Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, January 09, 1912, Image 1

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    mi (ir fcf? j fKfl
1 U i Ma V 1 T L I HI
. I 1 1 J j I f 1
Wife of Ohio's Executive Tries
To Reform a Pardoned Convict
. ' v: ,--u
I -"7 : I . : ' , ' . V
! f I
Copyrifht by American Pret AsocUtlon, 111.
. . . . r, ha m
is a unnsima. gin mu "
Ohio. It was granted. However, omy ' .
. . . . ., . i... t mhiPh he was afterward shown
i convictea or complicity m
Khar, had no part) had promised Mrs.
,m,ng drink and lead an upright life..
. . - . .
Mtignter or an unio pnysician. n him.
ad particularly In the application! for executive c emency t
Her bal life ha. been a busy one. both in Cincinnati and Washington,
where be and her daughter, were well known and popular figures. Tne pno
togrtpb here reproduced show, her with a favorite niece.
Local Music Lovers To Provide
Uucb. Needed Orjiaizatioa Within
Short Time.
After many years, Dallas is to
ut an orchestra, an announcemenjt
bieh mill le received with pleasure
y tlie music lovers of the city.. For
long time efforts have been made
'o supply the need in that respect,
ut fur the lack of a' competent
noSinit they were not successful.
X", however, that objection no lon
applies, and an orchestra of six
("we has been onranized and lias
already commenced rehearsals. L.
'A. Tjonie. a recent arrival frum Ok
!Hinia. who i an accomplished vio
"t and teacher, has been chosen
i. rector.
f,:'"er memliers and the instru
,0 Inch they have been as
F re: Mrs. L. ii. Thome, pian
J. C. l"j:ow, cello; Lvle Rice,
H; Lloyd Ri(.e flaronJt; T. C.
I' i expected that the public will
r "D " "pix'iiunitv to hear the
!T wbcira within the next couple!
V- 3- V!e was a buine-s i-it-"r
m ,-m Monday.
1 T Notice.
Ordinary No. 143 of
" ' J c' Da'Ias, Oregon, are
, 4 cd payable at the -i
f th Aoiitor and Poljee
I i
j " murrn IH a UfttSM
' "J'7"ft"i for on
, ff Fthraarj 1. 1?12, a
i Zf7 "f m tt aha'J be aJ
eenscs L-
. Ufa nrisoner in th state pniten
,,, Harmon of
... rnm
Harmon that bY wonld JJ JJ
Mrs. Harmon who was the talented
tun intnrMt in her husbands won
Amount For State Doubled This
I Year.
I The county commissioners
this afternoon fixed the tax levy
of Polk county for the year
j 1911 at 13 mills. The appor
I tionment among the various
I funds is shown herewith:
j State
j County
High Schools
Road and Highways 4.1
Total mills
lo.O 12.0
Bays City Bonds.
The sale of the 1911 eity street im
provement bonds was completed at
an adjourned meeting of the city
council held Monday night. lue
amount bid was $3043.37, with ac
crued interest from date of isue un
til date of delivery. W. A. Ayres
was the jun-ha-er.
To Add Cluster Lights.
The Dallas Mercantile company, in
m. with the t;mes and
01 tin iw "f xr
..i irt the illumination on -Main
,rect. has s.-i.ed a r-ontract with
the Oregon Power company for the
installation .f four-lirbt electnc
,:,,er r-t ia front of its tore.
A r.uml-er of other cluster lamp
:ta re to be put in later in dif
ferent part of the bHne wtwm
.f tlx? city.
Moumoctli Woa.
Ia rh and tumble jjt
M.-.mouth Ut Friday .
Wt t0 the Monmouth 1
by a Kre of to 1
i that tbe au1X
enfawiliar rerun io
iwrwnsiUt for tie to?-
ahotiier lira
Bl Mil
OF $2,000.00.
Files Complaint in Department No,
1 of Circuit Court Alleging Acci
dent Was Due to Defective Tlirot
tin nn Tinnkev in Oneration Near
Black Reck Last Summer.
Two thousand dollars is the
nnwu'.ot iwppsamv to recoirDonse 1j.
i ' iio- lower, for in nines re
vived while in the empiu? of the
.... oi Wtatorn T.nmher emuKaiiv. of
p-alls City, according to a complaint
.vhich he has filed in Department
ro. 2 oi Circuit court t'r P'd-t
.iniiy. In his allegation, lie states
hut he Avas employed as a fireman
and assistant to the engineer ot a
ionkev engine in the service of the
company in the vicinity of Black.
Rock, June 22, 1911.
Carelessness Assigned.
He further alleges that the throt
tle of the engine had been permu
ted by the defendant, Knowingly.
carelessly and negligently to become
worn out, leaky and defective," -and
lint "bv reason thereof steam leak
ed into the cylinders and tne engine
etartA nf its own motion" while
Hunter was making some repairs to
that as a result his
ua oe .Bnpht. "crushing and
v.i,;n tha bones of the hand and
UlCSUlug -
finwrs WltllOUt iaUll UI1 uia
and in consequence has become per-
maiiantlv 1 Til '1 TPO .
111H 11V, 1. . J -..j .
He demands judgment against the
Lumber company for the sum of
$2000 and for costs and disburse-
i. t ti,a anit His attorney is
H 1" I ' i a y 1
C. M. Inman, of Salem.
Rev. and Mrs. Sanford Snyder Cel
ebrate Fortieth Anniversary
of Wedding Day.
T...iormifonc.p. Or.. Jan. 9. ev
Sanford Snyder and wife, ot .nm
J1II1V I " 1 ' T - ' ...
.hmtpA the 40th anniversary
,v . ,r. l .
of their marriage on wunu.,
on New Year's day, 18-2, at er
.'ennes. Mich., Sanford Snyder and
Miss Jane E. Kerr were maniea
bv Kev. Charles Cluck.
A reception was held at their Come
from 2 p. m. till 4:30 p. m., and
manv of their reiam" ' x..,
were present to greet and eongratu-i
late this happy couple, ami i"
them many more anniversaries.'
Among the relatives who tame were
Mr and Mrs. John Allen and Lev.
Robert II. Allen, all of Salem.
Rev Mr. Snvder has been an hon
ored member of the Oregon Metho
dt Episcopal conference since IS
but he besran his ministry in Michi
gan in 1S72. He retii-ed from active
work in lfUO, owing to impair
Death Calls Two.
Silas Coats, for 13 year marshal
Ol ,
r 1 h 1iel II "
.. r-j Januarv 3. aaer
. . i..-. His wife. Mrs. Mary
.nniv.nl him only three day.
pacing away Monday. They
nrvive.i e - .
. 1 r ir n Ifralor. botB
teal ana
of Motsmoath.
tv.rn. Tharav, Janoary i, toPro-
Merry Quip and
Mark Passing
Angora Venison Festal Board
Receipts of Postoffice Larger
Than Ever.
Figures compiled by Post- )
master C. G. Coad at the close
of the calendar year show that j
the commercial activity of the
city and vicinity as measured j
by the amount of money han- j
died by the Dallas postoffice is j
in a healthy condition. During j
the past 12 months the receipts j
have reached a total of $8197,
and while the increase over the
previous year is not abnormally
large the percentage is much j
greater than many other tows of
a similar size. I
On account of the large num-
ber of election documents sent
out by political candidates dur-1
ing a campaign, the present
year is expected to be an un-
usually lively one in postoffice
affairs. I
i'lll SEICE
General Superintendent Says Rapid
Development of Valley Calls For
Double Track. -
Motor-car service on the boutuern
Pnciflfl between Portland and few-
, . . - 11' 1 !
berg will be established next eu-
nesday. lne car wui
r . .:n 1, tw.lmi iha menu. nut me venison w
round trips a aay auu wm u
... -i . j .:ii .
the Jefferson street depot in 5 ort-
land. The time card has not been
completed, but it has been decided
to have the car remain at Newberg
.11 .,;..i,f looviiicr there earlv in the
,; wturnino- about noon and
trin to Portland
U1BK.I11& r .
late in the afternoon, lhe last wip
c r,ion in Kewliersr W! 1 be
1 rom i uiuouu 1 " - o
made late in the evening.
Franchise Asked.
4 it,., franchise is exant-
"""" - T
ea inroiiKo - - --
1 .1 1. v o( ntnuit in rvewuiinr.
. :u rotii nln the b si-
me ears iu "i"-' .
ncss district of that city, say the
Tt ; nr,,Vinhlp th New-
ureomau. i" ,.
bero- council will grant the franclus-
within the next few weeks, although
the intention now is to allow ti-.e
Southern Pacific but a single track,
at the same time giving the uregon
Electric a single track.
D W. Campbell, general superin-
,w of the Southern Pari lie yes-
terday expressed his disappointment
over the 'allure of the iNewr.erg ui-
ficials to grant the company the dou -
hle-track I'anchise for which he
nraved He p..intrd out that tne
rapid development or tne ec i
"1 ' . . r. ...i 1 .!
Yamhill valler between ron:a
Om-allis is Mich that a double trick
,.1 oi...-
... . , 1 ..,..-.. n rv f."r IIS1
Will DC aOSOlUUIIV l.cro..'
?ntire route within the .nex". le-.v
Normal Tax Revenue.
Salem. Or. Jan. 9.-That the one-
twentv-fifth of a mill appnpnaio
annuall v for the Monmouth cnoni
U Mate' revenue, the fund created is
a state fund and bee an item of
(iiaie - . .
ed as any other state tax, i
of an opinion banded down yeier
dav bv Attomey-General Crawford
at" the reqawt of the State Tri
of Tax e?Emi:.oMrs. The ''ef't
ion of the fand, U ad", ahoald
follow the method of oi:l.
oiler fUte taxes and i-ou-J be !
portioned asf'S the Ut
ajs rcatcer.
Joyous Jest
Hour at Erst
One Hundred and Sixty Gather
Around Dining Tables; Governor
West and Other Oregon Boosters
Pav Tribute to Aneoras and to
Dallas Enterprise.
With a total of 1G0 plates and
with the big room in the Thompson
block, adjoining the Gail hotel, which
had been improvised as a
room, filled to its capacity with lead
ing citizens of Dallas and vicinity,
and with Governor West in tlie pos
ition of honor the long heralded an
gora venison banquet" of Thursday
nisrht. nroved the most popular teat-
lire of the annual exhibit 01 tne
o 7 x
Northwest Ansrora Goat association
Although the committee in the first
place, started out to dispose of 00
tickets onlv for the banquet, demands
became so insistent and came 111 such
numbers that it was found necessary
to increase the capacity of the seat
ing arrangements to the limit 01 tne
room and even then the committee
found it necessary to turn down sev
eral applications for seats that came
at the eleventh hour.
The decorations of the dining room
the arrane-einents of the tables and,
in fact, the complete program for the
spread was managed by Mrs. Jtaia
Metzo-pr and to say that her enons
were Buecessful would simply be
Btatinc the unanimous opinion of
those so fortunate as to have places
at the festal board.
1 1 r TT.',.rt ' TAmil4r
Qf eowm the piece je resistan-
"aneora venison" still
1 i 1 1 i 1 ...
there was plenty or omer seieciitm
nuireoiuieij i.ivi.v.. -
. . imW)rtant feature of
the even;ng were the toasts resiKmd-
eti to by Governor Oswald West, a.
jr. Lively, of the Union Stockyards
pomnanv. Portland; Dr. Witbycombe,
f the Oregon Agricultural college,
rorvallis: C. C. Chapman, secretary
' x , I a
0f the Oregon ueveiopmem ir
TWtlan.1 : II. K. ljOunsOury, general
1 - r - . .
freight agent for the Southern lac-
Mfie lines 111 Uregon; . u. uumu,
Lresident of the Northwest Angora
1------- ... . T ,v
1 mi tsaiwiiion: Jiavui .
f I)a a: and JTesiueni jv. j
1 . , 1
Uuir, of the Dallas Commercial v iuu,
rv K.lfar W. Miles acted as toast
n , , .
raaster and tilled the mmes i i.u
esacting position with credit to him-
Uelf and the enjoyment 01 u.e u.m-.
His witty remarks regarding im
different speaker csushik
riment. esierially when he introdue-
e,i Secretary Chapman as one of
Governor West's "honor men."
Governor Wesfi Address.
Declaring i:.ai vm.-w..u - ...
j0f "more jwple an.l more goats
ha-'iand making a general pica ior n
"back to the lann m"..-..,-.:..
(iovernor uesi, w.c - . -
.. . ..: , -ti.r,v.K- listened
u.e evenuijr, ........... --
(o alld loWly applauded. lie a.d:
More uoaw ana xeuv'B-
"What this pd old state tiectls
the most, and they are alx.ut the only
thing that she doe need, are a lot
and a lot more p?p!e.
What we have are of the right kind,
but we tieed a great many more of
,1 ,.m- lir.d. -We need the r-
t m.h nor millioiii of acres of !
v.., .r;i nd at present onproSt
the right kind to -ar and cu..iTi.e
the land after the fft kv or'
.1 rin. .f tl divi -me
lorir 1 vi.
are r un? to our wi-h ia thia re
n,l I ia tU J'O'J
"Genr-acT with an area cf abo-ct
t irrKi-rt,n.lT
(Ct.tBod oa P4 Ioar)
Official List of Prize Winners in
Goat, Sheep and Poultry Depart
ments Published For First Time-
Fleece of Blooded Kid Found to
he Entirely Free From "Kemp."
Riddell & Sons' Winnings.
William Riddell & Sons, of
Monmouth, captured more priz
es than any other exhibitor.
They won on Angoras, hve
firsts, eight seconds, tour unrus
and five specials, a total of 22.
In registered uotswotu sneep
thev won one first and one sec
ond, and in registered Lincolns
two firsts and two seconds, mov
ing a grand total 'of 28 prizes
on 30 entries, -
The big goat and poultry show
came to an end Friday night. Dur
ing its three days' existence it was
visited bv people from California,
Montana. Idaho, Washington and
Canada, and was considered one of
i. ,t u,iiKfnI affairs or uio
UIC lllnw ,...,.
i,:...i vr held. Suixirintendent W.
entitled to great credit
for the manner in which he manag
ed the show, for it was due to ms
n vnoil t IVfl It 111 litv. irresistible energy
CAvuva j
nA till foilinrr pxactnoHH that ordr
c&ijui un n
l.t-Ml.t nut fif I' II R OK.
Tl, minimi meetiiur end election
e n.a Vm-thwest Ancora Goat asso
ciation was held Thursday evening,
when the following otlicers wer
-a tr th pominiT vear: I'resi-
,it C IX. Guinn. of Oakland, Or
egon; vice president, J. it. npnn(j,-"
Holly, Oregon; secretary-treasurer,
a i... f.l)onald. Portland. Menibera
r.e H, t.rd of directors elected
dames Riddell, Monmouth;
T. W. Drunk, Eola; J. I. Chapman,
Wilbur, Oregon.
Remarkable lieece.
r..,w;,l,.rHl.le attention was at-
i,u..i bv an Aneora kid exhibited
by C. S. Grant, the fleece of which
was pronounced by Judge T. N .
Iirunk to be the finest that he had
-v,,- and "absolutely tree trorn
'kemp'". "Kcrnp" is the straight
,.onre hairs that will not take dye,
and are the ouU-n.pping of the
original ttk from which the blood
ed Angora lave lx eu bred up. I lie
flwf. Hcored 100, according to me
Multnomah Mill standard, and won
the fp-cial prize for W-fct thece.
The om.-ial list of awards in the
goat, sheep and jm!!ry d.'partn.ent.
re given in full herewiui.
Goat Exhibit.
if.,i!li i riven a li-t of the -
hibitorn of goat and fcheep and t-r
nltn.l-r of animal they entered
Guthrie P.rother, Dalla '
1. S. Grart, Dallat '
A. Mavb. Dalla 1
(',, W. M.l'-e & .;., Pil'a 0
Wm. Riddell & SfA Monmouth -
C. P.. Gisitifi, Oakland
Total '
Albert Tt.l, Fall City, r...'.- u
p'. ""
Cotiwoli iP-
E C. Crve, Sberi4a -
C. Loarrnc. Monmouth
Wbv. i:;.:i S, MoTSmMtk 2
w. D. c .:;.-, Ds" 9
Tct 1 A
C.:&m1 a raft
a Jauhter.