, I i POLK COUNTY OBSERVER t,J i iivlliWiirMiW''irrliiiiri'iiii 1 T-iriiilliriniininliii'' nnniniiirmmrt innniir Miir " I " ' ' '"' 11 " " '''Jl, " , -- "v i If ""A r- 3 TWO i or r M w ..iSi i .j f - - -j ? i i-,, -i - m PL1 J Ik M g jv V.vwy cLiaV i. d MfmtuwiMWi ,lf" 1 1"nM " 1 A Day of Recreation, Sport and Amusement Something Doing Every inij The Famous B) A 'fa iLdi e sds Jiai" Italia bL1 Pl6CCSB will furnish music throughout the day and in the evening under the auspices of MMfflCIAL CL thP Rand will dive their first oDen-air concert of the season on Court House bn aMF 4k K V w W W M w w - iii.uniii.uiii' J' Z - 1 iriT 1lr L.iju-mBMrai M'riiwaiig J WS. JM IR.na iO 0 I A I v Composed of Beautiful Floats, Trade Features, and Handsomely Decorated Auiomouiies ana nurse mawii v cmwiw. xercises at me wove Immediately after Street Parade Speaking by GOVERNOR WEST, MAYOR CRAVEN, J. W. MILLS, Supreme Treasurer United Artisans, DR. J. B. OLMSTED, and other Prominent Men of the State. MUSIC. A chorus of 60 voices under the di rection of Mrs. Ella J. Metzger, will ren der selections during the exercises. Bring Your Basket Lunch, Renew Old Acquaintances and Make New Ones Commencing at 2 P. M. Motorcycle Race, Horse Race, Foot Race, Hose Race, Obstacle Race, Pie Eating Contest, Pillow Fight, Tug Of Warj between Airlie and Da! BALL GAME Between the Married and Single M Cash prizes given in all the above eve i Cash Prize of $5.00 will be given to Best Decorated Automobile, Horse Drawn Vehicle and Trade Float or Feaj This will be the gala day of the season pcr-p mill lr All Assemblies and Others are Cordially invited