Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, July 05, 1912, Image 1

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lfllHLII I I ULLUI10 Revolutionize Modern Warfare ' " u , w-- J nn.n n. i iin
MITfl M!P.II1FIT ri!Tr--7-"'"i ft Ailmll Itll III L's-tlsltss:: nUflu r LHIw
. . X V, S'S tir WSrf., t"iS 1 tsr S,t V II
Mis. Wilson in Dallas Hospital Willi
Slight Hold on Life; Other Occu
pants of Car Escape With Bruises;
Accident Happens Yesterday Morn
wiinr, nf liberty, was
Marion " no"-
,,;,i,i nnd Mrs. Wilson dangerously
iniured when the new five passenger
rtpmar which Mr. Wilson was
. . . . i t.irtie nn the Falls
timing luiiion ...
City road three and one-half m.les
southwest of Dallas shortly after 8
o'clock yesterday mornms.
was still breathing when brought to
the Dallas hospital, but died about
12:20. Mrs. Wilson was also brought
to the hospital but the full extent of
her injuries have not been deter
mined although it is said she s in a
critical condition. She Is still semi
conscious but was reported some bet
ter this morning.
Car CapHiws at Curve.
Besides Mr. and Mrs. Wilson there
the car at the time ui
onH Mrs. Irwin, otraiiB
,e,n, m.. , Wi,
..... .-, .1 nhi lireil Ul i'-
Vliy anu mice v.
that the machine
sons. 11 i . ,.
was a new one and that yester lav
was the third time Wilson imu
m,. int occurred at me
f what is known as the
noun enu " i,oro
,n At this point there
.. v,.. trn nnd in some manmr
is a niirti v .w.-- nll.,p
.. j . .ate the cure
the car ianeu i ,
. off the grade
properly anu mmu- - ,
' - .. tnts out ana
throwing tne uuc
turning completely over, landed up
... ... ...v...i0 The heavy ma
ngnt on us mier.o.
. .. nn the body and
cnine strucK ! , .h.h
He sustained internal injuries which
caused his death. His wife was In
. w...l and it as
jured about tne
v.. r.i she might have a
UUH Kill i"fc
. ...... cv,o was uncon-
tracturea skuu. ....
Scious when picked up. and iSg rt.ll
in a comatose conuuiu...
, .. .. u a chance for re
covrv. Mr. and Mrs. Irw.n e.e
thP car, as were
xnrown cieai ...,irP
the children, and none of them re
, i.u,rh all "
.seriously injurea ai'u"-
tamed bruises. . .,
Mr. and Mrs. Irwin took the chil
ln n home with them.
Afan iCS All.
tn Falls tiiy ....
' ,. He came
the unioiiu..---
- tpsi aiiei i"1
lew mi-"'-- . . .
lent happened anci ie i
.. assstance. J-'r.
tne city ior "-"' . , to
M.-Callon responded and ru..
the scene in his machine i
.hat he could to relU-v -the
rs who were hrouuht t e
Negotiations were completed
at Albany yesterday between
the Albany lodge of Elks and
p ine .uauaa i.n. -
latter will go to Portland next t
Thursday witn me aluuhj ujic-
gation and appear in the great
parade at the head of that lodge.
The Dana win go uvei w emu..
early Thursday morning and take
. ,.,i nn.'n lia!n f'l'nm Al- 4
T tne speuitii n-nv o
bany, returning in the evening.
tests M;a - F U-;--rr
Improved Connections to ami From
Tillamook Points Promised Dallas;
Amusement Committee to Provide
Program of Sports on Date to Be
were in
his way
to find
along a
OTHER step Has been taken ,n the direction of
... ..... atuHim nf wannre " .
an emeiem. uUCi... - d b been extremei.v
tZlT to its fun capacity
encouragi". u-v , ' i i v i owls of tne const aruiiei.r
the invention of Lieutenant Colonel I N- Lew is of Bring
the same caliber as the service bP- 7nveI tor asijerts lt
500 shots a miz.ute In other words. lnfaDtrymen at the rt.
k omn nvptl ID bciuui , . hlrht nf XIXI leei.
may ... fnioi ivlth the aerop aue i a -
of eight a second. On the J VStarid Us buUetsat the rate o
the gun was trameu ? 8lower rate than will oe -
forty in liny s"""3-"' , " fmiliar with bis weapon In the ccom u. .
when the oeropiaue J chandler Is seen handling me
Pro'ne ttFMimngCoperates theaeane
WUllc lilfuiu""- .. ., '
i .... awnitfvrn
iffiin mmm mm
. . l ; Ai.ma and i n -
Thirty-seven uusuicoo nunc -
dividukls of Dallas were admitted to
memuersmp in
cial club at its regular meeting Wed
nesday night, following me
the finance committee which report-
ed that wnne u nau irui
nr more in solicitation work, it was
not more than half done. The new
members admitted unaer a eui li
sten of the rules, are as follows:
Sterling Furniture io., im,ir,
n t- Wni-irs Dallas So-
hiros., uauao nun
da Works, Crawford & Bilyeu, Lloyd
t cmitvi stnw & Co.. S.
jvonan, ui.
M Ray, Dallas Steam Laundry, Sam
. . r, A SililPV.
Birk B. li. waisou, uiuwn -
Dallas Chop House, Oregon Power
Honor TTavtpr. ri. T. .uuuei, .
o Cook. Mrs. Bertha
rr. tvIvo Winnie Braden. Xj-
iuiiri, w. - -
Daniel, McCann- & i-umii, c....-
Mercantile company,
phone Co., C. G. Coad, Star Transfer
Co., Emmerson & Nash, I. V. Lynch
First Six Months of 1912 Shows Gain
of $510 Over Corresponding Period
in 1911; Postal Bank Flourishes.
... . ,,. M.ss Helen ; Spec.a. Train Carries 225. WhlK
.. Accident; ! Many in Aulos: la.N C.I,
l'lnll n in.
.v livclvCity I Share of Crowd: Amity Gets Some
Notes lVom LUH
jndependenoe, July 3.-(Secial)
The dependence Commercial c ub
i- Pion on tne
: More than 300 Dallas citizens cel
ebrated In Albany yesterday, accord-
T tr niirl-
CO., rjiiim
& Son, Geo. W. Hlnshaw. H. O. Ine
A. W. Bennett, in. auh.uh,
gan Bros., Harry Marshall, S., F. C.
& W. Railway co., ueo. r.
Many of these firms, or rather the
individuals composing them were al
ready either members of the club, or
had contributed to us sum"" " "
the past year, but. under the new
constitution, they have been admitted
as firms or corporations. Subscript
. .....,mrt nf the club now
ion io " .
entitles one to membership therein
without the further paymein i
jVlior roiiiH -ii"n.
. cron from the com-
Cnairniciii ..-.w...
mittee on railroads reported that he
had taken up the matter of better
train connection to anu
't-with the
mook points via. imr..
railroad company and had been as
sured that the matter would be in
stigated and thought the improve-
m,.nt would t.e ma...
wa. not so enthusiastic over the
change in time on the .. r. C.
W to connect with the Oregon Kh -
trie hi .-' ,
Chairman Kull-r nf the roads and
highways commie red
Reads Petition First Time Wednes
day and May Order Road Today;
Road District 8, Gets Slice From
General Road Earn!; Treasurer
Consideration of road matters and
the examination and disposition of
the regular bunch of claims against
th Pnnntv. occupied the attention of
I the county court on the first day of
Its regular monthly session, nem .i
. ui, Wpdnesday. The
tne uoun luu".
claims for the month totaled more
... . a. ..mi..) fnP
than $4,000 whlcn is not uiiuu...
a. . ...imtu al.
this time of. year, me uiu..i .
wavs being larger in January and
July One road petition was denied
and another read the first time,
while a petition for a change in a
county road was allowed. Consider
able other business wan "-"
.... nf th netltlon of
jn uie
John D. Holman and others for the
establishment of a county road to he
known as the Moiman i
report of the viewers was .euu ...
first time. This is what has hereto
fore been known as the "Cooper
Hollow" road.
In the matter of the petition of C.
A Clark and others for a public
road in districts Nus. 4 and B, near
, . i ,.r,iprpl that the petition
be denied and that the petitioners
pay the cost of thesurvey amounting
..,. m fpv. t.utltlnn was denied
1 844 77 til 04.il". , .
j ,lf tv,p viewers which wa
171 85 'on report ot tne vri
j,6 i !., 1 i.ntmnt nn account
r UUI l '1 - mr'i IIHt 11H eHll.HI I
While the increase for the flm- ' " . conHtructlon and
year Just closed over the previous o the h
tear, if maintained for the coming th comi r cMmrd
carters, would not be .ufflcien w(ml(1 not ,,e
.. .....1 I'l.nilp to the POIIII mm , ..lrin.tlni
rase tne mmi i....-- -
...ni I,p noted that the
necessaij. n ,
rate of increase for the first half of
the present year is much larger, and
will only have to be "'"""'""'LmJ
a small additional amount, to entitle
Dallas to free delivery. "
... i,v the department for the r-
rating of postofflees. e the recMpU j qmmer g
. .i.... v... i.ruver in mi1
i n not inprpase of $510.15
J5UUVllift a. ..
for the first six months of the pres
ent year, the quarterly report mada
to the postal department by Post
master C. G. Coad Indicates that.
with the same percentage oi incieac
i.i r tvip. vcar. the
for tne Temuniuci m ...
necessary total receipts of $10,000
will be reached by the close of the
first quarter of 1913, to entitle Dallas
a. mail rlnlivprV.
IO li ce . -
. The report shows a steady Increase
in the receipts at the postofilce, which
. .i.. iniiientlon of the con-
is me ouio. .
Ltant growth of the city P or he
fiscal year closing June an,
total receipts of the Dallas offlce
were $8,808.97, a gam i
over the fiscal year ending June 30,
ltevciptt by CJuarters.
The toal receipts by quarters for
the year ending June 30, is as fol
First quarter, 1911
Second quarter . . .
Third quarter . . . .
i.'..iirth nuarter . . .
lied in the expense i
the road, everything considered.
In the matter of the petition of O.
E. Merman an.l others for a chang
In the county road In road district
N. 1. at or near the southwest or
. huif .f the HOUthweHt
ner OI Hie rani -
()imrt(.r of the southeast quarter of
pn.bablv 1- ordered by the County
e . ..r V, a viewers
raiiim e-
. .... pnillnif March 31,
lt' will be seen that there are three
mre quarters in which lh. needed
amiiunt will red. h tne r
110.000 figure is the belief of Post
master Coad.
i Hunk rioiirMrt-4.
section I, i" , ,,
,t WM ordered that the prayer of the
11 i ....... ho con-
etitioliers he gran.eu uH
S,t,.. that the owner of the
,1,-liver a quit claim deed for tm
rlKM of way for the proposed change
I ,hat Ibey grade, and place that
part so ed I "'Z
onditi.m for pumic
nt- j-'- i . ,ng- xo lite urot iiroiiitf)i i,r -
ft in regular session on the twenty-five left on the J, thf. r(.port of the v,ewers
in of Julv 2nd. with President . at 6 oVl0( k and at least , favorable,
enmg of ing went ovrr in autos. Dallas "a BmuW.ment committee reported
r to Wednesday night ,,'t this time, and to the
p.tal -vings '-nk nt'a ' i'.isfH.on of the Court.
Mrs. F.
"lthfr of
V,la city.
ain, F. J. tr - mptorc..
was injured yesier...... to
ele accident at Ashland according t
lie aecioim t t nlKht.
a telegam received here ia
Dr. Tyler-Smith, of Sheridan, fath
f the injured man burned t
S'luthern Oregon cu-
T 7w7k Rl'SlM-SS
Cooper in ." -
wa. wei. atended and good mterest
,. r swine resigneu
shown. l,. ,,,
' 'The'' blowing were admitted
member?: ir. -" ""
:inThe"vtk'""u;e Commercial club
,M, c tv is ne to be commended
,n this o.D 1S , more to
and there a
d .. in l.e carried
along the lines sugg.Kd
,., time by the dun.
oM-i Note.
Mr C Ball, of Fresn... .alifrn.a
M . v.-t. rday on his wa
in tne , , ,,,.intr
. . . rnnK o
ftreet. taking PoW' 1jrn,.y
Cf.k and brother b t I r
Wedn.s.iay e
decide t lte th-e.
that he pn.
:.t he i11 return t" " "r .rhar1
t'r partnership n
i-;aje f.ffi.-e 1-ut !"
r .-re than a yar s"
-f'untv on
he mar
t: event
,,n a 0"nira"i
t n yesterday on bu.-i-
.. . tv. rmf: i tl th. ,-apital. ' iflieht.
F. F. Cook Sells J"''"-,,,... ; ,,..,,,,1 with tne '";-" m i
May More to " .. , thj Th
A. J. Barham h ,.,!m,a
r. ai estate nusai"-- - Court .
, i,r. ! !:f r- m-vea n.
,rJi..f an.l t.'-
, r- Mi:
,..:th an i
.-.,- SCi'1'
badges were everywhere in evidence
and the Dallas band proved a prom
inent feature of the day in the Linn
county metropolis. Albany nr a
a larger crowd tnan m
ner streets yesterday. They came
from all directions in 'l;'"' tM'"'
in autos and by team unt.l the old
town was jammed with a ;;"J '
tured crowd of humanity a.l l-nt
upon enjoying themselves. And K
they didn't it was their fault, because
" Uhpre were all ?orts ot
from time j there 're im,,!H, wan
th, ..,- in the arrival of the .r,
,.! exeursb.n over th- Or-- -
,r;c and the accident to the tndro
aeroplane which prevented b-.it on-
! postal savings bank contamed l . . )(f the Court,
lllth 2 d.l-oHitors. an average f or ...t.. (;.u M
t . , ,.f ir.S 3. This Is en- . .... .,., ,t
PJII-tl oeiiitr.il". -
, eei. .. . , - - , - -,, average. There
...... ..m,.eineill rommiliee ,l,.r,.ll a in) r-
' . .. l,l hud! . i..i. .lie Ik
v, ,t the lanan mi'"- I w e i ...
. . . A in a Kl-riH 111
in . -
depositors but two
"li " , to them a sum of money tIy ,..-d their accounts.
u" . ...ip nf
which would te ueu ,
,. etc on some Saturday nmht UK,KN
.P ... .' -r the date to be.
Fi.i.fT onuis
during the summer, vne u... . o0
de,ided later. .i ...! T.-rm. i " . and that
X. U Guy brought up t"e "-, MM- " " ,emi-.n- further or.i.r ... ''"-" the
H was (trjt i-M
,, be transferred from the gen
mad fund to the fund of district
N" was ordered that Samuel Fisher
,.I,illloed a credit of
at the general More of Dr
. i...i....pndence. until
br Alexanoer. e- -
of long distance n ,..,,... e . ,
. , nlli.Crl fllH Tim- I ,.
... I .illi-rl '
it fhi ritv. au'i
nual term were elected at th
. ,, xV Nil. 2'i B '
.,n.,r, aeaint this cn. u amp ' w.iiiam
S , the fact that Ml.m Tracy aats
much better rates. The matter was my(g u, common, r.
r(ferred to the emmittee on A)TeS. c,e, K ... A
iand roonty affair li.u,enan JI a; m,h.
--tt I.n;ne. ker. ewrt. a. ,,
j it i-!:. e. centiy;
itbe.ity. t n. P. ir;. K Hubbard ".n-
I it was rath, r quiet in ' - ii,,-,!t., ,,,. i.m.
or. t
the r-
c -
oifi.e are
.; into the mrsen
he corner cf M-n-
rr- t a
r:- r.i. a h'-r-
Mr. and Mrs. D. F. ..R
er-Ti left en the after?. "
rsr..--n for a vifit t-r.:.-Fnurth
with relative-
. . . . . train
The lalla deleeau-m
rea. hed h-.m about 1 k 1 '
horning. The member, of the band
are emhu.ia.-.ic mer the treatment
aecrded th- m by the A;bnr I-P "
M,ak in the h:gr.t ter-r.s .
tre h P-t.'.lty free'y
tity Ha rm.l.
x ?.,riIe nurnMr -f I "'' ' I" ?!;;H
e.',.-i th- ..-!.brf.ti'.n at I
3 , . a th ;.' ial
- . i - r- i . r an . i
,,,,.;,. un trowdej ith l"l-e
ep the vattev-
l" y'vtrAf "i -'T rn's,"r"5 ,''
,...f . ...r.. Am.tv i-ei.,r.r.s a .-.r
i . . - v i r t th'
,7.':: ,.',- m f-rr.. -? .t.:-V.I
t;l r.ieht hen
trants besan b
Kept it up ur.t.l
the return:.'
irning f.r- orkc
late hour-
.l t- i?r; Iir. V.
ill-r Imiiro- I'"""--
J e' Mii''-r has re--, ritiv
i'.it'.rt: an.l rchC
b.n ..learnt
trnMi.' i . .
' . til., ritx H h'-' "'
r(en '
fak.- An' Trip.
,; )(- :" b-'
,k,i-, in en" "f hi
rather rem.rkH - . ,
m.de Met, eat,. I "' t,r ay
. im- went to rvrt;;-...'! .'f.-! tn
horn.- of Or. c -n ' ' wher.dan
a from ' '
m- b "
;triiil!v "
th i -
M- V
' M---rrr,e-.
.the . "
l-ir. b'r- ' . T-:.n,e..k r.
... 'a (1 the -t of tb'i rant- ' . .
- i i. j.ii. .
.-..-...1 th- H",f!"'"
.. r l! e 1 e ,t
,, t y "if "f
. - .... . ' . e v
a!..ni!t ,t a r.:-.r.;
:,C!h. -y-.d t.e
l.,e.-t -H-. ' '
the amount l-e lo"'r "
Id .or .he county- Indigent poor.
U was ordered that the county
treasurer b- . re.b.ed with numerou.
arrant., on the different fund, of
The county, amounting In
K ,.. ... a tUl of SM2.-
The c.ir. rushed mat.... much
.,.,,,.,.. and "!1 hPt''al-
and other bilh. in order that
; imafl,. mi.ht reeeSve Ih.ir money
I," the Kour-h. Thl '"
iaf d by many ?nd fh; tVrV.
.f5ee a a MV We.H.-sd.iV after
. n 1,,11.1'i.f out the warrants. The
; ,,,tt,,l until b. mominc
;,!..,.. road a d time and un-
, ,,,- gra,t the ,.raer of the
,. Th.re are b a ft
n r, b.i.p t. r
M' F. If.
r,.nlr f":n
K n n
t . i t ! '
Mi:r n r t i'n l Wed
c,h e. where he ha
..1 a number c.f th
,.r Hsmiti'" on leach-