I SCHOOL 1 ME IN PltOP- U. SYSTEM. t i.,(t"rmuii Praises -1 ! . ivs Creating 'i i i iors. 'i rural education i - "tiols as good as i i Jo not need to i"t- model Bchools. -t rural schools i i' " . . nntendent Alder , i-iion In Oregon. i from a. trip i IhioIb of Wash :i iveled over the superintendent i. rural schools. . " 'i'y In which he .vill visit many i !ar mission be i i er, . ,.- hI Needs. .iri i"t- in visiting the continued Mr. Alder i - .- dasis for next .if study for these t i pi t down to the loiui.ry schools and it study as practical M'teii.ti-nt is enthusl i in k that can be ac &h m, proper and wid rttry schools, says the , and he has thrown nto this work of im- Is is delighted with ition of the last ses i u re. ' creating' district su ntry schools and the g certificates, Oregon :-ai systems of school i states," he declared, i Btates have similar e bound to work out he entire system. Sintrvisltn where there are more the county shall be :ts. Then the county a district supervisor 'ho will have super he schools within his I be 22 such districts aptember, iing for a better and ting can be improv ilistricts. The schools list in this movement Sach community has i .itself to solve all arise. I believe it is the .people an inch le, a miie. That Is much importance to MILITIA BOYS ENTERTAIN Vaudeville Show Draws large Crowds In Dallas and Falls City. Dramatic and musical talent of Company H, assisted by friends of the soldier boys, was seen to excellent ad vantage In the vaudeville program given at Woodman Hall In Dallas Thursday night, and at Wagner Hall in Falls City on Friday night. The en tertainment was made up of ten num bers all of a high order of excellence and far more amusing and meritorious than the performances given by the average traveling vaudeville compa nies that visit the Interior towns. The boys played to a $100 house in Dallas and to a $66 house In Falls City. The net proceeds of the two performances, about $00 will be used in paying ex penses Incurred in the recent armory election. : . The trip to Falls City on Friday evening wasnade by special train. Following the performance a free dance was given In the hall and over 100 couples indulged in dancing until midnight,' The boys of Company H have done much to relieve the usual winter mo notony with their carnivals and theat rical performances, and their enter prise is appreciated by the people of Dallas. After the completion of the new armory it is expected that there will be no lack of popular entertain ment to be furnished by local talent. TRIO CELEBRATE BIRTHDAY Friends Gather In Honor at Popular Young Dallas People. COMMERCIAL CLUB MEETING Matters of Importance to Receive At tention Tomorrow Night. A regular meeting of the Dallas Commercial Club will be held In the Woodman Hall tomorrow, Wednesday, night at 8 o'clock. A number of Im portant matters will be taken op for consideration, and a large attendance Is expected. At the last meeting of the club, a committee was appointed to Interview the business men of the city to learn what they were willing to contribute monthly for the purpose of creating an advertising fund. This committee consists of W. V. Fuller, E. A.. Hamil ton and Edwin Jacobson, and it is ex pected that they will be ready to report tomorrow evening. For 20 years it has been the annual custom to celebrate in common the anniversary of the birth of three of Dallas' most popular young peopl Mrs. Frankle (Hayter) Patterson, Miss Claudia Coad and Mr. Carl B. Fenton who were born on the same day in this city April 19. 1890. In keeping with this pleasant custom, the re-oc currence of the anniversary was de lightfully commemorated last Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Fenton, where a large number of friends gathered to felicitate them. It was Intended to have the celebra tion Wednesday evening, but on ac count of the unavoidable absence of Mr. Carl Fenton, It was deferred until Friday. The evening was agreeably whlled away with games and other in teresting and amusing forms of enter tainment. Herewith is given a list of the in vited guests: Mrs. Frankle Patterson, Miss Claudia Coad, Miss Vera Cosper, Miss Nola Coad, Miss Pauline Coad Miss Lillian McVlcker, Miss Jennie Muscott, Miss Alta Savage, Miss Veva Burns, Miss Cordia Gooch, Miss Bessie Gooch, Miss Alice Grant, Miss Freda Grant, Miss Sadie Meyer, Miss Pauline VanOrsdel, Miss Roberta McCallon Miss Allle Fuller, Miss Ava Coad, Miss Hallie Coad, Miss Ednelle Collins, Mr. Carl B. Fenton, Mr. Robert VanOrs del, Mr. Frank Johnson, Mr. Fred Boydston, Mr. L. S. Flnseth, Mr. W. E. Greenwood, Jr., Mr. Walter Ballantyne, Mr. Clarence Reynolds, Mr. J. D. Col lins, Mr. Wallace Mount, of Eugene, Mr. C. G. Coad, Mrs. C. G. Coad, Mrs. F. J. Coad, Mrs. E. Hayter, Mr. and Mrs. H. I Fenton. PERSONAL MENTION was in the PLAN BIG JOINT PICNIC Artisans and Eighth Grade Pupils Will Celebrate In June. Artisans. 'iff of Dallas Assem- d Artisans, will be s of Pythias Hall, ril 18, at which all 1 to be present. A 'ill be. held at the night, April 21, to : public who are In me to attend. By Castle, Master Art- fONTON, Secretary. ill Cigars. . nd J. J. Campbell, ducting a cigar fac arlng to go to Cor wo, where they ex etail cigar and con- Fruit Growers' Meeting. President H. C. Atwell, of the State Horticultural Society, is expected to be in Dallas Saturday afternoon, April 22, to deliver an address before the Dallas Fruit Growers' Association on the subject of central selling agencies. The meeting will be held at 2:30 in the circuit court room of the court house, and a large number of people who are interested In the culture of fruit in this vicinity are intending to be pres ent. J. B. Nunn, on behalf of the association, is arranging the details of the program. itlll Time. o or three months rtland, and anyone res or duplicates should come In, est. SHERRINGTON. 321tf Engaged by Lincoln County. County Surveyor B. F. Beezley, whose fame as an engineer and scien tific road builder is not confined to the boundaries of Polk County, has been engaged by the County Court of Lin coln County to render expert assistance in cross-sectioning and estimating the work to be done there this summer on an extensive system of county roads between Toledo and Siletz. He has gone to Toledo by the way of Corvallis to begin operations, and will be absent several days on this trip. Maccabees' Delegates. The names of I. Mehrling, of Falls City, and G. H. Sloper, of Independ ence, are given as reporting at rollcall of delegates to the sixth quadrennial state convention of Knights of the Maccabees, which opened in Portland last Friday. Nearly every pn of the 97 state lodges had a delegate in attendance. In conjunction with the annual Arti sans' picnic, which is to be held at Rickreall, Saturday, June 3, it is plan ned to hold a monster school picnic for the especial benefit of all the eighth grade pupils in Polk County, and everybody else who wishes to have a good time. The big celebration which has been held every year by the Artisans has generally been considered the chief outdoor amusement feature of the season, and this year It will sur pass anything of the past. In addition to the usual forma of picnic diversions, bountiful lunches, social reunions and red rubber balloons, there will be plenty of gala-day music and speeches by noted men. For some time the Polk County School Principals Club has been plan ning to hold a picnic, and since the Artisans were contemplating the same thing, it was decided at a meeting of the club last Saturday to consolidate and make one huge event of it. On the date chosen, the teachers and eighth grade graduates from all over the county will be in attendance to participate in the graduating exercises, which are to be held there, instead of at the different schools, as heretofore. Prominent men will be requested to be present, to assist in the presentation of diplomas and other ceremonies in cident to the occasion. Later an nouncements will be made as the work of preparation progresses. The Latest Arrival. Next time you walk by the store, I wish you'd stop a minute and take a look at Big Ben. He's the finest sleep meter made the best looking the best built the best running. You needn't take my word for it, I keep him in the window; you can see for yourself. $2.60. This is the clock they are advertising in the big magazines. C. H. Morris. Legal blanks for sale at this office. mm r-3 I le Wonder Worker Process T T m i Hew Shoes as Pliant as Old Ones iLni'lil l,'! -"'i-II "a",i II I' , 1 i " mi' ui Pit.' UH, t ' L TJT-J ! -' ! i t "1 Wp just received our new "Queen Quality" styles for Spring and they're beauties. Vif did not heJieve suck footwear fossilJe at ike rice. The makers have outdone tkemselves. Smart, snafy styles witk plenty of comfort and servicejust wkat you kave heen looking for. You'TI luykere eventually. Vhy not to-day? The Bee Hive Store Distributors Dallas, iSZS Gun Metal - Oj? Wonder O Worker A ' 5016 If Tan k) Oxfords Jyj&j ana ramps Oregon , BSE HIVE STORE A Reliable Place to Trade lis4 Dallas, Oregon A. C. Taylor, of McCoy city, Saturday. Miss Jennie Muscott visited Salem friends Sunday. Ralph Savery, of Salt Creek, was in Dallas, Saturday. H. Q. Campbell made a business trip to Newberg, Monday. . - a. m. west, ot Rickreall, was a county seat visitor Friday. Miss Edna Hayes, of St. Johns, vis ited in Dallas over Sunday. Captain and Mrs. V. P. Fiske were visitors In Portland Saturday. H. J. Elliott, of Perrydale, was a business visitor in Dallas today. , Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Patterson visited relatives In Independence, Sunday. Lester Butler, of Portland, is visit ing relatives and friends in this city. Mrs. F. J. Chapman, of Salem, was in this city visiting relatives Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bilyeu, of Bridge port, were visitors in Dallas, Saturday. Peter Cook, the Rickreall merch ant, was a business visitor in Dallas. Saturday. W. H. Cadle and D. T. Hodges, of Rickreall, were county seat visitors Saturday. '- Walter Nichols, cashier of the Bank of Falls City, was in Dallas on a busi ness errand, Friday. . Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Rempel came up from Portland to spend Sunday with relatives in this city. E. N. Hall left for Sheridan this morning after a brief visit with his family in this city. i Professor H. C. Seymour, County School Superintendent, visited Black Rock Monday on official business. Mrs. John F. Leitch, of Portland, is visiting at the home of her parents, the Reverend and Mrs. M. B. Young. Mrs. H. R. Patterson, Jr., arrived in Dallas Thursday evening from Gray's River, and is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Hayter. Dean Collins and Carl Fenton, stu dents of the University of Oregon, and Ray Boala, of the Oregon Agricultural College, are spending the spring vaca tion at home. J. C. "Hayter, editor of the Observer, left last night for Roseburg, where he will attend the funeral of the late Sec retary of State, Frank W. "Benson, this afternoon. Mrs. George L. Hawkins is enter taining her niece, Miss Deane Tice, and her sister-in-law, Mrs. W. J. Tuck, both of Eugene. Miss Pauline VanOrsdel, who is at tending the University of Oregon, at Eugene, is spending the spring vaca tion at the home of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. G. VanOrsdel. Alva L. McDonald, secretary of the Northwest Angora Goat Association, and field editor of the Oregon Agricul turist, of Portland, was in the city Sat urday, attending the sale of the mohair pool. Moss Walker, of Independence, and D. A. Madison, of Salem, were visitors In Dallas, Saturday. They came over from Independence in Mr. Walker's handsome little Overland car, one of the prettiest automobiles seen in Dal las this year. ; WANT STREETS SPRINKLED Business Men Auk Aid of Council to Lay Dust. The question of sprinkling the streets during the coming summer of the city council at its regular meet ing Monday night, in the form of a petition from the business houses of the city, asking the aid of the council In the matter. It was referred to the committee on Are and water to be re ported on at the next regular meeting. The petition was presented to the council by J. R. Craven, U. S. Lough ary and H. G. Campbell, appointed for that purpose by the Commercial Club at a previous meeting. The council passed the ordinance providing for the improvement of Mill street, from Jefferson street to the east end of the George Gooch property, and work will be started as soon as possible. An ordinance was passed prohibit ing boxes in restaurants, and the pro prietor of the Japanese restaurant on the corner of Mill and Main streets was given ten days in which to comply with the new requirements. It was ordered that the city rock crusher be put in order for the coming season's work, and F. J. Coad, II. L. Fenton and H. B. Cosper were appoint ed to supervise the preparations. New Motor Cars. Dallas' list of motor car owners grows with the advance of spring, and those who have been cutting notches In the broomstick every time a new machine has been bought by a resident here, say that there are now 25 of them owned In this town. Two cars have been brought in within a week, and more are expected later. I Claude Lynch and J. W. Viggars have! purchased a neat Puick 20, and I. N. Woods has lost his heart to a natty Stoddard-Dayton 20, with the new style torpedo body, and his friends are anxiously awaiting his advent on the streets, with the hope that he will not "find a short rail," "run by his orders" or "fall down" on the schedule. In the meantime all switches will "be set and locked for the main line." Operation Was SneceeafnL Dr. and Mrs. D. D. Young went to Portland, Saturday, where Dr. Toung assisted Dr. A. F. Aikln with Lor en z operation. The patient was a little girl, 7 years old, with a congenital disloca tion of the hip joint. The doctors were successful In getting the limb Into a normal position, and put on a plaster parts cast. The many Dallas friends of Dr. Alkin will be Interested to hear that he will tall In a month for Europe, where he will spend six months in the further pursuance of his studies in Germany and France. Apprndicttfai Operation. Mis Goldie Piaster, who has been suffering reral months from appen dicitis, was successfully operated upon t the Dallas Hospital Monday by Dr. A. B. Starbuck. She ia getting along nicely. Legal blanks tor smla at this office. Browa A Sibley, Attorneys, Notary. Oscar Hayter. lawyer. Rooms S sod (, TTglow Building. Ltgal blanks for sale at this office. Defiance Button Machine at Delias Mercantile Compaay. 2-14-tf Dr. Butler, dentist, ess be found In his office, ever the Fuller Pharmacy. The eery beet dentistry is executed at Dr. Puller's efSce, . ever the Fuller PBarmacr. The Farmer's Fire Relief Aeaoeta Bo of BvUevtne, Oregos; J. D, Win a. agent. Ban fists, Oregoa. tf Grand o II JI MA S400.00 Upton Pian o Is ree GET IN THE GAME . v '!?r ' I;1 W' Iff i ' '! V' 1 - i ' lllf ' il SAVE YOUR COU PONS Would You Like to Have this in Your Home? Just a Little Hustling and You Win We will issue trade certificates with every purchase at our store. These certificates represent One Vote for each One Cent of purchase and the person holding certificates representing the Largest Number of Votes at the end of contest, will receive this beautiful instrument, the Upton Piano, Absolutely Free of Cost. The certificates are transferable and if you are not interested in securing the piano yourself, you can assist a friend, or some Charitable Institution Church, Sunday School or Society in securing the instrument. Names Are Wanted Send in your name, or that of your friend or some lodge, church or school you would like to see win this beautiful $400 instrument. Use the nomination coupon printed below. Send this coupon by first mail, or bring it to the store at once, as nominations will be open for a few days only. The names of persons making nominations will not be made pub lic, if so requested. This Coupon is Good for 2000 Votes This Coupon Good for 2000 Votes UGLOW CLOTHING HOUSE: I hereby nominate- as a contestant for the beautiful Upright Parlor Grand Upton Piano to be given away by you to the holder of the largest number of votes. (Sign Vour Name Here)- Fill out this coupon, clip it from the paper, and send it or bring it to us at once. Remember you can nominate any individual, school, church, Sunday school, or charitable institution you desire. It does not matter to us. We are going to give this $400 Piano to the holder of the largest number of votes. MAIL THE COUPON TODAY ow ClotMngf Mom Men's Fine Clothing, Gentlemen's Furnishings, Etc. The Florsheim Shoe DALLAS, - - OEEGON