Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, November 29, 1912, Page FOUR, Image 4

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i. .A for those subject
Cold. 4amp ... .,,., mnd
to Rheumatism. n
brings on an attack.
Snow Linimnt
It Is a Powerful Preventive, as
Well as a Speedy Cure
ub It I on the part, affect whj .ever rTth.".-
and ward V. A m. " rubbln(r helps the liniment to pene
the treatmen ls the,ame, the'ubbln p
trate to the seat 01 pam. -"--'.- rt,axed . that th.
i relieve, . .
suppleness or :
i wonderful rer
- - ..... , Amines, sores. laiio, cow -v--
ine; the acmng J" IV of youth.
sufferer feels again x -r.. "'.,,, remedy. Try It
" . .. tin It la a wonderful remeay.
For flesh wounas 01 - ot. barbed wire
- ... 1... 'vi.. o.l onm.
cuts, sprains, swellings, irosv -
price 25c, 50c and $1.00 per Bottle.
T. cure Sm.rtln. Eyeballs. Sow, Eye. or Weak !.
" gtcobens Kre Salve.
well, because fhat
land Plain Dealer.
eaift be. Cleve-
Place Aux Dames.
One writer says good looks don't take
a girl very far. Maybe not, but they
help a lot New York American.
A Philadelphia physician claims to
have discovered the elixir of life. Lil
lian Russell. Sarah Bernhardt and Lily
Langtry discovered It years ago. Mil
waukee Sentinel.
The Boston Judge that decided a di
vorced woman has no right to style her
self "Mlas" and thereby deceive men
doubtless meant well, but the lady can
deceive just as effectively when she
calls herself "Mrs." New York World
'SolpAno RteoMwiwpipByL
President-Elect Wilson on
Way to Polls and Votintf
or iXfV
V i mil rt
. " " ''
""'?S8' ' 8 ?' ' WJ "
'I ilVi Cl" ' nmmmmm ,sk
Photos copyright, 1912, by American Press Association.
GOVERNOR WOODROW WILSON, now president elect, voted at his
home town, Princeton, N. J. Just after he had cast his ballot, which
the governor took only a few minutes to mark, he faced the flashlight,
with the above result On his way to the polls, accompanied by his
political secretary and a friend, he was snapped, and the result is also shown.
DAMES AND DAUGHTERS." ! per annum. On bis ordinary clothes the
! kaiser's expenditure Is by no means
Miss Adeline M. Walker of New York extrnvaennt
is said to be the only woman gem ex
pert in this country.
Maude Aduins began her drnmutlc
career when she Joined IS. II. Sot hern's
company. She was sixteen then. Her
real name is Klshadden. She Is forty
years of age.
Mrs. Charles Nechter, one of the
most heavily Insured women in the
United States, carrying $1.J(K).(MH). has
made her fortune in Chicago real estate
and In the department store business.
Mile. Colllnere. a young rretuhwo
man, is the moHt accomplished nine
taster in the world, though she Is a
teetotaler. The great wine Drum em
ploy her for regular work and fretpient
ly for special duty, and so wonderful Is
her gift that she earns about J'-'MHK) a
The Rev. Antoinette Louise Black
well, the first woman to become a min
ister In this country, having been or
dained in the Congregational church lu
1853. though at the age of eighty seven,
preaches once a mouth in All SouIh'
Church at Ellrabeth. N. J. She is now
a Unitarian.
The Royal Box.
The German emperor's expenditure
- -... i. .lrl In run to S20.(XX)
King George of England has for
many years past been president of the
National Pigeon Plying club. In the
nineties, as Duke of York, b scored
several notable successes.
The period of mourning for the late
emperor of Japan has bepn fixed by
the new sovereign at fifteen months,
at the end of which time the coro
nation ceremonies will take place.
The king of Spnlu spends a good
denl of money on dress. When shoot
ing he wears shirts made of the finest
silk, which cost about $35 apiece, and
he buys about three dozen of them In
a year. He gets a lot of bis clothes
made In London.
Fashion Frills.
Have you ever noticed how nice
looking and Intelligent the women are
who have taken to wearing sensible
heels on their shoes? Of course you.
have!-Chicago News.
The fashion authorities reverse
themselves so frequently that quite
likely by Jan. 1 the girls will be wear
ing drapery again instead of clingery.
Ohio State Journal.
Marie Tempest tells the papers that
Paris dressmakers tell ber that skirts
will be tighter this year. But perhaps
Marie doesn't umlerstand French, very
Wearing the Trousers.
Recent Investigation brings out the
fact that men began only 100 years
ago to wear trousers. Some of the
women have been wearing them ever
since the dawn of civilization. -Chicago
Recent Investigations bring to light
the fact that It Is only during the last
100 years that men have been wearing
trousers. Prom present styles women
may be following their example In an
other century. Milwaukee Sentinel.
English Etchings.
Londoners pay $5,000,000 every week
In rent
Every twelve months 63.000 persons
In London are convicted of drunken
ness. There are clubs In London of which
the members are solely gentlemen's
London received $2,365 last year from
the sale of waste paper picked up in
the streets.
The old farm hen now on the top pereh
In Uncle Sam's dominion she's the leader
in fine crops.
She's not so very stylish, but she gets
there lust the same,
And you bet she's the top liner In the na
tion's Hall of Famel
But, say, how did old Biddy get on that
perch so high?
I'm sure way back In granddad's time she
wasn't half so spry.
She was a speckled dunghill with long
feathers on her leg.
She was so busy scratching lice she sel
dom laid an egg.
Now, now, my friend, don't bother us to
speak about the past.
Where fossils love to linger with their feet
in ruts stuck fasti
That hen upon the pinnacle, that hen Is
She's built by brains of the best strains
from Atlantic to Pacific
Skilled chemists balance her fine feeds
, between protein and fata.
She doesn't roost now In the trees, to be
scared by owls and bats,
But she lives now in a palace that is also
And so, of course, she beats the band from
Atlantlo to Pacific
She lays eggs by the carload, by the mil
lion and the billion.
And before another census she will cackle
o'er a trillion.
She's hatching fries so rapidly. If we feed
her well and trust.
She'll serve us so much fancy meat the
big beef trust will bust.
Phone 1183-2
Calls promptly answered day or nigh
Dallas, Oregon.
Office in Wilson Building.
Phnne. 2l
Dallas. Oregon
Office over Fuller Pharmacy.
Office hours from to 12 a. m.; 1
i to 6 p. in.
Dallas Oreif.ni
Olive Sffiith-Bicknell
Teacher of
Studio, 712 Oak St.
Try this Test
Place an aluminum utensil, empty, over
afire and when utensil has become heated
throughout, throw Mo it a pint of Ice
Uater. Youtvlllfindtheutensilunaffected.
Aerial Flights.
An aeroplane costs less to buy than
on automobile, but it costs more to
keep it up. And if you fail to .keep it
up that costs most of all.-Plttsburgh
The flight of a French aviator across
Prance with but three stops, covering
the distance of 670 miles in a single
day. Is better than a thousand spec
tacular exhlb!tions.-New York World.
Sporting Notes.
Not since the days of Joe Patcben has
the turf had a pacer as popular as The
Joe Birmingham has been signed as
manager or the Cleveland naseuan
club, and It is certain that be will be
given hearty support by bis players and
the fans of the Forest City.
Don Llpplncott has followed In the
footsteps of his Olympic teammate.
Ted Meredith, and has entered the Uni
versity of Pennsylvania, where he will
come out for the track team.
Get some good blood Into the herd
through a first class mule. Then raise
the best heifer calves from the best
cows. This is a practical and cheap
way to perpetuate the best blood in
the herd and to eventually build a
profit making herd.
A housekeeper who mixes brains
with her work reports to the writer
that a very serviceable mop may be
made by taking sections of an old
rope hammock of suitable lengths.
She finds that such a mop Is tough
and stands the wear and tear.
Q. I have noticed two new breeds
mentioned In the Journals. The White
Sherwoods and White Wonders.
Please describe. A. These are old
cross breeds, bred over ten years. The
Sherwood Is a cross of White Leghorn
male and Light Brahma ben and the
Wonder is a cross of White Wyandotte
male and Light Brahma hen.
Q. Which eats more, a pullet or a
three-year-old hen, and what difference
Is there In egg production? A. A
three-yearold hen eats more aud lays I
, .. . ii i .- f .Hours..
o per cent less eg&s muu m uci ui- :
let year.
Q. Which hawk Is most destructive
to poultry? Does the screech owl
catch chickens? A. The Cooper's
hawk. The screech owl Is not a poul
try fiend, but feeds on Insects, mice,
toads, lizards, chipmunks, wood rats
and moles. It only catches birds when
other food is scarce.
Q. Do you- really think china nest
eggs are of any benefit? A. Yes. A
hen prefers a nest where there is a
nest egg and we have known Biddy to
transfer all the nest eggs to one nest.
A cat hesitates to sleep on a cushioo
where he has not slept before and a
hen Is not partial to a new unused
nest. Hens often wait for a chance to
lay in a certain nest, often fight for It,
and the placing of a nest egg In a
nest nearby seems to draw and satisfy
Biddy and she settles down on it in
content But, ask the hen.
Tuesday and Friday.
Studio T19 Mfll -Street.
Dallas 'National Bank Building
Dallas i Orcgo.i
a. m. to 5 p. hi.; other hours
by appointment. Phone 1414
Nerve Specialist an! Spinal Adjuster
114 Court St., Dallas. Oregon.
THAT'S one reason why "Wear-Ever" ware lasts a genera
tion. And there are other reasons.
Aluminum Utensils
Are made' from thick, hard sheet aluminum, 99 per cent, pure,
without joints, seams or soldered parts. No coating to peel,
crack or blister. Cannot rust, cannot lorm poisonous com
pounds with fruit acids or foods.
'Wear-Ever" ware saves you food too.
Aluminum utensils are less liable to scorch
food than others. And even if you let them
boil dry "Wear-Ever" utensHs can be cleaned
without difficulty and will be found uninjured.
The motorcycle is being used by a
number of farmers these days not for
pleasure purposes chiefly, but for busi
ness. Small quantities of produce, such
as cream, poultry and butter, can be
carried to town with them and quick
trips made for repairs or the transac
tloo of other business.
A rich deposit of zinc, a metal which
la produced in very limited quantities
In the United States, has lately been
discovered near Bartlesvllle. Okla.
Samples of the ore which appears In
vein four feet thick show 7 per
cent cine. The deosIt is thought to
underlie some 200 acres.
It Is pretty safe to assume that the
fellow who comes along offering pro
spective victims something for nothing
is engaged In this very game and Is
making money at It These chaps are
most Of them old at the game, and it
is a pretty good Idea to pass them np
and earn money in some more rosy
An excellent as well as Inexpensive
method of rendering one's system more
Immune to colds Is that of the cold
morning bath, followed by vigorous
rubdown with a rough towel. If the
vitality is low and the circulation rath
er poor, one should start with tepid
water and gradually use colder water
as one becomes accustomed to It
A captain In the British army tells of
a strange plant found in the Sahara
desert, called by the Arabs "acheb."
Its peculiar trait Is that It springs
up only In a season when ralo falls
In the desert The seed seems never
to die and will germinate after lying
dormant for many years. The plant
contains much nourishment and Is
eaten with relish by camels.
Good Care of the Malr - - Makes all Women Fair
Belr Mturml. trpT. well Vrt kUr la mmi's i iwlwl beauty. TH Hair flrt ftttrmrt altra
'. fluffy hir. vnnrinc exi lh I it .t.n. m-. f. parmai rhana nun thaa
elwKnilm. rru)ar ftturw -r K.rwwn rwti. lUwuti.'ui hair, whka iirnrfi aiaurw
Uua avatj bars, b alrouat ajwar aaauuaUid lUl UK lu ot that
Well Known Scalp Prophylactic
IMewbro's Herpicide
Soaaial . irw.Ur ttiuun t. wm.i..a Udandra ana1 Ua pmif furthar Inaa of
kaa-. It irnpana Itfa. kimfrr an-l kixur hirH mMOUU aaar kaaatr. Twra H a aabua aa4 oa-a-"tfal
M jt naraauuw that mr .'ant hot piM ". teraaua aontams M
Vraaa mn4 4aa a4 ataiii ar lira. 1m ttrfcmr tnoa-ataa awMntl, aaaa.(y atona uaal at
M. TW la BO Ma f a-M to Ha Wwml hr Mr raralnaa tKat aav adVvlxd eur ad-
varum namia. 1 na . iml aaaaihfe t .wwil fcj i
mmm owl aa ta onrtnaJ Iiaivlrn -m 1
A !' aui g. alalia aa
The need of getting machinery of
standard and reliable make was nice
ly shown In the exploding or a sllag
cutter, an account of which the writer
cam across the other day. Kor some
reason not knows the machine bunt
Into two score piece, son of which
bit either men or borsea, fortunately
Similar defects do to cheap construc
tion are often responsible for the
bursting of cream Septra tors.
All records for milk and butter pro
duction bid fair to bo broken by
Crcamelle Vale, a FJolsteln cow owned
by Cad Cptoo or Brockton. Mass
Etnco Nov. 15. 1911. the baa given Vu.
030 pounds of milk, baring a money
rain of 11.300. la ooe month she gave
100 poanJs of tank, while ber bet
record for day was 108 pounds of
mUk. If sb continues at the present
rate to tba end of tb year It la thought
that Iter tallk yield will total 30.000
pounds or better.
An egg claimed to be 1900 years old
has . been discovered in the ruins of
Moguntlacum. It now remains for
some newspaper reporter to add that
the egg was set and hatched out a
sea serpent and a four legged chick
and the story will be complete.
Those who kick at the price of eggs
in this country should go to China. In
the spring months eggs sell there for
18 to 20 cents a hundred.
A Leghorn ranch near Petaluma,
Cal., keeps 10,000 layers, which in the
spring months laid over 5,000 eggs
dally. Petaluma, with her millions of
hens that lay the golden egg, is the
poultry metropolis of the world, and
those towns that seem down and out
because they lack Industries should
write the Petaluma board of trade for
particulars on' how to reach the top
A Pennsylvania woman advises that
ducklings should not be turned out till
the honeybees are through work for
the day lest the quacks swallow tbe
bees and get stung. . We always
thought the busy bee improved each
shining hour. Will our expert bee
keepers please Inform us at once of
the exact hour when tbe little honey
bird knocks off so we may Inform oar
quack promoters?
It is now claimed that we lose $45,
000,000 by our unskillful methods of
handling poultry and eggs and of
course, as usual, the farmer gets most
of the blame, but of course, as usual,
he takes It good naturedly and con
siders the source.
The advice to disinfect with liberal
applications of sulphuric and carbolic
acids is good, for instance, in an epi
demic of genuine cholera, but we ad
vise our readers to avoid such danger
ous poisons. We bare yet to see ml
crobs that would't sizzle to death in
old time, hot, fresh whitewash when
rightly mixed and applied. It's cheap,
kills germs, bugs and smells and makes
all sweet, white and light
Our school teachers aren't all run
ning off to get married after all. Miss
Nan Johnson and Miss Kate Robin
son have eloped from Pennsylvania, to
go Into the chicken business near
Hartford. Conn. Good luck, girls; may
yon prosper and lire happy ever after.
A hen does not dust Just to get rid
of lice. Tbe One earth cools and.
cleanses her skin. They roll and wal
low and tumble In tbe cool earth with
at much enjoyment as the boy who
splashes In tbe old swimmin bole.
The Cambridge School of agriculture,
England. Is experimenting on bens to
make them lay red shelled eggai
Wouldn't It, tbe English demand, 'be
better for them to experiment along
practical lines so that England would
not have to depend on other nations
for nearly all her poultry products?
Patience Is abe doing anything to
REKEKAHS Almlra Lodge No. 26
meets first and third Wednesday of
each month at Odd Fellows' Hall.
NOLA COAD, Noble Grand.
ORA COSPER, Secretary.
Replace utensils that wear out
with utensHs that "Wear-Ever"
Note the Trade Imk "Wear Ever"
las Camp No. .209 meets In W. O.
W. . Hall on Tuesday evening of
each" week.
W. A. AYRES. Clerk.
A. F. & A. M. Jennings Lodge, No.
9, meets second and fourth Fridays
of each month, In Masonic hall on
Main street. Visiting brethren wel
come. W. I SOEHREN, W. M.
WALTER S. MUIR. Secretary.
bly, No. 46, meets on first and third
Mondays cf each month at Wood
man hall. Visiting members made
toe Circle, No. S3, Women of Wood
craft, meets in "Woodman Hall sec
ond and fourth Wednesday nights
In each month.
EMMA JOST, Guardian Neighbor.
We Compete With Portland.
Salem Beer . $9.00 per bbl. 72 qts.
Fine blended Rye and Hour.
bona $2.75 and up
Cedar Brook bottled in bond,
4 ,qU. or one gal $1.00
AYi gala. Ave. year old rich
Port Wine $2.50
Full Measure, all Beer, S for 60c
Gilka Kuramcl $1.00; Cream lo
Meiith 75c.
Dallas, Oregon.
When We Hand You Our
of the cost of the lumbr you require
you can depend upon It that the fig
ures will be as low as first-class, well
seasoned lumber can be sold for hon
estly. If you pay more you pay too
much. If you pay less you get loss
either : quelity or quantity.
Dallas Lumbers Logging Co
Star Transfer
All who want Gravel please order
of us.
General Ki press and -Transfer Busi
ness. -Stand at Webster's Confect
ionery Store. Phone 511. Barn
Tlione 1074.
G. A. fi L. C. MUSCOTT
West Side Marble
G. L. HAWKINS. Proprietor.
cm bix a.
A Complete Line of All Latest Designs.
Within a 15 mile circle around IMPERIAL there are
now several hundred prosperous fanners raising enor
mous crops of wheat, rye, barley, oats, potatoes, vegeta
bles, etc.. Three large stock ranches, owning several
thousand horses and cattle are also in this circle. Poultry
raising is also highly successful
IMPERIAL is now the trading point and will soon be
the shipping point, as the railroads are now building for
the products from thousands of acres surrounding it.
4 ttitt44&Wt4$W-Mttti$i
Dr. Bell's Anlbeptic Salve i
is guaranteed for ecsema, salt rheum, i
tetter, rlnsrworm. running sores,
chapped hands and Hps. pimples on '
the face, black heads, barbers itch, :
sun burn. Insect bites, fever sores and i
nasal catarrh. Z5c, at Stafrin'a. j
"r ffl!1',0'"1, PUt 1P -Tresspass notices, weather proof.!
$5000 cash bail for his appearance in
the trial of charges n gainst him of
violating; the local option laws.
for sale at Observer Job office.
Beautuiful Eyea Mrs. Eliie Tiler. Ravena. Tex., writes:
are desired by every one. If there ; i was blind as a bat I used Suther- j
is any inflammation the eyea can't be iand s Eagle Eye Salve and It acted .
beautiful. Sutherland! Eagle Eye 1 a charm. It cut the scum off
Salve will remove the Inflammation ' mv ,ves and restored mv sight- It
try and reduce ber weight! Patrice n1 c,ear ,n SiAi b Stafrin. it an y()u Caim and worth its weight
Oh. yea, ahe'a lying about lL-Yonkers g"ld. 5c a tube. At stafrin s. f
' - r ! T
via IC7UWH.
; for aale at Observer Job office.
Pallas Wood Tarda. Kopiah
voai ana i men anu i-iwi1-
I wood delivered to any part of the
Cp IP, th. ludc: "Go frae. ray aoa. Erery Body Needs
ru r for?lT' ,.TOU,r JTtL. ' S"od salve and Dr. Bell a Antlaep- i ctty promptly on telephone call. Of- j t
for h. waa eoanred with slaying en , ... . . . , .... . ...
- Isnow white ointment Guaranteed) W. L. BARKER. Dealer
Milwauka Seotinet-
' for all skin diaeaaea.
I Conrad Stafrin.
iJc Sold ly
Earnest Curate Which to your fa
ortte teitT
t ih.i uu ihnnl heln Relief Aavm-iaUoa
- .t. . n i Room $1
Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey
Will break no the worvt cold and al-
Headquarter of the Oregon Fire u throat irritation. Thia remedy ;
I bead of the
xHattoa will b found quickly etrres counha. col Js, grippe and f Olirt SflTft Dallas. CiTT
;w Bank Bulldlat. at lhtll throat and bronchial trontle. j $ WUI,JIIUI UUUOi, UIX.
atatra 9o!d ty Onrad 9tafrln. ' et t f t t 0 0 1 I
Is made by the Bickreall Mil
ting Company, manufacturers
of the celebrated "Blue Stem
Blend." It is in great demand
we are selling big Quan
tities of it.
New Crop Dates,
Just In.
t Simonton & Scott