MAY 24, 1912. POLK COUNTY OBSERVER SEVKX 160 Acre Farm Thirty acres under cultivation, 3D acres more ready for the plowk 20 acres slashed; 70 acres of this is the best of bottom land, remainder bench land covered with grubs, fine for fruit; tour miles from Dallas, one mile from school. ONE OF THE BEST BUYS IN THE VALLEY J 40 per acre; $3000 cash, balance to suit. If you haven't the money, don't waste your time. J. arrington Box 417, Dallas, Polk County, Oregon CSJ FISHING TIME WILL SOON BE HERE In a very short time the fishing season will begin and you want to be prepared to start forth bright and early on the first day of April and catch as many of the finny tribe as the law allows. To be able to do this you must have your fishing tackle in a per fect condition. If you need anything in the fishing line, we have it and at prices most reasonable. Come in and look our goods over, we will be pleased to show you. Remember the season opens II April 1. Ellis' Confectionery Rebuilding of the Campanile - Eczema Yields readily to Dr. Bell's Anti septic Salve. You see an improve ment after the first application. We guarantee it. It Is clean and pleas ant to use. 25c a box at Stafrin's. THE old campanile at Venice, one of the most famous struc tures in Italy, which fell ten years ago alter naviug stoou for a thousand years, has been rebuilt and was recently dedicated with an elaborate program of fetes. The pope heard the bells ring by telephone, and 2,000 carrier pigeons, let loose from the tower, bore the tidings to every city in Italy. It was on July 14, 1902, that the campanile fell, due to the weakness of the lower walls and the fact that they had been cut away when the loggetta was built iu the sixteenth century. The added weight of the belfry, constructed thirty years before that time, and the weakened walls had been too much for the old Uomau bricks that had already done service iu the houses of the main land for centuries before they were carted to Venice from the ruins of Alti num. Everybody the world over said that, of course, the Venetians would rebuild the fallen tower. Venetians and Ital ians, with a grant from the state and by public subscriptions, raised more than $400,000 for rebuilding the cam panile. Time moves slowly in Italy, and it was not until April 25. 1903. that the new foundation stone was laid by the Count of Turin, representing the king of Italy, and by the patriarch, repre senting Pope Leo XIII. The founda tions were completed three years later at an expense of $20,000. Investigation had proved that the old foundations were never Intended to support the massive weight of brick and masonry that had from rinio to time been added to the original struc ture. The idea of rebuilding the old foundations was hence abandoned, aud the question arose whether they should or Enterprise Record Chieftain: Flora and Edward Rand, 15 and 13 years old, respectively, have walked 800 miles each to attend school since the first of the year, according to the computations of Principal W. M. Sutton, of the Enterprise schools. They live on a homestead four miles from town. DALLAS STATION TIME CARD LEAVING DALLAS Passenger No. 74 Passenger No. 76 SOUTHERN PACIFIC ARRIVING DALLAS t a. m. Passenger No. 77 11:10 a. m. .... 2:15 p. m.Passenger No. 75 ... 7:15 p. m. 00 a. m. 45 a. m 15 a. m. 35 a. m. ;20 p. m. 00 p. m. :30 p.m. SALEM, FALLS CITY & WESTERN EY. CO. East Boui-d. TRAIN KO Z. !. Dallas 7:35 a. m. r. West Salem 8:15 a. m. TRAIN NO. 4. L. Black Rock 11:00 a. m. Lv. Fall City 11:: 15 a. m. U Dallas 11:50 a. m. Ar. West Salem..... 12:30 p. m. TRAIN NO. 6. lv. Falls City 2:40 p. m. L. Dallas S:10 P- m- . West Salem 3:40 p. m. TRAIN NO. 8. I Falls City 6:10 p. rn. . uallas : p. TRAIN NO. 10 (Sunday Only.) I Dallas 7:36 a. m. West Salem 8:15 a. m. TRAIN NO. 11. (Sunday Only.) I. Black Rock 11:40 a. m. Falls City 11:55 a. m. !. Dallas 12:30 p. m. West Salem 1:10 P- TRAIN NO. 14. (Sunday Only.) . Black Rock .'.4:00 p. m. I. Fn. rn. i-lK n m. . Dallas ...!!!!!!!!!!!:5e p. m. Salem 5:30 p. m. .iiwi r T INDEPENDENCE & MOHJauum West Bound. TRAIN NO. 1. Lv. West Salem Lv. Dallas Lv. Falls City Ar. Black Rock TRAIN NO. 3. Lv. West Salem Lv. Dallas Ar. Falls City TRAIN NO. 5. Lv. West Salem Lv. Dallas Ar. Falls City TRAIN NO. 11 Lv. West Salem . . Lv. Dallas Lv. Falls City .. Ar. Black Rock . TRAIN NO. IS Lv. West Salem . Lv. Dallas Lv. Falls City ... Ar. Black Rock . TRAIN NO. 15 Lv. West Salem . AT. Dallas 4 6: 6 (Sunday : 9: 10 10: (Sunday ...... 1 2 2: 2: (Sunday 6: t: :45 p.m. :30 p. m. :00 p.m. Only.) :00 a. m. 45 a. m. .15 a. m. 35 a. m. Only.) :20 p.m. :05 p. m. 35 p. m. 55 p. rn. Only.j 50 p. m. JO p. m. Dallas Division. LEAVING SS ... ... X- 71 ... "1 Leaving" . (4 s ..". DALLAS 8:30 1:00 3:30 7:20 INDEPENDENCE :00 10:50 2:30 :1 m. No. 4 m. No. 6 m. No. 6 m. No. "0 m. No. i m- No. m. No. 71 m. No. 68 ARRIVING DALLAS 6:45 a. m. 11:39 a. m. 1:05 p" m' :55 p. m. ARRIVING - :i - ."...". !: P- 7.7 8:03 p- m" 11:30 a. m. Airlie Division. HXG AIRLIE tl . 7:30 m. No. 1 ARRIVING AIRLIE 7:20 a. m. 4! 45 p. m sioo P. m.N0. 73 .'cVtvtviT; INDEPENDENCE Ar ( 1S a. m. . . " " tin t3 I f i-1 . (?', i. . ..-ri P it I i Satlhi ac tion of Mortguge. The Observer has added Satisfaction of Mortgage to its stock ot legal blanks. Notaries and attorneys may now secure them in any quantity de sired. Phone orders for legal blanks given prompt atttention. NOTICE OF CONTEST. Department of the Interior. United States Land Office. Portland, Oregon, April 23, 1912. To Clifford Jacob Simmons, of St. John, Oregon, Contestee: You are hereby notified that Nelle Link who gives Airlie, Oregon, as his post-office address, did on March 25th, 1912, file in this office his duly corroborated application ' to contest and secure the cancellation of your Homestead, Entry No. 15670, Serial No. 01196 made March 27th, 1905, for SVfVt of NW4 Section 22, Township 9, South of Range 6, West of Willamette Meridian, and as grounds for his contest he alleges that Clifford Jacob Simmons never at any time established a residence on said land; that said entryman never at any time improved any por tion of said land; that he has wholly abandoned said land ever since the date of said entry to the present time. You are, therefore, further noti fied that the said allegations will be taken by this office as having been confessed by you, and your said en try will be canceled thereunder with out your further right to be heard therein, either before this office or on appeal, if you fail to file in this office within twenty days after the FOURTH nublication of this notice, as shown below, your answer, under oath, specifically meeting and re sponding to these allegations of con test, or if you tan witnin mai nine to file in this office due proof that vou have served a copy of your an swer on the said contestant either In person or by registered mall, li tnis service is made by the delivery of a copy of your answer to the contest ant in person, proof of such service must be either the said contest ant's written acknowledgment of his receipt of the copy, showing the date of its receipt, or the affidavit of the person by whom the delivery was made stating when and where the copy was delivered; if made by reg istered mail, proof of such service must consist of the affidavit of the person by whom the copy was mailed stating when and the post office to which it was mailed, and this affi davit must be accompanied by the postmaster's receipt for the letter. You should state in your answer the name of the post office to which you desire future notices to be sent to you. II. F. HIGRY, Register. J. C. ARDREY, Receiver. Date, of first publication Friday, May 3d. 1912. Date of second publication Friday, May 10th, 1912. Date of third publication Friday, May 17th, 1912. Date of fourth publication Iriday, May 24th. 1912. " E 11 RAliD FLOUR Is made by the Eickreall Mil ling Company, manufacturers of the celebrated "Blue Stem Blend." It is in great demand and we are selling big quan tities of it. New Crop Dates Just In. Simonton & Scott Court Street Dallas, Ore. Sunrise Restaurant LLOYD KOIIARI, Proprietor Meals and short orders served at all hours. Everything new and clean. Specialties. ChoD Suey and Noodles Smith Building; Main and Mill 8treeU Dallas, Oregon TH HIW CAMPANrLK. w ,i(v nit- frA m n L' p room for an entire ly new work or whether they should be preserved and eniargea so as iu i-j n,iAa ft flip npw base. The latter scheme was adopted. A ditch about sixteen feet was dug all round the old foundation to the width of about twelve feet and carefully brat ticed. Into the area thus laid bare they diove 3.076 piles of larcbwoud from Cadore. rresn cut so i the presence of abundance of resin. The average diameter of the piles was eight and one-half inches. The piles were on an average thirteen feet long and were driven home to what is known to builders as absolute resist-ance-that Is. until they yielded one millimeter to each blow from a weight of 570 poinds raised four feet all Inches. . These piles are calculated to have a carrying power of 00.000 tons. The weight of the new tower Is a little over 20,000 tons. At the angles the plies are In eoa tact with one another: elsewhere tb7 average a doaen to the square ytrd. The total enlargement of the founda tion amounted to 232 square yards. The pile driving wii completed on Oct Then came the attack on the old foundations, consisting of a cut made eight feet all round, so that the new platform could be knitted to th old. Then on the top of this new platform massive Mocks of Itrian i.Jne cut In paralleloplpede were carefully cement ed together. Thee stones, noted for their fine grain, were ia ',eT" course and made to enter Into the o,d foundations to the depth of !x feet inches- The largest blocks were feet nine inch In length and four feet seven inches In width. The whole tower Is linked topetber and nmrt stand or fall like a monolith It will never train crumble up rop la component parts. The number of bricks employed la about 1.000,000. Summons, In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Polk County. Depart ment No. 2. Lyman A. Warner, Plaintiff, vs. Benjamin Metzker, deceased, the un known heirs of Benlamin Metzker, deceased, William Howe, deceased, and the unknown heirs of William Howe, deceased. Also all other persons or parties unknown claim ing any right, title, estate, lien or Interest In the real estate described in the complaint herein. Defend ants. Summons. To Benjamin Metzker, the unknown heirs of Benjamin Metzker, William Howe, and the unknown heirs of William Howe. Also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest In the real estate described in the com plaint herein, defendants. - ., nf th Ktate of Oregon' 111 IIIC lira 111.. - ou are required to appear and an- er the complaint niea aganbt you v... k,. onHtleri milt within sU eeks from the date of the first pub- cation of this summons, wnicn Id date is the Z4th day oi 12. and It you xaii iu " West Side Marble Worlts G. L. HAWKINS. Proprietor. MONUMENTS. HEADSTONES AND CURBING, i A Complete Line of Alt Latest Defllirnn Star Transfer Company GRAVEL FOR SALE All who want Gravel please order of us. General Express and Transfer Busi ness. Stand at Webster's Confect ionery Store. Phono 511. Barn Phone 1074. G. A. & L. C. MUSCOTT DALLAS OREGON GRAND FINAL Lace Curtain Sale AT DEPOT STORE ON CHURCH STREET Tl one fine Imported goHls will bo returned to Now York City next wet. In order to reduce the bulk of this shipment and to afford the people of Dallas and vicinity a last chance, we liuve urranged for a final sptvlnl sale next Friday and Saturday, May 2i and 25, at prices a trifle above wholesaler cost. Never again will there Io such nil opportunity.' The Depot Store On Church Street Dallas Iron Works Machinists Foundryinen Pattern-Makcra. SAWMILL WORK A SPECIALTY We are prepared to dc any kind ot Iron and Brass work. Lumber trucka and Stock work on hand. We make the best and cheapest Stump Puller . on the market Prloea reasonable. Soehren Warehouse Co. CEMENT CUBBINGS AND WALKS We handle a full line of Cedar and Oak Fence Posts, Brick, Lime, Sand and Cement, Land Plaster, Drain Tile, Shingles, Fire Brick. Hair, Wall Plast er and Hod Supplies. One block south of depot Phone 1484 klM - OVER eo CXPERI D YEARS' CNCE X '-"11" '""1 ' Trade Marks DeaiaNS Copyrights Ac quick lr uoartaln our oikmidii tree ,4V Deaiaws 'fffffl COPYRIGHTS! Anton ending iketch nd (iMcrlntlnn mr invention It prohnblr Pl1n,'','En"V tent frefc Oi!et Mencfur nm;urlii(r patent. Patens taken tlirouith Muim Co. ru tpectalnotict, without ebnrna, lath Scientific American. A huniHomelr IHwitnitM wWT. lrmrt felUNN&Co.881Br0id""'NewM "nriioh omoireas f St, WwhiugtuQ. li.0. Tor Twentieth Century Printing com to the Office of the Polk County Observer Its The Home of Good Printing want thereof th plaintiff will apply a. fur a lurinrment and oe- ree against you as prayed for in the complaint, town: iw j '"" Is the owner in fee simple of the fol lowing described premises, towlt: o .v.. Nnrtheast Corner of the H. V. Reed D. L. C. In Tp. S. R 6 W. of the W. M. in Pom l ouniy, Oreron, and running thence West . chains; thence North 12.JS chains; thenre Kast 2S.8S chains; thence Houth 16.6 chains; thence et 2J 90 chains; tnence .k- ni.i nf herlnnina and containing 44.54 acres. mre or lew. That all M -- fendants may be determined by a de cree of said court. 2) That by said decree It be decreed and dJudKl that the said defendants and each of them have no estate or to"1"' ever In or to said parcelj of land and that the title of plaintiff thereto is iood and valid: and (II That the .id defendants and each of them b for ever enjoined and debarred from as serting any claims whatever or to ,id land sdverae to plaintiff and that plaintiff may have, j othrt relief as may -em meet Hh " 'y This summons, by an order of the Hon. Ed F. Coad. County J ' Polk Countv, OreisoB. on the 21t nay f Mac, 112. Is P-rvA un you by publimtion thereof for a triod of conutive week. Immed ut- y prior to the 5th day of July, he Polk 'ountr Orver. a ne-pap-r of general circulation printed at Dallas, in said Countv. Attorney tor TUintiff. 5-24 -2 HERBIK1 For the Bowels A Cure for Chronic Constipation, Torpid Liver and Irregular Dowel Movements. Constipation Is tha most comment d'or'r el ! th '.7'onIi ezercls than tha occupations pf men; therefor women most from Us baneful effact 4- -r BmaU Pox. Tellow F.Y.f and Brlht'a J t'pT.a tun and nervous waksfulness at BigbC Price SOc per Bottle. ST. LOUtt. ftttu Kr fal ymt Wsak flskt or Sara Krt w ' It CONUAD STAFltlN 1 LOW ROUND TRIPS EAST j On the date, flven below, round trip ticket, will b. .old from Port..nd to th. point, In th. Ea.t shown below and " .t rreatlv reduced fare, quoted. Your home ajent will sell tnew "icket. v,a The North Bank Road at s.ightly h.rher fare, on request MIST INSURANCE T LOW CtIT OorStll CUITIC WlllTUTt, KmiT.UUCilaST8CIiltl WOODilD, CUUI ACOt Atlantic City. 1111. 00 Baltimore .... 107.50 Boston lie. 00 Buffalo 1-E0 Chicago 7z.te Colorado Springs S5.00 Inver 5 ' May J June 1 July 2 August Through Trains East In connevHJoB wltb XurUicrs Pacific and Crea Xorthem lUilwaya. Omaha Philadelphh Pltuburf . Bt Louis . 6L Paul .. Toronto ... Washington 0 00 49 09 . 72.50 0 00 101.00 10S to sso.oe 70 00 o oe II so 107.S0 Detroit Duluth Kansa. City. Milwaukee . Minneapolis Montreal . . . New York .. IHTKS OF 8ALK. ?: !I: i: ... . . . im- I. J. J. . "-. L s. i$- ,9 1 Utopovera return Octooer i. r . . . ... n. fnrnUhed cn request. sr m.' r.fnui rm 1 m i Km, w. i ... w. n. coMiV. Ceal rrrislit aod r"- AtU Portland, Oreg"o. j Final rt; Observer Want Ads Pay