o FEBRARY 20th' 1912 FOLK COUNTY OBSERVER FIVE' 5 News of City and County Dr. Lowe March 6 and 7. Italian prune Falls City., trees. S. R. Skeela, 2Tdys Ice jsties, cream with the taste that sat- at Lanes. George McCulloch, of Amity, was ,. MnmlaV. in tiauA Glen Holman is in Portland for a few days on business. V p A Finseth went to Salem this naming for a shortbusiness visit. Let your eye rest on The Fuller Pharmacy window display. Now. Sunday office hours from 8 to 10 a. m only. Central Willamette Valley Floral Company. Mrs J. Riley'ctaven and Mrs. J. M Craven were visiting friends in Salem last Saturday. $ Hon. C. I Hawley, of Monmouth, was in the city yesterday attending the good roads meeting. . Will be in Dallas Wednesday, Feb ruary 21 and Friday, April 5. Drs. Freeze & Rice, Eye Specialists. Candidates for nomination at pri maries in April should order petition Wanks of The Observer office at once. "Popcorn Crispette" is a home pro duct. Made in Salem by Wonder Kandy Kitchen. For sale by F. E. Kersey. Headquarters of the Oregon Fire Relief Association will be found in Room 21, New Bank Building, at the head of the stairs. J. W. Caldwell, formerly a well known resident of Dallas, but now of Perrydale, was in the city on busi ness Monday. Phone 1252, French dry cleaning, ponging and pressing. Clothing called for and delivered. McKnight 5H Mill street. Mr. and Mrs. U. S. Loughary have returned from an- extensive 'trip through the principal points of inter est in California. J. L White, local manager of the Oregon Power company, acompanled by Mrs. White and children, are vis iting in Portland. S. Taylor Jones, superintendent of the Salem, Falls City & Western rail way, and Mrs. Jones were passengers for Portland Sunday morning. Wm. Ellis, while in Dallas, Wed nesday, purchased one of those neat Hitle five passenger Ford cars from Guy Bros. Mr. Ellis intends to use his car both for pleasure and busi-nwa.-Falls City News. W. A. Ayres and A. V. R. Snyder cre in attendance at a meeting of Mam Valley lodge. No. 60, I. O. O. F, at McCoy last Saturday night, on Uiflr way to McMinnville where they 'Med relatives over Sunday. Success With Draj?. Travelers who have passed through the McCoy road district say that W. I- Finn, the supervisor, has produc ed noteworthy results on the public highways there by the use of the split log drag which is so much advocat now by authorities on the subject Lane just can't quit selling ice cream he has it now. J. C. Hayter made a business trip to Salem this morning. Nominating petition blanks must be ordered soon. For sale at The Observer office. Hon. A. B. Muir, president of the Dallas Commercial club, was in Port land yesterday on business. Order cabbage and cauliflower plants now. Select early varieties. Central Willamette Valley Floral Co. - ' Mr. and Mrs. Doc Kinsey, of An telope, Eastern Oregon, are in the city visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Shriver. Full line of pulverized sulphur, vitrol and lime for making orchard spray required now, for sale at Cri der's General Store. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Goad and Mrs. Ella J. Metzger went to McMinnville last Saturday to attend a perform ance of "The Christian" given by talent of that city. See the novel window display at The Fuller Pharmacy, demonstrating the unfailing worth of Wyatt's ver mine exterminator a powder for the protection of chickens. POLK COUNTY ROADWAY SCHOOL IS BIG SUCCESS Only One Supervisor Absent lom Iieetures Given By Agricultural College Expert. The two days' school in highway construction for the benefit of the road supervisors of Polk county held in the Court house Monday and Tuesday was a big success. Every supervisor in the county was present with the exception of one who was sick and unable to leave home. Er nest F. Ayres, the Agricultural col lege roadway expert from Corvallis, delivered interesting and valuable lectures which were eagerly listened to, His remarks were illustrated by means of diagrams on a blackboard in a graphic manner. The school was organized by County Judge Coad and the commissioners for the purpose of improving the methods of work ing the roads in this county and it is expected that good results will fojlow. " ... ...... v - -. , Professor Ayres, accompanied by Commissioners Petre and Riddell, left for the Willamina district this afternoon, where practical demon strations will be made on the roads as they are found. The Hillsboro authorities have pur chased a fine team for $590. The animals will be used on street work and in hauling the fire apparatus to fires in the unpaved districts, y WILL COXFKlt WITH HEAD OF FICERS. (Continued From Page One) R. Howe, Charles Hayes, J. L. White, Hugh Black, Charles Gregory, N. L. Guy, S. M. Ray,' J. C. Uglow, W. W. Williams, H. C. Seymour, I. C. Era merson, Rev. Edgar W. Miles, E. C. Dunn. A Privilege. Tour eyes do they bother you? Wly not have them examined? It 11 cost you nothing, and may save years of suffering and dollars of 'ipense. Consult Dr. C. II. Morris, the only resident optometrist in the My- Eighteen years in business here. Crowds are attracted by The Ful lfr Pharmacy-g unique window dis-tuJ'- Every poultryman should see ? nd 1,ar why it is easv to have mhy ch'(ks at little expense. A Home Picture, of your children in their natural sur roundings will please you. I have the latest appliance for making these pictures by day or night No extra charge for this work. C. B. STONE, Photographer. Phone 524. Candidates' Petitions. Every candidate for nomina- tion at the primary election in April must use the standard pe- 4 tition blanks required by law. For sale at The Observer office. Walter L. Tooze, Jr., Lawyer, New Bank Buildin?. -C Special Clubbing Offer. Remember you can get the 4 Twice-a-Week Polk County Ob- server and the Daily and Sun- day Oregonian for $8.00 per year the price of the Oregon- ian alone. Remember also, that The Observer is published twice each week 104 papers a year and gives you all the real news while it is still news.. ' It is the paper you want and must have, if you want all the county news at the price usually charged by other newspapers for their week- ly publication. This offer will hold good for a limited time on- ly and it behooves you to get 4 your orders in early. 4" EE FOG IS DALLAS WINS EASY CONTEST WITH SILVEKTOX. locals Pile I'p Store of 44 to 13 in Contest at Armory; Visitors Beat en From the Start. With the score of 44 to 13 against them, bedraggled and spattered with great gobs of woe, the "Pride 'of the Waldo Hills" hiked back to their bailiwick, who's other name is Sil verton, last Sunday morning after a short session with Dallas' unbeatable basket ball quintette in this city Sat urday night. There be those, Hora tio, who nursed the fond belief that Silverton was coming over this way to do things to Dallas and they opin ed that for once at least, the bloody scalps of the local aggregation would dangle at the belts of the Silverton crowd. But, alas and also, alack. Gadzooks, likewise forsooth. By my halidom, tho' they be lusty varlets they made not so much as an im pression on the Dallasites. The en tire bunch, from Ned (otherwise Peebo) Shaw, down to the scrappy lad who dispenses goobers at five cents per, everybody took a fall out of the Waldo Hills combination and they never had a look in. The lo cals simply walked all over them and did it without exertion. The game called out a good crowd but, before the game had gone two minutes. It was seen that the visitors were out of their class. They are a lively bunch but they couldn't con nect with the locals and faced de feat from the start. At the end of the first half the score stood 26 to 7 against 'em and the second half only added to the agony. Who's the next? HIGH" LOSES TO NEWBEUU Local Basket Ball Team I Beaten By Score of 19 to 9. The Dallas High school team went to Newberg last Friday night for a game with the high school players of that place, which resulted in a victory for the Quakers by a score of 19 to 9. The schedule for the Southern Or egon trip of the local team of High school tossers has been finally ar ranged, after much difficulty and cor respondence, and after the journey had been practically abandoned, ow ing to the fact that the Eugene team backed out at the last moment on the plea that the terms were too high to make expenses. When the man ager of the Dallas team asked them to make an offer they refused, which gives the boys here the impression that the Eugene team ' Is afraid to play them. The team will leave here Wednes day morning, and games will be played according to the following schedule: Hoseburg, Wednesday, February 21. Ashland. Thursday and Friday. February 22 and 23. Cottage Grove, Saturday, February 24. (gsr.'t','.LLLi..- , ,,,. . ... iMgJH "J VI' ' " "'"JB toe mm she Yrs. you can get loe cream at the Cosy Corner. First Chance And Last Chance Give Us a Chance Anyhow A;l kind. Fresh Groceries at HONEST prices to everybody. Larg- In-ported Lace Curtain. In city kt lowest prices. Closing Furniture, Hardware, Tents, etc.. t cost. W order, for Nursery Stock and persona! guarantee same. e to annrer questions. Call At ThD Depot Store J. C. IIZYU PLoze 741. . rrcprletcr ri ArerA for Ee-iV.e Xzrttrr Stock. Ward School New. The patrons and pupils of the Ward d;triot have rxco ded In making their sihool a standard school and all are determined to keep it up to that point. This standardization is an Incentive and Inspiration thp i pupils and will remit In doing rnwe and Innefittine the hools to a greater degree than ever expect'!. ! preparation being madp ,0 hav this school represcntd In the exhil Mts at the county fair to he held this fail. ! We have had the following vi;t .r during th pa-t C. S. Coop-r. director: Peart Coer-r: C. E. Wii.-.n. clerk- Csrl Story. Orcon APTicu'ur- ,1 co'.letr .tuder.t: IL C. Symojr. roi:r,tr njjwrintndent. , ! p.ev. Trofk wiil E'n protracted 1 nv tir.c here Thurlar evenirf. ARTI8ANSMNITIATI0N Six New Members Received Into Fellowship of Local Assembly Last Monday Night. Dallas Assembly No. 46, United Ar tisans, held a very successful initia tion last Monday night at the regular meeting in the Woodman Hall, the attendance being unusually large. The following new members were in ducted into the order with the usual impressive ceremonies: J. C, Uglow, Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Brown, Miss Pearl Owings, Mrs. William Schoel and Miss Sadie Lynn. Following the initiation, an elabo rate banquet was spread, and the remainder of the evening was enjoy ably spent with music, dancing and games. Out of Town A'l.silors. Among the visitors from out of town assemblies were: Mrs. Burch, master artisan Rickreall assembly, and Mr, Burch; Cleve Burch, form erly of Dallas but now of Hillsboro; and Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Seymour, of Rickreall assembly. The Dallas assembly has Introduc ed a new idea in regard to the du ties of its committee appointed to look after the sick. This committee consists of Mrs. B. E. Nevel, J. E. Miller and Mrs. E. N. Hall, and it will look after not only the sick or distressed members of the assembly but all others that may be brought to their attention. TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS Council Getting Heady To Carry Out "Tians For Macadamizing Twenty Blocks of City Streets. The regular semi-monthly meeting of the city council was held Alonday evening. The question of preparing for the contemplated street improve ments to be made this summer was brought up and the city auditor was ordered to advertise for bids for the construction of the macadamizing decided upon, which includes about 2 0 blocks. Another matter that engaged the attention of the city fathers for a while was the protection asked for by the local merchants against hawkers, auctioneers, peddlers, etc., and an or dinance will be drafted and passed for the purpose of raising the licenses on all included in that class of tran sient dealers. Complaint was made that the fill on North Main street, between Acad emy street and the LaCreole Bridge, was too narrow, and it was referred to the street committee for considera tion and action. POLK COUNTY HOP ROOTS ARE BEST FOR PLANTING Horst Brothers Send Ijirgo Consign ment By Express to Sacramento Valley Ranch. A fact in relation to hop growing that Is not generally known was re called last Saturday morning when a truck drove up at the depot with a load of hop roots consigned by ex press to E. C. Horst, Sacramento, California, from the big hop fields of Hoist Brothers, near Independence. The superiority of the Polk county grown roots over that of the state to the south is known among the large growers and the roots were shipped from here because they will produce a better plant that can be raised from the California plants. The lot was composed of 31 sacks, or enough to plant about 30 acres. On arrival at their destination, they will be planted out In nursery rows where they will be allowed to stay for about six weeks. At that time they will be taken up and will be set out in the field where they are to stand. Many of them had already thrown out vigorous young shoots and will yield a fair crop of baby" hops this Reason. Wedding Anniversaries. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Lane celebrated the fifth anniversary of their wed ding. Friday, February 16. .Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Canter cele brated the twenty-third anniversary of their wedding, Saturday, February 17. prlrwfjwl-" dob M"-in. A meeting ff th S.ho.1 Prir,-i- club f r."k c:nty -I " 1 'n th c-f h cncr.tr !- .... .t. r s ri in i . f- he' 1. Kiniliixarten Iterllon. Invitations have been iwued for a Washington's birthday reception to t,e given next Thursday afternoon t y the pupils of Miss Elizabeth M t,t K.mery s kindergarten school of this city to the kind, rgarten pupils f the Falls City shol who i!l attend in a body under esrort. The moth' r f the little hosts are also Include in the Invitation. Normal AtU-ndanf I ikt-i -'. Monmouth, Or. Fh. 20. The sec ond mest. r at the State Normal be a Tuesday, anl the registration thows a marked Increase. So far. 22 r.evr rarr.-s hv ln added snl the rec :rar that the are several more who f.l be h-r- the lst of the mk. It i ronf .Vntlr . j; er!e J that the r rr iimer.t i'l reach 1S f"r this m,-.ter. F nr the midyear rom-.-rt th sl-j-5-r.ts fcai resum .d tv. '.r ork :th an " Ke. !' it ,rr. a rr'rz j ear's wt. V.; at RELIABLE STEEL RANGE Body made of Wellsvllle polished steel three Avail construction and Illlfl H VIUII Hi I lllfllliriM 1111 . f ' .. "... 4 Smooth castings, high grade nickel ? s , v N j trimmings. Full sized oven, well ?''-5'i - .'tV V 7; W V ' ' UI Hi t U. , J e V Price $32.50 The Best Med ium Priced Range On The Market Craven Bros. Agents We are Agents for Petaluma Incubators M V ' " ' $1 ' ., ' . ,y.,.A.. . TIE AT HOi Do not send your money away from Dallas for Typewriter Rib bons and supplies. Remember that you can now get right here at home EVERYTHING FOR THE TYPEWRITER and that It is not necessary to patronize the traveling agents any longer. We sell the very best ribbons at Portland prices, and keep a full supply on hand at all times. When you buy your typewriter paper here, you get the benefit of twenty years' experience as a buyer and seller of good paper. Our positive guarantee stands behind every ribbon and every box of paper you buy at this store. Come in and let us show you that we can make good on our motto, "Everything for the Typewriter." J. C. HAYTER BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER 428 MAIN STREET Discriminating Taste Invariably Calls For Lowney's Superior Choc olates and Bon Bons Lowney's Leads Nothing Just as Good Send HER a box of them today Always on Sale at W. R. Ellis' Confectionery LOW FARES WEST DAILY March 1 to April 15lh '"TO- pc::;ts in western cszccn FKOM t'hUvgo C'liM-fnna Milwaukee Xew York IX-trolt ... $.1.1. (0 ,1 37.00 1I..-iO. 32.0O SO.OO 3H.00 St. Paul -00 Ih-m.T Hn-a iUf 2.-..OII fHnalia syw I mm Molrwn 2T.H5 IitalianiIU 305 From Other Eastern Points ia Proportion Te'l vour frW-n-U In the Kast -f this opportunity of moUn? W,t at low rat.-- lrt train rMce ti P.orlin.ton Route. Northern r.ciflc. Ore.t N .rth.rn and -North IUr ' to J" ' land, th-n.e via F-uther Vtcifie or Orif-n Me-'trlc I.. wiil be ft:rn:!-h'd en Tt'vfl. W. V- )MX. Cnl. l-'-lt and I-, .irt. S. I'. K. Rj- . I'orHaml. mT""- I - Observer Ads Bring Results