WANT CENTRAL AGENCYl inCIT GROWERS IN FAVOR OF AFFILIATING LOCAL UNIONS. Meeting at" Albany of Delegates From Leading Associations of Willam ette Valley. ALBANY, March 31-. Fruit growers or Western Oregon are In favor of Joining with all other local fruit growers' associations of the Northwest in a central selling agency for all fruit . produced in the Pacific Northwest and if enough associations will not en ter such a central selling agency to make It a success, they favor forming a central selling agency for Western Oregon associations. This was decided upon at a meeting held in Albany today, attended by rep resentatives of almost all the leading fruitgrowers' associations of Western Oregon. This plan of action wag proposed In a resolution introduced by H. C. At- well, president of the Oregon State Horticultural Society, which was ad opted unanimously. To carry out this (MM; Ala. GAM BY FE.TRICG jCEKTEAL Pom ROGUE RIVER VALLEY OREGON CORRESPONDS! 50UCITE rS2 ii r y t i It you have sore eyes of any kind use Sutherland's Eagle Eye Salve. It is good for nothing but the eyes. It Is painless and harmless, and is positive ly the best. If you don't say so wo will refund your money. Try it and then tell your neighbor. Sold everywhere. Sac a tube. Astoria Budget: On Sunday Com mander J. M. Elllcott, Inspector of this lighthouse district, inspected the site on Coxcomb Hill where the depart ment will erect a memorial light house, the project being In connection with the celebration of the Astoria Centennial. Tell Your NrtglilHrtft When in need of a cough medicine to use Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey. It Is the best. Look lor the bell on the Bottle. Epigram in East Oregonian: A good town should look the part. A (This matter must not be reprinted with- out special p-!is!on. J With the short cro of bay which was raised In so ninny seel ions this year there ought to be a dcmmiri 111 good prices for all Hie surplus IjiIkIiI, well cured corn fodder which the fore handed man will secure. Lame Shoulder is nearly always due to rheumatism of the muscles, and quickly yields to the free application of Chamberlain's Liniment. For sale by all good dealers. As the site for the John Jacob Astor monument to be erected at Astoria, the Astorlan proposes Coxcomb Hill, and urges that steps be taken by the city to obtain title to that eminence. Dwellers alonff country ronds will certainly appreciate the power of oli- object the meeting named a commit- servation of the writer who in dlstiii- tee, consisting of H. C. Atwell,, of For- gulshing between the "quick" mid the est Grove, J. O. Holt of Eugene, and "deud," defined the- former us comnrlx- TT " T 1 1. ... . . I I .. .t i ji. vr. .nuniuauijii ui .Aiuany, 10 pre- lug loose who were Hole to get out pare a constitution and by-laws for a I of tbe way of scorching iiutomoullistH Western Oregon growers' district asso- and the latter those who were not. elation of the central selling agency of the Northwest, and if such a selling agency Is found to be impracticable, to prepare a constitution for a West ern Oregon central selling agency. Report to Bo Made Later. This committee will report at a later meeting of Western Oregon growers, to be called by the committee. To co-operate in forming a North west central selling agency, if possl ble, five delegates to represent West ern Oregon at any subsequent meet ing called to form such a selling agency were named. These delegates are: W. K. Newell of Gaston: J. O, Holt of Eugene; F. W. Wallace of h'Sh yielding types of small grain McMinnville; H. C. Atwell of Forest 11 ls Interesting to recall the sower of Grove, and Frank Groves of Corvallis. lIOy r't. whose Seed which, "fell on The associations represented at to- tne Sood ground yielded some thirty, day's meeting and the delegates from nie sixty and some a hundred fold each were as follows: Eugene Fruit- Contrasted with this showing may be growers' Association, Dr. H. F. McCor- mpa t,le cllse ' out belt farmer nack and J. O. Holt; Umpqua Valley wno ,,i0 0I,'r lny plucked a single Fruitgrowers' Union, A. L. Kitchen stnlK or tlrl cereal which bore 214 For tetter, ringworm, eczema, run ning sores and all skin diseases Dr. Bell's Antiseptic Salve is guaranteed to give satisfaction or you get your mon ey back. 25c everyhwere. Sergeant Charles W. Reed, of Com pany G, O. N. G., hag been nominated by the non-commissioned officers of the company to till the vacancy caus ed by the resignation of Lieutenant It Is now quite generally conceded Samuel C. Worrell that when a cow holds up her uiilk it Is Invariably due to some nervous con- "Our baby cries for Chamberlain's dition, the result of taking her calf Cough Remedy," writes Mrs. T. B from her. disturbances, mistreatment Kendrick, Rasaca, Ga. "It is the best or strange conditions. Often kindness cough remedy on the market for For Sixteen Years Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey has been used by millions of people with perfect satisfaction. For Coughs, Colds, AStn ma. In fact all throat and bronchial troubles. The Ingredients are on the carton. Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey contains no habit producing drugs, and always gives satisfaction. Look for the bell on the Bottle. Legal blanks for sale at this office. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW SIBLEY & EAKIN The only reliable set of Abstracts In Polk County. Office on Court St. Dallas Oregon ATTORNEY AT LAW ED- F. COAD Office In Courthouse Dallas Oregon will overcome the tendency, and If this coughs, colds and crouD. uoes not sutnee the feeding of a little all good dealers. grain at milklns time will take tin her ininu ana cause her to relax to a nor mal nervous condition. For sale by As showing the progress which has been made In recent years in produc- Chewaucan Press: Town lots in Spring River City are selling freely and corner places are bringing ex travagant prices for business loca tions. TAKE IT IN TIME 'and L. B. Skinner, of Roseburg; For- douule Era'"8- or a total of 428. The est Grove Fruitgrowers' Association, seea ,lpna- which wns borne on n very If. C. Atwell; , Washington County sluray straw, was fifteen Inches long. Fruit Union, J. F. Forbls, of Dllley, and W. K. Newell, of Gaston; McMinn ville Fruitgrowers' Association, M. F. Kenyon and J. G. Eckman; Benton , . " ru. "-''"'" ""'r Crmntv Fn,llW TTnl T r da 'D 1 b' tMliO. H horse DC- The fastest mile ever made by a trolling horse wus covered the other Howell of Corvallis; Albany Apple growers' Association, II. G. Rumbnugh and J. C. Holbrook; Creswell Fruit and Vegetable Association, Dr. L. D. Scar brough. Many Fruit Mon Present. Besides these chosen delegates there was a large number of prominent fruit men present from various parts of the Willamette Valley. J. F. Forbls, of Dllley, was chairman of the meeting and L. 13. Skinner, of Roseburg, secre tary. It Is the purpose of the Western Or egon growers, as outlined In the dis cussions at the meeting, to use all pos sible efforts to form a general selling agency for the entire Northwest, and only when that plan falls will a West ern Oregon selling agency be formed. The plan Indorsed at this meeting for the Northwest central selling ngency Is practically the same as that of the California Fruitgrowers' Ex change, which has proved such a buc cess In that state. longing to C. G. K. Hillings, the well known turfman, and the easy way In which the tnllo was made led many who witnessed the reimirkahle per formance lo believe that the snme horse may clip another second or more off this record before the season is over. It has been intensely Interest. Ing lo note the gradual lowering of the trolling record from the time when the best performance was around 2:59, some ninety years ngo. to Ihe present sensou. when a horse covers a mile truck without wind shield nt a rate of more than thirty miles nu hour. That the record will be still further lowered Is not doubted, but It will be by quar ters and eighths of seconds only. NEWS OF PEOPLE YOU KNOW Coinings anil Goings us Told by Our Exchanges. Mr. and Mrs G. A. Shields, of Mc Coy, were business visitors In this city Monday. Telephone Register. Dr. Toney was a Dallas visitor over Sunday with friends. Telephone-Reg ister. Nathan Stowe, of Dallas, was trans acting business In McMinnville Mon day, and visited nt the home of his sister, Mrs. William Agee. Telephone Register. Mrs. S. L. Dlllard went to Winches ter today to visit wtlh her aunt, Mrs. MeCarter, of Dallas, who ls the guest of Mrs. Dillard's mother, Mrs. Sebrlng. Roseburg Review. Mr. and Mrs. D. I). Good left this week for Independence, Polk County where they will locate. Ashland- Rec ord. Thomas Campbell, Riley Frazer and Ernest Danlil. il, of Dallas, were In the city Monday, and took the south bound train. Monmouth Herald. Thomas Campbell and Ernest Kro ner, of Dallas, were In the city Mon day. Independence Enterprise. II. F. Bushy, of Dallas, was in the city ediiesdity. Independence En terprise. I. J. Larson, of Dallas, wns In the city Monday. Independence Enter prise. A fine white elm shade tree which the writer frequently passes has come to grief owing to the fuct that years ago, wuen i ni nenu or the tree was forming, cure was not taken to pre vent large limbs growing up and out from the same point in the trunk. In the ense In questiou three were al lowed to do so. A couple of years ago one of the three large branches was blown from the top In a heavy wlud. and n short time since a big split ap peared between the two remaining sections of the top. One of these ls sure to come down soon, leaving but n skeleton of what gave promise of being a shade tree of remarkable beauty and symmetry. The trouble might have boon prevented when the tree was first set by so pruning It as to give a sturdy and well jointed frnme. The siime principle holds In the case of fruit trees, and poor heads having weak Joints should be remedied while he tree Is young. Just as Scores of Dullas People Have. Waiting does not pay. If you negelct the aching back, Urinary troubles, diabetes surely fol low. Doan's Kidney Pills relieve back ache, Cure every kidney III. Many peoople in this locality recom mend Doan's Kidney Pills. Here's one case: Z. Rosendorf, Front St., Independ ence, Ore., says: "I do not believe there is a man in this countv who has suffered as severely with kidney disease as I during the past ten years. I had acute pains throughout my body and often my back was so weak and stiff that I could not stoop. My kid neys were also disordered and too fre quent passages of the kidney secretions caused me to arise many times at night. My limbs became badly swol len and there was a pufflneas beneath my eyes. I doctored a great deal but did not receive relief until I began using Doan's Kidney Pills. I felt better from the first and I continued taking them until every symptom of kidney trouble had disappeared. I firmly believe that Doan's Kidney Pills saved my life and for that reason I cannot praise them too highly." Tbe above statement was given on Sept. 7, 1907, and on Dec. 9, 1909, Mr. Kosendorf said: "The statement I gave for publication recommending Doan's Kidney Pills two years ago still holds good. I am glad to give Doan's Kidney Pills my endorsement." ror sale by all dealers. Price GO cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo. New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. ATTORNEY AT LAW OSCAR HAYTER Rooms 6 and 6, Uglow Bldg. Dallas Oregon ATTORNEY AT LAW WALTER L. TOOZE, JR. Office in Wilson Bldg. Dallas Oregon j ATTORNEYS AND ABSTRACTORS BROWN & SIBLEY Abstracts promptly made. Notary Public, Collections Mill St. Down-stairs. . Dallas, Ore N. L. Butler L. D. Butler j With our mills at Falls City and yards at Salem, West Salem and Falls City, we are prepared to furnish EVERYTHING in the building line. We will gladly furnish estimates for all material delivered to any place in the county. We make and handle Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Moulding, Sash and Doors, Frames, Posts, Cement, Plaster, Hardware, Wood, Coal, and Ruberoid and Resisto Roofing. Call or Address aAa, flOf, BUTLER & BUTLER Attorneys at Law Room 311-312 Lewis Building. Portland - . Oregon FALLS Falls City CITY LUriBER COf Salem West Sa DENTIST M. HAYTER Over Stafrin's Drug Store. ' Dallas Oregon DENTIST B. F. BUTLER Office over Fuller Pharmacy. Office hours from 9 to 12 a. m.; 1 to 5 p. m. Dallas Oregon SaUsfai'tloii f Mortgage. Tbe Observer has added Satisfaction of Mortgage to Its stock of legal blanks. Notaries and attorneys may now secure them in any quantity de sired. Phone orders for legal blanks given prompt atttention. Mi dfiird dog fin It-rn are only wait ing until they catch the poisoner who is making a camitaign among the best bred canines In town. For All kin DliMMca Dr. Hell s Antiseptic Salve is the best It is a creamy, snow while ointment pleasant to uw and every box Is guar anteed. Price 15c. At all dialers'. Springfield has rraumrd street Im provement operations with 4 men and elKht teams on the street, and 13 men at the rock cruh-r. At no time since Pnclflc const fruit growers began shipping their produce to eastern markets has the fruit thus shipped biM-ti placed upon central and eastern markets In liner shape both as regards appearance and ipiallty than has been the case Ihls present scasou. IVnches, is'iirs. nectarines and the several large varieties of plums have been displayed in the large and snial! markets, and Ihe sale has been un usually large. Without question this Is in part due to Ihe scan ily of fruit in many of the central stales, bill the large sale Is also due to Ihe line dual ity and condition of the western fruit. This in turn is the result of greater cure In pi. king and handling, uniform ity in grading and pin king and lo the belter facilities for cooling fruit Is-fore It is Marled mi Its lung journey east. Western fruit growers should mnke Ihe most of the ndviminge which has been theirs this year, for there Is little question that with rare In packing and sldpplug and the exen ise of good judgment In ihe distribution of ship ments the consumption of western fruits may le greatly lu reused In thoitsHitds .f towns throughout th middle stales. Kolks living there bsve the money, and they are willing to swmm! It If I hey can gi first class fruits. Thee markets srr worth colli Tatlug. STAR PHOTOPLAY THEATER The Home of Good Pictures M. OLIVE SMITH Teacher of PIANO AND ORGAN Studio, Room No. 2, Wilson Block Dallas Oregon Bell phone 103 Mutual phone 1306 R. L. CHAPMAN FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND KMHALMEK 1 low's Tills? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. I' J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years and believe .him perfectly honorable In all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. WALDING, KINNAN & MARTYN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O, Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter- nully, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system Testimonials sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti pation. Grants Puss ladles are raising mon ey to beautify Railroad park. Calls promptly answered day or night Dallas Oregon DR. B. E. NEVEL VETERINARY SURGEON Flionc, 20 Dallas, Oregon When a medicine must be given to young children it should be pleasant to take. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is made from loaf sugar, and the roots used in its preparation give It a flavor similar to maple syrup, making it pleasant to take. It has no superior for colds, croup and whooping cough. ! or sale by all good dealers. DR. DAVID YOUNG Osteopathic Physician Oflic-e, 719 Court St. Mutual Phone 0:11 DALLAS, OREGON, Running the same kind of pictures is the famous Star Theater of Port land. Using only licensed pictures, which are approved by the National Board of Censorship of New York City. The trames of the films are the famous Itlograph, Killson, Krwanay, (aiimoiit, Kalein, Lublii, I'rlwn KHIpsr, Ciiorge McIIcm, Pathe I Veres, and Vltagraph, Legal blanks for sale at this office. I lor so Shoeing and General Black- - smithing, I can cure Quarter Cracks and Con irai leu r eet, also Interfering and Forging. I guarantee all work first class. All I ask the public is to give me a fair trial. I also cure corns on horses' feet. Horse Shoeing a Specialty. GKORGE P. CRAMER, Fred Wagner's Old Stand, Dallas, Ore. DALLAS STATION TIME CARD which are the best pictures to b had and are used by all the leading picture houses of the East and West LEAVING DALLAS. Passenger No. 74 ... Pnssenger No. 76 ... SOCTIIEK PACIFIC. ARRIVING DALLAS. ...6:50a.m. Passenger No. 77 11:10a.m. ...2:25p.m. Passenger No. 75 7:25 p.m. SALEM, F ALLS CITY & WESTERN RY. CO. California Fast Round, TRAIN NO. 1. Lv. Dallas 7:Js m, Ar. West Salem 8:15 a. m. TRAIN NO. J. Lv. Black Rock 10:60 a. m Lt. Falls City li-os a. m' LV. Oallsi u-40 m Ar. West Salem 12:20 p. m. TRAIN NO. $. Lv. Falls City j:oo p. m Lv. Dallas J;,s p. Ar. West Salem 4:15 p. m. TRAIN NO. 7. Lv. Falls City Ar. Dallas . . . TRAIN NO. PASTURING SWINE. Hog Raising a Profitable Vsntur Par Small Farmers, There are feature In swine raising that appeal to every thoughtful farmer. No other meat producing animals ar capable of producing o many yonnc In a year, write an Ohio breeder la tba Is the plsce to visit Orange groves In full bloom, tropical flowers, famous Lv. Dallas .... hotels, historic Old Missions, attract-1 Ar. West Salem lv watering place, delightful ell- TRAIN NO. ( mate, making that favored section the Lv. lilack Rock .Nation's most popular retreat You ' Lv. Falls City . II. can see it at Its best via Ihe Shasta Route and "Ttie ftttadi of a TtKMMiad Wonders" Lv. Dallas Ar. West Salem . . TRAIN NO. I. Lv. Plsck Rock . Lr. Falls City ... Lr. Dallas Ar. West Salem . . :05 p. m. :SS p. m. (Sunday Only.) j:j a. m. : a. m (Sunday Only.) 11:45 a. m. I2:0 a. m. 1I JS p. m I IS p. m. (Sunday Only.) 4: p. m. 1S p. m 4 & p. m. J p. m. West Bound. TRAIN NO. i. Lv. West Sul em :00 a. m. Lv' Dal"" :45 a. m. Lv. Falls City i0:i5 a. m. Ar. Black Rock 10:35 a, m. TRAIN NO. 4. T r TI'a.1 o-1 . 1:30 p. Lv. Dallas 2.15 p Ar. Falls City ,:46 p TRAIN NO. 6. Lv. West Salem i n . .....WW u. hi. .6:20 p. m. m. , m. m. i ETTER FRUI The Best Magazine of its Kind the United States The Observer is pleased to announce that it has been able to ma rangement with the publisher of this great horticultural journal wherr furnish "Better Fruit" and the "Twice-a-Week Observer" one year for ' tft 'and i hytt Pi C ONLY $2.00 Having received so many requests for a first-class Fruit paper in? with its clubbing offers the Observer consulted fruit experts in all pa? Northwest as to their choice of the best orchard publication. "Every c unhesitatingly recommended "Better Fruit." j SEND IN YOUR SUBSCRIPTION TODAY j If you have never read this splendid journal, you will thank us fd when you open your first number of "Better Fruit". It is the fruit j need the one you have been looking for. j "Better Fruit" is an Oregon publication, devoted to" the orchard I Oregon, and edited by E. H. Shepard, of Hood River, a man who? understands local conditions. It has no equal among publications c No Oregon fruit raiser-especially, no leginner-n afford to be wit Remember, $2 pays for 104 numbers of the Observer t months of Better Fruit. . i Merch lumin, electri INVE; lightin Ask ot Remit by Check or P. 0. Money Orde s. Train No. S connects at Dallas ith way points. Lv. Dallas Ar. Falls City TRAIN NO. Lv. West Salem . . Lv. Dallas Lv. Falls City . . . Ar. Black Itock . TRAIN xo. 10. Lv. West Salem . Lv. Dallas Lv. Falls City .., Ar. Black Rock .. :60 p. m. (Sunday Only.) :00 a. m. :4S a. m. 10.1S a. m. 10:JS a. m. (Sunday Only.) In cas.- of rheumatism relief from pain make, sleep and ret -o-,l.le Country Gentleman. In climates wber Sontheni Pacific ComnSTlT This my be ol.talnej .v appin, suitable pa-lnr can l prided fori CU1C WUmpanj Chsmberlsln's IJniment For sale hv ! iMri. . ., . ! all ood d.-l. t. , T mon,b ,B lb w j fp-to-date trains, flrst-claa In every sow vboultl farrow twk-e aonuaUr. rro- I rniwt unexcelled lnlnr-rr arrrlre. R A. McConnelL treasurer f tK.i ta, ln' on li,,OT ln ,h Ttn which quick Urn. and direct connections to LKAVINO DALLAS. 1:JS p. m. -:10 p. m. i:59 p. m. 1:10 n. m 1KAI.N NO. II. (Sunday Only.) Lv. West Salem 5.5a Ar :::.:Mo0?:S: morning- train from Portland and ixni rKMH xrK moxmoith rt. ian. ritvM. ran eai:y be made rvsdy f,- the 1st 'all potntt south. raised in OoUt. , , ,K , . V' ,"" " " Bl" ' pnnc market. The small capital r.n r.Mi)n ,,rtn m.nr ailme..; IT'"" V"''" " ,mJ I. M1XHL ROt'X D TRIP FARE OF $55.00 in It. tra.n and I. ,h. pn.r, ,h .men, make : - A-re. .M R of mack sickne Keep yor bow. u ' attract!,. I. ,t,e " corre.por.,t,r low fare, tr r.rl.r madam, and yo Vlll e-.i. VU i,h ,,B,i" -" Tbr ;-' ectlc. of .h. Nortkwea. Passenger No. i Pnssenger No. . . . rasararer No. Tl . . . LEAVING INDETEXDENVK. f-ajwenrer X a. ReBni : Paaaencor No. f . " from all' '"""It N. ;.. Ut- - range. No t4ARR'VINQ ALLAS b m : i. - nv --.li lts, m ... t-KS n ...-. r-. " '- IXPEXDENCE I ia m : i.nr Xo Upnv fxenfrer Xo. ;, I'iS"1 '"'' -99 p. m. Ati-ne tHtMnak III - . .- .... t aaaena-er v. p. m. t'axenar Xo. T... bo nuake a vmnd of gain on lean ! eral atop-overs la eaok direction and I Ik JUT Ic3 Inl !, AU persons subject to Biliousness. Sour Btoraach. Indl restlon. Constipation. Headache, Dlssinesa. Heartburn.- u.sserin foui Breath. Sallow Com plexion or a constant tired, dlscourafed feelln should 4 MHHM sstntsL L Th Great Liver Tonic and Regulator That Ha Done So Much for the Working Peoole. ft la a. . . ( lty'JhnUr "X on a Torpid Liver Is littl. less 4 I iirwi. wwn, disheartened victim nf rV. i 7"lZn ,ew dayr um cure the most 'X i. riPinolllat tnnU ... . 'asiu aal v r ara Teimt rkS.l a. 1 rid Live?. ;.renKVh..edrstfoC;-cleIr: iVW', th' m bowel movement la Dela of constipated aT;PRiJrer,,r,! 'toreV almost ?as bowli.!;,11 ,,u,. th Las Dowels of constlDatef euow Fever of an, other deadly dlVtri..Chlli' BrttUt . liee. in a da, ttr Perfe-t artier. 1 conditions and re-es stands far"; m and v cAc, y. -,,,-,1 til ' i r. BALLARD ' Ey Cra-alate Ua. R,, sae Stenaeaa , "T be about Price 50c per Bottle. ar. r- . " ! '" ,n "t st.wk and lil ivfii-' l"C limit Interewting and attractive ; LKAVINO A I R LI it .. . imrle thing, but I.k. maar ,Zl ! rilV""": 'b r"r"' u "d VX'n,"T M ,h nrim rwt "d r"r N I ,..!. ARRITINO AIRLIE JlxZ . v.tue- -r... ZrSlZZI. " Pr"fl sppaicatln to any a P. or O. R j ,K.VIVl, ,v';::;';'' ' W,,, Xo -. . ""-rminate ... w """1 "X 1-l.ti.T of ,-,ure N Age.t or frow. - " '- 1''..M E iRRrnvn i" "".."Hin.y ., are . . . . 1 iimi iujii not hire r t a lii ! " ivi 1 - - '!. riM,. - n-m. nr u w t -una, Do:i,t 1,'. w f 1 1 ' r-t I rottaasal. Ore. llMu4t 11 Trvm Air lie .. " ror r. H.rber ' "nmoutb. for Dal- Klamath. 1 CONRAlTSTArRIN , Fruit liwiwtAi. r.,, . I r" 1 ' "' navtnr i . ic. will now procHl B'am such orchards in Lane Infested with Detj Ft. rUar"",M' Sutb-'nJ Eagle J ben appo , . '' cur nion sore eyes ' velopment renton. a co Astoria II "miner: Henry Newell hLt 1." . wm r.nSe. first auto for llll. Heir,,.. T r car sTrante- You brought it in r- " " coau tie It w ss neceasarv to I on bobrteds to get it r.. . TO ,wt T"nds for the iBaui . ' "mrmen, of the O. N. o . near War Erery " Every , Honey Is t'tC?tli Uan In sll . lea.