Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, December 06, 1912, Image 6

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    m. i r iiimw . . m . . . . a- , i . 1 . Mm
.-15 ,
Mirrors for Christina.
Plate glass French . make some
thing nice for a Christmas gift. Ful
Jer Pharmacy.
J AisoMelPure
-mL UieonlyBaliingPiErEEfe mA
(V U A A 0$ 1
News of City and County
Dallas Temperature
For the week ending Thursday,
December 6:
Friday, November 29 .
Saturday, November 30
Sunday, Dec. 1 ......
Monday, Dec, 2
Tuesday, Dec. 3
Max. Min.
...66 34
...66 36
...68 37
...60 36
...55 88
...60 38
...63 33
Oscar Hayter, Lawyer, rooms 6
and 6, Uglow Building.
Tresspass notices, weather proof,
for sale at Observer Job office.
Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Blessing return
ed yesterday from a few days' visit
with relatives In Albany and Salem.
Will Snyder, a former Dallas boy,
now at McMlnnvllle, was here Wed
nesday, greeting relatives and friends.
OVAL FRAMES for the pictures
you have had enlarged. Sterling
Furniture Co. tf
Dave Grant resumed his regular
work as night watchman the first of
the week, after several weeks of Illness.
A. C. Robinson Is assltlng In the
Rills Pharmacy for a short time In
the absence of the regular pharma
cist, Mr. Manach.
Headquarters of the Oregon Fire
Relief Association will be found In
Room 21. New Bank Building, at the
hend of the stairs.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Lowe will oc
cupy the Crlder house on Main and
Academy streets lntely vacated by W,
A. Schoel and family.
You are sure of the best glasses and
the best results when you consult Dr.
Freeze, the Eye Specialist. His charges
are always moderate. lZ-
Christmas presents are received
with pleasure when Silverware in
community, 1847 Rogers Bros., or a
nine parlor clock or a gold watch is
given as a present. Shepherd s Jew
elry Store, open evenings. 12-20
The three year old son of Mr. and
Mrs. Wilson, residing on the Hanson
plnee north of the city died early yes
terday morning after a short Illness.
Funeral services will be conducted
this afternoon from the residence.
Frank Herroti, demonstrator for the
laurel Steel Range company who will
be In Dallas next week at the Crlder
store, is an old friend of The Observer
proprietors, who lived for many years
In Sedro-Woolley, Wash., where Mr.
llerron was engaged In business.
White Sweater Dry Cleaned
At Phil Begin s. 614 Mill street.
It was impossible for me to make
my regular trp to Dallas, but will be
there all day Thursday, Dec. 12. at
Stafrln's. Consult me free In regard
to your eyes, and If you need glasses
you can Iw sure of the proper ones
without paying a fancy price. ivr.
Freer.e, the F.ye Specialist. 12-6
I'arker Fountain lVn.
We are sole agents for the Parker
Fuller Pharmacy.
White Sweater Dry Chnel
At Phil Begin s. 614 Mill street.
Xnv rYe'ivh Slmx Playing Cards.
The real nifty, up-to-date kind for
dainty functions. Ijirge axaortment
Just received at the Fuller Pharmacy.
Kid Gloves Cleaned.
lOe pair, at Phil Begln's.
Dallas Wood Yards, Koplah
Coal and Wood; 16 inch and 4-foot
wood delivered to any part of the
city promptly on telephone call. Of
fice 334; residence 663.
W. L. BARBER. Dealer.
For Christmas Ladles' and Gents
gold watches, with Waltham, Elgin,
Hamilton, South Bend, Rockford
movements. Any one would make a
time lasting present always remem
bered. Shepherd's Jewelry Store.
Diamonds and Cameo's In rings
and brooches make elegant Christ
mas presents; best quality and right
prices; open every evening until 8:30
p. m.; Saturday 10 p. m. Shepherd's
Jewelry Store. 12-20
I have ring mountings 14-karat
In the Tiffany or tooth styles, can fur
nish any stone you may desire; they
would make beautiful Christmas
presents, and if you want any article
that I haven't In stock, I will sen
and get It for you and guarantee it
to be here before Christmas. Shep
herd's Jewelry Store, open evenings.
The Greek restaurant, operated for
several months by Pete Peterson, was
sold Wednesday to James Hubbard
and other parties, who took possession
at once. It Is said that Peterson will
move to Tillamook. The new proprie
tors are well known In Dallas, having
lived In the neighborhood for a long
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Schoel left yes
terday for Albany where they will
visit relatives until after the first of
the year, when they will move to
Portland where Mr. School has secur
ed a lucrative position with the
Northwestern Electric company. Mr.
Schoel has had charge of the power
station for the Oregon Power com
peny In this city for two years.
For Christmas presents don't for
get those diamonds, cameos, Inde
structible mesh bags, cuff links, rings,
chains, charms, watches, bracelets,
brooches, scarf pins, tie clasps, silver
ware, cut glHss'(Hocks, sterling silwr,
etc., etc., and 'the reduction in sliver
hollow ware and cut glass, all make
excellent Christmas presents. Shep
herd's Jewelry Store, opien evenings.
Kid (.love Cleaned.
10c pair, at Phil Begln's.
. Nolle' to the Public.
Walln WallA, Wash., Nov.'29, 1912.
To Whom tt May Concern:
Notice Is hereby given that I will
not be responsible for any bills Con
tracted by my son, Robert Ankeny, of
Uickreall, Oregon.
Notice to Tax Payers and Voters of
lioad Disti-U-t No. 12.
We, the' undersigned citizens and
tax payers of Koad District Number
12. In Folk County, Oregon, Dein
more than ten per cent of the ta
payers at said road district, do bere
by give public notice that a public
meeting will be held at what Is known
as the Guthrie School House within
said Road District, In said ' county
and state, on the 28th day of Decern
ber, 1912, at the hour of 10 o'clock
in the forenoon of said day, for th
purposes and intention of voting an
additional tax for Improving and ma
cadamizing roads within said Dis.
trict; said 'improvements and macad
amlzing to be done on the road lead
ing from Dallas to Lewisville and
Airlie between the south end of where
the macadam now on said road ends
and what is known as the Leande
Bilieu Bridge in said Distnict and
such other improvement and macad
amizing as may be determined upon
at such meeting. All persons who
are interested in said matters are re
quested to be present for such, pur
Ifctted this 4 th day of December,
C. D. Shepherd,
W. M. Hoisington,
J. C. Guthrie,
S. E. Guthrie,
F. Li. Guthrie,
G. B. Remington,
Jacob J. Minnich,
1). Shepherd,
W. Klankington,
L. Gardner,
C. C. Gardner,
L. N. Bclieu,
P. Locke, ' '
A. Hindman,
J. Minnich,
Fred Trenhagen,
W. T. Hibbard. 12-6 12-27
Legal blanks tor sale at this office.
No. 7472
of the
At Dallas, in the State of Oregon, at
at the close of business, No
vember 26, 1912.
Loans and Discounts $139,506.66
Overdrafts, secured and un
secured 848.40
U. S. Bonds to secure cir
culatlon 25,000.00
Other bonds to secure U. S.
Deposits, none; to secure
Postal Savings, $6,000.00
Bonds, Securities, etc
Banking house, Furniture
and Fixtures
Due from State and Pri
vate Banks and Bank
ers, Trust Companies,
and Savings Banks ....
Due from approved Re
serve Agents
Checks and other Cash
Notes of other National
Banks .'
Fractional Paper Curren
cy, Nickels and Cents ..
Lawful Money Reserve In
Bank, viz:
Specie $24,934.85
Legal-tender notes 15.00
Redemption fund with U.
S. Treasurer (5 per cent
of circulation) 1,250.00
Total 317,472.20
Capital stock paid in 25,000.00
Surplus Fund 5,000.00
Undivided Profits, less ex
penses and Taxes paid . 4,353.24
National Bank Notes Out
standing 22,945.00
Due to State ' and Private
Banks and Bankers ... 5,990.64
Individual deposits subject
to check 240,312.25
Demand certificates of de
posit 1,843.75
Time certificates of deposit (i, 000. 00
United States deposits, none;
Postal savings Deposits,
$2,829.97 2,829.97
Liabilities other than those
above stated '. 3,197.35
Total 317,472.20
State of Oregon,)
County of Polk,)
1, E. llayter, Cashier of the above
named bank, do solemnly swear that
the above statement Is true to the
best of my knowledge and belief.
E. HAYTEIi', Cashier
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 6th day of December, 1912.
Notary Public
Correct A t test :
Seal Directors
Do rot buy your Christmas nd New
postcards until you have seen
the bran t if ul ami exclusive line at
llayter's Book Store.
The leading art publishers of Amer
ica and Germany hsv contributed
their bfst numbers to this beautiful
We are also showing the popular
ChrMmas Iettrm In over 60 styles
and dmlgns. Prices range from I
rents to 2 ty rents.
Tle Vimtf W In-re Your CttrKtrlta
iHillars WVl Bwj Uie M4 CtfU.
Seclcy, Who Fitted Ciar of KiinnIh,
tilled to Salem.
F. It. Seeley of Chicago and Phila
delphia, the noted truss expert, will
be at the Marion hotel and will remain
In Salem this Monday and Tuesday1
only, Dec. 9 and 10. Mr. Seeley says:
The Spermatic Shield Truss as now
used And approved by the United
States Government will not only re
tain any case of rupture perfectly
affording Immediate and complete re
lief, but clows the opening in 10 days
on the average case. This Instrument
received the only award In England
and In Spain, porduclng results with
out surgery, harmful Injections, treat
ments or prescriptions. Mr. Seeley has
documents from the I'nited States
Government, Washington, D. C, for
inspection. All charity cases without
charge, or If any Interested call he will
be glad to show the truss without
charge or fit them If desired. Any one
ruptured should remember the date
and take advantage of this opportunity.
otm In a XooKpaprr!
Ed Plaster had a turkey
hen come off the other day
with 11 young turkeys, hatch
ing every egg she had under
her. Itemlser.
To (ilTe llaiur.
Member of the Methodist Sunday
school will give a hasaar In the front
windows of Guy Itroa.' hardware
store on the afternoon and evening of
Saturday. December T. at which will
be dipplayrd for aale all kinds of
needlework, dolls, home baking and
candies and groceries. Christmas
hopp-rs are urged to delay their
purchase until after an Inspection of
the offerings of the baxaar. 1J-7
As to whether my work is satis
factory. I eiiiliHvor to mnke my signa
ture on a Photograph stand for
all that is best in Portraiture. I
cannot AFFORD to have dissatis
fied customers.
Up-to-Date Styles For
Holiday Gifts
Phone 52 4.
' 1 I ' t f ,)tH C.
The Photographer in your 7V-xi
J '---l JS4 if ' X . ' " V
l j;
A Practical Demonstration
will be given at our store December 9th to 14th inclusive. Everybody attending will be ser
ved with delicious, evenly browned biscuits made from White Mountain Flour and good Seal
Blend coffee and cream. . -
You are invited to come, at any time that is most convenient, and learn how good these
biscuits are and see how easily they are baked in a LAUREL TWIN-FLUE RANGE.
Don't stay away because you are not interested in buying a range at present. ; You will
want one some day, and may never again have as good an opportunity to learn why all ranges
do not bake and cook as quickly and economically nor with the same uniformly successful re
sults which any LAUREL RANGE will give you.
As a special inducement to you who will need a range soon, we offer, provided you pur
chase or order a LAUREL TWIN-FLUE RANGE during this demonstration and sale,
Your choize of three very useful premiums
An $8 oo Set of "Wear Ever"
Aluminum Ware .
. This is the best set of aluminum ware you could buy no matter
. what price you were willing to pay. "Wear Ever" contains only pure
aluminum. It is unequalled for any kind of cooking. Aluminum ware
is light and always remains.clean and bright. It will not crack like
enameled, ware; it will last a lifetime and will always be valued for its
superior cooking qualities. Food flavors are not absorbed by aluminum
and foods' which are easily burned in utensils of other materials are not
ven scorched in aluminum ware under the same conditions. Remember
we give this premium only with Laurel Twin-Flue Ranges ordered dur
ing the demonstration.
P wta
- :.
$r v
An Electric Toaster
Of all the articles entering into the pre
paration of breakfast none will be more ap
preciated than this toaster after you have
once used' it. It operates on the ordinary
electric light current and is furnished with a
long flexible cord for attaching to any light
socket. All parts are, heavily nickeled and
being plain are easily cleaned by merely rub
bing lightly with a cloth.
A 26-Piece Set of Handsome
Containing, in all, 6 knives, 6 forks, 6 teaspoons, 6 medium size table
spoons, which can be used also for soup spoons, and one each, butter
knife and sugar shell. Every piece is warranted R. & B. silverware; a
guarantee of wearing quality going with each set. The design is a
beautiful Poppy Scroll which is so popular at the present time; it is
carefully raised and carved to give the proper effect. This set of silver
makes a valuable addition to any table service. Come in and examine
these premiums, which are now on display in our store.
It's Quick, Convenient
Toast is made right on your breakfast
table. You make it as required. It is al
ways hot and deliciously crisp and evenly
browned. There is no danger of burned or
blackened toast, as the heat is easily regulat
ed. The only cost of operating is a fraction
of a cent for electricity. Come in and see
what a simple and convenient apparatus this
toaster really is.
This demonstration which we will conduct is given to convince you that the stove is of
as much, if not of more, importance than the "cook." f . .
You will notice in the illustration shown above that the lids of the stove are numbered. In
other ranges than Laurels the heat passes only under Nos. 1, 2 and 3 when the direct draft is
opened. Laurel Twin-Flue Ranges are built differently; they heat the entire stove top; they use
less fuel; they heat the entire oven to a uniform temperature when you want it, but do not
heat the oven at all when you don't want it This saves fuel and makes the kitchen more
comfortable. The special Laurel Twin-Flue construction which makes this possible will be explained
with many other desirable Laurel features during each day of this demonstration.
Don't Forget The Dates December 9, 10, 11, i2, 13 and 14. A useful
Souvenir will be given to every lady attending this sale.
Saturday, December 14 at 4 o'clock we will give away a
Laurel Steel Range Absolutely Free