Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, March 28, 1913, Page TWO, Image 2

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    FRIDAY, MARCH 28th, iv.
Tou -Invest that
aicer Line
. - 1 l u iiu t t IWL)WPw,wTOwiw , , , , . "TTZZZ
f . . ys tr"7sr ir""i r"a ri I
: Refore' Yoii'Invesst that &1GQ0. ' See the
if- -"wr--v, i x ',', ' " i" ' fs V.
. - Wv97
J. ii
1390 STUDEBAKER "35"
Six Passengers, Four Cylinder, Loiig Stroke, 4 1-8 inch Bore, 5-inch Stroke
Electric Lights, latest bullet type
Electric self-cranking. (It is capable of spinning the motor at 80 revolu
tions per minute for 31 minutes.)
Rear axle-full floating type
Rims-Booth split Q. D. demountable
Tires-34x4 inch Goodrich quick detatachable
Gear ratio-3 1-2 to 1
Electric horn
Windshield-Clear vision, ventilated
Stewart & Clark speedometer
Curtains-Silk Mohair, new Jiffy
Extra Rim and Tire Irons
Robe Rail
Full Elliptic Springs
Full Set of Tools
Tool Box
AVE-you ever
asked yourself
what more you
could want in an
Automobile than
tlie Studebaker
"25" gives you?
Run over in your mind the requi
sites of a fine car readiness for any
trip, mechanical efficiency, easy rid
ing qualities, power, speed, conven
ience, economy and notice how per
fectly the Studebaker "25" fulfills
your mental picture.
Yet $970 buys this car, complete
from silk mohair top to extra rim.
To find the superior of the "25"
in design and performance you must
go far up the price scale. Few cars
at any price possess the responsive
ness of the long stroke "25" motor,
and none is more easily controlled.
If you are seeking a car of moder
ate size, in which every detail satis
fies the most exacting, in which
weight is replaced by lightness, and
where maintenance costs are low,
if you have an idea that $1000 would
about purchase such a car, we would
say to you "Less than that" and
strongly urge you to look over the
Studebaker "25".
V VktfT MuflV A ,iiiujiiii, I "V -
$970 STUDEBAKER "25"
Five-passengers, Four Cylinders, Long Stroke, 3 1-2 inch Bore, 5-inch
Acetylene Primer
Demountable Rims
Studebaker Jiffy Curtains
Electric Horn
Stewart & Clark Speedometer
Deep Upholstery
Silk Mohair Top
Ventilating Windshield - v
Robe Rail
Full Elliptic Springs
Prest-O-Lite Tank
Tire Holders
Extra Rim
Full Set of Tools
Tool Box
(Continued from pagre 1.)
where they will spend a few days.
About a dozen young men of this
city went to Airhe Sunday where
they will work on the railroad sur
vey with A. L. Raines. They are
surveying up the bisr Luckianiute, in
order to reach the Siletz timber.
'Miss Clara Montgomery spent Sun
day in this city.
Mr. and Mrs. V. F. Nichols visit
ed several days lust week with rela
tives in and near Portland.
Pneumonia Follows a Cold.
but never follows the use of Foley's
Honey and Tar Compound. It stops
the cough, heals the sore and inflam
ed nir passages, and strengthens the
, lungs. The genuine is in a yellow
package with beehive on carton. Re
fuse substitutes. Sold by Stafrin.
Albert right, of Salem, spent
Sunday with his uncle W. R. Davis.
Red MeCord, of Roseburg, is vis
iting his sister, Mrs. Capt. P. F.
Miss Myrtle Looney returned Sat
urday from Estacada where she has
been visiting her brother and sister.
Ralph Shcpard sold some mutton
sheep on Saturday for six cents. I
Howard Zinser, of Orvgi.n City, is
on the fnrai m Lower Spring alley
for a while.
"Grandpa" Iwney, of Estacada.
is visiting his' son here at .Zona.
The cannery company at Lincoln.
elrted Frank Crawford and 0. A.
McKinlay as its directors and they
now intend to make a "go" of it if
t ho people will stand back of them
by taking itx-k.
Miles Bradford who is attending
school at 0. A. C. is home for the
Kasler vacation.
J. C. Zinser met with a runaway ac
cident Monday. While on bis way to
fvi'em the team became unmanagea
ble and the driver, steerinsr straight
for a telcsrraph pole stayed there with
the us. but the team landed in a
barb irf fence with serious injury
to both the liorse.
Rev. N. (i. Scott has been in White
K'ti the past week holding revival
Frank McKinlay has his foot
MnaO,d Friday, caused by a horse
tteppir.g on it.
A nun.ber of the Spring Valley
J""U'g cop!r attended the r!,i pl.iv
p:'en by l!,r iVllal fcich sr',.,.
Fa mem l re arc L.ni ,,: a bar I
t.i' c to p-'t lu-'p, and a batder tune
!i keep is, AUnt a!l tht i to be
1-j-I are "foot -pads" alio only tiv
f r a few 'jr meals and are off
form of kidney or bladder trouble,
any backache, rheumatism, uric acid
poisoning or irregular and painful
kidney action. They are strengthen
ing, tonic and curative, and contain
no habit forming drugs. Sold by
Conrad Stafrin.
Mrs. Catherine Dennis of Falls
City, and her cousin, Mrs. Dolittle,
of Corvnllis, have been visiting Mrs.
Mima Murphy.
James Wilson is setting out quite
a cherry orchard and also a ireneral
family orchard.
Rev. George Stieghtz preached a
very able Easter sermon Sunday. It
is his last sermon before conference.
The people of this neighborhood
would be very glad to have him re
turned to this charge.
Miss mine under visited her
parents near Monmouth over Sunday,
V Ulis Montgomery, principal ot
the Salt Creek school, made John
Dennis a short visit Saturdav. He
was on his way to spend Sunday at
his home at ialls City.
ftewman Dennis spent Sunday at
Falls Citv.
Adial Tate, of Willamina. spent
last Thursday night with his old
neighbor, 0. E. Dennis. He was on
his way to Falls City to make a bus
iness visit there. He repoits his son
Lee, as very low with his long sick
ness. Mrs. late is much improved
in health.
George Robinson has been selling
some fine Ancona chickens to Mrs.
Wolfe, of Falls City.
John Robinson has over two hun
dred young chickens.
The illustrated lecture ' given by
Frederick Brooke, the pastor of the
Christian church, was given a " large
Mrs. J. A. Baxter and Mrs. II. le
went to Dallas Tuesday to attend the
r m t ,t ...
v. t, i. U. convention which was
held there.
Mrs. Ifc Dornheeker and baby are
visiting in Dallas this week.
Mrs. Chas. Snelling was a passen
ger on the Tuesday afternoon train
going to WiHununa for a visit with
her son and family.
IL Jones was taken to the hospital
previous to November 29, 1912, will Notice is hereby given that the fol
be paid upon presentation at my of- lowing petition for the incorporation
nee. imo inieresi win db auowea f ww. Sa. em. Po k Countv. Orea-on
alter date ot this notice. will be nresent.ed to the Countv Court
uaieu ai me omce oi uie county 0f Rft d flniintv and state, at its resru-
Treasurer, in Dallas, Oregon, this iar term in April, 1913, which date
iom uay oi juarcn, iaid. js April 2nd, 1913:
TRACY STAATS, Petition for the incorporation of
3-14 21-28 County Treasurer, th Tnwn of West Salem, in the
County of Polk and State of Oregon
Summons. To the Honorable County Court of
In the Circuit Court of the State of the State of Oregon, for the County
Oregon, for Polk County.
Robert R. Armstrong, Plaintiff, vs.
Mary E. Armstrong, Defendant.
To Mary E. Armstrong, the above
named defendant:
In the name of the State of Ore-1
of Polk:
We, the undersigned citizens and
qualified electors of the County of
Polk and State of Oregon, residing
within the limits and boundaries of
the District hereinafter described, re-
gon, you are hereby required to ap- specttully demand that there shall be
pear and answer the complaint filed submitted to the legal voters of the
against you in the above entitled State of Oregon, for Polk County, de
Court and cause on or before the 2nd scribed as follows, to-wit:
day of May, 1913, and if you fail to Beginning at the intersection of the
answer for want thereof the plaintiff South line of the Wallace road in
will apply to the Court for the re- Polk County, Oregon, with the West
lief prayed for in his complaint to- line of school district number thirty-
wit: lliat the bonds of matrimony two (32); thence South Westerly
existing between the plaintiff and de- down the West line extended of said
fendant be dissolved and that he have school district number thirty-two
such other and further relief as to (32) in a South Westerly direction
the Court may seem just and equit- to the intersection of said line with
able. Frank Gibson's North property line.
This summons is served upon you the same being the South line of
by publication in the Polk County Kingwod Park Addition ; thence East-
Ubserver by order of Hon. m. Ual- erly along said Gibson s line extended
loway, Judge of the above named to the West line of the Willamette
Court, dated on the 20th day of River; thence Northerly following the
March, 1913, the first publication to meanderings of said River to the in-
be on the 21st day of March, 1913, tersecf ion thereof with the South line
and you are required to appear and of said Wallace road extended east-
answer on or before the 2nd day of erly to said illamette river.
At a special election to be called by
said County Court, the question
whether or not that portion of Polk
County, State of Oregon, hereinbe
fore described shall be incorporated
as a municipal corporation to be num
bered, named and designated as
"West Salem," in accordance with
the provisions of that said Act of the
Legislative Assembly entitled "An
Act for a general law for the incor
poration of cities and towns in the
State of Oregon," and each for him
self or herself says:' I have person-
May, 1913.
3-21 5-2
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Guardian's Sale.
Notice is hereby given, that by vir
tue of an Order duly made by the
County Court for Polk County, Ore-
son, bearing date February 10, 1913,
I will on Saturdav, April 5, 1913, at
the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. on said
day at the front door of the County
Court House in Polk County, Oregon,
TTTE take pleasure in announcing that our Saw and Planing Mills at 'Falls
City have resumed operations and that we are thoroughly equipped to
fill all orders for Lumber and Building Materials promptly.
In the reconstruction of our Mill we have exercised great care in installing
regardless of cost only such machines as would enable us to manufacture Bet
ter Lumber CHEAPER.
Our aim will be in the future, as it has been in the past, to Please Our Cus
tomers and to furnish them an article that will be a source of Joy and Satisfac
tion to them and a "Credit to their Mill."
We Solicit Your Patronage. Address Us at
Falls City or Salem
Yours For a Greater Polk County
(Continued on Paw Five)
Call for Warrants.
Notice is hereby given that all Polk
County Warrants presented and en
dorsed "Not paid for want of funds"
GIII0IIZ3 i in s
J. R. Walker, West Salem; R.F.W.
Myrtle B. Walker, West Salem;
R. F. W.
F. L. Wood, West Salem; Salem
Box 67.
Mrs. F. L. Wood, West Salcra;
Salem, Box 67.
Gust Carlson, West Salem; Salem,
R. 2.
D. R. Brannan. West Salem: Sa-
Besrinning at the northwest corner are JW muabitants wituin tbe limits i lem. n. i
of Block No. Three of the "Burlev the said district above described L. L. Woods, West Salem; Salem,
Kmit Farm" in Pnll- fYmnt .?(. which purposes to incorporate; nryiK. 2.
resiuence ana posi oince auaress are
sell at rmhiifl miftiiin to the hicrliost
bidder for cash in hand on th J,, ally signed the petition ; I am a ouali
of sale all the ripht, title, interest fieJ Sector of the State of Oregon
and estat which Lulu J. Bernard. aml of the County of Polk, and reside
an insane person, has in and to the wltuin that Prtln of said County
following described Premises, to wit: above described; I believe that there
6 KAN 3
iD ft I
,1 J-t 1
-- r
r (:! la-t
i it v
t"fi-d a!!:?
rf r h
t.iH-j.sD i .. a a riio-a ta two .odA
" r loMbtLlil V
rill, tr rr,rf '
year prr.rdrd r( Sirt., I irm ir;u,t. i
of l.)rcon, as shown by the plat
thereof; thence south 16.53 chains;
thence east 5.!i chains; thence north
lti.S!) chains; thence north 48 desr.
3D nnn. West. 20 links: thence south
desr. 13 min. West. 5.S3 chains to
tiie place of iH'pnninar, and contain-
itisj 10 acres nmre or less, situated in
Polk County, Orcein.
Said interest of said insane per
son iH'injr an undivided one-sisth in
terest in fM simple.
As cu.trdisn of the estate of Lulu J.
Inrtiard. an insane person. 3-7 4-4
r?titioa Tor IscorponUoa, Town cf
West Silfi-L.
correctly aritten after mv name.
Geo. W. Gosser, West Salem; Salem
R. No. 2.
John Simon, West Salem; Salem,
R. No. 2.
Iwrenee N. Simon, West Salem;
371 Court St.
Frank M. Simon, West Salem ; 120
1?. Com! St
Geo. L. Fraiure, West Salem; K, D.
2. Box 94.
Mis. Geo. L Frazure, West Salem;!
R. F. D. No. 2, Bx 94. ,
" s
tar Transfer Co.!
C, O. White,
2. Box PI.
C. E. Brinkman, West Salem; Sa-!f
lem. R. 2. it
Mrs. Mav Brinkman, West Salem:!?
il. Uaubert. est Salem : Salpm I
IL 2. '
Mrs. F. W. Gaubert. West Salem:'
Salem. R. 2. i lem. No. 2.
A. F. Lamb, West Salem; Salem.' Lavinia Feawll
u-'-A'-i- jlem. No. 2.
Mm. A. i. Lamb, West i-alem; Sa
lem, No. 2.
Arthur Thomas, West Salem; Sa
lem. R. F. D. 2.
Q. A. and L. C. MUSCOTT, Proprietors
Phone Stand:-Web.ter'. Cnfectionerr 511 Ellii' Confectionery 1CC2
Bam 1074
West a!em:
in tbe Connty Court of the State of ,2.
Oregon, for Polk Countv.
West SaJem; R. F. D. ! Mrs. Arthur Thomas, West Salem;
! Sclera. No. 2.
West Salem;
Geo. W. Tobin, West Salem: R. F. J. W. Fredriekson.
D. 2. i Sale to. No. 2.
J. li. JccDs, vest aIem; K. 1. U.I -Nancy E. Frednckwn. West Sa-
'lm; Salem. Na 2.
A. Metkcnheim, West Silem; R, F. 1 Jccjh Fenne'J, West Salem; Sa-
H. FenncIL West
Na 2.
W. W. T.m1, S iIcth, Ore, R. 2.
ReWa Bales. S'f m. Ore, R 2.
Mrs. W. B. Frakes, Salem, R. B.
t.x 1M3.
Tl.-. -mas Gilham, Salem. R-F.P-
Mrs. i;i'a G,r:.ani. Salem.
Mrs. Kt Hal inrpch. Saletfl.
! II. IL V"-t SaLin, KF"
. t.rsrJoa, bales. Ore, R.F.D.I M,s. II. R. Win,!... Wot S,:
W. B. FraLes, Salem. R.F.D. 2, box T L III: .vi.VTf,; S.err; F-ox 34. ?
. m. i rues, fi.fm. K. K. 2 Vn T T rr.t cs
bcx 1. 3. i - v
'.. .v.. Vi--t ba.tS; ;