Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, October 31, 1913, Image 1

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:: j ! 10 III BRIEFS
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rr, K;ms of Interest in Country
I Districts Interestingly Told
00 ! i "
Observer Representatives Keep in
' Touch With All Matters of Import
s' ance in Their Part of the Famous
r "Blue Ribbon" District of the
; State of Oregon.
t Ct W. Butler will build a fine new
residence on his lot in North Indepen
dence. J W. Brooks sold his place three
itniles north of the city this week; Joe
Montgomery getting 474 acres and
J. J. Underwood 2iy2 acres.
I J. W. Linn bought another new
Buto Monday, trying a Marion this
f A couple of sitreet players have been
causing quite a bit of merriment here
the last few days. Their rollicking
tunes have started the feet of the old
netj to going and it has been no un
common sight to see old gray haired
inert dancing the old dances of a gen
eration ago. It is needless to say
jhat the players picked up quite a
bit of cash.
I Dr. H. C. Dunsmuir went to Al
bany, Thursday where he will ad
dress the students of Albany college
Friday morning.
I IX W. Brooks had a public sale of
ill of his stock and farm implements
Wednesday, and the first of the week
M ill leave for the San Joquin valley in
California where he will make his
future home.
President Ackerman of the State
iNormal school was in the city Tues
day. ! County Commissioner G. W. "Wells
was a visitor in the city Tuesday.
I V. O. Boots, the Monmouth insur
ance man, was a business visitor in
the city Tuesday.
f- The Rebekah lodge will give a Hal
lowe'en entertainment Friday even
ing in the I. O. O. hall,
t Mrs. Ella Shinn will build a new
bungalow on her property in north
Mr. Cross will shortly commence
work on a new bungalow on his prop
erty in this city.
I the heaviest frost of the season
fell Mondav night. The days have
been fine and sunny and the nights
clear and cold just to let us know
Uhat winter is about here.
The controversy of the ownership
,ot the street between D and E streets
'on Second was settled Tuesday and
! the paving company started to work
Uo put in the curbs and put the street
to grade. The Southern Pacific Co.
has claimed that this street was deed
red to them but they have been un
! able to give proof of their assertions,
i There was no record of any deed to
f this property on file and the only rec
Urd of the street being presented to
' the railroad was the vacation of the
j street by the city: The signs de-
daring the -roperty to be a private
way were taken down the latter part
of last week.
The city council has condemned the
' switch placed by the Southern Pacific
i Co., near D street as there are two
, large holes that are large enough for
a horse to step in.
Hunters in this vicinity are taking
advantage of the last few days of the
. season, but are going to the foot hills
all of the birds have gotten gun
I thv and took a sneak for "the tall
' and uncut."
Mrs. J. J. Fenton, Mrs. O. Carbrav.
i Mrn, M. C. Williams and Mrs. S.
' 1' ys entertained their friends at the
s L -;ie of Mrs. Havs on Wednesday
; afternoon. Five Hundred was-play-'
e and refreshments were served.
J. O. Mcintosh and J. S. Cooper
t w re appointed as clerks of both the
Fjx'cial and general city elections.
Word was received Monday morn-ir-T
bv Mrs. I. Govro that her neioe.
;r. Dudley Gibson, of Salem, had
r .
The L. O. O. M. had a special train
, to 8alem, Tuesday night to take in
ih ir bie entertainment.
ilay Russell formerly of this city
l it "now attending hied school in
N . where, did some of the star work
.n the Xewberg team against Dallas
1 h school last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Frink left this
k for Idaho where they will spend
rxHith visiting their daughter, Mrs.
x Ilaukinton. Wm. Ford is tak-
car of the farm during their ab-
SI of the Falls City tearher left
T 1t evening for Dallas to at-
i- I the Tca-hr' Institute. There
- . Wen no t-rh.l the last three days
if the week.
Ella Mfhrline spe"' umlay
: h-r h"mc ia this city.
S. K. SkeK who was scrialy in
cl in the Seymour auto wreck, is
? rtA somewhat improved in health
Voters of Polk Will Decide on Five
Important Questions; Precincts
For City.
In preparation for the coming
election Tuesday, when five import
ant questions will be decided by the
voters at the state of Oregon, ballot
boxes have been sent out through the
sheriff's office to every precinct ' in
Polk county. . Everything is in readi
ness for election day, and according
to the registration during the past
few months interest in the event is
waxing keen.
Since the registration books opened
for the fall election 932 have regis
tered. This number added to the to
tal registration last year, brings "the
total number in Polk county entitled
to vote to about 4,300.
Voters of Dallas will cast their
votes at the county court house, ar
mory, city jail, and Woodman's hall.
Elsewhere in The Observer is Pub
lished a samnle of the official ballot
and by review in? this, t he voters will
be advised regarding the important
questions to be voted upon.
at the present time. He is at the
Dallas hospital.
W. F. Nichols went to Salem. Sat
urday to visit friends. He was ac
companied home by Mrs. Nichols who
has been visiting in rortland and a-
Mr. and Mis. S. H. Tetherow snent
a few days last" week with old friends
near Monmouth, their former home.
Misses Emma and reida Chrislen-
koii. of Salem, visited over Sunday
with friends in Falls City.
Mis. Fred rerun and Miss Urace
Young were passengers to Salem,
G. D. Gordon, mayor of Newberg,
was in the city Monday looking after
his property here.
G. D. Tieat and family drove to
Monmouth, Sunday and spent 'the day
with Mr. Treat s parents mere.
Mrs. Alma Dempsey, ot Kiekreau,
was a Falls City visitor Saturday.
C. T. West has had city water in
stalled in his" residence on Shelton
The Davis and Munson families
motored to Portland, Tuesday in the
former s auto.
Sfivernl imnrovrments are eoiner on
at. the Christian church, among them
liuinir a new onat of naint and a new
stairway. These give the building a
splendid appearance.
The Ladies Art cIud met at me
home of Mrs. Anna Kerr, Tuesday.
Mrs. Mary E. Halsey is spending a
week in Tillamook. Miss Hammond
is looking after the household during
her absence.
H. L. Shelton, Superintendent of
thp Drpiron Anti-Saloon leaffue. de
livered several lectures in the diff
erent churches of the city Saturday
and Sunday.
Mrs. T. B. Hooker and children
went to Independence, Wednesday to
visit at the home or Ira Hooker ior
several days.
Mrs. Jonah Lowe is very seriously
ill and her children are all here, Mrs.
Vina Miller coming last week from
Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Powell drove to
Albany, Saturday to visit with Mrs.
Powell's parents at that place.
L. U. Ingram left this week for
Hoskins where he has been employed
as sawyer in the new mill there.
The Snday school class of Mrs. M.
L. Thompson was entertained by the
remainder of the school Saturday at
th Methodist church. The feed con
sisted of an oyster supper. About
125 were present ana enjoyed tne
frolic. This class won out in the de
corating contest this summer and were
entertained by the school as a result
of their good work.
Mrs. Mary M. Harrington and son,
Ralph, spent several days at the home
of. Rev. E. I. Harrington, of Newberg.
Mrs. John Lewis and little grand
son, of Portland, are visiting her son
and family, A. R. Lewis.
Mrs. R. C. Brown, of the Upper
Pedee, was in town Thursday on her
way over to Soap Creek to see her
daughter, Mrs. Harry Neal.
Lew Caughev went to Independ
ence, Fiday.
Not an empty house in town.
J. F. rinch is digging his pota
toes. He wants to get them out be
fore it sets in to raining.
VY7A Caushev visited her sister.
Mrs. Joe Mortermer at Perrydale last
Two familv move in to town for to
have better school advantages.
Mrs. A. Cauehey and Miss Mary
Jones visited J. F. Ulrichs Sunday.
Miss Kate Weneart visited her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Wienert.
She is our deputy post mistress.
S. M. Wom1. of Corvallis. will
preaeh at the whool house Sunday
evenins at 7:30 o'clock.
A. R. Lewis has installed a gasoline
engine in his blacksmith shop to save
hand power.
Mrs. George Conn visited Mrs. Wm.
Shewey Sunday.
T. B. Williams and wife of Inde
pendence, are Lere visiting his son
H. Williams and family.
Ward Butler, of Independence, was
a busine visitor here this week.
A. J. Johnson, of Conallis. visit
ed his brother. A. V. Sunady.
Mrs. T. C Turner made a busincs
Colonel Kingman,
U. S. Army
pre '
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COLONEL DAN O. KINGMAN, division engineer of the Southeastern
division, witb headquarters at Savannah, and senior colonel In the
United States army engineering corps, succeeded General William T.
Rossell as chief of engineers of the army, with the rank of brigadier
general, when the latter recently retired on account of age. Colonel Kingman
Is a native of New Hampshire. He was appointed from that state to the
Military academy at West Potijt on July 1, 1870. He was appointed a second
lieutenant on June 16. 1875; a first lieutenant on March 4,' 1879; a captain on
March 20. 1880; a major on July 31. 1897; a lieutenant colonel on Feb. 10, 1905.
and a colonel on July 6, 1908. He has held the latter rank continuously until
the present time. Colonel Kingman has done a great deal for the betterment
of the Savannah river and harbor.
Hunting Season
Hundreds of Birds Killed by Polk
Hunters Duck and Geese Sea
son Opens Tomorrow.
Today marks the ends of the open
'season for China Pheasants in the
state of Oregon, and the opening-of
the season on ducks, geese, rails, coots
and gallinules.
As was expected during the latter
part of September, the season for
pheasants which had been closed for
two years resulted in the killing of
thousands of pheasants in Western
Oregon. Local sportsmen, with but
few exceptions, found game plentiful.
This was especially true during the
first part of the season, but during
the past week, the game became more
While the hunting of ducks and
geese in Polk county will be limited
to. but few sections, several sloughs
are expected to be well filled with
water during the latter part of next
month, and mav afford good hunting
grounds. Several places have been
leased by local hunters and the season
is looked forward to with keen antici
pation. For the benefit of tht local hunters,
the following information is extract
ed from the last issue of the Oregon
Sportsman, and may prove of consid
erable assistance.
New Federal Law.
The new federal migratory bird law
provides a five-year closed season on
the following game birds: Band tail
ed pigeons, curlew, wood ducks, and
also all of the shore birds to be found
in Oregon except the black-breasted
and golden -plover, Wilson or jack
snipe and greater and lesser yellow
legs. Both the black breasted and
golden plover are rare in Oregon so
trip to Independence, Tuesday.
The thermometer dropped to 30 on
Tuesday morning. Coldest this fall.
Mrs. George Conn was an Indepen
dence visitor Tuesday. .
Mr. Nyman. of Kings Valley, ship
ped 16 dressed porkets to the mar
ket Tuesdav.
A carload of live hogs was shipped
to Portland from here this week.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wil
liams on October 2!). a nine pound son.
Troy Turner, of Fir inve. was a
business caller in town "Wednesday.
He reports everything moving on
nicely up there.
The freight receipls for October.
1013 run nearly W.m0 so the asenl
rewrts. Was not more than that
manv hundreU last October.
Jos. Goetx Irft yesterday morning
for PoTtland where lie will remain
'several days visiting friend and rel
! atives.
New Head of
Engineering Corps
Closes Tonight
the only shore birds which are lawful
to hunt are the Wilson or jack snipe
and greater and lesser yellowlegs.
It has heretofore been lawful to
hunt the' above birds in season in this
state and for that reason the new fed
eral laws are of particular interest
to Oregon sportsmen at this time, as
they supersede state laws wherever
there is a conflict.
A daily closed season is set on all
migratory game and insectivorous
birds between sunset and sunrise.
One Hundred and Fifty Eastern Star
Members and Friends are Enter
tained By Naomi Chapter.
Naomi chapter No. 22 order of the
Eastern Star entertained about 10
members and guests with a delightful
Hallowe'en party Tuesday evening in
the new Masonic temple.
After a short business session of
the chapter the doors were thtown
open to the invited guests which con
sisted of the Masons of the city and
their wives. All bawl been asked to
wear either comic, old-fashioned, or
fancy dress. While the olden time
smwn predominated among the ladies.
many of the gentlemen's costumes
were comical alnnist to extremes. II.
L. Chapman and J. C liayter were
esiecially noticable. The former as a
"beautiful doll" and the latter as a
gTey kitten kept the crowd guessing
for some time as to their identity.
A short program was rendered by
members of the chapter. The Chinese
solo by I. S. (irant and the Swedish
inirsonations by W. V. Fuller, were
quite the success of the evening. It
leing necessary for both U respond
to many encores.
After the projrram all formed for a
grand march which l-d to the beau
tifully decorated dining room below
where a delicious lin"h wa served.
A free-will oflVnnff was collected
which "i to be applied to the fund
for purchasing furniture for the new
lode room.
When goodnit'hts were aid it wa
with the unanimou wish that Naomi
chapter would entertain o.n again.
on ran
Local Talent in Pantomime Scores
Big Success; Many Enjoy Play;
Specialties Good.
The Doll Shop was given its initial
performance by local talent Wednes
day night at the Armory. A large
audience enjoyed the pantomime,
songs, dances and other specialties in
terspersed. The first act was entirely
in pantomime, representing an old
German shop with the proprietor and
his workmen renairing and rearrang
ing the assortment of dolls, which
includes the baby doll, the dutch
doll, the colonial doll, the Japanese
doll, the Parisian doll, Topsy and
I.impy the famous rag doll. These
dolls were all personated by local
people and created a world of mirth
by their frolics.
Act second represents the old pro
prietor's dream ill which the dolls
are holding high carnival. This af
fords an opportunity for the intro
duction of specialties.
All of the parts without exception
were well taken, and gave evidence
of much work in careful preparation.
A second reproduction was given last
Cast of Characters.
Prologue, Eulala Butler.
Shopkeeper, F. G. Simonton.
Katy, his daughter, Muriel Grant.
Workman, Merle Meyers.
English family, F. E. Collins, Mrs. F.
G. Simonton, Pearl Jost, Lenora
Girl with broken doll, Claudia Plank.
Dutchman, Clair Snyder.
Bessie, Winona Rice.
Spoilt boy, Mrs. W. L. Tooze.
Fairy, Helen Casey.
Dolls. -
Broken doll, Louise Miles.
Colonial, doll, Miss. Pearl Horncf.
Baby doll, Alva Lucas.
Irish doll, Lucille Hamilton.
Brown bears, Hollis Smith, Wilhert
Hamilton, Edwin Serr, Elwyn Cra
ven. Dutch doll, Mme. J. Sziver.
Jap dolls, Marjorie Bennett, Gladys
Lough a ry.
Parisian doll, Miss Winifred Wing.
Limpv, rag doll, Norval Gates.
Topsy, F. W. Zeller.
One of the prettiest fentures of
the evening, was the minuet given by
the following ladies: Miss Pearl Ho
mer, Miss Helen Casey, Mrs. W. L.
Sochren, Mrs. C. L. Crider, Mrs. II.
Volheim, Miss Sadie Lynn, Mrs. L.
D. Brown and Mrs. J. L. White.
Interest in Revival GrowB.
Despite the unusual number of at
tractions that have occupied the minds
of the Dallas people this week, the
Brooke-Curtis revival is daily grow
ing in interest. Manyjiave come to
feel that to miss one" service is a
thing to be regretted. Evangelist
Brooke's sermons are of the strictly
educational tyne, yet deep in spirit
uality and fraught with love in eveiy
sentence. is familiarity with "The
Book" and his clearness of interpre
tation and exegesis are notable feat
ures of his work.
Those desiring to build up in scrip
ture knowledge and spirituality can
not be disappointed in the work of
this evangelist. The music is in
spiring. Some of the subjects upon
which Mr. Brooke will sjieak are as
Friday evening "When Pay Day
Comes Around". Saturady evening
"The Three Worst Bargains in
History . ounday morning "Leath
er S'ctaclcs". Sunday evening
"Is Jesus The Son of God".
Lnst Sunday evening Mr. Brooke
gave his own ersoual reasons for his
faith in the claims of Jesus. Next
Sunday eveninc he will treat a like
subject but wm consider the general
evidences of the fact of Christ's
Free Transportation.
The Trans-Continental Freight
Bureau has issued Tariff No. 54-A.
which provides for free return of all
stock exhibits made at the Pacific
International Livestock Kxposition to
'e held at the I'nion Stock Yards,
North Portland. Oregon, DecemlHT H
to LI, 1013. This is a very signal
recommendation of the importance of
this show, as never before in the his
tory of shows on the West Coast has
a rate been made which would ix-rmit
of the movement of livestock exhibits
from the Middle West under like
favorable ruling.
Special Meeting of Woman's Club.
At the r-iiular meeting of the Wom
an's club Tuesday, November 4, at
2::: p. m, Mrs. Kohhinw. of the !
motic Science depart merit, O. A. C,
will lie present to Ix-gin a thiec days
course of lectures and demonstrations
on the Ih-rnestic Science arts. lec
tures aod demons! rat iis will I
inven each afternoon an, I evening at
the club rioms to which all ladies of
the con.muiiiiy are invited. No fee
will lie charged and it is hojied that
the I j lies will all lake ahar.taire of
this ppletidid opportunity.
Mi Klla tlundiTson returned Mon-
i day fntn l.er month' visit with her
jparciit in Wlieeler fnntr.
Every County in State Represented
at Agricultural College Many At
tend From Other States.
Oregon Agricultural College, Cor
vallis, Ore., Oct. 31 For the fourth
time in the last five years the stu
dent body of the college represents
every county in Oregon, a large ma
jority of the states of the Union, and
many foreign nations. Multnomah
leads the counties outside of Benton,
California the states outside of Ore
gon, and Canada the foreign nations,
in the number of students supplied.
There are 93 students from Cali
fornia, 79 from Washington, 20 from
Idaho, 11 from New York, 8 from
Illinois, 6 each from Indiana, Massa
chusetts and Kansas; and 5 each
from Montana and Ohio. In all 31
states are represented. Canada has
sent 7 students, Hawaii 6, India and
Japan 4 each, China 3, Russia 2 and
Greece and the Phillimnes 1 each.
The number of students enrolled
in the regular course prior to Octo
ber 10, was 1419, an increase of 21 per
cent over the number at the corres
ponding date last year. There were
187 enrolled in the summer session
and much larger numbers are expect
ed to register for the winter short
course and for farmers' week. All
these classes of students together with
the expected increase in the full-year
enrollment, will bring the entire num
ber of students doing resident work
at the college to about 3000. The
senior class is the largest in the his
tory of the school, and it is expected
that there will be about 175 gradu
ates next spring. z
Although the exceptionally large
numbers tax the capacity of the in
stitution to its utmost, new sections
have been organized where required
and the work of all departments is
being well cared for. Students and
instructors alike are characterized
as enthusiastic and optomistic by the
Registrar, who states that the most
successful beginning in the history of
the school has been made.
Lineup For Dallas is Strengthened
Sheridan, Independence and Other
Teams in Schedule.
Dallas high school will play Mon
mouth high school Saturday afternoon
on the college campus at 2:30 o'clock.
This is the first game of the season
at home for the Dallas team, and the
first game played on a Dallas ground
for several years. Final arrange
ments were not made until late
Thursday evening. The Monmouth
team will be a good team and will,
without a doubt, be a fast one and
the people are promised an interesting
contest. .
The schedule for the , Dallas team
this season wil be as follows: Le
banon at Dallas, Friday, November
7. This game will be played at a
great expense to the Dallas team and
the high school boys will need the sup
sirt of all loyal fans financially.
The next game that is arranged is
the return eame with Iehanon on
Saturady, November 22. The last
game of the season will be with In-dt-K-ndence
on Thanksgiving day it
the first part of the season is a suc
cess for the Dallas team. The only
ocn date that the home team has is
November 15 and manager Oooch is
trying to get B. A. Teats' team of
Sheridan for that date on the Sher
idan giouuds. The Indeeiidenee game
will be the most interesting contest of
the season and November 27 it is ex
pected that the grounds on the col
lege campus will be a lively place.
In Saturday's game 'Dub' Mul
key of the Dallas high track team
last season will play quarter for the
visitors, lie is known to he a fast
player, and playing with some othei
players who are exoerienced they will
no doubt make it warm for the locals
The Dallas team will tie practically
the same as last week when they
plaved at Newberg, with the ex
ception i'f right end. Kakin will be
plaved in the place of Miles or Mil-
I Icr. Kakin is fast and should make
j a good end. The other rswition will
lie filled by the same men used last
w eek.
Word was received late Thursday
i evening that the Monmouth tea
j would not be here for Saturday
'and will lie substituted br a team
; made tip f nm local player.
Mernorv i.lava queer prank aome
times. After three men in Sheiby
j county, Mo bad been ilidteted fof
lrjury on their property return,
i six property owner in an adjoining
c.untv called and had tberr ae
merit lisl corrected. No doubt the
I.W-k recalled forpmen property.
II ov i ri SESSION
Argument For Motion of New Trial
For Lewis Davis To Be Important
Jury Drawn.
j i
Yesterday, the first session of the
grand jury, selected at the last term
of court, was called and will con
tinue in conference until tomorrow,
when, upon the arrival of Judge
Webster Holmes, it will be discharg
ed, and a new grand jury drawn.
It may be that the present grand
jury will serve several days, or until
the judge is ready to accept the re
port. One of the most important inci
dents to be associated with the com
ing term of circuit court will be the
argument on a motion for a new trial
in the case of Lewis Davis. Davis
was convicted during the August term
of court of murder in the second de
gree and was sentenced to life im
prisonment in the state penitentiary.
Attorney Walter L. Tooze, Jr. for
the defendant filed motion for a new
trial, among other things alleging
that improper remarks were made by
the district attorney in his argumeut
and exceptions were also taken by
counsel for defense as to admission
of evidence and other legal phases of
the case.
Davis was convicted for the murder
of his mother-in-law, Eliza J. Stewart,
of Ballston.
Following is the list of jury drawn
for the November term of court :
Anthony Dent, Amity
W. A. Patton Independence
0. E. McCaleb Monmouth
J. M. Wooden Buell
C. E. Herrin Monmouth
W. B. Banett Independence
A. II. Wyatt Amity
Henry Voth. Dallas, No. 1
John Wienert Airlie
Oscar Smith Dallas
II. G. Seeley Independence
Rex Womer Airlie
F. M. Waters Airlie
E. E. DeArmond Stiver
Thomas Guthrie Dallas
P. W. Flanery Amity
J. F. Ulrich Airlie
G. A. Sperling Independence
D. O. Dove Monmouth
A. N. Newbill Dallas
J. H. James Suver
Frank E. Valier Rickreall
A. Hastings Airlie
G. N. Newton Airlie
J: W. Robinson Dallas
A. W. Dunn Dallas
J. M. Burford Dallas
G. F. McBee Dallas
N. F. Gregg.. Ballston
Spend Day in Watching Work at
Teachers' Training School; Enter
tained at Normal
The County Teachers' Institute
started out Wednesday morning with
an excursion to the State Normal
school at Monmouth, where the day
was sjent watching the work ot the
Normal training school and listening
to addresses by pedagogic authori
On arriving at Monmouth the ru
ral school and grade teachers weic
escorted to the high school and there
every facility was afforded them to
watch the work of the training school
conducted after approved modern
methods. In the meantime the high
chool teachers were taken to the
Normal wher thev were shown every
courtesy and every effort was made
to make their visit both pleasant and
At noon the visitors were enter
tained at" a banquet prepared in the
Normal where thev were shown every
being delightfully decorated for the
occasion and expressive of the Norm
al's welcome to the teacher of the
The teacher and Normal students
were addressed by State Superintend
ent Church at 3:4. In his message
Mr. Churchill emphasized the im
portance of the element of personal
ity in the art of teaching. This ad
dres was preereded by music fur
nished by the trainine whool orches
tra, composed of juveniles ramrin?
in are from 7 to 14 year. Their
work i exceptionally r1""! and re-
(roftttnned on Pae Foitr)