h f I'll LAS- 0REG0M- FRIDAY. AUGUST 15; 1913 NoT8 iilHTPRFSTIIl FAi,ERS Wff STOCK r Jniirn nrnnnirn. i irr PnnrniPr 10 IlinifO nCPnilHTV dahlii utruniLu: uruLiimiouo hlwo ui uuunn 0. A. PROJECT lovable School to Be In Dallas August 27 and 28 CLASS TALKS TO FEATURE !f,v and Novel Plan to Educate farmer Supporters Makes State wide Campaign School to Visit at Independence Noted Lecturers Ar Coming. Association Officers Pleased with A a. sistance Shown by .Polk .County Ranchers. Returnins: from a trin about tim county in I he interest of the Polk uoiinty j? air Association Secretary . . ames reports that tanners who ave volunteered to assist, in uwiipi'mi exhibits have already begun the work of collectiiiir specimens oF m-:m for decoration iur)oses. ihis week hundreds of premium books are beinir mailed th rmto'hnnt the county and letters u-ging immed iate action m preparing the exhibits accompany manv of the booklets. Sec retary Miles has met with errant, snn- cess in sellinir shares of association stock. Everything is in readiness to wel ,ome the Oregon Agricultural college ;. fkllas August 27 and 28, and from reports being revived in various parts of the state where the movable col- has given lectures and demon- ,tratioiis, the meeting Iiere will be a w success. The school will visit Independence on the 25 and 20. The instructional force consists of jve members of the college faculty, ere intlie various branches, to- tlher with Mr. Cummins a represen tative of the Oregon Social Hygiene iwiety and M. J. Mickle of the Dairy and Food commission. The members of the faculty who are engaged in the work at present are Mrs. Lulie W. Robbins, and Miss Ed na Groves in domestic science and art; Professor T. W. Beckwith, head of the bacteriology department, Pro fessor A. L. Peck, professor of land scape trardening and floriculture, and Mr. W". R Daughters of the chemistry department. Mrs. Robbins and Miss Groves will tal with the general problem of housekeeping including demonstra tion lectures and class work in plain and fancy cooking and dressmaking. Not only demonstrations will be ade but' wherever the required equipment can bo obtained actual elass work will be conducted, making it possible for the ladies of the vari ous communities to test out in prac tice the methods discussed. Professor Beckwith deals in his lec ture work with impure milk and wat er, disinfection after disease, and the general bacteriological features or home Kimitiition. . Professor Peck has two VCrV in- utruetive illustrated lectures in land scape gardening, one dealing with the beautifvinir of city sitreets and parks showing views obtained in cities throughout various parts of the Unit ed States. Contrasts are made of food and )oor features of the work. The second lecture is entitled, "Land scape Gardening for the City Resi dence and the Small Suburban Home." Mr. Daughters will make a few tests of foods and medicine purchased in the cities visited and make known the impurities thus found. Secretary Cummins, of the social llVtriana umtlalv lino a carina nf four lectures, one for parents, one for bus iness men, one tor young men aim one for bovs fifteen to eighteen years of S. The Social Hygiene exhibit which was a feature of the World Conference in Portland, is carried ith the school. Another exhibit has recently been idiled Jiv tlio Uinta T.ihrnrv Associa tion. Tin a onniioli n.f a model travel- in? binary including lists of books for ome simlv courses. Mr. J. i). Mickle of the food and dairy commission will deal with food Alteration and inspection. IB PLAY "CHAMP" GAME Dallas Team Ready for Big Game With McMinnville Sunday Spec ial Rates Offered. With the promise from the railroad "mpany of reduced rates to the ex of 1.00 he round trip, local fans looking forward to the big ball Jwm at McMinnville Sunday with anticipation The p-ame between tt Dallas and the fast team of Yam kll county will conclusively decide " championship of the Willamette Reservations have been made y Manager Serr for 200 people and y if at ion point to a record break crowd of loval Dallas boosters. The Dallas line-un for Sunday s will be unusually strong. Win fc-rtx'ih.tm. a Northwestern leaguer 'l twirl for the l,wls. and Keene crack short whose sensational w.dir.r and beavv utickinff were feat ? f,f the last Snnlav'a CUBIC, will 'J for Dallas. Other weak point Ur Wn remedied and the team Pw to be th best turned out by i.. a during the present season. Mf Minnville has secured the service Spike Hewett of Fresno who will 'he strong arm of the McMinnville Stry. II iraii AT HEAVY LOSS SUBURBAN SERVICE LOSES NEARLY $4,000,000 ANNUALLY. Southern Pacific Company Claims Electric Service in Alameda County, California, Is Being Operated at a Big Financial Loss to the Company Each Year. r1 1 xt TIM 1 ITllflllA 1 . TO T.1.. SAIM 1 lUlNl.,JiMA, Aug. J.O. rjveu though it is operating 877 suburban trains daily out of it he Oakland and . i i ... i i - Alameda moies, ami mis cameo in uie last year about nineteen million pas sengers, the Southern Pacilic company is losing approximately three and a quarter million dollars annually on l.rt m.li. in unntvo rvu'p in Ala- mu iiiiiniiuiui viv.vtwv . - - meda county. These figures were made known' today from authoritative sources. XL IS BillU llltlt UlU l-witii revenue for the twelve months ending June 30,1913, was $l,3uT),707.1.), while . . i . . it 1 R1-.1 CO 00 tne total expense wib q't,uj.j,-u-.w, lenviny a deficit to the company of just $3,247,554.85. In the Hearing neiore tne aiiiuima mi . ii -..v,.ii;t.L.;ni a fmr (Mate liaiHOail lAMIIlllinniuii. u J.v... days ago, C. W. Durbrow, an attorney ror tne rauioau, ictujot out interest on the forty-six million ..1 ' i 1 mi.! i.jc! nnl dollars mvesieo in mc jMojn. 4i. . 4.. in, itiinr to fift.v-four IIIB lilAL-n 4i 7 .i..ll.i..t. ilia lo on direct UlOUS.llUl uimiwoi 4"- ' y operating expenses alone, was $31)4, 000 for the year. Adding to this amount the interest, taxes and other fixed charges, the figures given above are obtained. The statement is made that m these 4-j: .,:,.,.i4, noivpiit of the COmpUiaillMIS, IIIUCIJ -- - items are exclusively for electric i 4 41 Ii.amc (In trains and not ior sicm i..... the remaining ton percent, only that proportion is included winch can projierly be alloted to suburban ser ine. . , , mi nf U s loss can be llie ineuimif; "4 4..... - - . :.,i.i Vnr tnlL-mp- in terms oetter uppicrnu-- u. r, of passengers and miles, tor evei ..' ,1 4-1 ...11... Tooifi" coiiiiianv mile tne oouuiei" 4 -- carried a passenger on its femes and ' .1 i.., dn.w it received rams on suuu.u..' ,1 .,(, . 0 t lie. cost 01 the less inan a toih same senice was three times as great. ,1 1M. K.v.n ami n SIVtll or something . -- cents. That is to say, on all ot the lv" .... i 4hn T-n 1 1 , nineteen million - road comnany lost i -t for every mile it transported each one of them. Or, again, each passenger, on the average, paid about even and a fifth cents, regard ess distance, and yet 11 cos. i..c -ientv-four and a fract.on cents to serve 'him. On every one ot the n.ne Si million pas.sengers, the company 1-4.1.. covpiiteen wins as out a nine .rbavin.hadhimasac.mr These statisucs ic i- 1 acL records of the ra,ln,a a 1 fnun the same .reports. --. ; 1 nun u r commis- t,l T 110 Siaie no' 4w- . is their iieinf; -- . , llic way is one of the bene ;,a eVeet. of the work,ng ot ne Utilit.es Act. ine r - - . 1 ike are ih'irmm... . - . , of the facts, for each w entitl .1 New and the Old in Aquatic Sports During Summer Term Burglar and Ship Deserter To Accused Murderer Is Sent To BURGLARIZED L0E HOME Serves But Tew Months of Long Sent ence When Ship Which Brought Him to Portland Arrives Must Keep Away From the United States. - - - : Photos by American Press Association. HERE you see illustrated the new and the old In aquatic sports. Canoe tilting is one of the recent games which has gained favor as a sum mer pastime. It's full of excitement for those who participate and for those who watch. There's a thrill in almost every move. The contestants try to dump each other into the water. Now, every one knows that a canoe Is the easiest thing in the world to tip over, but in this game a no tlceable feature is the fact that it's hard to overturn the canoe unless the tilt lug is done tn the right way. The contestants wear bathing suits, and so a ducking does them no harm. If they are overturned they scramble back, and the contest is on again. Tub racing is one of the oldest but funniest of water games. One of the side spurting spins is uic imiw"" HS Hill (.1111 10 BE WILL VISIT CITT BEJBUT 1 ted sions. a pi ner Tl six with 4 :.,..,tmont of tortv- . ,ropen ";". -l.,,, -i'i- 1 n.irs s in accordance million, dollars i in a detailed exmnu -" Inter-;s State 1 ia. n -'would he two est on it at six P " j , s(.ve,v million. seven bu . lad and t'':a"" " :P earning are ! that tne " , tlie i,!ter-t ially only one half of the. BIG PARTY OF PORTLAINU SCRIBES HERE TONIGHT. Visitors to Be Entertained by Com mercial Ciub Will Continue Tour of Willamette Valley. From 5:30 p. m. tonight to 8:30 to morrow morning Dallas will be the hst of at least 30 newspaper men and general boosters of Portland representing the first annual publicity trip through the Willamette valley under the auspices of the Portland, Eugene & Eastern road. Arrange ments have been made by the Dallas Commercial Club to entertain the vis itors while in the city. The managing editors of the papers will not lie personally in attendance but they will be represented by g 1 men as follows: . The Oregonian. yet to lie assigned, Ihe Telegram. W. P. Stranborg; the Journal, vet to lie assigned; the 1 st e. .Swedish) . W. Lonegren. edit,,,- the Spectator. John Dongal; the '('handier d' Commerce Bulletin. Musis Mosessohn: Zeitumr. (Oennan) V Kern, editor; Pacific Scandi- inivian. II- J- e'il"r' 1V,rt" land. Railway Lisrld & . " ..uMicitvdepa.lm.-nt..T.lurlM..- !lf mimr. And there may be o.h- The f-on.pany will be represented by a comi'liment of engineers and oilier ollicets. ti . ,- ..1 .i:ive I oli lit II1 1 11 1 ne I';" " .-..1 ,,.,iii nt h :i. m.; r iiu. FRESH AIR BRIGADE TO INVADE COUNTY FROM PORTLAND. Club Wants Names of Five More- Party Will Include Mother with Babe Several Want Homes. F mm the beadduarters of the As sociated Charities of Portland comes word that from 20 to 25 lithe cluld- ,'nn 'ire nat.i entlv awaiting dawn Thursday morning, the eventtul day ,,f H,o vniir for them when they will board the train for Dallas, and thus marking the beginning of 10 delight f.,1 ,inv of cnuntrv life. A s tlie result of the canvass made by the Women's club of Dallas, homes have been secured tor JO children, hut ;t dm ihmire to secure aid from 2- llv intended. The followin ietter from the asso ciation received by Mrs. J. Kiley iVuv-Ln nresident of the dub, will I141 itt HPIIPI'H 1 interest. " A u von know oiaui.(l charity considers its most im)Kirtant work the rehabilitation of families; the bring ing up to normal standards of those who are liandii-appcd by heredity and environment. The outings are a part ,.f do.: constructive work. We ex .., it.,.,,, 1,1 lk-netit the children not onlv jihy.-ically, but mentally and morallv.' The pnl food, and country air benefits their health, and seeing livinsr helps to two set-m actu; eav n.,hmz f the fman,hebu.ner,.: .1.. ,1.111 taxes. MX !" " pavir.ff io- - 7 , in r, ,T is taken as the ...t .e charpps alone. V cost l44.it,.r standards ot them in the other directions. " All the children we are sending t.,,r:.n tin uhom the Associated I ban s iH-vi.ti I""" . , ..,1. .;., i.w Im'ii alioniiir wiui. aim re ,,M I.",, and will run on me I 0 to Inake up -h.lul: jo!,),,, various social problems. We tub. Arrive IIiiWnh". . a. m. . a n,elleaIIv arrive toi-t t.rove. .n,un- 8 that von armf Jif."1""'1"" 1 , . , .. ;n :.,. ..... W !.. i..,..4' n..t Ii':ir Iliai c win mini i. arrive o..i-. mu.. . - ar-'of your citizens wnn .nseas- cmnni-n to childhood, and. of course, Mppty a. m !.. 11 a. m. 1 i-. Ip.ivc 3:3" I I', m. .' ' . . ... 14..1,-.. 4 :.'ill P. tn . :io 11. m..sia o.ci . . . . 1 ...!!..- Saturday. Angusi 1. i..,v Italia :3' a- m amve 1 to be on a it i? condi t low " "V" in the i.r.--nt d-i- arrive t imii ; !t a. 111.. h ave !: va!i;s. lu:3' a. m.. 0 a. in.: L ave VI WOUl than It i 1 't4,2.( rr -v,ar lii.- -ca'er .' , f,ir.ifr. that th' pcd out f..r th. Southern. V' "that. t!;.r- preent time 1 rew- a!,(-e arc ( tc char t"r r"": ' . 1 1,., f.irc. t. c Vl ,t more will n- 't motives and ca. llli Uf . nlC .viol pin: An i;;,-e 4:4.. 1.. m.. "tl L ave ti::i" P. n..: arnve Ku-ne . tn.. st.'v ov. r i-i-ht- Sunday. Ansxist 17. I.-ve Viz'. 1" - amve ,,.n. V ;' p. n... 1-av c i:3i p. m.; ar i the translKii'tation. I i,,.,i ti' those whom we are rmrtie uhirlv anxious to h.-lp in this lat trip . o n-.,n.n ith a vcrv voun? tiany '. Wo ot-.. Imvo f,ne or two children needir.'.' p rmanent lioine. if any of your citizens would care to take tl-m trial." AKi III CITY Be Sent Home FATE OF DAVIS State Penitentiary HOLMES PASSES SENTENCE Court Grants Defendant's Counsel. Thirty Days in Which to File Mo tion for a New Trial Tooze Guar antees Payment of Transcript Few Hear Sentence. Items of Interest in Country Districts Interestingly Told OBSERVER SPECIAL SERVICE Observer Representatives Keep in Touch With All Matters of Import ance in Their Part of the Famous "Blue Ribbon" District of the State of Oregon. SALEM, Or., Aug. 14. (Special). ."His shin hnvinir come. over." t o ' Thomas Henry Baker, serving a- term of from one to seven years in the pen itentiary for robbery in Polk county, was pardoned by Governor West to day. He was taken at once to tnesuip Celtic King, moored in Portland, nnd will be deported. Baker deserted from the ship, so it is said and the of ficers sometime asro. when the learned the man was in prison here, asked that he be returned to the vessel when it arrived in Portland. The pardon provides that Baker must keep out of the United States forever. It is believed that he would have preferred to remain in the penitentiary. Raker wns sent, nn from this coun ty last fall after being convicted of the charge of entering the home of Robert Loe, a rancher living near Dallas. Tt wns learned todav that at the time of his trial, Baker had deserted his ship at Portland, and really plead piI to lie confined in the nenitentinry so that he could be deported and ire- turned to Mgland. Baker lelt home under peculiar cir cumstances. During a fight with a neighbor, he struck him with a ham mer, and it was believed that tne man wns dead. After comini? to America and just before he was sentenced from this county, he was informed that the man recovered, and that no cbarere would be lodged against him if he returned. Baker stole a revolver and a watch from the Loe home and was arrested in Dallas the following day. fountITis assured Dallas W. C. T. U. Members Pleased with Aid of Citizens Issue Card of Thanks. Tinllns W. C. T. TT. members who for the past three weeks have been wnrlrino- fnitbfullv for the Purpose of securing funds with which ito erect a bronze drinking tountain on Main street, have issued the following vote of thanks to those who materially aid ed them in their work TI,o D.ill.18 union of the W. C. T. U. u-ili tn thank Itbe County Court, Boyce Bros., Ralph Williams and oth ers who so willingly contributed, ior their generous donations and the city council for its co-operation and help in our drinking fountain campaign. The fund for the tountain is not .holly secured and the union will reatlv appreciate more contributions either great or small. The bronze tountain, costing ap r.rTm,ntelv 3."0. has been ordered through a local firm from the bouse in New iork, and is to be erected on the east side of main street where the ourt bouse walk crosses the park d rip of the court block. This worthy work has been carried on nearly to completion by the V. C. U. with the aid ot iienpie interested in the best for Dallas. CAROLINE BLACK, Sec. Dallas W. C. T. U. Broadmead Entertains. The ladies of the newly created .lux,! dislriet located at Broadmead, i.a.l,. ili..ir initial attempt to entertain their fneiNls Saturday evening oy triving a "Get -Acquainted" uncial in ilia t,diiKil bouse. About two hundred of the friends and well-wishers of the i,4.ur lUtrit were present, many com from Perrvdale. Ballston and Bnedwell, and when the evening s en tertainment was concluded every one voted the affair a Ini'f success. The Considers Davis Dangerous Askimr the prison officials that Louis Davis, convicted of the murder of Eliza J. Stewart, and sentenced to me imprison ment, be kept in custody the full lencth of his sentence, and that the board of pardons ignore any petition that may be cir- nnlnted in his behalf. several hundred ."residents of Polk! ("Viiinfv linvn simied netitions VJ r- . r which will he immediately tor- f warded to fealem. ine petitions are now in circulation tliroimh out the county. In Dallas, is is said 500 signed. The petitions state that Davis is considered a dancerous man and should not be allowed at large. A peculiar conclusion to the county prison life of Davis who was taken to Salem yesterday, was the request that the gun with which lie is aliened to have shot Ben Atree and Mrs. Stewart and which he disowned during T the trial, he returned to him be- fore he left for the state prison. Imprisonment for the period of his natural life in the state penitentiary lit Knloin. is the neliaMv Louis Davis of Ballston must pay for the murder of Mrs. filiza. Stewart at mansion, June 30. Sentence was passed at 1 :30 yesterday afternoon by Judge Web ster Holmes. Attorney Walter Tooze, Jr . counsel for defense asked for 30 days in which to file application for a new trial, and the request was granted. Davis in company with Slier iff Crniit left for Salem today. In asking for a jieriod of 30 days in which to prepare his motion ai tjirnev Tonze stated that owintr to the fact that the court stenographer was busy it would take some time before liu ..nil,! tiecnre u transcript of the tcatimnnv. Asked it tlie ( eteildiini had means with which to pay for the transcript. Tooze said tnai ne person ally would lie responsible for the j - "I will say, however, that deieiui ant holds hopes in securing assistance in his tic h n If. also that ut to ihc present time be has received no aid whatsoever," said Attorney looze While await ine the decision of tin enn rt in the mutter of m'antinir a new trial Davis will remain in the jieni- tentiary. GOOD ROADS FOR TV FARMERS BIG QUANTITY OF GRAVEL BE ING DISTRIBUTED. Eastern Turnpike Style Being Fol lowed on Highway Between Louis ville and Air lie Tour County. Thirty thousand yards of grnvel will le placed on the roads of Pdk county during the next few weeks as the result of a tour of insiiect ion re cently completed by the board of county commis-dmier. The gravel will be. distributed as follows: .VKI vards tn !'. T. Peterson at Parker; 2NI yards to Jake Smith at .. v . i. .. i .. i . ....... ..... ----- - - - , , ,uckiannite, .) yarns in i ernoan i-Inch ret rcslimentu were nerved: .Misses Marie and Ilildrcd Tooze U Legal Advisor. .VK yards to Smithfield. -VMt yard to 'PO vard to Airhe. 4"0 vards to ()." K. Warden, south of Dallas, .V0 yards to I. V Stump. Suvcr Eastern Turn Dike Stvle. One of the finest pieces of roadway in the Mate is being completed ilie and Aiilic One thousand vard of travel are being Caldwell l'lafw", on roal. 4irrirnii; iu m 'r,,r,,rT.inHi-r thin wmk will be thor- Gold Medal Contest. utrhly done a it i the board de- FU.LS CITY. Ane. IV A prand !re tn eTinmei.t on the new kind Hd medal contest will be held in the ;.f road!-d. M. E. church Monday evening. AuimM Solo ... Short. Recitation ....Mis Ira Mitchell Siln Misd llawl Iitman Recitation Mrs. Wm. Hart ix I)iH-t Misse Lillian and lira Mitchell Recitation Mr. H C. Price Silo Mr. I. ID III DRIFTS Pcf. Goes to Eugene. I. M. (ilen. ..f Srt;le. bo (C.T'i! ,.eJ on Paje F-ur.) termine its h-srality m TU Willianl dnnkintr fountain . . w i 1 . . : I t l. . . . I n .1 1 1 ia hnl f A Walter I. lon7.e na ofJ'i r-im-'i ; nam wth rin iti , - - - '. Vv t' e citv c.u' cil r.f Fall itv to fini-h panne lor it tmra tne reeeip , n in p iini ir . " Amine the council ' pr.-e,Iit.CT injof thi e.ntet. A prrTram i , tmn at the L!e farm, left nn a l.u- ;' ', IIlt.r.em. t t U iMation to de- 1 U-injr rranvv-d. Admi.ioo 'St cent, j trip to Kuj.er.e the t rt of U FALLS CITY .1 Afrs. .Tames E. Dunton and young son, of Cottage Grove spent several days in S alls Uity visiting oiu friends. Mr. Dunton is very well pleased with his work in Cottage Grove but does nice to get ,oac,K to Falls City. Mrs. Chas. Drink hns been suner inc f,mm an attack of paralysis since Sunday, but at this time she is great ly improved. ' Miss Lois Ohmart is taking a two weeks' vacation from her duties at th FaIIs Cit- Lumber Co. office and has gone to the coast for an outing. Fred Zuver and Miss JUditn tJarn hart were married this week and left for Miehiffin for a honeymoon. They may decide to make their home there. Mrs. W. D . Nichols is visiting friends in Salem. C. W. Davis returned from Saiem Monday with a brand new Auburn automobile which he purchased from Vic.k Bros, ot that place. Dr. and Mrs. M. Ij. Thompson anu children left Saturday for a two weeks' stay at Newport. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sears left this week for Redmond where they will lie located for some time. Mrs Oeorire P. Vick and daughter. Ilollis, visited the first of the week with Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Viek of this place. . Mrs. L. Sargent, mother of W. W. Ward, of this city, died at Oregon City, Sunday, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Linnie Frink, where she had gone for a visit. The remains wore brought to Fulls City, 'luesday and funeral services were held from the Free Methodist church, Rev. M. A. Marcy, of the Methodist church, con ,ln,.ii,iir tlie aei-vices. Mrs. Sarifent, at the time of her death was 78 years of age, she having been born in Mich igan in 183;. Three sons are lert to in m.i n her death, two liviiur in Mich igan and Waircn W. Ward of this itv. Born To Mr. and Mrs. Lee Sadler, Friday, August 8, a boy. Mr. and Mrs. K. U. White and son, Ronald, are in Newport for a two weeks' outing. Tbeo Cochran ami Miss norence Dorton were united in marriage last Sunday at the Cochran home. They will make their home in Falls City. At the lout meeting of the school board the contract for installing a new heutinc system was given to the Silverton Blow Pie Co. A represent ative of the company was in tne city several days this week milking plans and KiH'cifieations. I ... . . r ar . rl Clifford Smith and Miss Mcrie nan of Dallas, visited over Sunday with friends of this city. Mrs. Esther Montgomery and miss K,litli Mnntiromerv are in Newimrt this week enjoying a short outing. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Turdy, or MiacK Rock, are moving into the McKown bouse. Mrs. M. A. Marcy and young son turned from a visit with her parents in Portland, Tuesday. BALLSTON Mr nnd Mrs. It. L. Sears, of llills- boro, were through here Friday on their way home from the coast. Jake Hinsbaw was down from u- lamina Monday. Ijinis Hoefert returned home last week after a several months' absence in Washington. Frank Oliver is helping T. J. New bill clear bis land which he bought of A. M. Tillery. Charley Shipley, of Sunny Slope, visited at Henry Butler's during the week. Mrs. Frank Tatom took her child ren tn the coast for an outing last week. Prof, and Mr. J. E. Dunton and little noil, of Cottage Grove, were vis iting friends here last week. K. F. Ciaven. of Rtckreall, is new it ac k for Walker's thresher. Word was received here this week aiiii'iiincinir the arrival of a new son at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Crow I. at Pueuto, Ca). Mr. Crowd was formerly principal of the high iw hool here. Tle fourth quarterly conference for Ka!htn circuit for this year will be Iwld at -the Methodist church here. ToeUy. Ausrut If. District Superuf teiehtit Mx-re, pr-idinr. Quite a number from bene attended the ice cream atrial at Hroadmead W . intir r. s i-f. t Mi Marparet Mulkey, of Salem. j under 10 jearw, 10 cent. week. (Continued oa Tag Three) F t 11 i i