Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, June 13, 1911, Image 2

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    Polk County Observer
Published Semi-Weekly at 11. CO per
Tear. Strictly in advance.
Entered as second-class matter
March 1, 1907, at the post office at
Dallas, Oregon, under the Act oi con'
gress of March 3, 1878.
The way to build up Dallas is to pat
ronize Dallas people. -
There Is merit In the suggestion of
Btate Superintendent Alderman that
the annual school meeting day, (June
19,) be made a "great day" for the
public schools of Oregon. The Su
perintendent points out that the dl
rectors are often discouraged be
cause of an apparent lack of Interest
on the part of the patrons and sug
gests that the annual meeting is a
time when every citizen ought to show
that he has the welfare of his district
school at heart. The school officers
serve without compensation and are
entitled to the hearty co-operation of
all patrons to the extent that at least
a part of one day in each year be
given to the consideration of public
school questions.
The State Superintendent asks that
the natrons take the time on the
morning of the 19th to visit the
school house and Inspect the grounds
and buildings. The Inspection should
Include grounds, buildings, outhouses,
water supply, heating apparatus, ven
tilation In fact, every feature that
contributes to the health, comfort,
safety and convenience of children
and teachers. After luncheon, 'and
before turning the meeting over to
the directors, an hour's discussion of
how the conditions might be Improved
would prove profitable. Already an
annual picnic on this day is being
planned in many districts, and this
spirit of Interest and enthusiasm will
result In a pleasant day's visit among
neighbors and greatly Improved con
ditlons another year In each district
where such a gathering is held.
By a vote of 64 to 24, the United
States Senate last night passed the
Borah resolution amending the Con-
' stitutlon to provide for .election of
Senators by direct popular vote. The
resolution will now go Into confer
ence, but the prediction Is made that
the House will not accept the Bristow
amendment, which provides that the
Federal Government shall have the
supervision of such elections. The
adoption of the Bristow amendment
was made possible by the votes of the
Vice-President and one Democratic
Senator, Mr. Clarke, of Arkansas.
While the House may reject the
resolution In its present form, it seems
certain that the day of the popular
election of Senators is not far distant.
What, then, will become of those self
constituted guardians of the people's
rights, who now hold office by posing
as watchmen on the towers? One
trembles to think what may happen
to these office-seeking patriots once
the people find themselves secure in
the power to elect their Senators
' without the least fear of the blessed
and long-sought privilege being taken
from them, and the services of the
ple-huntlng guardsmen are no longer
required. "
The people of Polk County should
Interest themselves in the work of
building a highway from Falls City to
connect with the magnificent macad
am road now being built by Lincoln
County from Newport to Sllets. With
the two counties working in harmony
on the project of a valley-to-the-sea
highway, great financial benefit would
be realized by both. Such a road
would provide an cutlet for the prod
nits of the rich Yaqutna and Sllets
bottoms, and would greatly increase
the trade between the two counties,
It would also be the shortest and
easiest possible route between the
valley and the popular beach resorts
of the Ynqulna const, and would dl
vert three-fourths of the summer
travel from Portland and the lower
and middle valley through Polk
County. Lincoln Is spending many
thousands of dollars In the construc
tion of the const end of this highway,
and the people of prosperous Polk
cannot afford to be less enterprising
than are the residents of their smaller
and less wealthy neighbor county.
Monmouth Normal and State Univers
ity Appropriations Likely to He
Made Available.
That tentative plans are under way
to test the validity of the referendum
petitions filed against the appropria
Hon for the Monmouth Normal School
as well as testing the University of
Oregon referendum petitions became
known Saturday. It Is also under
stood that the referendum petitions
against the Malarkey public service
bill will also be tested as to their va
lidity. ,
; That .there are similar evidences
of forgery and fraud found in these
petitions as in the University of Ore
gon petitions, ex-Judge Slater does not
hesitate to say, and while he. has not
been retained to test the validity of
the petitions, he says he has examined
a number of them and has found that
there are many of the same people ev
idently Impflcated in connection with
them as are connected with the al
leged frauds on the University of Ore
gon petitions.
, No new developments arose here to
day In connection with the investiga
tion of the University of Oregon peti
tions, the work here being practically
concluded. Evidence Is now being
sought in other quarters. Mr. Slater
says he has not heard from his princi
pals since Sunday, but the work of
endeavoring to obtain evidence lead
ing up to a criminal prosecution Is
Allege Forgeries.
Averring that they have found 4000
names that bear every evidence of
being forgeries, It is probable that In
the next few days gome arrests will be
made In connection with the referen
dum petitions against the state appro
priations for the University of Oregon,
announces the Salem Statesman. Not
only have 4000 names been found to
be forged, It Is claimed, but 8000 more
are said to ne tainted witn torgery
and It is the assertion of Judge W. T.
Slater, who has been retained to push
the case, that the appropriations will
be absolutely saved to the institution.
Quiet investigations have been going
on for the past14 days and William J.
Wright, of the Burns detective agency
has been at work unearthing Informa
tion pertaining to the securing of the
names to the referendums. One man,
alleged to have had a hand In the
matter, has already left the state.
Twenty others are under suspicion
and before many hours, It Is said that
arrests will likely be made.
Under Indictment.
Otto Newman, who Is under Indict
ment In Portland on a charge of forg
ing a check, Is alleged to be mixed up
In the referendum forgeries.
Judge Slater has made minute ex
amination of the petitions filed in the
secretary of state's office. The refer
endums were filed last month, refer
ring the more than 1300,00 appro
priations for the University of Oregon
and also the $50,000 for the Normal
School at Monmouth. The petitions
contained between 14,000 and 15,000
According to a statement of Judge
Slater, the appropriation for the Uni
versity of Oegon Is without a doubt
saved to tnt institution in me ng"i ui
the discoveries which are alleged to
have been made. That the further de
velopments of the Investigation will
make some startling disclosures is the
assertion of Judge Slater, who expects
to find that even more forgeries have
been made on the pttltlons than now
seems to him to be evident.
Free Art Instruction.
County Superintendent It C. Sey
mour has received notice tnai mm
L. A. Mint, national director of "The
Oregon N. U A. 8. L. Liberal Art and
Science Co-operative School of Orlg
Inallst," with Western headquarters
at Taeoma, will open a two-weeks'
school at Independence' next Thurs-,
day, June 15, at which free instruc
tions In pencil, Ink and water color
sketching will be given to all students
who care to avail themselves of the
Monmoiilli Graduating Clows Hears
Ilntx-alnureate Sermon.
MONMOUTH, June 10. The bacca
laureate sermon to the Monmouth
high school class was delivered In the
Normal assembly room Sunday morn
ing byJ5r. K. C. Wlgmore, of Eugene.
The literary societies have a program
on Thursday evening and the graduat
ing exercises of the class will be con
cluded Friday night, at which time
President Ackerman will deliver the
diplomas. The address to the class is
to be given by Dr. Livingston. Vari
ous athletic sports and contests will
be held during the week. : The high
school work during the past year has
been very successful under the prlnel
palship of J. B. V. Butler.
The members of the class are: Olea
Shore, Olen Work, Bessie Graham,
Lester Lindsay, Hazel Work, Elta
Portwood, Agnes Clark.
Prospects Good.
Judge and Mrs. D. P. Stouffer hav
returned from a visit with their son-in-law,
J. Warren Quick, Justice of the
peace at Ballston. Judge Stouifer
thinks that the crop outlook fn thnt
district Is the best that he has observ
ed for years, and that from present
indications the haymows there will
not be big enough to hold It all. It
semes to him, he says, that he has not
seen such fine looking wheat for 30
- Mare For Sale.
Weight 900, age 4 years. Phone
1594. 253tf51
For Sale.
Fir Vista farm, 807 acres, John L.
Rlggs, owner.. Excellent for, farming,
dairying, hops and fruit. Will divide.
Also, other North Polk County farms,
and a sawmill, Barton. Z. Rlggs, Real
Estate, Amity, Oregon. Route 2.
Phone Dallas 625. - - lSltf
Buying Wool.
Farmers having wool to sell will
find it to their interest to see H. L.
Fenton, Dallas, Oregon.
f Advertisements under this head
are charged at the rate of 1 cent per
word, first insertion; ft cent per woru
for each Insertion thereafter; 30
words or less. 11 per month. No ad
vertisement Inserted for less than 16
For Sale.
'Farm Laws of Oregon"; price 50c
at Webster's Confectionery. 277-620
For Sulo,
$350 piano for $200; inquire at 419
Court street; Phone 1462. 278tf-613
Lost, In Dallas, lady's neck fur
also lady'B white sweater with green
trimmings. Return to this office.
For Rent.
House, corner Lyle and Maple; $E
per month. Enquire W. A. Griffin, 'i:0
Levens. ' 2,U63
Room and Board.
Room and board, $18 a month;
close In. 818 Shelton street, Dallas.
Dairy Cows Wanted.
Wanted, good dairy cows.
Campbell, Sheridan, Or.
R. A
For Sale.
Oak and Cedar posts.
Warehouse Company.
For Sale.
A number of young, broken horses.
Inquire of Harry Douglas, 1018 Hay
ter street. Dallas. 279-lm613
For Sale.
One fine young mare; 6 years old
brown, weight 1500 pounds; work any
place, and true. G. W. Carroll, Rlck-
reall. Or. 276m613
Homo For Sale
T. J. Cherrlngton's beautiful home
In Dallas is for sale. Call at Photo
Studio. 271tf06
Help Wanted.
Help wanted at the Dallas Steam
laundry. Phone 1.053. 268-66
Court Items, Real Estate Transfers,
And OUmt News Briefly Told.
William A. Teal, of Falls City, and
Belle WIIK-tt.
Kirk D. Scrafford, of Monmouth,
and Frances R. Schaffer.
In the estate of Gust Svet, deceased
administrator authorised to pur
chase monument for grave of de
ceased. In the estate of George Whltaker,
deceased corrected amount of In
heritance tax fixed at 115 St.
Clover Farm W. W. Stockton.
Fir I jinn Farm Mary H. Peterson,
Larkwood Stock Farm J. W. Finn,
Moi'oy. j
Oek Lodge Alice Lynn, rerry
dale. j
k Park Andrew Campbell,
Amity. .
Klrvt ImiM-ovciiicnls.
Preparations for macadamizing that
portion of Jefferson street lying be
tween Mill and Washington are In
progress. Concrete curbing has been
put In on the east side of the block
between Mill and Court, and the
street surface Is being plowed ready
for excavation to grade.
On lUvrvatlon Itint,
Thursday morning a party consist
lug of William Caldwell, Professor
C. I Winter and L M. Dennis expect
to leave Dullas for a fishing and hunt
Ing trip to Boulder Creek, one of the
tributaries of the Sllets. The outing
will Inst probably a week.
Dry Count low SIM Wet.
The Albany Democrat Insists that
there Is plenty of work on hand for
a grand Jury with reference to blind
pigs In that city Albany Is not the
only town rn Oregon In that condi
tion. Eugene Register.
Cliestcr Ellin Kocotrrlng.
J C. Ellis has so far recovered from
his broken leg a to be out on
crutches and was down town for the
first time this week. Sheridan Sun.
Iropoal For Bid.
Sealed bids will l received at the
office of the Auditor and Police Judge
of the City of Dallas. Oregon, until (
o'clock on Monday, tht 19th day or
June, 1911, for sub-grading and
macadamizing five (5) blocks and
street intersections In said City. Raid
Mare For Sale
Mare, six years old, weight 1050
pounds.' Phone 3 Blue.. 270tf62
Sale or Trade.
Big house and seven lots, for sale
or trade In on a good farm. Albert
Fennell, Dallas. 262tf526
Kale or Rent.
Five-room house on Oak street
neur mill race, for sale or rent, by
owner. Call 1122 Washington street.
Ucwncs For Sal
Some line young horses and colts for
sale lit the C. N. McArthur farm, one
mile east of Rickreall. 254tf519
Middle-aged woman to take care of
a five-months' old child, for the sum
mer. Phone Monmouth 129.
Girl Wanted.
Good girl for housework; wages $5
per week. N. Sellg, Falls City.
New Wall Paper,
Wall paper, direct from the factory
a very select line at W. P. Hol-
Ducks For Sale.
Twenty-five Indian Runner ducks,
nqulre 8. D. Steffy, Dallas. Phone
5J5. ZSOtfSK
Elderly lady to take care of a five
months' old child for the summer.
Party to live with us. Phone Mon
mouth 129. 27JtfS
For Sale.
Old buggy and harness, and set of
work must be done in sccordance with j double work harness; cheap. A. li
the plans and iecin atlons outlined Harris. Jeweler. Phone 452.
In Ordinance No. Its of said city.
Each bid muit be accompanied by a
certified check, payable to the City of
Dallas, for tea (10 per cent, of the
amount of the bid. to he forfeited to
Id city In case the bidder fall to
give a bond and execute a contract tor. mi.
the faithful performance of said work.
To Rent.
Five-room house, barn, garden,
nearly all planted; from June IS to
April I. 1912. or linger, to right per-
Inqulre at 311 Church street.
The envelope containing ths bid
must be directed to the undersigned . Swret Cream For Salew
Auditor snd Police Judge, snd marked o cream for your strawtxTle of
"Bid on Street Improvement" W. P. Mller. delivered arjwhe-e on
A bond In amount equal to the con- Holman's milk route at lc per pint
Imtj Swee Peaa.
A majtmf.ent bouquet of sweet peas
mure than a foot across attracted ad
miring attention yet-rday in the drug ; rarf price will be required for the .for 3 percent cream. W. P. Miller.
tore of Conrad Stafrla. Tbe Bowers faithful Performance of the contract. I Phone lilt. JSUfUl
were gro a at Mr. Marrin s Borne oni The City reiwrvea the risht te reject
" street, from seed that ass plant-, ,y sd all tida
fi t December. The vines are now
fn 'r i reel high and show aa an-
I..- .! j;.-,J of Mowomi for thia time
of the Jar.
Jjsl lianas for sa.'e at this office.
To Re.
lv.n, l,r ordrr of the Citr Council Five-room bouse, bar, sarden
f the City f Delias, Oregon, made c-a ; nearly all planted; from Jena 11, to
the tth day of June, 111. j April 1. 1912. or longer, to right per-
,e...t ua n rjr.-.-iPT- mi. laouire it L K atrVkker"s
Anditnr and Police Judge of Pallas. ! KUia street, between Washington and I
r2 i
" Registration of Land Title.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Polk.
In the matter of the application of
Mary A. Kamp, a widow, to register
the title to the following described
premises, to-wit: The South West
quarter of Section 27; the South
half of the South East quarter of
Section 2S; the North half of the
North East .quarter of Section 33,
and the North half of the North
West quarter of Section 84, all in
Township 6 South, Range 5 West of
the Willamette Meridian, situated
in Polk County, Oregon, and con
taining 400 acres of land, according
to Government survey, versus all
whom it may concern, defendants.
Application No. 31.
To All Whom it May Concern:
Take notice, that on the 29th day
of May, A. D. 1911, an application
was filed by said Mary A. Ramp, a
widow, in the Circuit Court of Polk
County for Initial registration of the
title to the land above described. Now
...Inoo ,rMi . tintur in nr hflforA ttlft
first day of July, A. D. 1911, and show
cause wny sucn appiiL-auun outm ui
be granted, the same will be taken as
. .....i ..I ii n ii a a ii i 'i"ni win i it en
tered according to the prayer of tRe
application anu you win ve lurevci
barred from disputing the same.
(SEAL.) E. M. SMITH, Clerk.
F. A. Turner, Applicant's Attorney.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Polk County, Depart
ment No. 2.
E..V. Carter, Anna M. Carter, William
Addison and Effle Addison, plaint
iff's, v. Willlmlna Cooley, Mathias
Cooley, William E. Smith, Alice
Smith, Laurence M. Smith, Dollie
Smith, James T. Smith, Addle Smith,
Laura E. Monroe, Obed Monroe,
Willis M. Smith, Maud Smith, Will
vin M. Smith and Minnie Smith, de
fendants. No. 3914.
To Laurence M. Smith, Dollie Smith,
Laura E. Monroe and Obed Monroe,
defendants above named:
In the name of the State of Oregon:
You are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
In the above entitled Court and suit
within six weeks from the date of the
first publication of this summons, to-,
wit, on or before the 8 th day of July,
1911, and if you fail so to answer,
for want thereof the plaintiffs will ap
ply to said Court and take a decree
against you for the relief demanded
and prayed for in said complaint,
1. That the said defendants may be
required to set forth the nature of
their claims in and to the following
described real estate, to-wit: Begin
ning at the Southeast corner of the
Donation Land Claim of Hezeklah
Davidson and Melissa A. Davidson, his
wife, Notification No. 1519, Claim No.
42, in Township 9 South, of Range 4
West of the Willamette Meridian, in
Polk County, State of Oregon, and
running thence West along the South
boundary line of said Claim 65 chains
and 58 links, to the line between Sec
tions 15 and 16 in said Township and
Range; thence South 3 chains and 13
links, to the Southwest corner of Lot
3 of said Section 15; thence East
along the South boundary line of Lots
3, 2 and 1 of said Section 16, 66 chains
and 68 links, more or less, to a point
due South of the place of beginning;
and thence North 3 chains and 13
links to the place of beginning, con
taining 17.40 acres, more or less.
And that all adverse claims of the de
fendants may be determined by a de
cree of this Court.
2. That by said decree It be de
clared and adjudged that the defend
ants have no estate nor Interest what
ever in or to the land or premises and
that the title of plaintiffs Is good and
3. That the defendants be forever
enjoined and debarred from asserting
any claim whatever In or to said land
or premises adverse to the plaintiffs,
that plaintiffs recover their costs and
disbursements herein, and that they
may have such other and further re
lief as to the Court may seem equi
table. This summons, by order of the
Honorable Ed. F. Coad, County Judge
of Polk County, Oregon, made at
Chambers In the city of Dallas on the
24th day'of May, 1911, Is served upon
you by the publication thereof for a
period of six consecutive weeks Imme
diately prior to the 8th day of July,
1911. In the "Polk County Observer,"
a newspaper of general circulation
published at Dallas In said County of
Polk. The date of the first publica
tion of this summons la May 26, 1911.
Attorney ror Plaintiffs.
By Not Getting Our Figures
on That
Before daring your order elsewhere. We carry a com
SSS Lumber, Lath, Shingles Doors, Windows
Cement, Raster, Lime and Builders' Hardware, , , f .
Falls City Lumber Co.
Mills at Falls City
Retail Yards and Frame Factory at Salem, Oregon
Sum moils.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Polk County.
Title and Trust Company, a corpora
tion, Plaintiff, vs. F. M. Morgan and
Morgun, his wife, defendants.
To V. M. Morgan and
gan, his wife
fendants. In the name of the State
of Oregon, you and each of you are
hereby required to appear and an
swer the complaint tiled against you
In the above-entitled cause and Court,
on or before six weeks from the date
hereof, and If you fall so to appear
and answer, for want thereof the
the above named de-
plalntlff will take a deeree againBt
you as prayed for in its said com
plaint, to-wit:
That plaintiff is the owner In fee
simple of the West half of the D. L.
C. of William S. Morgan and wife.
Notification No. 119, Claim No. 66,
In Townwshlp 7 South of Range 4
West of the Willamette Meridian, in
Polk County, Oregon, and that you
and each of you be forever barred and
enjoined from claiming any right,
title or Interest of, in or to the same
or any part thereof.
. This summons Is published for a
period of six weeks In the Polk
County Observer, by order of the
Hon. Ed F. Coad, Judge of the County
Court of Polk County, Oregon, made
at chambers this 81st day of May,
1911, and the date of first publication
is June 2, 1911, and the date of last
publication will be July 14, 1911.
Attorneys for Plff.
Vl X
K can
. rm mi. w..a.
I 2rfe.,.. tf;
Lasts designed by
geons. Materials
are the best that
be obtained.
and ' sruar-
No. 968
On a of the most Dotralar
In ths Army Line. Made in Tan Wil
low Calf and Gon Metal. Heavy
single sole, box toe, solid leather
throughout. Ahandsomesnappy shoe.
Come in to see the line. Manufactured
olj bj Jtstpk I. ficroai &C., Bftstoa.
ALIAS one oftheleadlgManufici
lfnrineTowm of the Northwest. A
ll XafV llaJLr 1 tlll ' 1. V JT
Insist on Your Dealer Giving Yo u theso Gooi
Modern Store fronts
Are a specialty at
Shop Work of All Kinds at Reasonable
Summons for Publication In Foreclosure of Tax Lien,
in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Polk County. Department
No. 2.
Kuth llraves. Plaintiff, vs. Dunlel Rndgers, Defendant
To Daniel Kodgers, the above named defendant.
In the name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby notified that
Ruth Graves, the holder of Certificate of Delinquency numbered 7, issued on
the 3th day of December, 190S, by the Tax Collector of the County of Polk,
State of Oregon, for the amount of Three A.C6-100 (IJ.6S) Dollars, the same
being the amount then due and delinquent for taxes for the year 190V, to
gether with penalty. Interest and Costa thereon upon the real property as
sessed to you, of which you sre th' owner aa appears of record, situated in
said County and State, and particularly bounded and described as folliws,
South West K of South East U In Section Fifteen US), Township 8even
(7) South. Range Six () West of the Willamette Meridian, in Polk County,
State of Oregon.
You are further notified that said Ruth Graves has paid taxes on said
premises for prior ur subsequent years with the rate of Interest on said
amounts as follows:
Tax Receipt Rate of
Year's Tax. Date Paid. No. Amount Interest
1908 .' March 11, 1909 1123 2P1 15 per cent
1909. 1st hair March la, 11 271 1 45 It per cent
1909, last half Sept. 12, 191 IStS l.U 1$ per cent
191 March 15, 1911 24i 3.15 15 per cent
Said Daniel Rodgera, as the owner of ths legal title of the above de
scribed property as the same appears of record, and each of the other per
sons above named are hereby further notified that Ruth Graves will apply
to the Circuit Court of the County and State aforesaid for a decree fore
closing the lien aaalnat the property above described, and mentioned in said
certlltcate. And you are hereby summoned to appear within sixty days after
the first publlration of this summons exclusive of the day of said first pub
lication, and defend this sctlon or pay the amount due as shove shown to
gether with costs snd accrued Interest, and la rase of yur failure to do so, I
s decree win t rendered foreclosing the lien of said taxes and costs against
the land and premises above named.
This summons Is published by order of the Honorable Ed F. Coad,
Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Polk,
and said order was made and dated this 12th day of April. 1911. and the date
of the first publication of this summons ts the 14th day of April. 1911.
All frtxtm and papers In thia pro-ending may be served upon the under
p'aned, rrstding within ths State of (irrn. at the address heresfter men
tioned. L. D. BROWN. Attorney for the Plain tin".
Address, fit Mill Street. Dallas, Oregon.
Best equipped Garage In the State,
Constructed of Concrete Through
out, Automobiles stored at reason
able rates. Expert machinists In
charge of Repair Department
D. F. HARRIS, Proprietor.
C. C. MULKEY, Proprietor.
uo not send your money away to
Portland for bread. Buy good Dallas
bread and keep the money at home.
It will help us and help you.
Bell Phone 51. Mutual Phone S26.
Try our line Home-made Candles
and our delkioas Ice Cream
Plans and Estimates Furnished
G. H. COY,
Phone Mutual
W. J. COY,
Manufactured Solely by
Guaranteed to be the best soft
wheat flour In the Willamette Valley
Sold by all Grocers In Dallas.
Otho Williams
Merchant Tailor
All the New Spring Styles and Patterns.
Solicits your orders for Careful and
Conscientious Workmanship.
Soehren Warehouse Co.
We handle a full line of Cedar and Oak
Fence Posts. Brick. Lime. Knn.1 anil
Cement, Land Plaster, Drain Tile,
Shingles, Fire Brick. Hair. Wall Piast
er and Hop Supplies.
One block south of depot Plione 1494
West Side Mai:
G. Ik 'HAWKINS, Prof"
A Complete Line of All UM
. ' MECHANICAL Hrjj! j
J 111 vc t 6 1-1 1 . J -m w - j
ered highest type ' mart
market for the money.
Tires Set while lot
C D. Ferret
Shop located la Hortt -j
General BlacksmiUunf
work. Horse shoeing ssl P )
a specialty. Your buli"''f
Dallas Iron
Machinists Foan7w- .
Maken. . t
,i a Crt
We are prepared '.
Iron and Brass wort w
and Stock Worksop
the best and cheap"
on the market " ,
All kinds of Iron, rubber, brass, cop-
.. in niaej, Highest cash
prices paid. A. N. Halleck. Mnnm...k
Dealer in all kinds of Fresh and Salt Meats. I also
make a specialty of marketing all kind3 of Live Stock,
including Dairy Cows, Sheep, Goats and Hogs.
Court; se phs .
R. A CAM FB ELL, Proprietor
Sheridan, Ore.
Your Winter's Wood.
Ci-A.,- .- . .
"',''""' woo now and be
h,avins a sood dr PPly for
' -en you Hther slats.
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