Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, January 09, 1912, Page THREE, Image 3

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    ,SPAY. JAmiAEY 9th, 1912
flake Nineteen Twelve A
p gcord Year
Yon will find our company doing its full share in the
work of municipal development.
If we all pull TOGETHER success is bound to be our
Our company want3 no revenue that it does not EARN.
We believe that any public utility corporation can be
conducted to the satisfaction of the public and the
stockholders and be fair to both.
No individual nor any corporation can be absolutely
perfect. The best we can do is to make an earnest
effort always in the right direction.
We are anxious to investigate errors and to apply cor
rection. Do us the favor of making our office the FIRST PLACE
you lodge a complaint.
Oregon Power Company
J. L. WHITE, Local Manager
Telephone 24
Real Estate
I If vou are interested in Property of
any kind it will be to your advantage
to see me first. If you want to Sell
your Property Come in and List it. If
you are interested in buying, Read
Carefully the following Lists, and then
Let me know what you Want.
So. 64. 80 acres 2 1-2 miles from
Salem near boat landing and sta
1 tion on Salem, Falls City & West
i em Ry., 1-2 mile from school,
f church and store, 7 room bouse,
! barn 5ox73, two good chicken
! houses, hog houses, water piped
i from good spring to house, all
fenced with woven wire, large fish
pond, etc. GO acres in high state
of cultivation, balance pasture and
timber, five acres under irrigation
and more can be irrigated. Price
$8,.)00. Terms if desired.
', No. 4(i. 30 acres of land all level,
soil dark rich loam and all in crop,
; on a good wagon road and joins
railroad. Will sell all or in 10
acre tracts. Price $110 per acre.
? No. 54. 80 acres of level land all
in cultivation, 7 miles from Cor
vallis, on the new Electric R. R.
now building to Eugene, 1-4 mile
from station, near school and good
road to town. 5 room house near
ly new, barn and other buildings,
11 fenced. Price $G0 per acre.
No. 127. 80 acres of good land all
in cultivation, 4 miles from Mon
mouth, in fine farming country;
6 room house, barn 60x30, two hog
houses, chicken house, smoke
house, wood house and good orch
ard of about 130 trees, good well
and spring. Price $125 per acre.
Good terms.
No. 33. 5 acres just one mile from
town on a good road; plank walk
all the way to town. All in cul
World Famous
I Perfect Regulating
Device, Outside
i Moisture Pan
ICraven Bros.,!
1 Dallas, Orc-on
For This City
For Sale
tivation and part in crop. New
four room house, wood house,
chicken house and good well; 24
young fruit trees and some ber
ries. Price $1700. Good terms.
No. A2. 14 1-2 acres 1 1-2 mile from
town. Barn 20x40, lumber on
place for house. Soil dark loam,
all in crop. Price $3200. Terms.
No. A3. One of the best bargains in
Dallas consisting of a strip of land
100x140 feet on Main St., near
Court House. Two good 6 room
dwellings with modern improve
ments, wood shed, and 25 bearing
fruit trees. This is a very good
investment. Price $3,500.
No. Al. Close in 6 room dwelling
in first class condition. Lot 50x
140, good new barn, wood shed,
etc. This is a good home and the
. price and terms very attractive.
Price $1200.
No. 01. Five room cottage in first
class condition, wood shed and
well, lot 50x144; in a desirable
part of town. Price $1050.
No. 59. Large 9 room two story
nlnstered and in good con
dition; cellar and cement base
ment, good well, chicken noue,
woodshed. 4 large lots, 50 bearing
fruit trees. Price $1S00. One-half
cash, balance easy terms. Will
consider a trade.
No G2. Choice lot 50x140, two
blocks from Main St. Price $250.
Easy terms.
Dallas, Or.
j i
v " I
HELDON did not mention the
subject again, nor did tils con
duct change from what It bad
always been. Tbere was noth
ing ot the pining lover, nor of
the lover at all. In tils demeanor. Nor
was there any awkwardness between
them. They were ns frank and friend
ly In their relations as ever.,
The labor situation in Berande was
Improving. The Martha had carried
away fifty of the blacks whose time
was up. and they bad been among the
worst on the plantation live year men
recruited by Johnny Be-blowed. men
who bad gone through the old days or
terrorism when the original owners of
Berunde had been driven away. The
new recruits, being broken in under
the new regime, gave better promise.
Joan bad Joined with Sheldon from the
start In the program that tbey must
be gripped with a strong hand.
1 tbinK it would be n good Idea to
put all the gangs nt work close to
the house this afternoon." she an
nounced one day at breakfast. "I've
cleaned up the house, and you ought
to clean up the barracks. There is too
much stealing going on."
Joan nnd Sheldon, both armed, went
through the barracks, house by bouse,
the boss boys assisting.
A wealth ot loot was recovered.
There were fully n dozen cane knives.
big backing weapons, with razor edges.
capable of decapitating a man at a
stroke, but most astonishing was the
quantity ot ammunition- cartridges for
Lee Mel fords, for Winchesters and
Marlins, for revolvers from 3:2 caliber
to 45. shotgun cartridges. Joan's two
boxes ot UH cartridges of prodigious
bore for the ancient Snldersef Malaita.
flasks of black powder, sticks of dy
namite, yards of fuse and boxes of
detonators. But the great And was in
the house occupied by Gogoomy nnd
five Port Adams recruits. The fact
"MB rratsH ALOWO tod toc di alto-
that tbe boxes yielded nothing excited
Sheldon's suspicions, and be gave or
ders to Hig up tbe wurtben floor.
Wrapped matting, well oiled, free
from rust, and brand new. two Win
chesters were first unearthed. Shel
don did not recognize tbem. They bad
not come from Berande: neither bad
the forty flasks of powder found under
the corner post ot the bouse: and.
while be could not be sure, be could
remember no loss of eight boxes of
detouators. The absence of any car
tridge made Sheldon persist in the
digging up ot tne floor, and a Cfty
pound flour tin was bis reward. With
glowering eyes Gogoomy looked ou
whiie Sheldon took from the tin a
hundred rounds each Tor the two Win
chesters and fully as many roonds
more of ooniewrlpt cartridges ot ail
...pt and make and calibres.
Tbe contraband and stolen pror-en? , Mnje t ,nSD cooid swim ns wen
was pllwl in assorted beapa on lb'yoQ. v.aybe tt would beset cotitidenca
back venorta ot tne bungalow. A gocn al you bare."
few paces from the bottom of tl j Joa kDow 1 think it would be
step were grouped tbe forty olZ t0 t. married to a man such a
rrits. wbiie behind tbem. In solid array, j joa seem to becoming." she remark
Uie several hundred blacks cf the Fta- i wita one f ber abrupt changes that
tttion. At tbe bead of tne nept Ja uwtji agtounded film. "1 should thick
nd SSeldon were seated. i you could be trained Into a very Rood
-Look at It," Sbeldoo said to Josa. . bast)aDd-yoJ know, not one of tbe
-We've been sleeping over Tolcaoo. : domlBeertDj tmd. but one wbo con
TfceT ocEfct to be whirred"- sidered tU wU was Jut ss much
-.No whip ce." Gogoomy cried ont a 3,1 , tiirwlt and Jost as
e-"m -ratter tJcS m b ? h ,nt ;es:!y. you know.
ctt Me wfc!p. too mora
. v.v. .tr,r Ten. rk en. my word.
:A Romance of
The South Seas
Copyright. 1910. by Street & Smith
Copyright. IOII. by the Macmillan Company
out of you. Here. you. Kwaque. put
'm Irons along that fella Gogoomy."
Kwaque. a strapping gang boss,
plucked Gogoomy from out of his fol
lowing, and helped by the other gang
bosses twisted bis arms behind him
and snapped on tbe heavy handcuffs.
"Me finish along you, close up. you
die altogether," Uogoomy, with wrath
distorted face, threatened the boss
"Please, no whipping." Joan said In
a low voice. "It whipping Is neces
sary, send them to Tulngl and let the
government do It. Give them their
choice between a fine or an official
Sheldon nodded and stood up, facing
the blacks.
"Manonmle."' be called.
Mauonmle stood forth and waited.
"You tella boy bad leiia too much."
Sheidou charged. "Voii steal 'm
plenty. Me cross along you too much.
S'nose. vou like m, me take m one
fella pound along you in big book.
S'pose you no like "m me take m one
fella pound, then me send you fella
along Tulngi catch m one strong fella
government whipping. Plenty New
Georgia boys, plenty Vsabel boys stop
along jail aloug Tulagi Them fella
no like Malaita boys little bit. My
word, they give 'm you strong fella
whipping. What you say?"
"Vou take m one felia pound along
me. was the answer.
And Manonmle. patently relieved.
stepped back, while Sheldon entered
the hue in the plantation labor Jour
Dai. Boy after boy. he called the of
fenders out and gave them their choice.
and bov bv boy each one elected to
pay the tine imposed.
Gogoomy and his five tribesmen were
fined three pounds each, and at Go-
eoomvs guttural command they re
fused to pay.
"S'pose you go along Tulagt." Shel
don warned him; "you catch m strong
Fella whipping and you stop along
Jail three fella year. SavveeY"
Gogoomy wavered.
"Von take m three fella pound along
m," Gogoomy muttered, at the same
time si-owling bis hatred at Sheldon
and transferring nail the scowl t
Joan and Kwarjue. "Me finish along
you. you eaten m big fella trouble,
mv word. Father belong me big fella
chief along t ort Adams."
"Tbat will do." Sheldon warned him.
"You shut mouth belong you.
"Me no fright," the son of a chief
rptnriert. bv bis Insolence increasing
his stature In the eyes of his fellows,
"Lock him up for tonight," Sheldon
said to Kwaque. "Sun he come up
put m that fella and five fella belong
him alone grass cutting, savvee?
"There will be trouble with Gogoomy
yet," Sheldon said to Joan, as the boss
boys marshalled their gangs and led
them away to their work. Keep an
eye on him. Be careful when you ure
rtHinir ninne on the plantation. The
loss of those Winchesters and all that
ammunition baa hit him harder than
your cuffing did. He Is dead ripe or
"I wonder what has become of Tu
Anr. It's two months since be dlsap
peared Into tbe bush, and not a word
of him after be left mnu.
Joan Uckiand waa sitting astride
her borse by tbe bank of the Haiesuna
where tbe sweet corn had been plant
ed. and Sheldon waa leaning against
her horse's shoulder.
-Yea. it la a long time for no news
to have trickled down." be answered,
watching ber keenly from under his
hat brim and wondering as to the
measure of ber anxiety for the aa
venturous gold hunter. "But Tudor
-m mm out all right. He did a thing
t tbe start that I wouldn't have given
him or an? otber man credit ror-per
naded Binn Charley to go along with
.!. i n o-nror no other Bloo nigger
has ever gone so far into the bush
nnless to be kal kai'd.
"Look! Look!" Joan cried in a low
voice, pointing across the narrow
stream to a slack eddy, where a huge
: crocodile drifted like a log awasu.
i -Ugh! Tbe filthy beasts! I bate tbemi
i I bate them!"
j "And yet you go diving among
I.. ft-.- Sheldon chlded. "Just the
( tr..,k TOn are Irr s-r.-v;r.g.'
1 Kr.- lanrted aod rode awsy,
nesa iu her words, eaitrfeiiuuihe flutter.
one womanl? attempt at deliberate lure
and encourugement he would have
been elated. Hut be knew absolutely
that it was tbe boy and not tbe woman
who bad so daringly spoken.
Joan rode through twenty acres of
uncleared cane. The grass was waist
high and higher, and as she rode
along she remembered that Gogoomy
was one of a gang of boys tbat bad
been detailed to the grass cutting. A
little farther on she heard voices and
reined in and listened. It was Go
goomy talking.
Dog be stop 'm along house, night
time he walk about." Gogoomy was
saying. "Vou fella boy catch 'm one
fella pig. put 'm kai-kai, belong blm
dog along one big fella fish hook.
S'pose dog be walk about catcb 'm kai
kai. you fella boy catch 'm dog ailee
same one shark. Dog be finish close
up. Big reiia marster sleep along Dig
fella iiouse. White Mary sleep along
pickaninny house. One fella Adamu
be stop along outside pickaninny bouse.
You fella boy finish 'm dog, finish 'm
Adamu, finish m big fella marster,
finish 'm white Mary, finish 'm alto
gether. Plenty musket be stop, planty
powder, ple.'iy tomahawk, plenty knife
fee. Sun be come up we long way
too much."
"Me catch 'm pig sun he go down,"
spoke up one whose tbln fulsetto voice
Joan recognized as Delonging to Cosse,
one of Gogoomy's tribesmen.
"Me catch m dog," said another.
"And mr. catch 'm white fella Mary,"
Gogoomy cried triumphantly. "Me
catch 'm Kwaque he die along him
This much Joan beard of the plan to
murder, and then her rising wrath
proved too much for her dlscreon.
She spurred her horse Into the grass,
What name you fella boy, eh? What
Tbey arose, scrambling and scatter
ing, and to ber surprise she saw there
were a dozen of them As she looked
In their glowering faces and noted the
heavy, two-foot hacking cane knives
tn their bunds, she became suddenly
aware of the rashness of her act. If
ouly she had her revolver or a rifle, all
would bave been well. But" she had
carelessly ventured out unarmed.
To much talk along you fella boy.
she said severely. "Too much talk.
too little work. Savvee?"
Gogoomy made no reply, but. ap
parently shifting weight be slid one
foot forward. The other hoys, spread
fanwlse about her, were also sliding
forward, the cruel cane knives In their
bands advertising their Intention.
You cut m grass!" she commanded
But Gogoomy slid his other foot
forward. Sbe measured the distance
sflth ber eve. it would lie Impossible
to whirl her horse around and get
away. She would be chopped down
from behind.
She lifted ber riding whip threaten
ingly, nnd at the same moment drove
In both spurs with her heels, rushing
the startled horse straight ot Gogoomy.
He swerved aside to avoid the borse.
at the same time swinging bla cane
knife in a slicing blow tbat would bave
cut ber in twain. She leaned forward
under the flying steel, which cut
through her riding skirt, through tbe
edge or the saddle, through the saddle
cloth, and even slightly Into the nurse
Itself. Her right band, still raised,
came dowu. tbe thin whip whistling
through the air. She saw the white,
crooked mark of the weal clear across
the sullen, handsome face, and still
what was practically in the stime tu
staut she saw another member of
the baud, over ridden, go down before
her, and she beard bis snarling and
grimacing chatter for all the world
lite uu angry monkey. Theu sbe was
free and away, beading the horse at
top speed for tbe bouse.
Out of her sea training she was able
to appreciate Sheldon's executlvenesa
when sbe burst in 011 him with, ber
news. Springing from the steamer
chair in which be bad been lounging
while waiting for breakfast, he clapped
his bands for the bouse boys; and.
while listening to her. he was buckling
on bis cartridge belt and running the
mechanism of his automatic pistol.
"Ornflri." be snapped out bis orders.
"you fella ring big fella bell strong
fella plenty. You finish "m bell, you
put m saddle on borse. VlaburL Jou
go quick bouse belong Seelee be stop.
tell 'm plenty black fella run away
ten fella two fella black fella boy.1
He scribbled a note and handed It to
Laiaperu. "LalajMTU. you go quick
bouse belong white fella marster
"That will head them back from the
coast on both sides." be explained to
Joan. -And old Seelee will turn bis
whole village loose vu their track ss
In response to the summons of tbe
big bell Joan t Tabltlnns were the first
to arrive, by their glistening bKli-
and panting chests showing tbat tbey
bad run all the way.
.. m t ...it.
ruriuuu 1 -v 1 1 uvv. , . ' ... -.
or St
nd deal out ammunition and
handcuff!. Adamu Adam, wlib loaded
riSe. be placed on guard over ttie
whalcboats. Noa Noah, aidrd by
Matapuu. was instructed to take
charge of the working gangs as fat
as tbey came la. to keep tbem atnus4-d,
and to guard against their being stam
peded Into making a break for them
elves. The five other Tar.itians men
to follow Joan and Sheldon on f t
t'm glad we unearthed that arsenal
the otber day." Sheldon remarked as
they rode out cf the corrp-'und rs'e.
A hundred yards aay th-y encoun
tered cue of tbe c!ertt.g gang or. mi.-.
la. It was Kwiau-'s f-' tut
doa looked In va'a for f:n.
"Whit rr thnt f""i Ki-v-
"Here, you" fella Babatanl you talk
'm mouth belong you." -
Babatanl stepped forward In all the
pride of one singled out from among
bis fellows.
"Gogoomy he finish along Kwaque
altogether," was Babatanfs explana
tion. "He take 'm head 'b'long him run
like b-."
In brief words and with paucity of
imagination he described the murder.
and Sheldon and Joan rode on.
A mile farther on, where the run
aways' trail led straight toward the
bush, they encountered the body of
Kwaque. The head had been hacked
eff and was missing, and Sheldon took
It on faith that the body was Kwaque's.
He had evidently put up a tight, for
a bloody trail led away from the body.
NCE they were well into the
thick bush, the horses had to
be abandoned. Papehara was
left in charge, while Joan and
Sheldon and the remalulug Tuultians
pushed ahead on foot An hour later,
following along a wild pig trail. Sbet
don suddenly baited. The bloody track
had ceased. The Tahltlntis cast ou.
in the bush on either side, and a cry
from Utanii apprised them of a find.
Joan waited till Sheldon came back.
"It's Mauko." he said. "Kwaque did
for him. and be crawled in there and
died. That's two accounted for. There
are ten more."
Crossing one of the quiet Jungle
spaces, where naught moved but n vel
vety twelve Inch butterfly, they hinrd
the sound of shots,
'T.ignt, jonn counted. "It was ou'y
one gnu. It must be riipelmra."
They hurried on, but when they
reached the tqtot they weie In doubt
The two horses stood quietly tethered,
and ivpetiiira. shunned on I1I.1 hums,
was having 11 peaceful smoke. Ad
vancing toward him, Sheldon tripped
on a body Hint lay In I lie grass, aud ns
be saved himself from fulling his eyes
lighted ou h seioud. Jou 11 recognized
this one. It was t'osse, one of Gi
goouiy's triltesmen. the one who bud
promised to catch at sunset the pig
that wits to have baited the hook for
"No luck, missie." was rapelinra's
greeting, accompanied by a disconso
late shake of the bead. "Catch only
two boy. I have good shot at Go
goomy, ouly I miss."
"But you killed them." Joan chlded.
"You must catch them alive."
The Tahltian smiled.
"How?" he queried. "I am have a
smoke. I think ubout Tahiti, and
breadfruit and Jolly good time at Bora
Bora. Quick. Just like that ten boy be
run out of bush for me. Knch boy
have long knife. Gogoomy have
oug knife one hand and Kwaque's
bead In other band, t no stop to catch
'em alive. I shoot like h . How you
catcb 'em nlive, ten boy, ten long knifa
and Kwaque's head?"
The scattered paths of the different
boys, where they broke back after the
disastrous attempt to rush the Ta
hltian, soon led together. They traced
It to the Berande, which the runaways
bad crossed with the clear lntentkn of
burying themselves In the huge man
grove swamp that lay beyond.
"There is no use our going any far
ther." Sheldon said. "Seelee will turn
out his village and hunt them cut of
(To be Continued next Turxlay)
TT. Kvor Got Tin Monc7
Sufhcrl.,!' Kazle K al
;' . , .. . ,
cured Ills vri a; i un uni
it. raiiilc-s and ham. '(-.
Slafriu's lrv. store.
Poultry AiBocia'.ion I'ecv.r.g.
A mcctii;? of the Polk County
Poultry .'iatin nil! t-e 1 ' i!
tl.e Court Il-.n-e. ia Ia;ia. t 2 J.
m., We.!;if.lay, 'January l' 1'12.
for the pnrj.o'.e of eort-iuctir
annua! !ctin ! t.i.r; n
tin.e rA t.Jace .f the V-12 !.'-.
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