at 10 a. m.
Reading room, same address.
The public is cordially invited.
Presbyterian Church.
Sunday school at 10 a. m. Morn
ing service at 11 a. m. Sermon, "A
Man's Choices." Christian Endeav
or 8.30 p. m. Evening service 7.30
Court Notes.
Judge Percy Kelly of Salem re
lieved Judge Holmes a day this week
on account of having a relative in
terest in the case that) was on docket,
to be tried that day, so did not want
to sit as a trial Judge.
Nearly all the jury men went home
Wednesday evening on account of
no court Thursday, being a legal holi
day, as it was Lincoln's birthday.
C. L. Hawley has returned to serve
on the jury after spending Thursday
ith his family at McCoy.
Juror L. E. Bradford, Spring Val
ley, went home to spend the holiday
with his family. Mr. Bradford has
raised horses for about 20 years and
a fancier of fine stork.
L. Orice, one of the jurors, whose
home is two miles west of Salem,
spent the holiday with his family. Mr.
iriee is a successful raiser of apples.
pears, iearhe, cherries and straw
Do yon believe in Hoo-dof Today-
is Fridav aud the thirteenth.
How the Apostles Died.
John Conway of Montavilla, has
prepared the following and vouches
for its historical accuracy: ,
From histoi-y and tradition we learn
that all the apostles, excepting John.
died unnatural and cruel deaths,
follows: .
Peter was crucified in Rome, with
his head down, on a cross similar to
that used in the execution of Jesus.
Andrew was bound to a cross and
teft to die from exhaustion.
James the great was beheaded by
order of Herod, at Jerusalem.
James the Less was thrown from a
high pinnacle, then stoned, and finally
killed with a fuller's club.
Philip was bound and hanged
against a pillar.
Bartholomew was flayed to death
by command of a barbarous king.
Matthew was killed with a hal-
Thomas was shot by a shower of
arrows while at prayer, and after
wards run-through the body -with a
Simon was crucified after the man
ner of Jesus. i .
Mark was dragged through the
streets of Alexandria until he expired
John Paul died a natural death.
Paul was beheaded by command' of
Judas hanged himself and "fell
and his bowels gushed out."
Dallas Looses.
The McMinnville Telephone Regis
ter says:
Last Thursday evening in a slow
and one-sided game, company A of
McMinnville defeated company L of
Dallas 34 to 13. The game was a
walk-away from the start, the score
standing 22 to 7 at the end of the
first period. Corpron was the point
maker for McMinnville. He threw
eight field baskets and three fouls out
of ten attempts. Foster threw two
field baskets and White two. Syron
and Farley each made a field basket
for Dallas, and Burliam made three.
Barham guarded White. Farley al
so threw three foul boskets out of six
attempts. The game was slow, but
clean, owing to the impartiality of
referee Finseth of Dallas, who put a
quietus on roughness at the outset
by prompt penalties. M. E. Pettit
was umpire. .
Girls' Club Entertain.
One of the most enjoyable events of
the season took place at the library
last Monday evening, when the Girls
Club entertained a number of Dallas
young men at a Valentine party.
The rooms were beautifully decor
ated with large red hearts.
After spending part of the evening
playing games, a fine program was
rendered by some of the young folks.
The program is as follows:
Vocal Solo ....Mrs. Merel Myers
Vocal Solo Mr. Norval Gates
Piano Solo... Miss Edith Catherwood
Mrs. Leslie Rice and Miss Ada Long-
necker acted as accompanists in the
most brilliant manner.
After the program a fine two course
lunch was served. Those that helied
tii serve are as follows;
Mr. Arthur Serr, Miss Ruth and
Julia Dunn, Miss Ava Coad, Miss
Ada Longnecker, Miss Edith Cather
wood, Miss Siong.
After lunch the young folks depart
ed for home, all reporting an evening
of much enjoyment.
Tomorrow is St. Valentine's Day.
Valentine was a saint and martyr
of the third century, whose day is
kept on February 14th. He is said
to have cured the blind daughter of
certain Asterius who had been
charged by the Emperor Claudius to
win him back to paganism, but who
was thus converted to cnrisiianity.
Valentine was accordingly imprison
ed, tortured, and finally beheaded.
It is impossible to trace any connec
tion between bis story and the cele
bration afterwards connected with
the day. If has been suggested that
it might be a survival with a Christ
ian sanction of the ancient Roman
festival of the Lupercalia, eelebrated
in the month of February at which it
was customary to put the names of
young women into a box, from which
they were drawn by the men as chance
Miss Bertha Serr returned to Dal
las Wednesday evening, after spend
ing several days visiting her friends
in Portland. She reports a jolly
lime, aJ i WueStted by her rest as
she was very tired, because of her
hard work and responsibility during
her mother' recent illness.
They go on Record for a Maximum
One, The Committee Reports.
The Grangers of Yamhill County
at a recent meeting decided that a
new tax law was needed and a com
mittee was appointed and have
drafted the following as a starter.
As the State Grange will soon meet,
no doubt there will be some fireworks
set off on this subject. The lnw pro
posed by the committee is as fol'ows:
He it enacted by the People of the
State o Oregon:
Section 1. The yearly state tax
ley on all real and personal property
for al' purposes, shall not exceed four
mills on the dollar of the assessed val
uation, in the state of Oregon.
Section 2. The legislature shall
mvr power to appropriate out of the
funds raised hy the state tax, for ilio
maintenance of the various stal. in
stitutions, and for such other lawful
purposes as it may deem best.
Section 3. Any legislator voting
to make an appropriation in excess of
the amount hereby raised shall be
guilty of malfeasance and be dismiss
ed from office, on proof of the same
before any circuit court.
Section 4. Any governor signing a
bill that calls for an appropriation in
excess of the amount raised by the
said four mill levy, shall be guilty of
malfeasance and be dismissed from
office on proof of the same before the
supreme court of the state of Ore
gon. Section 5. If any board of direct
ors, commissioners, executive or ad
ministrative officers of any kind who
shall have the disbursement of public
funds of the state, or of any county,
city or school district, shall use funds
in excess of the amount appropriated
for their respective uses and specitlo
purposes, and shall create a deficiency
thereby, shall be guilty of a misde
meanor and be dismissed from office
on proof of the same before any court
having competent jurisdiction.
Section 6. The taxes for each
year shnll be due and payable in three
equal installments, on the first days
of March, July and November. All
taxes due more than eight months
shall become delinquent and the sher
iff shall proceed to collect the same
as by law provided for the collection
of taxes, but the expense of collec
tion shall in no case exceed ten per
cent, of the amount to be collected.
Section 7. The legal voters of
counties and cities shall have power
by a referendum vote to fix the maxi
mum tax levy to be paid by the tax
payers of their respective counties
and cities, but in no case shall the
tax levy for eouiity purposes exceed
seven mills on the dollar and ten
mills on the dollar for city purposes.
Section 8. County and city of
ficials who make appropriations in ex
cess of the sums raised by the respect
ive levies mentioned shall be guilty
of a misdemeanor and be dismissed
from office in any court having com
petent jurisdiction on proof of same.
Section 9. The state tax commis
sion is hereby abolished.
Section 10. The courts of the state
of Oregon shall not have the power to
declare this law unconstitutional or
inoperative in any manner.
Section 1L The legislature of the
state of Oregon shall not have the
power to alter, amend or repeal this
Section IX All laws and parts of
laws in conflict with this act are here
by repealed.
Any further information regarding
the proposed tax law may be had by
addressing the Grange, McMinnville,
Women's Club Meeting.
Tbe eivie improvement department
of the Women's Club will meet at the
home of Mia. J. G. Vaa Onie! on
Tuesday afternoon, February 17th, at
2.30. All members are nrgrd to be