PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY III DALLAS, POLK COUNTY, OREGON, APRIL 21, 1911. NO. 10 . Thln v -0'.. 0 f jri ms rm m - - a,r - , f ftou&e uou've moved into Sonic nev thinffb dont you uoiA, home ib w-Aeke vou u - V itf utost oj Ma time and not yoa home le Ma loviedt jjlaeei? vie have many piingb $d make homh lovely - let it Se uoa home? ou ae moving no to a j them ifht eome ifOUH 'foulif incS a $e bell auk Kerslake The Home Furnisher NEWS OF POLK COUNTY ITEMS CONTRIBUTED BY RUST LING LOCAL CORRESPONDENTS. S. ECTRIC jjIGHT STREET POSTS Merchants attract trade to their stores by il mlnating the store front and sidewalk, with ectric lamps on artistic posts. tVESTIGATE our new offer on this form of jhting. ik our New Business Dept. Telephone 24. )REGON POWER CO. J. L. WHITE, Mgr. i : upt Stock Sale ; jured the Adams & tr we are selling them v, 'rich will astonish you. . i gies, hacks, everything .nent line. IS BROTHERS .OPULflR GROCERY ous DIAMOXD "W brand of CoITee, Te and Canned goods. . The rerj best of frciti and Teg 's be found at onr ftore. Oft Dallas, Oregon Happenings of Interest In Various Neighborhoods Told in Interest- " lng Manner FALLS CITY C. H. Trask's bungalow Is nearlng completion. A. M. Miller, who has been quite ill, is convalescing. , g, W. McFarland was in Portland early this week. Mrs. W. R. Hinshaw made a visit to Salem, Saturday. C. W. Pursell, of Black Rock, was in this city Sunday. J. B. Dunton was a visitor' to the county seat Saturday. Carl Williams, of Dallas, visited friends in this city Thursday. Mrs. Clara Kaufman made a busi ness trip to Salem, Thursday. J. G. Jenkin, of Shedd, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. T. D. HalloweH. D. G. Lee, of Portland, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frink, Walter L. Tooze returned Saturday from a short visit to Woodburn. H. Fugitt has moved into the house recently vacated by A. E. West. Miss Alma Huesby, of Portland, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. O. Aurland. George Fuller, of Dallas, made a business trip to this city Thursday. Glenn Ferguson left Tuesday for Portland, where he has employment. Miss Blanche Graham is the day op erator of the local telephone exchange. County Superintendent H. C. Sey mour made a visit to the school Mon day. - Jerry Noel and family, of Black Rock, were visitors in this city Satur day. ' Professor L. E. Mills, of Black Rock, visited Professor and Mrs. J. E. Dun- ton, Saturday. Miss Frances Fugitt has accepted a position in the office of the Falls City Lumber Company. A cement sidewalk will be built in front of the Edgar and Grant proper ties on Main street. Cleve Powell, -of the Siletz Basin, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Powell, over Sunday. The county road to Black Rock is nearing completion. Calvin Sheppard Is in charge of the work. James Brady and Thomas Robinson left Sunday for Somersville, Tennessee, where they will visit relatives. A dance was given in Wagner Hall, Saturday night, by the Walker orches tra. About 30 couples were present. ' C. L. Starr, secretary of the State Tax Commission, spent Saturday and Sunday with his brother, H. E. Starr. Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Tooze at tended the dramatic performance giv en by the Elks at Salem, Thursday night. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Meyers, of Smithfleld, came up in their auto, Sunday, and visited' his brother, A. E. Meyers. I The Falls City high school baseball team will meet the Dallas high school players here tomorrow, Saturday, af ternoon. " Miss Eva Chapin, who is teaching school at Gaston, is visiting her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. N. Chapin, for a few days. Mrs. C. S. O'Brien, representing the Royal Neighbors of America, was a visitor in Independence and Monmouth, last week. Mr. and Mrs. George Teaton have leased the Tavern from Mrs. Clara Kaufman, and will take possession Immediately. Mr. and Mrs. I. G. Singleton enter tained Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Servey, Miss Kate Keith and C. R. Hickey for din ner Thursday evening. The officers of the Falls City Com mercial Club baseball team are: C. W. Lee, manager; Jack Chapin, captain; A. W. Porter, umpire; George Loftus, coach. An agricultural fair will be held In this city In September. A. B. Dennis, chairman of the fair committee, re ports rapid progress. A large list of prizes will be offered. A district quarterly meeting was held In the Free Methodist church last Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The Reverend W. N. Coffee, of the Central Free Mthodist Church of Portland, was In attendance. The baseball game between the Falls City high school team and the Mon mouth high school boys, resulted In favor of the former by a score of IS to S. Oscar Ellis was umpire and Theo dore Cochran was the score keeper. The high school ha played twe games. losing one and winning one. The line- l up was as followo. I Falls City. C. P. ss. IB. IB. SB. LF. CF." RF. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Mover entertain ed party of friends at their home Friday evening, in honor of Mrs. Moy er' birthday. Games and cards were engaged In until II o'clock, when re freshments were served by the hostess. The Invited guests were: Mrs. Hin shaw. Mrs. Toose. Mrs. Nichols. Mrs. Ellis. Mrs. Zorln. Mrs. Server, Mrs. Selig. Mrs. Beeziey, Mrs. Talbott, Mrs. Dennis. Mrs. Rich, Mrs. Hunter, Mrs. Hsll, Mrs. Lowe, Mrs. Hooker. Mrs. Hulburt. Mrs. Crowley, Mrs. Singleton. Mrs. Myers. Mrs. Lowe. Mrs. McKown, Mrs. Hayden. Mrs. Mover. Mrs. Chap pell. Mrs. Purh. Mrs. Dunton, Mr, j Nichols. Mr. Sflig. Mr. Toose. Ellis. Mr. Hinshsw. Mr. Moyer. Zorin, Mr. Server. Mr. Beealey. Talbott, Mr. Dennis. Mr. Rich, OAKDALE The Arnold children have been sick. John Robinson has been buying a new incubator. A social muslcale was given at the Dennis home Sunday afternoon. Miss Nina Farley, of Dallas, has been visiting Miss Ruth Trosper. Ed Cochran and sons have been cutting wood on the Wade place. Mr. and Mrs. James Hubbard have a new 11-pound son, born April 8. Bert Illlngsworth is plowing for his father-in-law, Mr. McVey, of Falls City. Fred Hughes has bought sveeral plows with which to cultivate his or orchard. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Miller visited his sister, Mrs. H. A, Lee, at Perry- dale, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Card visited Mr. and Mrs. Joe Murphy, of Murphys- burg, Sunday. John Macomber has been moving his family to the house he formerly occupied on his father's place. Miss Bessie Nelson has been visiting her sister, Mrs. George Robinson, and her former schoolmate, Miss Ethel Thompson. Ed Dunn has been putting about 10 acres of prunes on the Dunn Brothers' Orchard tract Just north of Fred Hughes' place. He is also planting a! vegetable garden. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Card, of Bridge port; Miss Bessie Nelson of Antioch and Miss Nina Farley, of Dallas, were among the visitors In attendance at the Easter services. The Sunday school rendered short Easter program Sunday morn lng. There were several songs by double quartette composed of Mrs. Lula Robinson, Mrs. Mary Card, Miss Loretta Daly, Miss Ruth Trosper, George Robinson, Tom Card, Clyde Robbins and Linza Dennis. O. E. Den nls gave a short talk on the lesson and there were also the following who assisted in the program: Lester Bur ley, Calvin Barnhart, Ralph Macom ber, Grace Macomber, Joe Dennis, Myrtle Trosper, Vernon Murphy, Em erson Murphy. Mrs. Lyle Jones visited with her sis ter on Red Prairie last week. R. R. Jones took a load of provis ions to the mountains, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Wiese "returned from Sheridan Sunday, in their auto. Carl Herold spent the latter part of the week with his sister in "Salem. Mr. ana Mrs. frank Brown made a business trip to Sheridan, Monday, Harry Southmayde went to Sheri dan to witness the ball game, Sunday. . Several of the farmers were out Monday, putting up poles. Loretta and Tina Roberts visited Mrs. Herman Lenhard, Saturday and Sunday. A large crowd attended the hard times dance at Herman Lenhard's Sat urday night. jure, turner, or L,ewisvllle, Is report- A number of youmr Deoole sDent ea 10 De no Detter. Easter Sunday on th Bethel hin Kex Womer and his mother went to Professor Johnston snent Saturdav iewisvine iasi Monday. and Sunday with his Darents at Gaston Little Violet Lacey is suffering from Miss Nola Shellenberger. of Amltv. a swelling on ner necK. visited Miss Edith Rnmlo- n Simpson Brotners are still moving day. parts of their large engine up to A ball game will be played here next camp. I Saturday between Bethel nnH Tnrto The 14-months' old baby of Mr. and Mrs. Will Bush is afflicted with ear trouble. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Sam O'Brien, new telephone last Sunday night, a nine and one-half pound boy. Mr. Yost, who lives on the old Craton place, is going to have a sale Saturday, April 2. Harry Lacey went to Buena Vista last week and got a nice lot of berry bushes, which he brought home and pendence. Mr. Boyer with his family, from Pennsylvania, is visiting his brother, John Boyer. Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Mulkey spent Easter Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jen kins, on Bethel Heights. Clarence Walker is getting along set out. nicely, - and Tr. McCallon was Out to Sep him Silinrlnv Mrs. D. C. Walker, Mrs. Will Barber - Allfciiili and Mrs. Maggini visited the school Mrs. Bertha Ray is quite ill. one day last week. Robert Story is ill with the grin. uiuyu junes ana Koy jonnston went mr. isones nouse is nearly com- up in the mountains to finish their pleted. contract of logging. . Grandma Turner has become paral- Blanche Barber was unable to at- yzed in her right side. BALLSTOX -. M. M. Conner has bought a new au tomobile. Miss Rhoda Conner was home from Hopewell over Sunday. Mrs. W. H. Morris' mother Is here from Portland on a visit. There is a new boy at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thomas. Miss Otta Mayfleld was up from Hillsboro Saturday and Sunday. Ralph Conner has returned from Portland, where he has been work ing. The Lincoln Annuity Union will give a drama and ice-cream social at Woodman Hall here, Friday night. The Easter exercises at the Method 1st church Sunday night were attend ed by a large crowd. Exercises were held at the Swedenborg church In the afternoon. W. Gardner j Ellis jTiee ; Sampson Cobb i Dodd 1 W. Gardner I Titus Bowman Monmouth. A. White Riddell BogynskI Wright B. White R. Breached Stewart McCarty Thompson HARMONY Elmer lanchard has fenced part of his farm with wire. The Sunday school of this place has been equipped with new song books. Miss Lou Sears, of McCoy, spent sev eral days last week at the home of her sister, Mrs. A. A. McLean. A. A. Canfield has returned to Beav erton, where he will finish putting in the crop on his farm near there. Miss Cora McLean, who spent the past two weeks with her sister, Mrs. John Talbott, of Butler, returned home Sunday. The Sunday school was well attend ed last Easter Sunday. A special col lection of about i was taken for the famine sufferers In China. tend school the latter part of the week on account of sickness. Mr. and Mrs. Whlttington left for Wyoming Saturday, to spend the sum mer with his relatives there. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Harrington were day night was well attended. BUENA VISTA F, M. Donaldson was a Portland passenger Monday. J. W. .Saunders was an Independ ence visitor Monday. " Charles W. FIsk will install another donkey engine In his logging camp. Mrs. Mills, of Carlton, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sher wood. - Harvey Cole, who has been visiting with relatives in Chehalis, Washington, returned home Tuesday. T. D. McClain has made some sub stantial Improvements in his residence visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Cal Har rington, Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Louis Toedtemier is visiting her mother, in Sherwood Ira Williams is assisting Percy Had- nrooertv since moving to town .ey wun nis spring larming. A basket social will he eiven m the The lecture held in the hall Tues- i. o. O. F. hall Thursday evening under the auspices of the Women of MOUNTAIN VIEW School closed Wednesday. Vera and Glenn Southwick have the mumps. Mae Lynch spent Sunday with Sarah Stewart. Rose Bodayla has been suffering from a sore foot. Ammon Grice visited Emil Becker Sunday afternoon. Miss Katy Weinert made a business Woodcraft trip to Independence Tuesday. Baby Eliza Wintersteln has been quite 111, but is much improved, Dr. Olmstead, of Portland, is here in the Interests of the Artisans' lodge, Mr. Franklin, of Wisconsin, is visit PARKER Mr. Skeels visited Gust Fredrickson, Tuesday evening. Incr In Al-ll- TJ I. I. .... . vuii.ub u ... i.uu wood for R- rmvjdgon for a few dayg, -James Yoakum, of Perrydale, was here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cook spent Sun day at Independence. Miss Hazet Vaughan returned from Independence, Sunday. Mrs. Charles Bratcher, of Perrydale, spent Sunday with Mrs. Jennie Jones. Mabel Craven spent several days with her grandparents last week, re turning to Ballston, Saturday. WILL ASK FOR BOND ISSUE School District Petitioned To Buy More Land For High School. lands. Mrs. Agnew was given a post card shower Saturday. She received a large number of cards. James Best and James Edgar have by the Reverend S. M. Wood, of Cor begun to shear sheep. Ethel Lansing visited her sister, Mrs. Frank Wilson, Saturday and Sun day. Mrs. Chapman and Miss Hanley vis ited at the Grlce home Sunday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. William Edwards vis ited Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Southwick, Sunday. The literary society was closed Sat urday night, on account of the late ness of the season. Mrs. Blanche Morgan visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Webster, the latter part of last week. Miss, Bertha Cannoy, who has re- ceuuy arnvea irom Virginia, is visiting her brother, John Cannoy. Several of the boys went from here to Independence, Saturday evening to skate. !Te!,n!,8!r!Cv.eS r,1,' be,cond,ucH drove over from Buena Visia, Sunday morning. Raymond Lacey went to Portland last week to work for an automobile company, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Chamberlln, of next Sunday at the following places, vallis: Lewlsville, 11 a. m.; Mont gomery, 3 p. m.; Atrlle, 8 p. m, The members of Airlle Sunday school attended the Easter services at corvallis, were visiting Mrs. Chamber. nT Bunaay' lin's parents Sunday. nvy iiuu tt upieiiuiu program, ana a very large attendance. The women were all out with their Easter bonets. Mr. Peterson, the road supervisor, was plowing the roadsides last week preparatory to grading. 8. R. Skeels went to Buena Vista Saturday, to make arrangements with Mr. Hansen for a second Joint debate between the Buena Vista and Parker MONMOUTH Zena Spring Valley Harold White is again in Salem. Mrs. Zelia Baker, spent Sunday at Zena. D. G. Henry has purchased Overland car. Eugene French spent Saturday and Sunday In Salem. John Spong, of Lincoln, who has been very HI, is better. Appropriate exercises were given at the Zena church, Sunday. ' Mr. and Mrs. George Ayres, of Sa lem, came out Sunday by auto to visit Cat ton's. Miss Mabel Patrick was an over Sunday guest of her sister, Margaret, at Salt Creek. Daniel J. Frye and family came out from Salem Sunday, In their auto, to visit their ranch. Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Miller and family and Frank Wells, of Salem, visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Crawford on Easter. Miss Mabel Jerman, whose ap proaching marriage with Jesse Wal ling is announced, will be given a mis cellaneous shower Wednesday after noon, at the Walling home. Mr. and Mrs. Philo Crawford and Miss Joyce Crawford, of Portland, spent Easter at the parental home. Mrs. Crawford remained until Thurs day. W. J. Crawford. W. T. Scott and the Eagle Crest Fruit ranch have sold several large tracts of land, Joining the old Mann farm, to Wea Hod son. of Salem, who Is buying for Mrs. Balm Mann Hodgson and husband. Mr. Hodgson intends to retire from buni nera In a few year and make this' place his home. The ranch probably comprises IS acres, or more, which will be left In a natural state, as Mr. Hodgson Intends to fit it up for a deer , park. Not a tree 1 to be cut or a wild j animal of any kind the place kilted. Mr. and Mrs, T. J. Edwfirds, recent arrivals from the East, were in Mon mouth, Friday, looking over the town with a view of locating here. Mr. Ramsey, of Goldendale, Wash. has bought 133 acres of land in Pleasant Valley. The sale was made through the Monmouth Realty Com pany, and the price paid was 4160. Mr. and Mrs. Kenyon, of Portland were guests of their cousin, T. Small, over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles VanWagner, of Salem, were guests at the home of George Sullivan over Sunday. James Clark and sister, Mrs.- E. Goodman, visited Mr. and Mrs. George Sullivan, Saturday. Mrs. Reese McReynolds is In a very critical condition. It Is feared she will ot recover. The quarterly conference for the fourth quarter of the Evangelical As sociation will be held Saturday even ing. Communion at 11 o'clock in the morning. Everybody invited. Orson Newman, of California, is visiting his brother, F. A. Newman, and other relatives in Monmouth. Guy McReynolds, of Sutherlin, is with his mother, who is seriously Hi Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Skeen and fam ily, or Ord, Nebraska, are visiting their uncle, O. C. Zook. They expect to locate here. Mrs, W. O. Meadow and son, of Eugene, are visiting Mrs. Meadow's father. S. D. Coats. Mr. Coats Is still In poor health, but prospects are brighter for his recovery. J. S. Mollencop, a Salem contractor has been awarded the contract for building President Ackerman's res idence. Excavating for the basement has been commenced, and the work win De rushed as rapidly as the weather will permit Mr. and Mrs. Pyles. of the Mon mouth hotel, enjoyed an automobile ride to Salem with Mr. and Mrs. Fisher, of Corvallis, Monday. Phy Simpson, Polk County's lead ing logger, was dawn from Airlle on business Tuesday. David Raber. of Salem, was a guest at the Hotel Monmouth, Monday. R. C. Baker, of Portland, was In town Monday. Charles Osborne brought In ISO chickens Monday, for which he re ceived the neat sum of $5. He has about 190 more to sell. Surely poul try pays. There seems to be considerable fault finding about Uses b'lng high. There was a time when property owner could have had their a semen t pro perly adjusted. If they thought they were being over aav-med. But some! people would growl if they were going' to be hanged. Orarim's Otdrt Twin. We recently noted an art trie In the Observer saying thst Jatne Campbell and Thomas Campbell, of Dallas, were McCOY Mrs. B. L. Smith was in Amity Mon day. Mrs. E. J. Nutter is visiting friends schools. in Salem. A full house greeted the Reverend Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Rutledge were McCain when he preached his Easter Independence visitors Sunday. sermon, which was especially interest B. L. Smuck has purchased a fine '"8- Two young men united with the horse from Mrs. Klnman. of Amity. Methodist Episcopal church at the The McCoy school will give a basket cl 088 of the services. social Friday evening at 8 o'clock, Tne Calvary church which has stood April 28. A short program will be'n tn little grove on the hill all these rendered. Everybody is Invited to years, has at last been sold, and has come and bring a basket. been moved to an adjoining farm where it will be used as a barn. It was PmnvnATP ount oy, tne Christian denomination I some 23 or more vear nnrii n nf v.. mr. junn rosier visuea wun inenas uged by them for .worship for a few here Sunday, The Reverend Barton Rlggs was a ieft to decav passenger on me weanesaay morning train to Dallas. Max Flannery was a McMlnnville caller Wednesday afternoon. Miss Elsie Boyer visited with her parents of this place over Sunday. Mr. Andrew Campbell went to Salem Saturday, returning later with a new auto. J. E. Yoakum and sister, Mrs. C. Bratcher, were visitors at Rickreall Sunday. Mrs. Plankington visited with her sister, Mrs. D. L. Keyt, Tuesday and Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Keyt and family of McMlnnville, are visiting friends and relatives of this vicinity. The high school pupils of this school are out for the year, as Pro fessor Macken leaves the last of the week for the Philippine Islands, years, but for a long time It has been BRIDGEPORT B OWERS VILLE M. Burch has his hop yard twined. Elizabeth Remple went to Portland, Monday. Mrs. Frank Laws' little daughter Is very sick. Otis Foster, of Salt Creek, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Cadle, Sunday. . Plen Wilson, of Crowley Station, vis Ited with his uncle, Mlrt Wilson, Sun day. C. H. Stinnett Is building a chicken house for Uncle Ed Clarke In Rick reall. Frank Laws, who Is running the T. A. Rlggs hop yard, is getting it In fine shape. Robert Kelly and his sister of Green wood, were callers at the Hayes home recently. The people In this neighborhood are poisoning squirrels, which do a lot of damage to the grain every year. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Remple held an Easter reunion. The guests were: Mr. and Mrs. O. O. Remple. of Perry dale: Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Neufeldt and little daughter. Ann: Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Remple and Gerhard, of Portland; Mr. and Mr. A. O. Remple and fam ily, of Polk; J. H. Remple, of Smith- fit Id and Elizabeth and David Remple. OAK GROVE A. F. e-ley wa a Ralem visitor Monday. A. G. Robert ws a Salem visitor Monday. N. F. Nelson has sold hi place to Mr. Smith. Jimmle Edgar and Jim Best sheared -t for Mr. Cmlg. Monday. Mim Blanche Fawk h returned W. T. Foster Is painting his resl dence. G. G, IriBh made a business trip to Salem, Monday. Charlie Minnich left on a business trip to Idaho, Friday. W. W. Miller, of Oregon City, was In this vicinity a few days ago. Fruit in this vicinity is not damaged as much as It was thought at first Mr. Cornells has moved his family to the Mahoney place, which he re cently bought of H. G. Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. William Alderson, of Minnesota, have been visiting his sis ters, Mrs. Mack and Mrs. Peter Kurre, Mr. and Mr. Alderson have bought a small tract of land near Monmouth and will become permanent residents of Polk County. William Holslngton Is grading for the siding on the Falls City wagon road where it crosses the railroad at H. Fern's place. It Is understood that the new county rock crusher Is to be set up there, and that rock will be shipped from the mountains. This will be accessible to a number of miles of road that will be macadamised, and there will be practically no hills to pull up. RICKREALL W. R. Black Is painting his house. Mrs. Bud Ramsey went to Ralem, Monday. Miss Alice Burch was a Dallas caller Saturday. In order to submit the matter to a vote of the people of this school dis trict, a petition is being circulated ask ing that an election be called for the purpose of authorizing the board to contract a bonded Indebtedness in the sum'of $20,000 for the purpose of pur chasing additional land needed by the district. It has been deemed necessary to obtain the grounds now owned and occupied by Dallas College and La Creole Academy, which are conven iently situated and well adapted to be made use of as playgrounds, etc., in connection with the High School. Although the petition has been circu lated but a short time, a large number of names have been- placed upon It. In event that the property is pur chased from the College trustees, it Is the intention of the latter to take over sightly tract upon which they have an option. The land is well situated for a college campus, and modern and sub stantial buildings, worthy of the loca tion, will be built as fast as possible. The plan adopted is broad and anti cipates the the expansion of the school for many years to come. The grounds are to be laid out in an artistic manner and the skill of the landscape gardener will be called forth In making it one of the most beautiful college sites in the whole state. DALLAS HAS MOTORING CLUB AutomobiliHts of City Meet and Effort Temporary Organization. Dallas hit another high place in hor forward race of progress Tuesday, night when a number of motor car owners and enUiustr.sts of the city met In the rooms of the rooms of the l,a Creole Club and effected temporary organization of the Dallas Automobile Club. Dr. A. B. Starbuck was made chairman and H. G. Campbell secretary-treasurer of the meeting, and per manent officers are to be chosen at an adjourned session to be held at the La Creole Club, Tuesday evening, April 25. In the interval, the constitution and by-laws of the club will be drafted by a committee consisting of Dr. B. H. McCallon, R. L. Chapman and U. 8. Grant. TO PLAN NORMAL SCHOOL Taxpayers Will Expend $20,000 For Modern Building This Summer. MONMOUTH.Or., April !. Fred A. Legg, architect, of Salem, was today employed by the board of directors to draw plans and make specifications for an eight-room public school build- ng, to cost $20,000, and to be erected as soon as possible. The contract will be let at once on receipt of the speci fications, and It is hoped to have the building completed before the rainy season begins in the Fall. Contractor have begun a residence for President J. II. Ackerman, of the Oregon State Normal School, to cost about $2750. Several other residences are In course of construction and oth ers are planned for the summer. Careless About Appendicitis in Dallas. Many Dallas people have chronic Appendicitis, which Is carelessly treat ed as if it were ordinary bowel or stomach trouble. If you have wind or gas In the stomach or bowel, our tomach or constipation, try simple buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., as compounded In Adler-t-ka, the new German Appendicitis remedy. Conrad Stafrin, druggist, Dallas, states that A SINGLE DOSE of this simple remedy 111 relieve any bowel or stomach trouble. Legal blanks for sale at this office. BUELL Mr J Miss Anna Herold ha gone to Amity Mr. to train hop. Mr. j Charfc-s Jone returned to the ntoun Mr. - tains. Sunday. atttid! Sunday Hunter, Mr. Hall. Mr. Lowe. Mr. Hook- j A large crowd er. Mr. Porter. Mr. Lamar Teose. Mr. i school Sunday. j Leal S Tooe, Mr. Hurl hurt. Mr. Crow-j Mirs Anna Herold was visiting In! ley. Mr. Myer. Mr. RntWes. Mr. (Uiera last week. j Lowe. Mr. Haydon. Mr. Moyer. Mr.j D. C Walker made a business trip' Tkr-e. Mr. Purh. Mr. Thompson. Mr. I to Dallas. Friday. j Dunton. Mr. Salisbury. Mr. Moyer. Mr. Mr. Barber helped D. C. Wilkrf Starr. Mr. Grant Mis Kb kedIl.i butcher hr Thurwday. ) Mia Zorta, Mta White, Mm Frtck. Mr. and Mr. Ames pttt Punisy : Mt Morrisoa. Mis Grant Mia Palra-j with Mr. and Mrs. Barber, er. Mi Fugste, Mis Too. Mi Kr-j Mi Nora Jones spent Panday with' kevdaJI. Mia Loria. M KHtn, Mtfla the Mime Kopaa and Follow. Foritt. Mis Cro!)W Cilia, Ralph; Uoyd Jon w ea the Crek n Hooker. Harold Rire. J ) the lt of th week. probably the oidi-at twin In Oregon, j home from weeks visit la Salem, if not on th pacific Coast Now. wej Peveral of our young people attend cn beat that J. A. Halnxa. of Mon-'ed the ball game at Rk-kreaJI. Sunday mouth, and W. W. Haine. of Eucne. ' ft.-rnrx.n. will be 1 1 year old nst August Th-y ( A. E. f-ly and wife have moved eroawd the plain with as ex tem la1 to Salvia, where thy will run a run 1S5I. and like the Camplwll brother, i In fenver. were bora In I'.Knon Th'r Bv iv-d ! Mr, fttsrburk. f Portland, and Mr, la Ore-on m-e and ar both hale1 Jack White, of ftaietn, vtatt4 reUtKe Bd hearty, being able te wytk wl t last wek. a young men. They were acquaint- j The erhnn cfAoe tnday. Friday), nee f the late Ir T. M. Boiler la and Mm GrW will noa retara te her Illinois. Now. if anyone knew ef home at Popcorn. j older twin la Oregoa. nt nm the Pc-' Arthur A Ilea, ah ws suite er- if"wCojt lt u r from them . lovely Injur la rnay some two through the Polk Cwaty Observer. j rli -. to slowly twipreria. Oak Orrrte Greece Na. lit, t plaa- PEDEE tn to tri- oae of th Vrt pVair ' er TI4 T a av w me aair j There I a aw mail rarrw ea th i mot. J LaW irrowa wt te Airfj lt Rartsrdar. Will Tsnutt w 'a I ". m twe , last Maday W Ratoraay. Jae t. BETHEL j Mi Umim tVar M ne'trng her -i tr at Pwa Viet. Makes the most nutri tious food and the moct dainty and dclidoui. j.,r-fi V Liit J n t it"'T'in! DA rrrpo XL ui'wJ AbMofufcly Pur th only B&kiaf Powder m&do from Rojml Grap Creia of Tartar No fussing or fretting over thsblscuit-maldng. Royal is the aid to many a cook's success. E7j Cl BltSi j?eif "ft. 5f Fsm o? AUrm. -wt 4r! e . r c