Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, October 13, 1911, Image 1

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(8t ifiriifTf lHfiiB) WfifTfe
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v VV-LiUilU " - 1 Am,U J I II 71 II I f
VOL. 23
NO. 65
President of General Conference and
All Local Conferences and Mis
sion Stations of Denomination In
the World Speaks of Conditions In
Turkey and Its Brutality.
Elder A. G. Daniels, practically
head of the Seventh Day Adventist
Church throughout the world and one
of the most noted of the present day
ecclesiastical workers, was in Dallas
Wednesday visiting his nephew,
Councilman W. V. Fuller, whom he
" had not seen in a number of years,
lie left here for San Francisco, and
from there will return to his home
in Washington, I). C, where he is to
attend a meeting of the general con
ference committee.
Elder Daniels first worked as a
minister in the United States, lie
v pioneered the Adventist mission in
V New Zealand, and was later elected
president of the Australian Union
Conference. For the last eight years
he has been president of the general
conference which includes all local
conferences and mission stations of
the world. He has been at College
Hacf, Wash., for a few weeks, at
tending the Ministerial Institute and
annual session of the North Pacific
Union Conference.
Predicts Massacre.
"Moslem fury, fanaticism, ignor
ance and superstition are so great
that there is grave danger of the
Young Turk party being overthrown
before the Italian-Turkish embrog
lio ends," said he in an interview
in Portland
As to conditions in Turkey, Elder
Daniels said every person in that
country with whom he talked while
there last June was or tne opinion
that when the Young Turk party is
overthrown a terrible massacre of
Christians and Young Turks will fol
"One must visit Turkey, and learn
the. heartless character of the peo
pie, the fanaticism and brutality of
the .Mohammedan religion, 10 appre
ciate what will follow if this relig
ions nnrtv Bsain obtains power, he
I - -
Planned By Sultan.
"In the Armenian massacres of
five or six years ago, Seventh-Day
Adventists were murdered with otn
er Christians. The Mohammedan re
lip-ion is the state religion.the Sul
tan like the Czar of Russia, being the
head both of the state and the church.
All the massacres of Christians in
Armenia and Turkey were planned
by the Sultan himself, and carried
out with his knowledge and approval
tha Vniinc Turk nartv suc-
eeeded in imprisoning the Sultan
and taking the government, relig
ions liberty has been proclaimed.
"When T was in Constantinople last
summer I had as much liberty as I
ritrVit here in Portland. So do
all Christians."
King Alfonso of Spain Is Again
Having Trouble Retaining Crown
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INQ ALFONSO XIII. of Spain is again In trouble. The most serious
revolts that he has had to face recently broke out In various parts
of his kingdom, and martial taw was declared in several towns. The
king himself took charge of the military operations and ordered his
officers to suppress the rioters even if they had to destroy a few towns. King
Alfonso has had tittle real peace since he was born. His father died six
months before his birth, so he came into the world a king, and he has "ruled"
ever since May 17, 1886, when he flrst saw the light He was still a boy
when his nation was engaged In war with the United States, which cost Spain
Its colonial possessions In two hemispheres. This disastrous war for a time
threatened to terminate the reign of Alfonso. In recent years Alfonso has
Increased his popularity by his democratic ways and by his devotion to his
wife, the beautiful Princess Victoria Eugenie, a cousin of King George V. of
England, and their two sons and one daughter. King Alfonso has never
been strong physically, and be has devoted much of his time to outdoor life
because of his health.
Hiss Rose B. Paxrott Entertained In
Mrs. B. Casey entertained Satur
.'iv afternoon for her sister, Miss
i;.we B. Parrott. a member of the
Normal School faculty. Cards were
llaved and musical selections by
Mr. Gilbert P. MaeGreeor and Miss
I frothy Bennett were enjoyed. Frize
wirneri were: Mrs. L N. Woods.
"Mrs. H. L. Crider and Miss Rose
Ftrrott. Cut flowers and potted
i ftnts were ned in d prorating. De
. :ous refreshments were served.
Mr. M. Hamilton of thi city
1 Mrs. Laud Hamilton of Bni.
I ;h are paets of Mr. and Mrs. II.
. Shriver at Dallas. balera Mates
r. an.
Progress Edition Meets With
Favor; Flattering Prospects
Magazine Number to Embrace Wide
Range of Subjects; Will Treat of
Polk's Industries in Comprehen
sive Torm.
After only a few days of active
soliciting for business for the Prog
ress Edition, the Observer is able
to announc that the success or the
big issue is assured.
The business interests appreciate
the fact that a high class illustrated
magazine number such as this, with
a complete circulation in Polk county
offers an exceptionally valuable me
dium of local publicity and this, to
gether with the advantages that are
bound to accrue to the city and
countv as a whole from the thous
ands of copies that will be mailed to
parties outside of the state, enables
the citizens who patronize the Lsne
to "kill two birds with one stone '
as it were.
The Observer is p'edsred to make
this Progress Edition one that will
be in every sense a credit to Dallas
and Polk county, as well as to ourselves.
Space For Indus tries.
We propose to take np the indus
tries which eontnbut to the prog
ress and prosperity of this city and
county, such for instance a hop.
prunes, general agriculture and horti
culture, dairying and stork bred;ng.
etc., under seperate headings devot
ing such space to eah as is nece-
jtory that will give the outside read-j
er an intelligent idea of what can
be done and what is being done in
these lines here. Articles from prac
tical 'and successful men engaged in
these and other lines, detailing their
exienenees will be published.
We shall endeavor to avoid glit
tering generalities, but deal in con
crete facts instead.
Many Half Tones.
Practically every page in the mag
azine will contain one or more half
tone illustrations of some local scene.
Many of the business houses are ar
ranging to have either interior or
exterior views of their places of bus
iness shown.
Intending patrons of the issue will
confer a great favor on the Observer
by making their space reservations
and getting their copy in with the
least delay possible.
Two Dallas Boys Decamp and
Leave No Trace; Hunt is On
E. L. Parrish Averages $207 Re
turns Per Acre.
E. L. Parrish has finished har-
vesting a big crop of prunes
grown on his orchard a short
distance north of Dallas, and
has sold the entire yield to Til-
lotson & Company , of Salem,
for 7 cents, "orchard run"
which so far as reported, is
the highest price paid in this
vicinity, lie has an exception
ally tine orchard, and from seven
acres he lias received 20,000
pounds of large and very line
quality of fruit.
The gross returns amounted
to 14,")0. or an average of .'20i
per acre. For the past four
years, the orchard has averaged
1000 bushels.
,H, 4, H' l,
All Efforts to Learn Whereabouts of
Youths Who Ran Away From This
City Fruitless.
Extra Train Takes Admirers to Sa
President Taft visited Salem yes
terday forenoon and admirers to the
number of nearly a hundred went
from Dallas to see him there. The
regular train ver the Salem, Falls
City & Western was not sufficient
to accommodate all who wished to
eo from here, and a special train was
put on for the benefit of the sight
seers. .Manv others went over Dy
automobile, and Falls City and Black
Rock were well represented also.
Rapid Progress Being Made In Con
struction of $15,000 Home of Lo
cal Company of Militia.
Ere long the people of Dallas will
awake to find that they are in pos
session of a new and up-to-date $15,
000 armory all ready for occupai.cy,
Holmes & Grant, the contracting
firm who have charge of the work,
have already made fast time, and
the supposedly frowning brick walls
are already up to the second story
and still rising. It is thought that
the roof will be on within another
week, and it is hoped that the build
ing may be in shape for use by No
vember 20.
It will be on of the most preten
tious structures in the city. In size
it is to be 100 by 100 feet. An as
sembly or drill room for the militia
is to be provided which is to be CO
by 90 feet. In addition a large num
ber of smaller rooms for various
necessary purposes will be , located
on the first and second stories. Three
hundred thousand brick and ten car
loads of gravel have been required
in the construction.
Two Dallas mothers are worrying
and grieving for sons who have left
home to see the world and have neg
lected to send back word that they
are all right. The latest disappear
ance was that of Howard Day, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Day, who has
been gone since last Sunday after
noon. Search has been made for him
in Portland and Salem by his broth
er, I'.arl, but without results, if rom
til tenor of his inquiries made some
,eeks before his departure it is
thought that he is on his way to visit
an aunt in Los Angeles, California.
Although he is but 17 years old, ho
is six feet in height and is able to
take care of himself, but that does
not lessen the mother's anxiety.
Another Absentee.
No trace has been found of Alfred
Fuller, who has been away from his
home here since August 1"). He is
the son of Mrs. Clara Fuller and is
but 13 years old. The police of Port
land and other places have beeen no
tified to be on the lookout for him,
but all to no purpose. He left here
to pick hops in a yard three miles
south of Salem in Marion county,
and when leaving there said he was
on his way to the coast. Mrs. Ful
ler is naturally much alarmed over
his continued absence, and will glad
ly welcome news concerning him.
Ill DW
Of the Thirty-seven Who Guarded
City Against Fire Twenty-eight
Years Ago, Seven Have Answered
Their Last Call All Except Two
Officers Live Here.
At the home of the bride's moth
er, near Perrydale, October 4, at 2.30
p. m., John F. Wright and Amanda
Belle Connor, Barton Z. Riggs offic
iating. About 25 of the immediate
relatives and friends of bride and
groom were present to witness the
marriage, to bring gifts and get a
piece of the wedding cake. Mr. and
Mrs. Wright left that evening for
McMinnville and will make their
home near Santa Rosa, California.
Eugene Man Realize $140 Per Acre
on Hops.
EUGENE, Or., Oct. 13. John
Seavey, who lives just southeast of
Eugene, has finished picking and bat
ing 13,000 pounds of first-crop hops
from 30 acres of Willamette River
bottom land. The yard was set out
two years ago and this is the first
crop harvested from it. The crop was
sold for 32'.2 cents a pound, bringing
ing in a gross retam of i-422.'), which
is an average of over $140 per acre.
or more than the first cost of the land.
Busineer Career of Over Forty-Five
After a business career of over
45 years. Mr. (. Sowers has retired,
at the age of 70 years, and will de
vote his tim to the enjoyments of
life and the care of his health.
Mr. Sowers will continue to reside
n Falls City, making his home with
the family of Mr. Mahr, and will
continue to care for his investments
here. Falls City News.
Chicken Pie Supper.
The .women of the Church of
Christ will give a chicken pie supper
next Tuesday night, October 17, from
5:30 to 7 o'clock, to which everyWdy
is invite. It is to be held in the
Tabernacle at the corner of Jeffer
son and Clay streets, and the money
obtained is to be used for the bene
fit of the church. The chicken pies
are to be made after a highly valued
but strictly secret formula which has
made them famous among all judges
of such things. Following the sup
per a "get acquainted'' social will
be held.
Clark's, Tint Carload Is Billed For
VANCOUVER, Wash., Oct, 12.
The first carload of prunes dried in
Clark county this year was shipped
East today by the J. K. Armsby
Company- The consignment is billed
for exfxirt and will be shipped to
New York, where it will be trans
ferred to a steamer for Europe. E.
L. French, of Ellsworth, also a heavy
prune shipper, completed a car for
shipment today.
The rain of yesterday and today
will have a tendency to injure the
The hop were of exceptionally iprune crop further in the partsof Ite
good quality, and the picking was
unusually rapi'L Many women pick
At Salem hospital. Salem, Sunday, jers averaged 13 per day during the
October 8. 1011. Iris IL Swope. age , entire flicking season for the yard.
4 year. 1 month. f,f appendicitis, iOsear Bean, of Springfield, earned
The little girl wa the dauchter of J f",..V in on day and in four davs
Mr. and Mrs. R F. Swope of Inde-imaje $S.in.
riendnce. The body was sent from
h'igdon's undertaking establishment
to Independence for interment yes
terday. Sak-m Statesman.
Mr. and Mrs. R, L. Chapman were
Palia;te who ent to Salem yes-tr-dav
to see President Taft
county where the fruit is not gath
Observed Columbus Day.
With t!e closing of the public
"-liooU and th baiiVs Ia'!a T.-:er-
Llay presented something of a holiday
-ct in honor oi the prst eeklTP
tion of "Columbn I)ay" as a legal
holiday in Orrv. Other busine
as transacted aa uaaL
When Captain Walter L. Tooze
was preparing to move his law office
from the Wilson building to the new
Dallas National Bank building a few
days ago, he found stowed away 'in
an unfrequented corner of a desk,
a small relic in the shajw of a copy
of the constitution and by-laws of
"Terror Engine Company No. 1" of
the old volunteer tire department
which guarded the city 28 years ago.
The constitution, it is shown, was
adopted June 15, 1883, and the lit
tle booklet was printed by Glass &
Prudhomme in Dallas in 1885.
A glance at the membership roll
will reveal many familiar names and
recall many interesting things in the
life of the city when it was young.
Of the officers, all are living and with
two exceptions, are resident of Dal
las. Of the 37 members, seven have
fought their last fire and 'hear no
more the alarm of the bell or the call
of the chief. A list of the survivors
and their present location as far as
can be learned is given herewith:
President II. B. Conner, Dal us.
Recording Secretary U. S. Grant,
'Financial Secretary J. W. Crider,
Santa Barbara, California.
Treasurer D. J. Riley, Pallas.
Foreman F. J. Coad, Dallas.
First Assistant Foreman J. C.
Shultz, Dallas.
Second Assistant p'orcman T. Ii.
Rowell, Penewa, Wash.
A. S. Swain, Burns, Eastern Ore
gon. J. M. Holman, Klamath Falls.
G. W. Johnson, The Dalles.
G. T. Burnnettc, Ketchikan, Alas
ka. James Harris, Dallas.
J. E. Woods, Portland.
H. I Fenton, Dallas.
H. W. Lyons, Idaho.
George Hubbard, Falls City.
C. G. Coad, Dallas.
R. F. Robinson, Portland.
R. I). Wilson, Oregon City.
O. D. Butler, Indejendence.
Frank A. Brown, Portland.
J. C. Morrison, Independece.
IL L. Deacon, Salt Lake City.
T. J. Ford, Washington county.
F. M. Collins, Dallas.
Sanford Shultt, Shaniko, Oregon.
J. M. Grant, Dallas.
Otho Williams, Dallas.
J. W. Hyde, Conallis.
J. B. Constable, California.
Tha Dead.
J. C. Richardson.
D. N. Burns.
William Grant.
W. J. Crabtree.
J. R. Miller.
Nat Holman.
J. IL Townsend.
Attending University.
EOI.A, Or., CM. 12. (Social)
Earl Brur.k, son of T. W. Brunk, of
this ricir,itv. has rr.ored to Sa'em
l,ere lie ill aMend Willamette Uni
icrvty during the winter. He grad
uated' fntn the Salem High fhc4
U-4 June and is known as a hard
working student.