FOLK COUNTY OBSERVES, FIVE flews of City and County Mohair .cKs-le at,-,. j. McKicoJ. Osteopath. 719 Court Street. t Oscar Hayter.wyer. Rooms 5fand Dglow Building T W Nordby, of Portland, is iSwends-ity. L and Mrs. I. N. Woods were p visitors Bun afternoon. S . j roasted peanut for 5c a Jjrt at Fidler's. These are food. 1 Miss Frances B. of Salem was Sunday visitor with Dallas friends. 1 runty School Supervisor H. H. ps vited the school at TeaIS jestcrday. I v s Hall cam? over from Sherl lu's'aiurday, to spend Sunday with bis family- I Mr and Mrs. Hayes, of Corvallis, re visiting at the home of Mr. and jin John E. Miller. ! Mrs George V. Remington, of luthrle, was operated on at the Dalr fas hospital yesterday. I county Superintendent H. C. Sey Lr made an official trip to the ihool at Black Koek yesterday. I Mrs. F. M. Sebrfng, of Winchester, I in the city for a few weeks visit fith her brother, J. C Shultz. I Miss Gladys Canter Is able to be fat again after several days' sickness s a result of an attack of the grip. I ' I Hon. H. V. Gates, of Hillsboro, ac .mpanisd by his daughter, Miss Helen, Is In Dallas on a business i.sit. I - I Hfquartera of the Oregon Fire Jelief Association will . be found In km 21, New Bank Building, at the iead of the stairs. Fldler's sold a 45c broom Saturday for 15c. , E. H. Fawk, ofSalt Creek, was a visitor in the city Friday. f 4 Mr. and Mrs. H.. G. Campbell were visitors to Salem Friday forenoon. j R.M. Ewing returned Sunday even ing from a long trip throughout the East He came back by the way of jNet Orleans and is now more than Ver satisfied that Polk county is the Vst spot on earth. WHIN IT ES ARE RIGHT W you buy your Valentines at 'the oei! Book Store, you buy the f if kM-the modern kind. I Big Line To Select From Everything from the smallest Ju- iie VaNtine to the exquisite hand p-d creations at $2 and $3. j and PRICES to Suit Old and Place orders for St. Valentine Day violets now at Thomas' Greenhouse. ! A. G. Rempel, of Polk station, was among the visitors in Dallas last Friday. . Order violets for St. Valentine's Day by February 8. Thomas' Green Charlie Reos, of Perrydale, was transacting business in. Dallas last Friday. - Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Brown were passengers for Salem on Friday mor ning's train. Nominating petition blanks must be ordered soon. For sale at The Observer office. Charles Boyle, one of Rickreall's residents, vas in the county seat on business Friday. A. P. Starr and Jess McCarter at tended the Knights of Pythias lodge at Independence last night. Miss Minnie Weaver, of Belgrade, Montana, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mr. George Stroud.. ii Candidates for nomination at pri maries In April should order petition blanks of The Observer office at once. . Mrs. Emily Donahue, of Portland, returned Friday after a visit in the city at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Brown. . BAND TO GIVE CONCERT Popular Pallas Organization In Re hearsal For Entertiiuiuuit Wednes day, February 28. The musical event of the year is scheduled to take place in this city on the evening of Wednesday, Febru-4 ary 28, when the Dallas Band will give its second annual concert at the Armory. The announcement has been received with elation by the mu sic lovers of the city who have a keen recollection of the excellent program rendered by the organization at Its first annual concert last March. But very few bands In the state equal it in proficiency, particularly in concert work, and as a result of the thorough and regular training through which its members have beeni led by Di rector U. S. Grant, it has attained a skill which will astonish even its lo cal admirers when next It is heard in public. All through the winter months, diligent practice ' has been carried on with the coming concert in view and the date will be awaited with unusual interest. Fine Program. The program which Director Grant is preparing is to be- all that could be desired. It will consist mostly of concert and solo work on the part of the band and its members and will present a number of novelties. Nu merous descriptive pieces will be in cluded. Among them will be the pop ular "Mill in the Forest," "Twitter ing Birds,'' "Huntsman Overture," and "A Day at West Point." and in preparation for them a number of new instruments have been ordered especially from the east to be used to convey the ideas intended. It is also announced that a vocal duet will be rendered by Miss Edna Morrison, contralto, and Mr. John Orr, baritone. Phone 1252, French dry cleaning, sponging and pressing. Clothing called for and delivered. McKnight 514 Mill street. J. H. Sweeney, one of Buell's lead ing farmers, made his first trip to the county seat last i Saturday . on court business. Hon. C. N. McArthur, attorney, farmer and politician, of Portland, was'in Dallas last Friday for a short time on business. James Elliott went to Salem, Sun day to receive medical treatment for his eyes which have been causing him considerable trouble of late. Edward BIddle left for Portland by the way of Salem last Sunday after noon in response to a summons to serve on the United States grand Jury. IN AND SEE THEM U.HAYTER teller and Stationer 28 Maim Street Miss Laura Poling is recovering in a hiehlv satisfactory manner from her recent operation at the Dallas hospital and has been able to sit up for HPvpral davs. A report that gain ed circulation Sunday to the effect that she was much worse was entire ly unfounded and caused considera ble worry among her friends. r nr.. anH Mrs. H. G. Campbell ex pect to leave next Saturday on the Southern- Pacific's special California i ., r at excursion train lor a sojourn least a month in the "land of flow ers." They will also visit Mr. Camp i n' hrnthor In Nevada before re- ,..ninr nn thp.r return Journey t In they will stop at several pom Southern. Oregon, inciuams as. .... Medford and Grants Pass.. Help Wanted k-. that roueh. Get a bottle of Dr. ri f . Hntiev It IS the best. Sold by Conrad Stafrin. s....... T T - f Candidates' Petitions. Every candidate for nomina- tion at the primary election In April must use the standard pe- tition blanks required by law. For sale at The Observer office. 4 Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Thompson re turned last evening from an extend ed visit with their daughter In Flor ence, Colorado. - Lieut. Lee M. Clark of the Coast Artillery and president of the Mult nomah Printing company, was in the city attending the National Guard meeting. Max H. Gehlhar, candidate for the nomination on the republican ticket for clerk of Marion county, was in .the city attending the National Guard convention. PLAN PYTHIAN JUBILEE Falls City lodge to Exemplify Knight Rank For Dallas Brethren; Big Time in Prospect For Friday Xlght Arrangements for a grand Pythian jubilee under the auspices of Mar- rriion lodge No. 96, Knights of Pyth ias, in this city next Friday night, February 9, are now practically com plete and the local brethren are ex pecting a very enjoyable session. The Third rank team of Cascade lodge, Falls City, have been engaged to ex emplify' the work in the Knight rank on that night and it is proba ble that at least six shivering Es quires will be conducted across the heated desert into full fellowship In the order. The rank of Esquire will also be exemplified .on at least four candidates. A special motor car will be placed at the disposal of the Falls City Knights dm order that they may return after the ceremonies. It is. probable that -Grand Chancel lor Wrightman and Grand Keeper of Records and Seals Stlnson, of Salem, will be In attendance, together with members from the Salem and Inde pendence lodges, all of whom have been invited. After the ceremonies of the even ing are over all present will be treat ed to a luncheon by th members of Marmion lodge of Dallas. ' SHERIFF SENDS OUT TAX STATEMENTS FOR 1911 ' William J. Lilliqulst. manager of the McMinnville planing mill, was in the city Friday visiting Local Man ager J. L. White, of the Oregon Power company. Mrs. Tyler Smith of Sheridan, came to' Dallas Saturday, to visit her Hnnuhter. Mrs. F. J. Craven. She was accompanied by her father, Mr Epperly, of Portland. N. D. Elliott, ex councilman of the city of Salem and one of its leading business men, spent Sunday in this city visiting his former" schoolmate, J. R. Mills, of The Observer. Frank Hobson, formerly United States mail clerk onthe Dallas-Portland run, but now on the North Bank road, Bpent Monday and Tues day visiting friends In this city. Mrs. A. P. Starr was a passenger for Portland yesterday to visit with friends and close a lease for, a dwell ing preparatory to the family's re moval to that city In a few days. Mrs. P. A. Finseth left Friday forenoon for Porter. Minnesota, to attend the funeral of her father. H. C. Paulson. She was accompanied as far as Portland by her son, Lief. Rebate of Three Per Cent Allowed On All Payments Before Fif teenth of JText March. Statements showing amounts of taxes due for the year 1911 are now being sent out to the taxpayers of Polk county from the sheriff's office. On all full payments made on or be fore March 15, a rebate of three per cent will be allowed. Those who care to avail themselves of the privilege, can make half pay ments up to April 3, after which the remainder may be paid any time be fore October 2. All taxes .on which a payment has not been made will become delin quent after the first of April at 5 o'clock p. m., and after that date a 10 per cent penalty will be added and Interest at the rate of 12 per cent per annum will be charged. If any real estate tax is unpaid July 1, the property is to be adver tised and the cost of advertising will be added to the taxes. m mi 1L ill T vtw n r. j. ;..' ,Hl'fU, 4 7l v Oliver Chilled Plows are the original, the genuine, and the best CHILLED PLOWS in the world. They are made belter, they wew longer, do belief work and more of it WITH LIGHTER DRAFT, than any other plow made. Uiera of OLIVER CHILLED PLOWS do aot fcentate to recommend them in the highat terma, . They pek from faith born oJ expedience. For Sale by CRAVEN B DALLAS, OREGON OBSERVANCE TO BE GENERAL Col. J. R. CofTman, of Tacoma, en route home from a trip through the southern states, has been visiting his niece, Mrs. A. J. Barham, and nephews, H. H. Beebe aid L. Beebe, In this city. his E. I THE nrprTT" tfrfftiraFT 1 first Chance And Last Chance Give Us a Chance Anyhow k:ni Groceries at HONEST prices to everybody. La- Imported Lace Curtains in city at lowest prices. Closing - rniture. Hardware, Tents, etc.. at cost Miss Agnes O Keefe, having dispos ed of the Dallas hospital, left on Sun day mornings train for Portland. After a short visit there she will leave fr her family home at Duff. Nfbraska, where her mother resides, and will remain in the East perma nently. Mr. and Mrs. frmrles Parrott, of Rnsehur. were over-Sunday visitors at the home of his sirter. Mrs. B. Ca.ev. They are Just returning from a wedding trip through the Middl- ;Veft and California. Mrs. ! nt. rtain.d a few fri.-nda at cards Ir. their hnm.r Saturday evening. I Baby's nur Free. j -To demonstrate my new artificial Slight machine, during January and j Fet.ruarv. I will make free of charge ' tdr ture of any baby brousht to my I studio. Pictures made at night Ifour home by appointment, v.. ! Stone, Photographer. Phone S2. Good Roads Week" Scheme of Gov ernor Attruets Attention. Portland, Feb. 6. Reports from all over the state Indicate that Gov ernor West's proclamation setting aside this week especially for the con sideration of the subject of good roads is being acted upon with great enthusiasm. His message was an ap peal to the citizens of Oregon to get ready for the opening of the Pana ma canal and thus provide the easi est possible access; to the Interior country. Under the auspices or tne Oregon association for Highway Im provement, copies of the eight bills that have been prepared were sent to the commercial clubs and to the newspapers. The secretary of the Oregon Development league sent out a message that as this question was not a political issue, he urged that special meetings of the commercial bodies affiliated with the league be held to discuss good roads and to make their recommendations. "1 am Very Much Pleased With My Investment" Mr. Louis Schlesinger is the proprietor of a prosperous men's fur- ' nlshlng store in San Diego, California. The quotation above Is wliut lie thinks of electric advertising. "I purchased a double-faced electris sign about a year ago" writes this merchant. I wish to say that I have nev-, . . . er spent a sum of money for advertising which lias brought me the business that this sign has. "It not only serves as a sign, and a source of illumina tion of the entire front of my store at night, but it is a clear and readable sign by day. "I am very much pleased with my investment and the publicity I have received through it. I would certainly ad vise anyone looking for a live means or advertising to Iik vest In an electric sign." ' Do you know of our very liberal two-years-to-pay sign proposi tion? A representative will call and explain at your request. Oregon Power Company J. L. WHITE, Local Manager Telephone 24 Lodge Notice, A A special communication of "V Jennings lodge No. , A. F. & A. M., will be held' at Masonic hall. Saturday night, February 10. Work In E. A. degree. All members requested to be present. Visiting brethren cordially Invited. Ry order of W. M. WALTER S. MUIR. Sec. West Morrison was In th city from Salt Creek Friday. Mrs. Julia Connaway, of Portland. is the guest of Mrs. Anna Coad. packages of blue top match for :5c at Fidlera Saturday. Bt 10 o'clock. Thes matches retail . vrrywhere at 5c a box and will be n sale one day only at above prlc. Discriminating Taste Invariably Calls For Lowney's Superior Choc olates and Bon Bons Lowney's Leads Nothing Just as Good Send HER a box of them today Always on Sale at W. R. Ellis' Confectionery Mr. and Mrs. Sunday visitors will leave this n Salt Creek tay. Edwin Jacobson w-r in Portland. They week for their ranch for a three month' in r So orders for Nursery Stock and personally guarantee same. b0 to answer quest! ona. Call At The Depot Store J. C RICH! Ftone 74 1. . Pnetor md Agest for Enable XnrKry Stock. A card recently received by E. A.. Hamilton announce that Mr. and Mm f S. Lough ary were In Loa An gles and were having a most enjoy at le time. AH Ski a Troah4e overcome by using Dr. Pell's Ptic Flve. It l pl-asant 'to u as pure cr-am and 1 jaran ;td to ive afjrfartion. 25c t Conrad Stafrin a. ) Are Ant Cherryvil!e correspond' nee Lents Herald: William Robinson, who is trapping f ar Rrightwood along the Sandy and Falmon rivers, has seeur ,d 5 otters worth 25 earn. 1J minks. 7 l.obeats. several r.ons and skunks. 1 cougar and t coyoua. A-thma I , distrain disease. Dr. Rir rin-Tar Honey relives almost ln- tantlT. We ruarn It to give sat-, inaction. PoM by Conrad Ffafrin. I LiniTED TRAINS EAST ! THE NORTH BANK ROAD I Is the best railroad ever constructed in the West. L.imueu l rains 01 wuM.'rvuuunuui, Compartment, Standard and Tour ist Sleeping: Cars, Dining Cars and modern coaches, leave Portland 9:55 a. m. and 7:00 p. m. daily for Spokane, Minneapolis, St Pzul and Chicago u.inir -rti to IicuKT. (malis. Kana City ami St. Ix.uli. Your tonne XU VeX agent ran m-II lliroueh lla this lii. YmX of Stkan trains run via t-t XciIhtti bim! Xortl.-rn Pa In.- IUilwar- Sllul and dtll will 1 f urnUlwxl on re)in4. X W. 1- )MX. ;onl. lHsbt anil Pa-. Art. T Poniaml, Oregon. at tbL? o-,ce. j rmT Tb Pln Or-r lrr:rtion district in Klamath county . rrbraH. about tAf, a-T'-s. of mhUb probally ,n y. nsrcm'fuV.r lrr;rted. TT- ; ',cr.t!na!!y oo4 ftata land, but it . aaid that ursd-r Irrlration It ;'.! V.'vt f'r alfalfa or fru;t- Sistit 1'n ValuM" j ;!t-d. putherUnd'a KaKie Koiali Coal. First cU K"! i.ih' soft coal. In any F.yf Kal i!l curr any caiw of aore ; juant;ty. d !herd to any part of the . rranulatd I ds, opthalmla or j city promptly on t. ! h'.n all. nr Ir.r.xm-i condition of th eyra. I Lsav ord r with P. M. Kay A om- pj,,M and harmleaa. 25c tutjpany, phone Jl. at Conrad Ftafrin a. j-r in coal. W. L. IUrtr. d-al- " j Le?al for t.t