Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, May 24, 1912, Page THREE, Image 3

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8 DAYS til
DUN i r raise.
TTTTiTT? lot
S, MAY 21,
Will Be The
of This Sale
DidYou Visit OurStore Yet?
To Remind You That The Stock
Reducing Sale We Advertised Last
eek is Still in Progress.
And If You
It is indeed gratifying to state that it has been proved from the start a phenomenal success. It has been pro
ven by the amount of business we have done, that the Buying Public are quick to realize Real Values when
they see them. '
There is one occurence we regret exceedingly: Namely: that we were a little shorthanded and that has caused
some delays in waiting on the people and we are sorry that some went away not being waited upon at an.
We sincerely apologize and promise better service in the future. Open daily until 8:30 p.m., baturday np.m.
Our entire shoe stock is at your service at a Discount
of 10 Per Cent.
All $1 and $1.25 Shirts (Oh! what a lot we OCa
vJvp snlftt are OJI'
V mw- f
REMEMBER! We are selling the famous "Mallory
Cravenette" Hat, sold the world over at ffO 7C
$3.50, during this sale at
All $10.00 Men's Suits are
All $12.50
All $15.00
All $17.50
All $20.00
All $22.50
All $25.00
$ 8.00
John B. Stetson Hats - - - 53.7b
All other hats reduced in proportion.
Special Sale on all Straw and Panama Hats
Special Bargains For Friday and Saturday in our Boys' Pep't
Pick out any Boys' Knickerbocker suit, look at the
price, it is marked in plain figures, take off 15 per
cent ana tnat s an mere 15 iu u.
Young Men's Suits Reduced Proportionately
r..rM.i n., i The store (ExDt Overalls and Collars) Reduced From 10 to 25 Per Cent.
Have you visited our store during this sale? If you haven't you are the loser, and you better not delay any longer. -
Bear in Mind: We never Exaggerate in our advertising. "When You See It In Our Ad, It s So.
Leading Clothier
Dallas, Oregon
I v .11 ..llllUllll ill. Illlll. I III I 11 I""""""" " 1
I l w p u am. 1 iwww'ii' - Mw;'' run "-'
TrFfc rrryj rs O
rlIJi iAJUiy 1 I I Vi3 rr o i Mivirjt vxr
PATTC PTTV I M- Young made a tnp
filljiia XX s. nnfl I snetz Basin Wednesday.
Mr. two wnrtzenbereer and ouc" " . . . ,t f
, , ' , t,:.,,. Mrs. E. Fiona ana uuue"".
wugiuri aic YwimiB "m
Mrs. Maggie Talbott was a Salem
firitor Friday.
! Warren McKown went to Portland
Sunday, where he has secured em-
Amon Mvers made a trip to Dallas
nday in his auto.
J lira. M. R. Flower spent a tew u
tie last of the week visiting her par
ents, ilr. and Mrs. Robinson, in Mon-
Oscar Ellis came home from Dal
lu Sunday to visit his parents.
Busny Burns, of Bridgeport, was a
taday visitor in Falls City.
Mr. and Mrs. Chester McSherry
Jd daughter are guests at the home
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George
Oscar Groves, of Bridgeport, was a
auiraay caller In Fans city.
T . -; , ... - n . i .1 CnriaV.
mmtKT leu lor rui Litvin-
we he has secured employment in
1 Ko-V i
- mwuct snop.
Mrs. Edna Servey was a passenger
Salem Friday.
Mrs. Florence Erickson, of Black
lock, m iui.r.iniF in niir rltv Tues-
Saw Courter went to Oregon City
Charley Stoddard was a passenger
"reSon city Tuesday.
Lambert Shepard went to the Siletz
''win Tuesday on a fishing trip.
Hrve and Archie Montgomery
,rrt passeng.-rs to Dallas Tuesaaj.
there they purchased a bicycle.
Mr- and Mrs. A. Kimball and son
he... .
moved to Black Rock.
vwd Hill, of Independence, was
'isitor in Falls Citv Wednesday.
Eelle Brown, of Bridgeport,
u visitor here on Wednesday,
Officer made a business trip
Jake Teal have
..rnuer maae a du:
Black Rock Wdenesday
Xr nd Mrs. Jake 1
to town.
. Mr. Gates made a trio to Black
Eack Wednesd ay.
twrintendent Revmour visited
hool on Friday.
llr nd Mm niihart.on. of Black
?re Sunday caller In Falls
nd Mrs. F. P. Heyden were
"'rt to Salem Wednesday
Mahr left for Texas Wednes
" dniay to Join her husbsnd
were visiting Joe Floria
Oregon City
on Friday.
Mrs. Quivey, of Independence, was
a visitor on j-tiuu.
ir snlnnev and son made a busi
ness trip to Dallas Saturday.
M I Thompson maae "'P l
Salem Saturday.
Mr. Bohlie bought a nan inierCBt
in Gates' barber shop.
mim Lollta West spent sunuay
her parents at Black Rock.
...... .1 . 11 t n
Oliver Rowe was a iioownt,"
Dallas Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. G. iU McAlurpny
Dni-Hgnil Katur-
a business irip i
day. . ..
Mr. Mills, of BlacK bock,
our streeU Saturday.
n A. Spinney came
. -nr. j .j., hrineing her
Portiana -
mother with her to spena
wenvo. ,
Vm E. Bosler, of Black koch,
a visitor Saturday.
fro J. sievena uinc
Mr. ,
from Portland Wednesday in their
new automobile.
... t Mnrnhv ana aausni".
Iowa, are stopping a few days in our
Mrs. Gertie Krens, 01
Sunday with her sister. Jin.
A. Fisher, 01
. enturdav.
v. Marv Hammond was a pa.s-n-
K,r to Salem Friday
William hOrU BI1U
Tetherow gave
rieTy he nome of Mrs. William
Ford, Wedn-sday. me
S n'x-rUUnt were:
Shames Moye, Krame, A-HanJ.
Sn Montgomery.
STHuM-r-. Waters. Tice. c
Barnhart, Starr. - nd
nd Mis Himn.-
Carolyn Ellis. as
M i FaliS City this
i.ited relative, in Fans
'Tr luring Frink i, voting her
erand parents in Corh
Harold tr,. liing,
pacific urveyinif crew ai -i
"cl" vrnndav morning,
logging camp Monday
j Vrm. J R- Mover h'
Vr and Mra. J- ,v- ks'
j fter a several
rtuned home, ' 1 '
Salem and Portland.
Mra F. EH is. of Black Rock.
shopping in our city the first of the
week, unfortunately sprained her
ankle. Mr. Saxby, her brotner-i..-
law, took her home in a livery rtg.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Buell and daugh
ter, of Independence, spent Saturday
and Sunday visiting rtiu
Miss Pearl Titus was a mac
visitor Tuesday.
Ronald White and Lavon uoiu..
visited the Black Rock school Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. xl. vanani mc ...
Mr. Haddock, the barber, nas gun
to Portland.
Otto Kendall returned nome nu...
Salem Monday.
Phil Porter is spending a iew uoj.
in Portland.
J. J. Sammons was at nome u.
Dallas over Sunday.
Otto Elkins cut his 1001
working at the logging camp Thurs
day. .
i. 1- to who nas oerii ...
Albaivy for some time, returned home
t.- a, ini.hu. of San Anionic.
is working for Marion Corbtn In the
barber shop.
Pro A leer. 01 xmua.o.
il I DO " -
the week visiting her sister, Mrs. c
W. Davis.
Miss Blanche Kinney, of Dallas
,n,-nt Sunday with Pearl Titus.
Mr Davenport, who operates a.
street carnival company, was In our J
citv Thursday, arranging for a four- ,
days" exhibition here, June 0, . . .
and S.
Mrs J P Dewitte, of Monmouth,
came to our city Friday morning to
attend her daughter, Mrs. C. R O
Brien. who has been -riousl ill the
Mrs M. J. Moreland and three
children, of Sisters. Oregon, visiieo ,
her aunt. Mrs. A. E. l-- "
,.f the week, while on the way to th. r
new home at Eugene.
Jerry Snyder and Mrs. Charley Dill ;
drove to Independence and Sal-m
..ndar In Mr. Dill's auto.
nd family
guest, at the home of Clarence A.k
man Sunday.
where she intends to be at home for
the future.
Messrs. V. Dennis, B. Wonderiy, J.
1 onrt n Wonderiy were pas
sengers to Portland Sunday, to make
a filing on their claims xuesuaj.
Mrs. George Siefarth was given a
birthday dinner at the home of Mrs.
Dick Paul Friday, xnose presem
were Mesdames Gottfried, Cobb, Sey
mour, Aurland, Moyer, Ellis, Samp
son. Little, George, Gladys, Jessie,
Byron, Paul, Frances, Lillian, and
Willard Hatch, and Carolyn Ellis.
8. T. Jones, supertnienueni ui w.
o w r m. W and K. MCorinn-iv,
of Dallas, came to our city on the spe
cial 7:30 train saiuruay CvC......
They visited at the home of I. O.
SlnKleton. '
Elvin Snyder Is on me n
James Robbie, of Dallas, was a
Sunday visitor.
Robert Muscott. or uaiias. .p..
. 1 . . . . m .ltr f f V
xi, anA Mrs. John Chamberlain
are the proud parents of a baby boy,
v Muv IS.
Mrs. William Ellis entertained the
, on saturaay. ot
1 oilr.im refreshments. Th
following guests were present: lies-
... -1 A X? liti
dames Brown, uianermiu.
Buell. Talbott. Har-
. .i...nn- ikh and uma
rio, tiuiio" ' ,
i k furnlvn EIHh anJ
uiMia "
Mrs. W. F. Nichols is sp. nd ng a
lew davs In Portland.
. m9v left for Pen.lletor,
Sunday to attend the grand lde "t
the I. O. O. V.
... i mad.- a busineF. trip
1 . 1 .
to Blak Kock Sunday.
... a i.aKfenijer to
Mr. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 " " "
P.lack Rock Sunday.
xi,. iJlfv Hammett. of Garwin
I.r..lh.r. J. II.
Ioa. 1. isia
r.unn Siefarth. of Bridgeport
.,-nt Sunday with Alfred Vick.
.. m. 1. nuite sick with
e i rri a . " ' 1
... .. j . t.,r,hrt went to fa-
er' . . ..j.- . rt.irate to the Ep
lera t iiu.j -
f.. invention. After the
. i.-t ith Mrs
man J'unaaj. : convention
- v f!iltrt. ho ha. been Pu(. ,skirk.
' .hr Mra. I. E- Teth-i ...,.. r,f Black P.O. k.
visiting n-i ; ecie
for the tt three montha. weni . pundr.
r' ii.nd. WaKhlngton. Sunday, to. ... xirKown. of Lake
, ... ..,., with the, . -v . .... v..
loin her nuonu. , county. i vis ling ner
. . . D.rkAtm. .,
little aausnin . and Mra. J. K- Moyer.
Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Rigs, and Mrs.
Fannie Mulkey and daughter, Marga
ret came over from Salem in their
auto Sunday, and visited at the home
of their niece, Mrs. A. G. McLean.
Flovd Hayes and Fred uersn-
berger attended the ball game at
McMinnville Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Eades spent buiiuhj
at A. Hill s.
Charley Brown and his mother, anu
!.,. c.ihor and Anna Johnson, of
Willamina, spent Sunday at J. ,&
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Guttry visited
at Allen McLean's Sunday.
Dana. X JinJ?:lZ.r Z M 1. f Mr. and Mra
Mr Grier Puna.y. ,.B(hB. Jonah L Sunday.
r8B her Journey to Quincj.
Leroy Rem pie has the measles.
Sam Hlgglns, of Falls City,
working for E. T. Hayes.
Miss Edith Allen, of Gilliam, is
staying with Miss Pearl Mangus, and
training hops for Murk Buich of
Mrs. George Swearingen is very
sick. . .
Mrs. E. Clarke is improving rast.
E. Wonder end family spent Sun
day with his parents.
Mr. Allen expects to go 10 '""'"'
A , Mnnmnilth this Wek.
w i.u . " .......... -
h Hlnkle. of Antioch. tradea on nn
place for a place in Monmouin.
R. M. Smith sold a nne cw .
M. Bosley last week.
a J Khloley made a business imp
to Monmouth Saturday.
i,. w. Mmck maue m
Air. niiu ' '
. m, v. Clarke.
in 1 ' " " - - t
tr n Sullivan made a Kusine 1
trip to Monmouth Tuesday. j
C. M. Shipley went to jnimniuui" 1
V A Flshback has l.een nauunn
wood to Monmouth lately.
Dr. Matthis was in hunn) ."i.r
t ...... r..i xi.ects to market a l"t
of wood in Independence this sum
Mix. Peachln. of Anloch, was Ma
lting friends in Monmouin
and Sunday.
t-larence Mc"aleb made a iwv.
trip to Monmouth Monday. s
I l.vl. mndn Ina Dlehm, of 1
Smlthneld. visited with Jake Edig'H
Mr. and Mra. 8. H. fcoirr
cently for Kansas.
Robert nd F.da O Keliey, 01 uru
wood, were visitor, at th. home of
E. T. Have Sunday .ftemoon and
Mr. and Mr.. Clyde Getchell. of
Daltaa, visited at the home of th Ut
ter, parent. Mr. and Mra. 4.
ru.. Sunday afternoon.
Mra. E. T. H.yea nsuea ,
home of Mra Poe. .f Dallaa,
The beautiful spring showers are
making everything grow, and the
... .uin have one of the heaviest
crops of hay it ha. had for year.. The
pear crop around Monmouin win
Bhort, owing to the cold ruins whllo
they were In bloom.
j. h. stump and Carl liemuree ien
Saturday for the East. They expect
to be gone a month.
Allen Clark started for tne r.ai.inu
states Saturday.
Mrs. William Brown ana ner ih..t.,
Mra Etta Flower, of Falls City, were
the guests of their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. H. Robertson, Suturday.
Mrs. Ira Smith and two daughter.,
Misses Ruth and Catherine, and son
Hugh, of Marshfield, were visiting
friends and relatives in town last
week. They formerly lived In Mon
mouth. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Phillip, of Dal
las, were the guest, of Mr. and Mrs.
(Continued on l'age Six)
We Have A Fine List Cf Pom
County Property
Comprising some of the Bent Buys
In City nd Farm 1-anu. ro.
tbing to .uit all need, and pock-etbooks.
Gty property and acra tract.
Inatallment plan.
1J0 Main Street Phona 1154
A IS acre and a Jl acre prune
orchard for aale.
ConKcue to liat your property
1 -"uw ma jr. tr.
,T to the mounUins for a ttw