Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, May 17, 1912, Page FIVE, Image 5

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    r MAY il, 1912
G. A. Shields, of McCoy, was In the
city -Wednesday. -' -' - " J
S. H. Tethtrow, of Falls City, was
a Dallas visitor Wednesday.
Ross Nelson, of Independence, was
a Dallas visitor Wednesday, f
Miss Bessie Chipman returned to
her home in Corvallis Thursday.
' Absoluiety Pure
The only Baking Powder made
from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar
Hi d 11 1 L L :
Chiropractic adjustments. Dr. E. J.
Scheetz. 618 Church St., near depot. '
J. H. Shepherd, Main Street Jew
eler, and R. AV. Bennett, Watchmak
er. William H. Trindale, of galem, was
a business visitor in the city Wednesday.
Week In Society
Entertains for Mrs. Pascoe.
l1n Thursday last Mrs. S. B. Taylor
0n 1 ,fmallv for Mrs. W. W.
1 (nee Helen Wright) of Taco
iW" . h bus been her
le guest for the past week. Those
m during me
wi she was instructress in the kin-
arten in mis c.c, .
The hostess was assisted in
Ig a dainty lunch by Misses
lothv and Marjorie Bennett. Cards
re left by Mesaamea. j. 'e""-!
wr Hayter, George R. Gerlinger,
S.L. Chapman, Conrad Stafrln, C. A.
knnett, C. L. crmer. j. v
il J. L. White, W. A. ocnoei..
Elaborate Card Party.
loro-fst mh well as the
One oi
Lt elaborate card partlesof the sea-
l-luBl 1 . inllo
L is to be given Dy jyiesuamro
rarth W. Fuller ana umo wmmmo
, the home of ' Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
Ms on May 23, the invitations lor
rtlch will be out next week. ' ,
ur and Mrs. Fonso Manston enter-
Lined at cards last week for Mrs.
lawton's brother, Dr. Stafrin, or
.lanH They had as tneir guests
jr. and Mrs. William Kaerth, Mr. and
Iri. C. B. Sundberg, Mr. and ,Mrs.
Sodge Blcknell, ' MIbs Dessie Rldge
,ar and Miss Clara Pfesser and Her-
un Layher, of York, NebrasKa, wno
. .. . - AT'inutntl
ire the nouse sueaiu m mo
home. Dr. Stafrin left Tuesday for
Washington,. where he will remain for
sveral months.
Mrs. George Gerlinger entertained
informally for Mrs. Helen Wright
Paicoe, on Saturday, May 11.
The Enworth League of the M. E.
shimh will hold their anniversary
Lrvicea next Sunday evening, May 19,
I o'clock. A good program will be
Misses Fannin Dempsey, Ada Long
rker and Cora Tuft ' returned from
lihort visit at Salem the first of the
Mk, where they were sent as dele-
ales to the Epworth League conven-
held in that city at the South
fethodist church.
Miss Frances Dempsey was elected
cretary of the Epworth League of
felon district, comprising Sherluan,
loodburn, Forest Grove, Dallas and
Icliinnvllle and surrounding cities.
the last annual conference. She
'ill commence her duties Immedl-
Literary Section to Meet.
The Llterarv section of the Wo-
nan's club will meet at the home of
i Oscar IIatyer Wednesday after
son, Hay 22, at 2:30 o'clock. This
will be the last meeting for the sum
mer, and all members are requested
to be present. Officers are to be
elected and other business of im
portance must be settled at this time.
Kemcmlm1 Their Teacher.
The pupils of Mrs. Frank Wing,
who will leave for an extended visit
East In a few days, presented her
with a beautiful book Tuesday even
ing, several of them calling to make
the presentation, under the chaper
onage of Miss O'Connell The evening
was pleasantly spent at games, and re
freshments were served late in the
Philogians' Society Feast.
An old swinging bridge, just north
of the city, overhung with dense
green foliage and surrounded by a
soft carpet of ferns and short grass,
was as picturesquely beautiful a spot
as could possibly have been chosen
for the D. ' H. S. Philogian society's
feast on Wednesday night. Miss Jean
Kuykendall (one of the chaperones),
was undoubtedly mistress of cere
monies, spending most of her time
building fires, toasting marshmat
lows, reading and introducing jokes.
During the evening she read "Pigs is
Pigs," after which Miss Lillian Fel
lows read "Fleas is Fleas,' by the
same author, both of which caused a
great deal of merriment. This pop
ular young women's society is strict
ly a feminine organization, composed
I of about 37 co-eds of the Dallas High.
One of the rules of the society Is -that
'no male members shall be admitted,
i to ridicule its secret workings. It
! has been a decided success this year,
most of the girls being faithful and
regular in their attendance at 'its
weekly 'meetings, held on Monday
nights. Each girl has taken her
tnrn" on the different programs pre
sented, which were highly interesting
'and entertaining, as well as educa
tional. The celebrated debating team
!of the school was taken from the
ranks of this exclusive society. The
jchaperones Wednesday night were:
I Miss O'Connell, Miss Cora Rossiter,
; Miss Marguerite 'McCosky, and Miss
Jean Kuykendall. The members of
'jthe society and guests were: Misses
.Miriam Hart, Lola Ramsey, Susie
i Ramsey, Muriel Grant, Georgia Fiske,
I Marie Griffin, Lillian Fellows, Leonilla
i Smith, Olive Coulter, Birdie Odom,
Irwio' nflom Claudia Brown, Pearl
Phillips, Caroline Ghorke, Josephine
Luebke, Pauline Coad, Dora Hayes,
Georgia Ellis. Elva Lucas, Anna
Farmer, Alice Miles, Lucile Hamilton,
Louise Miles, Mabel Grant, Ava Coad.
t ckriP Mildred Skersles, Oda
Blodgett, Dorothy Bennett, Marjorie
. T.,th UttieDaKt?.. nu."
lieniieiv, , . - ,
Campbell and Alfreda Garner.
Mrs. Thomas Fennell, of Independ
ence, was in the city on court business
A. W. Fish and J. W. Morton, of
Salem, were in the city the first of
the week.
; Ross Nelson, of Independence, was
a business visitor in the city the first
of the week.
We are in the market for wool,
and paying 20c per pound. Crider's
General Store.
R. L. Davidson, of Independence,
was a business visitor in the city the
first of the week.
Miss Lelia Leuck, of- Dallas,- was
registered at the Marlon Hotel in Sa
lem Wednesday.
Moss Walker, owner of the Walker
Hotel, at Independence, wasa busi
ness visitor in the city Wednesday. .
Sol. A. Herzog, of Portland, who
has been visiting his father In this
city, returned to his home Wednesday.
Phone 1252, French dry cleaning,
sponging and pressing. Clothing
called for and delivered. McKnlght
514 Mill street.
From now until furtner notice the
Union Meat Co. will have bulk lard
(home rendered) for sale in any
amount. Phone No. 13.
. " ....
A few are rich enough to buy on impulse and change if they find they were mis-,
taken, but with most persons the automobile is, next to the home, the most im
portant purchase. MITCHELL Cars are built for people who cannot afford to
make a mistake, the more you know and the closer you investigate, the more
you'll realize that Mitchell Cars give you the most for your money and are made
to last indefinately. K
What's tlte'tTse
"0 Buffer Mith snr n'M When On
-ic tube of Sutherland's Eagle. Eye
;ilve will cure you. We guaran?e
u. We guarantee it. You rUsk
"thing, it's a creamy, snow white
intment. Sold by Conrad Stafrin.
! boot:
That He Delivers
To all parts of the city
I and that he makes it
&s business to be
Legal blanks for sale at this office.
Dr. McNicol, Osteopath, 719 Court.
Get your fresh country butter at
Crider's General Store.
Piano for rent. Inquire of L. D
Daniel the piano man.
! Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Frink, of Falls
'city, were Dallas visitors Tuesday.
' Specia sale of tutcher Knives at
, 9 5. values
Crider's oenerai biuic.
' f0r 15C' if
' Headquarters of the Oregon Fire
Relief Association will be found in
Room 21. New Bank Building, at the
head ot me bi"-
A A Allen, of Rkkrcall. has been
ln ,he 'citythe ,-ast week on court
! business.
1 A good selection of goods and the
ibest quality at Shepherd s Jewelry
store. 425 i Mainjtreet.
1 r H Knox and H. Charles Duns
mor;.. of independence, were county
' court visitors Wednesday.
M Harry CreTtTand little daugh
tJ of Falls City, were in the t
visiting friends Thursday.
! r,r F E Fisher returned this
!mng from DaHas. where he was
leaned as a witne , to bm.tP rt
- independence
Daily Capitol Journal.
Walter L. Tooze and the twins, the
well-known high school debaters,
were in the city today on their way
from Falls City to Salem. Albany
Drs. Hewitt. Butler and Ketchum,
of Independence, motored over Wed
nesday on county court business.
They were subpoenaed as witnesses
in the Kirkland trial.
viica Triiinhpth Montgomery left foj
a delayed trip. East, Thursday.-.' Sh
will visit with tnenas in iviuuimm
for several weeks before returning to
her home In Quincy, Illinois.
a matins of the Polk County
Pmiltrv association will be held at
the court house on Saturday, May 18,
at 1 o'clock p. m. All memDers are
urgently requested to be present.
noiins Wood Yards, Koptah
Coal and Wood; 16 inch and 4-foot
wood delivered to any part of the
city promptly on telephone can 'i-fice-
334.; residence 663.
W. L. BARBER, Dealer.
Repairing of watches and jewel
ry at the Shepherd Jewelry store
pleases many people; try us; we can
please you.
Carries Only Full Line.
At Crider's General Store is car
ried ths only full line of dishes to be
found in Dallas, Including the famous
Haviland China productions, all at
prices fully as low as those found in
any city store.
The Customer
who buys
Blair Writing
comes bach
I another
Bookseller and Stationer
421 Main Street
MiUhell i-ars are ecoiiomiial to operate, and in apiH-aranco thoy Hums with cars that cost three
times as much.
Don't buy a ar hastily, look around; learn the tinimrtant points; xtiuly nil the ir you can;
every step in such things will emphasize the toiivictlon that th value offiwd in a Mitchell car Is the
greatest value In the automobile field today. ....
The new Mitchell "Baby Six" will electrify the American public, because It Is the car Unit the Amcr
loan public has been demanding for some time. MoreoviT, it will cause a readjustment of the public ewtl
niation of automobile values, or we are out of our element as prophets.
The five-passenger "Baby Six" at a reasonable price is a LOGICAL COMPKOMISK which the people
will receive with the keenest possible pleasure.
Be sure to see our new five-passenger "Mitchell Six." six cylinders, 4ti-horse power, Splltdorf dual
ignition system, self-contained oil in crank case; throe sliced forward ami one reverse; rear axle , full
floating, demountable; tires 36x1; wheel base, 125 Inches; five-passenger, fore-doors; inlce $1S0; equip
ment; top with cover, five lamps, Presto-Lite tank, speedometer, windshield, rolie and ftrall, one extra
demountable rim and holder. 1 ' i ." ; '
The car you ought to have at the prl-e you ought to pay,
simmj i.ioTon can co. jnc.
V. B. Scars Comes to IKtllas on High
Sccd From Bullston Home.
V. R. Sears, the well-known capi
talist of Ballston, who owns a gener
ous chunk of the northern part of
Tniir cnuntv. has a Ford five-passen
ger touring car of 22 horse-power,
he says. Some of the neighbors in
hi .in.HlItv have been handing him a
little guff to the effect that his Ford
wasn't such a very great affair, uiu
that it couldn't accompllsn wnai
their more expensive machines could
An with onse. So. the other day. Just
for a Josh Mr. Sears hitched up his
machine and, taking O. E. rocnt. an
other reliable citizen of BBllston,
with him, Jumped Into his car, threw
over the thingamtigig until It Jibed
with the kedlnkus. pulled the levr
that controls the doohickey and
slapped th Icter over into the . high
est notch and chugged away toward
Dallas. You couldn't see him for
smoke, and the way he sailed along
the county highways wa a caution.
He didn't move a lever nor bust a
irallus button until he reached th
N'lghtengale place, when he slowed
nuifh to take on a passenger
and proceeded on to Dallas, arriving
hre In S8 minutes from me unn
left home. Up hill and down dale the
Ford chugged blithely along and
never mlss'-d a chug. There was sim
ply nothing to it but speed, and Col.
; ho nan da it any time.
I rwiiia " ' .
iFocht says he did it all right, and.
jjohn Foster thinks It Is possible, so
j we have all the expert opinion n. c.--
The owners of the iegu
i.rired benzine buifgies are
therefore respectfully r-quest.-d to go
chase themselves.
! sary.
! high
Free Circus Street .Parade JS aS'
9 bands, 250 horses, S!tl
oeonle of all climes in native costumes will be shown in parade.
Wi tfaily-afternoon at 2, night at 8, doors open at 1
JVlwl52W tente. Admission 25 ccnU to see t alL
I Judge Percy K. Kelley I. ft for
Dallas to hold court. His plan is a
good one. Friday and Saturday h
sifts a docket, establishing the ca-s
(that are tr trial. He also has the
grand Jury appointed at the pr.vi..i
term mwt and do its buinesn. so that
when court convene. on .Monday.
; with its Jury, there will be no d-lay.
but busin.ss from the start. Albanj
' Jas C. pahlmann. serving his third
I frm a. mayor. Omaha, Nebr.. arain
! was sueceasful In receiving the over
whelming support of the voter. In the
! primary election. He also succew
' fullr rid himself of a ld of kid-
ey trouble by the aid of Foley Kid
nf.r Pill., and write.: I hav. Uken
Foly Kidney Pills nd they have
! riven me a great deal of relief I
! cheerfully recommend them." bat
! Foley Kidney Fill. hav. done for
j Mayor Dahlm.nn they toT
any othr penwn bothered with back
i ,che. rhenrr.atinn. or any other form
(of kidney or bladder troub. Jurt
try them for quick and permanent
rultiL gold by Conrad BUfrin.
Beo the rirUu Tonrin, Car, $l5 F. O. B.
Compkldy falpld HX estrm.
Before purch.,in, a c.r u. lv ou - d.mon.trat on of th.
t car. Phon. u. at Amity and w will be glad to call on oU at
- - a Unwr ttm mrit
muj vi row
F. W. fi C. R. NEWMAN amity.
Ar.nt. for Dallas .nd Northern Polk County.
by Conrad Stafrin.