fT-TTX'T- PUBLISHED SEM-VEEKL VOL. XXIII DALLAS, POLK COUNTY, OREGON, JUNE 10, 1911 NO. 18 All HID nr r.r m. 1 1 - . 1 1 uouj UflSL i. 3 . 3 o ur rum LUUNIi ITFM9 rnvm , . w lit TED BY RVST- COIlREsroXDENTS, " s" UI ""west In varlous Kioorliooto Told In Interest )"6 Manner. fyfriCtjind ouV stoU 'the fitaee to gel tit new eabju&t oWug. w$ wish eve lew this eity knew how eahejugfy Ifiiek out oiAStoek oj eakfats and 1 foaUnf in mind not onfy the UnS Sat aCso how long th&y w'M lab. 6o& that new eakfret o uj mtt jf&uif M us show and fiUee u nM. .... : MiiC frietues given y hulehases away with OAKDALE dy Toby i8 teaming in Falls City, in Ponlanc"180" " TWt" "'8 S"s Harts'111 '8 work, 'for Newton Newman Dennis is working at the Martin sawmill. nayid Hubhard is getting out tlm- "w a new barn. vi.mlen I"1"'"' f DalIaa' has 'n vifiitinsr Tnm wik w 'SUl, ureen has a small crop of " -m.i.b gooseberries. Clarence Sellers is hauling lumber me Martin mill to DVlas Mr. and Mrs. D. Sellers, of Liberty visited their son Clarenee, Sunday Joe Murphy has been putting up a good deal of wire fencing on his place ecently. C. J. rtruce is hauling wood to Bridgeport, and is assisted bv TMwt Ralk. Mrs. D. Shepard, of Bridgeport visited her daughter, Mrs. Etta Mur phy, Sunday. 'Villiam Bird and daughter. Henri etta, visited at the home of his son Charley Blird, Sunday. Don Miller is nring the engine for tne steam shovel which is used in grading on Dunlap hill. . a. uuney is helping Mr. Mofflt wind a house on the land which he lately bought in Oakdale. h.url Drumlller, of Sheridan, came up In his auto Sunday, to visit his grandmother, Mrs. Mina Murphy. Miss Katie Barnhart, of Oakdale, was among the number passing the eighth grade examination In Falls City. Miss Susan Richardson and Miss Sarepta Richardson are visiting at Mountain View, the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson Mr. and Mrs. George Robinson, Mrs. Ma linda Kimball,' Mrs. Mary Card, Miss Susan Richardson and Miss Sarepta Lehman Bros, are shlunlnir about ibv cords of wood to Portland. Mrs. Joseph Lampltt, of Sheridan, a visiung friends In this vicinity. C. N. Baldwin, who. was kicked by a norse, is reported somewhat better, erow place, the boys having divided tne property. Thirty young people met at E. E. Hiltibrand'8 Saturday evening and spent the time playing: pleasant Ice-cream was served at mid- games, night. Kerslake Frank The Home Furnisher Millions of Hours Saved to Women With an Electric Iron the week's laundry is finished like magic. No running back and forth between ironing board and stove. ' No sticking between iron and cloth and no hot handles things that go with other irons. No fire of any kind to heat up the house. Let us show you how to get one easily. Just telephone: Main 24 and ASK US ABOUT OUR NEW SPECIAL OFFER. OREGON POWER CO. J. L. WHITE, Mgr. Richardson attended the Tabernacl meeting Sunday evening. Mrs. Bramhaugh has been In Port land to visit the Rose Festival and to mtet her son, whs is expected to ar rive from Liverpool, England, whore he has resigned his place In tn English army to come to Oregon. MONMOUTH A. A. Moore, of Hogue River, valley, nas purchased a tract of land from josepn Craven and will make his home in Polk County. He says this is the best part of Oregon. Hon. J. II. Hawley was a. business visitor in Dallas, Friday. Mrs. William Elkins, of Albany, visited her mother, Mrs. Burrls Hast ings, over Sunday. Miss Eliza Love, one of the teachers in the Monmouth school for the last year, left for her home In Heppner, Monday. Miss Cora Rosslter, after" teaching In Monmouth for a year, left for her home in Iowa, Monday. The seven graduates of the Eighth grade held their exercises Friday night. Dr. Livingston, - of Forest Grove, delivered the address, and President Ackerman , presented the diplomas. . Mr. and Mrs. W. Barnett and son, of Independence, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. ,N. Poole, Sunda. Mr. and Mrs. Pyles, of the nun-' mouth hotel, have returned from a visit to the Rose Festival and to Van couver, Washington. ' Mr. and Mrs. Cricket Bevens, of Lewlsville, were visitors In Mon mouth, Tuesday. I Work on the new school bulldnlg Is progressing nicely. The basementi wall will be of concrete and 13 feet high. Then the brick wall will begin H. S. Portwood has again taken his stand behind the counter, having formed a- partnership with O. A Muscott. The firm will carry a mix ed stock of drygoods and groceries, and will do a good business. President Ackerman has moved his furniture to the office room In the Normal building and will be found there In future. ppen Season For Trout ! Fishing April 1st ! ; : " recognized as Fishermen's Headquarters for 'oik County, we are-better than ever prepared to -PPly your needs. - Rods, Lines, Reels, Leaders and the Best Flies on Earth Iskets to carry the fish in when yon catch them 'V. R. Ellis' Confectionery AIRLIE Mrs. Bertha Ray is staying In Air- lie. Phy Simpson was In Alrlie Thurs day. Phy Simpson returned to camp Monday. J. W. Bones & Son are having their store repainted Virgil Bevens, of Independence, Is visiting In Alrlle. Wayman Williams is visiting friends In Alrlle. Mr. Henderson, from Albany, was In Alrlle, Monday. Mr. Caughey has returned to Alrlle from Simpson's camp. Julius Welnert returned from a vis. it with friends, Sunday. Katie Welnert made a business trip to Portland, last Sunday.- Mr. and Mrs. Guy Ray are the proud parents of a baby girl. Uee Caughey returned from his visit with relatives, Tuesday. Mrs. Fry and her grand daughter, Edna, took the motor Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. D. Harrington made a business trip to Salem Thursday. H. A. Kaepper, a real estate dealer was In this vicinity on business,, Monday. J. M. Staatsk the Airlle telephone manager, made a trip to Salem, Thursday. Mrs. Hugh Williams, of Alrlie, and her little duughter Norma, are visit ing in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. D. Harrington and daughter made a business trip to In dependence, Saturday. Mrs. Oeorge Conn and daughter, Helen, took the motor Thursday; morning for Independence. A large crowd from the Airlle Sun day school attenaea me oumm, school picnic at Montgomery Sunday, June 4. A baseball game was played here Sunday afternoon between the Falls City and Airlle teams. The score was 1J to S In favor of Falls City. "Grandfather-1 Plunket died at his home In Kings Valley at 11 o'clock Menday night He was buried at the cemeury there at 11 o'clock Tuesday. i w t'irirh has clued the water Zena-Spring- Valley The roads are being Improved by graveling. rank Crawford Is building a new prune drier. Mr Ruble Is about the first In the neighborhood to cut hay. Prof. Crawford is commencing the construction of a new house. Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Henry have re turned from a week's stay at New. port. The Fourth of July will- be cele brated by the Spring Valley people at Lincoln. -.. Mr. and Mrs. Worth Henry are now on the Henry farm, with Mr. Henry's parents. Miss Marie Crawford and Harold Roy were among the. graduates Frl day evening from the Salem High School. Harold White, of Salem, is spend ing the week at W. J. Crawford's. helping him to rid the farm of gray diggers. Louis Cooper, who has been work ing at Zena, left this week for his home In Northern Idaho, where he will run his father's farm. Mr. and Mra, Lynn Purvine and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Crawford went to Dallas Sunday, by way of Salem and Independence, In the former's auto. RICKREALL Walter Vaughan is home from in dependence for the summer. Ray Nilson and Miss Helen White, of Portland, are visiting B. F. Lucas and family. James Morton and bride returned home Saturday evening and the boys gave them a very Interesting- evening. Mr. and Mrs. Davidson, of North Yakima, Washington, spent Tuesday with W. E. Goodell's. Mrs. J. W. Fetzer, of Independence, visited at the home of the latter's pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cook, Sun day. J. Oral Price and Paul Smith took a hike for the mountains Tuesday. Mrs. Robert Ankeny and son have gone to Walla Walla. James Morton and James Smith drove to Independence, Tuesday. John I. Burch has returned from Corvallls. Jack Goodell Is papering W. W. Russsell's new residence. Mr. and Mrs. William Hill and Alice Burch drove, to Monmouth Tuesday evening. from the spring on hie farm to Warr.n ,nd Harry Dempsey left for house. He int. nds to build a me"t Tmamo()k Monday morning. reservoir wine .f water. ! BOWERS VILLE J H. Crowley finished working Ms i . i frcm the orenmu John O. Remp-1 was a ' . 1 W .1 .. visitor at EOLA Earl Brunk graduated Salem hiKh school last Friday. Devis Allen is '"' -f Vim Emma Cadle was a ruest at mke a f0Jnda;ii f th. Farmer home Sunday: The Reverend Gere Cromle. ot Tomm(e Hjnf WM m fiunday. caII. Aftorta, i her vwwin r-..-- a lew ) FALLS CITY A. Sampson was a Dallas visitor Monday. Miss Ethel Tooze visited in Dallas lRst Sunday. Mrs. S. Raphael Is visiting friends in Portland.' L. Muscott visited, friends In this city, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Mehrling hav gone to Toledoi ' Mrs. F. P. Heydon is visiting rela tives in Portland. A - George Yeaton Is transacting bits! ness In Portland. - Albert Teal made, a business trip to Salem last Monday. . vv Charles Richey made a business trip to Woodburn, Friday. E. G. Hill, of Michigan, Is visiting Mr. and Mrs. G. Fry. C. J. Pugh has been transacting business in Portland, Cleveland Powell visited the Rose Festival In Portland. Mrs. A. F. Courter visited friend In Dallas last Thursday. . J. E. Beezley returned last Monday from a trip to Portland. . Miss Ella M. Mehrling visited friends In Dallas, Tuesday. Dr. A. B. Starbuck, of Dallas, made a trip to this city Saturday. ' Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Tetherow were visitors In Dallas last Saturday. W. T. Grler returned Friday from a visit with relatives in Portland Mr. and Mrs. George Southerland were visitors in Dallas Saturday. County Surveyor B. F. Beezley vis ited friends in this city Thursday. Mrs. J. 8. S. Powell attended the Rose Festival In Portland last week, Paul Sheppard and Claude Hickey attended the Rose Festival In Port land. . Dr. and Mrs. F; M. Hellwarth were visitors at the Rose Festival In Port land. ' S. R. Skeels has been In Portland for the past week on real estate busi ness. F. P. Heydon attended the Sheri dan-Dallas baseball game last Sun day. Colonel C. W. Matthews, of Port land, has been In the city for a few days. Miss Viola Palmer of Amity, visited her sister, Miss Chloe Palmer, last week. - Masters Ralph and Eugene Hooker are visiting their grandmother at Pedee. , . ' . Mr. ana Mrs. Zlmrl Hinshay re turned Sunday from a short visit in Portland.- Mr. and Mrs. William Hulaby, of Baker, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. O. Aurland. J. W. Sweeney, of the Dallas Flour ing Mills, was in this city on business Saturday. Miss Etta Waters visited with friends and relatives In Portland, Tuesday. ; Roy James returned Monday from an extended visit with, relatives in Missouri. Mr., and Mrs. I. G. Singleton were visitors In Oregon's metropolis last Thursday. . Mr. and Mrs. Walter I Tooze visit ed relatives In Portland and Oregon City last week. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Vick and daugh ter, Hollls, visited friends In Dallas last Thursday. , Mr. and Mrs. David .Courier and son, Osel, have been visiting rela tives In Eugene. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Servey and Misa Kate Keith were visitors at the Port land Rose Fair. Mrs. J. S. Courter left last Satur day for Salt Lake City, where she will reside In future. Miss Blanche Graham, of Fort Rock, Lake County, is visiting iilr. and Mr A. Wiles. . Mr. and Mrs. Drew Barham, of Mo rn, Oregon, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ira Mehrling over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Ashford, of Aumsvllle, visited Mr. and Mrs. George Darby last week. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Brown were Portland visitor Wednesday and Thursday of last week. J. R. Moyer, Charles Moyer and W. E. Ebert are building a residence for K. E. Gilliam! at Salem. William Southwell, of the Siletz Basin, visited Mr. and Mrs. Warren Ward, Monday and Tuesday. The Misses Llna and Gladys Dun ton, of Molala, are visiting their brother. Prof. J. E, Dunton. Mrs. Abbie Nowell and duughter, Edith, of Portland, visited" her sister. Miss Addle Huggins, Thursday. Miss Mary Hammond, physical cul ture Instructor in Willamette Univers ity, returned to Salem, Monday. Mrs. W. R. Hinshaw and nephew, Arthur Baldwin, are visiting Mrs. Hinshaw's sifter near Newport. Mrs. Julia A. Ellis, of Corvallls. and Mrs. Mary J. Guy, of Dallas, are visit ing at the home of William Ellis. .. Mrs. A., F. Courter and sons, ('live and Ensign, left for Salt Lake City. Saturday, to be gone three months. . Frank Martin, Pernel Meyers and N. Lunde returned Sunday from a commissioner. The Reverend E. H. Hillis and family have returned from an extend ed visjt with the Reverend and. Mrs. W. N. Coffee, In Portland. Rev' Hu lls has resumed hl-i position as pastor of the Free Methodist' Church. The Pythian Sisters will give their annual dance in Wagner hall to morrow night. Lunch wiir be serv ed at Hinshaw's after the dance. The committee in charge is composed of Mrs. W. L.- Tooze, Mrs. W. R. Hln Bhaw, and Mrs. E. P. Brown. The cantata, "Carnival of Flowers," given by 65 school children of the first, second and third grades, Wed nesday and Friday nights was a com plete success, and proved so popular that It will be played again on the night of July 3. The success is due to the efforts of Miss Hallle Mor rison, Miss Ruth Fugate and Miss Hazel Kuykendall, under whose direc tion it waa produced. - The annual alumni banquet of the Falls City High School was given at Frlnk's confectionery last . Thursday evening. At "the business meeting preceding the banquet the following officers were elected: President, Mrs, J." D. Moyer; vice-president, Miss Allma Huesby; secretary, Miss Ella M. Mehrling. The following members were present: W. F. Nichols, Elsie Leavltt, M. G. Ellis, Parrl Elllss, En nls Frinke, Viola Sellg, Irene Dodd, Cecil Dodd, B. F. Beezley, Ella Mehr ling, Alma Huesby, Jessie Moyer, Edith Montgomery. Bertha Frink, Ralph Harrington, ... Rita Alderman Mina Chamberlain, Leonard Frink. NOTES WEEKLY MARKET LETTER Court Items, Real Estate Transfers, And Other News Briefly Told. PEDEE Wjll Bush was at Falls City last Saturday. - Aunt Sarah Price Is visiting In Sa lem this week. Elsie, Bush visited Precious Irvin last Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. Allva Womer took In the Rose Festival In Portland last week'. ' Mr. and Mrs. Burbank, of Mon mouth, visited relatives Saturday at Pedee. Mrs. Lucy Tucker has moved up to Simpson's camp, where her husband Is at work. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Brown are over from Falls City, while he is get ting the threshing outfit ready for harvest. The Children's Day exercises last Sunday were well attended. There was a fine program and plenty of good things to eat Amel Siefert took photograph of the Sunday school BETHEL Mark Richards Is Improving from his recent Illness. Mr. Willis, from Salmon River, Is visiting J. D. Kelty. C. L. Hawley and P. C. Storm were In Portland Thursday. . Jim Butterlck is papering this w ek for I. JJ. Mulkey. Mr., and Mrs. J. 1). Kelty made a recent trip to Newberg. C. L. Hawley and family went to Seattle Tuesday, for a week's visit, Clyde Kelty was in Portland dur ing the-week, attending the rose show. ' A match game was played here Sunday between Hopewell and Mc Coy, the latter winning. Ora Rhoades and Wllford and Hafold Jenkins "went to Portland Tuesday to attend the rose show. The, Reverend J. W. Jenkins and family went to Dallas Sunday In their auto to attend the revival meeting. SALT CREEK . J. Bowles Is cutting poles. Jake Buhler is cutting hay. Mrs. Campbell la quite sick. Mr. Van Well is cutting poles. Fritz Rosenau is hauling gravel. W. E. Martin has .a new driving team. There is talk of relocating the Con cord road. Noel and Press Dickey are working on the road. ' Two of Henry Glllams children have pneumonia. All Brown was through this vicinity trying to buy lambs. ' Mr. Van Well and family were Dal las visitors last Sunday. George Starr lost about 70 of hl fine young chickens recently. Mr. and Mrs. B. Z. Rlggs and son, Lleb, attended the Rose Festival at Portland. - MARRIAGE LICENSE. Delbert F. Plaster, of Dallas, and Jennie F. Plesslnger. PROBATE. In the estate of Margaret D Camp bell, deceased Noah F. Gregg, Orval E. Focht and George H. Ball ap pointed appraisers. FARM NAMES REGISTERED. Cedar Lawn J. J. Leveck, Mon mouth. Oak Park Andrew Campbell, Am Ity. ; Glenwood I. M. Robertson, Rlck- reall. Roanoke Farm Hugh Hayes, Dal las. Lynhurst Home Fred Loy, Inde pendence. Shadeland Nos. 2, S and 4 C. D. Nairn, Amity. REAL ESTATE. . E. W. Strong et ux to William Pal mer, 200 acres, t 7 s, r 4 and 5 w, $10. Alice Courter and hus to B. F. Beezley, land in Fails City, $100. Fred M. McIIenry to B. W. Hol man, lot In Independence, $10. - Frank Church and wife to Marvell E. Spencer, lot In Falls City, $50.. Charles R. Bennett et ux to Chris tine Bennett, land in Dallas, $1260. Capital Trust Company to Cather ine E. Browning, lots In Klngwood Park, $700. Charles E. and William M. Roberts to Joseph A. Montgomery, land in Independence, $10. Charles E. Roberts et ux to same, land In Independence, $10. Joseph A. Montgomery et ux to W. M. and C. E. Roberts, 156 '4 acres t 6 s, r 3 and 4 w, $10. Francis Zuvar et ux to C. A. Reh mel, 9.35 acres, t 8 s, r 6 w, $10. School District No. 40 to J. D. Wall ing, land In Lincoln, $220. Cora Walling and hus to School District No. 40, V acre t 6 s, r S w, $400. Hartley & Craig to Thomas E. Nay- lor et al., lots in Hartley & Craig Fruit Tracts, $2250. Harry Hlbbard to George F. Vick and A. F. Courter, 167 acres t 9 s, r 5 w, $10. Solomon K. Crowley et ux to Fred erlck S. Crowley, 34.07 acres, t 7 s, r 4 w, $10. J. M. Card et ux to R. H. Thomp son, Jr., 10 acres, t g s, r 6 w, $10. J. A. Lawrenson et ux to Charles R. Bennett, land In Dallas. E. W. Staats et ux to William Boyer et ux, 14j0 acres, t 9 a, r 5 w, $10. A; F. Courter et al to T. D. Hallo well et ux., lots in Falls City, $1. Receipts and Sales at Portland liiilon Stock Yards. MACADAM ROAD IS FAVORED Polk County Surveyor Says Newport Fulls City Lino Feasible. NEWPORT, June 12. At a meet- ng of the Newport Commercial Club last week County Surveyor Beezley of Polk County, said he heartily ap proved of the proposed macadam road between Newport and FallB City, and that he would use his Influence to have the road built as soon as possl ble. The Club decided to take the mat ter up at once with the county court and also Instructed the secretary to secure the co-operation of the Falls City Commercial Club in presenting the proposition to the county court of Polk County. Mr. Beezley said that the road could be built with no grade exceeding 8 per cent and that there was plenty of stone along the road for macadamizing. Mr. Beezley is now running a sur vey for a macadam road from Toledo to Newport. PORTLAND, June 10. Receipts for the week ending today have been as follows: Cattle E63, calves 80, hogs 1733, sheep 790, : horses and mulca 24. , ... Owing to scarcity of supplies in the cattle division, prices stiffened up somewhat the last of the week. Ono prime load of good steers brought $.40, while several brought $6.25. While these prices are not as high aa those obtained before the slump, ship pers realize that it la now time for grass cattle and corresponding lower prices. The cow market remains steady to firm with best qualities at $5.50, medium $5 to $5.25. There la a good market for light, well-finished veal, one lot bringing $7.75 and an other of 60 head $7.50. The prices of best light hogs contin ues to advance about a nickel a week. top now quoted at $6.90 with steady demand. A good many stockers were on the market, prices ranging from $7 to $7.25, owing to quality. Heavy hogs are selling from $5 to $6, with marked tendency on the part of buy ers to discriminate against this class of swine. Mutton appears to be ' jrreatly In demand, buyers easily keeping pace with the heavy receipts,. Lambs showed a slight fluctuation this week, one lot bringing $0.60, several lots bringing $6 to $6.25, though th ma jority of sales were at previous quo tations of $6.60. Best wethers were in demand at $4.25, ewes $3.25 to $3.50, mixed lots $3 to $ i. Demand for draft horses continues good and the record of sales for this week Is encouraging. Following sales are representative: Steers, $5.25 to $6.40; cows, $5 to $5.50; calves, $7.50 to $7.76; bulls, $4.50 to $4.60; hogs, $6.10 to $7.25; lambs, $6.60; wethers, $4.25; ewes, $3.40; culls, $2.50; horses drafters, $17? to $200 each; chunks. $100 each. ...... SATURDAY NIGHT CONCERT Program For Free Open-Alr Enter tainment by Dallas Band. Flag Day. June 14 was the one hundred and twenty-fourth anniversary of the adoption by Congress of the flag which has remained ever since' the symbol of the United States of America. The observance of this anniversary occa sion Is becoming annually more gen eral, chiefly through the activity of Otttaoixitliy In DIihoomc of Children. When I contemplate the wide range of children's diseases and the Influ ence they will exert upon coming gen erations, I am Impressed with the mportance and magnitude of the work we have before us. There are undreds of thousands of children uttering as a result of anatomical slons . who are being neglected through Ignorance of the cause of their condition and what the science of osteopathy will do for their relief. The public must be educated with re gard to our theories of cause, diagno sis and treatment. Teachers should he made to realize the evil effects arising from allowing chlldrento sit with bent spine and humped-over shoulders. Parents ought to be made aware that the great law of lire is harmony of action throughout the body; that disharmony results when any bodily parts are misplaced, and that the remedy Is mechanical adjust ment Could all these things be brought about, what a revolution 1 The third of the series of popular weekly open-air concerts will be given by the Dallas band tomorrow even ing, commencing at 7:30 and continu ing until 9 o'clock. No more agree able form of entertainment has ever been provided for the people of this city, and the number of appreciative listeners is increasing. The concerts axe beginning to attract residents from out of town, who find it pleas ant to drive In and enjoy tha musls and attend to the little odds and ends of shopping. Through tha kindness of J. L. White, local manager of the Oregon Power Company, an improved light ing system has been Installed on tho court house plaza for the use of the bandmen. Thirty-six Incandescent lights, of 32-candle power eacn. strung in the form of a triangle, fur nish an abundance of illumination and add to the gala appearance. The following program haa been arranged by Director U. S. Grant for . tomorrrw night's concert: King of the Air Johnson Days of Old , Carlton Albanian March Hall Budding Flowers (waltz) Laurend.au Around the Town (overture) ...Huff O.-Iand, (march) Beyer Our Companions (serenade) .. .Eaton Kathlnka (mazurka) ,, Beyer Others by request. PLAN FITTING: CELEBRATION Falls City Pcoplo Will Hold Rousing Jubilee July 3 anil 4. No other event In the history of this city so well deserves a fitting cel ebration aa the completion of the new municipal water system of Falls City, and the plan to hold such a jubilee In connection with a Fourth ot of July demonstration has met with populur approval. A successful cele bration is assured. The committee In charge of tha ar rangements Mayor Hubbard, C. O. Johnson and W. F. Nichols haa tak en up the work with enthusiasm and the result will be that Falls City will have the biggest and beat "show" ever aeen here. Falls City News. the American Flag association. Next) there would be! A vigorous, hearty year, being a one and one-quarter I race would constitute the next gen- centennlal. there will probably be(eratlon. Herald of Osteopathy. some special national effort made n w oays nsnmg trip on the Sitet - f or , general celebration. The assocla riv, r- I tlon issued an appeal to the presl- Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Thompson and j dpnt ,nd lhe governors of states, to children, Halles and Mildred, attended;,.- ..rnrlimatlnn. recommending In Portland last Isevm Davis ana aaunnirr. with her parents. ir. io the Rose Festival j week. ; Henry J. Pfandhoefer graduated r(),i,. MPeli I -r In the Greenwooa vicinity. rrom tne electric engineering depart; Harry Dempsey was a bul ns ment of the Oregon Agricultural Col- Mr are Maying Mrs. St.-Wirt. fer.1 PPI fr-m h-re attended ,he f.,n-a;r chui-h r1.- h-Id In K.im laM Cmd-iy. .... - luilJinx an add.ti'.n . th.ir hou.--. Mr. Purv.n n-e. i do.r. the work. -a- tcrui.k aitc-nJd ULAS' POPULAR GROCERY tit rry the famous DIAMOND W brand of ract, Spices,' Coffee, Tea and Canned poJ. Frfh bread dailj.- The rerj bet of fruits and reg ales can always be found at our store. onion & Scott Dallas, Oregon 4 of la the Wil- ... v.iiv Wool Gror ".tica mt , Pnru-nJ la m-l . v. .t . r Atlitiilln Cuoimrnnrmml, Among the vMtlng clergymen Who are in .the city to be present at the commencement exercises of Dallas citizens to make observance of the I folic, this w-ek are the following: day by a display of the flag, and pst-'Tm, ReWrend 8. 8. Mtimev twurtor of It especially request-1 tn United Evangelical Church of ed that patriotic rxerclsea be held In j Porti,nd; the Reverend O. L. Lovell. achrwtla mi this ( the most Imoort-' . . . ..... . . ., i i . . . w i. t . i . .. ' . iiii ti inr Lnilfd r.vancei!CSl caller a. me - - ; .-.i r r,..y. of ,, f , , , ,, .hooI. that Kaem- the Revenend V D. H. R-mr' I- .twndlng lhe P.- Carl B. Willi., of Dallas, was In re,pect for lh, flag mu8t fir,t in-ln.vne IZir of Z vtlt 1 cine dltrkt conference .t Pr.tum.i charge of the railway company . ! ated 2 ?, , ! , . Oreo. istauon and affair, here during Mr. I Ev.ng. Ileal -hurch of Sod.vll.e; the. Maws Katherln. Ruthie and H'l- Hingleton's absence. I , Keverend Jo ph lloberg. retired, en. R-mpel are v'.iting their grand-' Mr. and Mrs. J. C. T.lbott returned' T.limui.-I. Nr. j minister of the Meth.Klist Episcopal, for their big Tabernacle, (1 p.n. have step-c- AK.)atlon f,.urch of , p.d out for Christ and the higher life. m(.mb r of twi i children, ' Them large result, make It . .ucces. . ; Knneth. Clart-Bcr and Luoile, of Ta- h-fore It I. half over. The vangel-l . . . .. ( Simple Itemedy Cures Appendicitis. Sworn proof that simple buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., a. compounded In Adled-l-ka, the new German Appendi citis remedy, really does cure Appendi citis without operation, can now ba seen right In Dallas at the store of Conrad Stafrln. A SINGLE DOSE of thl simple remedy will fu'.evo wind or gas In the stomach or boo els, (our stomach, conatipatlon and other pynip toms of chronic Apfwr. Jlcitia. tlshs E:rn3 Zilh ksj Mi this k. OAK GROVE Sam C'at w a Rait m ton the following' day left iflalm In the Kilet Basin. J Mra E. K. Whit- and Tiaifor coma, sre here, vlaiting J. W. Waun-' i.ls and leaders In the campaign re ftingleton, of Hum Vlta the Rever-1 end E. E. McVkhrr. of M. 1! innvll!- Xiirt Monday Natonai Prk- Tveiay. , -u reiaiivrv. . hiKtily gratined, and uxe II as an in-j Joe All" h.s g'-ne ta Alaaka for. Ir. and Mrs. L. Pfandhoefer and'diratlon of much greater thing, fur: the summer. dauehter, Violet, left Tuearfay for Cor-' the. remaining day. of the meeting. I v c ilUa anil familr Raletn valii. to attend th f m a i t ; ' T-i.-. . Hi.ui.. ih. tiamr-a It T. riritor. Sand.y. ' ciae. of the Orcron Agricultural Col- ' of nrrmni whom the Christian peopl j yeaterday morning announcing the) I'lctl In C.lif.irnla, Kentun rt c i ved a tel gram at 1 LTJCKIAMUTE AMh r.k is seeding hi. clover, )-. rmund thi. wek. ( Mra W. F. Ni hnl. was the wlnr-er' Mir. Mr ta Tia.ttng her mother, of the I'pton piano which wa given! j Mr A. G. P.nlwrta. : t.the Fall, ritr Mercantile Company, j Mr". Harah Hill I. vurtting Mrs. J.,lhe mtm by a plurality of orrr 19,-' t W. E-lor thi. week. ', To-a. j J. E. to rnnainc hi. wckxImw C. C, l e ha. l-ni ib-lected to fill - . In- M. .J..a.tJ rur- the poattiua cf city (ouiu iUnan. made ' attendance night after night, showing mrontile house of J. L. 1 e. Fred N the J- thi. BeithtKwhnoa bow. Mr. ."4 Mra E- L. Harris were vcnt by the appointment of Coun-: a large Interest on the part of the P. T'th- . !- iaiia - .. ..i,n t. ... ..namneriam a. atr I community In the revival. .re praying for, now numU-r. J7. , sad new. that Mr, u. W. CryMai. j Raptiam. at the church are of almoat j former wMl known and vry pnpu!arj dally occurrence. TVapite the fact ! resident of th!. city. u dead at her; that commencement exercise, have home In V.cavllle. California. About' lKn claiming the attention of bo.IS yar. ago Mr. and Mra. Crti many peopl. fn th city for a week or, were living In thi. city, .her. he and ! more, good audience, h.ve been In II. U Kentrm were empioyod in the; j Legal blank, for Bale at thi effl ,n . , i ? f I I KJ W at L . .1 i Abcolutcly Puro mart from C'aI Crr, a Cream cf tariar I nj!',,irl!":F,""-'.