FRIDAY, MAY 23rd, is' FOUR lM . . . . , - AA1fiwWWNffW,r'' i . . eiG&G&(Vvvyr' A POLK COUNTY 'OBSERVER o) Absolutely Puro Economizes Butter, Floor, Eggs; makes the food more appetizing and wholesome The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar STRUCK DOWN BY RAPID TEAM D. A Smith Sustains Severe Injur iesResting Comfortably Today. I). A. Smith suffered serious injur ies Tuesday- night when he was struck down on Main street by 'a rapidly driven team. He was cross ing the street, and being unable to see very clearly the team was upon Mini betore he knew it. He threw up one hand and the horses whirled so that the hub on a hind wheel struck him. One rib was broken and he sustained internal injuries. One of his hands was badly cut so that nine stitches were required and a nail was torn off. Today he was re lorted to be resting comfortably. Re covery seems certain unless pneu monia should set in. KILLED IN LOGGING CAMP News of City and County Montenegrin Rushed to This City in Special Train. Stnnko Yovovich, a Montenegrin, was killed Saturday afternoon while working at Powell's Camp above Falls City. He was 26 years old. Yovovich was working1 near a tree which was being felled by two other workmen. When the tree fell it buckled and broke, a splinter flying and hitting. Yovovich in the head. His jaw was broken and his skull fractured at its base in the rear. He was rushed to Dallas on- a special train but died that night in the hos pital. His body was removed to Portland Tuesday. He has a brother at loledo who survives. mL. t i nitxm Rut YOU May ICI inc wcuiic.iD Vtpp Lot in t iha i nnicv winner ui "MUX! tEm T rf.h rf. fa m a T T AC ADDITION TO DALLAS inrj uiuiiw , hv the Judees Millerst" was the mine rsidont of BUSINESS rZZVl vSiVAIf (Advertisementa under charged at the ratu of l " hl llrst Insertion; y, ,.: cen' Pn each Insertion tli(rv.,ft ' " i. less, $1 per month it 30 No.advertlsemunt Inserted , " 41 15 cents. Lrlelforie, von SALE run oal,k u,- trade t.v. ,. . v.. mi nil OM( oiie-ll After due consideration of the lot contest. As this name was ncj lw nne not d are compelled to delay in making to contestants a further op tlinr. wp nave decided to c-.ikv m Polk county, and. who by the rules of the contest i.u. fakes second Prize; takes third pnze, ana sent into our office. EXPERT HORSESHOEING 415 Oak Street, Dallas. Meet me at the New Scott. 2-25tf Hotmail's Dairy Cream 'JO cents a pint. !' Oscar Hayter, Lawyer, rooms 5 and 6, Uglow building. J. S. Cooper of Independence was in the city this week. George Skill", city attorney of Falls City, was in Dallas Wednesday. Rhubarb for sale, one cent a pound. W. P. Miller, phono 15f4. tf D. II. Upjohn, attorney, room 19 and 20, Dallas National bank building. tf. Good young gelding team for sale, Ferd Ilartman, 7l!, Lvle street, phone ir81. ' tf. Moss Walker of Independence was among the visitors in Dallas this week. Dr. Freeze, the Eye Specialist will bo at Staf rin's in Dallas all day Thursday, June o. ti-.'i Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sliultz who have have been in Portland returned to Dallas Wednesday. Fred llcbding, one of Perrydale's leading business men, was in Ibillas Wednesday on business. Quinn Burnett, who has been back at "Dallas for a number of weeks, ex pects to leave for Seattle the middle of June. W. S. Duniway, state printer, was in Dallas Tuesday evening coming over in his automobile and visiting some of his friends here for a short t ime. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Fentoti return ed from Portland yesterday by auto, leaving Portland at 7:1.) and arriving here shortly after ten o 'clock. Walter L. Tooze, Jr., went to Sa lem Tuesday to aid in making ar rangements for entertaining the Dal las contingent at the Moose Carni val today. H. T. Peavey who has been prin cipal of the Ballslon schools, and who recently went to Upland. Indi ana, has noliiied Superintendent Seymour that he will return to Ore gon, but not until l!U-l. C. Ii. Starr, secretary ot the Slate Hoard of Tax Commissioners at Sa lem, and formerly county suioriu tendeut of Polk county, is among those who graduate in the law class at Willamette University and will take the bar examination early next mouth. Christian Science services will be held at Advent ist church Sunday, at 11 a. m. Subject of lesson ser mon, "Soul and Hody." Sunday school at 10 a. in. Wednesday meet ing at S p. m. at reading room, room 10 National Hank building. The public is cordially invited. The petition which was liberally i signed hv school ehildn n of Poik The Missionary society of the Presbyterian church met Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. C. L. t rider. A very interesting program was taken part in bv the members and before their adjournment a de light fill luncheon was served hv the hostess. Uobt. Ankenv and Ed. Bollier had a narrow escape Wednesday on their way to Salem on Aukeny's motorcy cle. At Hickrcall the machine turn ed and they went into the ditch. Ankenv sustained some severe bruis es ami Pollier's clothes were badly torn, otherwise the injuries were not serious. LUNCHEON ON THIS EVENING Expected High School Girls Will Fill Tables to Capacity. It is expected that the tables in the basement of the high school building at the luncheon of the do mestic science class will be filled to capacity this, evening when that class gives its first public luncheon. This luncheon will demonstrate to the public just what has been accom plished during the first year's work of the domestic science department and at the same time the proceeds will go toward the fitting out of a dining room for tne young women There are 1(5 girls under the super vision of Miss Rose Sheridan who are in this class. excellent name's that we have decided portunitv to get this lot. Millet U XclflV uic naiii " (, 11 -f "Miller-mead, the name sent in by Mr. I -omeraiK.n Mr Jrn Turkman takes fourth pnze for tne flrst na.n, First Prize, lot in "Miller'-to .be Awarded Second Prize, draft for $50 Mrs. Grace 3, Lei Third Prize dr?ft for $25, Mr. homer Calkins mnMt forV, Mrs. John Lockman The name of the winning contestant will be fed by A5iss Virmia EUis at the Grand Theater, Wednesday evening, May 2Wi at 0 c who wish to know should be at the Grand Theater on the above ciaie. We want to thank all of the contestants for the ijji their suggestions. We feel that a reward is due to al of t Piirtf rr j ,TrQ ovo n nrlm inn to our othei Mues going lu H1C aiiu in amiiwiauuii uicicu, . -. f z witn a sent each ana every one oi me i'umwuW " rfini' a flc draft in the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) which will be accepted as payment for a lot in "Millerst." list of the contestants, one of whom will receive the lot in M uicrst. S, (I'l'eeiiwood, .Tr. a part Below is a county asking direct that ttie Oregon be desi first fleet coiiu l'reidcnt hitoi ic s;nated l : throtii;!! Wilson lo '' batileship ill.- are the l'an.i- Mr. James 11. (Godfrey, Worthy (irand Patriarch of the Order of Kasteru Star of Dregon, will he pres ent, at the next regular nieetim; of Xaomi Cliajter Xo. 122, Tuesday evening, May '27. A program and good social time is expected. Visit ing Sisters and Brothers welcome ly order of Worthy Matron. WIXN'IK M. ClIAl'MAX. Sec. II. C. Eakin has a large number of kodak pictures taken of his ranch which is located near liickreall. Mr Eakin is an expert horticulturist and might be termed the Hurlmnk of Polk county. He has 7." acres in the ranch. A considerable tract ot it is in walnuts and he has devised a schvme of staking the trees, now rive years old, which is proving a most etlieacious protect ion. 1 lie beautitul t liernngton proper ty on Oak street across from the Dal las hospital has been sold bv T. J Chorrington to Henry Clanfield. Mr. Clantield lives in the adjoining home and with the acquisition ot the Cher- rington place now owns one of the linest stretches of residence property in Pallas. 1). If. I'pjohn, who re cently opened law ollices ni the Dal las National P.ank building, has leas ed the Cherrington house. Former I niled States Senator Le vi Ankenv of Walla Walla, Wash.. anl his wife are expected to arrive in a few days to visit their son Rob ert Ankeny who owns a ranch at Rickreall. Senator Ankeny is one of the wealthiest and most prominent men on the Pacific Slope and has been prominent in Washington state politics for many years. Mrs. An keny is a daughter of former Tinted States Senator Xesmith of Oregon. Casualty insurance will still he re tained on the men who are employed in hazardous occupations bv the citv. particularly at the quarry. The question of whether the workmen's compensation act passed by the last legislature would not amply protect the men and the citv came up before the councilmen. but it was decided that the act is at present, at least, too uncertain in its tenor ami ii has been decided to retain the old foim of insurance. Mr. and Mr. Prank Collins are in Dallas from Silver City. Xew Mcx- Uiere Mr. Odlius has been en d as a mining engineer. They veiling Judge J. I.. Collins. Mr. ollius" lather. Mr. Collins left FALLS CITY TO GIVES WELCOME DALLAS. (Continued from page 1.) ma canal has been forwarde. chief executive by State temU-nt. Alderman. The contains the names of over Oregon si-hiHl children. 1 to the uperiu petition (.11.(100 Summer Hats Cleaned. At Phil 1 Vein's, the tailor. tf You Don't Have To Wash Dishes It's no fun lime, ana out camping. a".y are to up-arc w.ish'.ng iiis!ii' iHv lion oii You don "I have ali itilies when oii have a ly of our Pajvr Plates. They just the tiling tor picnic an I mc parties. These jitcs are put up in packagv of and sell for lOoouts a package. We a!so have a large !.n k of IVn nison's I.unoh Sets. evviI .: g o!" t' o now decorated tab!. t'o;' , r.aj'ki::. doilio and paper j'-I.itc. Our IVnnistn o j'ar'.c t .t i i . very onr.j!cto. and e on!d W g!.ii to have you come i-i and hok oor the beautiful new line for Spnri ani Summer. HAYTER'S BOOK STORE KeaisartCT for CenrJsoi Coods 42S tiala Street ! Dalias about li ears ag. although ! he has been back here occasionally for isits. When they leave Dallas they will go to Juneau. Alaska, where thev will remain for the next four years, Mr. Collins accepting resjvtisible josition tliere. Judgn.ent for .l.:'J"i was atiii liv ed in the Supreme Court Tuesday in the cae of A. It. Seneer vs. I.e g i:c S. o. Atloineys in the ea-e for Sponeer were Oscar Hayter of this -i)y and (icoi-ge Skill of Falls City. Dailies is rojrielor of the Salem Capital Journal. Judgment was secured against him in the Cali fon.ia courts a:ul the cas was to transfer it against him the Ore gon courts. The Suremo Court lu-ld that !hi could W done. The annual s-cial of the Women V club will Ih held in the Amiorv on Wednesday evening. May 'JS. On account of the f.rsl Tue.Liy in June i: g cncen ent tvk the- date ha boon ohangctl to this time. It is .ii '.rvd to make t!.i an ind or juc 'viic and caeh men.ivr i rtNi'.icstoi to t'!;,g lurch for herself :i,J .no in i;o.i g.u-st. The hu:ro of the muting of the r xh mi'.I be fct-11 at , tl.e regular tin e on Tuesday after 'mxn. Ja:;e 3. A businosss noct.r of t!.c tiue In-jrovcnor.t and the Ut orary section i!l a!i Ke hold at t! at time. ED. T. COAD. Attorney at Law. Probata Caaes a Specialty. Roob 0. KaticBal Bark Eli. President Mahr named J. 0. Talbott. C. W. Lee. F. K. Hubbard. W. F. Xiehols and W. B. Stevens. I'resi- lent Fuller named Walter L. Tooze Jr.. IT. C. Sevmour, Ilarrv II. Belt. J. R. Craven and D. II. Upjohn. Inasmuch as the field meet which will be held here tomorrow will at tract large crowds from Falls City and all of the falls City delegation I named were to be here anyway on that day. Secretary" Tooze, at a joint. meeting ot the committees after the! adjournment of the big meeting, sug- j gested that the joint committees j meet at the Hotel Gail in Dallas at luncheon at 12:30 o'clock to take further stejs toward perfecting the organization. This vas agreed to: and at that time constitution, by-j laws anil other detaib will be taken! lip- following the adjournment a hin-i ciieon wns proviuea tor tliose pres ent and dancing continued until mid-1 night, when the sjieeial returned to! Dallas. Although the commercial 1 nbs of Independence and Rickreall were invited to join in tne meeting no reiuvsentative from those clubs ajpeared. the Dallas band was given an nr- preeiative vote of thanks by the Falls City i ommercial club. The band rendered a particularly excellent program which was much apjreci-ated. The luncheon tomorrow to the del egations to tonn the Polk lountv Development league will be given bv the Dallas Commercial club. The ju-oposed league, it is antici- jated, will become an active and po tent factor in the work of Polk county from the start. It will work in eo-ojieration with the Oregon IX velopniont league for the benefit of Polk county. It is intended that the league shall be for the benefit of all of the county. According to juvsent plans each section will have an eonal ivresentation in the makeup of the! league regardless of jojiilation so that the league will favor no one section more than another. i Mrs. Virgil Capps S. Elizabeth Silver Ora A. Rhodes Mrs. Ora A. Rhodes Ethel va E. Rhodes. Melvin A. Rhodes Mrs. J. W. Quick Miss Bertha Hatfield Violet Hat field Pearl 0 wings Estehr Winters T. nJ. Cherrington Charles Winters Arthur Winters Mrs. Charles Winters .Edgar Winters Ruth Miller John R. Allgood Mrs. A. (iooch E. r. Woolsev Mrs. E. P. Woolsev Let Woolsev Dean Woolsev Catherine AVoolsev Mrs. T. J. Wess Ira Wess r.avena Wess (Menu Ilolmau Mrs. Anna Brock Mrs. W. II. Tot ten 1 Miss Dora Hall Julian Magruder Virgil P. Ballaniyne Miss Joyce A rant Warren Dickinson Mrs. Charles L. Barnes Pauline Miller V. P. Miller M. Manstoii Mrs. A. M. Arant Mrs. M. A. Allen Mary McXulty Mrs. I.. A. Dickinson Mrs. Grace Miller Homer Calkins Mrs. John Lockman Mrs. Ted Serr George .Morton H. S. Butz Mrs. II. S. Butz I. ucretia J. Ilnlman Hazel llouser Vernie Watson M is. MVs. 'iig Miss J. I) Mrs. Mrs. M is. M is. Mrs. T Ifev. I .Mrs. T Delia 1 lloiner Xoriiui chili Ada Siniinons K M. Xeal I Caiips Elizaheth Die Winn N'aiinie Harris 0. C. Collin A I. Loiignecker M. E. Johnston T. K. Wilson I). Lester Fields j'luis. A. Ramsey L. Thomas Jirown L. 1 1 1 ! j 1 1 ; i 1 1 Mi iic- and rake, nil in ,. .... . aJ' new. W. M. FOR SALE F; 7S 1VC acroa i tow.. itl. house, ehieken dozen fruit trees and 1 J-' l'hilbrick, Dallas, R ,lmes' l lilt. rtA I . ( I .... 1 , -' nunc, nn ai hay press and mke. all in ?J lUmostnew. W. M. Mc(S,' . 78; PUKE TOES- Iure cent BU lUi.,S K Kli'Ur, -i oner n in, i.i "U,VU miroaniv seed per hiiiidi Rickreall, Route 1. airinii! potatoes A. G. H, FORSALE-irytta r.r.". , ,,u jYLuney s priZl 11111 Route 1, 71(1 ning Bull Le Oregon. WAN n:i). WANTED V Ollllg wurk in Dallas; wn, jdy at this olliec. uiiiy want 7! WANTED All kinds ot Iron oiMtsa, euppor, zou:, and hides. toi ouhii iiriues p;inl. A. N Monmouth, Oregon. EOS I Seal ring with' initial, somewiiere lielwein Shdtna aim sawmill. Reward if wt..,- J. it., l' mm. tun. lOCM). FOUND On Mni Mil h IH'T n .., I.l,l ' " ,lmm-. wwner caul same ny proving' nroneHv o,,j . - I 1 - . Ulltl i(ol ice. for this MISCKIiLAXEOCS. Merle Holiuan Mrs. V. S. Black Mrs. B. R. Watson Zelma Fulgliain .1. F. Ilolmau Mrs. L. Irvine If. L. Dashiell Mrs. O. A. Dashiell Mrs. S. 0. Grant .Mrs. K. ('. I Litton BOARD AND ROOMS The I1 Home rooming house cm Main is now ready to lease rooms i nish table board. Everything i modern. Rales reasonable. Morris, phone ;i(i:!. Federal Trust GOo MONEY TO LOAX-0nk city property; ahslract must I nished. If you have money to can lacp it. for you on good si Walter L. Tooze. Jr., lawyer,; and !), National Bank buihhV. CITY OF DALLAS P. A. TAYLOR Hotel Gail - Phone 28 of Oregon PORTLAND, ORE. JOURNAL BUILDING Room 314 GOOD WOOD At right pri, der your block wood and for early delivery. Trimmint nished on short order. Plci, good hr and other kinds of W( ready for customers. Send earlv by phone to AUGUS1 MAN. Phone lotill i t he strongest contests that they have ever experienced. j Dallas high school students held an athletic tryout this week in the shape of an inter-class meet and those tak ing part showed strong form. 1 he sophomores secured 2S 1-2 points and the juniors 12(1 points. For the eighth grade "Dub" Mulkey won five tiirst places in five events. Bar hain did not participate, whieh it is believed changed the showing of the sophomores somewhat. Tomorrow the ball game will he called at 10 :.'() in the morning and the track meet at 1:30 in the after noon. Following is the lineup for the Dallas base hall team: j Bevens and Rarham. i: H,i,- e-i Wixd and Balderee ss; Pioy.lstoi: lb; IxH'kmnn -h; Pritehard .'!!); IListar,,! If; Cadle cf; Camplndl or Mathenv rf. ! t elected to congress, the youngest meiiiher at that time and again to the I'nited Stales senate following his congressional recoril. His fame as an orator has extended over INI states where he is elected in chau tauquas. The moment the Senator takes charge of an audience he has complete control. His oratory, his charm of manner, his many rich stories as well as the deep, 'siamd. eminon sense used in his lectures make him at once a favorite. In one of the larger Iowa chautauquas. there was on the front w a hunch usually sat through the and as soon as the t-y would listen ahum , COURT HOUSE PICK-UPS Court Items, Real Estate Transfers, Farm Names Filed and Other News Briefly Told. For Sale. On farm at Oak Point: One driving mare, buggy ai ness, together or separate. 1 2-seated surrey, extensim rubber tires, good condition. 1 truck wagon. 1 cycle incubator. 1 set (double) buggy harnes 1 spring tooth harrow, 1 bureau, golden oak. 1 dressing table, golden oat 1 cradle. tf M. H. RIChT R.F.D. 1, Box l.l Independent of hovs musical p!e!ll lecture began Estate tion fin ed. ('. S. V. l.o ree minutes ar Lave a good tinu The S.-:.ator saw :is ... n. a-: Up 1: hike out to of the lent. at he was up " -an h's iei-ture and 1 that thost. hovs then utside POLE COUNTY GOES AS LEADER IN THE STATE W: :.v !. - hv , t ieaYo savi: g a s'-.--...t ';:a! rd :roi:t seat, to them di- cap; g:l'e (Continued from Pace 0;.e. IN READINESS FOR MEET (Continued from pape 1.) tied that the Polk county athletes will not only give a good account of themselves tomorrow, but that they will give the Yamhill athletes one of GOOD BREAD Is the dream of every thrifty housewife. The making of Good Bread depends upon the Floor Yakima Best Hard Wheat Flour Has no peer in the market today. Try a tack and solve your baking problem II. A. WOODS & CO. Grocers CalUs, Crtjca I which has been to teach the j men and young to ear j living by their wits instead of i productive labor of their 1 a:.-' j driving then from the farm ;i shop into the overeivwdcd ! siotis. The principal ehje movement, l.c sta:- i ll'u!ariA- a!! legitin, especially that of th minds of tl.e lisi: g g, t o t:.;s "c t'.em. attention :urer had great lec- s though O'.e f wa that uie s."!,!. V.o.-dii ' . we '. '!-'-n, .i:- !ah..r. farm, i:: ::t-ra!e :.s. ;Dr. Toel Returned Probate, "f Martha Simpson, peti etters of administration lil- 'Ugharv aimointeil '"""1st rat. .r and h 1 of .fl(i.oi)i) 1" "ve-l. C. . Coad. F. .1. Craven ""'I. nlier assal appointed ap I'J letters of administration tiled. '"I"1'1' "I' the guar.Iianship rl"','"co Adams and Wnltor Rav .V'.ains. minors: ,. boml tiled , '.' "', 1,U1" ''"Hie: petition to have wi I ,) ,..;il ...i...:.. i . . oi .oonii ieu in jiro '""diit appointed exec is o issiin in,,, n Hi:,,.. "f approved hon.l jM Mlm $UKm) ,;V!u; "'"V"'- "f Hi' guardianship ' II. 11. Dixon ;'!'!-"H'ed appraisers. jii nie mailer , , ' It..'- , , .. ... - - ''' "'"'Cllee Slllilh. I" ' !- I'' llol l'i ..' ' ' '!""'i:eg House (j,.,! aI1( , ,! l"ti!:o1; gia-.ied. - h;''.' t 12-ra:-,. 0. Chaee; peti- "'' . "'' --''- tiiedl Allen K i'l dm:i:.s;a!r a,j j,.,t414 """" appr..w.,i bond of of ne f " hate utor will C. and lilee A. ( Ietli and A. Nelson I'"' .guardianship in i - money to PORTLAND FIRM IS THE WIN NER FOR CONTRACT. (Cor.tiufd from Pape One.) bidders." becaue -r' the failure court to award the bid jer.drr.ce c nerete spar. ter.der.ce rrm. but Co Teal sta'es that t!e r;-giret-r tX!a: iition to Ce h er -, st . T'Tovi.-e-i vr the b:.J . land f.ra:. ;.piioi! to is.; Ks!j -Xel-U' Morford et ux, e sec '.'), tp !), sr(i, 1. K. T. Morrison et ux to I II. Conner, 4-10 interest in. acres in 6-5, .f.'i.WKi. H. L. Pratt. A. A. Winter i Jf. Metzger, trustees to Pall lege of the Oregon Confereiiftt ('.. land in 7-o. Kingwood Park Co. fo fi' Quaintanee, lot .'!. hlock 4, wood Park. ifld. Melvin llollister to Geo. F-l tance, lot 11 in block 14, Ki Park, 1,4110. Win. P. Miller et ux to M' 15ank. (i."i.0!l acres in 7-.'), ifh . Win. I). Estclle et ux to : Crawfor.l et ux. 17-10 acres 10. . , F.leanor F. P.uller to - telle et ux. one 'acre in I''j fion. I Reuben E. Morris ct ux t. Frakes. land in Pallas. f Enoch Chamherlain et ux t Allen, llf.12 acres in Ira J. White ct ux to 0-1 1 cent et ux. 184 acres in 6-4.,-j Marv E. Urown to Clias, 1 kcr. ldt '22, subdivision of block. sflO. .V. ot S.-i -tat.: nu. I Thurston Smith; "' 've lo M.l ' o; crt v. eai Estate. the r. t: t: Win. an 4. hl..,-k 2. . 1 1 1 1 Dora High- .eway "I. n.i. Cvrus PERETDALE IS TO HAVE GRAXD PICXIC: -m r.-vs Or-- V .1..- v- Cyrus Pdair. t'yrns P.hiir, Hallas W. C-7. W. J. .IX lo !: V... si. ii to aeits iii 1 I ax to s-fs:.d pr; ir i i ?1 .: cr.t b. :. K.r-.-i i r..- ' ji-e dr'.s ti:. '.. I -a.', r.e. I CHICHESTER SPILLS BRAND Ar.-:; L:ch t : ' hr.'.' r.t B-rketi. M--r F. : y --g r i- C-rtD ttr.,- , ILLS it, Rrt) .adA What Do Y( Drink? Our line of Coffee is f, plete nothing butfcj Best I Royal Club Steel Cut, 1". 45C I Royal Club Steel Cut, 3-k-. $1.25 I American Club SteelCotl-, 40C J Roast No. 26, H:sh Ora-c,' Roast No. 512, l-top) 35C J Leader A Soa- I 30C i . Ho!raansBop: 11 JJLJLL DRUGGISTS R?1 Uitn 5f. rz" W A II I Utll w