FRIDAY, MAY 23rd, 1913, TWO , POLK COUNTY OBSERVER , i : " ' ' , ! .4..i..4..S.4.4r4li4-frt . . ! V 99 . uiav Luuniv UDserver m m iwnos i.ere tms wees. :j pul down the -vavir.r that has been ha noi wo for 40 years, b het? Best Eos Festival Promised. Portland. Orf Mav iW-P.-rrlan ! Weitatehee. Wash., risiuns rxiMtatied Semi-Weeklr at PalU. Ore- s in use fr the last twa war. ftvta rcn. by the ; John R-tkenia-- is visiting- with his hira. " i.r rrnii v, tvir.iti t ua-K-nier, .Mrs. i. ,.. iyier. Inester Bail and Mu Ladv left i-wi:"- -in-rn.--iu toftam I O. T. Larsen of Albany, was visit-j for Oakland California, (be "latter - f visit.-r to the eity j ( , BuiB offie ,.. Min i iv.g (ritrM in Independeuee Tuesdav. : part of the week ,ftat llnitV 'aT' are n FTforvxMn Main . O. II Parker and D A. IVtv er - "' t 14 aitd duricj. that ivrio.l Rex Ore-r-vrnts the nserrv iBor.arvu win. ill be extended to all visitors. Kcv- v els. froiyeous parades, waiililui pa .". f-P.uiu. rai'es. concerts, elf-tciic dis- aisiiaai nose tesuval titts year win . ..j,,! Pri(.rtaimm'iil wi he b.jrsrer than ever and preparations . t!le week. The ln-st festival Listorv nt I tiams is I" "- El r.EK FOSTER. W. H. TOTTKX. ' ; MeMlmivi!!e ritixer.a mi our streets . , Tuesdav. j W. O. Tavlo-r art.l O. H. Samxers OAK GROVE The ir given at the tali : owes a'-'etrias: to hut one sum rior. as th trvrt r-s i?l f ;,A f:rv Entered aa aeoa4-etaa matter . of Uhanos.' were resistere,! at the . , .v r,a,?y hey,aad its pevple. Bi? deiesa:ins are ilArvh 1. It:, at the fKtffioe at Dt- I', .-.r ..,.! of Marvh J. 1ST. ' ' I adweil of IhJlias. was wsta a: - TaesJay. 9BMrritti kiim: k. t . Musr.t. a fea Satisfadion of Mortgase, The Observer has added Satisfact ion of Mortgage to its stock of let?l ! l.lanks. -Votaries and Attorneys mai nour secure them in an- quantity de- One Tear Six M,r.!h Three Months Srtctij- in adrar.e. eiiien ; tsaa Z eects. Wei.iie heiis are rua. ia tits vi- " It far.hy, a busstses visit to In-' tL"" , - . . r . . x, '5 !.,, i t,. ; i.- Nff-w-l w-n Ke oa: 1 nsar. Mav 2S. ..i ie:n5ri.ex l&-?r!:iv. . - - - l 9V. 4.1 '-w. iL- r - . . was aa aeijve a!5!av seiMV. eharea ' sn fway was ea worth o0 eesSs Stwial trains hav w! here v. rrtmr. attention. I lor tse week irora a r.!i't;(er ! pHcta and the itopi:aH:v f f the eisy Ie?al blanks for sale at this office. setvnisei:ee iues.iav. Fred N". Srr.R.p. tl.e ei-'!es far- ....... n...... -;.... s. ,.; . . . tn-iT worker. I:-!. ; .,:e,..-e week. v. a. ; sh .s1. .:".".;. ;urs: ex- tu;5e a nunsber auer.iev5 the ie.!- -vrt of the lirvat Xonhent ri!av. vi : as ritcfJ i ;der.e Mav 31 st ? " " . t . . - ien are. si.-s aiv Jo ;e.i orsrar.-.jre ir rv - a tarsier utaoa a:sd ctve aa a4JreSs -' . " - -, " . '. " - .--..-yu - to to t&e tasenu of her s;s- the Bex: MONMOUTH ?ters tar.eee. laey were Jo o,. . , wea eamea lEarsjav. ivatst was fne..,s of A. t.e, fry ard w;:e - were s urpr-sed at .tea a!Kst .h as " . . o Karehtr.i tse:r hoise laden - . . .... , .. , .7 rrv a week visit with sister . i i i.r ;e.. . :.e r r i.i: iT I" t- - . .... ,'j , ... . Tfcef xa a earpenier a: w.vrk is ::;r::k. '"".. t-;- . t ia:s thi t r a A w i i - an . c 1 IHIII1IIU III IIIM . ler spenu: ? two or t.-.ree E I I II IN I f NUHJX r.;oyah.e hwrs. they reared wish:-- .11 Quick and Easy remise Djjj f i-rfU. Pill UUUIIII IILIIO H'e-Rsteirser is ipjv-vir.a very s..ow:v :r ri tie e: w k.e& se a:-.-.: wife h. arrv re- FALLS CITY I E. M;". at c::e tiave pri:-:eipa! f tie B!ak Rk sehot-'. was in the e -a:o tens. IVvtor De B.::r. of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. V. Bu::er. cuie hi apj" :r. sc-w- ar.i a: hocse. ar.-ex;-ee;e-.i. b.3t a s :r.a :e w e".e." c.e bv rvee ! Evs this tw weeks ar.v Mr. a:..! Mrs. Jy I'a: eare ar.d last wetk for the dk-i-rr a: Thai S.ever.s. svt abovt: 2.. kale tvar Or-a Wilier ar.i eh.Iare:; have bee- He has she i:h her parer.:. SauJ Otv-wley. t'-r over a :r.:f e:tv th weik vis::;:;. e:: a .ari Mr. Mills hi hf-e tcifhir.s- in Co at M areola. Oreav-r.. .i.S. V,j 3;:n'.h:a er.ty the year. Miss S-se Gv-riv of Oree C:v. . . .-. w : i. oay. Ko..i-d Holr.-.ix of Pihas. was a biaSiress i. -r :h-e ?::-. W--. day. Siliriiy r.iiht f rv-s re iy"ir.. to he 5i warilar :h::"jr r.v-w. I.j.s Sat crday the ri-r.-.-e of A. L:re'tai was ces:--yei by i:e. The had ri:r.ei z-i .a.iwar h:;re .,; rnvei Itat it was ir,-iss:K.-e save ar.v:h-.:-j. The vrvrertv was Mr. ar.d Mrs. R. T. Pirrw of owa M. r. :av ar.-.i, Tu-t-s- They K-ht -c:e Ur.l of Mr. Wh.::e ar.i erve: : rr,ake their fvt :.r h-r.e i- Morrv.c:h- Car! Po-li- nade a bssiress trl: :o A'.lis T-rs-.iay. After a bos: a focr sie- GUTHRIE i G. G. a basis trip to Hoi-eweli Mo-da v. Miss Ma- u PtTersi.-- is a verv severe ez! r.r sCc-ti-ie-i c: Pace T.rve ever. R. L Hav: :s-;rei t r.eavv ;,iss w;:.-. Prvf. G. V. M.:r.::ry ear h.v: Jtvc. Sal! Crvek where he his j3s; eioise-i a i'ss:'l of ehv4. Mr. Mooter, rery has hwv :: e3ee?ed pntietpa of ;, Perrvdale s.s .or "i ar.c s-- o: r.air.:er he Ci-e: of her . ar.d M-s. I M Hiw- av ard Tues.;av. seh-.v-! for ::e yea G. P. Treat wet: Sunday os a baise zr.p. his Ch. Tie wil! a; the feed store. The Art oi.:b tre: w-i:h !rv W h::e Tiio-siiAy o-f :h' woe's... Rev. Ie Si-her. pssTor Chns'iar. ehareh will r;- if BiMtjhey ho::e r.ear the eh:;: Miss iVet!e Coi;rter is visit a short tist in she i:y. As an jrver.:o-r labor .- vires C. J. P.:h thea; a. tied. C.irT keep a teant ott hi east of the oity ar.d ir.stead liner np ear.y n the r.on::: c t tltern he has i: so arra::ro-t ti eer.tral ciri. by prt-ssir.j a the switeh K-ard. ear. plaee t: before thera. Therv : s.-.Th.r U ir.c aa ir.ver.t-:-r. IVf. and Mrs. W. I Ko .. r.ew resident Fal.s iht, moved Tharvdav . M:. Rev..- ! C-ve ::;i the ttA. ' .: f wili r.ake t:. ; , t :.:!. B. 1. BeefVy f Nr; rt. i t..e e:ty s.m wees. r.."trer hc'k ; : .: : Mrs. i : ah ii:. ,..wi ,'.t .jri Monday. M-s ter to Fred- IV--;: WiterhA iise. A: the ; -1 i Mo M -:di : . : t Ro-hur. TV e. ; W. C T. U. XKes. The sv-I-i tree a! eccw: held is the - a ou: o-:: r" n,. : wa-ks :- M:--diy. ,He At i ,0.iav -;h: was a s-ss." Tie sie-.. s-v. jo ires oit iia;r He -uds. Alfred Y:k. Mr. Hubert .:c-.ewra5 weax yet. ar,i Miss O'Mar: aaried the &edal Mrs. D. M. he-rt:: ret-r--i h-.-e w Mrs. Kareh Pazl a:--iy t-re here she rrvr.:,.; rtL A- ,ie rt- r5 -r M Mor- ..v iir ar,i svevia!. were s-r. is wj.s .a: weei. jt"j-t V.v i-ts.: f4- A silver rj.-riil ev-r.s: w.ll Se he 1 5 ir. tr M. 11 ehreh rex: Moda; , v- May a: Falls City, i-.: ' whx-i a r..i jTveras is be-.r.: ar- '- tic;::, a ita-.ry ar.d farr.:er. wa t- :-'w T-e ;ho V. S.'.tr.r :.. v we were a;'te-. t:-e -riv.lece of ;.-..-kirr thrv-ir- e-f rte.; hv Mr Free ar.i we rerer saw-t'-r w-;r ar.v where. M-s. ar. i at: ... v I ia S . we if -t. M- tiir Use Good Paint A coat of paint good paint saves ten times its cost by protecting against weather and decay. Paint your house, porch and lawn fence with Acme Quality House Paints. They will stand between the wood and the weather and protect and beautify your property better than any other paint. ACME QUALITY . our trade mark on any paint or finish means that it's the best that can possibly be made for the purpose We have pair.ts ar.d finishes for all surfaces, houses, bams, roofs, rloors, carriages. In fact, if it's a sur face to be painted, enameled, stained, varnished or nnished in any way, we have an Acme Quality Kind to nt the purpose. We will be glad to show you colors whether you buv or not. DUNGAN BROS. DALLAS, - OREGON An piprt-nV fl.itiron will shorten your ironing day do its work hrt ter -more economically, and without drudgery. th an electric flatiron. Rffltrp.Tr v effort required to guide operation. It heats quickly and stays hot I it. GAMI? TTVITltf HF4T V It saves clothes too I Prices from $3.50 up, according to size ana style. lelephone 24 or nnrrhasp frnm anv electric suddIv dealer. i OREGON POWER COMPANY 605 COURT STREET - : 'e -- V v.. 3 'i 3"C Cx-t-t : . '-AN . . l : ; : fir": t. "!.Vr i- :. o :' M vS , t'V. :v.e Vs: r - - t- ,'iov:-; -:"-' ii'i :: :- a fe -iiv-s -:.:h f;ll a-.i -j 4 'e " . .- i t(ts r rnevta. ev-r.:e: it.: i- r.-.iix:-: .as; ?it;riiT everur.s was i s-yve-ss. a-. r.e-wi:h:4r.-.i.ri t:e ha i weather a i-'.Ily r.-r.-.h;r wen? at:eriir...e. The ..- of Fr. itvr: are a:c-eiar:ve ar.-i srfen t have rae-.: a :-:: estinte -:v-r. :-e ih.-e of -rviil e.-.r:e: -'v. The ;;-iire. Wr. Iee. Mls fjfzi ?""ai:.::r. a: i Mr. 51: Lee ix--';.-i ::.e r;:a! : Ha::;e rW-iie-;., .. . T . lit-:.- te a;--.te:ew w::i eili-jr ar.i Rev. Vi; 1-vs --;; v.s ;-v... Tre ra:r:-.i r-ay r.' '- t:eir e ctes: .e:tse- vtr:a! . . . w.S i.l :.ue :. e-e .e w: W W. N, r- i -s .... M-s RICKREALL M Y ; e l .i . . - wv C - !-s. Ca-i. let: f r e a- f- -.: of th.e v - -. i a? v : . te a::.i tre ee:::rc Sarko Y v--;.-h a f r-' lat. n at K'a.'k R xk was s,---. i:.- .-v Satun-ay ar.i d.,: at t:.e Ki. s 1 llT. J: Ave off f-1 ; ;::--s He hi hr- r it T 1: Mrs. G.-l.;.e H..-ier we:.: to Po-:-ir.d last wk to wi: , -at:-:: i r.-r :::e?t M-s l.e Mii i fr :.: t.v O-d a;t ar.ur. ! f ta! at that ; laoe. K. A l. ' . r.-e a :o. ; . ; r ... e-.ty. ha nt .:r-.o-d : ti.o -.:v a: ".: -rk :-r :r Fal' 1 - a : v They . . r. e : : - !. a .. : : . v r-: Ml - i- several r -if M.'M.-rvi a : Mr. R F . !!a-.s wi ,-Vj ' e i. . a, .;- . - :'r a :.. .. w i .;. - - : : exk b-.t:-. esv re a: i- ;lv .1 M MV--- w. -r at. t .a: wees - a-. -. -.- ( rf t: f. ""A I.,-a Be-. 0--- K r e tie R Jiire. A. IT. TV..i 1 is visit::-- ;.. da ter Irv-e. as E-cv: e t- we-k 11 W. Blarchard a :a-..v fove-i to S hie- v--o -K av-k R k.' tA.-he I-e a tik.:. SA;ert hp:t.l Tl.:-h.-v wurv w:i: he pe-: s;,v.C :reV.-,-:.t. r.:a-y frr.ds tr.:t a! - ? a; T;ore-? to h al h .. LNDEPEXDEXCE o.-k S: : , Ax A K.- : a . A Far v Afair." a . M::t :av - tiers a f.:l tr-.-t f- r.i ot .: r e.t -. :a t v Afar."" a : .t A . e: ri rr. at fe :;h- We : ::-e a has : -. k :- Oak e t e r- jr. -: xe v e rv t 1 es WRIGHT'S Spring Needle Rib bed Underwear S1.00 Garment for Special 75c Other Good Underwear at All Prices Uglow Clothing Co. Dilis, Ore. Olds EngineS awing Wood won't gxet "stung,, if you buy an Olds Endne here to saw your wood, or do any other kind oil work around the place. Voa need ta eaariae you can't pet along without ?'r ut a -' engine is worse than none -r- -iiat's the rti-cr: you want to be sure what re-- r-t A r-je -war to be sre: cce here and get an Olds Ii rra ca-t find time ta cre and see us, ask us to ccrr-e ara see rcu or send yoa a free 'aisle? ci Olds Engines. Wi'rt kme t9 servt yea; F. J. Wagner, Farm Implements DALLAS, OREGON Save Your Checks They're Valuable at Loughary's I 7-Piece Fish Set Absolutely Free Every cash payment at Loughary's Grocery entitles you to a cash reg ister cheek. Save them and when you have $20 worth you get a hand- j some decorated 7-piece Fish Set FREE Remember you pay no more than elsewhere and our prices are the same to everyone and in addition to having a choice of the best in our line you can at the same time, with out a cent's extra expense, add this choice set to your collection of dishes U. S. LOUGHARY, Grocer Dallas, Oregon FIRST DOOIi EAST OF P0ST0FF1CE Star Transfer Co. WE MOVE ANYTHING THAT IS MOVEABLE I Mr A W. '..e : far.: v l ar . w 'v '-. a M.-v J. M - A'v h : - t : i ". - - a--v-r T. M ?: e T. n. ,1. - . K C-.v-. : .- AS ..IV , Mr M- a w t "f : as : v : larr- . r a-. : .h take ter-r. verv LODGE DIRECTORY e r v a W'raley ar.; a few livv. 1 B.-vh ma . h:-:-y-s. a: !. M i i o- : a v Fr -r. r. the h-ce Mrv IVter Ck wa i- I; d ' M' .- :.a. M-v " at o-: rnu .vktikw: e- Kj. N.v f . cei tm trn ai :i.rj Maiajw tf -aaz-la at Wssi- r. Ia .a M -- -nas tall etsten svae we ce---. K.i: were in lYa!- MILLIE M. STAFP-IM M. A. r-alla. PROMPT SERVICE Q- A- "' L. C. NUSC0H, Proprietors 1 I'lione 5 W.-l,,.r'Hr..i,f..rlil.ry oil Ulli' Con fertioBerv l-2 Hani 1074 eve A'.-i.-r Lfstf Va I mr- tnt aii tiul Wed-iaT cf ci BaatJi at CVi FeUww" Kan NOU COA"X Nc;- Grai ORA CWSFER. Sevr-Kary. I a s V M A A. : : fa t. V v ,.A A -.- enee - - - , - iter : : v - . :e h--r. t-. we- k:s far: A .- ; A ter.r.; e!S r 1 here ard t.e , : frrd have h -. -vr-' Tie Sta-sia-i ..: e--Srse K:r h! ta;k w a.- nt.ry Jo take ttt . f tr-erv Mr. Arthar Wi. in. , :' K'.a- -h Fa'!, forsvr'y M. N : a Ri---: f t Li e::y. wfa he- - . ti-ctirx w;th ler c:er. M-v I i Tavd-. J. R Rdw:: , f r a - 1 ;ve fret ef Bidwell Haydes e--;a-v, V BALLSTOX - J :: if Berrda"e. arvrd- UlXnME OF THE WORLD 1:- : :a-:ry e- rfe-eree here M r- Caa Na. 2I kk is W. o. . . W Halt (t Tse-niay frrxJ-g f e-e-h;-c !tir.:er w-1! ' ' vi- 5. J lr R- E. REED. Coc-: We: -vs.: ay r.s--.t. W a ATKES. Cert Sent V-vr was t-a-saet- . ia..a x:jr:ay. N-Vlt a :e tw-'v th s '.(V M vV'..ev r a: H, -f S:--v - -v F . - r " M - V 4- J ' ef of !V-:a:L v-.-.-ed h:. M-s. J. W. Saner Sj- -lie -V F. A A. Jt. Je-ucw Lrfsir- Nv . e-ee-a -oi i aa4 fMtrUi FViiar o!i Vjs. ' t Vi.i rtr-f-et. fm'- ye:5Lre-i wex--. E, A. RAVILTOS. W. M WALTER S. MI1K, fcr-KA--f. s. : ea.e fr Ye$t Side Marble t.' see k. fa-er. WorRs ay T J ewV! ear- - 5 Sa -lav W. H M e;t t- F.rtla-.; Sar- Newe.l f -. -y-H f TU"s-.. CTUIX& r-w ..t-r; - . ac e-rtT. a OMfli I wt at AJ .--wi i ' J1 r--5 "-V. 0TF1CE -M-e-i--....a..a ... . r r ... TSie PJew rlome 4 X When We Hand You Our Estimate jo a eas -eni trn it that the -" -"- " -o a w,;i -'- o.-.r. W e,:.J f.r h. :' 5- -J m.-re ,a ,MV ltS, - " -y ,u K,i !, '-r " --.-. ; ;jart:ty. Dallas Lumbers Losing Co eiv.iBg Wanning NOISELESS RUNNING SPLENDID FINISH CRAVEN BROS., Agents DALLAS, ORE. -1 4 ! ''S3 t i- ,