TUESDAY AUGUST 26, 1913 , , mn Polk County Observer Published Semi-Weekly at Dallai, Ore- gon, by the OBSERVER PKISTIHG COMPANY Office Fboaea. Business office Main It Pre room Main l-2 El'GEJfE FOSTER. W. II. TOTTE.f. Entered a second-class matter March 1, 107, at the postofflce at Dal las. Oregon, under the Act of Congress of March 3, 187. SobwrlptWia Ratrsi One Tear 11.60 Biz Months 75 Three Months 40 Strictly In advance. The way to build up Dallas tt to pat ronizt Dallas people. WAIT AWHILE. Until we are aKHiired of the out come of tli Orcjron Superintendent of Public Instruction k determined Htand to raise the standard of eit zeimhip of the Oregon pupil to a high er plane, let s don t knock. In Dalla the other day, one pre numanly fond father whose eviden regard to the quality and quantity of literature was superior to goo judgement remarked: "It's nothing but 'tommyrot'. What they used to teach me in school is good enough for my children. this new citizenship stun will ruin our public schools.' To the eon tirary this .particular policy when carefully examined will prove to be excellent, and many of the old-studies of our fathers will be found in today's text books. They embody the same excellent style, ex pression and sentiment of the old style books. Kimball Elementary Knglisb and the grammar readers contain the gem of thinkers and of master's of style which are assuredly the sort of seed to be sown in the minds of our children. For the pupil of the sixth graile there are little anecdotes of lives of great men which would naturally apiM-al to the child It is cerlainly true that the average parent pays but lillle regard to tin: literature presented to his children in the school readers. That's sim ply why the superintendent of public instruction must choose for him. Iet us wait and see. OVERWORKED. The rural problem is overworked according to a farm journal published in Oregon. Jt says this: "It is an easy matter to sit in a nicely furnished ollice and write long articles telling how things ought to be done, but while professors, ex erts, editors and oilier imprint ic ables are doing this the farmer is actually gelling results from the hard knocks that cxjiericncc ami rur al training have given him. It is well enough to place all of the infonna- ' lion before him that comes from an exchange of opinion and from scien tific iuvesligalion, and he will appre ciate this and profit by it, but the fellow who takes the farmer for fool has neither studied his subject nor come in touch with the vital prill ciple involved in the discushinii. UP TO POLK COUNTY. Under the caption, "Goats as Hu man Food," the Oregonian in Sun day's issue, puts the problem square ly up to Polk County. The wntr humorously savs, "Up there where our littlest child knows that the goat is fit to eat, no goat is ever eaten In the folowing article there is fo.d for thought, if not "human food,7 and some of our celebrated goat raisers may find it worthy of com merit: The New York Sun reprints from the Congressional Record the text of a luminous discussion on the subject of Angora goats and gaily raises the question as to whether the Angora coat, or anv coat, is lit to eat. or rather to be eaten. The Sun is quite unable to answer the question; but there is an answer, and it can be furnished by any resident of Polk county, Oregon, which has made the goat renowned throughout the world bv providing in its gentle hills and fruitful vales the home of the happi est and most numerous Angora col ony on earth. The point of the recent goat dis cussion in the Senate is that the Un derwood hill puts on the free list all animals "fit for human food." Upon the question as to whether the beard ed eanra should or should not be deadheaded, Senator Wiliams said : "I do not know whether the An gora goat is fit to eat or not. I have never eaten any. If the gentleman will say that he is fit for human food I would put him on the free list. I have tried to eat the common goat, but from my standpoint he is not fit to eat. I do not know about the An gora one." There follows a further impressive example of the grave Senatorial hu mor: Mr. Cummins Mr. President, I have some familiarity with the bill, and I do not think that goats of any kind are sjiecifically mentioned in the bill or in tins section. 1 heretore 1 assume that any kind of goat would come in at 10 per cent . Mr. Walsh I think the senator must be in error about that. I think goats are covered by section 021 as well as swine, referred to by the dis tinguished Senator from Minnesota (Mr. Nelson) : 'Swine, cattle, sheep and all other rlomestie live animals suitable for hu man food not otherwise provided for in this section.' If, however, you turn back to the paragraph in question, paragraph VM it will he quite obvious that asses would fall under this section, if no other animals would. Mr. Cummins Then, Mr. Presi dent, it is hard for me to conceive what the onimul is that would come n under this paragraph. Mr. Walsh I suggest to the Sena tor that assess would come in under that. We assume that Senator Walsh meant quadnijieds. lie comes from Montana, where they make a distinc tion. Yet we find no light on the inquiry as to the edibility of the goat. We'll cave Polk County to answer. Lp here where your littlest child knows hat the goat is fit to eat, no goat is ver eaten. THE ONLY WAY Many Dallas Citizens Have Discover ed it. Just what to do when the kidneys are affected,- is a question that con cerns both young and old. Weak kidneys neglected in childhood lead to life-long suffering. People of ad vanced years, with less vitality, suffer doubly. In youth or age, languor, backache, urinary irregularity, dizzi ness and nervousness make life a burden. There is one remedy that acts dir ectly on the kidneys. Dean's Kidney Pills owe their world-wide fame to the fact that they have cured thous ands of cases of sick kidnevs and cur ed them permanently. Mrs. Joseph Iloberg, Grant bt., McMinnville, Ore., says: "I am al ways glad to tell other kidney suffer ers what a good remedy Doan's Kid ney Pills are. I gave a statement publicly recommending them in 1907 and I willingly confirm all I then said in their favor." j For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, I New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and J take no other. I Orders for Engraving. The Observer will take orders for all kinds of engraving from a visit ing card to the most particular wed ding invitation or announcement, and will furnish it at less prices than j you will be obliged to pay elsewhere, j Samples of all kinds of engraving j shown and an estimate of the cost : given. AJI you have to do is to call at this office and make your wants known we will attend to the details. Sells-Eloto Liberal It was somewhat of a surprise when District Attorney Upjohn open ed a long, official envelope yesterday and found therein a check from Sells Floto in payment of certain alleged damages done to the school house at Rickreall when members in the com nanv's emnlov Dasted bills on one of the out buildings. Acording to the complaint filed by the school direct ors, they were about to paint one of the outbuildings of the school house when the advance guard of the cir cus posters invaded the ten (ton. The bills were posted without due authority, and therefore the com plaint. The check is in payment of damages and will insure the board against possible loss in removing the j posters before painting the building, j UNIQUE NAME Can Yon Pronounce Name of World's Most Famous CATARRH Remedy, i Iligh-o-me that's the proper way; to pronounce IIYOMEI, the sure breathing remedy that has rid tens , of thousands or people or vile ana disgusting Catarrh. j j Booth's IIYOMEI is made of Aus tralian eucalyptus combined with; Ithvmol and some listerian antiseptics and is free from cocaine or any harm-' ful drug. Booth's HYOMEI is guaranteed to end the misery of Catarrh or money back. It is simply splendid for rVonn. Coughs or Bronchitis. - Complete outfit, including hard rubber inhaler. $1.00. Extra bottles of HYOMEI. if later needed, 50 ! cents at Stafrin's, and druggists ev ervwhere. Just breathe it no stom-1 ach dosing. I NEW HOME SEWING MACHINES HAVE NO SUPERIOR A good word for the county fair means a noosi lor our own pocsei- book. COMPULSORY SWIMMING . In milking swimming u compul sory requirement Hie University of Oregon is following the example of many other schools and colleges in different pints of the country, says the Eugene Register. At the siinie time it is following the promptings of common sense. The busiueess of every individual is likely to lead him sooner or Inter into a bout or into the proximity of water that in too deep to Im' waded, i:nd if he docs not know how to swim i.n unlookcd for acci dent may mean death. It is really surprising to what an extent this particular form of educa tion bus Imc n neglected. Children are taught at home mid at scIumi! pi caiiiioim io ward oil disease, hut mi H'rmitted to go iiiiinstructed in simple iiccoiiipliMiiiiciit that may at any nine lie ine means or saving their lives. True the most of (hem learn uithout inst ruet ion and Hud tin Usual pleasure in doing it, but the null) ber of people who cannot swim is n- whs aMoiiishiiig. Hardly it week pusses without its drowning accident with Hie explanation that the Mctiui could not swim. Svtimiiung jut now i n Mipular Uniri. Men and women alike are taking it up U-cau-e it is a fad. This is one instance- possibly an isolated one r a lad that is really sensible HOG RECEIPTS LIGHT Week Closes with Slight Advance in All Livestock Sheep Receipts Liberal. Portland Union Stock Yards, Aug. -!."). Receipts for the week have been, cattle, H.'i.'i; calves, 3 14 ; hogs, (M0; sheep, HOMO; and horses, 1. The receipts of cattle lighter than usual for the bulk of offerings going siiL'tiiiy higher prices. Members of the iicpaicr fratern ity in Oregon who have followed rloHcly the work of the Oregon City Courier in it endeavor to recall two rouiily ollicials are rejoicing, many rhnp secretly, in the bold stroke of Editor Brow n. The victory for (he Courier decisive and reveal again the absurdity In I lie modern theory (hn( (lie country press has ceased ( mould public opinion. Edi tor Brown dared and whether lie lie right or wrong the counting ,,f ), ballot proves his xtrength. Again, hats off to Editor Brown. Street paxing in Bulla, for the present at Jenst. in complete. We have just received a taste now ,f what real city strwts should l and mrely it has created nlr an lite for more. The oik is romplwed in a tborvtighiy pvd and Itiisincsslikr manner and (he rily council should rest assured that I)al!a residents are far from disj-leax-d. have been week, with readily at Both steers ami cows have moved at an advance of about 15c. Choice steers sold as high as .rH..'l") ranging down to He ac cording to quality, nest cows and heifers easily brought 7c ami some good (dass stuff went from .fli.fiO to ..7.'. Prime veal calves $8.75 to !).I0. Hog arrivals have been very light. Prices advanced 'Str for the midweek offerings and one load sold Friday its high as .!l.l." and one at .!).0.". Only two loads available at the week end. Liberal receipts of sheep, with prices holding a lillle better on good stuff. Most of the lambs received at the week end sold $.VJ.i "off cars." Prime yearling wethers )f to Prime ewes !f.'l..iO to .f.'l.KT). State of Ohio, City of Toledo, I.ucas County, Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. .'. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo. County and State aforesaid, ami that said firm will pay the sunt of ONE HUNDRED D01-i EARS for each and every case of CaUtnh that cannot he cured bv the use of HALL'S CATARRH CI RE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to iM'fore me and subscriln-d in my presence, this (ith day of IV- eernlxT, A. D. 1HNI. (Sal) A. W. GI.F.ASON, Notary Public. Hall' Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally and acts directly upon the! blood and mucous surfaces of (he sys tem. Send for testimonials, five. F. J. CHENEY 4 CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 7.V. Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. I Ital Hants for sale at thta offlca. 1 1 Int it alout time for Mr. Merch ant to ttegin I'lhnif up his niacliiiicnr for Uie fall trade by njapjnnjj out hi advertising f l f w , Im fs4 M t m,. la. U. catuuk v Ml tV d I MS. M S Summer Eats Cleaned. At Phil Begin 's, the tailor. Tresspass notices, weather proof, tf for sale at Observer Job office. Patronize A Home Industry And Trade At THE PEDEE STORE PEDEE, OREGON We try to give 100 cents value for a dollar. Do mail order houses always do that T Do they or the "home" store "hold you over" when cash is short between seasons? We can get things we don't have in a much shorter time than you can send away and , get them from a mail order house. We appreciate your trade too. HOMESTEADS If you want a good 320 acre homestead you should write me at once. .1 spent several hundred dollars and almost a years' time investiga ting the different homestead districts of the Northwest. I finally bought out a relinquishment here adjoining the town of Imperial I now have two or three other first class relinquishments near mine for sale. The price is no more, if as much, as the usual location fee charged by locaters. This valley is thickly settled, prosperous, has schools, the advantages of a small town, daily passenger and freight automobile service con necting with railroads. We will soon have a railroad. Plenty of water and wood, good even climate, grow almost any crop. Write me now, enclosing stamp, and I will tell you all about these claims. Address Sherman Montgomery IMPERIAL, Crook County, Oregon tm WHY NOT SPEND AUGUST AT NEWPORT? Get away from the heat and dust of the valley. Newport is now at its best, and the beach sea son is in full swing. Recreation and sport for all. Deep-sea fishing, surf bathing, drives to Otter Rock, the Punchbowl, Lighthouse, etc., with boating and fishing on Yaquina Bay. LOW SEASON, WEEK-END AND SUNDAY Round Trip Excursion Fares AND Double Daily Train Service Leave Albany 7:30 a. m. and 1 p. m., connections with north and south bound S. P. trains. Call on our Agent for copy of "Newport" booklet, or "Vaca tion Days," they are free for the asking. JOILN M. SCOTT General Passenger Agent I V SOXJIT Star Transfer Co. WE MOVE ANYTHING , THAT IS MOVEABLE PROMPT SERVICE 0. A. and L C. MUSCOTT, Proprietors Phone Stands: Webster's Confectionery 511 Ellis Confectionery 1062 Barn 1074 I 31 lays Speoa at 25 Per Cent Discount CRAVEN BROS., Agents DALLAS, OREGON Professional Cards Wm. A. Hinies, Mgr. Ed. J. Ilimes, En HIMES ENGINEERING AND CON STRUCTION CO. . V Engineering and Surveying ) Plans Drawn and Estimates GW fully Given. Offlce, Room 8, ullow Building, Dallas, Ore. Phone 502 DENTIST DR. CLINTON L. FOSTER v m Jin uf. uunerj Ollice over Fuller Pliarm DALLAS nuacv. OREGON. DENTIST B. F. BUTLER Omce over Fuller Pharmacy. Office houra from 9 to 12 a. m i to 5 p. m.' Dallas 0re(50a Houra: 9 a. in. to 5 p. m.; other hour, by appointment. Phone 14H DR. D. G. REMPEL CHIROPRACTOR Nerve Speciullst anl Spinal A(lju8icr in uoun at., Dallas. Oregon. i a Q "ITS SUCH A COMFORT. and for so trifling a cost." E. N. HALL FUNERAL DIRECTOR and EMBALMER Parlor First Door South of City Hall on Church St. Phone 1433. Dallas, Oregon. Xo matter how sultry it gets your home will be cool and delightful if you install an electric fan. For less than one cent an hour you can enjoy its invigorating breezes. An oscillating fan will refresh a whole room full of people or it will circulate the air in several rooms at the same time if properly placed. Prices of oscillating fans range from $11.00 upward. Other fans from $8.50 to $17.25. A cool electric fan should be in every electrically lighted home. Dr. Louis G. Altinan Homeopathic Physician, General Practirn Special attention to Asthma. Dronsv nn j m ... '.. "rJ wan utuues onu ivneumatism Office and Res. 296 N. Liberty St Phone Main 147. SALEM, ORE. DENTIST M. HAYTER Dallas National Bank Buildin" Oroitoa Dallas ATTORNEY AT LAW OSCAR HAYTER Rooms 5 and 6, Uglow Bldg. Dallas Oregon G. O. HOLMAN LAWYER Office In Wilson Building. Oregon Power 605 Court Street Company Telephone 24 ATTORNEY-AT-LAW D. H. UPJOHN Rooms 19-20 Dallas National Bank Bldg. DALLAS OREGON. ATTORNEY AT LAW WALTER L. TOOZE, JR. Dallas National Bank Building Dallas Oregon ATTORNEYS AND ABSTRACTORS BROWN & SIBLEY Abstracts promptly made. Notary Public, Collections Mill St. Down-stairs. . Dallas, Ore, I rfT. OFFICE When We Hand You Our Estimate of tho cost of the lumber you require you can depend upon It that the fig ures will be as low r.s first-class, well HraHon-d lumber can be sold for hon t!y. If you pay more you pay too much. If you pay U-ss you get less either " qupllty or quantity.. Dallas Lumber & Logging Co SIBLEY & EAKIN The only reliable set of Abstracts in Polk County. Offlce on Court street Dallas, ... Oregon Phone ll'83-2 R. L. CHAPMAN FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER Calls promptly answered day or night Dallas, Oregon. Olive Smith-Bicknell Teacher of PIANO and ORGAN Studio 712 Oak St. DALLAS OREGON VETERINARY SURGEON DR. L. W. HORN (Successor to Dr. Nevel) Office at McCann & Collins Livery. Phone 551 Dallas, Oregon. LODGE DIRECTORY UNITED ARTISANS Dallas Assem bly, No. 46, meets on first and third Mondays cf each month at Wood man hail. Visiting members made welcome. MILLIE M. STAFRIN, M. A. WILLIS SIMONTON. Secretary. REBEKAIIS Almira Lodgs No. 2 meets first and third Wednesday of each month at Odd Fellows' Hall. NOLA CO AD, Noble Grand. ORA COSPER, Secretary. ED. F. COAD, Attorney at Law, Probate Caaei a Specialty. Room 20, National Bank Bide. jsirea. Phone orders foi 41 lven prompt attention. Satisfaction of Mortgage. The Observer has added Satisfact ion of Mortgage to Its stock of legal blanks. Notaries and Attorneys may now ecure them In any quantity de sired. Phone orde Trt i,aj notices, weather pro-.f. Vv f for ul at OU. rver Job offlc. L)lllclS 11011 WOrkS MaclilnbU Founttrrracn Pattern Makers. SAWMILL WORK A SPECIALTY Wa are prepared to dc any kind of Iron and Bra, work. Lumber trucks nd 8tock work on hand. Wa make the beat and cheapest 8tump Puller on the market. Prteia reaaonabl CityTransfer W. R. CCULTIR, Proprietor The world moves itself; We move anything else Piano and Furniture Mo?, ing a Specialty Stand Kersey's Confec tionery. Phone 1061 Residence Pbone 1202 WOODMEN OF THE WORLD Dal las Camp No. 209 meets In W. O. W. Hall on Tuesday evening of each week. R. E. REED, Consul Coin. W. A. ATRES. Clerk. A. F. & A. M. Jennings Lodge. No . meets second and fourth Fridays of each month. In Masonic hall on Main street. Visiting brethren wel come. E, A, HAMILTON', W. M. WALTER S. MUIR. Secretary. TAILORS WILLIAMS & COLLINS SuiU Made to Order at Home Tor Ladder Gents. AUTO FOR HIRE McCAXN & COLLINS LiTery V.l. On-ite- Oaii H..t-l. West Side Marble WorRs O. L. HAWKINS. Proprietor. MONTTM ENTS, HEADSTONES AD CURBING. A Complete line of All Lat DertT BARHAM BR.OSj t PLANING MILL. . ALL KINDS Or MILL WORK. Cement, Lime, Plaster. Etc. Coc tractors aad Badrs Wert End Cotirt St. DaHa. Ortfoi