TWO POLK COUNTY OBSERVER TUESDAY, JAKTJAlj r""-l:l.l""""l,u-"",""t """J """ 11 .v..'. . "rr-.rz- II , , r rr " H i DON'T FORGET Sale Starts WEDNESDAY JANUARY 10 At 8:30 A. M. nnnn n n TVV r Willi lj II n mm A Vn r n it n nnnvrnrnnnn H till II Hi II li til I It II MUil II II El II s U u U I LJUU UUUUVUWU AniWSn 8?,'""J , if o) L SIXTEEN OF Til GREATEST BARGnTi Ever Offered in The tory of Merchant y)lr I i fi" IVU 1 III Ul w 1M j r D N n ml El if Every article in our store has again been reduced AH profits and cost has long since been forgotten. My object is to dispose of every piece of merchandise in SIXTEEN DAYS. The building has to be turned over to the con! tractors the last of this month for remodeling and we Must Vacate. Therefore, beginning Wednesday, January! 10, 8:30 a. m., and continuing until Saturday, January 27. 10:30 p. m., the most remarkable low prices ever wit1 nessed before will prevail in our store. '1 Sixteen Days of The Greatest Sale Ever Attempted By Any Store in The Colli f Nothing Reserved. Everything Must Go. Let no one stay away from this SaleJ Everybody Come. This is Positively the Last Chance. No one can afford to miss ill We quote a few prices, read them over: Come in and look over the stock. You will find that every word state m xnis advertisement is absolutely correct. Shoes! Shoes! FOR MEN, BOYS, GIRLS AND CHILDREN ' Mens' $2.50 Shoes at $1.65 Mens $.100 Shoes at I.95 Mens' $3.50 Shoes at 2.45 Metis' $4.00 Shorn nt 2.95 Mens' 5.00 Shoes at 3.45 .Menu' $5.50 hili top Shoes at 3.85 Menu' $7.50 high top Shews at 5,65 Hoys $'-.50 Shoes at 1,45 Hoys $;t.00 Shoes at 1.95 Hoys $4.00 high top Shoes at 2.95 (lirls $2.50 Shoes at 1,35 (Jills $.100 Shoes at 1.65 Sweaters and Sweater Coats $1.00 Sweater Coats at $1.50 Sweater Coats at $.1.00 Sweater Coats at , 45c 95c $175 Hen's Furnishings Mens' Shirts, the kind you pay from 50c to "5c at 35C $1.00 grade, soft eollar Shirt at 65C 75e dress Shirts at 450 $2.00 and $2.50 diess Shirts at 95c $1.50 soft eollar Shirts at 950 $2.50 and $3.00 Flannel Shirts at $1.75 $2.00 Flannel Shirts, at J.J5 $2.00 Dress Shirts with detached soft collar to match at 1,15 Men's Suits and Overcoats $15.00 Suits and Overcoats at $ 7.95 $18.00 Suits and Overcoats at 9.45 $20.00 Suits and Overcoats at 12.95 $22.50 Suits and Overcoats at 13.85 $25.00 Suits and Overcoats at 11.95 $.'10.00 Suits and Overcoats at 17.45 Hosiery, Suspenders, Neckwear Etc 10c Black and Brown Sox at 5c 15c Black and Brown Sox at 8c 25c Fancy Sox l2Vtc Extra Heavy Wool Sox 20c Fine Cashmere Sox 20c 25c Suspenders 15C 50c Suspenders 5c 75c Suspenders 45c 25c Neckwear J5C 50c Neckwear 30c 75c Neckwear 45,. 50c Mufflers 20c 10c Handkerchiefs 5C ODD PANTS All $2.50 Pants at 51.35 All $3.00 Pants at . . . 1.75 All $3.50 Pants at 2.35 All $4.00 Pants at 2.65 All $5.00 Pants at 3.35 Hate! Hats! There is about 150 Hate of different kind in a eral styles in Black, Brown, and Light colore, reg ular price from $2 to $3. Your choice of the entire lot at L All of our regular lines of $3 Hats will be closed out at P $3.50 and $4.00 at I-55 John B. Stetson $5.00 Hats at Underwear! Underwear Heavy weight Cotton Underwear at 0c $1.00 grade Extra Fine Ribbed Underwear ... 5 $1.50 all Wool Underwear, light, medium nd heavy at $2.00 Extra Fine Wool Underwear at 135 1 - We also have a large line of Cravenettes and Silk Rubberized Rain Coats. Also Rubber Coats, Rubbers and U her Knots nr. PmiallTr lrmr nvi' inn T,, i.: j 7 w vmuuj iu v jjhco. 111 vesilKaie. Again I repeat, This Sale Will Last Just Sixteen Days: January 10th to January 27, and we are going to dispose 01 the entire stock within that length of ti'mp The Reductions Herewith Stated Are Strictly Bona-Fide. Positively no Exaggeration. PW!-!!rmn We will refund the railroad fare to anvone that t i o Mfe BUililLllLiW. of 25 miles providing his purchases amounts to Sin or ' " REMEMBER THIS IS THE LAST CliOE unnr Win f.kin Strcat, I!oxt Deer to Ddlas City Dsnli Dallas, Oregon DON'T FOHOET CUT 16 DAY so co:iT