Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, December 29, 1911, Image 5

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    News of City and County
Court Items, Real Estate Transfers,
Farm Names Tiled and Other News
Briefly Told.
il. fihcnrver
. in IUB
t TTinhhara w
? spend Christmas with relatives.
Wanted, to tw0 carloads of
Soenreu ""-
my. '
.a Mrs. George
2 Christmas with relatives ux
rt!and. .
L w J. Larsen, of Portland,
in the'city visiting friends during
a holidays.
a Finseth, proprietor of the
rt Hive store, went to Portland
'aesday on business.
n, McNicol, osteopathic physic-
office 719 Court street, one
SkKt of Gailhotel. t
?nr Christy Stafrin, of Portland,
as been spending the holidays with
is mother in this city.
1 Ralph and Claude McColm 'came
n from Portland and spent Christ-
with their mother, Mrs. J. L.
; Miss S. Johnson and Miss Francis
Vinson, of Portland, are the holiday
uests of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Sund-
I Joseph Allin passed through Dal
js yesterday to his home in Rickre
,11, after spending the summer at
fillisnoo, Alaska.
Headquarters of the Oregon Fire
Mief Association will be found in
loom 21, New Bank Building, at
lie head of the stairs.
f The annual installation of officers
id banquet of Dallas Assembly No.
United Artisans, will be held
aext Monday night, January 1, at
i'oodman hall. '
J. L White, local manager of the
Oregon Power company, will leave
lor Portland tomorrow to spend New
liar's with his wife who is visiting
fier parents there.
i '
Get rid of your eye troubles. Have
jour eyes examined by Drs. Freeze
nd Rice at Stafrin 's, January 4th
juid 5th. Glasses at moderate cost
if needed in any style desired,
f 1222-12
Hip Broken.
I Deputy County Assessor W. A.
Ayres was called to McMinnville a
few days ago to attend his aged
lather, J. W. Ayres, who is suffer
ing from what is supposed to be a
liad break of one of the bones in
lis hip. "Uncle Jimmy," as he is
frenerally spoken of, arose during
1he night and in some unaccountable
ay fell hard enough to cause the
injury. He did not recover con
sciousness until next morning. He
is 77 years old, and will probably
h brought to the home of his son
.'tare for treatment. His grandson,
H. A. Ayres, is now with him.
J Operated On.
Clyde, the two year old son of Al
ien Parks, living a short distance
est of Dallas, was . operated
Wednesday afternoon by Dr. L. A.
Bollman for the purpose of remov
ing an abscess on the thigh. He
'tood the ordeal well and is getting
along nicely.
I . . ,
I Legal blanks for sale at this office.
' Ministerial Licenses.
G. W. Morgan, Christian church,
Marriage Licenses.
William L. Russell and Edna M.
Ross T. Pierce, of Dallas, and
Beryle Hanson.'
In the estate of Edna P. Smyth,
deceased. Petition of William F.
Smyth to prove will filed; ordered
that deposition of subscribing wit
ness be taken and commission to
In the estate of Orville L. Buchan
an, deceased. Resignation accepted;
Annette Glassford appointed ' ad
ministratrix on filing bond; approv
ed in sum of $1200.
In the .matter of the estate of
William Graves, deceased. Final
account filed; Wednesday, January
24, at 10 a. m. set as time of hear
ing. In the estate of Lena T. Gilbert,
deceased. Administrator's addition
al bond on sale of real estate filed
and approved.
In the estate of Wallace Gates,
deceased. ' Albert 0. Yates appoint
ed administrator ; bond in sum of
$600 approved and filed ; letters to
issue. ......
In the estate of John J. Wiseman,
deceased. Will admitted to probate;
Jessie C. Westover appointed execu
trix to serve without bonds ; Eugene
Hayter, Charles Westover and J. R.
Sibley appointed appraisers.
Real Estate.
Fred Johnson to II. L. Crieder,
land in tp 9 s, r 6 w, $100.
S. L. and S. R. Richardson to
William Dawes, lots in Independ
ence, $300.
Capital Trust company to Vira
Robertson, lot in Kingwood Park,
M; W. Wilkins et ux to A. J.
Barham, lots in Dallas, $200.
Gussie M. Patton and hus to John
Pender et ux, 69.60 acres tp 7 s, r
4 w, $5500.
Van Walters et ux to Lorena J.
Castle, 30 acres tp 8 s, r 4 w, $10.
Alfred Whitney et ux to Josie B.
Hays, lot in Independence, $1.
Bentonv Bowers et ux to William
Addison et ux, lots in Independence,
Sophia J. Plummer and hus to W.
H. Dalrymple et ux, 15 acres tp 7 s,
r 3 w, $10.
Deals in Dirt.
Those having farms to sell at rea
sonable prices will do well to write
Courter & Viek of Salem, stating
the .location, price and terms you
wish to sell on. We have at present
several parties who wish to buy
farms. We also have a number who
would buy cheap land for an invest
What have you to offer t Write
or call on Courter & Vick, rooms
Ladd & Bush Bank Building, balein
Antiseptic Eemedies
Aaetmv disease ererms. Dr. Bell's An
ti-Pain is an antiseptic remedy for
external and internal pains, relief is
almost instantaneous. Sold by Con
rad Stafrin.
Legal blanks for, sale at this office.
Swiss Lace Curtain
To Be Continued Until
After New Year
We sell the latest Swiss Point Novelty Curtains at
than Portland or New York prices.
Dallas Basket Ball Team to Meet
Portlanders in Armory Tomorrow
Night in Brisk Game.
Tomorrow night in the new ari
mory building the Dallas basket ball
team will cross swords with the
"Amicus Club" of Portland, self
styled champions of the Northwest
I he "Amicus" club comes to Dal
las with confidence in its ability to
defeat the strong team of company
a, 0. N. G., acknowledged to be one
of the strongest aggregations of its
kind in the state. Recently the
"Amicus" club defeated the well
known Multnomah club team by a
score of 23 to 13, and upon that
victory very largely is the "Ami
cus" club basing its claim to the
Northwest championship.
Considered Strong.
The "Amicus" club is not very
well kijown outside of basket ball
circles, but in basket ball, it is con-r
sidered one of the strong contend
ers for basket ball honors. Informa
tion from Portland is to the effect
that there is no better team in Port
land this year than this one, unless
it be the "Spartans."
Though the Dallas boys are some
what used up as a result of their
very hard game Christmas Day with
the Silverton team in Silverton, still
they feel confident of being able to
decisively settle any question as to
who are the real basket ball cham
pions of the Northwest, if not of
the whole United States. However,
an interesting contest is looked for,
and a large crowd is expected. This
will be the last big game in this city
until after the Angora Goat show..
Married By Judge.
Daniel W. Pickett, of Dallas, and
Etta Dow were united in marriage
this week at the court house by
County Judge Ed F. Coad. The wit
nesses to the ceremony were W. J.
White and Iva Gwinn.
(Continued from Page One)
slough, a distance of 20 feet.
The jury was composed of the fol
lowing : Ross H. Nelson, foreman ;
J. N. Jones, S. H. McElmury, James
M. Jones and J. L. Coquillette.
The dead man is survived by a
wife and ten children, who are said
to be in destitute circumstances.
j Try it, Try n
Try Dr. Bell's Antiseptic Salve for
all skin troubles. It is as pleasanf
as sweet cream and guaranteed to
give satisfaction in worst cases. 25c
a box. Sold by Conrad btainn.
Oscar Hayter. vawyer. Room S and
. Vgow Building.
Also on tap now Genuine Prime Apple Cider suit
for mince pies etc
Call at
4 JL
poi Dior
A Word To Our
Many Customers
Our business for the holiday sea
son iust closed our first year in
the book and art business in Dallas
was far ahead of even our fond
est expectations. People who bought
their gifts at this store and there
wereimany of them had the satis
faction of knowing that no larger
citv in the country could offer them
a mnm nn-to-date assortment of
books and art goods from which to
Our holiday stock is gone com
pletely sold out. Of the hundreds
of dollars worth of . goods .displayed
on our tables and shelves two weeks
ago, less than $20 worth remains
unsold.- This will mean a complete
new stock of gifts for the holiday
season of 1912. It means that we
are now free to devote as much care
o,i nttpntion durinsr the coming
eleven months as will be necessary
to the selection of a stock for next
Christmas that will bring a busier
trade than we enjoyed this year.
And, now, with the remodeling of
our store and the rush of the Christ
mas season behind us, we will be
able to devote more time to the com
pletion of our book and stationery
stock, and to add the lines of blank
books, typewriters, card index sys
tems, and office supplies that will
make the Dallas book store one f
the best in the state.
We are deeply grateful for the
generous patronage accorded us by
the people of Dallas and Polk Coun
ty, and more grateful still for the
many kind expressions of interest
in the success of our new business.
In return for these many kind wish
es, we but faintly express our grat
itude when we wish for all of our
neighbors and friends the blessing
of health, happiness and prosperity
during the coming year ot VJL-
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Profits will be entirely disregarded during this sale.
Our January Clearance Sale has come to be the gen
uine Bargain Event of each season. Hundreds of our
good customers are waiting for this opportunity to
make savings. During this Sale our Entire Stock of
Ladies' Ready-to-wear Goods, lloalis,
. Suits, Skirts, Waists and Oflisi
. Outer ' Garments
Bookseller and Stationer
ZzZzs, Ore-oa
will be placed on sale at a tremendous reduction
The largest and best stock of
Ken's and Boy's Clothing
in Polk County is here
and at a reduction at from 25 to 50 per cent.
Our entire stock of
Hen's, Women's and Children's Shoes
must be moved
in order to make room for Spring Goods. We offer
exceptional bargains during this sale. ,
Clearance Sale Prices on all Staple Dry Goods
Table Linens, Blankets, Comforters, Bed Spreads, Sheeting, Etc.
Dress Goods, Trimmings, Motions, Gloves, Hosiery,
Underwear, etc., all at Reduced Prices
From a small beginning years ago our January Clear
ance Sale has become an event you always look for.
You will find this store a better trading placq than ever
A Reliable Place to Jrada
one 744
fan, mi