Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, February 09, 1912, Page FIVE, Image 5

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(Continued from Page One.)
M Absolutely Pure
The only Baking Powder made
from Royal C rape C ream of Ta rtar
NO ALUM, NO LIME f nuaf hate
F. H. Morrison Engaged to Prepare
Spexlfleations and Superintend Con
struction later.
Fleischner & Meyer company, Port
land, manufacturers of men and wo
men's clothing, confined his remarks
At the adiournfed meetine of the npfViintprfri In ftpllfner eronds to Ore
city council held last Tuesday night, gon dealers in competition with
F. H. Morrison was . engaged to pre- Eastern made products. He had no
pare the plans and specifications for I fault to find with Dallas dealers, he
said, but, in many cases, wniie oy
figures Vnd price quotations, he could
Councilman H. G. Camnbell was ahrw th dealer
granted a 30 day leave of absence,
News of City and County
Frank Chapman of Salem was in
the city Wednesday.
rMeat Market hams nowc.
Mohair sacKsJsale at Crider's.
J Dr. McNicol, Osteopath, 719 Court
arHayter.mwyer. Room. 5 and
i Cglo Bulldlne
j j H. Hollister of Portland, is
liting Wends InVMz.
1 . No i roasted peanut for 5c a
jiitfFldle. -These are good.
j Albert DempseTd mlly from
i, are visiting relatives in this
Nominating petition blanks must
i ordered soon. For sale at The
server office.
I ... riprit E. M. Smith has is-
Lu total of 137 game licenses since
reb, ginning of the year
j .
I Ross Nelson and Emmerson Groves
',,nnrtPnce. attended the Mim
- o.n at the Armory, Tuesday
Headquarters of the Oregon Fire
Relief Association will be found in
Room 21, New Bank Building, at the
head of the stairs.
I Hon. and Mrs. Walter L. Tooze and
m Lester and Lamar, of Falls City,
"attended the Military Ball given vat
the Armory, Tuesday evening.
! Mrs. Cbapln has returned to her
"home In Washington, after a several
months' visit at the home of her
'daughter, Mrs. W. P. Miller.
Order cabbage and cauliflower
plants now. . Select early varieties.
Central Willamette Valley Floral Co.
Candidates for nomination at prl
maries in April should order petition
Wanks of The Observer office at
Phone 1252, French dry cleaning,
sponging and pressing. Clothing
called for and delivered. McKriight
514 Mill street.
Miss Rose Parrott, of the Mon
mouth Normal is spending the mid
year vacation at the home of her sis
ter, Mrs. B. . Casey.
Best early varieties of cabbage and
cauliflower plants ready soon. Cen
tral Willamette Valley Floral Com
pany. Order now.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Whiteside
and Mrs. Hugh Guthrie, of Corvallis,
or vlsitlnir at the home of Mr. .and
Mrs. Forest Guthrie.
T?ev. John Vine and family have
moved from their former residence
nt 12S Washington street to their new
home at the corner of Ash and kills
Mr. and Mrs. , Ben Servey and Mr.
nnd MYs. W. T. Grier. of Fans city,
were among the out of town parties
who attended the Military Ball at the
Armory, Tuerday evening.
When you buy your Valentines at
!- Book Store, vou buy the
during which he will travel in Call
The question of obtaining a site
for a city machinery shed was con
tinued until later.
The following bills were audited
and ordered paid:
Dallas Iron Works $ 6.86
Elmer Matheny 9.00
Star Transfer Co 16.80
Soehren Warehouse Co 195.70
Dallas Transfer Co 6.50
C. A. Black .: 22.00
Oreeon Power Co 174.75
Craven Brothers 15.70
J. G. Fryer 32.50
J. Bevens 1.80
Harry CamDbell 3.20
W. G. Campbell , 10.60
Frank Rowell ! 0"
M. D. Coulter 2.00
P. S. Greenwood '. 72.50
Beall & Oo 400.00
E. T. Plaster 100
a W Vnne-han 5.25
that he could sell
them as good goods at prices equally
as low as Eastern manufacturers, he
found a disposition to discriminate
in favor of the latter output. Since
the dealers themselves would not ed
ucate the people in the buy at home
idea, the Oreeron Manufacturers' asso
ciation had undertaken to do so, and
create a demand for Oregon products
which would result in requiring deal
ers to handle them and thereby every
dollar's worth os capital invested in
manufacturing enterprises would be
benefitted.' "Every dollar you spend
for Oregon made goods," said Mr.
Hoag, "helps some Oregon man or
woman to. make a living in this state
and everv dollar you spend for East
ern made goods takes Just that much
awav from some resident of your own
state. Oregon manufacturers buy your
raw material. They offer you a re
munerative market near by and in
return ask you to buy their manu
factured materials.; How can you ex
pect them to buy of you unless you
Observer 32.75 do not return the favor? Oregon
Itemizer , H-85
Dallas Lbr. & Log. Co 14.95
W. L. Tooze, Jr 20.00
D. J. Grant 65.00
James Holman 2.25
W. J. White 2.00
R. B. Winslow 5.00
Charles Gregory 61.55
W. Davidson .sa.uu
W. G. Vassal 106.69
1? Mnrrison 2.00
manufacturers are not, however, ask
ing you to buy goods simply because
they bear a "Made in Oregon" tag
hut rather because they offer you as
good materials and at as reasonable
a price as the Eastern man.
TTrees Consistency.
A. Huckestein. of Salem, made me
subject of his remarks the need or
consistency among business, men. The
hnv at home idea was for their ben
efit, and they should not only talk it
on all occasions, but they should
Dractice it also. There should be no
rivalry between business Interests ex
cept that of legitimate competition
J. A. Baxter, of Perrydale, was in
the city Wednsday and while here
fli m declaration to become a can
didate for the nomination of county
commissioner on the .republican
Miss Anna Stafrln has returned
from a trip to her tormer nume ...
York, Nebraska, where she has Deen
visiting since last October. After ex
periencing the customary winter
weather of that region, she is now
thoroughly appreciating the mildness
of the climate here.
I right kM the modern kind.
lift Line
f To Select From
Ewything from the smallest Ju
Valentine to the exquisite hand
-f-d creations at $2 and $3.
! and PRICES to Suit Old and
seller and Stationer
28 Kaim Street
Chicken Supper Postponed
rrv. .hinkpn suDDer which was to
have been given by the women of the
Methodist church on the evening of
st valentine's Day.February i,
been indeflnately postponed on ac
count of the revival meetings wn.u.
will be in progress then.
Home Picture.
of your children in their natural sur
roundings will please you. i
omifnnce for making these
, v, Aav r nlKht. No extra
charge for this work.
C. B. STONE, Photographer
Phone 524.
A Novelty In Watches.
watch, made and guar-
..... w waltham Watch com
anieeu "3 , ,
nany. Is being sold by u. "'-
the jeweler, for from 5 to n. "--.Kie
Thin model 16
coruing i . t
. . fiiipd case. Ask
size, nicKei vi 6 -
to see them.
- . .
T " a
r u.i-f.x.' ignitions. '
Every candidate for nomina-
tion at the primary eiecv.u.. ...
April must use the standard pe-
tition blanks required by law.
For sale at The Observer office.
Many Prominent Visitors Enjoy En
ICllOUIII'liW lUfJJL HJttl, Vl 1v.e,4v.-.-w m
Tne miiuary given m xowns auu uiuco muov - o
w,r.a rxf Pfimftanv a. of this city, in Time was when every business man
honor of the visiting militia and reg- in the valley cities believed , that the
in attendance at the ftniv wnv was to "oaddle his own ca-
uia - - - i j i -
sixth annual convention of the Na- noe" anu give no heed to tne weuare
ni n,,o,i nf Dreenn. was a com- onvWlv else. That policy had re-
Lll.'llll. . t . i . . n v. " " ' I J .
. . (..., ...minont visit- j i r.taAnr tho develoDment
plele SUCCeas. lxa.ny 1........ . iguueu ... icia.uie
ors from abroad were present and o tms Btate, and Oregon for many
.... . . . , . nnnc.w I . i a fatr ataflnn
were highly pieasea wun um uiaiim-. i years naa oeeii h.c.c-.j a,
. ,-1. ii .' cnwtnineil It.,. Txroohinctrin and California,
m W II K II L 1 1 1 wc.c . L . I uciivccii ' l "
One hundred couples were in the jt8 hustling neighbors on the North
grand march, Which was led Dy u- and South. . Mercnanw
H rUHcniiratred all
jutani ijenerai r i.ii&ci , OL uumiicu.ivi. -
ter L. Tooze, Jr. A delightful supper new institutions until they found that
j a Avnoiipnt mn- I ..... man whft came and made
was servteu, ai.u ...wi. evwj "l " -
sic was furnished by Thome's ten hl8 home among them added just that
I nf.r.cr,rtiv of the com-
piece orcnesira. mucn iu
" m.mitv and the property of all was
itsp:s CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS increased. "The most prosperous
nmo in nallas." declared Mr. .Huck-
o.. c...rinteii1ent Alderman Makes LBtRin "is in the fall when the far-
' ... .. ',.' h.it the Ore
. . .i nf T,iViifo Tn- I nTnnfor.tnrprH association wants
State iSUperuiliruucui --- I gun mo...u.v
struction Alderman was in the city to make every month of the 12 equai-
" . ..! If tv.la Made in
Wednesday and made an omcmi v..i y as prosperous
to the public schools while here. He Oregon slogan and the buy at home
delivered an informal address to the moVement receives the encourage-
. ., , .v- oio nf an education. t it i entitled to. that end will
.-j th rnndition of the work hn aPPomolished. What Dallas needs
anu jjioioi u v.
as it was being done here.
Oliver Chilled flows
are the original, the genuine, and the best CHILLED
PLOWS in the world. They are ,&J;
longer, do bcUet wotlc and more of it WITH LlUlii fcK
DRAFT, than any other plow made.
be&Ute to tecoramend then in the highest terms.
They speak from faith bom of expedience.
, For Sale by
' .......
"I am Very Much Pleased With My
Mr T.nnls Sehlesineer is the proprietor oi a prospeiuuo
nishing store in San Diego, California. The quotation above Is what
lie thinks of electric advertising.
"I purchased a double-faced electric sign about a year
ago" writes this merchant. I wish to say that I have nev-.
er spent a sum of money for advertising which has brought
me the business that this sign has. ,
"It not only serves as a sign, and a source of illumina
tion of the entire front of my store at night, but it is a
clear and readable sign by day.
"I am very much pleased with my investment and the
publicity I have received through It. I would certainty ad
vise anyone looking for a live means of advertising to in
vest in an electric sign."
Do you know of our very liberal two-years-to-pay sign proposi
tion? A representative will call and explain at your request.
Oregon Power Company
j. L. WHITE, Local Manager
-Telephone 24
is new industries and . new factories
. that she will not have to de-
niG MEETING FOIVs pend alone upon the farmer ior i
.... ho farmer will also
PYTII1AAS Vx iuiuiii prunitni;
. I . ....... rri,,a la no need to
(Continued from Page One.)
v. h0nc.fitted. There is no need to
ior hnnusea for such institu
ft.vc f".
v,o hotter wav is to give invm
of good will and fellowship will be encourage ent by purchasing thetf
features. . output ... ' ' theIr
mu fniinwinir from the saiem and tne. iacu.r. ... -
... k f interest in this own accord. Get back or your
SiaiPBUia.. ." - ..... tn xrntir ,,..
; rles ana xnu uu" k
TOIUicit.. ...... I Mjxtlr
. " r . t - rt innNi I ,111111. inMV, M r -
An invitation irom " Tu. pP,in Col. Hofer
No. 96 of Da. as was r ao ""Z, l.t as easy to
the members or mis ioue t UCv.. - f
ent at their meeting Frlday evening a8k for Oregon made products as for
February 9, at which time there win the t-aern u -r
. , .t.,.A nir and en-Unv other." advised Col. Hofer, ana
he WorK in me .... . fQoiir1
. . . rri ... I , v... - thnt ine no. lie
tertainment and oanqueu ... . - 'r .... tnan tne
Bree team of Fan. . c.t - w ... . r - - he do,g not
of the members V" have to pay
to go. A comm.uee - ; manufactur-
. .,ft arraneements ana i ireipii"
understood that they will charter a ed article "
car on the Salem and ran. . , H(rfer tnanked
a tn l.ovf here about s:su rn- urer. awut"
road, to leave nere attendance and
day afternoon . return Z,7That his. the first meeting
a,A, iho m "IK.
the mmi STOffi
COCKT papse
of cor
the o!n"
for the organization of the "Oregon
nr.. mnRumer.' League" had been
t uointed to
an auwpi-""a
still greater successes in the state
wide movement.
First Chance And Last Chance
Give Us a Chance Anyhow
A'4 i:B!i, rrh Grocerif. at HONEST price, to everybody. Larg-
K ti.ii t . - . . . ii.Ht prices. Closing
-- imported Lace curtain, tn cnj
rnrnstiire. Hardware. Tents, etc.. t cost.
Uke crj.r, for Nursery Stock and personally grantee me.
-" troBie to annrer querti'ms.
Call At The Depot Store
i tcce in. .
frlf.cr tzi Ac2t for EeliiKe Zzrserj S.oct
allowed Mrs
digont person
Ordered that
U Stewart. juiic-
for district No. 6. and
lek, constable of Mid a
Ordered that tne ware
f the Ferrydale Milling c. claJ.
.ith n r. zumw . . ...
lall barn1
b. rrice
t in South
e barn 2 4x
th on one
.own. Price
Discriminating Taste Invariably Calls For
Lowney's Superior Choc
olates and Bon Bons
Lowney's Leads
Nothing Just as Good
Send HER a box of them today
Always on Sale at
W. R. Ellis' Confectionery
a r proved.
GHnon and H.
,um of $6000.
G. Ks't on
M filled.
and I
Ilahjr's Ploore rree.
To demonrtrate my nw artificial
licht machine, during January
February. I will make .ree i
,.l, ture of any baBy crougn
rtudio. Picture, maoe -
. - riwiminieni. v..
Stone. Photographer.
Phone 62.
n Skin Trouble
T -"I
Are overcome by oing it-
Antif-ptic fel". It M
,o a. Pure ct. and
to rive t:factin. Ic
gt Conrad Ffrin'a.
win lxliif Opera
-,i,r are being perfected under the
TWtk.n of F. W. Zeller for the 1-ro-
',T two comic "i"
Xtme ,n ,he tarl5' imrt
"""r'-hc twnffit of the ivfii"
Contains .
of an ftf
Covers e
edee. AJ
Tho Oe
1 ior"
the Methodi.t churh
the attraction, aeleetert
Jury" and "The Kos oi
to Mr., and
February .
Mri. Armond
a daughter.
special communication oi
ea lodge No. I, A. r.
will be held at Ma.ni-
hall. Saturday n.pm, '
. r- A deree. All mtiW
or i '- '
reou-o-d to be xr'nl.
t-rftbren cordially invited.
of W. M.
Visit :nK
Ej- order
t ' thTTnotH liANK ROAD
Is the best railroad ever constructed in the West.
Limitea i rams oi uubci uuu j
Compartment, Standard and Tour-
ist Sleeping Cars, Dining Cars and
modern coaches, leave Portland
9:55 a. m. and 7:00 p. m. daily for
Snnkane. MinttcapcHs, St Paid and Chicago i
Irf 8o,kne trtln. run l Crr-t .tl-ni .ml .Northern 1J
,lU w- (OMVV, CtiI. IVWul.t and I'm. At- X
' " Inland. Or.-K.
for it tLi 5.a-
ii d:-?TT.e P'- n";r
nw-Tir HonT reikis 1mft in
.1an.;v We ,wrmnte it to ve
i-fartion. Fold r Conr.d Ptafrin.
high! Tm lwbl-
To be nrH'-oted. Futhf rland i:g
Eye Palve HI cure n- me of
,v... grnuUt-d l.i. 'oj.th.lmi. or
ny tnramd condition of the
p;n! artl hrm)t. J5c tu!e
at Conrad Stafrtn'.
j Firrt elan. Ko.ih "ft coal. In ny
! Qt:t.iy. J-lar d to rr part of the
icity ,ronpt;y n t.l.hf.ne rail.
, ive od-r with R M. :r Com
: ,.,ny. jhc.ne SI. W. K l:.rlr. d-al-'
r in t
B j Legal blanks