115fYF JUil 1 PUBLISHED SEAH-WEEKLY ilk fvoii. xxiii DALLAS, POLK COUNTY, OREGON, JUNE 9, 1911. E ait 4totUii- miaul J tfV dwm eon & only a fifakkmtl W look fakz dreamland. M as mu make youk home- filelty. you enjoy ouh Svdb Soth nifht and I Cream Separator for Sale Cheap yoiM Piuly Frank Kerslake The Home Furnisher ELECTRIC LIGHT STREET POSTS Merchants attract trade to their stores by il luminating the store front and sidewalk with electric lamps on artistic posts. INVESTIGATE our new offer on this form of lighting. Ask our New Business Dept. Telephone 24. OREGON POWER CO. J. L. WHITE, Mgr. NO. 17 NEWS OF POLK COUNTY ITEMS CONTRIBUTED BY RUST LING LOCAL CORRESPONDENTS. Happenings of Interest In Various Neighborhoods Told In Interest ing Manner. BUELL Prospects look fine for a large hop Steve Braley, of Perrydale, visited here Sunday. Claud Conlee was visiting friends on the Creek Sunday. Will Fletcher made a business trip to Sheridan, Monday. Nora Jones spent Tuesday evening with Blanche Barber. Mr. and Mrs. Weise were visiting In onenaan over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bray have gone to Portland to the Rose Festival. Dave Glger returned from Portland Thursday with his fine big auto. Numerous fans from here attended the ball game at Sheridan last Sun. day. Lynn Braley and several other men are working on the grade below the mill. A number of couples from here at tended the dance at Willamlna Satur day night. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Walker made a business trip to Dallas the latter part of the week. Stanley Bennett, from Portland, was visiting friends here the latter part of the week. With such fine, summer-like weath er now, one can almost see vegetation growing, so rapid is it. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown and Mr. and Mrs. Bray and family, took their lunch and went after wild strawber ries Sunday. The Lambert and Harold girls are home from the hopyard at Amity for a few days, before training on the wires starts. Several from here attended the pic nic at Rickreall last Saturday, and all report a fine time. Three graduates from here attended. OAK GROVE Roy Gilbert has been a Portland visitor this week. S. L. White is hauling baled hay to Salem this week. I. M. Robertson helped the Know- ers move last week. Mrs. Sarah HI1II. of Portlland, Is visiting relatives here. G. F. Seely, of Salem, visited at Oak Grove last week. C. A. Knower and family have mov ed to the G. F. Seely place. A meeting of Oak Grove Grange will be held Saturday night. Will Simons, of Salem, was a visitor in this neighborhood last week. Many of the Oak Groveltes took In the Artisans' picnic at Rickreall. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Edgar, of Sa lem, visited R. J. Williamson, Sunday. Miss. Mary Munro and Fred More were married In Salem last Wednes day. Mattle Carter, of Wells, visited at the Smith home, Saturday and Sun Our mall carrier Is taking his vaca tion, and Harry Sherwood IB filling his place. Arthur Allen Is home rrom wai- port, where he has been spending the last month. . . . Mr. Montgomery's have bought a livery stable in Independence, and are moving there. Mrs. I. A. Allen and Uaugmer, Florence, are homo, after spending the winter at Newport Fred Doney has bought property south of Salem, and will move there in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. Butler, of rortiana. visited at the home of her father, J. W. Edgar, this week. Open Season For Trout Fishing April 1st Long recomized as Fishermen's Headquarters for polk County, 'we are better than ever prepared to supply your needs. Rods, Lines, Reels, Leaders and the Best Flies on Earth gaskets to carry the fish In when you catch them W. R. Ellis' Confectionery Zena-Spring Valley A Children's Day service was given at the church Sunday. Mrs. Wayne Henry spent me ia" part of the week In Salem. Mr. and Mrs. u. n. -i" Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Crawford were In Salem Sunday. Hugh Mills Is back from Lake County, and hi working for Ralph Shepard. , Mr. 'and Mrs. Joshua Purvine, of Salem, visited their son, Lynn, and his wife last week. Mr Frank Koch Is visiting the Misses Frakes In Portland, and attend ing the Rose Festival. Among tho who are m with meas les .re Mrs. Frank Crawford, Walter Ger". Carl Bales, Bliss and Eulali. Davis, and the Cook children. Joyce and Donnel Crawford were ests of Miss Helen Luthy .1 .Salem Sunday afternoon, and attended the baccalaureate sermon In the evening. Mr and Mrs. Johnson, of Michigan. Jen Ued Mr. and Mrs, Holland. TT two men were former schco -mU and this was their first meet lng for years. Mrs. Wood, and "--' ... ha nlrniC at KICK- irm here were: ,i,.n.. Cotton. Leol Joyce Crawford- I DALLAS' POPULAR GROCERY carry the famon. DIAMOND W rand of titracts, Spice, Coffee, Tea and Canned good Fh bread dailj. The rery be-t of truif tablet can alwayt be found at onr store- Cotton, ana Miss Emma Woods ,- rnttnn. oi V hose no received diploma Je h7d Tgood time and Is look rn;'?rrd'.o'.n0thera.goodnext ye'- EAST EOLA Eol. was well represented at the Rrie S.nM. of Salem. -t- . . ifttx.nound von. CW'"' r Salem. 1. rV hurned from W ' ..,rille and Dsrton- " """.I .-a family, of Bridge- W. I .- Bd. a MlatlTrv "r ' " " Mrs. Ferguson, mart. i Miss Mary ;t-d ber sif. Sunday. his Li rin-ed here Wednesday, after ""tJZZXZ . work tr r ter, of Wenatchee, visited the Mitty family Saturday and Sunday. A. Stewart and family, of Dallas, visited here last week. Mrs. Stewart will remain a few days visiting rela tives. ; Children's Day exercises here were quite a success, the children all doing nicely. A Sunday school picnic Is planned for the near future. Quite a number of our town folks went to Salem Sunday, to witness the ball game between our boys and the M. B. A. team, of Salem. The game was a tie. They will play again in two weeks on the Eola ball grounds. BUENA VISTA P. T. Peterson, of Parker, was In town Tuesday. B. Johns, of Portland, was In the city this week. Harvey Cole left for Chehall's, Wash., this week. J. K. Neal made a business trip to Independence, Tuesday. , J. M. Prather, of Corvallis, was an incoming passenger Monday. Paul Hanson is now established In his new home, south of town. Several of our citizens transacted business In Independence Saturday. Mrs. C. Flsk returned home Sun day after a brief visit with relatives. F. M. Donaldson, who has been se riously 111 for the past few weeks, Is convalescent. A moving picture show entertained our citizens in the I. O. O. F. Hall, Tuesday evening. George Brower, of Sidney precinct, moved his family to Jefferson the fore part of the week. H. M. and James P. Nash returned home Sunday, after a short visit in Portland and Salem. Charlie Kau, of Carlton, has rented the J. K. Neal property, recently va cated by Paul Hanson. The Methodist and Evangelical Sun day schools of Buena Vfsta are form ulating plans for a picnic In the neat future. RICKREALL , Peter Cook drove to Salem, Tues day. , . - Jennie V. Jones is Improving in health. A. E. West has bought the Whalley meat market. Jim Nesmith of Portland came up for the picnic. Misses Fritz, of Salem, spent Sunday with Mattie Koser. W. W. Rowell's new ' residence Is nearing completion. . . Miss Amelia Burch Is home from Silverton for the summer. , 1 Grove Beeler and Fred Thlelsen have bought a new hay baler. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ankeny and son left for Portland Sunday. Mrs. E. F. Mlnlsch and son returned to their home in Portland, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cook and Miss Cave went to Portland, Wednesday. A number of Rickreall citizens took in the aviation meet at Salem last Sun day.. ' . ' . i Mr. and Mrs. William Hill were given an old-time charivari Monday evening. Misses Effle and Arylie Hickerson went to Portland to attend the Rose Festival. . Mr. and Mrs. Nesmith, of Blue River, were shaking hands with old friends Tuesday. ' f PARKER ' i Tame strawberries are beginning (to ripen here. Llda Davidson has returned home from Portland. ! :' The meat wagon from Alrlie comes through here twice a week. Miss Inez Frost went to Suver last Wednesday to work for Mrs. Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. William Zeilesch and children went to the picnic at Rick reall last Saturday. Preaching services will be held here again next Sunday, at the usual hour, by Rev. H. G. McCain. Mr. Petersen put a force of men to work hauling gravel from the Island at Buena Vista, Tuesday. The mall carrier, Mr. Dickinson, Is having a vacation, and Wallace Hunt ley is taking his place for a month. George Dickinson and family went to Independence Monday evening. Mr. Dickinson will drive a team for S. Goff. Mr, Jolly and family, of McMinn ville, came up In their auto last Sun day to visit .Mrs. Jolly's sister, Mrs. A. D. Cook. Mrs. Frederlcksen was down to In dependence to see her sister, Mrs. J. H. Ward, who has been sick for some time and Is gradually getting worse. PERRYDALE Miss Laverne Bratcher Is sick this week. Frank Morrison a McMlnnvllle caller Monday. Work has begun on roofing the Methodist church. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Keyt were Port land visitors Sunday. Children's Day exercises, held Sun day evening, were well attended. Several of the people around here went to Salem Sunday to see the air ship. Almost all the people of this com munity attended the Rickreall picnic last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Pratt and family, from Wisconsin, have moved to their farm, south of town. Andrew Campbell, John Dulgnan and Felix Commlges made a buctoess irin to Dallas, Wednesday. Perry Caldwell left for Portland Monday morning, where he will play In a band during the Rose Festival. FALLS CITY Miss Marvin Lewis Is seriously ill. relatives In PEDEE Alva Womer's folks were In DaJlas last meek. Mrs. Maude Tourt hurt her foot quite badly lately. The dance at Pede last Saturday night was well attend. Sophia Hastings, of Monmouth, to Tlsiting her folks here this week. Mra Willie Bush and Elsi Bush were shopping at Kings Valley lit week. Precious Irrin, of Philomath, is visiting relatives and friends in this vicinity. There was quite a crowd at the Children's Day Tcie last Sunday at Montgomery. E. McLain is visiting Portland. Isa B. Lowe Is attending business college In Portland. Carl B. Williams1, of Dallas, was In the city last Monday. W. J. Hooker, who has been very ill, has greatly Improved. , C. J. Pugh attended to business In terests in Dallas last Tuesday. Hans Dabritz, of Portland, Is here visiting his father, H. Dabritz. Mr. and Mrs. H. Arnold, of Marion, are visiting friends In this city., Miss Violet Brown, of Black Rock, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Richey. County Commissioner S. H. Petre was a business caller in this city last Friday. C. W. Pureell, of Black Rock, at tended the Salem-Falls City ball game Sunday. Mrs. Esther Clark, of Black Rock, visited at the home of George Yeaton Sunday. Charles Hinshaw, of the Siletz Ba sin, visited Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Stewart Monday. J. B. Thompson, of Dallas, attended to business Interests in this city Thursday. Miss Alice Grant visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Grant, In Dallas, over Sunday. Mrs. W. F. Nichols visited Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Reynolds at Shaw, Monday and Tuesday. Mrs. Estella Stowell, of Vancouver, Washington, is visiting her brother, F. B. Barbour. , C. W. Lee, editor of the Falls City News, visited his wife and daughter at Gladstone, Sunday. Mrs. C. S. O'Brien la looking after fraternal society interests in Inde pendence this week. Geraldine Sellg has been very sick with an attack of quinsy, but is re ported much Improved Professor and Mrs. F. S. Crowley, of Independence, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Hinshaw, Monday. . A. E. West, a former resident of this city but now living at Rickreall, was in this city Monday. Miss Irene Dodd, who has been at tending the Eugene bible school, is home for the summer vacation Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Tooze left Thursday for Portland, where they will visit during the Rose Festival, W. R. Hinshaw will attend the Knights of Pythias convention' at As toria as a delegate from the local lodge. Mr. and Mra John Benton, of Tilla mook, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. George Chamberlain and Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Harrison. , 'y Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Yeaton and Mr. and Mrs. Willard Weise and son, Wal ter, of Sheridan, visited Mr. ,and Mrs. George Yeaton, Sunday. Georee Hegler. of Piortland, has purchased six acres of land from F. K. Hubbard. He will engage in poul try raising on an extensive scale. Miss Addle Hugglns, who has been taking medical treatment In Portland, is visiting her parents in this city, and Is very much Improved In health. Percy Dood, who has been employed as an electrician for , the Portland Railway Light & Power Company, Is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Dorod. Ebert Turner, f Mies Lottie Black and Mrs. Leta Clark, of Eola, Missou ri, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Nichols and Mr, and Mra A. B. Dennis, have returned to their home. ; ' The, annual school election will be held . in the school house Monday, June 19, at 7:30 p. m. A director and a clerk will be elected. M. G. Ellis Is , the present clerk, but has announced that he will not be a can didate for re-election George M. Tice is the retiring director. The following Falls City residents witnessed the airship flights In Salem last Sunday: Claude. Hickey, Charles Cochran, M. C. Munson, A. W. Por ter, Paul Sheppard, I. E. Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Nichols, Wlnfleld Johnson, R. G. White, C. O. Johnson, O. S. Ferguson, J. L. Chamberlain, Dee Chamberlain, Irvln A. Johnson. The following program was ren dered at the graduating exercises of the Falls City high school, which were held at the opera house last evening: Piano solo. Miss May E. Johnson. Invocation, Rev. A. H. Dodd. Duett, "Happy Swallow,". Misses Morrison and Fugate. Oration, "A Martyr to Liberty," Ella M. Mehrllng. Oration, "A Golden Opportunity, Cecil M. Dodd. Solo, selected. Miss Alice Grant. Address to class, President J. H. Ackerman. Presentation of diplomas, George Tice, chairman of school board. Music, Falls City Band. A number of friends gave a surprise party In compliment to Dr Boje at his home in South Falls City Thursday evening, the occasion being his sixty ninth birthday. Refreshments Vere served at 10:J0, after which the guests departed. Those present were: Mr. and Mra D. Boje, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Vick. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hubbard, Mr. and Mrs. H. Otte, Mr. and Mrs. 8. H. Tetherow, Mr. and Mrs. 8. Tetherow, Mr. and Mra George Reese, Mr. and Mrs. C. C Stanton, Mr. and Mrs. O. 8. Ferguson, Mrs F. J. Holman. Miss Marie Reese, Mil Mabel Otte, Master George Otte and Master Everett Reese. Among those from Falls City at tending the Rickreall picnic last Sat urday were the following: Charles Ferguson, Harvey Deal, Lester Bow man, Miss Edith Johnson. Miss Mil dred Chapin, Miss Helen Treat Rus sell Vashaw, George Otte, Charles Hinshaw, Lamar Tooze, Arthur Bald win, Mins Jean Kuykendall, Miss Ha- ie Kuykendall. Professor and Mrs. J. E. Dunton. Miss Gladys Hunter. Roy Bowman. Mrs. J. D. Moyer, Mrs. W. R. I here to the picnic at Rickreall, Satur day. C. E. Herren made a business trip to Salem, Saturday. :,' Mrs. Baker is in a serious condition, but it is hoped she will recover. T. J. Pettit was the guest of Mr. and Mra. A. B. Morlan, Monday night. Curtis Johnson, of Eastern Oregon, is visiting relatives and friends in Monmouth. George Boothby got excused from the y Federal grand jury In Portland and is at home again. Rev. J. Carson will fill the pulpit tnthe Baptist church next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. A large gasoline traction engine, grader and rock crusher are at work on the. road between Independence and Monmouth. , ' Mr. and Mrs. Grove A Peterson and family, of Suver, were in town Satur day on their way to the picnic at Rick reall. They reported everything look ing fine on the farm. Mr. Hunter ,left Tuesday for Mich igan, where he will have his eyes treated, being almost blind. Mrs. Hunter accompanied him as far as Portland, and from there one of his friends will look after him on the way. The graduating exercises held in the chapel, Sunday, were of a high or der of excellence. An Impressive ser mon to the class was preached by Rev. C. E. Wlgmore, of Eugene. The chapel was well filled, which made, us think of the good, old days of the Nor mal, soon to return. ' Mrs. T. J. Pettit, of Corvallis, was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mra A. N. Poole, Tuesday nighty She sasy there - is nothing in the report that Corvallis wants the Normal School. Mrs. Pettit will visit in Monmouth several days and will then go to Black Rock for the summer. The. city election to bond the town for a water system passed oft without much excitement The vote stood 61 for bonding and 31 against bonds. Most of our citizens realize the pre dicament the town would be in. In case of a flr.e, so the sooner some thing is done, the better. Professor and Mrs. A. C. Hampton, of Pendleton, are visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Hampton, and other relatives and friends In town. He Is a Normal graduate, and since finishing his course in school has made his mark in teaching, having taught in Pendleton several years. The district school building is now In course of construction and most of the wooden material Is on the ground. Workman are now putting down the concrete foundation. The board has contracted to put pressed brick on the outside, which will cost about 1600 more, and the building will then be that much better. MOUNTAIN VIEW Josle Adams Is sick with neuralgia. Mattle Cavitt spent Saturday night with Osie Grlce. Harry Lynch spent Tuesday and Wednesday in Portland. John Lynch will graduate from the Salem high school today. Esther Plummer is clerking at Barnes' cash store In Salem. Marlon Fox attended the Rose Fes tival in Portland Wednesday. Arthur and Emll Koehn. spent Sun day afternoon, with Ammon Grlce. A number of the residents of this locality were present at the Rickreall picnic. 1 ' Mrs. Anne Tarr, of North Dakota, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lynch. Mrs. M. C. Wilson and Mrs. O. E. Fry visited Grandma Putnam, at In dependence, Monday. People are beginning to pick their strawberry crop. They are receiving good prices for the fruit Osie Grice and Mattie Cavitt attend ed the exercises at the school for feeble minded at Salem, Saturday afternoon. SALT CREEK Little Zelma Woods is Improving In health. Claud Conley Is working for Henry Clanfield. Mrs. Clanfield was a Dallas visitor last Tuesday. Mr. Clanfield and daughter are vis iting at Monmouth. J. Bowles sold a team of horses to Herman May last week. Mra Btafrln. of Dallas, Is visiting her daughter, Mra Brobst. C. H. Farmer was through this vi cinity buying lambs last week. Mrs. Martin, of Dallas, has been visiting her son, W. E. Martin. Several from this vicinity went to the picnic at Rickreall last Saturday. Joe Brown, of Upper Salt Creek, sheared sheep for J. Bowles last Mon day. Several from this vicinity attended the revival meetings at Dallas last Sunday. Mr. Van Well and son, Herman, were business visitors on Red Prairie last Wednesday. OAKDALE Lert Miller to finishing his barn. Jos Wright Is working for Mr. Parks near Dallas. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Smith visited at Davis Hubbard's. 'Sunday. Thomas Butler Is playing a violin In the choir at the Tabernacle meetings. A gang of Greeks is living in the old Thompson and Nelson houses. They are working for the cement com pany. BawbsJI Kunday. Nxt Sunday afternoon on the North Dallas ball grounds the Dallas Greys will play a gams with the Willamlna Tigers The home team has been strengthened since last Sunday s con test and they expect to make K hard for th team that held them down for Hinshaw. Mrs. Zimri Hinshaw. Wiley j ' Innings at Wlll.mlna. The game Gardner. Veard Ch.pln, Mil Mildred!"' 1 ' ""Y".. 1 Chapin. Miss Leone Chapin. Mrs. N. Chapin. Winfleld Johnson. Harry Tay lor. Min Edith Johnson. Mr. snd Mrs. Ira Mehrfing. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Meyer, Mr. and Mrs. E. O. White and R. O. White. MONEXOTJTIX of Corvallis, was William Ireland. In town Saturdar. uite a largs am m tor wit from slon. IS cents grasd stand IS eeni. children under 11 years. 1 cents. WILL CELEBRATE TWO DAYS Falls City to Observe Fourth and Completion of Water System. Mayor Frank K. Hubbard, of Falls City, was in Dallas Tuesday, meeting old friends and announcing . the fact that Falls City has decided to hold a two days' celebration this year, Inas much as the county seat had decided to pass up the natal holiday for this year. The Falls city has always been a popular place In which to hear the eagle scream,, and Mayor Hubbard says that Ut will scream louder and longer than ever this year. The com plete program is stilt In the making, but will be announced In due time, and the assurance is given that there will be something doing every min ute,. Monday and Tuesday, July 8 and 4. The first day of the festival of fun will be In celebration of the comple tion of Falls Olty's new municipal water system. The Introduction of pure mountain water at the turn of the tap Is one of the most Important events in the Ufa of the enterprising town, and due emphasis will be laid on the fact by Its wido-awake citi zens. Some noted speakers will be present to entertain the crowds at the grove, and there vdll be songs and plenty of instrumental music. Among other attractions there will be a hose contest among local firemen, and In the afternoon there will be a ball game and other sports. Tuesday, the Fourth, an appropriate program, will be arranged to suit the taste of all who attend. There will be hose contests, open to outside teams, and other forms of violent amusement will be freely furnished. Further an nouncement of the various features will be made as soon as decided on by the committee In charge. The management of the Salem, Falls City & Western Railway Com pany has promised the Falls City peo ple that they will provide an adequate train service on that day to accom modate the huge crowd of visitors that will attend from Dallas, Salem, and elsewhere. SOCIETY WILL CELEBRATE Utopian Literary Society to Hold An niversary Saturday Night. The members of the Utopian Liter ary Society of Dallas College will hold Kb anniversary jneetlng In the College Chapel Saturday night June 10, at 8 o'clock. In commemoration of the event the following program will be given: Enter the Utopian girls. Instrumental duett. ."Bohemian Girl" Miss Dodson and Miss Longnecker. Essay, "In the Interests of Universal Peace" Merle Hall Paper, "English in Our Publlo Schools" .......... Almeda Fuller Vocal duett "Slumber Song" Miss Scott and Miss Poling. Original- Story Gladys Smith Criticism "Romola" Mabel Poling. Vocal solo "The Rosary" Bessie Dodson. Oration Carrie Evans. Utopian prophecy f . Helen Gurney. Song , Selected Utopian Quartette. Paper "Utopian Echo" Jennie McVlcker. Instrumental duett Selected Miss Williams and Miss Knight ALBANY WILL CELEBRATE Homo Races and Balloon Ascensions at linn County Capital. F. K. Churchill, the well-known printer of Albany, accompanied by a party of friends, was 4n Dallas, Wed nesday morning, advertising the big two days' celebration to be held at the. Linn County capital. The first day, Monday, July t, will be. given over to a race meet, and horse show, for which event $800 has been hung up for purses and premi um Albany has a fast track, and It Is expected that some of the best horsrs on the Coast will be entered In the various races. On Tuesday, the glorious Fourth will be celebrated In the good, old fashioned way. Three brass bands, two balloon ascensions, and a pro gram of free open-air amusements are among tlw attractions promised. Low excursion rates will be granted by all railroads. r- PREPARE TO MARKET APPLES Dallas Fruit ;rower' Association Will Meet to DIml-um Subject. A meeting of the Dallas Fruft Growers' Association will bs held In the court house In this city, Saturday, June IT. at X p. m. The purpose of the meeting, as outlined by Secretary R. M. Ewlng. Is to formulate plans for marketing the local apple crop this fall. Everyone Interested In the subject, whether they expect to have apples to sell or not Is ashed to at tend. It to slso intended to make fur ther arrangements for the appla fair, which Is to be held by the Association hers some time In November, at which numerous prises will be award ed for superior Polk County horticul tural products. Years la rwh Oounty. Joh Holmes, who has lived for nrm.r s rra In this section. h bought and will huiid In Kitigwooa t. .n.tinn nf the dwelling haj bea laid and the su fK-rrtructurs will Hal mu..c erh Sunday go up at once. Many f.ns homes sr r.rirrins- ud la that popular district! alem Statesman. MeUMKli FploropuJ Churrto. Services Sunday, June 11: 4S a. m. Punday school. It a. m I'nlon services at the Evangelical church for Dallas College; baccalas rests sermon. T: p. m. Epworth League. I p. m. Presching by the pas tor. Thursday evening each week to th prayer meeting service. Ws extend a cordial Invitation to all to fc pres ent at any or all of our service. Spe- ICNIC AND INSTITUTE OAK GROVE GRANGERS PREPARE PROGRAM FOR JUNE 17. MumIc, Speeches and Prize Sports Will Be Provided in Abundance ' Thero.'''' The Oak Grove Granget asnisted by the neighboring granges and the Ore gon Agricultural College, will give a big picnic and farmers' institute at Oak Grove, Saturday, June 17. The people of that place are already fam ous for their picnics and Institutes, . and this year they expect to surpass all of their previous efforts. In addi tion to the usual literary program there will be a carnival of sports and Interesting contests for suitable prizes. The exercises will open at 10 a. m. by music, followed by an Invocation by the Reverend P. S. Knight of Sa lem Grangej. The address of welcome will be delivered by the Master of Oak Grove Grange. Hon. H. A. Dar nell, lecturer of the State Grange, will make the response. During the noon hour sandwiches and hot coffee will be served. . The interval between 1 and 3 p. m. will be devoted to the work of the farmers' institute. The afternoon's sports and contests will consist of the following: List of Prizes. Best single driver $7.60 robe, Mitchell, Lewis & Co., Salem. Best driving team $1.60 whip, Cra ven Bros., Dallas; $1.60 summer robe. Crider's, Dallas.' Best team of mares Pair horse blankets, S. A. Maftning, Salem. ' Best lady horseback rider $3.60 riding bridle, E. S Lamport Salem; $2.60 fancy box candy, Belle's Confec tionery, Salem. Best gentleman rider $3.26 riding bridle, E. S. Lamport, Salem; $2.60 auto gloves, Dallas Mercantile Co., Dallas. Old man's race (over 60 years) 6 pounds coffee,' R. D. Gilbert & Co., Salem; 60 cents gopher poison, S. M. Ray, Dallas. Fat man's race $3.00 razor, Spen cer hardware, Salem; fountain pen,' Conrad Statrln, Dallas. Ladies' race (over 18 years) $2.60 picture, Buren & Hamilton, Salem; 11.60 set silver teaspoons, Guy Bros., Dallas. Ladles' race, (under 18 years) Box of candy, Spa Confectionery, Salem. Boys' race (under 14 years) Pock et knife. Wade, Pearce & Co., Salem. Girls' race (under 14 years) $2.00 toilet articles. Fuller's Pharmacy, Dallas; $1.60 book, Patton Bros., Sa lem. Egg race 85 cts. Dr. Hess' Panacea, S. M. Ray, Dallas; 60 ct. bottlei Ento-moclde. Free for all race One year's sub scription to Itemlzer, Dallas. Best looking lady $2.60 purse. Barr's Jewelry store, Salun;.$2.00 hat pin, C. H. Morris, Dallas. . Ugliest man One year's subscrip tion to Polk County Observer,, Dallas; 60c box cigars, F W Edgar, Salem. Nail Driving Contest Ladles nail driving contest Box of candy. Wonder Kandy Kitchen, Sa lem; $1.00 bottle hair tonlo, J. (C. Perry, Salem. : i Largest family on grounds 100 pounds flour, Rickreall Milling Co. Pillow fight $2.00 shirt, Uglow Clothing House, Dallas. Standing broad Jump $3.00 shoes, Peter Cook, Rickreall. Run, hop, step and. Jump Box ci gars, George Waters' cigar store, Sa lem. Tug of war Half case oranges, Weller Bros., Salem; box , cigars, George Waters, Salem. Climb greased pole $5.00, Oak Grove Grange. Best looking baby $5.00 go-cart. Sterling Furniture Co., Dallas; 60a baby set J. C. Perry, Salem. , Baseball Bat, Hansen Bros., Sa lem; official baseball, Watt Ship, Sa lem. Ttve evening will e devoted to a farmers' Institute, held In co-opera- -tion with ths Oregon Agricultural Col lege. Everyone is cordially Invited to coma and bring their family and friends. There will bo a merry-go-rofind on the grounds. Wool Wanted. I am In the market for wool, and will pay the highest market price. See ma before disposing of your clip elsewhere. IL L. FENTON. Much Appendicitis In Dallas. ' Many people In Dallas have chronic Appendicitis ans mistake It for stom ach or bowel trouble. If you have wind or gas In the stomach or bowels, sour stomach or constipation, try sim ple buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc.; as compounded In Adler-l-ka, the new Oeirman Appendicitis remedy. A SIN GLE DOSE of this simple remedy will relieve you you will be surprised at the QUICK ACTION. Conrad Stafrin. druggist Dallas. llshs E:3 E:k!:2 fesj V r". m e f 3 J"" GEORGE F. HOPKINS, Pastor. I Legal blank for sale at this office. Absolutely Puro 773 ertfy t'rj pwr mmda from Rzyal Crcps piu:.!J:3u:.:-f::::::: Dallas, Oregon