Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, August 20, 1912, Page FOUR, Image 4

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" Polk County Observer
Published Semi-Weekly at Dallas,
Oregon, by the
Office Phones.
Business office Main 19
Press room Main 19-2
Subscription Rates:
One Year $1-50
Six Months 75
Three Months 40
Strictly in advance.
Entered as second-class matter
March 1, 1907, at the post office at
Dallas, Oregon, under the Act of Con
tress of March S, 1879.
The way to build up Dallas ts to pat
ronize Dallas people.
and Anally, when the parental sum
mons came for Mary, sounding
through the night, like a rude blare
of the trumpet that ended your mo
ments of Joy, you bid the Angel good
night and walked home on air, with a
heart as light as the ghost of the
thistle-down that kissed your face on
a summer day.
It was puppy-love, as they call It,
but no passion could be more com
plete, soulful, overmastering. It en
grossed your waking hours and ran
riot through your dreams. As you
look back now, after the gray has
silvered your temples and your girth
prevents the use of last season's
trousers, you know that that same
puppy-infatuation was pure as the
snow that clings to the sides of the
wind-swept mountain, and Its
enthralling mastery of your soul is
one of the brightest spots that lingers
In the memories of the past.
It was the lure of youth, the golden
spring-time of the soul, but every
heart beat was true, every inspiration
was uplifting because of it, and it has
had Its effect upon your life. Puppy-
love may be the Jest of others, the
object of their sarcastic Jokes, but
those who have felt It are none the
worse for the experience, and the man
or woman who never enjoyed Its ab
sorbing passion has missed one of the
that leads
"Goin' hop-pickin'?" queried Jim
mie, aged 12, reclining gracefully
against the postoffice corner.
"You bet, ain't you?'"-
"Auh, I can't say I'm crazy about
ut. Nobody but goils and yer grand
mothers pick hops any more and I
soitenly hate f be classed wid them,"
came the elegant rejoinder.
"What's the diff, we don't have to
have any thing f do with them, and
I'll never get that gun 'nless I do, so
I'm goin" t' pick," the younger lad
finished up decidedly.
"Where yer folks goin' this year?"
"Oh, Krebbs, I 'spose." (Disgust
Gee, don't ut make vuh sore."
sympathized Jlmmie. "They got the
swellest swimmin' hole down at Mc
Laughlin's, and you bet I'm goin' in
ever day. Well, guess I d better be
muchln'. S'long, Algy."
"S'long, Jim."
Practically all of young Polk coun
ty Is Interested in a like manner.
Youngsters from the age of 6 years up
S. A. Miller, a Milton peach grower,
has tacked upon the fence enclosing
his orchard a sign bearing the legend,
"Peaches Free; help yourselves to all
you want."
Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar Honey
is the best for coughs, colds, croup,
grip, whooping cough, bronchitis,
asthma, and all throat and bronchial
troubles. Sold everywhere, look for the
bell on the bottle. Sold by Conrad
Thomas Bush, of Maple Grove
farm, near Knappa, gloats over tur-;
nips 23 Inches, seed radishes 21 inches;
and summer squashes 19 incnes
around, and bean vines 11 feet long
and still growing.
have earned and Hnont nvpf unA five.
spaces in the pathway aain th(, , nf wr,,i,
from the cradle to the tnev expect t0 earn jn tne hop feds
And not only the children are inter-
TIli: Ll'RKS OK YOl'Tll.
In last week's issue of the Saturday
Evening Post Is a story that Will ap
peal to all who have not forgotten
the glad, free time of youth. We refer
to "Mary Smith," by liooth Tarking
ton. Those who are familiar with
Tnrkington hnnlly suspected that he
could write a story with so much of
the human Interest in it; that he
could break away from problem sub
jects and get right down to the soul
and weave words, and thoughts, and
actions, into a title that brings a
plensunt smile and warms the cockles
of hearts that have long since forgot
ten the days of the pant when all the
world was a Imttlcrllld to be conquer
ed and made subservient to their
If you haven't read this delightful
story, by all means do so at once. You
will be richly repaid for the time it
requires if you have still within your
muke-up the ability to Inirk buck In
retrospection to the time when the
heart beat young, and life was glad,
and free and fresh, like the first, faint
smile of Spring or the diamonds of
dew on the moist lips of the new
born rose.
It's a Btory of what Is sarcastically
styled "puppy-love," butlet those who
dare, smile at thut tender emotion.
Those who have felt It and who has
,nnt know that nowhere, and at no
time in all the cycles of the seasons,
has there ever come to the heart a
warmer thrill than that which took
up its abiding place there when you
first discovered that "Mary Smith"
was the "only girl" in all the world.
I.Ike Tlenry Mlllick Chester returning
from his Junior year at college, life
at once assumed ti changed aspect.
"The old life" seemed commonplace
and futile, and a new field opened be
fore you. You suddenly realized that
you had reached man's estate and you
yearned to tackle some of the mighty
problems that were confronting ordi
nary men, and In a moment solve
their riddles and show them how
brains and pluck and Ingenuity could
accomplish wonders. You built
mighty castles with lofty spires and
countless minarets, set high upon the
walls of the world and peopled with
the numberless services you had ren
dered mankind.
In a twinkling your whole sphere
nf endeavor had undergone a change.
Thut life's duty for which you had
been trained suddenly grew ordinary.
Not that you didn't care for It, but
from your new viewpoint, you knew
that you were fitted for nobler things.
No drudging In an olllce or menial
service In a mercantile pursuit, ut the
beck and cull of the public, for you.
Well, hardly. You could establish
empires, If anybody wanted one, or
you could find an opportunity. People
would honor you. and call you from
the humble walks of life to positions
of power, where your ability would
entitle you to remain, securely en
trenched In the hearts of your coun
trymen. All this was the result of
"Mary Smith" and the enthralling
spell of her personality. To be sure
you probably hadn't graduated from
knickerbockers so very long ago, and
probably Mary's dresses hadn't length
ened below her shoe tops, but such
thlngB were mere incidents, and of no
moment, whatever. Possibly your
father or mother looked askance at
your passion, but they were to be
pitied. They could never have loved
as you did. They certainly never had
known the absorbing passion, the
complete, overmastering worship,
such us you bestowed upon Mary
Smith. and what small pains they
took to make light of your infatua
tion only served to fan the flame to a
brighter Muse. You "nursed'" your
love In secret. You slipped out into
the grove and. seated on n mow
grown log, yon gazed longingly to
ward the south, or the east, or the
west, or In whatever direction the
divine girl lived, and you sighed and
sighed, and your heart thumped until
your suspender buckles rattled, and a
sibling warmth of hot emotion steep
ed your soul.
Cut, no matter to what heiuhtx
There are Mary Smiths and there egted ,)Ut the older folk j. .
are Henry Mel lick t'hesters in the k moi,i .i ui.,, ' ,
world today just as in the years voluminous sunbonnets Ippv
gone by, and they are fighting the ers. etc.. and everv nno .f'th
same battles, enjoying the same emo- pect t0 mnke ther fortune 8WeiterinK
,.... b.kiib mm (or perhaps it will be the perpetual
you fought and enjoyed and breathed snower batn thls year) 0Vfr tne ed
when you were young and, before you of a hue uomen bov or haaut nni
grow too sarcastic, Just hark back to the fluffy b,08somf) flll it to thp brim
youth's golden dream and remember wnence follows the shrill cry of
again the lure of youth. "check." or "box full nr mB!...r
or its equivalent. On through the
Thut Dallas will possess a fruit can- long, tedious day the pickers pull, and
nery Just as soon as sufficient fruit is snatch, and grab, and thrust, until 6
raised In this vicinity to keep one In o'clock comes, and with a bunch of
operation, is the statement made by little red or green, or blue tickets
the Armsby people, and we believe pinned on the front of their shirt
that that promise is sufficient for all waists they start for home and rest.
purposes. The majority of people But after all there is fun in it, and
We Po Not Recommend
Sutherland's Eagle Eye Salve for any
thing but the eyes. It is a speedy and
harmless cure for granulated lias,
scrofulous sore eyes, styes, weak eyes
and dimness of vision. Sold every
where, 25c. Sold by Conrad Stafrin.
Roseburg News: There Is an old
madrone tree on the ridge about five
miles east of town that is about 30
feet in circumference, and in th
branches of this giant of the forest a
platofrm 40 feet square might be
People with children should keep a
bottle of Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey
on hand at all times. Croup Is worse
at night when It is sometimes hard to
get a physician. Look for the bell on
the bottle. Sold by Conarad Stafrin.
N'ewberg Graphic: With the num
ber of ice cream cans that are being
shipped back and forth between New
berg and Portlnd, it would seem that
it would justify some enterprising
man to engage in the manufacture of
ice cream here at home.
nr T.iH'c Anti-Pain rnee'J enlic. flux.
have no idea of the Immense amount happier, merrier, bunch of humanity j diarrhoea, cramps and all bowel com
or material required to operate a could not be found than a hop wagon
cannery successfully. The fact that crowd traveling the dusty road to
several towns of the Willamette val- town.
ley have had cannery buildings erect- In some of the large yards dance
ed, and the machinery installed, only halls are built, stores, houses, water,
to remain Inoperative for years, sim- wood and all the conveniences and
ply because the acreage of fruit was contrivances for the accommodation
not sufficient is evidence enough that and pleasure of the campers are pro-
there was no demand for such Institu- vlded. In the evenings huge camp
tions. The Armsby people represent fires are built and old and young alike
one of the largest canning companies gather around with laughter and jest
on the Coast. Institutions controlled Ing, aifd the hour before bedtime is
by this company have been located in the merriest of all.
all the big fruit centers of California This year when Algy returns from
and will be opened in Oregon as soon the hop fields his little brown paw
as the visible suppply will warrant the will squeeze onto perhaps $10, and the
investment. This being the case, The long-coveted gun will soon repose in
Observer does not believe it wise for state behind the kitchen door and
Dallas people to consider the question after that nothing In the world will
matter to Algy.
EXTERNALLY: Cures sore breasts,
corns, bunions, toothache, neuralgia, '.
ai;d all pains. Sold everywhere. Jt is ;
antiseptic. Sold by Conrad Stafrin. ;
O.r.. Di...... A....,.' T.-.,i;u QIit..,, r.f
Iti'UC Jinn fi & "a- io .j. I
Evans valley last year harvested lt,
000 pounds of perfect onions from a
quarter of an acre and expects to do
equally as well this year. By crossing
he has developed what Is probably the
only Southern Oregon onion.
We have decided to sell the Finest $15.00 Men's
that have ever been sold in Dallas at that pric
Compare Them
of furnishing a large sum of money
to build and equip an institution
which an outside concern will con
sent to come here and operate. We
must have a market for our products,
It Is true, but that question will settle
Iself In good time.
More than 20,000 Oregon Repub
licans Indicated their choice of La-
lionrri Finds Difficulty in Securing .Suf
ficient Koom For All.
SALEM, Aug. 20. So extensively
has the State Board of Horticulture
planned for the free attractions at the
state fair this year, it is becoming
Kollette In the April primaries. The difficult to furnish sufficient space for
Wisconsin senator was second in the
race In this state. Senator LaFol
lette has announced his allegiance to
the Republican party and has bitterly
attacked the ISullmoosers in his mag
azine, and publicly. He will soon take
the stump in defense of his real pro
gressive principles and will advocate
the election of the Republican nation
al ticket. Those wild supporters of
the Roosevelt party who are declaring
that their god will sweep Oregon In
the November election, have another
guess coming. Do they suppose for a
minute that these 20.000 Ijil-'olli tte
Republicans, or even a portion of
them, will cast their ballots for the
man who defeated their candidate,
and even prevented a compromise
which might have made his nomina
tion at Chicago possible? On the oth
er hand, our Democratic friends who
are claiming that the Wisconsin
man's support will go to Wilson, are
not counting the fact that these men
are Republicans, that they have re
mained true to the organization and.
following the advice -of their leader,
undoubtedly will be found lined up.
as heretofore, with the party rather
than against It.
both the attractions and the conces
sioners. The Parker shows, conceded
to be one of the largest carnival firms
In this country, has requested the
board to set aside nearly two times
the space occupied by it last year,
while concessioners from every sec
tion of the West are flocking toward
Salem in a frantic search for space.
Never before in the 51 years' his
tory of the Oregon state fair will
there be such an array of free attrac
tions as there will be for the fifty
first assembly. The board has ex
pt nded approximately $4500 for
music and free entertainment, while
the stakes and purses offered In the
ppeed program amount to $30,100.
Sutherland's Eagle Eye Salve
Is a creamy snow white ointment put;
up in air tight screw cap tubes. Will
cure any case of sore eyes and will
not Injure the eyes of a babe. Sold ;
everywhere, 25c. Sold by Conrad Staf- '
with others shown at the same price, and remei
they are the advertised make of David Marks & I
They put their Trade Mark and Guarantee on e
Ontario Democrat: A few years ago
when a hundred families left Ontario;
for a few weeks' outing In the moun
tains, it made quite a noticeablbe dent
in the population, but with the in
creased number of inhabitants of late
years, the absence of a few hundred
people is not noticeable.
A Clean Salve
Is desirable. Dr. Bell's Antiseptic
Salve is a creamy snow white oint
ment and guaranteed for all skin dis
eases, such as eczema, salt rheum
chaps, etc. 2 5c. Sold by Conrad Staf
I Or
K ii nuvi ay Ig Train.
A freight train of 17 cars of logs
got beyond control of the engineer
one day last week, and raced from
Black Rock to Bridgeport at 50 miles
an hour. Fortunately no damage was
done, though the engineer was threat
ened with heart failure. Kails City
The aesthetic Oregonlan refers to a
gathering of women members of the and accurate
The Oregon State Immigration
commission is at work on a Btate
booklet that will he a valuable work
for attracting settlers. A thorough
compilation is being
Dallas National Bank Building
Dallas Oregon
Hours: 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.; other hours
by appointment. Phone 1414.
Nerve Specialist anl Spina) Adjuster
114 Court St., Dallas, Oregon.
Roosevelt party as "lady" moosers.
Oh. piffle. What's the matter with
"cow moosers?" When the women
get into politics there Is no reason
why they are not entitled to the offi
cial insignia of their party.
Phone, 29
Dallas, Oregon
Dallas Iron Works
Machinists Fouiulryuien Pattcru
We are prepared to dc any kind of
Iron and Brass work. Lumber trucks
and Stock work on hand. We make
the best and cheapest Stump Puller
on the market Prices reasonable.
The Store That Keeps
The Prices Down
See our New Linoleums.
326 Main St. Dallas, Oregon.
The attempts of some of the lews
papers of Oregon to remain on the
fence politically In these streououi
days, are pitiful.
made of state statlics, so that the I
most definite information will be
availablbe for the Intending immi- ; one iisi-i
grant. It is expected an edition of j T T CTT A TTVT A Ttf-
2 00.000 copies of this book will be
published for general distribution be
fore the end of the year.
"Salem Mills to Make New Mush"
reads a headline in a Salem news
paper. Mow typlcsl of Salem.
Magnetic IVoy.
Some time ago a stir In the scien
tific world was creiited by a IS-year
old boy hose magnetic influence was
so great that his presence In a room
would cause tables and chair to he
overturned, picture would fall from
the walls, and even wood pile would
tumble down when the child hap
pened to glance nt them. According
to the Mt'Minnnvllle Telephone-Reg-iHtcr.
the boy. whone name ha been
forgotten, is now living with hi
mother, Mrs. A. It. Taylor, who ha
your Imagination bore you. no matter I remarried and reside at McCoy, and
w hat world you conquered, or hat j demonstration of the character w hich
slupendou problems ou mastered. It
was always for Mary's own nnl
akc. In fancy she walked beside
you, her pre'nce and her hue n
inspiration, and to win her umile on
would overcome obstacle and lay the
treiuure of thv world at her feet The
created o much excitement In Port
land are said o b practically done
sway with. The boy Is living an or-
dHiiary life, going to chcxtl. playing j
luiM-tiall. and doing a thousand other
thing that only a normal, healthy
American hoy can enjoy. The aeeret
State of Ohio. City of Toledo. )
I.ucas County, ) ss.
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that
he Is senior partner of the firm of F. ;
J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the
City of Toledo, County and State;
aforesaid, and that said firm will pay
the sum of ONK lU'XDRED DOL-!
LARS for each and every case of Cu-I
tarrh that cannot be cured by the use
Sorn to before me and subscribed
in my presence, this fith day of De-'
cember. A. D., ISS.
(Seal.) A. W. GLEASON. j
Notary Public;
Halls' Catarrh Cur Is taken Inter
nally and acts directly upon the blood
and mucous surfact of the system.
Send for tt atlmonial. free.
F. J. CHENEY 4 CO.. Toledo, O
Sold by all druggvist. 75c.
Take Hall Family Pill for constipation.
j Calls promptly answered day or night
j Dallas, Oregon.
other fellow u , to loaf around thej' l"e wonderful magnetic demon
rhunh door on Sunday night and , 'rat umi exhibited by the child ev
those who had the "mind" bol.ll ral rar ago ha never been learned
stepped out from the long line on the '
ate p. and promptly a gloved hand ! From far Canada come, a call for
slipped thrmiuh the crook of an IVn.ll, ton cowboy hand to appear at
elbow, and the happy journey home a Wild West how at Calgarv. Alberta.
beKn. That was all over for ou ; in early September Th fame of this
.Now. you bravely called t the Smith orcanlxatii-n ha pread and the Pen
ruan.i,.n and e-,.rted the Anirel of ,n,.oR musician will go Calr.
Light who ,1wrlt there ,,, church .takinc abmg two car of h.rrt and
And how our heart and on equipment.
luiui-i., in nrignt ou walked.
a you felt the bkht pressure of thr
Angei arm anaiitt xour coat sleeve
Tner wer no hort cut f.-r you that
night "The longest way "round was
the hort-t pathway home " And
there at the gate, under the sha.l.-w
of the old maple, with the light of
the bic home aiming through the
honeysuckle, and lh rw- that climb
ed up in a mate of i-eor en the por h.
with the Angela itrrl persona! ttv
near, jour brain reeled e,n while ou
talked In aubdued tonra. and sahed
ever and anon, with her u!ful er
sparkling In the dim lie ht. and hrt
Ix-eath tannine jour cheek.. )a o-'
UereJ If )otl dared but jou d,dn t. '
Flax culture tn Oregon la making
1 prr-a Se-d ha bwn distributed
by the Portland Linar-ed Oil company,
and many favorable repliea have been
re. eived frvm farmer who Na e Wen
uorrseful in growing excellent flax
'The plant thrive In thla Hale, .ro
du. m Pne. long fibre and much -e4
Krnnewkk. will hold it aeond an
nual crape camual sVptmber lt-11
All the crape d MrnU alone the Co
lumbia ruer are expected te eater
com !Hiv exhibtta. Freewatec will
hate It annual Peach day oa Anna at
tS. when thi luw-lou frail wi I be at
it bewt All xtattora are proeaa-4 ail
the frvi.t thr aa eat.
tvy Bolaonlnc awaUlnca
of the flesh, bites and
tin of Inaecta, atiff
week And lame back
bould be treated with
It entrails po tea. ub
dues Inflammation, rrlaxes coa
tracted muscles aad restore)
healthr eoaditioBs Fer heai
trig rata, wroaada torn or
raids, there ts aothlnc like It
la the whole 1 t ef curat tr
areata. It furti t r a wild
power that I mere effectlea
tfcaa the strontr. .arh ltnl
meat a. Whea r-btx J 3 for
rhewmat e pais. B.ura'.ia er
riatww. Its wcnd'ff ul Teaerat
lea aad relievtax ia&uo I
eerr (ratify)" It I aa all-t
aiyvaj kewsehwij li&lmeet lat J
la W'ful la a theaaaad r
and Its arr'-i-al'-'a t a'w-rs
foiieved r t al r--j;ta, I
few S3. He tl r
j Jaeaf.Ba'iaed.Prai lt.Lu.a.nVak
Office over Fuller Pharmacy.
Office hour from t to 12 a. m.; 1
to 6 p. m.
Dallas Oregon
Olive Srnlth-BickneU
Teacher of
Studio, 712 Oak St.
Dallas Oregon
! AttoriM-j'-at-Lav.
Italia, Ores-oil.
Telephone 502 Room S I'plow r.ld
Room t and (. Vglow Bide
1 Dallas Oregon '
Pallas National Bank BuiMing
Dallas Orecoa
Modern Store fronts
Are a specialty at
Shop Work of All Kinds at Ro-onable
Are You Going:
Let Us Quote You Prices
on all Your Lumber Bill
Soehren Warehouse Co.
We handle a full line of Cedar and Oak
Fence Posts, Brick, Llme, Sand and!
Cement. Land Plaster, Drain Tile, 1
Shingles. Fire Brick, Hair, Wall Plast-'
er and Hod Supplies.
One block south of depot Phone H9t ,
Will be pleased to send our salesman to
on you upon request by
mail or phone
West Side Marble
j G. L. HAWKINS, Proprietor.
A Complete Line of All Latest Deslfcms.
Dallas Lumber and
Logging Co.
lT-l-" .- ...
....ut.n.i,iAlm;rl Lodge No. 26
meets first and third Wednesday of
eacn month at Odd Fellows' Hall.
NOLA COAD. Noble Grand
ORA COSPER. Secretary
las Camp No. 201 meets in W. O.
W. Hall on Tuesday evening of
each week.
W. A. ATRES, Clerk.
I I I'M it-- Eev far
I I war aVra IX Cweaav
Offlo la Courthouse
Dsdlaa Orecoa '
Ths'only reliable a f Abstracts la
Pi. County. Ofllos . Cort 8L
toe Circle. No. JJ. Women of Wood.
craft, meets in Woodman Hall sec
, ond and fourth Wednesday nifhta
In each month.
On the dates given below, round trip tickets will be o
Portland to the points In the East shown below, and manj
at greatly reduced fares quoted. Tour home agent will
tickets via The North Bank Road at slightly higher fares 01
F- M- Jfnmne Lodge. No,
. meets second and fourth Friday
of each month, la Masomc hall on
Main street. Visiting brethren wel
come. W. L. SOEHREN. W M
WALTERJ. MX.tr. Secretary.
My. No. 4. meets aw -j
- - . - bum utira
Abwtrwcta promptly anaJe. welcoma.
Nwtary PwUtc, CoOectlotta 1 MRS. EMMA R MILLER. j a
MHI SU Dowm-atalra. . Dallas. Or WILLIS SIMOVTON. Secretary.
Atlantic City
Baltimore . .
Chicago ....
Springs Si 00
Through Trains
In connection with
Northern Pacific and Great J
Pittsburg . -
St. Louis
St Paul
Kansas City
Montreal . .
New York .
Mar 2. 3. 4
June 1. . :
17. II. 24. 2. H12.
15. IT. IS. 1. 20. 21. 24. 2S. 2T. !!
20. 22. 22. 2. 21. 20. 21. '
13. 1. 22. II. ? in 11 lilt. '
' v -
Final retwrw r . f rUte -"o direction.
FmsJ I return I:mit October 21. ,,.
stalls of schedule,, fares, etc. w-ill be furnished on rqi.J
Geal Freight and rasa. Agent,
. 10. 1L,
. S. 12. M
" . . 7. 11, 12. 15, n
. I. . f. 7. 12
September 4. S (
Mondays tf each month at xca 'ttttOOOIQta
man hall. Vsaiticg members j MIMMt,tw4
Observer Ads Bring ReJ