Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, October 14, 1913, Page TWO, Image 2

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! 1
r' i
VMTIOD AltTIHANH Dallas Asaom-
lily, No, 4(1, moots on flint and third
Mondays of rimli month at wood
man hull, VInIUiik rnnmbors mailt)
WILLIS H1MONTON, 8oritary.
" Itl'.IIKIiAlIN Alinlra IahU No. It
innot ft rat niul third Wednesday of
each month nt Odd Follows' Hull
NOLA COAD, Noblu Orond.
OUA COHI'lHl, Hncrotnry.
vooimi:n ov tuk wokmk
Ian Onion No, 209 moots In W. O
W. Hull on Tuesday evening of
each week.
U. K. HICK I), CoiihuI Coin.
W, A. AVKKH. Clerk.
A. I A A. M. JciinliiKa TiodRe, No,
9, moots second nnd fourth Fridays
of enih month, In MhaoiiIo hull on
Mnlti street. Visiting brethren wel-
10. A, 11 AM U.TOiSr, W. M.
WA1.TKU H. Mt'lK. Hoorotiiry.
All kinds of oiiKnivinj? from vis
iting etmln to woddiinf invitiilious
furnished nt Tito Observer olllen.
Dallas Iron Works
Mmi hlnlNtx INuio.tr) men Patloru
Kink I'm.
We are uroimrod to do any kind ot
Iron and ltraaa work. Lumber trucks
and Stock work on hand. Wa make
tlis beat and chenpeat flump Puller
on the market. rrlcia reaaonable
W. R. COULTER, Proprietor
The work! moves itself;
We move anything else
Piano and Furniture Mov
ing a Specialty
StandKersey's Confec
tionery. Flume 10U1
Residence Phone 1202
Polk County Observer
Publlahad Beml-Weekly at Dallaa. Ora
Con, by tlia
Olttr. Phonra.
tlualn.aa offlca Main 1
Preaa room Main 1-
W. II. TOTTKST, Maaer.
ISntnrnil aa aenond-claaa matter
Mr. h 1. 11107. at the noatoltloa at Pal
laa, Orrifun, umlor tho Ai-t of Congress
of March J. 187D.
Mubarrlpllxn Italrai
One Tear
Six Month
Throe Montha
Htrlotly In advance.
fl. BO
Tkt way to tuihl Datas is to tt-
'onisi WAij .
rtSSs. I orrtcK
When Wc Hand
You Our Esti
mates of the cost of the Utmwr ou rvNiinrv
vou caw dor-end uv-cn st that the fs
ure 51 K a low as first olas. we?!
eao-,l Uuv.N-r can Ve sol.t for hon-
eatty. If evt v& more o; pay
mucV If o.i JVOl to vom fvt
f:'.!dT ' nj-.uV.t or ity. .
This is t ho dav of thiuv's . new
Moiisr with the new prdai,wy, the
now chemistry nnd t ho now theology
wo have tho now acrioiiltiire. the
spirit nnd nim of this last is well sot
tort It in n article tn tho ounvin tiiini-
iH'f of tho Review ot boviows. en
ded "The Romance of bringing
'Siberian Alfalfa to Dakota." The
.'hero of this romance is Professor
Niels Hansen of tho Argionltural
'eollegv of South Dakota, who went
forth oil a quest to tind a stHH'ies of
alfalfa that would withstand the
'drouth and oold of tho upland prairies
iof tho Uaki'ta.s. The adventuiv is
ehaf!eteriotl as one of tho most sig
nificant movements in agriculture to
day. The tremendous import of the
movement lies in tho groat value of
alfalfa as a forage crop for livestock.
It crows luxuriantly, yields abun
dantly, is ory rich in feeding nual
ities, and greatly enriches the soil
in which it grows. Tho alfalfa with
which we are familiar and which
grows thriftily under certain con
ditions, is a fxlatit of southern origin,
and because of its lack of divuth
ivsistant and eold tvsistant qualities
is jvracticaly worthless for eultutv in
the dry and eold sections of the North
and West. Tho professor's dilemma
was, how to prwure an alfalfa plant
that would thrive under these ad
verse conditions. His experiments in
horticulture gave hint materia! as
sistance in getting started off n the
right direction.
from eoekdghting and gambling, nnd
Hint it ix eoiitrilmling much to make
the coming general ion ot JuIinios a
sane and healthy jx'ople. Evidently
we have failed to appreciate tho
missionary possibilities of our nat
ional game.
At the stnte fuir week before lat,
Donelas wrestled from Benton
enmity the llrst prize for the best
enmity exhibit, Benton having won
the coveted honor live times eon
Hoeutivolv. Naturally the men in
eh u tiro of the Hondas county exhib
it felt highly elated nnd the titlo of
their song of victory was "we ure
the boys who put the bent in Benton
eoiinlv." We assured them that it
would not be necessary for them to
bring their song up to the iiur next,
vear as circumstances would iviiuiiv
a new one and it would sound some
thing like this, "we are- the lads who
Polked the boys that put the bent in
lienton county."
Of late years strong criticism has
lieen directed tiirainst the curricula
of our public schools and colleges,
ontondiiijr Ihev placed too mueii
stress, upon subjects purely academ
ic, and paid too little attention to
vocational and practical studies. This
criticism is bearing trim. .Jimge
Thompson and County Surveyor Lib
by of l.nne county are preparing a
road primer which they propose shall
be used as a text book in the rural
schools of the county. The possibil
ities of this innovation are readily
soon. the matter ot irooi roans is
one of the most pressing problems of
the Willamette valley. Any step to
ward its solution must, be encouraged
and emulated. We can imagine no
bettor way to spur the laggard par-
nt to his dulv in good road con
struction fha'n to give the child the
information necessary to show him
how it should be done, the tort h-
ominsr volume will doubtless prove
useful textbook to the son and a
aluablo hook of reference for the
Any Old Thing 8ervt tha Klondikara
For Holding Nuggata.
Persons who are accustomed to ob
ervo the extreme enro with which
bankers bundle gold would be aston
ished by the lax methods of the men
who risk their Uvea for the precious
metal In sparsely settled regions
where It Is mined.
In the log cabins In which Klondlk
ers live It has to take its chance along
with boots, cooking utensils and pro
visions, waiting to be transported by
tho most expeditious route. Any re
ceptacle, It seems, Is good enough to
hold gold. Old tobacco cans nnd fruit
and vegetablo cans stand full of nug
gets on the shelves, and sacks of gold
dust nre dung upon tlia floor.
On one occasion a little pack train
of threo mules brought to Dawson
tTty 120,000 worth of gold lu com
mon sacks, over which tho mule driv
er, acting on his own responsibility,
fastened a bit of sailcloth, lest a mule
falling on a rock or. against a branch
should accidentally rip open a sack
and spill the contents. The whole lot
was thrown with other goods into the
packer's olllee and left there until the
following morning. .
At another time $10,000 worth was
sent down on one horse. The packer
In charge did not know who bad given
It to him nnd there was no sign of
ownership attached. It wns identified
by tho fact that within the larger
sack of dust wns a small sack of nuggets.
The bags are not senled. but merely
tied with a leather thong or a bit of
twine. Chicago necord-IIerald.
In our lirst resentment at the high
soaring price of meat products, we
aw tempted to throw all the blame
upon the local butcher. Keceut in-
estigattous made by the government
;nd the American Meat Packet's as
sociation show us the trouble lies in
mother direction, and that unless the
tanner mends Ins wavs and goes to
raising move meat animals, we will
have to pay still higher prices. For
in this case we are told, growing
prices are tho direct result of a
dwindling supply. Since the begin
ning of l!07 the number of beef cat
tle in the I'nited States has deeroas-
Natura'a Procesaea Too Gigantic to Bs
Imitated by Man.
Warm air is like a sponge. It will
suck up a lot of moisture and carry It
without spilling any. But if warm
air, well loaded with moisture, is sud
denly cooled the songe Is squeezed
and the moisture falls out ns rain.
Many years ago some hopeful gen
tlemen went to one of our arid regions
and exploded a lot of dynamite on the
theory that the concussion would mix
nlso all other persons or parties un
known claiming any right, title, estate,
lien, or other interest in the real es
tate described in the complaint herein,
OF OREGON You and each of you
are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
in the above entitled suit on or before
the 3rd day of November, A. D. 191iJ.
And if you fail to appear and answer
for want thereof the plaintiffs will ap
ply to the court for the relief demand
od in the conmlaint. to-wit: For a
iuilLTiient nnd decree by which it shall
be declared nnd adjudged that each of
said defendants, either or any of them
have no estate or interest whatever in
or ito tho following described land or
premises, or any part thereof, to-wit :
A part of the Donation Land Claim
of John A. Kramer and Mary Jane
Kramer, his wife, Notification No.
5279, Claim No, 49, in Township o
South, Range 6 West of the Willam
ette Meridian, in the County of Polk,
and State of Orecron, described aa fol
lows, to-wit: Beginningatapoint which
s 29.65 chains west from the Northeast
corner of said Donation Land Claim;
thence South 19.20 chains; thence
West 8.04 chains; thence North 1 de
gree, 33 minutes West 19.20 chains to
the North line of said claim; thence
East 7.57 chains to the place of begin
ning and containing 14.98 acres, more
or less.
And that the title of plaintiffs is
good and valid, and ithat said defend
ants be forever enjoined and debarred
from asserting any claim whatever in
or to said land or premises adverse to
these plaintiffs, and for such other and
further relief as to this Honorable
Court shall seem meet and agreeable
to equity.
This summons is published pursuant
to an order made by the Honorable
J. B. Teal, County Judge of Polk
County, in the absence of Webster
Hulmes, Judge of the Circuit Court
of the State of Oregon, for the Coun
ty of Polk on the 4th day of Septem
ber, A. D. 1913. The date of the first
publication of this summons being
the 9th day of September, A. D. 1913,
and the date of the last publication
being the 21st day of October, A. D.
Attorney for Plaiutiffs
Wagons, Buggies, Sewing
Machines, All Hardware
and Implements.
Sale Will Last 15 Days
Craven Bros. Hardware Cq.
the strata of warm air near the earth
with the cooler strata above and so 9-9 10-21
cause the necessary precipitation of !
moisture. There happened to be Hj;M j Summons.
showers about the time of Oie expert- Tii . .N r. . . ot,( . ,,f
Orvsvu. for Polk County.
ments. which encouraged the experi
menters, but didn't conviue anybody ; , m ,,lijf '
... ... Frank Nichols, Mrs. Jane
XUV mi l 13 ItliH, linutir lUiunMia,
machine la too pignntie to bo affected
hy the pnny efforts of bnmans t least
ed from M..Vm.OOO to W.tKiO.OOO and !
,!,., ,W f J , f .Vt.LMO.taW i Nure mnips the moisture laden air
M.4S0.0OO while in the same pe-
i up into the cold regions ef the upper
riod ihe 'population of the country j atmosphere with a wheel a tboi,
has increased bv 10.000.000. They lu !rt. ben this
tell us the problem of our beef niendous wht of atr is revo.r,ng
Plv must bo worked out within our " h?ists " oMon. of
tre- !
mendous wheel of air Is revolving nor-;
tualiy It hoists millions of tons or j-
ow n borders. Thev recommend that ur "P " "u -'u - " j
.. .. . . . . m Innsvr t carried In solution ana ,
everv small tanner snouut raise at j .
Wo are told. "Other men were try- least two beet steers a year, to offset s
so falls in rain.
1. .... .1 !..... I... tl... .1.,..,.,...! ,Nv.l,...t . .f tl., ,vrw i " ,v --"-
vekv,,r to acchma.ire fn.ils from iv- ranches of tho West. The wmamiug J " J ?t P wr5
Cions to the sonthwanl. Hut they ra,,cv-s should be cut up into farms, , JlVZl
woiv making inhnateiy slow ptgivss. I to put
:ud before long the voung man de
cided that they wore on the wrong
track. He came to Ivlieve that plants
tpvrvur.ia'sl cannot Iv bivuht to en
dure a tivater decwe of cold to at;v
New KngSaud. with tlwir bmntifu! i
springs and prevailing shade, as a j
Ivvf pnvlucii'.g eountry. Snbstitii-j
lion of corn for cotton in the South-;
notewoithv extent; that hardiness era Mates and the consequent devei-
hills of! nouht- Kansas City Star.
cannot Iv bred into plants by selev-1 opiwnt of the cattle and h.g pro-!
... . i.. .1.:. ... . ... I 1....,;.... l., ti... !,,-
duct ion. In the meantime, while re-
adustiv.ents are being made along
she .ir.es indicated, we will ctinue
to h'.ir.t cheap cuts and shar.k lvr.es
and swear they are tit for a king.
Tv late for Friday's issue.
Sciuvl started Mor.day with a
la:xv a':ende'.-,v.
!;e hanii- M-.ss Nc'.'-.e XLu'kev r.-.ade a rve:.5
other cxMi'.d N' cn.h;:.si j tru to Wvyv.b.ivr..
ti,n alone, lu this, as a vounc as
vi-tant pifcssor at Amos, he was
making a dating dopartuw fuun ac
ci'ptexl Ivhefs. but he was iut afraid
of that kind of a thing if he felt he
had reason and experience with l.nn.
He tv'acved. however, that hardiness
vviiUl Iv put int, a tender plant by
cixvvvuvs:, or rather that bv ctwssr.'.c
a tender plant w.th a hardy one the!
htx'.i! ar.v of the o:v and the hardi
ness ot t:;-
Red WUr.
Apropos of tbe "red water"' seen la
and .bout salt lakes Mr. F. Whlrteron :
write tbat la aU the saaiple exam- :
tned by him tat Geelong. Victoria.
Australia) th clor was wholly due
to a curious little orfaclsia. either
oval or round, and equipivd with two
aniaH Caseila or lashiike extensions.
When examined nnder a microscope
the bodies of these minute specks of
living- matter are seea to be Intensely i
pigmented w'.th a red coloring matter.
Mrs. Relvcea Howe, Cary L. Howe.
and Philipine Howe, his wife; Wil
liam R. Howe and Delia Howe, his
wife; Oilie F. Howe. Nellie Shoe
make and E. Shoemake her hus
band; Frank W. Howe and Laura
Howe, his wife; Samuel Howe,
tl-eorge Howe and Laura Howe, his
wife; William Howe and Gladys
Howe, his wife: Kate Howe Parks
and to any and all persons or
parties claiming any interest in tiie
real premises described in the com
plaint herein. Defendants.
To Frank Nichols. Mrs. Jane Kane.
Mrs. Rebecca Howe. Cary L. Howe
and Philipine Howe his wife, Wil
liam R. Howe and Delia Howe his
wife. Oilie F. Howe, Nellie Shoe
make and E. Shoemake. her hus
band. Frank W. Howe and Laura
Howe his wife. Samuel Howe.
George Howe and Laura Howe his
wife. William Howe and Gladys
Howe his wife. Kate Howe Parks
and to any and all persons or
parties claiming any interest in the
real premises described in the com
plaint herein, the above named.
In the Name of the State of Ore
con: You and each of vou are here-
No Home is Modern Without
Electric Light
Should you want to rent or sell your
home you will quickly discover the
value of its electrical equipment or
the lack of it.
No home is modern today without el
ectric light.
Housewiring and fixtures are among
the soundest and cheapest invest
ments you can make. The work is
done quickly and cleanly no dirt or
litter or disturbance to the house
hold. Why not have an-eleclrical contractor
make an estimate of the cost f
Electric rates have gone down
while the cost of living has ad-
I Oregon Power
605 Court Street
Phone 24
Dallas Lumber & Log
ging Company
Cecifst LiK. rioter. Etc.
J :v.es W -,'s,v
l .
A. a as
i ".into;-. Scurry of Lyons, Oregon, is
a'.ter.dirc l.ich school bore acai:: this
Ccotrfvr xrj Fii:.dr.
Wwt End Court Su r-iHw Orffea
i:i a iv w a:uty. That thus a barvlyj Harvey Shields
i',a:;t een.'.d Iv literal! v ii'.v en.te.1. Th.'.s ' Orecou Acr.cu'.t .ira
tovjwas the professor's i:ew pluhvsoi'h.y j :er.
i,f plant l-.ft. How and where to r.r.d
harviy vav.cty of alfalfa was his
,.;.:,h-nit tk.
lu 1ST uHH-r t'v lmt;oti of
-.; Soervtarx ct Ag- j Wilw.v
u.Uirv. ! e e:.! ir.'.o h.jvs-.a anc, : hoiv.e ot
i:v ns; . or. "s first ivar.t e-
After r.'.aViv.g h-.s way ac-
v.o:; r,.:Tp then eastwarc.
a -1 ou::.ul acvoiss Ku-vv. ta '.':h'
land of she fati. he dually fvs.;:.d h:s
lc;.g o;;ght Jtv;;rr. a viuoiv of
alfalfa that ,'..!.; rv-.5 "he severe:
,1a ..,:.; and htugh a ter weather
!U vvvox'.- ;vw r.o: ;.h the
Savy jul.i-.ug var.eV.e- ahva.-v faru
: .at to us. he h.As pwvvod a i-la -t
:'' -.v:. the virtues of eavh.
lu h-.v e:T.-:?s r: :h r.ew r,d
wr li.i:-.! was lovil.v Kv.-"ki; by
: ..e .vvie eJ scale. --.v sa.lv t..-
s snenumg
Mrs. Walter Bre.wr. ef
Ik- r.'.a.ie a late v;s:t at the
J. D. Ke'.ty.
A'.thea llo'riuce of Sp-rir.c
When the brice tveonves saturated the
ot1 form chacpvs to a circular shape, by mv-iire,! to appear and answer
When such a brine besrir.s to crystal- the complaint tiled acainst you in the
',le tie resulrlns salt has a reddish alv-ve entitled court and cause on or;
tirjre. and Mr. W.hitteron sufvrests Ivfore six weeks frvm the date of;
that each organism tcsj be the nucle- the rlrst publication ot this summons,
os about wtkh a crrstal forms. New and i: vou tail so to apivar and an-
Tork Tost swer for want thereof the plaintiff .
will lAtce a cteeree against you and
How It tmppftMd Her. each of you as prayed for in his
A rourt woman from the interior cotr.p'.air.t herein. to-wit: That
Star Transfer Co.
G. A. and L C. MUSCOTT, Proprietors
Phone Stands: Webster's Confectionery 511 Ellis' Confectionery 1062
Barn 1074
a..y is staving a: the horue.e-t li.
A. Shields while attending the high
The Misses lU-'el Ya'.ore and Al
ice Wi. .--. of tVwky are a;:eud;ug
chvv; here.
A. FoatrWr has ruovevl his far.-.ily
the old Kill pi ace. latelv vacated
hy H Her.sel and family.
Tie fair.vrs are re-ic;r.g over the
r:ns s they can :ar sheir fall
saw the AtlartK for ske first tirue re
cently at Car May. A she stood on
the windy beach, faxing dreaniilT cut
over the vast b!ae expanse ef tcia
blirjr water, bee escort said Kv her:
-So this Is the first time you're ever
seen these. ehJ
p'ain.tiff is the owner in fee of the
following descrilvvl real premises, to
wit: Ixginr.ing at the Northeast corner
of the Donation I-a:id Claim of Beu
;a:n:n Nichols. Not. No. 1-V2. Claim
No. ty. in Township 7. iv.Hi:h of
Cour.tv. Ore., thence
-Yes. tie vctt first tirue." she an Kance Wtst of the Willamette Me-
-Ard tUt dvv yon thick cf itr he
-Ah." she said. w!:a aa ecstatic
saiile. "it e'.'.s Jnst like oysters."
Professional Cards
Win. A. Himes, Mcr.
Ed. J. Himes. En?.
Esineehn and Surveying.
Plans Drawn and Estimates Cheer
fully Given. OSce, Room S, Uclow
Baildinc. Dallas. Ore. Phone 502.
West Side Marble
I. HXWMNS. ls---kr
MvM : tX MKKViT5 .p
A Cvxmpfc Itae vf U taie trMC
i : .
VA 5
1 . rv.
Sa: More Livstck
1-. !. v-v. a- ;
V M t
. '.O . Oil . . v
a' . of s. I
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rt .t : y 1 , - :
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. - , . . .
O-, AC
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e iay caiievi KaeK'.! a
Uu: re :ru the r:.;li
.ire us j.aj ;; -.s alv vv e
r...-; ;:Vv:ive f-:ors s'k:;c
;v.':iav.or. vts r. :rvi u.-; by
v'.r v..:. r vhw.."v
WrTV.'oIfr. who hs v;-t
v-vvi h . c".v in ".re t' rl:e yra.
. : i c s: ::rx .r. VJver.v-t ,k : w
-v .-. :x-v in : 'e 1.a; He '.h-Tv.
v ,.ti;'. trv n. s-s . -t v ;e Nvr.
;w AOvi :'rv:r sr.v-e t:-t 4.V.e! a
,ir ;. o- y a :V i.xirv-;.. .Ui:y
.-..Via i- hv el.r iiAi-L Tie
-. N r of rvxi jcvi frves
V ;. .s..VjV K.;S'.- :x- ai-4 freixxr..a
;-1a-.- le Sec". "ASv;-si sit -d
-. VnSi a--i !- re-.-VX-.1
:, irvriroa; t p.-vKxrt,is.
. : v ' fa vr. s ts i
Lar Eop Siipaert.
Ore of the laryost sr. iv.ei ts of
r-v :h.s season was the one .ipiv.l
frvr.i l: vksvn-.kroe to Near York on
Vorolav. The tfv-.surr.r.vti: cx-::-ei
ct foirteer. a"s. eaca cn;a;n;. j:
Iv1'' ixc-.us cr UV.v bales. The
iY-rt iiv'uskv, "ts-vs frv the
ive: vat-is - .h.s xvVosr. where
y-, .-1 was ve;i:sially c-xvl this
i e fs-v tr:s a:t ls:etvs
M.kcav a-d will jfo striih;
:.' Nt York heir the w
mprtant 2 on.
"Georpe dear." bevfia' a bride wir
ea tie wt r the statioa for tie
tonervon. -1 wj-1 rca u m Krrvi i
Jit one (juestioa. asd thea I shall feel
ur ct voa.-
-Wiat U it. dariirr
-If yoa knew that I Jeved Toa as
ora aa roa lov-e c. vvc'd too Iot
c a coca as I lev TifsT Londoo
A rwvuiiy
,a: city,
!. F;r;v.
bv hS 13
of tfe ivH-s. w-.U V
-In.io-iv-.-xrve Fr-
... :
' . v
. e a x;
r,v a y
v : -v: rre
t jo r a 'vv s two. A 1 I v
, i r'. " ' . a. i ie-f
la t V I..-.! !. iv.' ,v? ;
it ! Vt K 1 11 v iT- - i
V"ri a . aI a ; ' "a i lla- .-
fvj!t a.' W ::,. fcv-v a; a .
"T'e J T . i . - e I'S.Kti"
Va-1. ; .o jC tie
cV--r we ;-"o-
o : -v 1 1 a c :. a x
Kax naII i.v I
v- it tC X It tie fear
:ia: t.tv t'v .--t
i t;.x-s tse Ft.
ta kixns she Asi--oa
The r--i': ie bti
. TV li
lV ' . : si -.3 CA'V k -.
w- f ?v-jrK a.--l siaa.-
"! . :;e ?. :h.. : ii
n i t ; a---- isi iv F. ; K
.- r. W)f j ; laoi t e Kxw
:e a Si-.--. ".. . ct
E.w's Tiia.
W efer Ore H;rv TV liars re
ri f.v ry ca.vf cf C:.rri ;ha:
cat ro be cfvi bv HaII's C:att
F. J. Oh rev- i Co. T.I.v O
Wawj E-i r.r-rt
-"WThe."" said tie tzf art's cctier
strtaed by t: srdea arfvarancv o
a tvl re"ar.T. -Wuiie. dear, ktss yvxer
Tacl w . i; aid tiea f.v td wasi yocr
fa.s at csoe. Loadva Te ?vn-i
la the circ-iit coirt cf tie state of
vVifc-c. f-r the co---y cf FvCit. N.v
Ovr r.-wU azd Aa-ia row el.
r.uiar. i: Pol
r.ir.v.v.is: bn'uth cha-.r.s to the
County rvvad: thence North So deps.
West "J4.-U! chains alor.i: said rvad :
vit-jx-e North h tkns. East ro.ri
chains to the North liie cf said
e'.air.:. thoi.ee Ea.-t chains to
the place ef be-srinniiii: and coutain
lcl.rtf acres more or less, and
that you and each of you be fo-rever
enjoined from c'.ainur.j:
a:-y- ncrt. v.Ve or mJerest in cr to
said real premises o-r to any part or
rv.o-r. thereof, acxi for suca oiherj
an 4 turt.ter re.iei as to tue t. o-irt
r.-.ar son rn,-tvr. ! . .
. , ,. . ' HJorsi a. m. to S p. m.; ether hou-s
his s.iro.ruovs is ix;.i.isr.-ed for a! v- t-k
!L. J.
Folk Cour.tv. Orv-yu ea' at Charu-i
ber on :le :h dav of See:hr. , xrT iviml tl Spiaal Adjasice
.V. D Irl.v. and the ca:e of ice f.rst
ruKicav.on is Serrcber A. IPLv,
v d the date of the las; rxiKx-av.on
will hf N- vcruhvr II. IPI.l.
'11-11 Attorrevs fv F.;r:.f.
(With Dr. Butler)
Oce over Fuller Pharmacy.
OJSc over Fuller Fharmacj.
OSce hoar from t to 1 a. m.; 1
U i p. BL
PnM OrevB
f six weeks bv orvier of the'
R Teal, ikur-tv Jadcv ofj
XI 4 Co-rt St, rvAl.AA. Ort aon.
F. J O
t.'e -i-.irv:
iv k
V f A -X v -
: j,i ; a '
' ' t
r :t:e .
ar.4 Nf.ve ;xrtec:.v so-;
n all K:res ;T-r--vaos x -s aoi -SAv.ally
K cr-y o-it sry o-i-fi:t.-
r3e bv hs z-ts..
N:.ocaI FxA-.k cf C-r--re.
T.slec-.N. O
F."" C:r- Os-e tiXri srvr
jA.'.y. Sx-v-iC c-r-:'y xrva ire K.xxi
A-j taN-cs sirf .-- i the yx.:e .
Tet'-Sx-c- . ert f-e. l-soe 75
x-- per Kf.V. Svxi y ai ir
Tk. 111" Fs--ly F.hl for oc-
15 ,yix. Mart -.2. W'rrr IV I-as:n:t. Joha C.
ivr. r-i::. Alhtrrt D. rvli::.
LeS.-T rvis-iriaci. FaH IljLh-:t:.
K-:or C. IVLii:u V.lirvsi Z. IV
I As'rr-ilt. bVirvi A.-vs S;.::. Mary
F- Ixi- Ili-rx le Fet.-i-er. Far
Vcvw. Yxa Yoliei. Vrtha Fh.it
Smi Irry. J is C. trotee
aid ec: r of th-e e-ic cf J.-i-s S.
Mar. is. c-eoease-i. r-an F. Sroif-.
t -e v
.v o--t a
-v : - r o vis
w t T tr .
c t - a; Sa.r.i.; i
:x I jx.l. a av
tr-:ee a-v: (i-f.'.f o: :.-e e:a- of
Jo2 S. Vi-.- vkxv-oi. MatJua
T-av- $Z1 ,-:Nrr r-v. rss cr rart
c i-;-.-ii cli.'-T --t rctu i'.le.
es-::e. h-es cr ccier i-v-: - r a!
' ce-scr.xM is t:e e c ...;: lere-
'j W -r M.'--fi. l-vr V
ia.st f.- aw. at tv ( I Ljl-xi: LS.y rvLirs: a; i
Nxic cf Fizal Settlezert.
N -tu-y is hxhy civ- ii4: Pil
Fur in a-. a.i i - :m:.r of t he es
tate of Lireol- MfKv-e. a1 as Liil-M.-yVy.
c-.-.eAs.d. hi tiled L"j ir 1
A.-co'-ir.t as ixh ai.ir :.s:r: -r t tie
t u-tT Court ,f :l-e Mite . f Otrr ci
for Pelt Co ir ty. xr i We-ures-iay.
:;e .V; .Iat of N err Sr. I.-IX : tie
h--ur of .. okl-x-t -.5 :h f.-.re;,x-.-.
:' sau: uav : tie Cocrt -.x cf ii
Co-i-tr Curt i- tre Co-xrrr Cocrt
K:-3 ii tie City of rhCIas, Cr-i-'
v hxrt :x : by sa : Cocrt as
: -e tiire i ;. f i-fir-.-c f
.-.et. c soever; aii
lie : ' t - t : :r-- f
Ds"i i--i T"x; rcK.iec Cvt.-Nfr
Dr. Louis G. Aitirinn
Ecravjaiiie Fhp-si.taa.
G-.rJ Fractce.
Special attei-a to Ath-:a. DrvpsT,
OaH S:o:e a-i Eheraris.
Oce aid F.e 2 N. LiVrtT St.
Fiore Maia 147. SALEM. 03E
21. HAY Tut
DaZa NaiotsI Bri FiilL--
Rooms S and 6, Uglow Bids.
Dallas Oregon
Office in Wilson Building.
Rooms 19-26
Dallas National Bank Bid?.
Dallas National Bank Building
Dallas OregoD
Abstracts promptly mads.
Notary Public. Collections
anil Si rvovTB-stsira. . D&ILa. Or
The oc'.y reliable set of Abstracts in
Fclk Ccncty. OS.- oa Court street.
DsJUs, ... Oregoai
,r Kajhtt. tawT-. rwss
a a.
A - - 3
i: 4
Att. t ;
- t
nx r. coAD,
Asrzrj at Law.
Frth Cae a Sec-Crr
1x3 S2. Xiiicril Eiii -'r
- ,
' 44444
CTjvsit, c-ai E.--.L Fioce ;C1
Fio 11IJ-J
Oal'j rrwfCy snsrere4 day or Bi-it
rIl. OresTota,
Olire Smithh-Bicknell
Teacher cf
Siillo 7i: Oak Si.
j -eesor te Dr. Neve;
C'lce s: y.-CAza k C-cZLzs Lrrtry.
PaZas. Or-.- --