till 11 II I n IJ I i ; s' 1 m LJ KM! II i 1 V X I .1111 III ' J- - i I I 7 Bill 7 I - sy jr "XX 1- I DALLAS. OREGON. TUESDAY. JUNE 25, 1912 NO. 34 VOL. 24 SCHOOLS 43 f m ) fi j FLAXS IXDER WAY FOR FED ERATED COLLEGE WHICH MAY INCLUDE DALLAS SCHOOL. ENDOWMENT OF $160,000.00 rnitcd Evangelical, Evangelical As sodation ami I'nited Kretlircn to Join Iswiies; Consolidation of Dal las ami riiiloinath Colleges First Step Toward Greater School. That a movement is on foot, with excellent prospects of success, for the union of the Dallas and Philomath colleges under one management, and the location of the Institution either it Dallas or Philomath, with a total .nrtnwment of $180,000 and contem plating the federation of the schools of the United Brethren, Unitea Jvan- wllral and Evangelical Association, li indicated in the report made to the Oregon conference ot the unitea Rrctlirpn denomination held in Port land Saturday, when the report of the commissioners from the three nominations made its report. It 'the recommendation shall be adopt ed by the three denominations it will open a pathway for the building up of one of the largest denomina tional schools in the state, and every effort possible should be put forth to spiwp Its location in this city. The following dispatch from Port land explains the proposition in ue tall: Rojiort of Commissioners. "Establishment of what shall be Imown as 'The Federated College of Oregon," with a cash endowment of 5180,000, besides buildings and (rrounds aggregating in cost about 1100,000, was unanimously favored Saturday at the Oregon Conference of the United Brethren denomination of the First Church. East Morrison and East Fifteenth streets. "Report of commissioners from the United Brethren, United Evangel ical and the Evangelical Association, appointed on union of Dallas and Philomath colleges, of which Bishop "William M. Bell, of the United Breth Ten Church is chairman, was sub mitted, containing a plan for union of the two schools Into one strong college to be controlled by the three denominations through a board of trustees. Following are the condi tions of the federation and plans for the consolidation of the two colleges: iet Forth. "First. That if the college be lo cated at either Dallas or Philomam the community shall raise not less than $30,000 endowment; and lo cated In a new place an amount shall h raioi i v,on J50.000. and uitahle buildings and campus shall ) provided by the community. "Second. That each of the feder ate .1 1 nr.l-ir)f 160.000 for the endowment fund, to be rais d by January 1, 1917. "Th;rA ti... foriomted church -., u. 1 nai " the three denominations be estab lished and supported wherever i-"" "Fonnh Th.t a hoard of trust- . consisting of five members, elect by the respective annual confer ees, and one trustee-at-large for ach church, Bhall constitute the col- "se governors. "Fi'th tv, v, nomp of this in itMion shall for the time being be "The Federated College of Oregon," s"d in the event of some individual "ving $100,000 toward the enau went fun f h "FVderated Col 'e" it may bear the donor's name. Signed Bishop W. M. Eell. chair- man; C. C. Poling, vice-presiaeui. iif-tzser, secretary; K- 1 1 F- W- Jones, H. Barendreck, J- A nde. j. c. Luckel and S. A. fcte K commissioners. TkF TVklln Cnnnnrt. Plall. --. ....... fc 1 i 1 1 1 . j i a ii u i w - -JOressd the conference in support 'f thf union nnintinir out how a at institution of learnin? can be UM:shd through the union of J-ai- a - ill I I t Wjvs '. & , '111 r-''-V'v S Jf JPbotos of Murphy and Mack by Amert- WfQ ' W5552 V- f can vreaa Aasociaiiun. iiui ..iway- Convention. Liii--J!i y - 'AvigiMi uinni nun i n it onrnu u 1 luv v u w nK n .mi 1 1 fti Arn.iHi r rr i vi o hill IIUIIll I1UUIIIIIU ill wi uuiiii. .--. - IIICJI SIIIIPS IS CALLED HI Hill S., F. C. & W. WORKMEN REPAIR S. P. ENGINES. Gasoline Car Being Completely Over- hauled; Will Be Ready July 1; Bridge Work Progresses Rapidly. With two Southern Pacific locomo tives under repair and labor on the gasoline car which is being thorough ly overhauled, in addition to tne reg ular repair duties at the shops of the nim Falls City & Western railroad company, there is an abundance of work at the Dallas shops just at pres ent. The gasoline car has been off the run for several weeks and is be- lnft thoroughly overhauled. Every part is being examined and better made when found necessary. The company expects to place the oar in commission again about jui , on when It comes from tne shops. It will be spick and span, to all intents and purposes, a compel, new car. The company . steam train on in ' tio Recently a combina tch was sold :r .econ-T to the Willamette ane - l" no.tnn. and this milrnad company -j-" railroad co ., , - com. has made it ' jn,ependence nti0mouYh raTwa'" Another com - Mnition coach has been ordered how - ever, and is expe--. Bridge WorK "- , ,lrl " .t -n-iiiamette river Work on me wwin, Wide at West ,em . men rapidly with a of employ- The or, - . ... i. r.laced in V" .k. niers nae . .m 1. ' t on and the - " . . ff .intr ATI. AU wr nre from the wesx tr,e .... river, an.. - . tnP ,lt into the stream -- gurar cond'Kt- F r, CowH-s. the Tz train has reen or,...i . . .!. veek on C- Tn:?"Z of C.T l " beinc f.!d IT W. E . v.-le. the piir.ch lih - r Xv T . 1 -mJMAl . T i .. a I in irnniTll Hill I COMMERCIAL CLUB TO CONSID ER IMPORTANT MATTERS. Arnwby Peeking Plant and Federated College to Be Considered By Dallas Citizens Wednesday Night. For the purpose of considering important matters in connection with the establishment here of the Arms bv Prune Packing plant and the lo cation in Dallas of the proposed fed- D iit of the United Evan gelical, the United Brethren and the Evangelical association cnurcu .--ties a special meeting of the Dallas Commercial club is called for Wed nesday night, June 26, at the usual place. t I- A; tht there be a large attendance of members and others attendance of members ana interested in the advancement ol the citv Kottx these manors .w.K. - Imnnrt ant ones and should not ue o. ed They mean much for the future t,ii., nnrf it is ud to every busi- ness man to turn out to this meeting O mis Ill:ci"" j and learn Just what is wanted ana how best to meet the requirement, Don't forget the meeting. ll. & M. CHANGES TIME; . , Xew hedule. Effective M.m,.,. -u. j 23. IVw.i.s ,dependen - 1 ,Yoo. Portland and Salem. ,. and r-han?e of time ent into thange oi i n. .. Sunday. June 23. on - ;en.e & Monmouth raawaj. independence people sa.e -"'"-- : nour in returning irom .. .. .. . v. . . -parifir. Iran over me :mui - over the Southern r.cmc ; , now leave, est ba.em ,rrUln at the S. r. cro. ..... .,H fh, evriir- in me 10 on.."' - pawns-i - - - ..nd. and re-.h-ng Independence at x-.-. CI now leaves Ind-- " arrh! s ; i .-t with the . ... r. n rf mi . v ' . ' r,.rt. - Hiniienl. arrivi,? at West .'" - ! a!.-m at :l P- m- WIIiL ItEXOrXCK CLAIMS hi $:,(0.0()0 OX COXDITIOX. If Court Annuls Petitions and People Vole Favorably Upon BUI Hex-oin-memled by Commission. University of Oregon. Eugene, Or., June 24. In the annual meeting of the Board of Regents of the Univer sity of Oregon, held in President Campbell's office, the Board went on record as promising to turn back Into the treasury the $5UU.wuw gran.. by the legislature In the last session, providing, that the court annuled the referendum petitions as fraudu lent In case the people of the state voted favorably upon the proposed . ..-ovMinir for one Board of Re gents and millage support for the AKr cultural Col- ;nlvers, and the gr . ila ihfv votea luimn vi .f!,l.!iShment of a Department of Journalism at the University and ria rtuth Guppy. f Ta" coma, a graduate - - kA 1 nlversltv i " Thf . .., t, . nnn of omen. 1 ne or - hag not position of Pean of IV". av Carson, four years ago. t'o accept the presidency of Mills College. , ,.r th most Important acts of the Board was to select Dr. George inp i;m , I ,,,.. f the University of ; of th. Department ation the University. Dr. . r hi, position In the ago mi"" ., . , , , farm near Medford. I- 1., " f P.aker. now secretary w made ,P ,artment of puWle , MaM Holme, pi'hkiik. " . .jfa. wa. electee an 'JT . T Mpd for4. . elected an "' " TK r,irtment of Rhet- twum ,. Cm,tll f,r!f. and in. wn:iam -' ., rhwn as asant ytr.tt ot ma.n,, ' " 7 N,l-rf TUt Fled- . flat f'l " , . . . . i . v rirehar.ls r. . - h rountT tieri i- M. fTtt W.tn "ounij r,- and owned by t- r Kimball. ih. The t -. LriL 7aU. to govern EIGIII 111 OLD BO! IT BY PLAYMATE JBIAIIE NEAL FIRES BULLITT AT DAVY GOOD IX IXDEPEXD EXCE WHILE PLAYING "ROBBER" MONDAY. "HOLD UP" GAME INJURES Toy Pistols Grow Taino For One Boy, It Is Said, Who Loads Up t Father's Pistol and Starts Business In Earnest; Game Breaks Up When 'Real" Gun is Used, Independence, June 24. (Special) An accidental shooting occurred here today which might have been fatal. Several small boys playing In the vicinity of the slough near J. L. Hanna's residence, were engaged in a game of "holdup." They had sev eral small toy pistols and other weapons of warfare which tney usea for the Durnose of holding up their r,iQvmntPs A little boy by the name of Jlmmie Neal, it Is reported, went into his home nearby and secured his father's pistol and after hunting up the chamber and shells proceeaea to load and went out after his prey. Bullet In Shoulder. Ills first shot landed in the shoul der of the young son of D. D. Good and this was sufficient to break up the game for all were paralyzed with friuht nt the sound of a real gun and after detecting the damage done the alarm was given that Jimmy Neal had shot Davy Good. Doctors were quickly summoned and the bul let was removed. The bullet entered the front of the shoulder and pene trated through to the skin in the back. Drs. Hewitt and Mclntyre re moved the missile and the little boy is resting comfortably in bed. He la about 8 years of age. LOWER RATE ACCEPTED .,. Co l l...- . our Saves ISO Owing io lmm.vi-. Season; to Begin Soon. . . M ,,r i-,.iiiln the abrogation of the contract with the Oregon Road Oil ing company by the city council last week, a representative of the com pany visited Dallas and alter a c..-..-oV,o with Mavor Craven and members of the council, agreed to a a. oiiln for the full 10 miles agreed upon, for 600 In place of $750. as at first proposed, mis r. -duction was made on account of the i. ..,.. ,f the season, and was sug gested by Mayor Craven as being an equitable deduction. While the city council f.lt that the company had failed to live up to Its portion of the contract and the city was Jusunea in abrogating it. it was nevertheless felt that what was needed was elim ination of the dust and with these Ideas the company agreed and tne new proposition was accordingly made and accepted. It Is stated that the company, which Is now engaged In oiling streets at Oregon City will finish Its con tract there this week and will .end i-i ,r i,.,. Immediately ana tne mat " i ... . .v.. .rv In Dallas on Will IIPK... -- Monday or Tuesday. ODDFELLOWS ELECT omCKKS IVirmMilp I'Klge Xcw Oftl.-, mU For CTwnlng Term. New officer, for the coming term inning In July, have In en e.eried, ,.y Friendship l.nhfe No. . of Dallas.. follow,: Win Jacobson. N. G ; Ira Weas. V. C, : W. A. Ayr-,, tary; Ftaata. tr.a.orer. The new official. will be milled on the first meeting nisht In July. (-d n Sunday. The im.la. I-ubUc library will be cU-d on Funlay. during the month. of Ju-v. August and Reptemr. a. thf m.Ve. .ccordingly. LIAR! 1 IS PHI 1 111 COMMITTEE FAVORS ABANDON MENT OF CITY HALL LOCA TION BUT SCHEME FOR NEW SITE DOUBTFUL. WANT OF FUNDS BOTHERS Voting of Bonds Suggested But Does Not Meet With Approval of AH; pular Subscription May Be Only Solution of Vexatious Question or Use Former Location. Plans for the selection of a site for the proposed Carnegie library were discussed at an adjourned meeting of the city council last night and It wai finally decided to hold a meeting to night to decide what to do. The li brary committee through Chairman Tracy Staats reported that the con tract for the construction of the building had been awarded to Holmea & Grant' and for the heating ar rangements to Guy Bros., but the committee also recommended that the ritv hall site be abandoned and that arrangements be made it pos sible to secure a site elsewhere. The report was adopted and the council rVma wpnr on record as favoring a new location. The advisability of enillna- a sneclal election to bona in city for not to exceed $3,000 for the n.,mhA of a site was discussed anu that phase of the matter will be de- . . ml.,. ma elded at tonight's meeting. appears to be some objection among Dallas people to this method al though a great majority apparently favor some other site than that first proposed at the city hall corner. It Is certain, as pointed out by those favoring the bonds that, on the as sessed valuation of the city the sum of $3,000 would be inconBequental and would not Increase anyone's taxes to a noticeable extent. The only alternative. In the event that the bonding plan be turned down, l to raise the funds by popular buu- -r.pt... r ...... .. ft ' nun n IlciiioiiKtruiH'es Nolcd. k remonstrances or objections being made to the assessment on the Ash street sewer, the council accept a .ho estimate as heretofore made and published and Instructed City Recorder Gregory to noiuy i !"' crty owners of the amount of their assessments according to me " mate. , In the matter of the change of grade upon portions of Main and Academy streets no objections or re monstrance, being on file the matter was ordered closed but the passage of the ordinance and the reso.uuu,, was postpone until a Wt date. Minor Matters. Dennis & Christiansen's bill for $108.40 for sewer pipe was ordered paid vrlirer of furnishing rock for the concrete sidewalk contractors wa left with the street committee. It was suggested that the city already had plenty of crushed rock on hand but the contractor, want greening, and this was not available at this time. tt t ... t,n inr I A Pl'L (T)M n vl H -IDE ! Sheriff O- W ,'"" r' - J ,Q t,(.Ilhonlc lr.f..r- received In Dallas thi. mat on reo i ed -nT" , "M . fiuver. No Mtio wa. contain- , tne mKlt.e and Coroner n,j Dr. Ftarbuek left oV,o,K for the .cene. h " Mtt PauI fl,ed Last R- ur la A for an absolute divorce from her r . . . i cv,-rifT r.rsnt left Z, ,M. momlng for Suver. the home M m o h I . of lh, him . ,ult ,houI(, fc, A -led W K'UI'. . .... AAAAAAAAA , ( ) i .1 ', 1 III r. ' re st it k t- y i- ;r d t g V , P one t the manor born. (Continued on Pare Four)