PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY DALLAS, POLK COUNTY, OKEGON, MARCH 24, 1911. NO. G me WIG NEWS OF POLK COUNTY ITEMS CONTRIBUTED BY RUST LING LOCAL CORRESPONDENTS. Happenings of Interest In Various - Neighborhoods Told In Interest ing Manner. FALLS CITY C. C. Gardner is ill with erysipelas. W. O. Ellis is visiting friends in Portland. , Lloyd Ellis visited relatives in Dal las Friday. . J. O. Johnstone spent Sunday In Black ROck. Mrs. W. T. Grier Is visiting relatives In Portland. Miss Hazel Kuykendall was a Salem caller last week. Mrs. William Ellis was a Dallas vis itor on Saturday. Mrs. Julia Frinke is very ill at her home in this city. W. R. Hinshaw was a Black Rock visitor on Sunday. Wiley Gardner made a trip to the county seat Friday. Mrs. Clara Kayman visited friends in Salem last week. Fred Meyers attended the dance here Saturday night. Sheriff J. M. Grant was a caller In this city on Thursday. W. F. Stine visited at the home of W. T. Grier Wednesday. Miss Ruth Fugate visited relatives in Monmouth over Sunday. Miss Elsie White spent Sunday with her parents In Salem. Miss Chloe Palmer visited friends in Salem, Saturday and Sunday. Miss Jean Kuykendall visited friends lately in Monmouth. F. S. Belcher visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Grier Thursday. Miss Hallie Morrison visited with her parents in Dallas, Sunday. I. S. Courter left for Portland, Fri day, to be absent for a few days. . Miss Gertrude Waters, of Portland visited with her .parents Sunday. John OUn, of Dallas, has completed the cement curbings on Main street. county Clerk E. M. Smith was a business visitor In this city Thursday. County Surveyor B. F. Beezley vis ited his mother in this city over Sun day. County Commissioner S. H. Petre was in Falls City on business Satur day. George Sutherland was a business visitor in Portland the first of the week. Miss Mabel Grant, of Dallas, visited with Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Starr Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Starr, of Dal las, visited Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Starr, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Dunton visited relatives in Portland Saturday, and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Dennis, of Portland, visited with, his mother on Saturday. C. O. Johnson was painfully Injured last week, when his , foot struck a rusty nail. H. H. Starr, who has been seriously 111 at his home in North Falls City, is convalescing. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Young visited at the home of Mr.and Mrs. W. T. Grier last week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ford, of Port land, "visited Mr. and Mrs. Walter I Tooze, Thursday. W. H. Coffin, of Marion County, is conducting a singing school in the Adventlst church. S. it. McFarland left for Portland Saturday, where he will attend to business interests. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Walker, of Sa lem, visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Walker, Thursday. Many people from this city attended the St Patrick's day dance at Black Rock, Friday night. A. H. Dodd returned home Tues day from a six weeks' trip through the East and South. George Vlck, of the real estate firm of Courter & Vlck, made a trip to Sa lem Wednesday, on business. The Are loss sustained by Thomas Edgar was promptly adjusted by the Insurance companies represented. Berenice, the daughter of J. E. Beezley, has been very ill with typhoid fever, and Is now greatly Improved A social dance was given In Wagner Hall. Saturday night About 40 couples were present Music was fur nished by Walker's orchestra. Sealed proposals will be received by the city council for the construction of a gravity water system. This as sures city water for Falls City. Mrs. W. F. Nichols and Mrs. I. G. Singleton attended the funeral of Miss Ova Smith at Monmouth. Thursday. -- Mrs. Susan C. Bryant after visiting with her daughters, Mrs. J. D. Moyer and Mrs. M. G. Ellis, returned to her home in Portland on Monday. A young; men's club has been or ganized In this city. The charter mem bers arm Ellis Frinke, Lester Dodd, Merle Kendall and Myron Ha Her. The delivery team of the G. D. Treat Company ran away on Monday, doing serious damage to the wagon and slightly Injuring the driver. Warren Ward. Auditor and Police Judge Ellis has received a passbook from Faraon A Company, Chicago, showing a credit; of t25.0 for the city, on account of water bonds sold. . J. D. Moyer was painfully Injured at the mill on Thursday, when parti cles of steel m-hich flew from an anvil truck him In the eye. Dr. Officer extracted the Bteet and Mr. Moyer 1 Improving rapidly. The work cm the Black Rock coun ty road ia progressing rapidly, and In a short time Black Rock will be con nected with the out aide world by a bWktway. The work is expected to be finished by April 1. Stanard, of Portland, who is in charge of the work. The list of city officers which will be submitted to the voters of Falls City next April, will probably be unanimously .elected. " The officials whose terms expire are: M. G. Ellis, auditor; F. K. Hubbard, mayor; Wal ter L. Tooze, Jr., city attorney; M. L. Thompson, treasurer; councilmen Lunde, Paul, Griffin and Starr. A tea party was given at the home of Mrs. M. G. Ellis Wednesday after noon, for the benefit of the Ladies' Aid Society. A short program was ren dered, after which dainty refresh ments were served by - the - hostess. Those present were: Mesdames Teth erow, Butler, Vick, Miller, Davis, Sin gleton, Ellis, Pugh, Moyer, Gottfried, Hooker, Courter, Frinke, Sevier, Mc Kown, Brentner, Thorn, Starr. Snyder, Montgomery, Hellworth, Damon, Barn hard, Mehrling, Fry, Hubbard, Moyer, Bryant, . Aurland, Wankey, Hunter, LaDow, Hinshaw, Hopkins and Hal sey; the Misses Morrison, Fugate, White, Palmer, Kuykendall, Grant, Hannimore, Montgomery and Zorin. The baseball game played between the Falls City High School and the Falls City Commercial Club teams, re sulted in a victory for the latter by a score of 14 to 13. This was one of the most exciting games ever played on the local diamond. The features of the game were the home run made by Wright Gardner, the double play made by William Tice, and the spectacular one-handed catch made by Hunter. In the last Inning the score stood 14 to 13 In favor of the club team, the high school was at bat with one out and bases full, when Bowman, of the high school drove a swift one to Tice, who made a double. This is the first game of the season, and was well at tended. The line-up was as follows High School. Com. Club Titus C Gardner Ellis P.. ........... .Tice Gardner S3. ..... . Harrington Bowman IB Cochran L. E. Tooze 2B Siefarth Dodd 3B V Inman S.Bowman LF.... Tayol Tooze CF Hunter Cobb RF.. Chapln automobile Sunday and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crawford. "Mrs. Fred Purvine and Miss Hig gins pleasantly entertained a large number of Jriends Friday evening at a St. Patricks party. " Games suitable to the occasion were played, and near midnight a delicious lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. W. S, Catton went to Portland Friday, where they remained until Saturday evening. They were accompanied on the return trip by Mr. and Mrs. Dell Fisher, of Cottage Grove, who will spend the week at the Catton home. The women of the Baptist Church organized a missionary circle Saturday afternoon. Officers were chosen as follows: President, Mrs. Cranston HIggins; vice-president, Mrs. P. F, Clarke; treasurer, Mrs. G. H. Craw ford; secretary, Mrs. W. N. Crawford; corresponding . secretary, Mrs. W. J. Crawford. The first meeting will be held Wednesday, at the home of Mrs. W. J. Crawford. OAKDALE Tom Card Is shearing goats. Clarence Sellers Is making garden Charley Bird is clearing garden ground. Joe Murphy Is building fence for Floyd Smith. Mr.'SGraham and Willis Frink are sowing oats. E. H. Jolly Is visiting his parents at Perrydale. Melvin Green- is cultivating his prune orchard. Mr. Stroud is improving his place In various ways. Ed Cochran and sons are cutting! cordwood at home. Mrs. Robinson Is the proud owner of a fine new range. George Wright is working for his brother Ed, at Toledo. A. C. Bruce Is putting a new wine fence around his yard. Fountain Murphy and Walter Barn- hart are shearing goats. Lerl Miller Is putting In a crop of oats for Charley Trosper. Clyde Robblns, of Plone has been working for J. W. Roblnsou. H. A. Lee and family, of Perrydale, visited at M. D. Miller's last Sunday. Mr. Miller and sons are sowing oats and planting apple and cherry trees. Fred Hughies brought his parents out to see his fltie young orchard Tuesday. ' Mr. Sherwood has rented three acres from David Hubbard, and Is going to put' it in garden. Thomas Butler is building a house for Andrew Siefarth on his place east of the Odd Fellows cemetery. John and George Robinson are pulling stumps from a piece of land they are clearing for garden. Mrs. Ida Robinson and Grandpa Robinson are putting out a straw berry patch and digging in the flowers. Mr. and Mrs. Will Dennis, of Port land, have been visiting O. E. Dennis, and left Tuesday morning for a wagon trip to their homestead In Lake County. Jim Hubbard's brother-in-law, J. B. McNeil, of Walla Walla, has gone Into partnership with him In the hop bust ness. They visited Kings Valley Sun day, and bought a new team. AIRLIE T. P. Bevens was In Airlie Thursday last. Wiley Williams is visiting in Airlie this week. 1 D Harrington has been building a new fence. Bill Williams has been busy with his plowing. , Mr. Bones is setting the founda tion for his new house. " . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ray were In Airlie last Saturday evening. , Dr. V. C. Staats made a trip to Dal las last Thursday evening. Harry Prlchard, -of Portland, was an Airlie visitor last Thursday. D. Harrington made a business trip to Dallas, Thursday evening. Mrs. T. P. Bevens returned to Airlie from Albany, Thursday- evening. The new rural mail carrier is get ting along with his work nicely. Earl Brown went through Airlie with a load of furniture last Thurs day; ..v The Artisans are going to give a tplay in the hall at Airlio next Satur day night. Mr. Kirb is now in Airlie. He has a large crew of men working lrrlhe hop field In Airlie. Mr. and Mrs. Harrington made a buslntess trip to Independence last Saturday, and also on Monday. A. R. Lewis and family are visiting relatives in Portland. They , went down Sunday morning, and will return next Friday. BALLSTON Mrs. F. W. Royal has been sick. W. A. Keyt is up from Portland this week. Henry Clark was a Portland visitor Saturday. Wesley Green went to Dallas on business, Saturday. Mr. Knuckle had a slight stroke of paralysis Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Davidson have been visiting in Portland. Hathaway Yocum is slowly recover ing from his recent illness. Superintendent H. C. Seymour vis ited the schools here Friday. The Sunday school is making, pre parations for an Easter program. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ottlnger, of Sheridan, visited relatives here Sun day. Mrs. Margaret Campbell returned from St. Vincents Hospital, In Port land, Wednesday. Mr: and Mrs. Jacob Fudge are here from Ohio visiting his brothers, Will and Seymour Fudge. Willam Etherton went to Dallas Saturday and brought back the switchboard which the Ballston Mu tual Telephone Company bought there. . Wayne Branson dropped dead while working In Mrs. Woodley's garden shortly before noon Thursday of last week. He was burled at Hopewell, Sunday. MONMOUTH D. M. Hewitt had another attack of grip this week, but is some better, J. J. Russell, formerly "of Monmouth but now of Parker, was In town Tues day. F. Y. Mulkey has sold all of his residence property but one lot and will build a handsome bungalow. Mrs. Albert Sacre arrived Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Sacre will reside in his parents' house In Monmouth. Mrs. Mabel Hook and sister, Mrs. Bishop, of Seattle, are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Westfall. - Mr. and Mrs. F. Finch and son. of Independence, were -.guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Poole, Sunday. Claud Boothby, of Portland, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Booth by, Tuesday, and returned home Wed nesday. - C. E. Herren moved -into his .new bungalow Tuesday. The house was built by A. N. Poole and is one of the finest In 'Monmouth. Dr. D. N. Mclnturff spoke to a well filled house In the Baptist Church, Sunday night. He is a good speaker and his talk was well worth listening to. Lee Scheible, of Indiana, is visiting his brother, who Is employed in the office of the Monmouth Herald. Mr. Scheible is an old friend of the editor of the Herald. Mrs. R. E. Nichols and sister, Mrs. C. J. Stanton, of Omaha, Nebraska, are with their father, John Howell, who was recently injured by a fall from a ladder. Mrs. J. Dornslfe, of Independence, attended the funeral of the late Miss Ova Smith. Mrs. Wilcox, wife of the station agent in Independence, was also in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Mat Graham and the family of his brother, J. R. Graham, have moved to Salem, where they will make their home. Monmouth regrets to Iobs these estimable people. Mrs. A. B. Morelan and daughter arrived home Tuesday from an all winter visit in the Eastern states. They report having a good time, but are glad to be back in Oregon again. W. J. Davis and son, L. A. Davis, of Salem, were In town Tuesday. L. A. Davis Is a recent arrival from the East. Both men were well pleased with Monmouth, and may decide to lo cate here. - live In the Guthrie neighborhood sev. eral years ago, and from there moved to their present home. Orchard spraying and plowing are in order. Mr. Mangus sold a team of horses for J 3 80 last week. Horse buyers bought several good horses here last week. Our road supervisor is hard at work repairing the highways. This weather suits the farmers, as they can work their ground nicely. Homer Conlee and Will Domaschaf sky have been shearing goats in this vicinity recently. There have been about 150 acres of orchard planted in this vicinity this winter, mostly prunes and apples. A. G. Rempel sold two grade Jersey milk cows last week. The prices real ized were $40 and $50, respectively. BRIDGEPORT Goat shearing Is about over in this district. Mat Glaze is working tor George Remington. Charley Minnlch was In Portland on business last week. Land buyers and insurance agents have been thick the past week. The fruit inspector has been inspect ing the orchards near Falls City. uavy - ana Armond Guthrie are farming a portion of the Lee place. R. Mahoney has moved his family to Oorvallls, where he has bought a farm. " Chester Gardner Is reported much Improved from a severe case of ery. sipelas. A petition is being circulated ask ing for a switch at the road crossing near Mr. Fern's. Mrs. Mary Lee, of Portland, came up Saturday to look after her farm. and other business. A petition is being circulated for a road to begin near H. Fern's, and to end near the Antloch school house. Farming is -well along, and about everybody Is wishing for a little rain. The soil never worked better at this time of the year. Mr. Talent has a small piece of al falfa on his place which he planted as an experiment last fall, and which he thinks will be a success. . BLACK ROCK Mrs. Sam Wiest came home from Portland Sunday. Anan Myers and Mr. Muscottt were in town Tuesday. W. T. Hunntcutt, of Independence, was in town Sunday. Miss Winifred Switser, of Falls City, was in town Tuesday. Mrs. O. L. Ferguson was a visitor in Black Rock, Sunday and Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scott are vis iting. Mrs. Scott's mother, Mr. Lizzie Neal. Mrs. Roy MayfU-ld Is very sick with lagrlppe. Miss Dorothy Boje ia nurs ing her. Mr. and Mrs. Zorin. of Falls City. and their daughter Margaret were In town a few hours Saturday. ' The mask dance at Fulton's Hall Friday evening was fine. Prises were given to the beat-euatained characters. Mr. George Yeaton was taken to Falls City Sunday, where she could re ceive medical attention. She Is much better today. Fred Holman and children went to, Falls City Tuesday. The children will spend a few days at their aunt's and grandma's there. BETHEL Mr. and Mrs. Wyatt were In Salem, Monday. J. D. Kelty returned from Portland yesterday. Miss Etta Rutledge, who has been 111, Is back In school. Mr. Sullivan, of Salem, Is assisting Mr. Jenkins with his spring work. The children of George Shields, Jr., have been suffering from lagrlppe. Mr. and Mrs. Fournler have moved on the Ira White place, west of Mc Coy. Mrs. Bailey, of Salem, who was re. ported 111 last week. Is slightly Im proved. Miss Ruth Nunn, the intermediate teacher, spent Saturday and Sunday with her parent In Dallas. Mr. Mackln and daughter, Mrs. De voe, will leave shortly for California. where Mr. Mackln hopes to regain his health. . B. P. Sears will assume the duties of postmaster in his absence. With the good weather our Sunday School Is Improving. Thirty-eight were In attendance last Sunday. After the morning "session the Reverend Jenkins delivered an Instructive ser mon. The first baseball game of the sea son occurred on the Bethel grounds Sunday, between the Bethel and Amity teams. The latter team was victor ious. Bethel will play Dallas next Sat urday on tha Dallas grounds BUELL Bessie Wegner made a business trip to Dallas Saturday. Quite a few young people were out automoblling Sunday. Buford Stone made a business trip to Portland this week. The Misses Kopan and Pollow spent Sunday with Miss Nora Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Hills visited with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harold Sunday. Miss Bessie Wegner spent Sunday with her uncle, Herman Lenhard. Dwlght Beck, of Sheridan, spent Thursday with his sister, Mrs. Rant Neeley. A large crowd attended the dance at Russell Jones' Saturday night, and all report a fine time. Mrs. Herman Lenhard spent Mon day and Tuesday in Dallas, with her sister, Mrs. M. J. Todhunter. The "tote" wagon went up the lat ter part of the week, with a big boiler for the camp at Cedar Creek. Clarence Walker, accompanied by his father, was taken to the Dallas Hospital Sunday, by Dr. McCallon. Mr. Ray and son made a business trip to Portland the first of the week, returning later with their automobile, RICKREALL HARMONY this Zena Spring" PARKER The fall-sown crops are looking fine. Lda Davidson waa an Independence visitor Monday. Dell Grlgsby waa a Portland visitor the latter part of the week. Valley- r,,Sm Davidson was visiting ' ! Mrs. K. O. Fredrkkaen- Sundar. Miss Madle Blair is in town week. Mr. Canfleld has gone to Beaverton to work. Ivan Dickey got his arm cut quite badly last week. Randall Bwell Is helping E. Blan chard this week. Miss Nina Graves visited her parents at Mt Tabor over Sunday. The Reverend Kuhlman, of Sheri dan, preached here Sunday. Lynn Jones is home from the log ging camp and Is working his hop yard. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. McLean visited their daughter, Mrs. J. Talbott, at Butler, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Silas Hayes, of Carl-f ton, visited at the home of James Hayes last week. Mrs. A. A. Mclean and little son and Miss McLean are visiting rela tives and friends in Bethel. Peter Cook drove to Salem, Tues day. Glenn Orr left for Portland Mon day. F. A, -Koser went to Salem, Tues day. , Robert Pott, of Salem, was a caller Tuesday. Miss Cuch Smith went to Salem, Tuesday. Pauline Nesmlth returned to Port land Monday. Mathie Koser visited friends at Per rydale Sunday. Nellie Black is slowly Improving from pneumonia. Henry Rose and family will leave for California this week. W. I. Davidson and family have moved onto the Rose farm. Mrs. Robert Ankeny and child are In Portland, visiting friends. Harold Bristol, of Portland, Is visit ing at the home of H. C. Fox. Jack Goodell, who has- been sick with appendicitis, is able to be up again. Mrs. Alice Dempsey and daughter, from Dallas, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Goodell. day evenings. They are progressing very rapidly in their work. A church rally is to be held in the Christian church here next Sunday for the purpose of raising money to make needed repairs to the building. A program is being prepared and every body Is welcome to come and have a good time. SALT CREEK Frank Miller .is quite sick. The Concord school will soon be out. Earl Gee is working for J. H. Fos ter. Harry Bissell is working for B. Z. Riggs. Mr. VanWell bought a cow from Mr. Hill lately. " Mr. and Mrs. H. Clanfleld have gone, to Monmouth to visit their daughters. Mr. and Mrs. S. Boes, of Acme, Al berta, Canada, have been visiting old friends on Salt Creek. PEDEE Mabel Yost visited Elsie Bush last Sunday night. Dick Taylor plowed for Will Bush a few days this week. . Sunday School will be held here ev ery Sunday, at 2 p. m. There will be another month's school, beginning next Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Loren Burbank, ac companied by Miss Inez, Gus, and Clif ford Burbank, were Falls City visitors Monday. for OAK GROVE M. F. White Is very sick. Mrs. Muno has been quite sick. R. J. Williamson Is . working Hugh Farmer. M. F. White made a flying trip to Enterprise and back last week. Fred Doney is hauling potatoes to Crowley for shipment to Portland. Faulty Title May Kill Meamne. SALEM, March 21. Failure of the title In Senator Hawley's bill regulat ing the practice of veterinary medi cine and surgery to carry a reference that it amended section six of a sim ilar act passed during the session of 1903, threatens to Invalidate the most Important part of the entire measure. and the question probably will ' be placed before the Attorney General. The discovery was made today by D. H. Allen, who is in charge of com pilation of the session laws. One of the principal objects of the Hawley bill was to require greater knowledge of the veterinary science on the part of the applicant and to throw greater restrictions around the practice of the profession. PERRYDALE Mrs. Wanda Keyt was a Dallas vis itor Tuesday. Max Flannery was a Dallas visitor between trains Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John P. Durant were visitors in Perrydale, Sunday. Mrs. Charles Snelling is visiting In Dallas and vicinity this week. Mrs. John Foster, of Salt Creek, visited friends In Perrydale Sunday. Mrs. George Werner has been very sick with the grip, but Is better now. The Ladles' Aid Society, which meets every Wednesday afternooon, has a good attendance and has been kept very busy so far. The band boys practice twice a week now, on Wednesday and Satur- Thlnks $20,000 Too Much. MONMOUTH, Or., March 22. (To the Editor.) The trustees of the Mon mouth school district have put out posters calling a meeting to vote $20,000 worth of bonds to build a school house. The writer Is not a genuine kicker, and he Is In favor of education always, but It seems to him that a $10,000 school building would answer all purposes and not get the district In debt so much. We think that amount would carry, but we are In doubt about the $20,000 bonds. SUBSCRIBER. Mills to Iastull Blowers. SALEM, March 21. Planing mills all over the state, Including 23 such mills In Portland, will be ordiered to Install blowers In connection with their machinery, according to an or der which has Just been "Issued by Labor Commissioner Hoff. Not all planing mills are covered by this or der, as only a certain class of machin ery is included, but a majority of the mills will fall under the edict, and it Is probable that an expenditure of thousands of dollars will result. Simple Remedy Cures Appendicitis. Sworn proof that simple buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., as compounded In Adled-1-ka, the new German Appendi citis remedy, really does cure Appendi citis without operation, can now be seen right In Dallas at the store of Conrad Stafrln. A SINGLE DOSE of this simple remedy will relieve wind or gas In the stomach or bowels, sour stomach, constipation and other symp toms of chronic Appendicitis. MOUNTAIN VIEW Marian Fox spent Sunday with Rose Bodalya. Most farmers have got their spray ing done. Ned Johnson is quite sick with pneumonia. Mr. St Pierre, of Salem, is working on his farm. Frank Kuliln has sold his farm and will move soon. Grandma Ruble spent Monday af ternoon with Mrs. ISonffleur. Mr. SchindJi-r Is Improving slowly, after a long siege of sickness. Merle Putnam I able to be around again, after a case of appendicitis. Mrs. Orice spent Friday and Satur day with her daughter. Mrs. 8t Pierre. A number of the children hsve quit M-hoot. on account of the spring work. Mr. and Mrs. L. Grice and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Ilarrt. at Oak Grove. his Mr. and Mrs. R. C Khepard were In Salem Monday. I Mr. and Mr Lvna Pun in were 1 Sunday visitors In Salem, j Mr. sad Mrs. W. H. Crawford visited ; relatives ia West 8s I em. Sunday. I Charles ScotL of Portland. dav mniu ".V ' rV? T yJrriU -oa 7n PT- Mr. and Nr.. H.ight and daughter. and Mr. Stinnett Sunday, rhaaed the Richard Kennedy tract.enta, ! wu. - , i i.,.it u,n.niei and Mr. Cal D- Harpert. of P)em. to Mors Wednesday, j Mr. and Mr. Fred Elliott were Sun- A number of farmers la this vicin ity are now sowing winter oat. Mrs. Fredrk-ksea waa In Indepen dence on business last Thursday. O. W. McLauchlin brought the Rer. Mf"r'n over from I.uena Vista. Sun- BOWERSVILLE Raba Akiff. of Eola, visited aunt Mrs. C. II Stinnett lately. j Mr. and Mrs. William Cadle visited Mr. and Mr. D. F. Hodge, Sunday. Mr. and Mr. O. J. Rem pel and family visited at the home of P. D. , Ediger, Sunday. I Henry. Katie and Lena Rose. Emma Cadle, and Mr. Davidson visited Mr. near Wood bum. has cotnpteted the ar rangements for the platting of the , Tj,tin at the home of her stater. M tract aad the conatrwctlosi of raada. j Fred Purvis. The land win be knows as the Jin fcella Baker, mt Salem, Walilake Howe tract. City Aaditnr EHia, asmsted fey thejW. & Catton. j Sunday with her parents. Mr. and Mr hww Iwm mm-h, later. There is to be a debate between day vi(lor on the farm. j the Raena Vtata achnnl and the Par- Irene Have, who ha been working pt her Dtttc fiorwlr at Parker mI for Mr. Whitehead. In Dalla. re-1 council, has made a thorogh I The Rev. Harrr MrCaia nrctved Mr. Holland and Joha have Jat ' her last n4i . ! tamed home lt Thursday. aooaj ef the Teal Spring, preparatory j left for a aether trip ta the maat m itk rrtiow. it i underwood that he I to t!ie Installing of the water Um. ! a tm4 of apptea aad cider. They hare accepted the plana aad KperificaiKtM receatly anade l.y i. U POLK ! Ur aad Mr. Samuel Roiae, of Sa- Dr. aad Mra. W. H. Darfcy. e Salewt. , Bttm arr.4 Friday a sht avl'pe Alberta. Canada. hv " ww ta Spring Valley t4r tew; Mart It. rSitir. frid her. They twed to io atart revival wrrw Aawlcaa That Peculiar , Lightness and Flavor Found in the finest biscuit, rolls, cake, etc., is due to the absolute purity, fitness, and accurate combination of the ingredients of the Royal Baking Powder. The best things in cook ery are always made with the Royal Baking Powder. Hence its use is universal in the most celebrated restaurants, in the homes of the people, wherever de- licious,wholesome food is appreciated. Royal Baking Powder Is sold in every civilized country, the world over. It U ti only BkLnj Powder rWa from Rojl Grp Cream of Trtr. Mfffd & B-h-t3$ focmptt-Fn. Smi h'mni vUirm. BAKHta aowora CO.. f vqml !fi. C' 4 J