nn rff J;f DALLAS, OREGON, TUESDAY. JANUARY 16, 1912 NO. 92 i asiiaii IIS FORMER I OFFICIALS JPLE SHOW TO BK HELD II Ws next fall provid ing coming CROP IS AS GOOD AS INDICATED. IfiEWED INTEREST SHOWN Lialsn o' Education in Matters f Horticultural to be Inaugurated jerc-Expcrt Growers From Hood Uivcr and Other Points to Give i j Illustrated Lectures. The first annual meeting of the fallM Fruit Growers' association las held 'in the Court House Satur ay afternoon. The election of of SUs for the ensuing year resulted I reseating the original incumbents m follows: President, H. C. Eakin; fee president, H. S. Butz; secretary, '. M. Ewing; assistant secretary, N. . Guy; treasurer, H. A. Woods. The foilowing members of the executive J'immlttee were reelected; - J. S. farter, George O. Harshman, W. M. "JHiott, N. M. Grant, J. B. Nunn. I Interest Encouraging. 1 While the attendance at the meet- JtS was small, the interest shown ai tncourasing and the coming jw k to be made an active one for p.e association. The outlook now is jfor a good apple crop next fail, una Ml) a good crop it is promised that n apple show will be held here that ;!! awaken the public to a sense of o!k' advantages in that line of hor ticultural endeavor. J A campaign of education for the pchardist is planned.. Good speak m and men having authority on va rious phases of fruit production are !to be brought here for the benefit of all who care to listen to them. Among others, one of the prominent Hood River experts is to be engaged 'or a lecture on the planting and i ulture of an orchard with practical .illustrations shown by stereoptlcon Mews, PREPARE FOR DEBATES JIMnripals' Club of Polk County Holds Meeting And Arranges For League 1 Team Contests. A Hindu Princess Who Will Soon Wed a Native Prince -IN ;V. 'MEM t I -; ' V V 1 t i V V : ' " v r- ':! i Mi in USE HMD U10II DEPOT CHANGE OB1 TIME ON SOUTHERN PACIFIC IN EFFECT SUNDAY, PROVIDES DESIRED RAD ICAL CHANGE. THTRSA L. TICHENOR GRANTED DIVORCE IN DEPARTMENT NO. 2 OF CIRCUIT COURT FOR POLK. MOTOR SERVICE TO NEWBERG Noon and Afternoon Dallas Trains Still Use Jefferson Street Station; Changes on Main Line Saves aiucli Time For Portland-Los Angeles Passengers. A A Photo by American Press Association. 8 the daughter of one of the greatest of the natWe princ" Princess Indira or Baroaa win nave a bcuu on Feb 29 she will be married to the Maharajah Scindia of Gwalior on r . fathe, the eaekwar. probably the best known in America of all the Indian feudatories. The marriage rites in to to SrSnce with customs of thousands of years' standing for the two prlncefy ImiHes concerned are not Mohammedan, with ancestry run rZr Krther tack than to the Moguis. but Rajputs of immemorial lineage. X f newly wedded pair will depart ou their wedding Journey (which las s on,y one dayTIn a Kay procession of which elephants with elaborate and trappings wUl be the principal feature. Want Market Inspector for Dallas Says Woman's Club Friday evenine. Januarv 12. the eond annual meeting of the Prin cipals' Club of Polk County was held the Court House with an attend- an of sixteen. Under the leader ship of J. h.. Ackerman. President i the Monmouth State Normal, the first two chapters of "Bagley's Crafts- nansnip in Teaching" were studied wd discussed and other matters per taining to Bchool management and Nation wtre considered. For the nm mtin? which is to be held on toe evening of February 23, Thomas & Gentle, head of the Normal train ing school, was chosen leader. Arranging Ix-hates. Matters concerning the county de fcte w.re finallj. decided upon For nvenience of the seven schools participate, they were ar- prd 5a two groups: Perry dale. 1!on. and Bethel in one. and "s-jas. Independence. Monmouth and ili City in the other. The ques? a for debate by the first group is, oived that the Commission Plan CitF Government will decrease WTuption and increase efficiency." ' qu-ion for the second group fSnu'He1 0131 I)irwt Legislation iJl- b dPtid more generally In P, Deve t,ml will travel. CitT iU go to Dallas. Dallas jmouth. Monmouth to Inde rtr ni 'ndependence to Falls CIVIC IMPROVEMENT SECTION URGES COUNCIL TO APPOINT. Also Wants Sidewalk Expectoration Tabooed Library Coiumitte Ready to Draw Plaas. 0 to Start Soon, h, a1S1,mi P'nt of the DfU n,k v , 4 Logging company. hi,e lmPrvements and tnZ W b'ns nie' u eiPcted thit w?e It is hard to keep a good town down, and Dallas is no exception to that comforting rule. The latest up ward tendency has just been mani fested in an appeal to the city coun cil for the appointment of that mu .:! ...rr.iiiTiirr known as a city market inspector. The yearning for a duly authorized and acereuiu ficial to serve in that capac.i out pr originated in the civic Im provement section of the " . r.n- nd the request was imade by Mrs. Ella J- Mettger. head of the section. The matter -ferred to the ordinance committee. A request was also presented by Mrs. Mettger. 'on behalf of the club, asking for the passage of an ordin ance prohibiting expectorating on the sidewalks and in public PleM The ordinance, to place the citj marshal on a flat salary- ... 1 month was vetoed by the mayor and the marshal will continue to receive ;hU compensation in fees. The library committee reported ,'that it had obtained the required data for the proposed C.rne pub I... ... ,.,,iHinir. and that tne ' lie iiuraij w.. T.lans work of preparing 'b. I , v. ,mmnced immediatelj. WOUIU i' v". Hall Rented. Councilmen H. C. C.mpbell ad H. U Fenton were appomted to con fer with Friendship lodge No. . -O o F- in regard to the rental of the city hall for the "suing year. The matter of pl.nn.ng the pro pod sewer extensions was leftto Tstreet and finance committee It i. proposed this year to run the au-pr alone the streets, instead of through the blocks", and property owners are to run their own laterals rnnneet with them. All streets to bt improved this sum mer are to be of the uniform width nf in feet. ' A request was received from Cap- fain Waiter I Tooze, jr., con. manding the local militia company, for a cluster light post in front of Armnrv. He agreed to furnish on if the citv would provide one lit was referred to the finance com- i Mittna 1 Garbage cans were ordered remov ed from the streets, except in front I of the postofflce and the telephone Charles Biiyeu and W. A. Ayres their side- were inUUi.iru -j i ! nut to the street lint. ThP owners of the Brown propenj on Main street were notififd to cover gutters in the sidewalk ana io move rain spouts. 1111 IS tt SEVERED BY COURT NAMES BEING RECEIVED IX COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE AT RATE OF FOUR PER DAY THUS FAR. JUDGE GALLOWAY PRESIDES Judith Snyder Allowed Legal Sepa ration From Benjamin F. Snyder For Adultery Action Taken in Other Cases Brought Berore Ad journed Session. Under the provisions of a new time card which wtent into effect Sun day morning on the Southern Pacif ic lines, including the Yamhill dl vision, trains No. 74 and 75 now ar rive and depart from the Union sta tion in Portland, in place of Jeffer son street as formerly, running via the Osweso cut-off. The routing of the trains from the Union station re quires a slightly lengthened schedule No. 74 'now leaves Dallas at e:5l a - - . x .. . i . ,i m.. dailv ana arrives ai ruruauu nivn QtjjHnn at 10:30. Train No. 75 now leaves the union station, Port land, at 4:10 p. m., daily and arrives in Dallas 10 minutes later than under tv... niA o..Viorhi1f. or at 7:30 D. m. w.r . Train No. 76 now leaves Dallas at l 2:15 instead of 2:30 and runs into the Jefferson street station arriving there at 6:45 p." ro. There is no change in the time of the morning train out of Portland which still departs from the Jefferson street station. Changes on Slain Line. There are also several changes on the main line, the principal one be ing an arrangement whereby 13 hours is saved by. Los . Angeles passengers from Portland, a connection being made with "The Owl" on the South ern Pacific between San Francisco and Los Angeles which eliminates the night's lay over In San Francisco. A motor car service between isew- hpr nnd Fortland has also been in augurated, the car leaving Newnerg at 6:35 a. m. and 1:00 p. m., arriv ing at Portland at 8:05 a. m. and 2:30 p, m. The car will leave i-on- land at 9:45 a. m. and 6:60 p. m., arriving in Newberg at 11:15 a. m. and 7:20 p. m. The change of the two trains from th. Jefferson to the Union station In Portland will permit of much closer connection between Dallas and points on Puget Sound and the East, and cannot fail to prove beneficial to this city and add to the accommodation of passengers from all towns on the Tamhill division. VOTERS REGISTER EEECIII BOOKS TO CLOSE APRIL 4 Ballots For the Purpose of Nominat ing Candidates to bo Cast Friday, April 1 General Election Tues day, November 5 Present Regis tration Given by Precincts. WARM RAINS FORCE FLOOD CONDITIONS IN VALLEY Willamette Breaks Over Banks ami Sa lit lam Destroys Bridges; No Damage in Polk. An adjourned session of Depart ment No. 2 . of circuit court for this county was held here Friday and Sat urday by Judge William Galloway, and seven cases, two of which were for divorce, were disposed of. Thursa L. Tichenor was granted a divorce from Leon E. Tichenor by default on the grounds that. the de fendant was an habitual user of In toxicating liquor and of abusive na ture, that he had failed to provide for her support and that he had left her last September and had not been heard of since. She was granted a decree as prayed for and was allow ed the custody of her two minor children. They were married at Vesterburg, Michigan, February 1896. Judith Snyder was also granted a divorce from Benjamin F. Snyder, by default, the complaint alleging adul tery. She was given the custody of the two children and was allowed $12 per month for their support. Her request to be allowed to resume her maiden name of Judith Steele was denied. The couple was married at Vancouver, British Columbia, May, 1904. Other Cases. M. E. Shuck plaintiff vs. W. It. Matney and Solomon Edelman, action for money. Sibley & Eakln for plain tiff, Oscar Hayter for defendant; de cree for defendant and suit dismissed. R. A. Campbell et al vs. Henrietta Van Groos, partition. W. O. Sims for plaintiff; report of referee tiled and approved. Horace Glandon et al vs. Cora Kerr, foreclosure, McCain & Vinton for plaintiff; motion to strike com plaint from the files overruled; ae fendant sriven 20 days to answer; or der made upon written stipulation. George F. Patterson vs. Helen Cot- fea and P. T. H. Eisele, action ror money. Sibley & fcaKin ior plain tiff, Oscar Hayter for defendant; de cree for plaintiff in sum of $110.30 and $25 attorney's fees. J. A. Cramer vs. Katie Holmes. foreclosure of lien. Weatherrord & Wputherford for plaintiff, Frank Holmes for defendant; transferred to fnrlnn county for the purpose of tak- .imr,- i tier Rtinulation of pa rties. MARRIED IX CAPITAL CITY Mr. IK-hI Craven and MM Emma Elgin United. Hood Craven and Miss Emma El gin were married in Salem. Sunday at 2-30 p. m. The wedding came as a surprise to most of the couple s relatives and friends and was a quiet afThe bride is a sister of City Re corder Elgin, of Salem, and is young woman possessing many ad miring qualities. Mr. Craven 1. IT of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Craven and ha. lived in Dallas and Mon mouth the greater part of his life. The last few year, he has been liv ing on his claim on Salmon river. They left at once for the claim. Mis. Laura Poling, who recently Underwent a serious operation at the t m removed to nT home this morning and U rei-orteJI much W'.iei. Warm rains of considerable copi PB. and extending for two days MiAain? the cold snap had the ef fect last week of bringing up the rivers and stream, of the Willamette ,..iiv to the danger stage, but tne waters began to subside before any . !i .1, a.. was done In PoiK manual ......- m,i,. Marion countj-. however, sur t, financial loss, several iervu inut,. .riH7 over the Santiam being de stroyed. For several days the Wil lamette was on a rampage and In Salem a large section of the South eastern portion of the city was un- ,,, 0,f.r and the lowlands ever - v,..PA nor flooded. LaCreole creek was running bank full Saturday morning and for a far of a flood were entertain ed but the water began falling by the middle of the afternoon and by Sunday had dropped at least three . . u iirram was .till reel nmuus ,i it. murkr flood from ban with consider- able force. Tn InstalL Almira lodge of Rebekaha. No. J. ,i ndnrt installation ol new o.u .mrrn nieht Agate lodge . Waah In vn IT, of Monmoum. " vlted to attend and tmlft. Registrations for the April pri mary election are being received In the office of the county clerk at an average rate of four per day since the books were opened on the second day of the new year. The total num ber recorded Is 44 of which the Re publicans are in the lead. Party preference Is divided as follows: Re publicans 25, democrats 18, prohi bitionist 1, The total registration for the primaries in the fall of 1910 was 2239. The vote on United State, representative at the last election was: Republican 1418, democrat 1064, socialist 192, prohibition 190, total 2854. The registration books will be open until the usual closing hour of 6 o'clock Thursday, April 4 and all who wish to cast a ballot for the purpose of nominating their choice of candi dates should attend to the matter of registration before that time. The primary election will be held Friday, April 19, and the nominees selected at that time will have .their fate de cided at the national, state and coun ty election to be held Tuesday, No vember 5. j Candidal' Petitions. All petitions for county nomina tion, are required to be filed with the county clerk not later than 1 day. before the date of the primary election. Curiosity as to possible candidate for county office. I. manifesting It self, but no announcement, have been made as yet and the talk on the atreet is grounded in speculation. Several name, have been mentioned but 4n each case investigation ha. brought forth only denial. Edwin Jacooson has been freely .poken of a. having an eve on the county clerkship, out his friends will have to look else where for a candidate a he has oth er fish to fry. He ha. lately bought an interest In a big ranch on Salt Creek and prefer, 'to go to that his toric spot a. a farmer rather than a. a defeated politician. lreliM-t Registrations. The registrations for Polk county thus far received, according to pre cinct nnd party affiliation are as fol lows: Precinct IP 1em Tot WILL OPEN COAL YARD HERE IevckMnent of City Calls For New IJusiin-ss. Within a short time Dallas Is to have its first coal yard. W. L. Bar ber has lately been making arrange ments to open one here for the pur pose of supplying the growing needs of the city. The Southern Pacific has given him permission to er.ct sheds along the spur track between the depot and Ash street where the roal will be unloaded from the car. and stored for delivery. The coal Is to come from the Koplah mines In Washington. He will also put In a supply of blacksmith coal. For the present, hi. office will be with S. M. Ray & company, where order, a ill be tak. n and the weigh ing will be attended to. Jackson I Salt Lake 1 Spring Valby 1 Eola 2 Rlckrenll 0 Lucklnmute 2 Bridgeport 0 Southeast Dalla. 6 McCoy 0 South Dallas J North Dalla. 2 Pi-dee I North Monmouth 4 Northeast Dallas ' Buell 0 Totals 25 '1 Prohibitionist Want New Building. A special achool election is to be n,.M t P.sckreall next Saturday be ginning at 1 o'clock in the afternoon. f- th nuritoM of deciding the que tion of voting bond, for the erection of a new achool building there. The -n-th of the population of the dis trict according to the advocate, of the bonds, ha. been sch that the preaect building t inadequate. 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 2 1 4 3 0 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 7 1 7 E 1 IS 44 MAY ERECT BUSINESS BLOCK Oiarlc M. Walker Kliow lallli in Italia by Realty Investment. Ieolaring that he I. a firm believ er in the future of Dalla. and how Inr his faith In a substantial way. Charle. M. Walker, through the F. E. Cook real state agency, baa pur chased a lot belonging to J. U Brown on Mill atreet between Church and Main, and expect, to erect thereon a building to be used for business purpoae. It 1. exported that announcement of other new building project, will be made within a few U i ' ?