, Candidates' Petitions. Every candidate for nomlna- tion at the primary election In April must use the standard pe- titlon blanks required by law. For sale at The Observer office. farm fo) ORG jl UWU ma Legal blanks for sale at this office. Legal blanks for sale at this office. BY n' iL 11 V a,TrrjiLPCLM.Tj! KQCUE RIVER VALLEY OREGON CORRESPONDENCE 'SOLICITED Thi matter must not be reprinted with out special permission.! It Is the corn In the ration of the lay ins bens that gives the yellow yolked eggs. Quite often the worst stretches of the country highway during the winter months are caused by the roadside weeds that were left stacdlug and served to catch the drifting snow. Between the heavy Ice bills of an unusually hot summer last year and the coal bills which are mounting up this severe winter the purses of many by the time spring comes will have a "lean and hungry" look. Often a man's attitude toward the public is In no other way more ac curately shown than in his disposition to keep the snow shoveled off that por tion of the walks bordering his place which he himself seldom uses. It is generally agreed now by med ical authorities that the contraction of colds of one type and another is more often due to the breathing of bad air and to overheating than to the mere exposure of oneself to fresh air out of doors. To those who are sitting up nights trying to keep their potatoes and other vegetables from freezing the sugges tion is made that they place a tub of water on the cellar floor. The water, being very susceptible, will tend to draw the frost first BUSINESS LOCALS (Advertisements under this head are charged at the rat of 1 cent per word, first Insertion; cent per word for each insertion thereafter; 30 words or less, $1 per month if paid In advance. No advertisement in serted for less than 13 cents. FOR SALE. FOR SALE Jersey bull, 2 years old; registered. C. Winters, Lyle farm; phone 9x8. 496-3-5 FOR SALE Good baled cheat hay and vetch hay for 18.50 cash. Bar ton Z. Riggs, Amity, Or. R 2, Phone Pink 525. .491-tf FOR SALE Two five year old horses, weight 1520. each; well bro ke, i; in fine condition. Six year old mare, weight 1550. Also Corbett mare, weight 1600; both mares bro ken. A. G. Roberts, Rickreall, Ore gon. 493-3-5 FOR SALE Selected New American Wonder potato seed; 2 cents per pound. A. O. Rempel, Dallas. Phone Dixie 615. 485-M-3-15 FOR SALE CHEAP One 2 inch tire heavy farm wagon ' used only three years; one double seated bug gy nearly new, at my residence 1 miles northeast of Dallas. A. B. Ratzlaff, Dallas. 487-2-27 J OR SALE Good second hand bug gy cheap. C. L. Crlder, Phone 4, Dallas. 478-2-13tf In an article in this department a short time since, under the caption "An Illinois Inquiry," reference was made to the price at which good dairy cows could be purchased. Tn print the range given was from $50 to $20 when it should have been from "$50 to $120." Boiling exactly three minutes makes an egg medium soft and nbout right for most folks who relish a soft egg at all. The same result is obtained by putting bu egg in a pint of boiling water and setting the dish off the stove and allowing the egg to remain in the water ten minutes. A corn belt boy, fifteen years old. of whom we read an account the other day, raised ninety-seven and a half bushels of corn per acre In a competi tive contest last year at a cost of 14 2-3 cents per bushel. It is question able if this lad's father was raising fifty bushels per acre before the youngster got interested in "better corn." FOR SALE 1000 prune trees and general line of Nursery Stock. L. Fosnot, Dallas, Route 1. 477-lm FOR SALE Eggs from Indian Run ner Ducks, (1 per setting. J. L. Cas tle, Dallas. Phone 1143-2. 473-3-1 li All That's Pto in Fashionabl dorms Garments is iier We invite inspection. We are building our trade on quality-the highest quality assures the most lasting success especially in. Ladies' Ready-to-Wear garments-the most exact ing infashion requirements. ' FOR SALE Indian Runner Duck Eggs. F. D. Thlelsen, Phone Rickre all Milling Company. 472-3 FOR SALE White Leghorn, Rhode Island Red, Barred Rock eggs, $1 per setting of 15; stock for sale, Al so four months' old Jersey bull calf. T. D. Phillips, Phone South. 470M2-27 FOR SALE Oak and Cedar Soehren Warehouse Co. Posts. Iltfl8 FOR SALE Modern 5-room cottage two blocks from Main street, on Mill. William Tatom. 384tf2 FOR RENT. FOR RENT Nice furnished room electric light and bath. 719 Mill street. 495-3-ltf Not only does the white heron fall a victim of wanton slaughter at nest ing time to gratify the whim of thoughtless women, who care a great deal more for adorning their bodies than they do of cultivating their hearts and minds, but also the crested grebes, which are slaughtered wan tonly to furnish decorations for wom en's hats. In one way the slaughter of the grebes Is worse in that it takes a greater numlwr of victims to provide a given decoration. FOR RENT Nice rooms on second floor, ton street housekeeping 619 Washing 480-l-13tf WANTKD. It has been the writer's experience that more damage is done by rabbits to orchard trees during February than any other month of the winter. It is usually the month of deepest snow, while the rabbits have lost most of their reserve flesh put on during the fall and are almost completely barred from their usual sources of food sup ply. If the sum Her trees have not been provided with protector of some kind a sharp lookout should lie kept to guard against damage beln? done Id this way. Thirty thousand pheatnnt eggs and 5.000 pheasants are to le distributed to farmers and sportsmen free during the present season from the slate game farm in Sherburne. N. V. F.ggs or birds will t went only to those from whom application are received. The esp will te distributed beginning In April, from flfteeu to eighteen esir being included In the sitting. The eggs are hatched under common hens, and the little pbeaiuni are hardy and seem to thrive under the condition found on the average farm. WANTED Girl for housework. Ap ply Mrs. II. Toner's Millinery store, Court street. 49 1-2-2 "tf WANTED Driving horse to use for a couplp of months for his feed. Ap ply to "S." Observer office. 492-tf WANTED All kinds of Iron, rubber, brass, copper, sine, and hides. High est cash prices paid. A. N. Halleck, Monmouth, Oregon. S-12tf M1SCKLLAXKOCS. A SNAP IN TRADE I own 75x140 feet on Eighteenth and Robinson streets In Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, which I will trade for Dallas prop erty or acreage mr the city. Okla homa City is the capital of the state. has 65.00D population, large whole sale houses, packing plants, etc., and Is jobbing snd manufacturing cen ter. Mrs. Stella Irfwls, St. Johns, Oregon. 4T6-Sl-Fdys Large Shipments of Spring Goods Arriving Every Day All that's New and Fashion able will be shown here, and the price will be within the reach of all. - Wm 1 it We Feel That We Are in a Position to Serve You Bet ter Than Ever Before. In remodeling the store we have gained much space and perfect light. Come and visit our new store, and tell us what you think about our new arrangement. W PPT MOM U id ii ifl Ua 1-nnSiJ kmmuM M M J W mm. DALLAS A Reliable Place To Trade OREGON In Dallas Pulpits KUU.s FOR HATCHING R. I. Reds that are red. the kind thst lay at five months of age; egg from pen one, no bird scoring less than SO points. $2 00 per 15; pen two. all fine birds. 11.59 irr 1$. J. S. Macomber, Dal las. Phone Rlack 2S. 471-3M While there may be some disadvan tage in the cae of the person who seems to think that the things he r esse are quite Mt fltnr than any tody else', tie 1 still several decrees heller off than the fellow who it at--ys discontented with his on achievements or possentdons and wt Is Jumping from this thing to thst con tinuously. wUh the idea that the new thlnf will pleas fcita nr or btlrj him better financial return. A feappf tneaa would seem to IS towewBer. b. tween the two type that la, a rea sonable MtUfactloa with wkat e d te or has, hot at th tarn Uom aa Intel ligect watifcfUlaoaa t Improve, kis con- COWS IHU-GUT AND SOLD Want ed, poad dairy cows; also cow for an! at all time. Ii. A. Campbell. SherlJaa. Ore. IIStfS4 VlOUX IXSTRl'CTIOX And piano tunisf. Reasonable rate. Satisfact ion aured. Leonard Thome, phone 139J; (It Waahlnirlon street. Dallas. 4S8-IlStf TOITR WINTER'S WOOD Order your slab wood bow anj b rure of havint- a food dry supply for Winter. I can a It you either slab, blocks or trimming. Can furnish any ether kind f wood desired. Plenty of food oak and Br. Send la your order by phon. I SI J. ACGrST BOUAH. Walter U Too, Jr, Lawver, Xew Leg 1 blank for ml at this cf3c. Presbyterian. Services Sunday, March 3. Sunday school 10 a. m. Morning- service 11 a. m.; topic of sermon. "Uvinir by DylnK. Christian Endeavor meeting at 6:30 m. Evening service 7:30 p. m.; topic of sermon, "Follow Thou Me." Prayer meeting Thursday evening 7:30. You are Invited to worship with us. t.ood music and a cordial greet ing. Special Muk' Morning. Voluntary, "Andante" Nava Response, "Gloria Patri" .Nelson Offertory. "Melody" Ashford Anthem. "Rock of Ages" .. Gabriel Kveniug. Voluntary. "Consolation" Lenandwpkl Response, "in thi Calm Hour" Itrooks Offertory. "Herceuse" Wilson! Anthem. "Savior Uke a Shepherd" j Nelson i naptL-O. Service Sunday, March i: Sunday school 10 a. m. Morning worship. 11 a. m.; them "Willingness." Junior society 8:30 p. m.; lesson. "A Long Journey After a Wife." Toung People" meeting $:39; "The Christian Virtues." Evening worship, 7:30; theme, "God s Image." Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7 39. H. JOHN VINE, Pastor. Chun of ChrM. Ilible vchooi 10 a. m. Don't fail to W present at thi Important -r-vtc. Remember that the Bib! school is a teaching ervc of the church o w'a ouU to Christ and to train th.m in Christian rrtca. There were two conversions Sunday. Per haps the Bible school won them. Christians are fast learning that sol Id teaching of the Bible is the most mighty factor in making conversions. Communion service 11 a. m. Ser mon subject, "Christ's Preeminence." Junior C. E. 4 p. m. Senior C. E. 6:30 p. m. Evening service 7:30. Subject, "I Am Not Ashamed of the Gospel." LEON L. MYERS. Minister. Christian Science. Christian Science services will be held in Adventist church Sunday. March S, at 10:30 a. m. Subject of lesson sermon, "Christ Jesus." 200.000 Tubes Of Sutherland's Eagle Eye Salve were sold in 1S0S and not one word of cumpiaini, mougn every tube was sold under a positive guarantee. It is good for nothing but the eyes. At Stafrin's drug store. Cottage Grove Sentinel: Cottage Grove has the largest grange in Or egon, if not on the coast. By the admission of 30 members Saturday the membership was raised to over 300. There are still nearly 50 on the waiting list. Hood window River Glacier: In a show are displayed two unlaue checkerboards. One, made by L. F. Morris, contains 9000 pieces of wood. The other is made of solid gold and silver leaf laid on a heavy plate glass and was a present to Mr. Stewart, the furniture man, from a friend 25 years ago. A Kansan poultry aJJJ had forty years' experience with po try diseases recommends the t i for roUD: TaM W Biuijyii? curwj - - ounces or ouve ou - - .. tf 15 cents' worth of camphor pan. add eighty drops of carbolic acid wj i. ten drops to the measured jm oil. Rub the mixture over and n heath the eyes and betweeni U ties of the affected fowls. TW. fr ment should be given at nip a evere cases twice Curia? r the daf the .welling In the roof of the W-JJ ouple of drops oi Incidentally severe a o ture s fine mouthed oil can. . . iw1 there wiJ noma oe noii. .. . Tncldentl ioutnea on cnu. , of . . i. . n reaieaj same comDinauuu - - colds and sore tnroai - rf .pedes when rubbed ou the outs. the chest and neck. ..t4 $M41rt&M&4&$ ' f We will Help You with Your Ads Just Phone to The Observer And we'U send a man. No trouble to you. We'll write your ads-just say the word and we'll do the rest. Ad writing is our business. LET US HELP YOU SELL GOODS WE'RE ANXIOUS TO TRY