. . i yU'" TtffflS Real Estate Trancfers fe5r News Briefly Told,. ,p NAMES REGISTERED. fSRUOKUCKNSES -t o Tivlor, of Independence, ""l r sidilcsel. ' n- 1! li Newbill, of Willnminn, I jiBAIj estate. . I ., tv Kaiik to fleorjre F. 1 . riiv. 180. r Hiirt . -,7 t ' - Mill. A M. Tlmi p nI C. N. Tharp u Mmire. Jots in a. P fJtioii lo Independence, $1. !" ?lt8,r7w(fll). t n! to j. Hoobe, PERSONAL MENTION John J Castle was a biixin, .tor in Portland, WedmJhw ess vis- am! Mr ! i urn tils, Hi w, $1037. ,,.,i.lle I've an f P foiirter ct iix, ioi a, oik h t mid to Falls City. 5 ! LoOLIWATES OF YEARS AGO ' : 9 Former Dallas Maidens Hold j first Reunion Since 1876. M social event out of the ordinary i -,A-e,l bv Hie enjoyment of !' .rtieinatiiW was the "school i Me ant s. T. TP v.,..i i,m w.i...:. ,:; v",h"in tm-n- nioriiinir for m. r.,, 11 . '"':v,l.y Minnvillo, Ncwbo,- iWilon.l UUlUr VUIH'V IMIIlltR. I Mrs Howe and (lallf..ltt.,. Mi ?': ,'J returned from a vacation t p to YolInwKtoiie National mrk I hoy were away nearly a monlh vis: iUi. friends cn mute, and had a very en.ioyablo time. . . y Miss Jennio Mnsentt .., the Dallas publii, library, is '12 nfr a ber nbsenee Miss Anna Onmcr is m-tniR librarian. H. E Williams made a business tnp to Pilluinook this week ami is ex pected home next Monday. : F. J. Coad is expected to return to morrow from a trip lo Newport.' Charles Bilyeu went to Newport yesterny nioriiin; to join his wife and son, who have been there for some time. x J. .1. . . . J LIVE CLUB'S VALUE. I tR11 by, Dallas-: --- im ACUVe Boosters. IS a',l'r.,priati,n ..$10,000 Amhhy I""" plant... 1000 : T t n. , . $20,000 r,.." :;. """ lu w anove, an. Tn addition, to ih f'T ;p opnat.ons have been obtai,;1! I '.'r lle Jy road fund and for a JHP ay of Polk county Z " reiiinoii Miss Pauline VanOrsdel has ,,ld at the home of I to Newport. At Corvallis t tn flmid in this city Wednes f The affair was in compliment to fv, 0f her friends, all of whom L clnmis mid schoolnintes 35 L V'n Theil' neeiu?"-wa8 the Linittveara, and they made up as f ,s possible for "lost time' A ilinner, of the old-fashioned f ifty, in which fried chicken pre- 1n.,ten mn.r, , wlily enjoyed. During uie weeK nine friends have been the reeip- i of a number of auto rides about ritv, and were also photographed Chcrrington, the photofrrapher. Ti..n nrpsciit ai me reunion were : 1, I! Muir, Mrs. John E. Smith, ' J. C. Shtdtz, Miss May Shelton, s H. P. Slniver, Mra Anna Coad, lidliis: Mrs. James Bums, of teport; Mrs. W. P. Mills, of Cen- aia Vi asllllli" ion j jvxi-s. iinier ue- Hop Yard For Sale. .Tell located 20-acre hop yard, full fcriug, excellent condition; yard hop ise, cabins, etc., newly equipped. rd yields fifteen to twenty thotw J, pounds best hops yearly. Will 11 with or without this year's crop. !Jress P., care Observer 88-811 ias gone aim nrno jomea uy nor brother Robert. Miss Kate Jennings, a member of uie Biarr or teachers in the public schools of Dallas last year, was in the ciiy vesreniay lrom Penydale. miss jNoia Coad, who has had cnarjre or the ohiee of County Super intendent heymour dunnj; his ab sence, will leave Saaturday for an onting at Newport. She w'ill be ac companied by her cousin, Miss JIullie Coad. Dr and Mrs. Mark Ilayter will leave Saturday morning for the beach at Newport and will be absent about a week. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Ayres and son, Hugh, and Mr. and Mrs. James Hub bard have pone to Salmon River and Siletz for an onting. C. V. Galloway, of Salem, a mem ber of the Stale Tax commission, was in the city Wednesday' and called on County Treasurer C. S. Graves. J. C. Ilayter made a business trip to McMinnville and Caiieton on Wed nesday. Tilman Hodges, a prominent hop grower of the Rickreall district, was transacting business in Dallas yesterday. ai l ie llin i v.. . la. at T r,:e ! l" '11-? an, t L " "'m in the Eal " S"W3 1 the club is now hustling for a box factory, a broom faetorv, ami for other desirable hums' I tr ps with a payroll. : HOP GROWERS OPTIMISTIC Talk of Forty Cents Next Cheers Polk County Producers. DALLAS BOYS IN CAMP COMPANY H IN PRACTICE WAR 1ARE AT FORT STEVENS ilHE TABERNACLE PULPIT LEON L. MYERS, Minister. The Church of Christ continues to have large crowds in attendance at every service in spite of the summer season. Sermons at 11 a. m. and 8 p.m. The Bible School is the best in the land at 10 a. m. Come and enjoy these services with us. T ie recent sharp rise in the hop market from 30 cents to 35 cents has created consideraoble -enthusiasm among the growers, and considerable speculntoin is indulged in as to what the result will be. There is among many a feeling that the price will yet go to 40 cents, and the market is holding its breath, as it were, in ex pectancy of what will happen next, the crop is looking fine in this coun ty, and several returning from other puns oi tne valley say that the local yield and quality promise better than anything . they have seen. Picking will begin about September 1. The following contracts have Wn filed in the office of the Countv Clerk during the past week, and are the first to he received for a long time : Emil Carlson to Joseph Harrii half interest in 31 acres on Gilbert & Patterson farm, 30c. John Manson to Berger Brothers Company, Brown yard east of Dallas, 20,000 pounds, at 25c. H. L. Fenton, A. F. Toner, Abel Uglow and Ah Coe to T. Roscnwal & Company, of New York, 30,000 pounds at zm. H. L. Fenton to same, 10,00' pounds from George Gardner tract, at 25c. I. F. Yoakum and R E. Williams to same, 50,000 pounds from Beards ley ranch, at 25c. J. W. Crider and Wong & Sing to same, 30,000 pounds from J. W. Cri der tarm, at 25c. Married by Judge. William B. Newbill, of Willamina and Miss Isabclle Patterson were married in the court house Wednes day by County Judge Ed F. Coad. The witnesses to the ceremony were Edward Kiicher and Sarah Kucher. Home From Hospital. Mrs. Walter Vassall returned Wed nesday night from Portland, where she has spent a number of weary weeks in a hospital there. Her many friends in this city will be rejoiced to learn that her health has greatly improved. Green Prunes Wanted. I am offering the highest mar- ket price for green praties in large or small quantities. Must be picked by stem from the trees and delivered at Soebren's ware- house. Also want pears Bart- letts or late varieties; must be free from scab, etc. For further information, address immedi- ately, W . N. Sayre, Box 208, Dallas. mil - - i . - 1 qSARAMCALE Tremendous Reduction in every Depart ment. Broken Lines, Odds and Ends of Every Description at your own prices. Ladies' Shirt Waists, $1.50 36-inch Foulard Silk 75c Vnliioc of dQc grade at i uiUVU C4 L w- Ladies' Shirt Waists value Children's Summer weight 81J59 shirts and drawers c v yV) Cfc V f LadTes' Oxfords, valuedat Ladies' Sleeveless Vests J3.50, go at, pair $1.29 special at 15c and 18c Embroideries - : , , now per yard 10c Silk Petticoats, all colors 5 values, now p.- Ladies; Muslin Underskirts ttj- values at w rr" si 49 sizes, per suit ipi.4 27-inch Embroidery Floun- :rriCrr cing, 75c to $1.00 values Lot Boys Suite, values to Hundreds of other items at greatly re duced prices TRF. REE HIVE STORE A ReUable Place to Trade L o. o. r. Dallas, Oregon Training Being Given In Coast De fense With Big Ten-Inch Guns. FORT STEVENS, Or., Aug. 9.- ."7," '"inured men, making up prac ucauy all of the Oregon National tiuard, are under canvas in three big camps at Columbia Beach and Fort Stevens. The troops will remain in uie iiem ior l() davs for coast defen; maneuvers and Held instructions. company H, of Dallas, is here with ine companies from Eugene; Cottage Grove, Ashland, Roseburg, Albany, all of them being under command of Colonel Georire O. Ynran. of Fnovnn Not until after dark did the last of the big torce reach the beach anil the work of establishing camn was car. ricd well into the night , by many of hid uue arrivals. All tne camps will be roused at :.10 o clock in the morning and after mess at 6 will get down to camp work. Guard mounting will take place at 7:30 a. m. and at 8 a. m. the whole force will take the field for company una oattauon drills in close order, winch will occupy the entire day. Expect Naval Battle. When the mosquito fleet detach ment from the Pacific squadron pass es into the vicinity of the mouth of the Columbia river, en route to Asto ria, it will be the signal for full prep arations at iort Mevens for a simi mieu aicacK on a Hostile neet bv the big coast defense guns, manned by Oregon .National Guardsmen. Vigil is being kept up day and night for the litlle craft, which are expected hourly. The entire Fourth Oregon Infantry has been thrown into the coast forhh cations and the various companies' of that command are manning the bat teries of ten-inch guns. Officers and men are displaying unusual adapt.'t bility in the artillery work. -Coast Defense Practice. Just how to sink a hostile vessel while it is 12,000 yards away and barely visible, is the phase of modern warfare in which the guardsmen are being thoroughly instructed.. Attached to each company is a do- tail of two non-commissioned officers from the regular army, but the regu lar army gunners and gun crews re main in barracks. This is a decided departure from the program of four years, ago, when the guardsmen mere ly acted in support of the regulars. The test is intended to decide just what efficiency may be developed on short notice by soldiers who have had no training in coast artillery operations. Not only will the guardsmen at Fort Stevens be given a week of prac tical instruction m handling the huge guns that defend the mouth of the Columbia, but at the conclusion of the course they are to try their hand at gunnery. Next Monday the snb-caliber pro jectiles are to be directed at moving targets near tne jeny, wnu u.e in fantrvmen directing the fire. RECORD PRICE FOR PRUNES Vancouver Association Obtains 7V4 Cents For 400-Acre Crop. Prune buyers are still operating in Polk county, and the indications are that the demand continues brisk. The prices being paid are not generally made public, uui. in mis liisiauue, i, least, is said to have approached sev en cents. A special dispatch to the Oregonian from Vancouver, Washington, says that "the highest price on record for prunes will be received by the mem bers of the Felida Fruitgrowers' as sociation The price for dlls. to d.ris will be 7Vi cents a pound. A Port land firm is the buyer." TAX DELINQUENTS LISTED Amounts Will Be Advertised in Ob server, Beginning Next Tuesday. The force of deputies in the sher iff's office has just completed the de linquent tax list for 1910, which, in accordance with a late law passed, is to be published in the Observer next Tuesday. The list covers 20 pages of typewritten legal cap. The taxes on the real property lo be advertised became delinquent April 4 last, and are subject to a pen alty of 10 per cent and interest at the rate of 12 per cent per annum until they shall have been paid. Certificates of delinquency may be issued after the expiration of six months after the projierty . becomes delinquent, upon application to the sheriff and ujxin payment of the tax es, penalty, interest and eost of ad-.,.,-t;u;n fVrtificates of delinouency ..i... n i.i.r ii.f.Tpst at the rate of 15 miau per cent per annum from the date of ; issuance until reueemeu. In order to accommodate taxpayers living at a distance from the county iseat, Sheriff Grant has arranged for the payment of the delinquent 'amounts at the following banks, be ginning about the middle of the i week : .... ! Salem Ladd & P.ush's bank, j Independence Independence Na tional bank. i Monmouth Polk County bank. I Falls City Bank of Falls City. I Sheridan Sheridan State bank. Personal Mention. I Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Kimball, of Salem, were Dallas visitors yesterday. Lawrene Aldrirh, of Oregon City, in visiting in th- city at the home of his sister. Mrs. Dr. Cary. Mrs. F-d McClanahan. of Iw Ange les, and Mrs. Kitward Gillimrham, of Salem, visited friends in Dallas yes terday. Mrs. E. Ci. Gnnderson, of SiIvrton, in in the fity. visiting her sister, Mrs. A. Finwth. A. V. K. Snyder made a business trip to BalUton Wednesday. Miss Vera Welborn, of Salem. i risitin? at the home of Rev. and Mr. E-k'ar W. Miles. EnterUuJ Friendi. Mi Effie Brown entertained a number of ber friends in a very t.!eaant manner Wednesday ereninr at ber b--me on South Main street. Games and lirely amovroents of vi rion kind Vere enjoyed, and re freshment were served. Tht Boa Var. h for the "Spa" fc rrnm be ta the -ity flavors, choc oUte, -anil, rbetTT. BUSINESS LOCALS (Advertisements under this head are charged at the rate of 1 cent per word, first Insertion; y, cent per word for each Insertion thereafter; 80 words or less, SI per month. No ad vertisement inserted for less than li cents. For Sale. Thirty acres fruit land; ten acres set to prunes, four years old ; one acre English walnuts, six years old. Fam ily orchard, 125 trees, bearing; 500 logau and black berries. Ten acres bottom land, can bo irrigated. Price .$0000, one-half cash, balance five years at ,six per cent. Address, "A" Observer. ' , 331tf88 i . I'or Sale. . Neat five-room cottage, with elec tric lights, closets, fruit room, toilet; close in. -710 Hayter street. Bargain if sold at once. Address Mrs M. E. Carter, Enterprise, Ore. 335tf811 T . , . Teams Wanted, Teams wanted to haul rock on Salt Creek and Dallas rood. Inquire of Henry Voth, Phone South Red 5L). 334-815 For Sale. Liberal discount for cash on stock paints, oils, hardware, sash, doors, etc.; inventory about $3500; located at Falls City. For particulars address E. E. Paddock, Independence, Oregon. 320-tf-81 Cotswold Ewes For Sale. Registered Cotswold ewes for sale at reasonable prices, at my farm, one mile east of Rickreall. These ewes are young, in good condition, and come from the best Cotswold stock in Oregon. C. N. McArthur. 317tf725 For Sale. Good team; new wagon and har ness. Call 1001 Uglow avenue, cor. Burch, Dallas. 330tf88 ... For Bale, Almost new seven-foot Champion binder; cheap for cash. Apply at Rickreall store. . 808t71 Wood ftr: Sale. Twenty cords of good second- growth fir wood -for sale. Only three- fourths mile from town. Stewart & Fisher. Phone 331. 807tf714 Business Chance. For sale, or trade for small farm, paying mechanical business in Dalhis, at invoice; about $2000. Don't an swer unless you mean business. Ad dress J R. M., care Observer. 33tf88 For Sale. Good saddle pony. Address Frank Lockman, 712 Academy street, Dallas. 33i;tta Wood For Sale. Old oak body rick wood; four-foot oak limb wood; 000 oak posts; deliv ered in Dallas. A. L. Bartholomew, Phone Black 152. 327-811 Cows Bought and Sold. Wanted, good dairy cows ; also cows for sale at all times. R. A. Campbell, Sheridan, Ore. 328tf84 To Exchange. For hay or work horses, one thor oughbred Clyde stallion. W. M. Fos ter, Independencee. , 3J8-811 Wanted. rr , l ,1 . io engage nop picKeis goou crop; fine camping ground; good water; Ankeny Farm, Rickreall ; telephone. 322tf81 For Sale. Oak and Cedar posts. Soehren Warehouse Company. 11-18-tf. Room and Board. Room and board, $18 a month; close In. 818 Shelton street, Dallas. 272tf66 Home For Sale T. J. Cherring-ton's beautiful home In Dallas Is for sale. Call at Photo Studio. 271tf66 .Mate For Sale Mare, alx years old, weight 1050 pounds. Phone Blue.. 270tf62 Sale or Trade. Big house and seven lots, for sale or trade in on a good farm. Albert Fennell, Dallas. 262U626 Nc-- Wall Paper. Wall paper, direct from the factory a very select line at W. P. Hol- man's. Wanted. Elderly lady to take care of a five- months' old child for the summer. Party to live with us. Phone Mon mouth 129. 273tf66 For Sale, Fir Vista farm, 207 acres, John L. Ritrgs, owner. Excellent for farming. dairying, hops and fruit. Will divide. Also, other North Polk County farms, and a sawmill. Barton Z. RIggs, Real Estate, Amity, Oregon. Route 2. Phone Dallas 62S. ltltf Wanted. All kinds of Iron, rubber, brass, cop per, sine and hides. Highest cash prices paid. A. N. Halleck, Monmouth, Oregon. 2-12-tf. Your Winter's Wood. Order your slab wood now and be , aure of having a good dry supply for Winter. I can sell you either slabs, ; blocks, or trimmings. Can furnish any ' other kind of wood desired. Plenty of' good oak and fir. Send In your orders by either phone. Mutual. 11 Bell,! 442. AUGUST BOM AN. ' i New Wheat In. The first of the 1911 crop of wheat was brought into the Dallas Flouring mills this week, and the amount is increasing daily. Call at Stafrin's drug store Friday, Ausnist 11, and bave your eyes exam ined by an expert. (ilaws furnished if needed, at moderate eost. Ih-, Freewe t Rice. 811 Brown A Sibley, Attorney-, Notary. Oncar Hayter, lawyer. Rooms I and , Cglow Building. If yoa want Cn photographs, Clter rlcgton la always read y The Boa Marche for the "F" lc cream best la the c"ty flaTor, choc olate, vanilla, strawberry. The Farmer's Firs Relief Associa tion of Butterllle. Oregon; 1. D. Winn, agent, Boeaa Vista. Orrgoa. tf cr r J V ' i7 ; .1-" ' 1 It zty kjjh, i.,ii.i No. 2 3 " 4 8 52 53 54 5th Count of Piano Vote: IQfiSB No. 55 12,625 " 61 8825 7550 u 66 67 7090 " 79 18,695 " 112 12,700 " 137 28,615 26,140 12,745 7785 8525 7175 5360 No. 151 6610 Thousands of votes are out, and have not been turned in for any contestant. All Pink votes should be in the store and counted for someone by next Wed- nesday. Come to our store, see and try this splendid instru ment. We will tell you all about our plan of giving this piano away. This is a present worth having. This Piano is of the celebrated Upton make. It car ries the manufacturers' Ten Year Guarantee. We Cordially Invite Your Inspection UGLOW CLOTHING HOUSE Men's Fine Clothing, Gentlemens' Furnishings, Etc., Florsheim Shoes DALLAS, - - OREGON Are Yoe 0 wild? See The Dallas Lumber 6c Logging Company at Dallas About Your Material Not Always the Cheapest but , Always The Best Lumber Shingle Roofing i I5UGU1S3 -1